
Duca - 1/5 Short ver.

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Marianna wrote:

Hellow Your avatar is soooo cute nyaaaaa


  1. 00:04:388 (4,1) - 01:32:339 (4,1) - This overlap can be harmful, I've had many problems with this kind of thingI saw this in Sonnyc's map
  2. 00:41:469 (2) - This can be very difficult for beginnersfixed
  3. 01:13:332 (3,4,5,6) - Many cicles so are very intense for beginnershere's really intense part in my interpretation
  4. 01:40:910 (1) - The NC is irrelevant please remove iti'll consider it.


  1. 00:03:270 (4,5,6,1) - This is very intense, you can only remove it 00:04:202 (5) - I'll consider it.
  2. 00:50:972 (1,2) - This can be easily not remarkable by playersfixed
  3. 01:40:910 (1) - Same than easy

Sorry for the short mod >.<

Setz wrote:

m4m return

  1. 00:06:997 (3,1) - make them parallelfix
  2. 00:24:885 (4,1) - ^fix
  3. 00:21:158 (3,4) - turning 3 into a reverse slider and removing circle would make this more comfortable to play for new players.I'll try if I can
  4. 00:29:730 (2,3) - fix blanketfix
  5. 00:37:183 (4,1) - ^fix
  1. 00:26:376 (2,3) - parallelfix
  2. 00:15:196 (4) - you may want to reconsider these sliders, these are fine on something like easy, but for normal you are ignoring alot of the strong beats on red ticks such as 00:15:755 - I'll consider it.
  3. 00:50:972 (1) - finish on headfix
  4. 01:01:220 (4) - shorten to red tick and add circle on whitefix
  1. 00:15:941 (3,4) - this stack doesnt make sense with the music, you should un stack them.fix
  2. 00:38:488 (3) - maybe stack the tail on the 4, instead of the 3, looks much better during playfix
  3. 00:45:009 (1) - jump is too big for going into the slow section of the musicfix
  4. 01:01:220 (1) - there's actually no sound where the slider's tail is.I think it's okay
  1. 00:21:158 (1,2) - this is really meh flow for a 1/2 rhythm, you should reconsider. maybe move the 2 a little further awayfix
  2. 00:56:748 (6,1) - maybe reconsider, this is very random 1/4 jump since you have not used them in the map at all before this., and it is a very large one at that.fix
Topic Starter
어후 힘들어

hitsounding would benefit so much from actual whistles at many spots like 00:42:401 - , but you did the "whistle as kick" thing :/
also on stuff like 01:08:115 (4,5) - where you out 3 finishes in a row when there isnt really anthing to support it, real whistles would be great there

00:01:780 (1) - 3/4 slider to follow guitar doesnt work here as it skips the rather strong guitar on the 1/2 tick lol
00:29:730 (5) - similar here with skipping strong vocal on the 1/2 tick it feels a bit weird
00:40:910 (2) - this is so easy to mistake for 1/2 ..
00:58:425 (1) - some more spacing to emphasize finish and all would be nice
also could increase 00:59:171 (3,4,5,6,7) - a bit to go with the building up music
01:02:525 - while I dont like the 1/8 at all here, at least shorten to the red tick cause the piano stops there

00:04:295 - you could actually map this 1/4, it works fine since it's sldier-circle-slider => pretty easy to play#
00:40:537 (1) - would work better with some emphasis (spacing), you could make 00:40:165 (4) - a 1/2 slider too, to make the ryhthm easier then
00:43:891 (2,4) - perfectly stacked sliders can be a bit hard to read for this diff
00:46:314 - stacked vocal under weak beat doesnt wor kthat well =>
00:53:208 (3,4,5,6) - building up spacing would work so well here, at least put a jump on 00:53:953 (1) - and 00:56:935 (1) -

00:04:202 (2) - density feels a bit high here, could just delete this note
00:34:575 (1,2) - bit too undermapped for a normal diff lol, doesnt even really fit the vocals
01:25:258 (4,5,6) - ony 3x 1/2 note in a row, kinda spikes difficulty a bit

00:17:432 (2) - overlaps itself a bit too much for easy
01:05:879 (1) - maybe too ^ // 01:37:183 (3) -
00:28:612 (1,2,3) - really eas to misread cause 1 leads towards 3 // 2+3 are both visible while on 1 // same spacing to 1
00:37:183 (4,1) - similar here, but not as bad // 01:20:040 (4,5,1) -
01:13:332 (3,4,5,6) - so many 1/1 in a row ;_;
01:40:165 (1,1,1) - nc spam isnt needed here

Topic Starter

Lasse wrote:


hitsounding would benefit so much from actual whistles at many spots like 00:42:401 - , but you did the "whistle as kick" thing :/
also on stuff like 01:08:115 (4,5) - where you out 3 finishes in a row when there isnt really anthing to support it, real whistles would be great there

00:01:780 (1) - 3/4 slider to follow guitar doesnt work here as it skips the rather strong guitar on the 1/2 tick lolfix
00:29:730 (5) - similar here with skipping strong vocal on the 1/2 tick it feels a bit weirdfix
00:40:910 (2) - this is so easy to mistake for 1/2 ..fix
00:58:425 (1) - some more spacing to emphasize finish and all would be nicefix
also could increase 00:59:171 (3,4,5,6,7) - a bit to go with the building up music
01:02:525 - while I dont like the 1/8 at all here, at least shorten to the red tick cause the piano stops therefix

00:04:295 - you could actually map this 1/4, it works fine since it's sldier-circle-slider => pretty easy to play#well..
00:40:537 (1) - would work better with some emphasis (spacing), you could make 00:40:165 (4) - a 1/2 slider too, to make the ryhthm easier thenNow I have no space, I'll consider it positively
00:43:891 (2,4) - perfectly stacked sliders can be a bit hard to read for this difffix
00:46:314 - stacked vocal under weak beat doesnt wor kthat well => fix
00:53:208 (3,4,5,6) - building up spacing would work so well here, at least put a jump on 00:53:953 (1) - and 00:56:935 (1) - fix

00:04:202 (2) - density feels a bit high here, could just delete this note again..fixed
00:34:575 (1,2) - bit too undermapped for a normal diff lol, doesnt even really fit the vocalsfix
01:25:258 (4,5,6) - ony 3x 1/2 note in a row, kinda spikes difficulty a bitfix

00:17:432 (2) - overlaps itself a bit too much for easyfix
01:05:879 (1) - maybe too ^ // 01:37:183 (3) - i'll consider it
00:28:612 (1,2,3) - really eas to misread cause 1 leads towards 3 // 2+3 are both visible while on 1 // same spacing to 1fix
00:37:183 (4,1) - similar here, but not as bad // 01:20:040 (4,5,1) - I'll consider it.
01:13:332 (3,4,5,6) - so many 1/1 in a row ;_;fix
01:40:165 (1,1,1) - nc spam isnt needed herefix

Hey from my queue, my name is Max 100bit, and this is my mod!
Well, opinion of modder is opinion of modder.
Do not judge strictly, I could be wrong.
And yep, I am just learning. My english is bad, so sorry for googletranslate.
Song and beatmaps
Your BG-ratio isn't 16:9, change to 1366x768 (not enough 1 pixel /facepalm/)
You need "Jujou" in name of diffs?
00:04:388 (4,1) - i think overlap here isn't good idea. 00:04:761 (1) - Ctrl+J and Ctrl+G and make blanket with 4 (fix 00:06:252 (2,3) later)
00:15:196 (3) - what about move red sliderpoint to 00:15:755 ? (like in [url=] (p.s. i can't change already finished sliders)
01:32:339 (4,1) - fix this overlap too
01:34:202 (2,3) - make like in %image%
01:41:655 (1,1) - spinner should be at least in 1/2 before last note, so move it to 01:41:842
Fix all mistakes with Distance Spacing: Ctrl+Shift+A -> Check distance snap
00:15:196 (4) - move red sliderpoint to x=360 y=196
00:27:866 (4,5) - make like in 01:31:966 (4,5)
00:43:891 (2,4) - where is my hitsounds?
01:00:661 (4) - make two sliders instead one and don't stack 01:00:661 (4,1)
01:03:829 (3) - move to x=298 y=222
01:07:742 (1) - remove nc
01:10:165 (1,2,3,4,5) - beginning of sliders in red ticks is very strange and doesn't correspond to music. Can you fix it?
01:34:202 (1,2,3) - make another singletap pattern like triangle
01:34:947 (1,2,3) - ^
Good luck!
{end of mod}

00:21:158 (3,4) - 뒤에 노트들은 (00:22:649 (1) - ,00:25:630 (1) - )보컬상관없이 그냥 무난하게
흰선에 넣으셨는데 여기만 구지 빨간선에 끝내신 이유가 있나요.
저는 깔끔하게 흰선 추천드립니다.
00:33:084 (3) - ^
01:11:469 (1,2) - 각도가 서로 어긋났네요. 1번과 2번슬라를 겹쳐보시면 알수있음


00:50:972 (1,2) - 노트 슬라로 가리는건 확실친 않지만 노말에선 안될거같아보이는 패턴이네요.
된다 하더라도 슬라가 길고 노트까지 가려버려서
노말수준의 플레이어는 다음노트를 칠 타이밍을 잡기 많이 어려워보입니다.

개인적으론 01:28:239 (3,4,5) - 이런식으로 1/2간격 노트를 늘어놓는건 썩 좋아보이진 않습니다만은..
이유는 보기도 애매하고 플레이도 좀 불편하거든요.
저는 당연히 다 겹치던지 1/2슬라로 대체하는걸 추천드리고 싶습니다만은...


01:00:661 (4,1) - 이런건 완벽한 스택보단 좀 벌려놓는게 리딩측면에서 훨씬 편해요
01:29:357 (5,1) - ^
01:19:109 (1,2,3) - 노래상으로 2-3보단 1-2가 점프 더 커야 될거같네요


00:04:202 (4,5,6) - DS 불일치.
x0.02정도라도 플레이어입장에선 나름 잘보여요...
이후 3연타들도 똑같이 ds하셨는데 복붙하신거같은 기분인데
만약 의도된거라 하더라도 구지 0.02라는 차이를 줘가면서 이렇게 만드는건
오히려 퀄리티 저해요소라 생각됩니다.
또한 만약 이대로 가실꺼면 뒷부분 01:32:152 (4,5,6) - 이런부분도 똑같이 만드셔야되요
00:17:619 (6,7) - 너무 작아서 안들려요.
드럼소리가 명백히 들리는데 20%는 너무 낮다고 생각되요
00:36:345 (1,2) - 블랭킷이 많이 일그러졌네요
S자 슬라모양을 좀 손봐야할 필요성을 느낄정도로요.
00:46:873 (3,5) - 3번노트와 5번노트의 시간적 간격이 충분하지않아서 말끔히 읽히지 않습니다.
리딩측면에선 많이 좋지않은 배치라고 말씀드리고싶네요.
00:49:295 (4,1) - 딱히 강조음도 없는데 이런 상당히 큰 점프를 쓰는건 좀 과하다고 생각됩니다.
01:04:947 (3) - 노래랑 매칭되지않는 노트.작지만 드럼소리도 있고 보컬도 있어서
노트 + 슬라같은 표현이 더 노래랑 맞다고 생각됩니다.
01:39:978 (6,1) - (1)이 매우 강한음인데 너무 노트가 붙어있네요.
원하시는 패턴이 있는거 같아보이기는 한데,구지 안티점프를 써가면서까지
이런 패턴을 유지하는건 썩 추천드리고 싶지않네요.
Topic Starter

100bit wrote:

Hey from my queue, my name is Max 100bit, and this is my mod!
Well, opinion of modder is opinion of modder.
Do not judge strictly, I could be wrong.
And yep, I am just learning. My english is bad, so sorry for googletranslate.
Song and beatmaps
Your BG-ratio isn't 16:9, change to 1366x768 (not enough 1 pixel /facepalm/)soon fix
You need "Jujou" in name of diffs? in japanese, it's correct
00:04:388 (4,1) - i think overlap here isn't good idea. 00:04:761 (1) - Ctrl+J and Ctrl+G and make blanket with 4 (fix 00:06:252 (2,3) later)i saw it in one god mapper's set
00:15:196 (3) - what about move red sliderpoint to 00:15:755 ? (like in [url=] (p.s. i can't change already finished sliders)well.. no reason to..
01:32:339 (4,1) - fix this overlap too
01:34:202 (2,3) - make like in %image%no reason to..
01:41:655 (1,1) - spinner should be at least in 1/2 before last note, so move it to 01:41:842consider it
Fix all mistakes with Distance Spacing: Ctrl+Shift+A -> Check distance snapall fixed
00:15:196 (4) - move red sliderpoint to x=360 y=196I think that's nice
00:27:866 (4,5) - make like in 01:31:966 (4,5)well
00:43:891 (2,4) - where is my hitsounds???
01:00:661 (4) - make two sliders instead one and don't stack 01:00:661 (4,1)well
01:03:829 (3) - move to x=298 y=222I have different intention
01:07:742 (1) - remove ncneed for emphasis
01:10:165 (1,2,3,4,5) - beginning of sliders in red ticks is very strange and doesn't correspond to music. Can you fix it?according to vocal sound
01:34:202 (1,2,3) - make another singletap pattern like triangleit's more suitable i think
01:34:947 (1,2,3) - ^
Good luck!
{end of mod}

Lami wrote:


00:21:158 (3,4) - 뒤에 노트들은 (00:22:649 (1) - ,00:25:630 (1) - )보컬상관없이 그냥 무난하게
흰선에 넣으셨는데 여기만 구지 빨간선에 끝내신 이유가 있나요.
저는 깔끔하게 흰선 추천드립니다.fix
00:33:084 (3) - ^fix
01:11:469 (1,2) - 각도가 서로 어긋났네요. 1번과 2번슬라를 겹쳐보시면 알수있음fix


00:50:972 (1,2) - 노트 슬라로 가리는건 확실친 않지만 노말에선 안될거같아보이는 패턴이네요.fix
된다 하더라도 슬라가 길고 노트까지 가려버려서
노말수준의 플레이어는 다음노트를 칠 타이밍을 잡기 많이 어려워보입니다.

개인적으론 01:28:239 (3,4,5) - 이런식으로 1/2간격 노트를 늘어놓는건 썩 좋아보이진 않습니다만은..
이유는 보기도 애매하고 플레이도 좀 불편하거든요.
저는 당연히 다 겹치던지 1/2슬라로 대체하는걸 추천드리고 싶습니다만은...fix


01:00:661 (4,1) - 이런건 완벽한 스택보단 좀 벌려놓는게 리딩측면에서 훨씬 편해요fix
01:29:357 (5,1) - ^fix
01:19:109 (1,2,3) - 노래상으로 2-3보단 1-2가 점프 더 커야 될거같네요 fix


00:04:202 (4,5,6) - DS 불일치.
x0.02정도라도 플레이어입장에선 나름 잘보여요...
이후 3연타들도 똑같이 ds하셨는데 복붙하신거같은 기분인데
만약 의도된거라 하더라도 구지 0.02라는 차이를 줘가면서 이렇게 만드는건
오히려 퀄리티 저해요소라 생각됩니다.
또한 만약 이대로 가실꺼면 뒷부분 01:32:152 (4,5,6) - 이런부분도 똑같이 만드셔야되요그냥 다시보니 맘에 안들어서 스택시켯습니다
00:17:619 (6,7) - 너무 작아서 안들려요.
드럼소리가 명백히 들리는데 20%는 너무 낮다고 생각되요35
00:36:345 (1,2) - 블랭킷이 많이 일그러졌네요
S자 슬라모양을 좀 손봐야할 필요성을 느낄정도로요.fix
00:46:873 (3,5) - 3번노트와 5번노트의 시간적 간격이 충분하지않아서 말끔히 읽히지 않습니다.
리딩측면에선 많이 좋지않은 배치라고 말씀드리고싶네요.fix
00:49:295 (4,1) - 딱히 강조음도 없는데 이런 상당히 큰 점프를 쓰는건 좀 과하다고 생각됩니다.
01:04:947 (3) - 노래랑 매칭되지않는 노트.작지만 드럼소리도 있고 보컬도 있어서
노트 + 슬라같은 표현이 더 노래랑 맞다고 생각됩니다.fix
01:39:978 (6,1) - (1)이 매우 강한음인데 너무 노트가 붙어있네요.
원하시는 패턴이 있는거 같아보이기는 한데,구지 안티점프를 써가면서까지
이런 패턴을 유지하는건 썩 추천드리고 싶지않네요.fix

넵 모딩입니다.

  • Easy
  1. 00:03:270 (3,4,1) - 00:09:233 (3,4,1) - 00:13:705 (1,2,3) - 01:25:258 (3,4,5) - 이런 일직선 모양( )은 가능하면 피하는게 좋을것 같은데 너무 많은것 같아요. 이런 식 ( ) 으로 조금 비뚤어 주면 어떨까요
  2. 01:09:978 (2,3) - 담요 조금 삐뚤
  3. 01:19:295 (3,4,5,1,2) - 여기 모양이 조금 아쉽네요. 1번이 5번 담요될듯 안돼는게 보기 조금 껄끄럽고, 2번이 3,4,5번이랑 겹치는 것도 그렇구요.
  • Normal
  1. 00:11:842 (2,3) - 슬라 방향이 커서 무빙 방향에서 많이 꺽여서 흐름이 조금 부서지는(?) 듯한 느낌이라 아쉽네요. 다른 비슷한 부분들 (00:05:879 (2,3) - 01:33:829 (2,3) - )은 그렇지 않은데
  2. 00:41:096 (2,3,4) - 여기는 조금 꺽어 두면 더 보기 좋을수도 있겠네요
  3. 00:44:637 (4,1) - 담요 조금 삐뚤
  • Hard
  1. 00:43:519 (1,2) - 이 부분이 앞 부분 ( 00:42:401 (2,3,4,5) - ) 과 모양은 같은데 박자가 달라서 함정 같아요 ㅋㅋ
  2. 01:18:736 (1,2,3) - blanket
  3. 01:27:494 (3,4,5,6,1) - 01:39:419 (3,4,5,6,1) - 여긴 서클만 다섯개 연속에다 흐름도 하드에 넣기엔 좀 어려운것 같아요.
  4. 01:30:102 (2,4) - 스넵 살짝 어긋났네요
  • Insane
  1. 00:30:102 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 여기 소리 좋은데 조금 더 살릴수 있지 않을까요
  2. 00:40:537 (1,2) - 거리는 비슷한데 박자가 틀려서 치기 조금 어렵네요
  3. 01:02:525 (2,1) - 1/2 비트 여유가 있는데 스텍하지 않는게 읽기 쉬울것 같아요
  4. 01:24:885 (5,1) 두 노트 서로 닿을듯 말듯 한게 어색하게 보여요.
  5. 01:24:885 (5,1,2) - 슬라 진행방향 -> 5-1번 노트 커서 방향 -> 1-2번 노트 커서 진행방향 모두 같은데, 커서 움직이는 속도는 달라서 치기 까다로울것 같습니다. 2번 노트를 일직선 말고 90도 정도 틀어서 배치해 주시면 플로우가 좋을듯 싶네요.
  6. 01:29:357 (6,7,8,9,1) - 1번 노트만 살짝 왼쪽이네요.
  7. 01:34:202 (1,2) - 이렇게 배치해 두시면 슬라 뒤에 2연타로 오해하기 쉬울것 같아요.
맵이 좋네요. 랭킹 굳럭 :3
So cute she's making food~

  1. Remove Cube tag (useless)
  2. Add tags: OP, 東タカゴー, eroge, east, takago
  3. I can't really find metadata on title, except one nicovideo that says "(Short Ver.)" so maybe for now put it in parentheses?
  1. 00:17:898 - Uselss green tick, move it to 00:17:991 -
Topic Starter

BitterCoffee wrote:

넵 모딩입니다.

  • Easy
  1. 00:03:270 (3,4,1) - 00:09:233 (3,4,1) - 00:13:705 (1,2,3) - 01:25:258 (3,4,5) - 이런 일직선 모양( )은 가능하면 피하는게 좋을것 같은데 너무 많은것 같아요. 이런 식 ( ) 으로 조금 비뚤어 주면 어떨까요 경우에 따라 고칠건 고쳤습니다.
  2. 01:09:978 (2,3) - 담요 조금 삐뚤fix
  3. 01:19:295 (3,4,5,1,2) - 여기 모양이 조금 아쉽네요. 1번이 5번 담요될듯 안돼는게 보기 조금 껄끄럽고, 2번이 3,4,5번이랑 겹치는 것도 그렇구요.의도가 없었구, 시간차가 있어서 괜찮아보입니다.
  • Normal
  1. 00:11:842 (2,3) - 슬라 방향이 커서 무빙 방향에서 많이 꺽여서 흐름이 조금 부서지는(?) 듯한 느낌이라 아쉽네요. 다른 비슷한 부분들 (00:05:879 (2,3) - 01:33:829 (2,3) - )은 그렇지 않은데아이디어 생기면 고쳐볼게요!
  2. 00:41:096 (2,3,4) - 여기는 조금 꺽어 두면 더 보기 좋을수도 있겠네요
  3. 00:44:637 (4,1) - 담요 조금 삐뚤fix
  • Hard
  1. 00:43:519 (1,2) - 이 부분이 앞 부분 ( 00:42:401 (2,3,4,5) - ) 과 모양은 같은데 박자가 달라서 함정 같아요 ㅋㅋ보컬매핑이라..
  2. 01:18:736 (1,2,3) - blanketfix
  3. 01:27:494 (3,4,5,6,1) - 01:39:419 (3,4,5,6,1) - 여긴 서클만 다섯개 연속에다 흐름도 하드에 넣기엔 좀 어려운것 같아요.제일 고조된다 생각한 파트라..
  4. 01:30:102 (2,4) - 스넵 살짝 어긋났네요fix
  • Insane
  1. 00:30:102 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 여기 소리 좋은데 조금 더 살릴수 있지 않을까요패턴이라..고려해볼게요.
  2. 00:40:537 (1,2) - 거리는 비슷한데 박자가 틀려서 치기 조금 어렵네요fix
  3. 01:02:525 (2,1) - 1/2 비트 여유가 있는데 스텍하지 않는게 읽기 쉬울것 같아요fix
  4. 01:24:885 (5,1) 두 노트 서로 닿을듯 말듯 한게 어색하게 보여요.fix
  5. 01:24:885 (5,1,2) - 슬라 진행방향 -> 5-1번 노트 커서 방향 -> 1-2번 노트 커서 진행방향 모두 같은데, 커서 움직이는 속도는 달라서 치기 까다로울것 같습니다. 2번 노트를 일직선 말고 90도 정도 틀어서 배치해 주시면 플로우가 좋을듯 싶네요. 슬라를 뒤집어봤어요
  6. 01:29:357 (6,7,8,9,1) - 1번 노트만 살짝 왼쪽이네요. fix
  7. 01:34:202 (1,2) - 이렇게 배치해 두시면 슬라 뒤에 2연타로 오해하기 쉬울것 같아요.비슷한 패턴이 많아서 괜찮을거같아요.
맵이 좋네요. 랭킹 굳럭 :3

Hello there, from my modding queue.

[Easy Jijou]
00:04:462 (4,1) - overlap
00:14:897 (2,3) - blanket improve
00:29:804 (2,3) - ^
00:31:667 (1,3) - do a blanket?
01:29:804 (1) - it run out the playable area (i mean just put it down a bit cuz it's too high)
01:32:413 (4,1) - overlap

[Normal Jijou]
00:44:711 (4,1) - blanket improve
00:51:046 (1,2) - run out the playable area
01:16:015 (3,4) - blanket?
01:18:437 (2) - ctrl+j

[Hard Jijou]
00:41:170 (2,3) - swtich?
00:57:568 (2,4) - overlap
01:03:903 (3,1) - stack them?

[Insane Jijou]
really not much problem here.

good luck with your map!
zzz randomly there is a new post here lol
M4M from my queue

change your bg pics into .jpg format, it will make your file size a lot more smaller
I think the volume of your soft-hitwhistle.wav is currently too low which makes it hardly noticeable in the map, please turn its volume up a bit
hitsound suggestions work for other diffs as well
00:17:693 - 00:31:388 - and similar points in the later part, I don't think you need to turn down their volume so much, they are currently too soft to be heard. 20% lower than the main parts can be better

Easy Jijou
AR3 recommended, as the song is not a really slow one
00:17:506 (2) - a soft finish may sound nice at its end
00:31:667 (1) - soft finish on head to emphasize the downbeat
00:41:916 (3) - ^
00:51:046 (1) - ^
01:02:972 (1) - ^
01:14:897 (1) - ^
01:25:332 (3) - ^
01:28:313 (1) - ^
01:07:444 (3,4,5,1) - this doesn't flow really good imo. maybe try something like this

Normal Jijou
use AR5 for this diff if you changed the AR for Easy to 3
00:59:990 (1,2) - this pattern feels a bit weird imo although it's following the distance snap, maybe remove the reverse of 1 and add a circle at 01:00:363 - at its left, and adjust the following notes accordingly?
01:02:599 (1) - this NC may be unnecessary, considering you didn't have that NC in Hard diff, maybe remove it?
01:11:170 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - this rhythm seems a bit too hard, I suggest to remove 01:13:220 (4) - as there's no drum beat
01:40:984 (1,1) - I think these NC are not necessary, better remove them. same for Hard and Insane diff

Hard Jijou
00:43:593 (1,2) - I think moving the NC to 2 may make this gap more readable, just like how 00:40:239 (4,1) - looks
00:46:201 (3) - it feels really odd to suddenly stack the circle at a slider's end as you'ev never placed them like this before. I think it'd be better to simplly unstack 00:45:642 (2,3) - and use equal distance between 00:45:642 (2,3,4,1) -
01:03:903 (3,1) - better stack them properly
01:09:680 (3,4) - I think the stack kinda breaks the flow, maybe move it out?
01:07:816 (1) - I suggest to remove NC for consistency

Insane Jijou
00:36:139 (1,2) - they seem too close to each other, maybe move 2 down a little (00:36:139 (1,4) - are not so close)
00:59:617 (5,3) - not really important, but you may want to stack them
01:10:984 (3,4) - I don't really like to place objects so close in kiais, I think it will feel better to use some bigger spacings and spread the notes out in the kiai
generally plays fine

that's all for me
remember, you generally need to add tons of finish sounds for all of your diffs, check carefully!
good luck
Topic Starter

CookieBite wrote:

Hello there, from my modding queue.

[Easy Jijou]
00:04:462 (4,1) - overlapintentional and not a problem
00:14:897 (2,3) - blanket improvefix
00:29:804 (2,3) - ^fix
00:31:667 (1,3) - do a blanket?can't..
01:29:804 (1) - it run out the playable area (i mean just put it down a bit cuz it's too high)not an offscrean..I'll consider it.
01:32:413 (4,1) - overlap^

[Normal Jijou]
00:44:711 (4,1) - blanket improvefix
00:51:046 (1,2) - run out the playable area^
01:16:015 (3,4) - blanket?fix
01:18:437 (2) - ctrl+jthat would be nice

[Hard Jijou]
00:41:170 (2,3) - swtich?fI'll consider flow first
00:57:568 (2,4) - overlapfix
01:03:903 (3,1) - stack them?fix

[Insane Jijou]
really not much problem here.

good luck with your map!
lol..will fix zero's later..I'm too tired

Remilia_CO wrote:

Hi! from my queue

  1. 00:18:624 (2) - NC for SV changing
  2. 00:33:158 (1) - feels squeezed too tight by these two 00:33:717 (2,3)
  3. 00:36:139 (1) - same
  4. Most of your first half of the map are on the right side, why don't put some patterns to the left?
  5. 01:00:363 (3) - too close to the following stream compare with the DS to the previous note, looks odd.
    Good diff

  1. 00:03:344 (1) - this position feels a bit odd, maybe move to 123,202?
  2. 00:35:208 (2) - too close with 00:35:767 (4) - , may be move abit upward
  3. 00:40:611 (1,2) - how about making the 1 tail at the same place with 00:41:543 (3) 's tail?
  4. 00:51:978 - Make a note here? the vocal is really clear.
  5. 01:28:313 (1,3) - move to 374,201?

  1. 00:14:711 (2,3) - Hmmm this might be too hard for Normal
  2. 00:13:779 (1,4) - why don't make these two symmetry?
  3. 00:34:649 (1,2) - Didn't feel any necessity for using long sliders here.
    No big problems

  1. 00:17:506 (2) - Eventhought it follows the DS, the flow makes it feels closer than reality, which might

    mislead new players. I suggest to move red point to 311,152 and move the slider tail to 283,212 to make a different

    direction flow with 00:18:624 (3)
  2. 01:23:841 (1) - why don't make the slider head overlap with this' 01:20:860 (1) ?
  3. 00:04:462 (4) - use this in Easy might cause you some problems.01:32:413 (4) - same

Good luck XD
Topic Starter

Zero__wind wrote:

M4M from my queue

change your bg pics into .jpg format, it will make your file size a lot more smaller
I think the volume of your soft-hitwhistle.wav is currently too low which makes it hardly noticeable in the map, please turn its volume up a bit
hitsound suggestions work for other diffs as well
00:17:693 - 00:31:388 - and similar points in the later part, I don't think you need to turn down their volume so much, they are currently too soft to be heard. 20% lower than the main parts can be better

Easy Jijou
AR3 recommended, as the song is not a really slow one
00:17:506 (2) - a soft finish may sound nice at its end all will be fixed..these days I'm so tired because of university festival.
00:31:667 (1) - soft finish on head to emphasize the downbeat
00:41:916 (3) - ^
00:51:046 (1) - ^
01:02:972 (1) - ^
01:14:897 (1) - ^
01:25:332 (3) - ^
01:28:313 (1) - ^
01:07:444 (3,4,5,1) - this doesn't flow really good imo. maybe try something like thisfixed

Normal Jijou
use AR5 for this diff if you changed the AR for Easy to 3
00:59:990 (1,2) - this pattern feels a bit weird imo although it's following the distance snap, maybe remove the reverse of 1 and add a circle at 01:00:363 - at its left, and adjust the following notes accordingly?fixed
01:02:599 (1) - this NC may be unnecessary, considering you didn't have that NC in Hard diff, maybe remove it?fixed
01:11:170 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - this rhythm seems a bit too hard, I suggest to remove 01:13:220 (4) - as there's no drum beatfixed
01:40:984 (1,1) - I think these NC are not necessary, better remove them. same for Hard and Insane difffixed all

Hard Jijou
00:43:593 (1,2) - I think moving the NC to 2 may make this gap more readable, just like how 00:40:239 (4,1) - looksfixed
00:46:201 (3) - it feels really odd to suddenly stack the circle at a slider's end as you'ev never placed them like this before. I think it'd be better to simplly unstack 00:45:642 (2,3) - and use equal distance between 00:45:642 (2,3,4,1) - fixed
01:03:903 (3,1) - better stack them properlyfixed
01:09:680 (3,4) - I think the stack kinda breaks the flow, maybe move it out?fixed
01:07:816 (1) - I suggest to remove NC for consistencyfixed

Insane Jijou
00:36:139 (1,2) - they seem too close to each other, maybe move 2 down a little (00:36:139 (1,4) - are not so close)fixed
00:59:617 (5,3) - not really important, but you may want to stack themfixed
01:10:984 (3,4) - I don't really like to place objects so close in kiais, I think it will feel better to use some bigger spacings and spread the notes out in the kiai
generally plays finechanged shape

that's all for me
remember, you generally need to add tons of finish sounds for all of your diffs, check carefully!
good luck

Remilia_CO wrote:

Remilia_CO wrote:

Hi! from my queue

  1. 00:18:624 (2) - NC for SV changingfixed
  2. 00:33:158 (1) - feels squeezed too tight by these two 00:33:717 (2,3) fixed
  3. 00:36:139 (1) - same^
  4. Most of your first half of the map are on the right side, why don't put some patterns to the left?lol really I'll fix it.
  5. 01:00:363 (3) - too close to the following stream compare with the DS to the previous note, looks odd.according to a sound.
    Good diff

  1. 00:03:344 (1) - this position feels a bit odd, maybe move to 123,202?well
  2. 00:35:208 (2) - too close with 00:35:767 (4) - , may be move abit upwardfixed
  3. 00:40:611 (1,2) - how about making the 1 tail at the same place with 00:41:543 (3) 's tail?I don't like that flow in hard diff..
  4. 00:51:978 - Make a note here? the vocal is really clear.well
  5. 01:28:313 (1,3) - move to 374,201?I couldn't find why.

  1. 00:14:711 (2,3) - Hmmm this might be too hard for Normalfixed
  2. 00:13:779 (1,4) - why don't make these two symmetry?fixed
  3. 00:34:649 (1,2) - Didn't feel any necessity for using long sliders here.I'm now considering it.
    No big problems

  1. 00:17:506 (2) - Eventhought it follows the DS, the flow makes it feels closer than reality, which might I'll consider it.

    mislead new players. I suggest to move red point to 311,152 and move the slider tail to 283,212 to make a different

    direction flow with 00:18:624 (3)
  2. 01:23:841 (1) - why don't make the slider head overlap with this' 01:20:860 (1) ?I have no intention to..
  3. 00:04:462 (4) - use this in Easy might cause you some problems.01:32:413 (4) - samesome other ranked easy diffs have this kind of pattern

Good luck XD

ahh..I'm too tired..
hello :D
hard diff:
00:06:698 (2,2) - sliders seems like a better choice
00:07:816 (3) - just a circle instead of slider?
01:29:431 (5,1) - this may be confusing for "hard" map player

insane diff:
01:00:549 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - you can use a bit more space. ~0,5x using distance snapper.
00:31:294 (7,8,9,1) - 'bit closer to the 00:31:108 (6) but not much lol :D

other than that, maps seems alright, mods have done great job!
sorry for the short mod. :c
Topic Starter

snoopeh wrote:

hello :D
hard diff:
00:06:698 (2,2) - sliders seems like a better choicewell
00:07:816 (3) - just a circle instead of slider?I think sound more fits in slidder
01:29:431 (5,1) - this may be confusing for "hard" map playerI think it's not..

insane diff:
01:00:549 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - you can use a bit more space. ~0,5x using distance snapper.fixed
00:31:294 (7,8,9,1) - 'bit closer to the 00:31:108 (6) but not much lol :D i'll try it.

other than that, maps seems alright, mods have done great job!
sorry for the short mod. :c
Hi! M4M from my queue~.

Insane Jijou

  1. 00:08:189 (2) - Tbh if you ctrl g this, it makes a nice flow between 00:07:816 (1,2) - and also a nice emphasis for that clap 00:08:562 (3) - here, and nice gameplay tho.
  2. 00:37:630 (1) - Nazi but what about stacking it propely on 00:36:698 (2) - just for the aesthetics.
  3. 00:46:760 (2,4) - Try to avoid those small overlaps, could be cool.
  4. 01:24:959 (5) - Try to moove this one x18 y193, it will make a nice flow to catch 01:25:332 (1) - this.
  5. 01:33:158 (2,4) - Moove those exactly x164 y187, makes a nice blanket structure, to follow consistency of your map.
  6. 01:40:239 (1,2,3) - What about space them more? Could be a nice emphasis here!

    Really nice diff here, I really like that structure and flow you use here!

(Sorry for short mod, but I'm not so good modding low BPM's low diffs. So you can do short mod too for my map, it's fine.)
Topic Starter

Sotarks wrote:

Hi! M4M from my queue~.

Insane Jijou

  1. 00:08:189 (2) - Tbh if you ctrl g this, it makes a nice flow between 00:07:816 (1,2) - and also a nice emphasis for that clap 00:08:562 (3) - here, and nice gameplay tho.That would be bad in DS.. I'll try if i can.
  2. 00:37:630 (1) - Nazi but what about stacking it propely on 00:36:698 (2) - just for the aesthetics.
  3. 00:46:760 (2,4) - Try to avoid those small overlaps, could be cool.
  4. 01:24:959 (5) - Try to moove this one x18 y193, it will make a nice flow to catch 01:25:332 (1) - this.
  5. 01:33:158 (2,4) - Moove those exactly x164 y187, makes a nice blanket structure, to follow consistency of your map.
  6. 01:40:239 (1,2,3) - What about space them more? Could be a nice emphasis here!

    Really nice diff here, I really like that structure and flow you use here!

(Sorry for short mod, but I'm not so good modding low BPM's low diffs. So you can do short mod too for my map, it's fine.)
no comment = fixed

well can you link me another mapu :o?
i didnt find big problem in insane diff
only one part 00:50:673 (4) - flow would be better if you ctrl + g

if you dont got another map then ill give you a ticket(if you dont mind
sry about it ><
Topic Starter
Then can I request this? Not my map but my second main project.

Left wrote:

Then can I request this? Not my map but my second main project.
oki ill mod this one

00:06:326 (2,3) - You should probably alter the rhythm here, the more prominent beats end up being on the slider ends, and that doesn't really emphasize them well. Having the cymbal crashes clickable should be your main priority since they are strong than the slider starts
00:19:742 (1,2,3,4,1) - tbh this isn't too visually appealing, you might want to re-adjust the slider shapes a bit, cuz currently the way 1,2,3 look is kinda awkward, and 3,4,1 break flow quite a bit so it isn't as smooth as the diff has been so far
00:19:742 (1,1) - Just wondering, why does 00:22:723 (1) - have a slider shape that gives some emphasis to the drum on 00:23:096 - w/ it's shape but 00:19:742 (1) - doesn't? Just wondering lol
00:37:630 (1,3) - tbh you could rotate 3 so it looks more symmetrical w/ 1 to give an even cleaner look to it
00:41:916 (3,4) - tbh you could curve 3 more to match the aesthetics of 4
01:11:543 (1) - I dunno, personally I would make the start of the new verse clickable, but the drum is also a significant beat, you may want to make this two single taps so you can emphasize drums and vocals at same time
01:20:860 (1,2) - These are kinda awkward since the vocal held ends on 01:21:605 - and 01:23:096 - so you might want to shorten the sliders and put single taps on the white ticks to follow music better
01:34:276 (2,3) - Same thing w/ the cymbals, it's not too huge of an issue, but the cymbals are pretty strong compared to the adjacent notes
01:38:748 (1,2) - You should have 2 flow, and then readjust whatever pattern you want, cuz like even tho the semi-break in flow emphasizes the cymbal, it doesn't look too visually appealing

Really good aesthetic

00:04:835 (1,2,3) - You should try to have the flow break on 3 rather than 2, it emphasizes the right beats that way
00:34:649 (1,2) - While the slider art looks nice, it isn't really structured since the rhythm similar to this 00:22:723 (1,2,3,4) - has the rhythm clicked and everything, so it heavily strays from the structure
00:51:046 (1,2,3,4) - I personally really prefer the rhythm below since it feels like it follows the most while maintaining it's simplicity
00:59:990 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You may want to spread this out a little more so it's a LOT easier for low ranks to read :P
01:11:170 (5) - Personally pointing 5 upwards helps aesthetic a bit but that's just my opinion
01:35:021 (4) - You could raise this a bit higher to have perfect flow from 3, overlapping w/ the hp is kinda gross but it's not unrankable since the hp bar is an optional thing

00:06:139 (4,1) - You may want to tone down this jump just a little bit, 2.3 is quite a large distance. You can maintain your 1.6x DS jumps that you did for
whenever you needed to emphasize downbeat :D
00:17:878 (4,5) - You may want to emphasize 5, pretty strong beat
01:02:599 (5,1) - You should have a jump here, the intensity building up to the kiai deserves more emphasis imo

00:07:444 (3,1) - The extended slider may not be so clear in this case with how far away from the 3/4 slider it is compared to 00:06:698 (3,1) -
00:53:655 (8,1) - Maybe stack these?
00:53:841 (9) - You should move this up a bit so it doesn't get obscured by the hitbursts from 00:53:096 (4,5,6) -
01:02:599 (2,1) - Kinda weird, cuz the way you have it makes it look like 2 ends on a blue tick and is immediately followed by 1, but that is not the case. You may want to either reposition 1 a bit or naje 2 end on the blue tick

Really solid map
Topic Starter

Battle wrote:


00:06:326 (2,3) - You should probably alter the rhythm here, the more prominent beats end up being on the slider ends, and that doesn't really emphasize them well. Having the cymbal crashes clickable should be your main priority since they are strong than the slider startsused vocal sound
00:19:742 (1,2,3,4,1) - tbh this isn't too visually appealing, you might want to re-adjust the slider shapes a bit, cuz currently the way 1,2,3 look is kinda awkward, and 3,4,1 break flow quite a bit so it isn't as smooth as the diff has been so farprior keep, later fixed
00:19:742 (1,1) - Just wondering, why does 00:22:723 (1) - have a slider shape that gives some emphasis to the drum on 00:23:096 - w/ it's shape but 00:19:742 (1) - doesn't? Just wondering lolfixed
00:37:630 (1,3) - tbh you could rotate 3 so it looks more symmetrical w/ 1 to give an even cleaner look to it well..
00:41:916 (3,4) - tbh you could curve 3 more to match the aesthetics of 4fixed
01:11:543 (1) - I dunno, personally I would make the start of the new verse clickable, but the drum is also a significant beat, you may want to make this two single taps so you can emphasize drums and vocals at same timefixed
01:20:860 (1,2) - These are kinda awkward since the vocal held ends on 01:21:605 - and 01:23:096 - so you might want to shorten the sliders and put single taps on the white ticks to follow music betterfixed
01:34:276 (2,3) - Same thing w/ the cymbals, it's not too huge of an issue, but the cymbals are pretty strong compared to the adjacent notesfixed
01:38:748 (1,2) - You should have 2 flow, and then readjust whatever pattern you want, cuz like even tho the semi-break in flow emphasizes the cymbal, it doesn't look too visually appealingfixed

Really good aestheticthx

00:04:835 (1,2,3) - You should try to have the flow break on 3 rather than 2, it emphasizes the right beats that wayfixed
00:34:649 (1,2) - While the slider art looks nice, it isn't really structured since the rhythm similar to this 00:22:723 (1,2,3,4) - has the rhythm clicked and everything, so it heavily strays from the structurefixed
00:51:046 (1,2,3,4) - I personally really prefer the rhythm below since it feels like it follows the most while maintaining it's simplicity fixed similarly
00:59:990 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - You may want to spread this out a little more so it's a LOT easier for low ranks to read :P fixed
01:11:170 (5) - Personally pointing 5 upwards helps aesthetic a bit but that's just my opinionfixed
01:35:021 (4) - You could raise this a bit higher to have perfect flow from 3, overlapping w/ the hp is kinda gross but it's not unrankable since the hp bar is an optional thingI'll consider it

00:06:139 (4,1) - You may want to tone down this jump just a little bit, 2.3 is quite a large distance. You can maintain your 1.6x DS jumps that you did for
whenever you needed to emphasize downbeat :D fixed
00:17:878 (4,5) - You may want to emphasize 5, pretty strong beatfixed
01:02:599 (5,1) - You should have a jump here, the intensity building up to the kiai deserves more emphasis imofixed

00:07:444 (3,1) - The extended slider may not be so clear in this case with how far away from the 3/4 slider it is compared to 00:06:698 (3,1) - I have no Idea to fix.. I should think about it.
00:53:655 (8,1) - Maybe stack these?fixed
00:53:841 (9) - You should move this up a bit so it doesn't get obscured by the hitbursts from 00:53:096 (4,5,6) - just stacked
01:02:599 (2,1) - Kinda weird, cuz the way you have it makes it look like 2 ends on a blue tick and is immediately followed by 1, but that is not the case. You may want to either reposition 1 a bit or naje 2 end on the blue tick fixed

Really solid maplol thanks

thanks for your mod!
Super sorry about this being so late :(

Mod from queue ~


00:04:835 (1) - Consider reshaping so this doesnt overlap
01:26:450 (4) - NC


00:23:468 (2) - Move this to 00:23:282 and reposition accordingly. After that, move 00:24:214 (3) - to 00:24:027, and lengthen it so it ends where it did before.

otherwise very solid normal.


00:49:369 (1,2) - this jump seems a bit tough for a hard, hm? Could be fine, might be worth considering.
01:10:611 (2,3) - if you angle these up a bit more it flows much better
01:15:829 (3,4,4) - stack? looks much better

Also good difficulty


00:51:791 (3,2) I'd move this so its directly on top of 00:52:723 (2)
00:52:350 (4,4,5,6) - stack these 4 properly, looks a bit off as it is now

Also good difficulty.

Ugh, dinky mod. You don't need to kds if you don't think I helped :<

Sorry for small mod but I hope what I do have helped. Good luck!


  • See if you can convert your .png BGs into .jpg, since they are 7MB by themselves right now.

    You should check this with some qualified QAT/BN, but imo the "Short Ver." of your title should be between brackets : Duca - 1/5 (Short Ver.)
    I suggest this because that part isn't part of the original title, right?


Insane Jijou

  • 00:32:040 (2,5) - Be careful, these sliders completely overlap one on each other. I would suggest to move the second one a bit to let the player see it in time.
    Same for 00:20:114 (2,5)

    00:33:717 (2,3,4) - So far you created more polished patterns compared to this one imo. Just a suggestion

    00:40:611 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern is also a bit confusing:
    firstly, the jump between 00:40:984 (2,3) - is uncalled at all seeing the spacing between 1 and 2;
    secondly, 00:41:543 (4) - I would sughgest to convert this into circles, because you skip a really important beat at 00:41:729 -

    00:49:369 (4) - why not stacking this circle on top of 00:49:555 (1) - ? It looks like the same rhythm as 00:48:065 (1,2) - imo

    00:48:065 (1,2) - Ctrl + G to keep the circular flow between 00:49:555 (1,2,3,4) - ?

    01:07:444 (1,2,1) - having so many NCs close to each other is strange, seeing you don't use them so much in general.
    Imo you could even remove the NC from 01:07:816 (1) - since it adds nothing particular (you also don't have SV changes on those 3 sliders, so there is no need for a NC imo)

    01:08:934 (1,4) - This is a bit counter-flow-wise seeing that 1 is the opposite direction of 4. Still fine tho, I would have kept the circular flow here too.
    On a second thought, leave those sliders as they are and do a Ctrl + G on 01:10:425 (1) - maybe, to resemble your other patterns

    01:21:978 (5,1) - Is there any way to increase spacing here? Seems a bit too clustered ccompared to the rest (suggestion: place 1 at 299;274)

    01:26:450 (8,1) - First time seeing such a big 1/4 jump. You used them before but they were a lot shorter than this one.
    Maybe a Ctrl + G on 01:26:822 (1,2) - ?
I would reduce OD to something like 7.5 since the diff itself isn't really hard and your Hard diff has OD6, so the difference is a bit too much imo.
Really good flow overall.


Hard Jijou

  • 00:17:506 (3,4) - Just a really personal suggestion: convert them into a 1/2 repeat slider if you find it cool

    00:21:791 (2,4) - having both of them in the same direction makes it feel "forced" , since you were creating a nice circular flow with 00:21:232 (1,2) -
    See if you can fix them in some way (I would just do a Ctrl + G on 00:22:350 (4) - but see yourself what you like)

    00:31:667 (1) - Finish on head maybe?
    00:41:916 (1) - same
    (maybe you have to add them on the Insane diff too. I didn't check, sorry)


Normal Jijou

  • 00:18:624 (2,3) - I feel like the finsh on 2 is too much, while you should add your custom whistle on 3


Easy Jijou

  • 00:18:624 (3) - same as for the Normal diff: remove finish from head, add whistle on repeat

    01:02:972 (1) - finish should be on the head of this slider, not the tail imo

    01:11:543 (4) - missing clap?

    01:14:897 (1) - remove finish from tail
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

Super sorry about this being so late :(

Mod from queue ~


00:04:835 (1) - Consider reshaping so this doesnt overlapno problem
01:26:450 (4) - NC fixed


00:23:468 (2) - Move this to 00:23:282 and reposition accordingly. After that, move 00:24:214 (3) - to 00:24:027, and lengthen it so it ends where it did before.fixed

otherwise very solid normal.


00:49:369 (1,2) - this jump seems a bit tough for a hard, hm? Could be fine, might be worth considering.I don't think it's so hard..
01:10:611 (2,3) - if you angle these up a bit more it flows much betterI'll consider it.
01:15:829 (3,4,4) - stack? looks much better

Also good difficulty


00:51:791 (3,2) I'd move this so its directly on top of 00:52:723 (2) I don't feel like to..
00:52:350 (4,4,5,6) - stack these 4 properly, looks a bit off as it is now fixed

Also good difficulty.

Ugh, dinky mod. You don't need to kds if you don't think I helped :<

Sorry for small mod but I hope what I do have helped. Good luck!
thx for your mod!

MrSergio wrote:


  • See if you can convert your .png BGs into .jpg, since they are 7MB by themselves right now. fixed

    You should check this with some qualified QAT/BN, but imo the "Short Ver." of your title should be between brackets : Duca - 1/5 (Short Ver.)
    I suggest this because that part isn't part of the original title, right?fixed


Insane Jijou

  • 00:32:040 (2,5) - Be careful, these sliders completely overlap one on each other. I would suggest to move the second one a bit to let the player see it in time.fixed
    Same for 00:20:114 (2,5)fixed

    00:33:717 (2,3,4) - So far you created more polished patterns compared to this one imo.fixed Just a suggestion

    00:40:611 (1,2,3,4) - This pattern is also a bit confusing:
    firstly, the jump between 00:40:984 (2,3) - is uncalled at all seeing the spacing between 1 and 2;
    secondly, 00:41:543 (4) - I would sughgest to convert this into circles, because you skip a really important beat at 00:41:729 - fixed

    00:49:369 (4) - why not stacking this circle on top of 00:49:555 (1) - ? It looks like the same rhythm as 00:48:065 (1,2) - imo fixed

    00:48:065 (1,2) - Ctrl + G to keep the circular flow between 00:49:555 (1,2,3,4) - ?

    01:07:444 (1,2,1) - having so many NCs close to each other is strange, seeing you don't use them so much in general.
    Imo you could even remove the NC from 01:07:816 (1) - since it adds nothing particular (you also don't have SV changes on those 3 sliders, so there is no need for a NC imo) fixed

    01:08:934 (1,4) - This is a bit counter-flow-wise seeing that 1 is the opposite direction of 4. Still fine tho, I would have kept the circular flow here too.
    On a second thought, leave those sliders as they are and do a Ctrl + G on 01:10:425 (1) - maybe, to resemble your other patterns there's enough time interval and two stacked circles, so i think it's okay

    01:21:978 (5,1) - Is there any way to increase spacing here? Seems a bit too clustered ccompared to the rest (suggestion: place 1 at 299;274) fixed

    01:26:450 (8,1) - First time seeing such a big 1/4 jump. You used them before but they were a lot shorter than this one.
    Maybe a Ctrl + G on 01:26:822 (1,2) - ?fixed
I would reduce OD to something like 7.5 since the diff itself isn't really hard and your Hard diff has OD6, so the difference is a bit too much imo.
Really good flow overall.


Hard Jijou

  • 00:17:506 (3,4) - Just a really personal suggestion: convert them into a 1/2 repeat slider if you find it coolfixed

    00:21:791 (2,4) - having both of them in the same direction makes it feel "forced" , since you were creating a nice circular flow with 00:21:232 (1,2) -
    See if you can fix them in some way (I would just do a Ctrl + G on 00:22:350 (4) - but see yourself what you like) mine felt better in my opinion.

    00:31:667 (1) - Finish on head maybe?fixed
    00:41:916 (1) - samefixed
    (maybe you have to add them on the Insane diff too. I didn't check, sorry)fixed


Normal Jijou

  • 00:18:624 (2,3) - I feel like the finsh on 2 is too much, while you should add your custom whistle on 3fixed


Easy Jijou

  • 00:18:624 (3) - same as for the Normal diff: remove finish from head, add whistle on repeatfixed

    01:02:972 (1) - finish should be on the head of this slider, not the tail imofixed

    01:11:543 (4) - missing clap?fixed

    01:14:897 (1) - remove finish from tailfixed
thanks for your mod!
Topic Starter
This map is sleeping..OwO
Hey, sorry for the long wait, life happens.

  1. The map is structured quite well, great looking patterns that play not bad at all, although there are stuff that I personally don't find fitting -
  2. 00:20:114 (2,5) - This full overlap is just confusing, as the previous patterns had a circle on the head, you used a slider here, it's unexpected and unnecessary as the music doesn't really support that one really well.
  3. 00:32:040 (2,5) - ^
  4. 00:27:195 (1) - Feels kinda out of place, not as elegant as the other sliders such as 00:36:139 (1) - 00:24:214 (1) - in a way that goes well with the previous moment too.
  5. 01:01:667 (2,1) - I'd say it's pretty awful to stack those, the halt with the music is great, but if you are going to slow down the slider that much it's misleading, as I thought it'd gain a speed boost or at the very least be in the same speed as the previous slider, just like 01:28:313 (1,2,3) -. If you want it to work with the current velocity, I'd move 01:01:853 (1) - to around x356 y304 as it slows down the movement from the jump and plays really well.
  6. 01:07:816 (1,2,3) - If you create so much emphasis on it, you could increase the SV a bit (1.2x) and even increase the spacing a little more, as the hitsounds overdo it compared to how it actually plays.
  7. 01:21:605 (3,4) - You're not overlapping 01:20:673 (5) - but you do overlap 01:20:860 (1) - which comes afterwards? egh.. It looks a bit ugly anyway :P
  8. 01:26:450 (8,1) - I'd say spacing is a bit big for such diff?
  9. 01:34:649 (3,3) - Those are not symmetrical on the grid as the first slider overlaps with 01:35:021 (1,2) - while the second does not.
Topic Starter

Avishay wrote:

Hey, sorry for the long wait, life happens.

  1. The map is structured quite well, great looking patterns that play not bad at all, although there are stuff that I personally don't find fitting -
  2. 00:20:114 (2,5) - This full overlap is just confusing, as the previous patterns had a circle on the head, you used a slider here, it's unexpected and unnecessary as the music doesn't really support that one really well.fixed some, but I'll use this pattern.
  3. 00:32:040 (2,5) - ^^
  4. 00:27:195 (1) - Feels kinda out of place, not as elegant as the other sliders such as 00:36:139 (1) - 00:24:214 (1) - in a way that goes well with the previous moment too.fixed
  5. 01:01:667 (2,1) - I'd say it's pretty awful to stack those, the halt with the music is great, but if you are going to slow down the slider that much it's misleading, as I thought it'd gain a speed boost or at the very least be in the same speed as the previous slider, just like 01:28:313 (1,2,3) -. If you want it to work with the current velocity, I'd move 01:01:853 (1) - to around x356 y304 as it slows down the movement from the jump and plays really well.fixed
  6. 01:07:816 (1,2,3) - If you create so much emphasis on it, you could increase the SV a bit (1.2x) and even increase the spacing a little more, as the hitsounds overdo it compared to how it actually plays.fixed
  7. 01:21:605 (3,4) - You're not overlapping 01:20:673 (5) - but you do overlap 01:20:860 (1) - which comes afterwards? egh.. It looks a bit ugly anyway :Pfixed
  8. 01:26:450 (8,1) - I'd say spacing is a bit big for such diff?fixed
  9. 01:34:649 (3,3) - Those are not symmetrical on the grid as the first slider overlaps with 01:35:021 (1,2) - while the second does not.???
bake my butt daddy ... 753864.jpg Disc Image for metadata reference.

Artist: Get someone else to confirm it, I'm not 100% sure
Title: [1/5] ショート ver.
Romanisation: [1/5] Short ver.

Also, are you sure about current colors? they don't go well with each other.. try this;
Combo1 : 245,158,193
Combo2 : 245,200,137
Combo3 : 115,181,247
Combo4 : 135,228,151

  1. 00:12:661 (3,1) - Please move these a bit away from each other, they touch a little bit which makes it seem strange.
  2. 00:13:406 (3) - Also move this so it's symmetrical.
  3. 01:10:984 (3,4) - Not perfectly stacked, looks strange ingame.
  4. 01:35:767 (1) - Missing hitsounds.
  5. 01:40:239 (1,2) - These sounds are long sounds, maybe put slow sliders instead of just circles?
  1. 00:02:226 (2,3) - BLANKETTTTTTT :3
  2. 01:35:767 (1) - Missing hitsounds.
  1. nothing here.
  1. 01:38:748 (1,2) - Switch NC locations for set consistency?
Short mod because the map is super solid and there isn't much to say about it.
Topic Starter

Priti wrote:

bake my butt daddy ... 753864.jpg Disc Image for metadata reference.

Artist: Get someone else to confirm it, I'm not 100% sureI'll ask to BN about it.
Title: [1/5] ショート ver.fixed
Romanisation: [1/5] Short ver.fixed

Also, are you sure about current colors? they don't go well with each other.. try this;fixed
Combo1 : 245,158,193
Combo2 : 245,200,137
Combo3 : 115,181,247
Combo4 : 135,228,151

  1. 00:12:661 (3,1) - Please move these a bit away from each other, they touch a little bit which makes it seem strange.fixed
  2. 00:13:406 (3) - Also move this so it's symmetrical. fixed
  3. 01:10:984 (3,4) - Not perfectly stacked, looks strange ingame.fixed
  4. 01:35:767 (1) - Missing hitsounds. fixed
  5. 01:40:239 (1,2) - These sounds are long sounds, maybe put slow sliders instead of just circles?it's last part of the song, so I want to make an impact on each beat by circles.
  1. 00:02:226 (2,3) - BLANKETTTTTTT :3I didn't have intention but fixed
  2. 01:35:767 (1) - Missing hitsounds.fixed, and Normal and Easy 2
  1. nothing here.
  1. 01:38:748 (1,2) - Switch NC locations for set consistency?fixed
Short mod because the map is super solid and there isn't much to say about it.

thanks for super super fast mod! :)
We only fixed 1 combo on Easy difficulty. The rest of the difficulties looks fine tbh.
Mapset bubbled~
00:28:686 (1,2,3) - (2)에 두 슬라이더가 모두 블랭킷이면 더 완결성 높은 패턴이 되겠네요.
00:18:624 (2) - 여기 뉴콤 넣어서 삼각형 패턴이랑 이전 슬라이더랑 분리하는게 패턴상 더 적절할듯요.
00:28:686 (1,3) - (3)이랑 00:30:176 (1) 이은 경로가 더 (1)에 블랭킷 되게 만들 수 있을듯요.
00:51:978 (2,3) - 박자 구조가 다소 엉성합니다. (2)는 가사를 따라가고 있는데, 정작 00:52:350의 가사는 표현되지 않고 00:52:537의 드럼으로 넘어갔습니다.차라리 (2) 제거하고, 00:52:350에 노트 넣어서 드럼 위주로 가는게 더 안정적일 것 같네요.
00:11:357 (2,3,4) - 간격.
01:02:413 (4) - 악기가 다른데 뉴콤 고려해주세요.
00:40:611 (1,2) - 콤보 (2)부터 시작하는게 ar만 의존하고 리딩하는 것 보다는 더 나아보이네요.
01:02:599 (2,1) - 그래도 시간차가 1/2 있는데, 오버랩 보다는 좀 간격을 두는게 어떨까요?
01:38:748 - 전 난이도 피니시 고려.

Jijou의 의미를 알려주세요.
Topic Starter
Sonnyc's suggestion all fixed

thanks for mod!
Topic Starter
헉 감사함다!
eh the brackets are supposed to be splitting up only

we do not include that in the title in most cases and the way to romanise it seems a bit controversial

there's no bracket in the original title - ... oad/sound/

Topic Starter
:o I agree

DQ pls
I'll change song name to 1/5 Short ver.
and add tag 三原典子 土井潤一 and romanised name of each one.

so sad..

P.S. can I get romanised one of 三原典子 土井潤一 東タカゴー and 'east takago' these two tags check?
Topic Starter

Ni-Sokkususu wrote:

기분이 너무 좋습니다
三原典子 Mihara Noriko
土井潤一 Doi Jun'ichi / Junichi
東タカゴー Azuma Takago

Poke me if you need me~
Topic Starter
Changed song name to 1/5 Short ver. ('Short' in japanese)

deleted tag east takago ( it's 東タカゴー but actually not correct one) and add tag 三原典子 Mihara Noriko 土井潤一 Doi Junichi 東タカゴー Azuma Takago
We deleted a green inherited point in all four difficulties because of inadequate feedback given to some game-play objects.

Gratz :3
gratz! :)
good map, gratz
Topic Starter
lol thx! :)

IamKwaN wrote:

三原典子 Mihara Noriko
土井潤一 Doi Jun'ichi / Junichi
東タカゴー Azuma Takago

Poke me if you need me~

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