
Celldweller - End of an Empire

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Add "End of an Empire - Chapter 01: Time" as the source
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Frostei wrote:

Add "End of an Empire - Chapter 01: Time" as the source
Correction: Add "End of an Empire - Chapter 01: Time" to the tags, the source is if its from a TV show, game, movie, etc.
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rrrr Okay Gotcha again
as requested


to start why cs 3.5? 4 would be better imo

02:58:396 (3) - stack this properly on the tail of 02:58:910 (2) - its a little off

04:44:339 (2) - check to make sure this doesn't go off screen

07:00:453 (2) - stack with 06:58:910 (2) -

07:00:624 (3) - stack with 06:59:596 (4) -

07:16:396 (1) - there are drumbeats going on during this slider, and I feel like they should be emphasized more than the vocal

06:43:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe add 1/4 repeats in?

short mod, good map.. gl
Topic Starter

Its Depths wrote:

as requested


to start why cs 3.5? 4 would be better imo Never! I wanted this to be cs3.5 from the start.

02:58:396 (3) - stack this properly on the tail of 02:58:910 (2) - its a little off Fixed

04:44:339 (2) - check to make sure this doesn't go off screen Got it

07:00:453 (2) - stack with 06:58:910 (2) - Nah ruins flow

07:00:624 (3) - stack with 06:59:596 (4) - ^

07:16:396 (1) - there are drumbeats going on during this slider, and I feel like they should be emphasized more than the vocal Added two notes and shuffled some stuff

06:43:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - maybe add 1/4 repeats in? still considering...

short mod, good map.. gl
From #Modreqs

  1. Use AR9. AR9.3 Is totally uneccessary for this beatmap and it's difficulty.
  2. 02:33:196 (3) - Triple here.
  3. 03:17:767 (1,2) - Curve/force curve these perhaps.
  4. 04:11:596 (2) - Curve this also.
  5. 06:02:339 (1) - ^
  6. 07:12:282 (1) - I'm not sure if this fits, consider changing.
Topic Starter

Kuki wrote:

From #Modreqs

  1. Use AR9. AR9.3 Is totally uneccessary for this beatmap and it's difficulty. Some people prefer AR9.3 (me and most testers) so I'mma get more opnions here
  2. 02:33:196 (3) - Triple here.
  3. 03:17:767 (1,2) - Curve/force curve these perhaps. Placeholder fix for now, changing again soon.
  4. 04:11:596 (2) - Curve this also. No thanks, I like this
  5. 06:02:339 (1) - ^ Nahhh I like this here too. Changing this would mean fixing up quite a lot of the other patterns since it fits with the last sliders
  6. 07:12:282 (1) - I'm not sure if this fits, consider changing. It fits to me, but I changed it anyway. Still 1/1 slider though
Thanks for the mod!
Topic Starter
Sorry about double post! I can't delete this so I'll just make it useful instead.

AR9.3 was changed to AR9.1. I don't want a low AR because of the changing DS in the streams, likewise higher AR doesn't suit this BPM. Maybe 9.2 will suit sometime.
Also I realized that in general this maps streams are the only hard part in it, and are quite a difficulty spike in itself. Either I could nerf them or buff all the jumps, either way requiring a pretty much full remap. I intend to keep the streams but the kiai should be expected to have increased DS once I update some more with larger jumps (and a consistent 1/1 slider pattern).

If you come across the kiai it would be more suggested to give some ideas for it instead of modding what is already there for the time being, as it is mostly going to go through a remap(inc)

M4m time, also 1st mod evar so expect it to be a bit shit.

  1. 00:11:253 (1) - First note, first minor complaint: it kinda comes out of nowhere and threw me off the first time. Again, pretty minor.
  2. 00:26:339 (5,6,1) - Not a fan of these, but I get their function. Minor complaint again.
  3. 00:49:653 (1,2,3,4) - The beat speeds up here, why are these still 2/1? Consider adding some 1/1 here.
  4. 01:48:967 (2) - Blankets the end of 01:48:624 (1) - nicely, but why not blanket the rest of (1)?
  5. 02:58:910 (2) - Unnecessary kink, this blanket could be so nice (especially jarring with stuff llike 03:05:767 (2) - further down the line)
  6. 03:19:824 (2,1) - It feels a bit empty between these two, maybe make (2) a bit longer or add something in between?
  7. 03:21:710 (8,1) - The jump between these two is smaller than the previous jump 03:21:539 (7,8) - when the song escalates. Why ;__;
  8. 03:49:139 (6,1) - Sudden DS increase might be a bit jarring. Maybe bump the DS of the previous part up a bit.
  9. 04:49:653 (1,2,3) - Maybe follow the guitar here to make the rhythm a bit more interesting. As it stands, the 2/1 doesn't really fit here.
  10. 04:55:139 (1,2,3) - see above
  11. 05:00:624 (1,2,3) - same deal as above
  12. 05:06:110 (1,2,3) - See, you did it here, why not on the other parts I pointed out above?
  13. 07:19:139 (1,2,3,4,5) - I can't into this pattern. I'm fine at playing 07:21:882 (1,2,3,4,5) - or 07:24:624 (1,2,3,4,5) - for instance, but 07:19:139 (1,2,3,4,5) - just doesn't work for me. Maybe have the sliders point outward from each other?
And that's about it. I can't pass it because of the streams so can't really comment on the difficulty settings, but the AR seemed fine to me.

Good map overall, good luck getting it approved :D
Topic Starter

Not_Zippy wrote:

M4m time, also 1st mod evar so expect it to be a bit shit. Not bad eh

  1. 00:11:253 (1) - First note, first minor complaint: it kinda comes out of nowhere and threw me off the first time. Again, pretty minor. Keeping cus 1 note why not
  2. 00:26:339 (5,6,1) - Not a fan of these, but I get their function. Minor complaint again. Yeah they are there because I had complaints when they WERE NOT there wat do
  3. 00:49:653 (1,2,3,4) - The beat speeds up here, why are these still 2/1? Consider adding some 1/1 here. I don't consider the drums in the BG to be important enough right now to change much, plus adding 1/1 here would drain out the 1/1 just after
  4. 01:48:967 (2) - Blankets the end of 01:48:624 (1) - nicely, but why not blanket the rest of (1)? This has had 3 reworks ugh I need to fix again
  5. 02:58:910 (2) - Unnecessary kink, this blanket could be so nice (especially jarring with stuff llike 03:05:767 (2) - further down the line) I liked the way it feels after the slider jumps as the momentum feels good pointing in the direction of the slider, maybe I'll change
  6. 03:19:824 (2,1) - It feels a bit empty between these two, maybe make (2) a bit longer or add something in between? Eh cramps my style. I will only change if people ask
  7. 03:21:710 (8,1) - The jump between these two is smaller than the previous jump 03:21:539 (7,8) - when the song escalates. Why ;__; Oh god you genius haha I think imma buff this too much
  8. 03:49:139 (6,1) - Sudden DS increase might be a bit jarring. Maybe bump the DS of the previous part up a bit.
  9. 04:49:653 (1,2,3) - Maybe follow the guitar here to make the rhythm a bit more interesting. As it stands, the 2/1 doesn't really fit here. Kinda agree kinda disagree. I, personally, like this part. But I know it feels empty so who knows, I'll look into it.
  10. 04:55:139 (1,2,3) - see above
  11. 05:00:624 (1,2,3) - same deal as above
  12. 05:06:110 (1,2,3) - See, you did it here, why not on the other parts I pointed out above? It suits there more being the end? I dunno
  13. 07:19:139 (1,2,3,4,5) - I can't into this pattern. I'm fine at playing 07:21:882 (1,2,3,4,5) - or 07:24:624 (1,2,3,4,5) - for instance, but 07:19:139 (1,2,3,4,5) - just doesn't work for me. Maybe have the sliders point outward from each other?
I've has some complaints. Will change

And that's about it. I can't pass it because of the streams so can't really comment on the difficulty settings, but the AR seemed fine to me.

Good map overall, good luck getting it approved :D Thanks~
Mod because I feel like modding this

00:29:767 (4) - Blanket is not perfect. Blankets should always be perfect, dontcha think

00:49:653 (1) - consider making this a 90 degree turn. Like make 4, 5, and 1 a square cos there's alot of 90 degree stuff before this too.

01:07:996 (2) - why is there such a big curve on such a (relatively) calm part? gentle shit should have gentle curves.

01:12:539 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - you could move this a leeetle to the left. like two taps on arrow key at smallest grid size

you could move 01:13:310 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - a little bit to the right and a little bit downwards so that 01:13:482 (3) - is blanketed by 01:12:539 (7,8,9,10,11,1) -

oh and if you actually do that don't forget to move these 01:14:339 (1,2,3) - too lol

01:16:224 (3) - you could delete this to increase the SUSPENSE (and also cos there are no vocals on that note eeee)

01:19:482 (9,1,2,3) - make this a square (like dis

01:23:939 (1,2) - move these so that 9 is in the exact middle of them. oh but if you do that you'll have to move all of these 01:23:939 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - haha

01:25:310 (1,2) - blanket is a little off but w.e.

01:39:024 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - okay so about the streams

You've already made em really easy with the low-ass spacing and the generic od and the loud hitsounding and especially the big cs. I mean, streams are supposed to be HARD right? They're supposed to emphasize very strong 1/4 repeating parts in the music (I think, I'm not an expert or anything). So if you're not going to change anything about them, you could at the very least make them change direction a lot (look at dksslqj's maps to learn how to do it properly).

Oh, and use the polygon function if you're going to make curved streams. Makes everything look neater imo :D

You could change NC from one every eighth note to one every fourth note as well

01:48:967 (2) - you could make this blanket 01:48:624 (1) - completely

01:54:624 (1,2,3,4) - put em all in a straight line

02:13:996 (3,4,5,6) - putting em in a square looks better. just kidding no it doesnt but still there's a problem with this pattern i can't quite put my finger u p o n

02:17:424 (1) - why is there a slider before the vocals start? you could replace this with 1/2 jumpu

02:32:510 (1) - i think this is supposed to be a 3/4 slider

02:42:024 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - make this stream symmetrical kinda like this

03:19:824 (2) - make this a 1.5/2 slider too (i have no idea what they're called but just make it as long as the other one cos diseeeee of paradise still extends even after the slider and the d is what this slider started on)

03:50:682 (1) - why doesn't the kiai have a higher sv? I really think this kiai needs a higher sv than the rest of the map.

04:06:796 (7,1) - naisu blanketsu desu

04:12:624 (10) - normal finish on this note? last notes before breaks / last notes of anything should be kinda emphasized imo

04:34:567 (1,2,3,4) - I'm pretty sure you're tired of hearing this but make this a square

04:36:624 (5,6) - and i have no idea why this has lower spacing than the right because its pitch is higher

04:42:110 (3) - turn this slider so that it goes to the left? two reasons, one is to emphasize that this is a new note and make the player go back and the other is to make sexy, sexy blankets with 04:42:796 (1) -

04:47:939 (4) - you could copy this and ctrl -h it and smack a reverse arrow on it instead of the curve

05:20:339 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - i think you should make this a conventional star jump - just switch 5 and 4

05:25:996 (3,4) - woah what happened to the repeat sliders

05:41:082 (3,4) - blanket theseee

06:00:282 (3,4) - repeat sliders (again... again...)

06:03:024 (3,4) - ^

06:08:510 (3,4) - ^

06:17:424 (1,2) - i think you should delete 2 and make 1 a 3/4 slider

06:23:253 (1) - to 06:33:882 (1) - this stream section is one of the funnest things i've played ever

06:43:482 (1) - i don't hear anything which requires a stream here tbh

oh and i almost forgot 06:13:310 (1) - kiai here?

06:33:882 (1,2,3) - make 2 to 3 a right angled jump thingy for CLARITY

06:43:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - nice copypasta B). Again, don't hear anything which justifies putting a stream 06:43:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - there

06:55:653 (4,5,6,7) - make this a square (how many times have i said that?)

06:56:167 (7,8) - I don't get why there has to be a jump here

07:05:424 (1) - why is this curve so biig (ive already said that before havent i)

Aand about those 1/4 sliders at the end, I've played that part like 9001 times and I've never fc'd it, i've always gotten 100s on them. I would highly (HIGHLY MEANS YOU SHOULD DO IT SUBTLE HINT INCOMING) recommend you to put all of those 1/4 sliders in a straight line or sth to make them easier.

Or at least make the sv smaller

This hitsounding is prettyy fucking good btw

One of the funnest marathons i've played ever, and I've played a lot of marathons. I really want this to get approved someday, so keep it up!
Topic Starter

TenshugaX wrote:

Mod because I feel like modding this

00:29:767 (4) - Blanket is not perfect. Blankets should always be perfect, dontcha think Agreed

00:49:653 (1) - consider making this a 90 degree turn. Like make 4, 5, and 1 a square cos there's alot of 90 degree stuff before this too. No :)

01:07:996 (2) - why is there such a big curve on such a (relatively) calm part? gentle shit should have gentle curves. Doesn't feel big to me

01:12:539 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - you could move this a leeetle to the left. like two taps on arrow key at smallest grid size k

you could move 01:13:310 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - a little bit to the right and a little bit downwards so that 01:13:482 (3) - is blanketed by 01:12:539 (7,8,9,10,11,1) - done

oh and if you actually do that don't forget to move these 01:14:339 (1,2,3) - too lol ya

01:16:224 (3) - you could delete this to increase the SUSPENSE (and also cos there are no vocals on that note eeee) NEVER

01:19:482 (9,1,2,3) - make this a square (like dis Later on when I can check links o/

01:23:939 (1,2) - move these so that 9 is in the exact middle of them. oh but if you do that you'll have to move all of these 01:23:939 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - haha rrr another time

01:25:310 (1,2) - blanket is a little off but w.e. yee w/e

01:39:024 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - okay so about the streams

You've already made em really easy with the low-ass spacing and the generic od and the loud hitsounding and especially the big cs. I mean, streams are supposed to be HARD right? They're supposed to emphasize very strong 1/4 repeating parts in the music (I think, I'm not an expert or anything). So if you're not going to change anything about them, you could at the very least make them change direction a lot (look at dksslqj's maps to learn how to do it properly). >first person to say this

Most people complain about teh stream DS changes and the horrid reading. They are staying exactly the same unless I get a better suggestion.
Oh, and use the polygon function if you're going to make curved streams. Makes everything look neater imo :D I used convert sliders pls

You could change NC from one every eighth note to one every fourth note as well No :>

01:48:967 (2) - you could make this blanket 01:48:624 (1) - completely k

01:54:624 (1,2,3,4) - put em all in a straight line No!

02:13:996 (3,4,5,6) - putting em in a square looks better. just kidding no it doesnt but still there's a problem with this pattern i can't quite put my finger u p o n k keep in mind

02:17:424 (1) - why is there a slider before the vocals start? you could replace this with 1/2 jumpu For the sake of structure

02:32:510 (1) - i think this is supposed to be a 3/4 slider Nope

02:42:024 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - make this stream symmetrical kinda like this Maybe another time

03:19:824 (2) - make this a 1.5/2 slider too (i have no idea what they're called but just make it as long as the other one cos diseeeee of paradise still extends even after the slider and the d is what this slider started on) I'll think about it

03:50:682 (1) - why doesn't the kiai have a higher sv? I really think this kiai needs a higher sv than the rest of the map. Never!

04:06:796 (7,1) - naisu blanketsu desu It's fine lol

04:12:624 (10) - normal finish on this note? last notes before breaks / last notes of anything should be kinda emphasized imo

04:34:567 (1,2,3,4) - I'm pretty sure you're tired of hearing this but make this a square Nope

04:36:624 (5,6) - and i have no idea why this has lower spacing than the right because its pitch is higher Nor do I I'll check it out

04:42:110 (3) - turn this slider so that it goes to the left? two reasons, one is to emphasize that this is a new note and make the player go back and the other is to make sexy, sexy blankets with 04:42:796 (1) - No thanks sowie

04:47:939 (4) - you could copy this and ctrl -h it and smack a reverse arrow on it instead of the curve Wanted to but ruins flow

05:20:339 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - i think you should make this a conventional star jump - just switch 5 and 4 I dd this on purpose, plus ruins structure

05:25:996 (3,4) - woah what happened to the repeat sliders ...nothing?

05:41:082 (3,4) - blanket theseee Nah

06:00:282 (3,4) - repeat sliders (again... again...) Too quiet for repeat sliders, not enough emphasis here imo

06:03:024 (3,4) - ^ ^

06:08:510 (3,4) - ^ ^

06:17:424 (1,2) - i think you should delete 2 and make 1 a 3/4 slider Not for me

06:23:253 (1) - to 06:33:882 (1) - this stream section is one of the funnest things i've played ever naisu

06:43:482 (1) - i don't hear anything which requires a stream here tbh I do o/

oh and i almost forgot 06:13:310 (1) - kiai here? I'll loook into it

06:33:882 (1,2,3) - make 2 to 3 a right angled jump thingy for CLARITY Done

06:43:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - nice copypasta B). Again, don't hear anything which justifies putting a stream 06:43:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - there You already modded this baka this wasn't copied.

06:55:653 (4,5,6,7) - make this a square (how many times have i said that?) How many times will I disagree ;-;

06:56:167 (7,8) - I don't get why there has to be a jump here slider snap ezpz

07:05:424 (1) - why is this curve so biig (ive already said that before havent i) Yeah i like it

Aand about those 1/4 sliders at the end, I've played that part like 9001 times and I've never fc'd it, i've always gotten 100s on them. I would highly (HIGHLY MEANS YOU SHOULD DO IT SUBTLE HINT INCOMING) recommend you to put all of those 1/4 sliders in a straight line or sth to make them easier. Fact: Putting them in a line makes them harder to read and control momentum. I'll change the star ones but the rest are staying

Or at least make the sv smaller Lol

This hitsounding is prettyy fucking good btw First time hitsounding o/

One of the funnest marathons i've played ever, and I've played a lot of marathons. I really want this to get approved someday, so keep it up!
Thnx yo lots of changes!
pls get this ranked bb gonna star spam when I get the chance
Topic Starter

Spaghetti wrote:

pls get this ranked bb gonna star spam when I get the chance
rip this map is actually way too bad to get ranked imo. Lots of people like it but I just can't see that happening... ever... unless I remap all the best bits of which people like the most.

Self mod
01:39:024 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These kind of streams
01:54:110 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Weird spaced back and forths (no one has missed these rip)
02:17:424 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Dis ugly flow right here
02:21:539 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Dis ewww here
02:32:853 (2,3,4,5) - I just fixed the overlap here though
02:52:567 (2,3) - Inconsistency with rhythm but fits music.
03:17:767 (1,2,3,4) - Fixed inconsistent sliders fixed
03:20:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) - Many people shitmiss this start.
03:34:224 (1,2) - This is boring after the last 2 triples
03:43:824 (1,2,3,4) - Weird rhythm
04:34:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This is so boring lmao
05:15:024 (3,4,5,6,1) - Too much spike
05:17:082 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Most can't read
DS inconsistencies for the next 1 min
06:43:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - Self explanatory

Yeah I realise there are many bad, need to fix points on this map but quite frankly they are mostly my favourite bits, without lots of these things I would rather have just not mapped it but thats why it won't get very far.

Thanks for the support! If I can think of better ideas than the previous ones I will o/

Arphimigon wrote:

Spaghetti wrote:

pls get this ranked bb gonna star spam when I get the chance
rip this map is actually way too bad to get ranked imo. Lots of people like it but I just can't see that happening... ever... unless I remap all the best bits of which people like the most.

Self mod
01:39:024 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These kind of streams
01:54:110 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Weird spaced back and forths (no one has missed these rip)
02:17:424 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Dis ugly flow right here
02:21:539 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Dis ewww here
02:32:853 (2,3,4,5) - I just fixed the overlap here though
02:52:567 (2,3) - Inconsistency with rhythm but fits music.
03:17:767 (1,2,3,4) - Fixed inconsistent sliders fixed
03:20:510 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) - Many people shitmiss this start.
03:34:224 (1,2) - This is boring after the last 2 triples
03:43:824 (1,2,3,4) - Weird rhythm
04:34:567 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - This is so boring lmao
05:15:024 (3,4,5,6,1) - Too much spike
05:17:082 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Most can't read
DS inconsistencies for the next 1 min
06:43:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - Self explanatory

Yeah I realise there are many bad, need to fix points on this map but quite frankly they are mostly my favourite bits, without lots of these things I would rather have just not mapped it but thats why it won't get very far.

Thanks for the support! If I can think of better ideas than the previous ones I will o/
I think the map is very fun and I's completely rankable! Just gotta have the right aditude :3.
Topic Starter

Spaghetti wrote:

I think the map is very fun and I's completely rankable! Just gotta have the right aditude :3.
Mapping for fun maps > Mapping for ranking anyway, that is just a bonus!
...a welcome bonus of course heh

Although a nice list of every single bit which is terrible would be nice, but terrible bits are sometimes fun right!? *cries*

-stops using thread like a chat room-
Topic Starter
Original map is no longer inactive at
just randomly popping in to say
remap kds please
Topic Starter

Not_Zippy wrote:

just randomly popping in to say
remap kds please
Haha ya we actually had a good chat, confirming was there.
(one reason also I'm remapping)
00:26:341 (5) - curve more as it progress imo.
00:31:826 (5) - ^.
00:37:312 (5) - well this seems better, but still, ^.
00:57:455 - plays better with a note here, i think? ;~; (dun blame me im not good.)
00:58:998 - ^
remove 01:11:769 (2) - and place 01:11:941 (2) - further away! trust me! (actually... don't trust me...)
01:16:055 (2,3,4) - increase ds by a tiny bit.
01:16:569 (1,2,3) - increase ds by a lot.
01:40:312 (8,1) - 01:45:798 (8,1) - 01:51:284 (9,1) - i cant say im in fond of those spaces. (there are more but i wont post all of them because you know.)
01:54:112 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - idk if its understandable, but i think i would do this, because i love stupid patterns. (the 6'th circle is under 2.)
02:43:655 (1,2,3) - add distance between them? idk
02:57:884 (1) - idk if using reverse here is a good idea, its too small of a detail and kinda unexpected, rather split into two 1/4's, or make one 1/2, or even 3/4. (main problem is it just comes after a stream.)
03:06:112 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - while im not one to judge... PLZ NO. i hate those ;~; i cant figure how many of them are coming.

For second part of the map... I think its a bit too easy. add / make more stupid jumps that doesnt make sense and confusing patterns so players throw their keyboard from window for breaking their combo in a stupid place.

Overall good map, I'll look more to it after a while, making a part 2, don't give kudosu to that one if you want.
Good luck!
Topic Starter

diraimur wrote:

00:26:341 (5) - curve more as it progress imo. wanted to change but i have no good alternatives
00:31:826 (5) - ^. ^
00:37:312 (5) - well this seems better, but still, ^. I like dis
00:57:455 - plays better with a note here, i think? ;~; (dun blame me im not good.) awww hellll no
00:58:998 - ^ no no no no nope
remove 01:11:769 (2) - and place 01:11:941 (2) - further away! trust me! (actually... don't trust me...) Thats actually a damn sick idea wow, I will consider how it flows and do some tests!
01:16:055 (2,3,4) - increase ds by a tiny bit. Will try if possible
01:16:569 (1,2,3) - increase ds by a lot.01:16:569 (1,2,3,1) - Buffed and reworked next note spacing[/b
01:40:312 (8,1) - 01:45:798 (8,1) - 01:51:284 (9,1) - i cant say im in fond of those spaces. (there are more but i wont post all of them because you know.) [b]I like dis, its on purpose to fit the drum hit

01:54:112 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - idk if its understandable, but i think i would do this, because i love stupid patterns. (the 6'th circle is under 2.) I like the idea and it fits... but no thanks
02:43:655 (1,2,3) - add distance between them? idk ...nah
02:57:884 (1) - idk if using reverse here is a good idea, its too small of a detail and kinda unexpected, rather split into two 1/4's, or make one 1/2, or even 3/4. (main problem is it just comes after a stream.) I like this but I see your point, will investigate
03:06:112 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - while im not one to judge... PLZ NO. i hate those ;~; i cant figure how many of them are coming.

For second part of the map... I think its a bit too easy. add / make more stupid jumps that doesnt make sense and confusing patterns so players throw their keyboard from window for breaking their combo in a stupid place. Lol wat okay dis is serious business c'mon thats actually discouraging to what i want to do with this map

Overall good map, I'll look more to it after a while, making a part 2, don't give kudosu to that one if you want.

Good luck!
Hai its me again.

Overall, I think SV is kinda low. Try increasing it, and using lower slider multipler on slow places. actually its fine, but I think you could have used higher slider multipler on a few place (such as from 01:11:941 - to 01:25:484 - ) on lower on a few place (such as from 03:12:284 - to 03:20:512 - )

01:16:055 (2,3,4) - while I understood what you did here, dis shouldn't be like dat, bcuz its hard to read (see -> 01:13:998 (5,6,7,8,1) - , you have the same gap with those, and their gap in timestamp is different, much confusion, such wow.)

01:37:998 (2) - perhaps less corners more curves?

03:43:141 (5) - remove reverse and notes to 03:43:398 - and 03:43:484 -

04:23:598 - kek you removed the note here (not saying you did wrong, just noticed it :3)

05:52:741 (1) - seperate this from this pattern -> 05:52:741 (1,2,3,4,5) -

perhaps increase ds by a bit? 06:38:341 (3,4,5) -

07:29:426 (2,3) - ds is 3 high 5 me. (remember dat miss ;~;)

ye thats all I have, gl again.
Topic Starter

diraimur wrote:

Overall, I think SV is kinda low. Try increasing it, and using lower slider multipler on slow places. actually its fine, but I think you could have used higher slider multipler on a few place (such as from 01:11:941 - to 01:25:484 - ) on lower on a few place (such as from 03:12:284 - to 03:20:512 - ) Well i didnt want this map to be quirky with SVs, unlike -some- of my other maps this doesnt suit SV changes too often. I see what you mean though

01:16:055 (2,3,4) - while I understood what you did here, dis shouldn't be like dat, bcuz its hard to read (see -> 01:13:998 (5,6,7,8,1) - , you have the same gap with those, and their gap in timestamp is different, much confusion, such wow.) Hard to read? Damn I havent had a single player say thats hard to read. Also the spacing is different, its much lower.

01:37:998 (2) - perhaps less corners more curves? I like my slider much more lol

03:43:141 (5) - remove reverse and notes to 03:43:398 - and 03:43:484 - Removed reverse, added another slider instead. 1/4 doesnt suit.

04:23:598 - kek you removed the note here (not saying you did wrong, just noticed it :3) Dam lol

05:52:741 (1) - seperate this from this pattern -> 05:52:741 (1,2,3,4,5) - No

perhaps increase ds by a bit? 06:38:341 (3,4,5) - Was thinking about that

07:29:426 (2,3) - ds is 3 high 5 me. (remember dat miss ;~;)[/box] But that was just you being you rrrrrrr rip its easier than 07:27:369 (1,2,3,4,5) - anyway
Thanks for finishing!
from modreqs

  1. 00:23:255 (2,3) - don't have a straight line from slider end 2 to 3, looks bad. Use the same angle between 2 and as you did with 00:22:569 (1,2) -
  2. 00:24:626 (4,5) - curve 4 in such a way that it would potential have been puzzle able into slider 5 like this maybe
  3. Really don't think 5 should curve that much as a side point
  4. Have the movements be equal here 00:39:026 (1,2,3,4,5) - straight lines are iffy
  5. 00:41:084 (5) - really think about straighting these slider or have them curve in different way to puzzle better into next notes
  6. 00:49:998 (2) - missing note
  7. 00:50:684 (3) - ^
  8. 00:51:369 (4) - ^
  9. 00:52:055 (5) - ^
  10. 00:56:341 (1) - you need to split this up to map the beat you are skipping, could make 1 a rverse slider so that it hits that sound.
  11. 00:59:084 (1) - ^
  12. 01:11:941 (2) - how about stacking this on 01:11:598 (1) - givs more emphasis
  13. 01:40:312 (8,1) - holy shit
  14. 01:45:798 (8,1) - x.x not sure what I think about these slider jumps I think they rarely fit and this is not a case imo The jump isn't justified with a big enough change in music
  15. 02:18:798 (2) - ctrl+g
  16. 02:20:855 (3) - ^
  17. 02:35:941 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - stay consistent here, either stack both or don't stack either
  18. 03:03:541 (2) - ctrl+g
  19. 03:20:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - continue this pattern here 03:21:884 (1,2,3,4,1) - on't need the need of changing so drastically you could suddenly increase the spike in jumps however and it would be a lot cooler looking.
  20. 05:27:712 (4) - ctrl+g
Topic Starter

Asfano wrote:

  1. 00:23:255 (2,3) - don't have a straight line from slider end 2 to 3, looks bad. Use the same angle between 2 and as you did with 00:22:569 (1,2) - Woop fixed
  2. 00:24:626 (4,5) - curve 4 in such a way that it would potential have been puzzle able into slider 5 like this maybe Already did, but it wouldn't update ha
  3. Really don't think 5 should curve that much as a side point I like it
  4. Have the movements be equal here 00:39:026 (1,2,3,4,5) - straight lines are iffy Amazing idea
  5. 00:41:084 (5) - really think about straighting these slider or have them curve in different way to puzzle better into next notes That breaks DS and is... way worse imo. Will look over.
  6. 00:49:998 (2) - missing note
  7. 00:50:684 (3) - ^
  8. 00:51:369 (4) - ^
  9. 00:52:055 (5) - ^ i personally dont like ANYTHING here. i dont know how to keep the relative calmness and add stuff in. will look over
  10. 00:56:341 (1) - you need to split this up to map the beat you are skipping, could make 1 a rverse slider so that it hits that sound. why? it ruins my sense of rhythm and hits an unneeded sound which, in my opinion ruins it. I usually hear complaints about rhythm from testers and this was actually liked
  11. 00:59:084 (1) - ^ ^
  12. 01:11:941 (2) - how about stacking this on 01:11:598 (1) - givs more emphasis good idea, but would ruin the rest of the structure. nice idea, may see if i can add it
  13. 01:40:312 (8,1) - holy shit Yeah baby!
  14. 01:45:798 (8,1) - x.x not sure what I think about these slider jumps I think they rarely fit and this is not a case imo The jump isn't justified with a big enough change in music A change worthy to be noted, if not brought up then the map itself would be rather ya know... boring. And not less original. I like the spice.
  15. 02:18:798 (2) - ctrl+g Nooo my structure
  16. 02:20:855 (3) - ^ Dis i like though
  17. 02:35:941 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - stay consistent here, either stack both or don't stack either heard of manual stacking? thats how i stack.
  18. 03:03:541 (2) - ctrl+g Less flow and fits less with music
  19. 03:20:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - continue this pattern here 03:21:884 (1,2,3,4,1) - on't need the need of changing so drastically you could suddenly increase the spike in jumps however and it would be a lot cooler looking. Maybe. This was one of my, and some others favourite bits. *sigh*
  20. 05:27:712 (4) - ctrl+g Completely ruins structure.
Nice stuff! Liked the ideas. Thanks for checking by.
Nice map, but what's up with the timing? it's like -20ms off at some points.
Topic Starter

Tenderz wrote:

Nice map, but what's up with the timing? it's like -20ms off at some points.
Thats the first complaint, or even mention of timing I've had! Not sure what you are listening to.
Eh, might need some third party help with that then if its 20ms off, otherwise it feels fine.

Edit: It felt early, made it about 8-10ms earlier.
04:37:304 (1) - sounds weird dont use clap end of the slider and a a slider here 04:37:818 (2) -

05:12:961 (1) - faster SV pls maybe 1.20 and here 05:34:904 (1) - maybe 1.20 or even more

no kd
Topic Starter

-Kanzaki wrote:

04:37:304 (1) - sounds weird dont use clap end of the slider and a a slider here 04:37:818 (2) - fixed!

05:12:961 (1) - faster SV pls maybe 1.20 and here 05:34:904 (1) - maybe 1.20 or even more
Oh god please not 3rd remap inc
Although I totally agree now though, but yeah I kinda did that by increasing average DS.
So yeah, will do if I find that section is terrible and it needs a redo may aswell make it like SV1.15, but until then it isn't

no kd
Nice idea though, but you sure about the claps? I like 'em.
(no take kudos i want free SP)

Arphimigon wrote:

Nice idea though, but you sure about the claps? I like 'em.
(no take kudos i want free SP)

acctualy the clap sound was weird when there was only one slider there when you add the slider i said clap is ok now

here i shouldn't have say "and" i should have say "or" there :D 04:37:304 (1) - sounds weird dont use clap end of the slider and a a slider here 04:37:818 (2) -
Topic Starter

-Kanzaki wrote:

Arphimigon wrote:

Nice idea though, but you sure about the claps? I like 'em.
(no take kudos i want free SP)

acctualy the clap sound was weird when there was only one slider there when you add the slider i said clap is ok now

here i shouldn't have say "and" i should have say "or" there :D 04:37:304 (1) - sounds weird dont use clap end of the slider and a a slider here 04:37:818 (2) -
Actually I just realised that whole section wasn't really hitsounded. So I decided to up and do it just now. There is consistent clapping every 3/1 beat

It is actually much more useful than I thought to mod my own maps (you should all try it yourself) so I'mma just do one here.
No kudos.

Reduce OD a little? Streams are pretty heavy so I'd suggest using the lowest you can. (85/86ms for every 1/4)

00:28:047 (1,2) - This feels terrible to play. The curves don't compliment each other at all.
00:31:818 (5) - Disgustingly bad looking wave.
00:40:733 (3,4,5) - I don't get why but the weird misplacement of that last note is awkward.
00:51:704 (1,2,1) - B a d flow, esp with the junction of the last notes this is very weird to transition to.
00:59:076 (1) - Raise up a pixel kekeke
01:05:933 - Consider adding a note here.
01:06:104 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Oh god immediate big DS to immediate small DS this is terrible
01:07:476 (1,2,3) - Fitting the above, I would make the DS to slider 2 higher
01:15:704 (1,2,3,4,5) - I think I can see why this is done but the dramatic reduction of spacing plays badly.
01:16:390 (5,1) - Just no.
01:41:933 (2,5,6,7) - Awfully close imo looks better a bit more spread
02:02:333 (3,1,2) - Imo make into 2 sliders
02:27:704 (3,4,1,2,3) - A lot of sliders?
02:31:476 (2,3,4) - Make this nicer to hit, change the angle of the last reverse slider
03:16:390 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Transition is bad, curves don't fit.
03:49:304 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - So hard why is dis
04:08:161 (7) - Curve dis more pls
06:15:018 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Bad line made
06:36:961 (2,3,4,5,6) - This looks ugly, add more curve to the notes
07:27:361 (1,2,3,4,5) - Flow on this makes it a hell to hit

Fixed about 70% of the above thnx
w o w is dis mod? ok den

01:47:933 (3,4) - remove repeat from 3, add 1/4 slider to 01:48:104 - , make 4 1/4 slider boom slider jump section.

01:51:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I personally find this kinda weird, its too fast of a turn idk.

01:56:676 (7,8,1,2) - pls add a little angle to start/end of the stream, this looks kind of a sharp moment. Preferably something like this:

02:09:190 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - wouldn't this be better if it started with pentagon with low ds, then square with a higher ds, and then triangle with even higher ds? Like this:

02:34:647 - missing sound?

02:36:618 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this stream kinda looks random to me, there isn't anything in music?

03:25:818 (6,1) - plays weird i m o

03:43:476 (6) - change it to 1/4 repeat?

03:43:990 (2) - remove slider and put note there instead, also put note to 03:44:161 -

03:45:961 - missing sound

03:47:590 (5) - missing sound, just change them to 1/4 repeat sliders imo idk

wow im again lazy to check second part of the song, oh well maybe some time l8er, also there are probably a few more "missing sounds" I've missed.

ok this is the worst mod ever w/e
Topic Starter

diraimur wrote:

01:47:933 (3,4) - remove repeat from 3, add 1/4 slider to 01:48:104 - , make 4 1/4 slider boom slider jump section. r u cray thats a terrible diff spike
01:51:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I personally find this kinda weird, its too fast of a turn idk. I think this is one of the easier (and better) jump stream parts
01:56:676 (7,8,1,2) - pls add a little angle to start/end of the stream, this looks kind of a sharp moment. Preferably something like this: Purposeful but hey that looks good also, Ill check it over
02:09:190 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - wouldn't this be better if it started with pentagon with low ds, then square with a higher ds, and then triangle with even higher ds? Like this: No... no it wouldn't
02:34:647 - missing sound? >:( Plays better without and fits to the pattern and distancing to keep the slider
02:36:618 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this stream kinda looks random to me, there isn't anything in music? Buildup of background drums, I find them blaringly obvious
03:25:818 (6,1) - plays weird i m o I know, but I've found no better alternatives ;-; (plus i've always hit this LOL) I'll change if i can
03:43:476 (6) - change it to 1/4 repeat? This sounds better
03:43:990 (2) - remove slider and put note there instead, also put note to 03:44:161 - Its not bad but ugh this music is so repetitive and this slider highlights the small punch there was so... ugh I wanna keep
03:45:961 - missing sound Triplet doesnt really need to be emphasised at end of this section, better with more 1/2s to end of the section before the streamy part. However 03:43:133 (5) - was changed now
03:47:590 (5) - missing sound, just change them to 1/4 repeat sliders imo idk ^
I would cry but CRY THUND-
k uncalled for.
  1. 00:26:333 (1) - needs curving smoother
  2. 01:47:933 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - plays a bit weird imo
  3. 02:06:104 (10,1) - sudden spacing for?
  4. 02:20:847 (3,4) - move 4 1 pixel to the right
  5. 02:35:247 (1) - touching hp bar
  6. 02:35:933 (3,4,5,6,1) - broken spacing
  7. 05:33:876 (4,5,6) - 6 is a 5 pixels out compared to 4 and 5 being only 4 pixels out
  8. 05:39:876 (2,1) - ugly overlap
  9. 05:43:989 (5,6) - sudden unnecessary massive jump
  10. 05:58:218 (1,2,3,4) - looks slightly uneven to me
  11. 07:24:961 (3,4,5) - not the same spacing as 07:27:704 (3,4,5)
nice map, was quite fun to play even for 7:30, gl
Topic Starter

Titus wrote:

  1. 00:26:333 (1) - needs curving smoother Smoothened
  2. 01:47:933 (3,4,5,6,7,1) - plays a bit weird imo 01:48:618 (1) - Made it more right
  3. 02:06:104 (10,1) - sudden spacing for? Fixed!
  4. 02:20:847 (3,4) - move 4 1 pixel to the right Annnd done, changed it more than a pixel
  5. 02:35:247 (1) - touching hp bar Reworked last pattern into making this possible to fix
  6. 02:35:933 (3,4,5,6,1) - broken spacing I changed the flow so the spacing is still broken but perhaps this plays nicer
  7. 05:33:876 (4,5,6) - 6 is a 5 pixels out compared to 4 and 5 being only 4 pixels out fixu
  8. 05:39:876 (2,1) - ugly overlap Fixed some stuff but its kinda clustered afaik rrr
  9. 05:43:989 (5,6) - sudden unnecessary massive jump Not anymore ;)
  10. 05:58:218 (1,2,3,4) - looks slightly uneven to me Fixed
  11. 07:24:961 (3,4,5) - not the same spacing as 07:27:704 (3,4,5) aaand done!
nice map, was quite fun to play even for 7:30, gl
Ye we dicussed some of this in IRC afaik nice touches ur amazing kds well deserved.
irc thingy woo
19:08 Arphimigon: Sweetie Belle <3
19:09 Firmatorenio: nom
19:09 Arphimigon: Be my friend and mod mi map <3
19:11 Firmatorenio: which one?
19:11 Arphimigon: eoae
19:12 Arphimigon: preferrably last 2 mins only
19:12 Arphimigon: nothing big
19:12 Firmatorenio: did you remove the break after the first note?
19:12 *Firmatorenio runs
19:12 Arphimigon: wat
19:12 Arphimigon: hell no
19:13 Firmatorenio: [ you actually added that to tags lol]
19:13 Arphimigon: ye ofc
19:13 Arphimigon: thats how i make it easily accessable
19:18 Firmatorenio: just like i adderd random carrrrrrrrrrrot
19:19 Arphimigon: wat does that even mean lol
19:19 Firmatorenio: i can't mod it, it's too perfect
19:19 Arphimigon: WOW okay
19:19 Firmatorenio: i only can suggest to swap 05:17:761 (1,2) -
19:19 Arphimigon: hm
19:19 Arphimigon: it plays badly for me but i need to change that pattern anyway
19:20 Arphimigon: thanks post log for free kds
19:20 Arphimigon: 05:15:704 (1,2,3) - inconsistent DS
19:20 Firmatorenio: it plays fine
19:20 Arphimigon: 05:16:390 (3,1) - weird overlap
19:21 Arphimigon: 05:19:476 (4,1) - change of flow is hard to get into first try
19:21 Firmatorenio: isn't noticable in play mode, at least for me
19:21 Firmatorenio: i dunno, played fine
19:21 Arphimigon: lots of stuff play fine
19:21 Arphimigon: does it fit the map?
19:22 Arphimigon: anyway ill use consistent DS there anyway
19:22 Arphimigon: looks nicer i guess
19:22 Firmatorenio: 05:41:076 (3) - this thingy is strange
19:22 Arphimigon: agred
19:24 Arphimigon: gonna change that slider into 2 notes if possible
19:25 Arphimigon: also how does ar8.8 fit in
19:25 Firmatorenio: well i don't notice it unfitting, so it's fine
19:26 Arphimigon: woot 3rd person no not hate my use of low ar
19:26 Arphimigon: ur now awesome
19:26 Firmatorenio: low?..
19:26 Firmatorenio: it's pretty average
19:27 Arphimigon: its below 9
19:27 Arphimigon: is what everyone hates
19:27 Firmatorenio: 02:27:704 (1,2,3,4) - uuuh
19:27 Arphimigon: even if it was 8.9
19:27 Arphimigon: problem?
19:27 Firmatorenio: strange spacing
19:28 Arphimigon: 02:15:361 (1,2,3,4) - 02:16:733 (1,2,3,4) - 02:26:333 (1,2,3,4) - increasing DS
19:28 Arphimigon: its just 3x
19:28 Arphimigon: last one was 2.7
19:30 Firmatorenio: 04:00:618 (2,3,4) - teach me to read these things ._.
19:30 Arphimigon: 03:59:247 (2,3,4) -
19:31 Arphimigon: i havent had a single person mishit any of them but eh
19:31 Arphimigon: then again stream jumps before
19:31 Firmatorenio: it's not exactly in that place
19:31 Firmatorenio: i barely read that combination
19:31 Arphimigon: ik
19:32 Firmatorenio: 04:41:590 (7,8,1) - lol spacing xD
19:32 Arphimigon: well
19:32 Arphimigon: 04:40:561 (5,6) -
19:32 Arphimigon: i can make it more even
19:32 Arphimigon: done
19:34 Firmatorenio: actually i'll point this
19:35 Firmatorenio: 05:36:790 (4,5) - does this even flow?
19:35 Arphimigon: yes it does lol
19:35 Arphimigon: you didnt like it?
19:35 Firmatorenio: yea lol
19:36 Arphimigon: 05:36:276 (1,2,3,4) - circular motion
19:36 Arphimigon: should make that slider easy to hit
19:36 Arphimigon: at least thats what ive seen in testing but okay
19:37 Firmatorenio: that circular motion is quite wide not to miss the end of that slider... but i guess i'm just not suited well for 5.5 star maps
19:37 Arphimigon: hmm
19:37 Arphimigon: and im suited for 6.5 stars maps asdf
19:37 Arphimigon: none of us are even suited for this
19:39 Firmatorenio: i'd point muuuch more be it a 4.5 star map lol
05:26:333 (4,1) - bad overlap
06:04:390 (3,4,5,6,7) - bad stream shape (considering 06:04:047 (2) - )
06:10:561 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - dis part is weird imo, first they are manual stacks, then they are jump, idk.
06:12:790 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - increase spacing /me runs
06:23:333 - , 06:23:676 - , 06:24:190 - remove notes imo also 06:23:590 - and 06:24:104 - have different sound values than the others so care
06:38:333 - sth like this for better flow maybe?
add note to 06:45:276 - imo
06:59:933 (1) - this feels unnatural to me but should be fine i think idk.
07:05:418 (1) - ^
07:10:904 (1) - this is fine

k lets check the first part again since u remapped 99th time

00:39:018 (1,2) - wat. the overlaps. wat.
01:51:190 (8,9,1,2) - bad flow
02:00:961 (1,2) - remove and put 1/2 slider to 02:00:961 - idk it might be bad asfdgfh
02:55:818 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 0.7~~ish ds to 1 ds suddenly is big change imo, try to smooth the transition imo.

most rushed mod 2k15
Topic Starter

diraimur wrote:

05:26:333 (4,1) - bad overlap
06:04:390 (3,4,5,6,7) - bad stream shape (considering 06:04:047 (2) - ) Plays fine had multiple tests
06:10:561 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - dis part is weird imo, first they are manual stacks, then they are jump, idk. YE THEY ARE SO WEIRD i cant fix like everything i do sucks gonna try something else
06:12:790 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - increase spacing /me runs no
06:23:333 - , 06:23:676 - , 06:24:190 - remove notes imo also 06:23:590 - and 06:24:104 - have different sound values than the others so care I like dis sry
06:38:333 - sth like this for better flow maybe? Mine flows fine and yours is too clustered but I like the idea
add note to 06:45:276 - imo could work... Ill try it
06:59:933 (1) - this feels unnatural to me but should be fine i think idk. Wow why didnt i even put that t- oh its from v2 lol
07:05:418 (1) - ^ a s d f this is fine imo it fits the left and right motion nicely
07:10:904 (1) - this is fine Ye abusing slider leniency

k lets check the first part again since u remapped 99th time

00:39:018 (1,2) - wat. the overlaps. wat. 11/10 overlaps u mad
01:51:190 (8,9,1,2) - bad flow Will revise this
02:00:961 (1,2) - remove and put 1/2 slider to 02:00:961 - idk it might be bad asfdgfh Mine or yours worked, i tried to add something not repetitive here but will change if it is called up again
02:55:818 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 0.7~~ish ds to 1 ds suddenly is big change imo, try to smooth the transition imo. asdf ill try but not guaranteeing anything here lmao

most rushed mod 2k15
ayy lmao shitmod inc


00:46:561 (4,5,1) - consistent DS between 4-5 and 5-1?
00:48:961 (4,5,1) - ^^^
01:00:618 (1) - you could map this part but eh whatever (spinner is kinda boring)
01:10:476 (2) - is there a sound, i can't hear any
01:16:218 (3,1,2,3) - nerf jump from 3 to 1 and buff rest of ones IMO, it would fit the song more
01:17:076 - 01:38:847 - in this part you're using only 5-note bursts and it's easy to notice how the rhythm is repetitive, maybe change a few streams into 1/4 sliders
01:29:676 (2) - random note again
01:42:018 - missed note
01:42:361, 01:43:733 - you're just keep skipping 1/4th before triplet, I guess it's intended, but you could use 1/4 slider or sth to not repeat bursts

further in the map you still skip it so I'm not gonna list them - IMO you should map all drums if you've started it at 01:17:076, or at least use sliders to cover blank spaces

01:47:504 - make 1/4 longer or use note
01:48:876 - def. note here
01:50:504 (7,1) - fk'd up NC
01:51:704 (5,6) - DS plz
02:00:447 (6) - wut is this slider even mapping
02:42:104 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - consistent DS
02:49:047 (1) - maybe slow slider into 1/4 sliders or stream
02:52:304 (8,1) - DS again
02:52:818 (3) - 1/4 clearly here, maybe just map it
02:54:361 - note
02:59:504 (6) - delete
02:59:504 (6) - ^
03:06:533 (7) - also no sound
03:10:476 (6) - ^
04:23:590 (1) - long sliders maybe for second half of map (04:23:933, 04:26:676, 04:28:047, 04:29:418, 04:30:790, 04:32:161)
04:36:618 (5,6) - you can repeat the same pattern, should be readable np
04:45:190 (3,1) - increase spacing a bit IMO, would play better
04:55:818 (6,1) - change 6 into repeat and 1 into normal
06:11:419 (2,3) - ctrl+g, if not, at least swap finishes cuz u fk'd up I think
06:32:676 (2,3,4) - DS

btw I don't know who is this guy in sb, but he's lame GV plz 8-)
Topic Starter

Alexefer wrote:

ayy lmao shitmod inc


00:46:561 (4,5,1) - consistent DS between 4-5 and 5-1? This plays nicer imo
00:48:961 (4,5,1) - ^^^ ^ but i changed it to make it even more out of consistency
01:00:618 (1) - you could map this part but eh whatever (spinner is kinda boring) spinner makes most sense to me and to some others
01:10:476 (2) - is there a sound, i can't hear any LOL there isnt a sound ahahaha but i wanna keep it cus consistncy but fine no sound k but it sounds like there is a sound on full speed and 100% speed is more reliable than 25% so im sticking with the note being added
01:16:218 (3,1,2,3) - nerf jump from 3 to 1 and buff rest of ones IMO, it would fit the song more did it very minorly
01:17:076 - 01:38:847 - in this part you're using only 5-note bursts and it's easy to notice how the rhythm is repetitive, maybe change a few streams into 1/4 sliders no thanks sliders change the emphasis on parts and i dont want 1/4 snaps here at all
01:29:676 (2) - random note again its for consistency but i might remove, if i can add something that makes sense during play i'll add it since its better with than without
01:42:018 - missed note feels worse to play in game, hardly audible and sudden
01:42:361, 01:43:733 - you're just keep skipping 1/4th before triplet, I guess it's intended, but you could use 1/4 slider or sth to not repeat bursts
idk what you mean lmao

further in the map you still skip it so I'm not gonna list them - IMO you should map all drums if you've started it at 01:17:076, or at least use sliders to cover blank spaces

01:47:504 - make 1/4 longer or use note ruins structure imo that would mess the whole pattern
01:48:876 - def. note here man i dont wanna map eactly to the song i wanna map to what seems obvious at the point to play, this isnt at all, not adding sorry
01:50:504 (7,1) - fk'd up NC LOL ur rite
01:51:704 (5,6) - DS plz should be playable, but fixed anyway
02:00:447 (6) - wut is this slider even mapping id it makes sense to me to keep it but i wold really want a different idea if you have one ;-;
02:42:104 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - consistent DS ik i need to remove 02:42:533 - anyway
02:49:047 (1) - maybe slow slider into 1/4 sliders or stream i would change but this is reallly easy to play (easier than it looks) so no thanks
02:52:304 (8,1) - DS again i dont see the problem
02:52:818 (3) - 1/4 clearly here, maybe just map it r u listening on 50% or smth because ive heard this song 100 times and never heard those until i slown it down, so i think they arent obvious enough to map
02:54:361 - note after a reverse slider? no pls not 1/4s after reverses they dont play intuitively enough
02:59:504 (6) - delete
02:59:504 (6) - ^ those both played and felt so good before, i need another opinion about deleting them but fine
03:06:533 (7) - also no sound makes sense to tap this before the stream
03:10:476 (6) - ^ kinda same thing
04:23:590 (1) - long sliders maybe for second half of map (04:23:933, 04:26:676, 04:28:047, 04:29:418, 04:30:790, 04:32:161) i tried, they always never fit the break as much as silenceeee
04:36:618 (5,6) - you can repeat the same pattern, should be readable np ye but the increase of DS wouldnt fit
04:45:190 (3,1) - increase spacing a bit IMO, would play better might do but i dont like it personally, small spacing is good when its calm
04:55:818 (6,1) - change 6 into repeat and 1 into normal thats terrible rhythm imo
06:11:419 (2,3) - ctrl+g, if not, at least swap finishes cuz u fk'd up I think remappd this whole section from the last 3 mods LMAO
06:32:676 (2,3,4) - DS intended
I dont think you understood my rhythm at all, my rhythm is based off purely what would make sense in that moment during play, guided by the song but not forced completely.
Modding done:


00:33:533 (1) - Too curved sliders do not represent long-lasting vocals well enough. Furthermore their curve makes flow too forceful for the player. I suggest you refrain from using them, especially in this part. (This is a subjective matter though)
00:37:304 (1) - Get rid of the 3rd red anchor. It gives a pointy part on the sexy-wannabe curve.
00:40:733 (3,4) - Nazi aesthetic thingy but beware of the overlaps that remains sometimes make.
00:48:961 (4,5,1) - Use the exact same spacing as 00:46:219 (4,5,1) - because there is nothing different in the chorus about these 2 sections. (Aside from leaving the intro, but you make up for it with the use of a slider).
00:53:761 (1,2,3,4) - (1) is less curved than (2) which is more curved than (3) which is less curved than (4). All curves are uneven. Again, this is for the aesthetics. It does not affect gameplay.
00:56:504 - Don't skip that beat. It is confusing while playing, especially when you start that slider on the red tick. That is mostly because the tension (which you do well by representing with high-ish DS) is clearly stored in the white tick.
00:58:561 (3,1) - The spacing used here does not fully justify the tension created by the change of note-usage on the electric guitar. The main reason that is an issue is because you skip 00:58:904 - Which is an important white tick that should be used to represent said change with further cursor movement.
I suggest you use this pattern. (Remove reverse point and add note at (114,110)
00:59:247 - Don't skip that for the sake of rhythmical consistency, since you make the player tap on that beat for every instance used so far.
01:00:618 (1) - Not sure if a spinner fits here. I get that there is a increasing sound on the background but compared to the beats, it's less noticeable. You can leave it be though.
01:05:933 - Vocals begin here, so should the storyboard element. (Lyrics)
01:15:704 (1,2,3) - Buff the jump a bit more. The player does not go until the end of the slider, so calculate DS by having it's middle as benchmark.
01:16:561 (1,2,3) - What does the different use of DS stand for here? Better keep DS steady for these 3 since they are exactly the same. (Just slightly lower pitch).
01:28:047 (1,2,3) - Basically on the end of the slider, in order for the stream to be completed, little to none cursor movement is required. Is that really how you want to represent such a strong electric-guitar beat?
01:39:018 - Regarding the storyboard: Instead of making a simple "Start,End" moving on the x-axis and then on the y-axis. Why not just make a "Start" When the stream starts and an "End" when the stream ends?
01:42:447 (5,6,7) - Same as the end-streams on the sliders. Such a strong point in the chorus is represented with little to none cursor movement. It's a shame, isn't it?
01:47:590 (2,3,4,5) - I suggest representing the "Con" with a slider (as you have done) as well as the "structs" with another slider. Since they are part of the same phrase. A triplet seems out of place there.
01:53:761 (5,1) - Leaving the patterns just like you begun makes more sense.
02:16:733 (1,2,3,4) - Use same spacing as02:15:361 (1,2,3,4) - Since they are the same.
02:27:704 (1,2,3,4) - Where did the claps go?
02:33:018 (3,4,5,6) - The transition is very no-user-friendly flow since the player is required to perform partly circular movement while transiting into (3), make a linear jump towards the stream by moving diagonally and then forcefully move a bit up and right in order to complete the stream. "Forcefully" is because if this was a slider, the player would have more freedom of movement, but in this case, accuracy is his best bet. Relying completely on accuracy makes the pattern hard but not fun.
02:34:904 (5,1) - Nazi imperfect blanket. (Move away from the letters on 1/8 BSD)
02:34:647 - Don't skip that since it's not only very noticeable but you have also mapped beats of the same nature before.
02:37:990 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - For god's sake use some more DS! The chorus is screaming for it! :o
03:10:218 (5) - Ctrl+G please.
03:12:276 (1) - Too curved slider. Yuck.
03:12:618 (2,3) - Transition is forceful (and weird) due to the flow that the slider's position creates. This is why. (Red = Broken/Bad flow)
03:26:333 (2,1) - DS usage: 2.75
03:27:704 (2,1) - DS usage: 1.5 while being the same as the one above.
04:04:047 (8,1,2,3) - You break the flow too many times and it becomes unpleasant during this pattern.
05:17:933 (6,1) - Same unpleasant flow instance. What really makes this bad is that the player is forced to follow this flow due to the existence of sliders.
05:19:476 (4) - Move this somewhere around (160,330) in order to nerf the jump into it (because it's not justified by the tension) and to buff the jump on the next slider which contains a strong beat on it's head.
05:25:304 (1,2,3) - Constant DS despite the presence of another strong beat? At least break the flow a bit.
05:46:733 (4,5) - Don't lower cursor movement here, you already do this with triplets. Buff this jump.
05:48:961 (2,1) - This is really bad. Both in terms of mapping and gameplay. You give no credit to this huge-ass white tick and treat is with a simple 1.0 DS while 05:39:361 (2,1) - here you do otherwise. Or here 05:37:818 (2,1) -. Generally these sections are treated quite differently both in terms of rhythm and spacing. I see no point in doing something like that though,
05:50:333 (2,1) - Welp, same.
05:54:790 (3,6) - No claps?
05:56:161 (4,8) - No claps?
05:56:418 (7) - This is mapping nothing. (Don't tell me it's the vocals because you have not mapped the vocals for a long time during this part of the song).
06:12:790 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Strong as fuck beats and vocals, 0.7SV-Like cursor movement. Are you really supporting this? (This is one example out of many)
06:52:390 (3) - Find a way to bring out that beat. I have no suggestions that include altering your current pattern.
07:03:704 (4,1) - Look where the slider tail is facing and look where you want the player to go. The slider is not played as it is meant to be.
07:10:904 (1,2) - Nazi imperfect blanket. (Move timeline center on the note)
07:19:133 (1,2,3) - Use jumps, make a big finale. Your song deserves it.
07:21:876 (1,2,3) - Same stuff.


- What is the relation of the Asian sailor boy to the song?
- The majority of your steams could be a bit wider. I feel like you are holding the player back with such low DS in the whole of them.

Cool song and map. I feel like the storyboard could have been done a bit better. (It's really cool as it is tho :o)
Topic Starter

Exa wrote:

Modding done:


00:33:533 (1) - Too curved sliders do not represent long-lasting vocals well enough. Furthermore their curve makes flow too forceful for the player. I suggest you refrain from using them, especially in this part. (This is a subjective matter though) Completely subjective manner but I don't think these curves are forceful to any extent, they are almost linear and can be pretty much played as so, no change
00:37:304 (1) - Get rid of the 3rd red anchor. Give it a pointy part on the sexy-wannabe curve. I'll see what i can do but no guarantees
00:40:733 (3,4) - Nazi aesthetic thingy but beware of the overlaps that remains sometimes make. Follow points arent neccesary to play with so that can basically make no difference but changed a little
00:48:961 (4,5,1) - Use the exact same spacing as 00:46:219 (4,5,1) - because there is nothing different in the chorus about these 2 sections. (Aside from leaving the intro, but you make up for it with the use of a slider). higher pitch and building up to the next next section yh
00:53:761 (1,2,3,4) - (1) is less curved than (2) which is more curved than (3) which is less curved than (4). All curves are uneven. Again, this is for the aesthetics. It does not affect gameplay. these curves are all even where did you evn get this from
00:56:504 - Don't skip that beat. It is confusing while playing, especially when you start that slider on the red tick. That is mostly because the tension (which you do well by representing with high-ish DS) is clearly stored in the white tick. I dont see much tension built up here anyway but there isnt high DS at all esp compared to the larger spacing before, also hitting that white tick feels inaudiable and because of the missed beats in the sliders before (esp the reverse slider missing hittable beats) i think that skipping the white beat to fit the instrumental feels more fitting here
00:58:561 (3,1) - The spacing used here does not fully justify the tension created by the change of note-usage on the electric guitar. The main reason that is an issue is because you skip 00:58:904 - Which is an important white tick that should be used to represent said change with further cursor movement. I dont completely understand your reasoning here but this plays fine to every tester I've had (this pattern hasn't changed since 5 months, not a single pixel) and the reduced tension from making a reverse slider beforehand makes that slider easier to hit, not harder
I suggest you use this pattern. (Remove reverse point and add note at (114,110)
00:59:247 - Don't skip that for the sake of rhythmical consistency, since you make the player tap on that beat for every instance used so far. no, no i havent. It makes more sense to have rhythmical consistency in this case because well... a confusing rhythm is worse to play then one that fits the song but feels bad when playing. This makes rhythmical sense and plays nicer due to the consistency esp on a sightread run
01:00:618 (1) - Not sure if a spinner fits here. I get that there is a increasing sound on the background but compared to the beats, it's less noticeable. You can leave it be though. leaving it be since i like that sound in the background more then adding boring small sliders and skipped beats
01:05:933 - Vocals begin here, so should the storyboard element. (Lyrics) I'll get GV
01:15:704 (1,2,3) - Buff the jump a bit more. The player does not go until the end of the slider, so calculate DS by having it's middle as benchmark. I did, this is not meant to be a jump at all. Actually it was originally just mapped as a stack-like pattern, keeping as is
01:16:561 (1,2,3) - What does the different use of DS stand for here? Better keep DS steady for these 3 since they are exactly the same. (Just slightly lower pitch). felt fine but rip i have to change
01:28:047 (1,2,3) - Basically on the end of the slider, in order for the stream to be completed, little to none cursor movement is required. Is that really how you want to represent such a strong electric-guitar beat? I don't see the problem here, the guitar is hardly even any stronger than it is before
01:39:018 - Regarding the storyboard: Instead of making a simple "Start,End" moving on the x-axis and then on the y-axis. Why not just make a "Start" When the stream starts and an "End" when the stream ends? (for GV: because the stream might change later rip
01:42:447 (5,6,7) - Same as the end-streams on the sliders. Such a strong point in the chorus is represented with little to none cursor movement. It's a shame, isn't it? High DS isnt needed for something people can barely hear, subjective manner. (also high DS ruins the patterning lmao )
01:47:590 (2,3,4,5) - I suggest representing the "Con" with a slider (as you have done) as well as the "structs" with another slider. Since they are part of the same phrase. A triplet seems out of place there. Not mapping very much to the lyrics at all, purely instrumental section
01:53:761 (5,1) - Leaving the patterns just like you begun makes more sense. i dont get what you mean this hasnt changed in 5 months lmao
02:16:733 (1,2,3,4) - Use same spacing as 02:15:361 (1,2,3,4) - Since they are the same. all the kiais use slightly increasing DS over the kiais because well... the jumps dont fit the difficulty of the streams if i keep them low and purely high DS jumps are overwhelming so I used both to make it a compromise
02:27:704 (1,2,3,4) - Where did the claps go? TRUE THAT
02:33:018 (3,4,5,6) - The transition is very no-user-friendly flow since the player is required to perform partly circular movement while transiting into (3), make a linear jump towards the stream by moving diagonally and then forcefully move a bit up and right in order to complete the stream. "Forcefully" is because if this was a slider, the player would have more freedom of movement, but in this case, accuracy is his best bet. Relying completely on accuracy makes the pattern hard but not fun. You ctrl-ged the slider wrong so that flow was drawn wrong heh i would never do that (ps this was meant to be od7 i shuld die right now) and because sliders can abuse slider leniency the transition from the slider to the note then to the correct movement need for the triplet becomees much easier than you explained as 2 snaps arent needed but only one allowing the change of flow to come more naturally
02:34:904 (5,1) - Nazi imperfect blanket. (Move away from the letters on 1/8 BSD) oki
02:34:647 - Don't skip that since it's not only very noticeable but you have also mapped beats of the same nature before. 1/2s ruin the finishing ending for the kiais, it causes too much emphasis on the blue ticks when pure emphasis its better on the 1/2s
02:37:990 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - For god's sake use some more DS! The chorus is screaming for it! :o I would love to without rekting the pattern but i cant now
03:10:218 (5) - Ctrl+G please.Ay okay
03:12:276 (1) - Too curved slider. Yuck. subjective matter plays almost linearly and looks fine to me
03:12:618 (2,3) - Transition is forceful (and weird) due to the flow that the slider's position creates. This is why. (Red = Broken/Bad flow) agreed will fix if i can
03:26:333 (2,1) - DS usage: 2.75
03:27:704 (2,1) - DS usage: 1.5 while being the same as the one above. Sliders act very interesting leading to jumps but fixed as much as I could
04:04:047 (8,1,2,3) - You break the flow too many times and it becomes unpleasant during this pattern. I have asked other mappers and players how that section has played and they have all liked the change in flow here, it adds more variety without totally killing the spirit
05:17:933 (6,1) - Same unpleasant flow instance. What really makes this bad is that the player is forced to follow this flow due to the existence of sliders. It was a bad idea but due to the last and next pattern making a jumpy pattern here is almost impossible, will try to fix again
05:19:476 (4) - Move this somewhere around (160,330) in order to nerf the jump into it (because it's not justified by the tension) and to buff the jump on the next slider which contains a strong beat on it's head. Would love to but it makes the next slider way too hard to hit as it requires an awkward jagged movement to hit the head which would cause an annoying sliderbreak
05:25:304 (1,2,3) - Constant DS despite the presence of another strong beat? At least break the flow a bit.Increased DS amazing
05:46:733 (4,5) - Don't lower cursor movement here, you already do this with triplets. Buff this jump. Jump is high DS enough imo
05:48:961 (2,1) - This is really bad. Both in terms of mapping and gameplay. You give no credit to this huge-ass white tick and treat is with a simple 1.0 DS I dont want to emphasis so much as getting INTO the jumps all the time as the actual jumps themselves, but will try to fix05:39:361 (2,1) - while here you do otherwise. Or here 05:37:818 (2,1) -. Generally these sections are treated quite differently both in terms of rhythm and spacing. I see no point in doing something like that though,
05:50:333 (2,1) - Welp, same. I dont agree to changing this due to the way slider leniency causes this to actually become circular not linear (even though it looks the opposite) but fine Ill change for the sake of objectivity
05:54:790 (3,6) - No claps? I forgot
05:56:161 (4,8) - No claps? I forgot
05:56:418 (7) - This is mapping nothing. (Don't tell me it's the vocals because you have not mapped the vocals for a long time during this part of the song). ugh its for transitioning and it fits so well in play asdf i dont wanna remove this and people like it asdjhaskdjhasdkj fine
06:12:790 (6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Strong as fuck beats and vocals, 0.7SV-Like cursor movement. Are you really supporting this? (This is one example out of many) I am supporting this, big spacing would be too sudden after these jumps and previous streams have been in low DS so I dont want to break that so late into the map
06:52:390 (3) - Find a way to bring out that beat. I have no suggestions that include altering your current pattern. Tru that I will try to see what I can do
07:03:704 (4,1) - Look where the slider tail is facing and look where you want the player to go. The slider is not played as it is meant to be. actually it is I intended for this leniency to be abused and i used a curve to fit the last pattern of curves, it plays how i intended
07:10:904 (1,2) - Nazi imperfect blanket. (Move timeline center on the note) done i think
07:19:133 (1,2,3) - Use jumps, make a big finale. Your song deserves it. Adding jumps at the start is too hard of a transition, it was like that for4 or so months and 90% of players failed to sightread it due to sudden sliderjumping which happened at no other point now i myself would LOVE to add them but statistic prove that is gonna be more of a problem than a benefit
07:21:876 (1,2,3) - Same stuff. consistency issue then with the above


- What is the relation of the Asian sailor boy to the song? GV!!!
- The majority of your steams could be a bit wider. I feel like you are holding the player back with such low DS in the whole of them. Subjectivity thing, i hate spaced streams and so I wanted to make a map which is kinda snappy without too many large flowy streams in it

Cool song and map. I feel like the storyboard could have been done a bit better. (It's really cool as it is tho :o) GV!!!
Yes I feel bad for rejecting over 80% of this, turns out there is subjectivity in objectivity...
Oh well
Cerulean Veyron

Exa wrote:

[Desire bugatti leet sb yolo]

01:05:933 - Vocals begin here, so should the storyboard element. (Lyrics) Okay

01:39:018 - Regarding the storyboard: Instead of making a simple "Start,End" moving on the x-axis and then on the y-axis. Why not just make a "Start" When the stream starts and an "End" when the stream ends? Oh cool, splitting up is awesome and just to be used for the streams, nice objective reasoning. If this would face inconsistency with the next similar parts, I'd be dam impressed to drift 180° and hit you by accident (even tho it's on purpose). Okay, sorry for being offensive :''<


- What is the relation of the Asian sailor boy to the song?
Ahh, that question... bare with me, Exa!

Okay, There's this musical broadcast called "Catch Me If You Can". It's about a boy wanting to take over "the land" (probably an airport or sth) for his emotional family and all those humans' stories. Conning millions of $ by creating a shtload of fake checks, and goes FTW! in his pilot job.... Instead of a "sailor". And all of those wtf scene, he got caught on an epic chase and sentenced to a fifteen years in jail, but released after seven years because yolo. He tried another way legally, without another shtstorm that he did last time. As soon as he got a promotion, he finally took over "the land" and with another all wtf scenes. As he represented the END OF AN EMPIRE.

For the relations with the song, let me do this for short. A boy that DESIRE to CONQUER and puts an END to the EMPIRE, and tries his best that no one steps IN THE LINE OF A GUNFIRE. After the truth uncovered, he was AT THE EGDE OF THE HELLFIRE. Through the chase, he CAN'T ESCAPE THE PARADIGM. Finally sentenced to jail and released so fkn early and lived happily ever after~ ... No, IN THE DEATH OF A DESIRE, He got the huge advantage and IT'S THE END OF AN EMPIRE.

Ahahahaahh, I didn't expect to write all of this. Now in general, to explain why I'd like to keep my human mode:
- If I replace it into the FF Dark Knight (the current BG of the beatmap), It'll be a little too dark for some notes since Arphi used a darker brown combo color, and I used a dark red color for the SB, which would inflict 60% with the SB BG.
Sth like this would explain everything:-

And with default skin, It can surely be seen because of the white strokes.
What I'm worried about, is that 46.11% of all players in osu! using their own skin for playing any beatmaps, this might commit some players that are using darker skin as well (including me). Which is a little.... dangerous.... I M O

- One more thing on the flashlight mode with this Dark Knight BG... Could you even read the lyrics on this part with this kind of infliction?

I think this is enough, If you have sth more to say about it, feel free to tell me.

Exa wrote:

- The majority of your steams could be a bit wider. I feel like you are holding the player back with such low DS in the whole of them. I'm pretty sure the streams are obviously fine, just as I played Arphi's Desire twice and uploaded them on my Youtube channel. It's just to help players stream "effectively better" with low DS when it comes up into some long streams ;p

Cool song and map. I feel like the storyboard could have been done a bit better. (It's really cool as it is tho :o) If I could make the SB more 1337, I might add more details later in the future. Unless modders after you would say so ;p

Okay, I got it... Here's the updated SB
04:23 Slick: but i think making the ticks and sliderend lower volume
04:23 Slick: would fit here
04:23 Arphimigon: oh good idea on that too
04:24 Arphimigon: slider starts = 30%
04:24 Arphimigon: ticks = 5%
04:24 Arphimigon: ends = 15%
04:24 Arphimigon: so they are audible
04:24 Slick: seems good
04:24 Slick: yeah
04:26 Arphimigon: actually gonna make the ends 30%
04:26 Slick: why?
04:26 Arphimigon: cus the reverse slider might be problem otherwise
04:26 Arphimigon: or
04:26 Slick: only silence this 04:31:818 -
04:26 Arphimigon: make em all 15 but the second reverse of the big slider has 30
04:27 Slick: on this slider 04:29:076 (1) -
04:27 Arphimigon: unlike the other sliders
04:27 Arphimigon: all the parts of that slider can be heard in the music
04:28 Arphimigon: so i think ill keep that one at 30
04:28 Arphimigon: (except the ticks)
04:28 Slick: update!
04:28 Arphimigon: im not done ;-;
04:29 Arphimigon: updating
04:29 Arphimigon: yee
04:40 Slick: shouldn't 04:34:561 -
04:40 Slick: have lower volume
04:40 Slick: it's a calm part
04:40 Slick: and it has same volume as kiai
04:40 Arphimigon: what about it
04:40 Arphimigon: uh
04:40 Arphimigon: idk i guess it should
04:40 Arphimigon: 35
04:41 Arphimigon: eh too low 40
04:41 Arphimigon: ye thats nice
04:42 Arphimigon: i should hitsound this section 04:46:829 -
04:42 Arphimigon: i have some ideas to hitsound it
Topic Starter

Slick wrote:

04:23 Slick: but i think making the ticks and sliderend lower volume
04:23 Slick: would fit here
04:23 Arphimigon: oh good idea on that too
04:24 Arphimigon: slider starts = 30%
04:24 Arphimigon: ticks = 5%
04:24 Arphimigon: ends = 15%
04:24 Arphimigon: so they are audible
04:24 Slick: seems good
04:24 Slick: yeah
04:26 Arphimigon: actually gonna make the ends 30%
04:26 Slick: why?
04:26 Arphimigon: cus the reverse slider might be problem otherwise
04:26 Arphimigon: or
04:26 Slick: only silence this 04:31:818 -
04:26 Arphimigon: make em all 15 but the second reverse of the big slider has 30
04:27 Slick: on this slider 04:29:076 (1) -
04:27 Arphimigon: unlike the other sliders
04:27 Arphimigon: all the parts of that slider can be heard in the music
04:28 Arphimigon: so i think ill keep that one at 30
04:28 Arphimigon: (except the ticks)
04:28 Slick: update!
04:28 Arphimigon: im not done ;-;
04:29 Arphimigon: updating
04:29 Arphimigon: yee
04:40 Slick: shouldn't 04:34:561 -
04:40 Slick: have lower volume
04:40 Slick: it's a calm part
04:40 Slick: and it has same volume as kiai
04:40 Arphimigon: what about it
04:40 Arphimigon: uh
04:40 Arphimigon: idk i guess it should
04:40 Arphimigon: 35
04:41 Arphimigon: eh too low 40
04:41 Arphimigon: ye thats nice
04:42 Arphimigon: i should hitsound this section 04:46:829 -
04:42 Arphimigon: i have some ideas to hitsound it
That IRC actually lasted WAY longer but ye, 11/10 cutting.
Hitsounded a whole section and filled in a break with sliders, good days.
sick mod

01:52:218 (2) - change this to two sliders instead of one to hit the wub wubs.

02:01:818 (4) - (suggestion) change to 3 hitcircles

02:34:561 (3,4) - add a hitcircle between and make it a stack

02:35:933 (3,4,5,6) - make into 2 3 hitcircle stacks
no example ayy lmao

06:23:676 (6) - remove hitcircle (sudden pause with the drum or something) and move 06:23:247 (1,2,3,4,5)

06:34:561 (5,6) - (suggestion) add a hitcircle between and remove one from here 06:35:161 (12)

07:06:790 (1,2,3,4) - sounds mistimed.

sick song
Topic Starter

riktoi wrote:

sick mod

01:52:218 (2) - change this to two sliders instead of one to hit the wub wubs.
Wobs are inaudible on a sightread first run without slowig down the music ;-; I never even heard them and I've heard this more than 100 times

02:01:818 (4) - (suggestion) change to 3 hitcircles
Ruins rhythmical consistency

02:34:561 (3,4) - add a hitcircle between and make it a stack

02:35:933 (3,4,5,6) - make into 2 3 hitcircle stacks
no example ayy lmao
No pls i already chnged it above

06:23:676 (6) - remove hitcircle (sudden pause with the drum or something) and move 06:23:247 (1,2,3,4,5)
Nooo mapping consistency + simplicity of sightreading are both lost there right at the end of the map plssss and this fits so well on 100% if you are already streaming making it intuitive to play since it sounds like a deathstream asdf

06:34:561 (5,6) - (suggestion) add a hitcircle between and remove one from here 06:35:161 (12)
Again simplicity stuff here sounds like there is a stream when playing

07:06:790 (1,2,3,4) - sounds mistimed.
Added a new pattern completely

2015-07-31 00:28 Asonate: also, why AR 8.8
2015-07-31 00:29 Arphimigon: uh
2015-07-31 00:29 Arphimigon: high density fits better than low imo
2015-07-31 00:29 Asonate: ok, as you wish
2015-07-31 00:29 Arphimigon: with a song like this there is an emphasis on overall tone
2015-07-31 00:29 Arphimigon: and high ar fits beat-to-beat more
2015-07-31 00:30 Asonate: i can read it, but prepare to get insulted by 10k guys who cant DT/HR it and cant read 8.8
2015-07-31 00:30 Arphimigon: plus my patterns are quite easy to read cus i know what sucks in low ar
2015-07-31 00:30 Arphimigon: pffft they suck
2015-07-31 00:30 Asonate: yeah, it flowed really nicely
2015-07-31 00:30 Arphimigon: learn to EZ it
2015-07-31 00:30 Arphimigon: scrubs
2015-07-31 00:31 Asonate: i can ez only about 4 star shit
2015-07-31 00:31 Asonate: too high density on insanes :/
2015-07-31 00:31 Arphimigon: EZDTing 4 star shit woot 6 stars
2015-07-31 00:31 Arphimigon: EZ Pensamento EZ Scarlet ro- wtf are talking about
2015-07-31 00:32 Asonate: 01:10:733 (4) - maybe make this stack the same spacing as 01:10:561 (3) - this one ?
2015-07-31 00:32 Arphimigon: i tried and it played weird
2015-07-31 00:32 Arphimigon: imma increase the spacing of the first instead
2015-07-31 00:33 Asonate: 01:12:533 (5) - out of interest, is this intentionally overmapped ?
2015-07-31 00:33 Asonate: oki
2015-07-31 00:33 Arphimigon: it feels better on sightread
2015-07-31 00:33 Asonate: YES
2015-07-31 00:33 Asonate: I LOVE YOU
2015-07-31 00:33 Arphimigon: i map in 100% so i choose the simplest rhythm for that moment
2015-07-31 00:33 Asonate: our sights on mapping are really similar :D
2015-07-31 00:34 Arphimigon: haha
2015-07-31 00:34 Arphimigon: pro mappin skillz
2015-07-31 00:34 Asonate: I guess thats why you clash with exa ?
2015-07-31 00:34 Asonate: Hes really against overmapping
2015-07-31 00:34 Asonate: We debated an hour about that today :'D
2015-07-31 00:34 Arphimigon: well i only overmapped because it made it simpler at that moment
2015-07-31 00:35 Asonate: well, choose between 1/4 double, 1/4 nothing, on repeat
2015-07-31 00:35 Asonate: or stream
2015-07-31 00:35 Asonate: on 270 bpm
2015-07-31 00:35 Arphimigon: 02:32:676 (2,3,4,5,6) - we clashed on the flow of this
2015-07-31 00:35 Asonate: i guess stream should win there :/
2015-07-31 00:35 Arphimigon: 1/4 kickslider
2015-07-31 00:35 Arphimigon: s
2015-07-31 00:36 Asonate: i dont see a kickslider
2015-07-31 00:36 Arphimigon: im talking about u
2015-07-31 00:36 Arphimigon: 1/4 kicksldierssss
2015-07-31 00:36 Asonate: on the 270 map ?
2015-07-31 00:36 Arphimigon: is this an IRC mod or are we talking about Exa now
2015-07-31 00:36 Asonate: both
2015-07-31 00:36 Arphimigon: o oki
2015-07-31 00:36 Arphimigon: was confued
2015-07-31 00:36 Asonate: on what map do i apply the timestamp you posted now ?
2015-07-31 00:37 Arphimigon: mine
2015-07-31 00:37 Arphimigon: ...
2015-07-31 00:37 Asonate: that flows nice
2015-07-31 00:37 Asonate: imo
2015-07-31 00:37 Asonate: brb
2015-07-31 00:37 Arphimigon: I agree!
2015-07-31 00:41 Asonate: 00:57:876 (1,2,3) - if youre going for a triangle here, you have to move 1 down a bit
2015-07-31 00:42 Arphimigon: ur rite
2015-07-31 00:42 Arphimigon: dun
2015-07-31 00:43 Asonate: 01:51:276 (8,1) - that flows a bit worse
2015-07-31 00:43 Asonate: not a big deal, but dun
2015-07-31 00:45 Asonate: 02:38:333 (3) - this is evil D:
2015-07-31 00:46 Arphimigon: ik
2015-07-31 00:46 Arphimigon: i need to change whole pattern
2015-07-31 00:46 Arphimigon: but
2015-07-31 00:46 Arphimigon: rip pattern then
2015-07-31 00:46 Asonate: i have an idea for that
2015-07-31 00:46 Asonate: wait a sec
2015-07-31 00:48 Asonate: ... cbc238.png
2015-07-31 00:48 Asonate:
2015-07-31 00:48 Asonate: maybe change the order of 2 and 4
2015-07-31 00:49 Arphimigon: when?
2015-07-31 00:49 Asonate: ?
2015-07-31 00:49 Asonate: Thats for that hidden slider i linked
2015-07-31 00:49 Asonate: an alternative pattern
2015-07-31 00:50 Arphimigon: i cant understand that pattern
2015-07-31 00:50 Asonate: maybe rotate 5 degrees
2015-07-31 00:50 Asonate: the one i posted was wrong
2015-07-31 00:50 Arphimigon: please link bigger image
2015-07-31 00:50 Asonate: lemme update
2015-07-31 00:51 Asonate: puush is being a bitch
2015-07-31 00:51 Asonate: :/
2015-07-31 00:52 Arphimigon: ;-;
2015-07-31 00:53 Asonate:
2015-07-31 00:53 Arphimigon: thats gonna be so hard to hit
2015-07-31 00:54 Asonate: ;_;
2015-07-31 00:54 Asonate: atleast you can see it lol
2015-07-31 00:54 Arphimigon: ill make up a pattern
2015-07-31 00:54 Arphimigon: ye i can see
2015-07-31 00:54 Asonate: but nah, if you dont like it, do something else :d
2015-07-31 00:54 Arphimigon: ill add a worse pattern
2015-07-31 00:54 Asonate: lol
2015-07-31 00:55 Arphimigon: [ learn2read]
2015-07-31 00:56 Asonate: lel, im good at those :3
2015-07-31 00:56 Arphimigon: 02:43:647 (1,2,3) - eww only manual stack in whole map asdf
2015-07-31 00:57 Asonate: lol
2015-07-31 00:57 Arphimigon: i mean only auto stack*
2015-07-31 00:57 Asonate: i dont really mind those
2015-07-31 00:57 Arphimigon: made it a manual one with same DS
2015-07-31 00:57 Asonate: also, how did you manual stack with SL that high ?
2015-07-31 00:57 Arphimigon: i like my maps playing exactly the same on HR no weird bullshit
2015-07-31 00:57 Arphimigon: why cant I
2015-07-31 00:57 Asonate: well, i cant
2015-07-31 00:58 Arphimigon: asdf
2015-07-31 00:58 Asonate: it somehow always stacks them
2015-07-31 00:58 Asonate: when i get in a one meter radius lol
2015-07-31 00:58 Arphimigon: thats what an auto stack is
2015-07-31 00:58 Arphimigon: isnt it
2015-07-31 00:58 Asonate: why i only map with SL 2
2015-07-31 00:58 Arphimigon: i map on SL3 usually
2015-07-31 00:59 Arphimigon: didnt matter on this because of manually stacking evrything
2015-07-31 00:59 Asonate: to avoid aimod bitching :3
2015-07-31 01:00 Asonate: rip bancho
2015-07-31 01:01 Asonate: should just have been me i guess
2015-07-31 01:01 Arphimigon: wat
2015-07-31 01:01 Arphimigon: r u talkin abut
2015-07-31 01:01 Asonate: osu froze
2015-07-31 01:01 Asonate: with awesome stutter
2015-07-31 01:01 Arphimigon: o dam
2015-07-31 01:01 Asonate: my ears hurt
2015-07-31 01:01 Asonate: 03:20:504 (1) - SATEN SAN IS THAT YOU
2015-07-31 01:04 Asonate: rip
2015-07-31 01:04 Asonate: osu crashed
2015-07-31 01:04 Arphimigon: o lucky
2015-07-31 01:04 you didnt see what i wrote *runs*
2015-07-31 01:04 Asonate: rewrite :3
2015-07-31 01:05 Arphimigon: ill puuush
2015-07-31 01:05 Arphimigon: if it works
2015-07-31 01:05 Arphimigon:
2015-07-31 01:06 Asonate: lol
2015-07-31 01:07 Asonate: what i wanted to write
2015-07-31 01:07 Asonate: 03:21:876 (1) - this star
2015-07-31 01:08 Arphimigon: ye
2015-07-31 01:08 Arphimigon: what about it
2015-07-31 01:08 Asonate: you could move it so that 03:22:218 (3) - fits in 03:20:676 (2,4,6,8) -
2015-07-31 01:08 Arphimigon: i tried
2015-07-31 01:08 Asonate: as in equal looking spacing
2015-07-31 01:08 Arphimigon: asdf
2015-07-31 01:08 Arphimigon: ye i can do that
2015-07-31 01:08 Arphimigon: fixu
2015-07-31 01:08 Asonate: :D
2015-07-31 01:11 Asonate: 05:18:104 (7) - move to 05:17:247 (2) - ?
2015-07-31 01:12 Arphimigon: intentional
2015-07-31 01:12 Asonate: oki
2015-07-31 01:12 Arphimigon: i think it plays nicer
2015-07-31 01:12 Arphimigon: but w/e ill change
2015-07-31 01:12 Arphimigon: cus its easy either way
2015-07-31 01:13 Asonate: you dont have to
2015-07-31 01:13 Arphimigon: eh why not w/e patterns
2015-07-31 01:14 Asonate: 06:45:533 (6,7,8,9) - eeeeh im noob 3hard15rid4mö
2015-07-31 01:14 Asonate: ( dont do anything with that, im kidding )
2015-07-31 01:14 Arphimigon: no thats too hard
2015-07-31 01:14 Arphimigon: i might nerf
2015-07-31 01:14 Asonate: 06:50:333 (1) - exa would rek you for that
2015-07-31 01:15 Asonate: i dont
2015-07-31 01:15 Asonate: just hide it from him lol
2015-07-31 01:15 Arphimigon: nerfedd
2015-07-31 01:15 Arphimigon: 4 to 3.9 ds
2015-07-31 01:15 Asonate: oki
2015-07-31 01:15 Arphimigon: nah he wouldnt
2015-07-31 01:15 Arphimigon: i went over the whole map with him
2015-07-31 01:15 Asonate: the circle things are touching
2015-07-31 01:15 Arphimigon: and we had a nice chat about playstyles including lots of spectating
2015-07-31 01:15 Asonate: he rejected a pattern i proposed for that reason lol
2015-07-31 01:16 Arphimigon: "the circle things"
2015-07-31 01:16 Arphimigon: wat
2015-07-31 01:16 Asonate: the approach circle remains
2015-07-31 01:16 Arphimigon: o lol
2015-07-31 01:16 Arphimigon: i see
2015-07-31 01:16 Arphimigon: the hit fade out animation
2015-07-31 01:16 Asonate: imo its better when they touch, but there we clash, i guess
2015-07-31 01:18 Asonate: oki
2015-07-31 01:18 Asonate: im at the end
2015-07-31 01:18 Arphimigon: aaaand?
2015-07-31 01:19 Asonate: i dont have anything ;_;
Topic Starter
Hi hi, little mod


Sorry, but Kyuhyun does not belong in this song. Maybe use burning ships or whatever, but please, leave K-Pop in K-Pop..
What about making a widescreen one?


The bubble hitsounding does not quite fit in my opinion, you'd be better off finding something else. I find the ones that you got from osu are enough for this song.

02:11:933 (1) - I honestly think this part of the song isn't emphasized enough, you should use finishes, normal sampleset to get the best possible effect.
Goes for all kiais.

[Some notes]

Hmm.. if you happen to get another base picture (hopefully), I suggest other combo colors. I feel like these ones don't really work with each other that well. It's so.. dirty.. and the song is more like fire and stuff.
03:05:333 (5,1) - This spacing was a bit irritating.
06:44:676 (1) - This slowdown came really sudden, I didn't like it that much. Try to get a smoother transition.
04:26:333 (1,1,1) - I feel like the hitsounding on this was too loud. Would tone it down a little, as well as moving 04:27:704 (1,1) - more to the left, to match the spacing between the sliders shown in the screen correspondends more with each other.
05:12:961 (1) - This part was fine per se, the spacing sometimes slightly exaggerated tho. Is it possible to tone it down a bit? i.e. : 05:13:990 (5,6) -

Good luck, it was fun to play it.
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

Hi hi, little mod

Sorry, but Kyuhyun does not belong in this song. Maybe use burning ships or whatever, but please, leave K-Pop in K-Pop..
What about making a widescreen one? I'll have a talk again with GV, it's sad to let go though


The bubble hitsounding does not quite fit in my opinion, you'd be better off finding something else. I find the ones that you got from osu are enough for this song. I've tried multiple hitsounding attempts, but never found a good fit. I'll try again, can't hurt.

02:11:933 (1) - I honestly think this part of the song isn't emphasized enough, you should use finishes, normal sampleset to get the best possible effect.
Goes for all kiais. Aight will add more stuff

[Some notes]

Hmm.. if you happen to get another base picture (hopefully), I suggest other combo colors. I feel like these ones don't really work with each other that well. It's so.. dirty.. and the song is more like fire and stuff. Aight then
03:05:333 (5,1) - This spacing was a bit irritating. Reworked pattern here
06:44:676 (1) - This slowdown came really sudden, I didn't like it that much. Try to get a smoother transition. Will try but no guarantees
04:26:333 (1,1,1) - I feel like the hitsounding on this was too loud. Would tone it down a little, as well as moving 04:27:704 (1,1) - more to the left, to match the spacing between the sliders shown in the screen correspondends more with each other. Done so, nice touch
05:12:961 (1) - This part was fine per se, the spacing sometimes slightly exaggerated tho. Is it possible to tone it down a bit? i.e. : 05:13:990 (5,6) - I HAD nerfed it already, but it wasnt enough I guess, nerfing more

Good luck, it was fun to play it.
osu! needs more Celldweller. You're the best.
Topic Starter

Mercurial wrote:

osu! needs more Celldweller. You're the best.
And so are you for liking this music!
Cerulean Veyron

Irreversible wrote:


Sorry, but Kyuhyun does not belong in this song. Maybe use burning ships or whatever, but please, leave K-Pop in K-Pop..
Wow, cool! Let me show you something o3o /me drags Irreversible's hand

Let me guide you here, with my map:
- I wanted to say, this map got ranked some months ago. An English American-country song, also the first map with SB got ranked without an pinch of dq. Cool, eh? :3/ Thank you, but uhmm... Did you see the BG and the SB I made there? They're a fanarts of these duo. People were complaining about them being from an anime or these crap discussions, but finally learned their manners... Because I was there...

So, let's go to the second map, Or should I say... "several maps". Shall we? B) /me carries Irreversible
- More English songs! Quite a little opposite... Some mappers want to use related or correlated stuff for their map, Some mappers don't. Kinda like the above maps I wanted to show you, like a sample or sth ^3^ And so, Uhh these maps... don't use correlated things like BG. So why can't we do the same thing as well? For example...... An anime grill BG over an English song, A look-alike Sci-Fi space BG on an anime song, A meme BG over an-- wahaaat?! wtf am I talking about ughh meh. You may try to understand my situation.

Me and Arphi discussed on the sailor boy in-game, and changed it into a random-dragon-taken-from-google.

Irreversible wrote:

What about making a widescreen one?
I probably prefer a standard length, because widescreen might take me some more time for me to work on it, or restarting all my work.... again. Also, It might increase the weight of the file because of it's size or w/e. So, I may think I should keep it.

If you have sth more to say, feel free to tell me ;p
/me hugs (but actually sqeezing) Irreversible

Arphimigon wrote:

Mercurial wrote:

osu! needs more Celldweller. You're the best.
And so are you for liking this music!
I'm the firstborn of this Celld project (First Celld ranked map - Switchback), and I bring my legacy to all of my children (?.

jk, rank this asap.
Topic Starter
I'm the firstborn of this Celld project (First Celld ranked map - Switchback), and I bring my legacy to all of my children (?.

jk, rank this asap.
Cool I'll check that out then.
On the map matter, bringing forward the BNs now I think it's about time.
Lets do disssss.
The Veldt
alright (RUDE!!!!! ONE KUDOS ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2015-08-10 19:08 forbiddenplayer: okay
2015-08-10 19:08 Arphimigon: asss
2015-08-10 19:08 forbiddenplayer: lol the map's thumbnail is still the animu BG
2015-08-10 19:08 Arphimigon: eh no worry to me
2015-08-10 19:09 forbiddenplayer: SB=Transformers font huehuehue
2015-08-10 19:09 Arphimigon: ayy lmao
2015-08-10 19:09 Arphimigon: that isnt a problem now is it
2015-08-10 19:09 forbiddenplayer: lol no
2015-08-10 19:10 forbiddenplayer: I've seen that you remapped this
2015-08-10 19:10 forbiddenplayer: wow better
2015-08-10 19:10 Arphimigon: its been remapped 5 times
2015-08-10 19:10 forbiddenplayer: ouch
2015-08-10 19:10 Arphimigon: most of the time it's been just me looking at it
2015-08-10 19:10 forbiddenplayer: 00:37:304 (1) - Genryuu Kaiko slider :v
2015-08-10 19:11 Arphimigon: D:
2015-08-10 19:11 forbiddenplayer: wait what
2015-08-10 19:11 forbiddenplayer: 00:39:018 (1) - this feels wrong with that slider^
2015-08-10 19:12 Arphimigon: explain
2015-08-10 19:12 Arphimigon: that felt fine for everyone else
2015-08-10 19:12 forbiddenplayer: yeah it's not literally a blanket but the "Genryuu Kaiko" slider just looked worse bec of that
2015-08-10 19:12 Arphimigon: y'know 00:37:304 (1,1) - curved motion to the front of the slider
2015-08-10 19:12 forbiddenplayer: the curve I mean
2015-08-10 19:12 Arphimigon: change of direction because new part of music
2015-08-10 19:14 forbiddenplayer: 00:43:476 (1) - remove NC?
2015-08-10 19:14 forbiddenplayer: oh nvm I get it
2015-08-10 19:15 Arphimigon: aight
2015-08-10 19:15 Arphimigon: i dont mind if its there or not
2015-08-10 19:15 Arphimigon: the 2 combo does look weird
2015-08-10 19:15 Arphimigon: + not mapped to same instrumental as before so ye removed
2015-08-10 19:15 Arphimigon: 00:37:304 (1,1) - made blanket
2015-08-10 19:15 forbiddenplayer: okay
2015-08-10 19:16 forbiddenplayer: 00:59:076 (4) - change curve
2015-08-10 19:16 forbiddenplayer: not pleasing to look at
2015-08-10 19:16 Arphimigon: how so
2015-08-10 19:16 Arphimigon: mfw that whole pattern hasnt moved an inch for 4 months
2015-08-10 19:16 forbiddenplayer: you are blanketing the circle thingy of the slider
2015-08-10 19:17 Arphimigon: curve it more?
2015-08-10 19:17 Arphimigon: ye
2015-08-10 19:17 forbiddenplayer: blanket the whole slider
2015-08-10 19:17 Arphimigon: inb4 "plays bad2
2015-08-10 19:17 Arphimigon: [ dont see the problem]
2015-08-10 19:18 forbiddenplayer: I'll send a screenshot
2015-08-10 19:18 forbiddenplayer: [ smth like this]
2015-08-10 19:18 forbiddenplayer: and yeah bec overlapping
2015-08-10 19:19 Arphimigon: ah i see what you mean
2015-08-10 19:19 Arphimigon: with slider 2 from before
2015-08-10 19:19 Arphimigon: if i add the sliderblanket it plays worse but looks neater
2015-08-10 19:20 forbiddenplayer: not much really
2015-08-10 19:20 Arphimigon: to the way flow works in this map that would be a terrible starter imo
2015-08-10 19:21 Arphimigon:
2015-08-10 19:22 forbiddenplayer: hm
2015-08-10 19:22 Arphimigon: eh change is fine i guess
2015-08-10 19:22 Arphimigon: gotta move the next sliders though
2015-08-10 19:23 forbiddenplayer: oh
2015-08-10 19:23 forbiddenplayer: It won't affect thankfully because of the spinner
2015-08-10 19:23 forbiddenplayer: affect overall the map*
2015-08-10 19:24 Arphimigon: yeeee
2015-08-10 19:24 Arphimigon: perfectly placed spinnaaa
2015-08-10 19:24 forbiddenplayer: What a life saver lel
2015-08-10 19:25 forbiddenplayer: 01:13:476 (3) - Yeah a good blanket for the slider but the stream though...
2015-08-10 19:25 Arphimigon: if i thought that was bad i wouldve already changed it heh
2015-08-10 19:26 Arphimigon: whats bad about it
2015-08-10 19:26 forbiddenplayer: looks bad :v
2015-08-10 19:26 Arphimigon: aah
2015-08-10 19:26 Arphimigon: is this gonna be a polish mod heheh
2015-08-10 19:26 forbiddenplayer: O.o I'm so prejudiced!!!
2015-08-10 19:26 forbiddenplayer: well yeah
2015-08-10 19:26 forbiddenplayer: maybe ahaha
2015-08-10 19:27 Arphimigon: what looks so bad about that
2015-08-10 19:27 Arphimigon: its a b l a n k e t
2015-08-10 19:27 Arphimigon: blankets r us
2015-08-10 19:27 forbiddenplayer: the blanket is not good in the streams
2015-08-10 19:27 forbiddenplayer: oh
2015-08-10 19:28 forbiddenplayer: move the points to the right by two
2015-08-10 19:28 forbiddenplayer: point*
2015-08-10 19:28 Arphimigon: aight done
2015-08-10 19:31 forbiddenplayer: 01:40:390 (1) - SPACED!!!!
2015-08-10 19:31 forbiddenplayer: lol that's fine
2015-08-10 19:31 forbiddenplayer: that's just my weakness in playing hahaha
2015-08-10 19:31 Arphimigon: there are a few stream jumps
2015-08-10 19:31 forbiddenplayer: O.o
2015-08-10 19:31 forbiddenplayer: but looks good
2015-08-10 19:31 Arphimigon: they ar relatively easy to hard maps around the place for the sake of not being too hard
2015-08-10 19:32 forbiddenplayer: hai!!!
2015-08-10 19:32 Arphimigon: ;-;
2015-08-10 19:33 forbiddenplayer: 01:40:390 (1) - huh I see this pattern in asphyxia maps
2015-08-10 19:33 Arphimigon: 01:56:847 (1) - happens again here
2015-08-10 19:33 forbiddenplayer: 02:04:561 (4) - hmmm make this more conventional
2015-08-10 19:34 Arphimigon: just
2015-08-10 19:34 Arphimigon: plain?
2015-08-10 19:34 forbiddenplayer: uhm
2015-08-10 19:34 forbiddenplayer: w8
2015-08-10 19:34 Arphimigon: i wouldnt mind a curve there
2015-08-10 19:34 forbiddenplayer: iploading...
2015-08-10 19:34 forbiddenplayer: up*
2015-08-10 19:35 forbiddenplayer: [ like this]
2015-08-10 19:35 Arphimigon: thats cool
2015-08-10 19:36 forbiddenplayer: is that even sarcasm? O.o
2015-08-10 19:36 Arphimigon: nope
2015-08-10 19:36 Arphimigon: changed
2015-08-10 19:36 forbiddenplayer: okay
2015-08-10 19:36 Arphimigon: +probably plays better with the curve
2015-08-10 19:36 forbiddenplayer: meh still the same
2015-08-10 19:37 Arphimigon: i did change the angle a little though
2015-08-10 19:37 forbiddenplayer: a curve is also okay
2015-08-10 19:37 Arphimigon: i mean
2015-08-10 19:37 forbiddenplayer: similar to 02:02:676 (2,3)
2015-08-10 19:37 forbiddenplayer: oh make it a curve lol
2015-08-10 19:37 Arphimigon: the slider plays better than the last one in conjunction with the curve
2015-08-10 19:37 Arphimigon: aaah writing sucks
2015-08-10 19:37 forbiddenplayer: ahaha
2015-08-10 19:37 Arphimigon: i see no reason to change those sliders
2015-08-10 19:38 forbiddenplayer: k
2015-08-10 19:38 forbiddenplayer: cool streamz
2015-08-10 19:39 Arphimigon: yay
2015-08-10 19:40 forbiddenplayer: I feel you need to add a fancy slider here at 3:22:904
2015-08-10 19:40 Arphimigon: 03:22:904 - ?
2015-08-10 19:40 Arphimigon: that would be so random
2015-08-10 19:41 forbiddenplayer: lol
2015-08-10 19:41 forbiddenplayer: a 1/3 slider
2015-08-10 19:41 forbiddenplayer: skystar effects rofl
2015-08-10 19:41 Arphimigon: it'd be mapping to pretty much nothing
2015-08-10 19:41 Arphimigon: so nah
2015-08-10 19:41 forbiddenplayer: ahaha the SFX
2015-08-10 19:42 forbiddenplayer: wait
2015-08-10 19:42 Arphimigon: inaudible unless you are reaaalllly focusin
2015-08-10 19:42 forbiddenplayer: I'm called by my parents uhhh
2015-08-10 19:42 forbiddenplayer: sorry
2015-08-10 19:42 Arphimigon: cool
2015-08-10 19:42 forbiddenplayer: lol
2015-08-10 19:42 forbiddenplayer: I'm halfway through though
2015-08-10 19:42 forbiddenplayer: sorry for that
2015-08-10 19:43 Arphimigon: i have tons of spare timeno rush
2015-08-10 19:43 forbiddenplayer: okay
2015-08-10 20:16 forbiddenplayer: oh
2015-08-10 20:16 Arphimigon: aaaaah
2015-08-10 20:17 forbiddenplayer: oooohhhh
2015-08-10 20:17 forbiddenplayer: I'm done
2015-08-10 20:17 forbiddenplayer: just ate lol
2015-08-10 20:17 Arphimigon: on?
2015-08-10 20:17 forbiddenplayer: eating
2015-08-10 20:17 Arphimigon: cool lets finish this
2015-08-10 20:19 forbiddenplayer: cool sliders after the second chorus :D
2015-08-10 20:19 Arphimigon: ayyyy
2015-08-10 20:20 forbiddenplayer: what desire ends an empire lol
2015-08-10 20:20 Arphimigon: tons
2015-08-10 20:20 Arphimigon: desire to conquer
2015-08-10 20:20 Arphimigon: mostly that
2015-08-10 20:22 forbiddenplayer: 06:09:190 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - nice transition here :D
2015-08-10 20:22 Arphimigon: ayyyy
2015-08-10 20:24 forbiddenplayer: cool map
Topic Starter
01:06:100 (1) - Why start with a 1/3 rhythm and then continue with 1/4? Maybe lengthen to the blue tick?
Topic Starter

Glyphic wrote:

01:06:100 (1) - Why start with a 1/3 rhythm and then continue with 1/4? Maybe lengthen to the blue tick?
Oops, snapping error. This should actually be 1/2 but due to recent timing changes (-2 offset) some sliders messed up. Thanks for reminding me.

kds cus that reminded me to resnap the 2800+ errors I got in AiMod (yes, that is accurate) so that was actually useful as hell lol
Cerulean Veyron
/me placeholds this post to protect the 2kd power from any random shtstorm

Forgive me, for my painting skills...
[> General <]
  1. - Are you using normal-whistle.wav?
  2. - Okay, everything seems fine!
[> Desire <]
  1. 00:26:331 (1,1) - Great slider, I appreciate your efforts! But nyeh, you broke a flow here just for a single circle being blanketed. I've drew another choice for flowing nicely, so pick on what your heart want.
  2. 00:40:731 (4,5) - Wow, this blanket... Is this on purpose? ayy
  3. 00:58:902 (5,1) - Well, acceptable flow. It's almost the same as 00:26:331 (1,1) -, but not really close. I suggest curving it down, or Ctrl + J, or sth... to 'improve" flow(?)... wth
  4. 01:06:102 (1,2,3) - Okay, so... I don't think this pattern's distance spacing is appropriate with the others, for pattern consistency or w/e. You can keep it if you have a good reason for it. But hey, you don't wanna try messing this up if you want to underestimate a single disqualification. Might look major to me, but not really to you, so yeah...
  5. 01:19:816 (1) - When I played until this part, I felt a little odd because of the straightness of this slider on the song track's part. It's probably optional if you want to curve it or not. Something like this would do, just an example:
  6. 01:22:216 (9) - When I saw this slider's spacing, it looked fine to me even though I played this part. Actually, the slider's placement is sht not really right. It feels like you've just randomly placed there for nothing... or for a jump, If I can recall? Well ofc, a new track or a song is there, but the placement is not right imo.
  7. 01:25:645 (2) - OH MY VOLKSWAGEN You ended this slider on 1/4 tick, but the next slider on a similar part ended on a simple white tick. Is this a mistake? or purposely doing it? If intentional... GJ!
  8. 01:32:159 (1,2) - Likely optional, and... minor. I suggest 2.2x spacing here for consistency with the previous similar part. This, 2.33x spacing, looks pretty much bigger. Or better use lower for this gap to have an indication for players, just my opinion.
  9. 01:33:188 (7,8,1) - This looks pretty fun to play, but wait... WHAT??! Spacing between (7) and (8) has a jump, (8) and (1) don't. I prefer swapping because the new track showed up a little quickly, but it's up to you.
  10. 01:49:645 (6,7,1) - Likely the same as before, it has a good flow similar to a triangle, but wth it's randomly placed. Make a triangle as you did before, here's just an example:
  11. 01:58:216 (1,3) - I almost can't read this stacking while playing, but I suppose I won't have to kill you for making the flow and playstyle good to play. Well... How about trying a manual stacking here? Might look better to me.
  12. 02:31:474 (2) - This song track is taking a huge emphasis over this kind of pattern density, I mean... 1.65x spacing? That's, kinda, small, for, this, part. So maybe you should extend the spacing to 1.8x or 2x, like the part you did on 02:24:274 (1) - , That one introduces good spacing and makes more sense, so why not here too?
  13. 02:34:559 (3,4,5,6,7) - This flow is....... WHY?!?!? Is this on purpose just for a back-and-forth flow or sth?
  14. 03:04:216 (1) - Oh, please this placement blah:
  15. 03:15:016 (1,2) - This plays great, but the flow is... 'broken'. It's kinda repetitive repeating the same thing again, but just do as you want.
  16. 03:23:931 (3,1) - I prefer a manual stacking here, I know it's similar but not really to me. Just because of "aesthetics" doesn't mean it just shows the appreciation of beauty, might be great for the player's playstyle too. But watch it, keep it readable.
  17. 03:34:902 (3,4,5,6) - Is this pattern like, "the more density the bigger spacing"? Or... weirdly placed? Because the song is probably a normal intensity chorus.
  18. 03:53:759 (3,4) - Probably optional; I suggest replace these two circle to a slider, uhh for rhythm consistency ofc, just like what you did on some patterns next to this track. Because I'm pretty sure this might face inconsistency, furthermore. Or maybe 03:53:416 (1,2) - this one also, if possible.
  19. 03:56:759 (3,4,5,6,1) -
  20. 04:08:159 (7) - This looks fine, but the sliding position seems odd, likely random or sth. Try rotating this 40, 50 or 60 for a Cyclone or cycle formation flow... ehh It's might be a little bit, if only you moved it somewhere else better than the current place ofc. Sth like this for example:
  21. 04:23:588 (1) - Does this slider, looked like a question mark to me or sth ... "?", This will surely be ... "fun".
  22. 04:52:045 (3,4,5) - I cannot explain repeatable reasons for now, so... uhh balance distance spacing pls.
  23. 05:18:445 (1,3) - You just heard people in #modhelp, this overlap is sik might be okay, but not really sure if it'd be fine due to it's aethetics.
  24. 05:35:931 (5) - Almost the same as 01:33:188 (7,8,1) -, try this for this circle (5). No need explanation :^)
  25. 05:55:816 (2,3) - Sameme as 04:52:045 (3,4,5) -
  26. 06:04:388 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Nooooo the floooow!!! It was really cool at start, then you broke it :^(((999
  27. 06:22:131 (3,4,5,6,8) - Saaaame 05:18:445 (1,3) -
  28. - IT'S THE EEEEND OF AN ARPHHIIIIRREE /caps lock breaks.
EDIT2: I removed some details from some mods because it was too stupid, and would even make you bored to read them lmao k sry only two lines on most mods. I'll check the hitsounds LATER

No need to kds for instance unless I told so. yay 2kds power!!
Topic Starter
Pending/Changed in a different way to asked
Confused/No change

Gray Veyron wrote:

[> General <]
  1. - Are you using normal-whistle.wav? removed

    [> Desire <]
    1. 00:26:331 (1,1) - Great slider, I appreciate your efforts! But nyeh, you broke a flow here just for a single circle being blanketed. I've drew another choice for flowing nicely, so pick on what your heart want. This is meant to be a flow break to separate the sections by adding a snap between the long slider to the next, to make this consistent I added one at 00:31:816 (1,1) - now
    2. 00:40:731 (4,5) - Wow, this blanket... Is this on purpose? ayy fixed
    3. 00:58:902 (5,1) - Well, acceptable flow. It's almost the same as 00:26:331 (1,1) -, but not really close. I suggest curving it down, or Ctrl + J, or sth... to improve flow attempted a fix
    4. 01:06:102 (1,2,3) - Okay, so... I don't think this pattern's distance spacing is appropriate with the others, for pattern consistency or w/e. You can keep it if you have a good reason for it. But hey, you don't wanna try messing this up if you want to underestimate a single disqualification. Might look major to me, but not really to you, so yeah... Spacing is fine here, its almost the same as 01:08:845 (1,2) - but for the sake I'll reduce a little
    5. 01:19:816 (1) - When I played until this part, I felt a little odd because of the straightness of this slider on the song track's part. It's probably optional if you want to curve it or not. Something like this would do, just an example: I think that plays worse on my end ;-; The line fits with the curve I made flow-wise and it doesn't disrupt the song ;-;
    6. 01:22:216 (9) - When I saw this slider's spacing, it looked fine to me even though I played this part. Actually, the slider's placement is sht not really right. It feels like you've just randomly placed there for nothing... or for a jump, If I can recall? Well ofc, a new track or a song is there, but the placement is not right imo. wtf how is this even a jump? THIS 01:19:474 (8) - is a jump (albeit easy to hit)
    7. 01:25:645 (2) - OH MY VOLKSWAGEN You ended this slider on 1/4 tick, but the next slider on a similar part ended on a simple white tick. Is this a mistake? or purposely doing it? If intentional... GJ! mistake, fixed
    8. 01:32:159 (1,2) - Likely optional, and... minor. I suggest 2.2x spacing here for consistency with the previous similar part. This, 2.33x spacing, looks pretty much bigger. Or better use lower for this gap to have an indication for players, just my opinion. will try
    9. 01:33:188 (7,8,1) - This looks pretty fun to play, but wait... WHAT??! Spacing between (7) and (8) has a jump, (8) and (1) don't. I prefer swapping because the new track showed up a little quickly, but it's up to you. this honestly plays fine and doesnt seem obstructful at all, if you snap it (like i do on this bit) they have simlar feels due to angles. ah hell changing a little anyway
    10. 01:49:645 (6,7,1) - Likely the same as before, it has a good flow similar to a triangle, but wth it's randomly placed. Make a triangle as you did before, here's just an example: that was the old version, but unfortunately due to the weird nature of 01:47:245 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - that pattern making the left one higher and the right one lower plays weird as a transition. It was done like this to make the transition easier to move from
    11. 01:58:216 (1,3) - I almost can't read this stacking while playing, but I suppose I won't have to kill you for making the flow and playstyle good to play. Well... How about trying a manual stacking here? Might look better to me. how can you not read this? ;-; it makes perfect sense there and is... well just not hard to read by like... anyone who has tried it ;-;
    12. 02:31:474 (2) - This song track is taking a huge emphasis over this kind of pattern density, I mean... 1.65x spacing? That's, kinda, small, for, this, part. So maybe you should extend the spacing to 1.8x or 2x, like the part you did on 02:24:274 (1) - , That one introduces good spacing and makes more sense, so why not here too? MASSIVE JUMP! k not massive but 2x
    13. 02:34:559 (3,4,5,6,7) - This flow is....... WHY?!?!? Is this on purpose just for a back-and-forth flow or sth? yes it is, and with the previous patterning in the kiai, this isnt weird at allllll
    14. 03:04:216 (1) - Oh, please this placement blah: whats the problem with that ;-; any more would ruin that glorious momentum loss into those simple sliders
    15. 03:15:016 (1,2) - This plays great, but the flow is... 'broken'. It's kinda repetitive repeating the same thing again, but just do as you want. leniency makes this simples imo
    16. 03:23:931 (3,1) - I prefer a manual stacking here, I know it's similar but not really to me. Just because of "aesthetics" doesn't mean it just shows the appreciation of beauty, might be great for the player's playstyle too. But watch it, keep it readable. Uh I don't really what the problem is with this i mean like that touch isnt really visible during play and is easy to hit ;-; (spacing is low and all)
    17. 03:34:902 (3,4,5,6) - Is this pattern like, "the more density the bigger spacing"? Or... weirdly placed? Because the song is probably a normal intensity chorus. more like, the momentum gained from that quick spaced triplet is perfect to glide along to the next, small spacing would be awkward due to the momentum gain
    18. 03:53:759 (3,4) - Probably optional; I suggest replace these two circle to a slider, uhh for rhythm consistency ofc, just like what you did on some patterns next to this track. Because I'm pretty sure this might face inconsistency, furthermore. Or maybe 03:53:416 (1,2) - this one also, if possible. rrrrrr rhythm feels fine enough to not be obtrusive... rrrr I'll have to pend this one because fixing it (if i do) would be hell
    19. 03:56:759 (3,4,5,6,1) - You had a much lower AR on your screenshot, this is fine on normal AR :^)
    20. 04:08:159 (7) - This looks fine, but the sliding position seems odd, likely random or sth. Try rotating this 40, 50 or 60 for a Cyclone or cycle formation flow... ehh It's might be a little bit, if only you moved it somewhere else better than the current place ofc. Sth like this for example: much prefer my curved flow here sorry
    21. 04:23:588 (1) - Does this slider, looked like a question mark to me or sth ... "?", This will surely be ... "fun". yes it is a "?" ayy
    22. 04:52:045 (3,4,5) - I cannot explain repeatable reasons for now, so... uhh balance distance spacing pls. thats like... so minor wtf
    23. 05:18:445 (1,3) - You just heard people in #modhelp, this overlap is sik might be okay, but not really sure if it'd be fine due to it's aethetics. I LOVE IT! But really it doesn't look baddddd to me and rip blanket if change too kill me
    24. 05:35:931 (5) - Almost the same as 01:33:188 (7,8,1) -, try this for this circle (5). No need explanation :^) yee nice c- i kinda broke up this section here like 05:35:588 (3,4) - 05:35:931 (5,6) - and 05:36:274 (1) - in 1/1s because this song is so repetitive like dam it needs a but of spicing up so if i fixed that it would ruin the next one and making them all similar means a weird af curve to fit the flow (which almost goes offscreen if done perfect)
    25. 05:55:816 (2,3) - Sameme as 04:52:045 (3,4,5) - "changed by making it worse"
    26. 06:04:388 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Nooooo the floooow!!! It was really cool at start, then you broke it :^(((999 mfw... thats how its meant to be played... and thats how i intended it to be played (to me those patterns are easy af so if i changed that it would be like... no sense to me)
    27. 06:22:131 (3,4,5,6,8) - Saaaame 05:18:445 (1,3) - HOW DO I FIX THIS? I tried
    28. - IT'S THE EEEEND OF AN ARPHHIIIIRREE /caps lock breaks.
No need to kds for instance unless I told so. yay 2kds power!!
But really dude nice now I have to slap ppl to look more at it
arphi why isnt this ranked yet

u suck

Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

arphi why isnt this ranked yet
Nice timing actually.
I don't feel as though I like this map, my reasons are my own.
Unless I have good reason to keep going with it, I might stop working on it.
Dunno yet, giving it a couple of days thought.

Arphimigon wrote:

Raiden wrote:

arphi why isnt this ranked yet
Nice timing actually.
I don't feel as though I like this map, my reasons are my own.
Unless I have good reason to keep going with it, I might stop working on it.
Dunno yet, giving it a couple of days thought.
If you need a reason I will just give you my unborn child.
Make good use of it.
/me gives fetus to Arphi
Topic Starter

Exa wrote:

/me gives fetus to Arphi
wtf is this
I said I want something useful not this!
/me kicks fetus and gets back into the editor

Arphimigon wrote:

/me kicks fetus and gets back into the editor
Did you just kick a helpless mass of incomplete cells and saliva?
You better rank this and make up for it. +9 SP
Topic Starter

Exa wrote:

Arphimigon wrote:

/me kicks fetus and gets back into the editor
Did you just kick a helpless mass of incomplete cells and saliva?
You better rank this and make up for it. +9 SP
fun fact: 108sp -> 117sp and not up one space in the priority list
I don't know. It just happened.
22:43 Exa: 04:56:502 (1) - Replace with note+slider to differenciate the vocals
22:43 Secretpipe: damnit this is hard
22:43 Exa: Oops, sry arphi
22:43 Arphimigon: sudden mod
22:44 Arphimigon: 04:56:502 (1) - this?
22:44 Arphimigon: i messed up the rhythm in that whole section to make it interesting
22:44 Exa: Yeah
22:44 Arphimigon: so basicallt
22:44 Exa: Welp my thing is more interesting cause it has more tapping
22:44 Arphimigon: 1) remap that section to be "good" but boring or
22:44 Arphimigon: hm
22:44 Exa: lol the section is fine
22:44 Arphimigon: note slider ill try actually
22:45 Arphimigon: adding note slider = remap that part though
22:45 Exa: not rly
22:46 Exa: remove the reverse of the slider
22:46 Exa: keep it at the same place and move it here 04:56:845 -
22:46 Exa: Then place not somewhere around 478,325
22:46 Arphimigon: uh
22:46 Arphimigon: place the slider
22:47 Arphimigon: 272 200?
22:47 Exa: Same place as before
22:47 Arphimigon: 04:55:816 (6,7) - ... its hald decent
22:47 Arphimigon: half*
22:47 Jenny: So I heard Pewdiepie is going to cover osu?
22:47 Arphimigon: please this is useful right now
22:47 Raiden: looks like
22:47 Arphimigon: in a bit ;-;
22:47 Raiden: we're screwed.
22:47 MrSergio: Why every channel is talking about that...
22:47 Arphimigon: changed
22:47 Jenny:
22:48 Jenny: We've already been "screwed" since 3-4 years.
22:48 Exa: [ Arphi]
22:48 Jenny: The Boxbox/league wave fucked things up already with no recovery, so I'm just here, waiting for the numbers.
22:48 Exa: Something like this
22:48 Raiden: oh god
22:48 Raiden: indeed.
22:48 Arphimigon: you said
22:48 Arphimigon: ooo
22:48 Arphimigon: i saw slider to note
22:48 Arphimigon: asd
22:48 Raiden: but boxbox has not nearly as many followers as pdp
22:49 Raiden: not even goddamn close
22:49 Exa: Dammit, [ that]'s the rhythm
22:49 Raiden: lol.
22:49 Jenny: Yes he doesn't, but he already brought tens of thousands.
22:49 Jenny: Per month.
22:49 Arphimigon: ye that works
22:49 Arphimigon: lemme fix pattern up
22:50 Exa: And use like 1.4 DS since that's what you use mostly in this section
22:50 Exa: Now give me my kds
22:50 Raiden: rude.
22:50 Arphimigon: ye post
22:50 Exa: No lol I was joking
22:51 Arphimigon: post eeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
22:51 Exa: No, it is not worth any kds
22:51 Arphimigon: its worth
22:51 Arphimigon: free sp
22:51 Arphimigon: (no im not hling sp)
22:51 Exa: 05:55:474 (1,2,6) - And make these triples wtf
22:52 Exa: 05:57:531 (5) - And this
22:52 Arphimigon: wat
22:52 Arphimigon: 05:54:788 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - triples
22:52 Arphimigon: 05:56:159 (3,4,5) - triples
22:52 Arphimigon: there isnt triple spam here
22:52 Arphimigon: why add more triples D:
22:52 Exa: It is not triple spam
22:52 Exa: You follow le music
22:52 Exa: As long as the music says triples
22:52 Arphimigon: i follow what sounds clearly obvious as fk
22:52 Exa: You do triples
22:52 Arphimigon: that sounds the most obvious ;-;
22:53 Exa: 05:56:588 - That blue tick says otherwise
22:53 Arphimigon: 05:57:531 (5) - this i can agree with
22:53 Arphimigon: 05:56:588 - even on 25% or 100% i cant hear this
22:54 Arphimigon: idk ill delete it all and relisten
22:54 Exa: There is a beat there ofc
22:54 Arphimigon: triple added
22:54 Exa: And it's pretty loud for 1/4 idk why you can't hear it
22:54 Arphimigon: but i dont agree to adding excessive triples
22:54 Arphimigon: even if they fit
22:55 Exa: [ Akhem]
22:55 Exa: [ AAAAkhem]
22:55 Exa: I said nothing
22:55 Arphimigon: this song hasnt had many spaced triples in a row, added loads suddenly is too diff spikey for consistency
22:55 Arphimigon: i added the one in
22:56 Exa: I am suggesting steady triples
22:56 Arphimigon: just one
22:56 Exa: Just because of what you said
22:56 Arphimigon: here we go! i better remap to add steady triples in the whole map too
22:57 Exa: What have I done
22:57 Arphimigon: you just made this map even more repetitive
22:58 Arphimigon: which is one of the main reasons i wanted to stop it
22:58 Exa: Eeegh I just want to see this ranked someday
22:58 *Arphimigon slaps self
22:58 Arphimigon: D:
22:58 Arphimigon: someday!?
22:58 Arphimigon: post for free kds
22:58 Arphimigon: need 420
22:58 Exa: Welp I kinda made you remap
22:59 Exa: I supose killing the current map is worth kds
22:59 Arphimigon: im not remapping
22:59 Exa: Oh lel
22:59 Arphimigon: ill change some parts up
22:59 Arphimigon: to add more triples at times
22:59 Exa: Aight local remap
Topic Starter

Exa wrote:

I don't know. It just happened.
22:43 Exa: 04:56:502 (1) - Replace with note+slider to differenciate the vocals
22:43 Secretpipe: damnit this is hard
22:43 Exa: Oops, sry arphi
22:43 Arphimigon: sudden mod
22:44 Arphimigon: 04:56:502 (1) - this?
22:44 Arphimigon: i messed up the rhythm in that whole section to make it interesting
22:44 Exa: Yeah
22:44 Arphimigon: so basicallt
22:44 Exa: Welp my thing is more interesting cause it has more tapping
22:44 Arphimigon: 1) remap that section to be "good" but boring or
22:44 Arphimigon: hm
22:44 Exa: lol the section is fine
22:44 Arphimigon: note slider ill try actually
22:45 Arphimigon: adding note slider = remap that part though
22:45 Exa: not rly
22:46 Exa: remove the reverse of the slider
22:46 Exa: keep it at the same place and move it here 04:56:845 -
22:46 Exa: Then place not somewhere around 478,325
22:46 Arphimigon: uh
22:46 Arphimigon: place the slider
22:47 Arphimigon: 272 200?
22:47 Exa: Same place as before
22:47 Arphimigon: 04:55:816 (6,7) - ... its hald decent
22:47 Arphimigon: half*
22:47 Jenny: So I heard Pewdiepie is going to cover osu?
22:47 Arphimigon: please this is useful right now
22:47 Raiden: looks like
22:47 Arphimigon: in a bit ;-;
22:47 Raiden: we're screwed.
22:47 MrSergio: Why every channel is talking about that...
22:47 Arphimigon: changed
22:47 Jenny:
22:48 Jenny: We've already been "screwed" since 3-4 years.
22:48 Exa: [ Arphi]
22:48 Jenny: The Boxbox/league wave fucked things up already with no recovery, so I'm just here, waiting for the numbers.
22:48 Exa: Something like this
22:48 Raiden: oh god
22:48 Raiden: indeed.
22:48 Arphimigon: you said
22:48 Arphimigon: ooo
22:48 Arphimigon: i saw slider to note
22:48 Arphimigon: asd
22:48 Raiden: but boxbox has not nearly as many followers as pdp
22:49 Raiden: not even goddamn close
22:49 Exa: Dammit, [ that]'s the rhythm
22:49 Raiden: lol.
22:49 Jenny: Yes he doesn't, but he already brought tens of thousands.
22:49 Jenny: Per month.
22:49 Arphimigon: ye that works
22:49 Arphimigon: lemme fix pattern up
22:50 Exa: And use like 1.4 DS since that's what you use mostly in this section
22:50 Exa: Now give me my kds
22:50 Raiden: rude.
22:50 Arphimigon: ye post
22:50 Exa: No lol I was joking
22:51 Arphimigon: post eeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
22:51 Exa: No, it is not worth any kds
22:51 Arphimigon: its worth
22:51 Arphimigon: free sp
22:51 Arphimigon: (no im not hling sp)
22:51 Exa: 05:55:474 (1,2,6) - And make these triples wtf
22:52 Exa: 05:57:531 (5) - And this
22:52 Arphimigon: wat
22:52 Arphimigon: 05:54:788 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - triples
22:52 Arphimigon: 05:56:159 (3,4,5) - triples
22:52 Arphimigon: there isnt triple spam here
22:52 Arphimigon: why add more triples D:
22:52 Exa: It is not triple spam
22:52 Exa: You follow le music
22:52 Exa: As long as the music says triples
22:52 Arphimigon: i follow what sounds clearly obvious as fk
22:52 Exa: You do triples
22:52 Arphimigon: that sounds the most obvious ;-;
22:53 Exa: 05:56:588 - That blue tick says otherwise
22:53 Arphimigon: 05:57:531 (5) - this i can agree with
22:53 Arphimigon: 05:56:588 - even on 25% or 100% i cant hear this
22:54 Arphimigon: idk ill delete it all and relisten
22:54 Exa: There is a beat there ofc
22:54 Arphimigon: triple added
22:54 Exa: And it's pretty loud for 1/4 idk why you can't hear it
22:54 Arphimigon: but i dont agree to adding excessive triples
22:54 Arphimigon: even if they fit
22:55 Exa: [ Akhem]
22:55 Exa: [ AAAAkhem]
22:55 Exa: I said nothing
22:55 Arphimigon: this song hasnt had many spaced triples in a row, added loads suddenly is too diff spikey for consistency
22:55 Arphimigon: i added the one in
22:56 Exa: I am suggesting steady triples
22:56 Arphimigon: just one
22:56 Exa: Just because of what you said
22:56 Arphimigon: here we go! i better remap to add steady triples in the whole map too
22:57 Exa: What have I done
22:57 Arphimigon: you just made this map even more repetitive
22:58 Arphimigon: which is one of the main reasons i wanted to stop it
22:58 Exa: Eeegh I just want to see this ranked someday
22:58 *Arphimigon slaps self
22:58 Arphimigon: D:
22:58 Arphimigon: someday!?
22:58 Arphimigon: post for free kds
22:58 Arphimigon: need 420
22:58 Exa: Welp I kinda made you remap
22:59 Exa: I supose killing the current map is worth kds
22:59 Arphimigon: im not remapping
22:59 Exa: Oh lel
22:59 Arphimigon: ill change some parts up
22:59 Arphimigon: to add more triples at times
22:59 Exa: Aight local remap
+extra few notes after and i checked like... idk 1 or 2 earlier spots for consistency
inb4 redo hitsounding cus i can actually hitsound now myself
come on rank this DAMN ARPHI

Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

come on rank this DAMN ARPHI
This beamap is clearly, I think. I guess in this beatmap you can only change things that are ojective.
Here something that I tried out:

00:26:331 (1) - change the slider into two parts: fom 00:26:331 (1) to 00:27:016 (1) and a second one from 00:27:359 (2) to 00:27:702 (2)
00:31:816 (1) - ^
00:37:302 (1) - ^
Topic Starter

DominikWW wrote:

00:26:331 (1) - change the slider into two parts: fom 00:26:331 (1) to 00:27:016 (1) and a second one from 00:27:359 (2) to 00:27:702 (2)
00:31:816 (1) - ^
00:37:302 (1) - ^
It's a valid suggestion, but sadly there are no audible beats there and ading in those sounds don't actually help the player to understand the music or what's going on any better than it is now. These long holds are for... whatever that instrument is (I can't name instruments aaaaaaah) but there is clearly a long hold sound. Although it changes pitch (which is way the suggestion is valid) there isn't a punch or any sort to need a new sound/beat. Adding a change of direction would work, however that would be complicating a simple part which is also not wanted.

tl;dr there are no audible beats, just pitch changes, so no

important shit
02:52:816 (3) - here a slider end is on a strong note/start of a new section, so impact from the note is lost since you aren't clicking anything

easiest fix is to do something like this:

moving the hitsound from the slider end to the new circle

03:03:788 (3) - same as above:

minor shit
02:01:302 (3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - i'm not a huge fan of these sliders, mainly because a guitar is heard on these ticks throughout:

03:12:616 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - ^

04:23:588 (1) - shouldn't you extend this like this:

so it matches 04:26:331 (1,1,1) - having a 1/1 between them?

02:09:874 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - this i feel is less intense than 03:20:502 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) - since they're the same sound/build up for the chorus maybe make them a similar difficulty?

04:12:616 (13) - nc for more emphasis?

05:06:788 (7) - this break thing idk

pls rank
Topic Starter

Alanca wrote:


important shit
02:52:816 (3) - here a slider end is on a strong note/start of a new section, so impact from the note is lost since you aren't clicking anything About this, I hate... hate... HATE mapping to sound that arent obviously there (i do it at other times but thats for simplicity) but I see your point here Changing.

03:03:788 (3) - same as above: also fixed

minor shit
02:01:302 (3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - i'm not a huge fan of these sliders, mainly because a guitar is heard on these ticks throughout:
03:12:616 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - ^ As much as I see your point (and it is perfectly valid) those ticks are pretty unnecessary to map to when following this particular instrumental choice however I have thought of an idea for a change so i may change it randomly at some later point

04:23:588 (1) - shouldn't you extend this like this Not really, there isn't an audible "beat" to end it to, its more just there for the hold. Ending it earlier doesn't cause any harm and just serves as a forewarning for later hold sliders in that small seciton.

02:09:874 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - this i feel is less intense than 03:20:502 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,1) - since they're the same sound/build up for the chorus maybe make them a similar difficulty? people hate squares so i made them less spaced WE LOVE YOU SQUARES MORE SPACINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

04:12:616 (13) - nc for more emphasis? I had it like this before, but I thought it would be better to keep it like so for the 13 number, which helps me personally to understand which finger to end on

05:06:788 (7) - this break thing idk D: it reset! thanks for pointing out again

pls rank soon (tm)
I really like this song and this beatmap... Added to my favourites.
Topic Starter

Anivex wrote:

I really like this song and this beatmap... Added to my favourites.
ferret irl
Whenever a spinner starts, the storyboard vanishes and we are left with the BG. Weird and disorientating (for me at least)
Topic Starter

chewySoul wrote:

Whenever a spinner starts, the storyboard vanishes and we are left with the BG. Weird and disorientating (for me at least)
SB was removed about a month ago due to complaints and stuff, so it's not even meant to be there D:
[S-... Desire]
02:15:702 (3) - unstack and make something like this to highlight the jump more, looks and feels better imo

02:17:245 (4,5,5,5,4,4,4) - ^

02:43:645 (1,2,3) - unstack and add a bit of spacing for the sake of guitar noize (to make it similar to these 02:41:416 (1,2,3) - )

03:26:674 (1,2,3,4) - I think the back and forth movement doesn't really cut it for these

also here's the rest of those if you plan on doing something about them:
03:28:045 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -

04:39:188 - could add a hitcircle here to highlight "whatever that sound is called" (on top of the sliderstart of course)

04:41:931 - ^

04:44:159 - ^

05:04:045 (5) - this is not right on top of the slider if that was what you were going for

05:38:845 (4,4) - same as the first thing mentioned

05:49:816 (4,4) - ^

05:53:931 (6) - yeah this one too ^

06:05:416 (2) - you could probably put this on top of 06:04:645 (6) - (AESTHETIC?)

06:21:531 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - uh, hitsounds?

06:38:331 (3) - put above 06:37:474 (6) - (AESTHETIC?)

06:43:474 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - hitsounds again, it sounds weird when the rest of the streams are hitsounded and oh boy the hitsounds are loud (that's a good thing though)

06:44:159 (4,5,6,7,1) - this pattern is hella weird, the drum screams triples


06:08:159 - dunno how to link storyboard but I don't think it's intended for the text to be below the pulsing Blue Dragon
Topic Starter

riktoi wrote:

[S-... Desire]
02:15:702 (3) - unstack and make something like this to highlight the jump more, looks and feels better imo feels worse to me, and the spacing is kinda broken, I would have moved 3 down-left to make if perpendicular to symettry but the spacing... rip broken spacing on sam spacing thing..
02:17:245 (4,5,5,5,4,4,4) - ^ as stated

02:43:645 (1,2,3) - unstack and add a bit of spacing for the sake of guitar noize (to make it similar to these 02:41:416 (1,2,3) - ) sure, good idea

03:26:674 (1,2,3,4) - I think the back and forth movement doesn't really cut it for these I could write an essay to answer that so lemme try. The jump things in each kiai are all equal spaced, in the first it goes 1232 equal spaced, in the second it goes 1212 and the third it goes 1231 as those are the only patterns that are simple and have the desired spacing. Also the reason I want overlaps is to seperate the jumps from the rest in the sections of kiai, this is mor adding a layer to music (which I never anymore, hence why this is really old style mapping to me) but it has to stay.

04:39:188 - could add a hitcircle here to highlight "whatever that sound is called" (on top of the sliderstart of course) I dont hear anything, downbeat?

05:04:045 (5) - this is not right on top of the slider if that was what you were going for I wasnt, but good catch. changed

05:38:845 (4,4) - same as the first thing mentioned same

05:53:931 (6) - yeah this one too ^ ill look into this more, its pretty 50/50 ill likely change, ut its not like the last jumps i explained so yeah

06:05:416 (2) - you could probably put this on top of 06:04:645 (6) - (AESTHETIC?) why the hell not!? sure

06:21:531 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - uh, hitsounds? got it

06:38:331 (3) - put above 06:37:474 (6) - (AESTHETIC?) meh oki

06:43:474 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - hitsounds again, it sounds weird when the rest of the streams are hitsounded and oh boy the hitsounds are loud (that's a good thing though) oki

06:44:159 (4,5,6,7,1) - this pattern is hella weird, the drum screams triples this pattern is unmappable many people have tried and they all ended bad, its like the song hates itself, so I added this for simplicity


06:08:159 - dunno how to link storyboard but I don't think it's intended for the text to be below the pulsing Blue Dragon
There is no SB anymore u nub
thnx bruhhh
ferret irl
I guess I still have it :p
Topic Starter

chewySoul wrote:

I guess I still have it :p
Keep by all means, probably would make CV feel better actually.

tbh 4,93 too ez but I couldn't spam kddkddk 1/6 anywhere :c
Topic Starter
Currently at school, I'll add in the taiko and add your name to the tags when I return back from home.

Let's bring EoaE back.

Edit: Added in!
- Lucy13 -
I love this song.
i can't mod it, but i can star it with my kudosu, good luck with it ;) :)
Jason X
yeah, it's an awesome song because celldweller is awesome

02:39:616 - soud here like d, add it for better sound and for unity with 02:43:731 -

thats the only thing that i found, because i can't play it, so i think it's not enough to give me kudosu

good luck with this map
Topic Starter

Jason X wrote:

good luck with this map
kds for saying gl

thnx for d

- Lucy13 - wrote:

I love this song.
i can't mod it, but i can star it with my kudosu, good luck with it ;) :)

ps: 400th post
Jason X

Arphimigon wrote:

ps: 400th post
Congratulations :) :)
applied Jason's suggestion and fixed up some stuff regarding editor, the deathstream and some finisher placement

Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

applied Jason's suggestion and fixed up some stuff regarding editor, the deathstream and some finisher placement
ps: you got the 100th post on map gratz
addin in changes~

[Raiden's Inner Oni]

00:11:245 - oh come on really 4x? The sound is not that strong, it's kinda quiet even. Do 2x at most.
00:25:645 (8) - Delay start until 00:26:331 - and add a note 00:25:988 - here so you really follow vocals. The strings only really come through on 00:26:331 - anyway
00:31:131 (1) - 00:36:616 (8) - ^
00:42:445 - Same too but without moving spinning sliders
00:57:359 (52) - move 00:57:702 - here to be more consistent across the section (it's the only time you have kdd and it doesn't fit)
01:13:131 (53,54,55,56,57,58,59) - Try ddk [kkkd] here instead, the 1/6-ish sound is on 01:13:474 - (like 01:13:988 - ). Alternatively make the first 1/6 1/4
01:13:988 (61,62,63,64) - if needed: Change the 1/6 to dddk and 01:14:331 (65,66) - these to D K (cause [dddk] K plays uuuuhm stupid)
01:20:845 (29) - 01:23:588 (49) - I know you like doing snare rhythm until you decide not to on some notes (guitar as reason) BUT 01:31:816 (115) - 01:34:559 (135) - these do and it makes it inconsistent. Change the first two marked ones to kats

02:11:931 - 02:33:874 - Really reconsider this part. The song slows down quite a lot here (esp with the slow drums, only the drums. ok there's some 1/2 guitar but compared to before even that is calming down) and you have mostly 1/1 kats everywhere which I would highly discourage. Try to limit it a bit more, orientate on vocals/drums more and don't add too much other kats. Also reduce the 1/4 a little bit because to me it felt like I played a 87 BPM song with 1/8 overmap and that doesn't feel right. SOME 1/4 is of course needed, I'm not saying that. But long stuff like 02:21:702 (78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86) - can be avoided if there's generally less 1/4 - try the ones that are in the song already, you can even make 5-plets with that. And if then it's a little bit too few, then you can add 1/4 again.

02:41:674 (236) - Think twice about this one, doesn't really seem to add much except sounding weird. A triplet already sounds good here. If you want it anyway, try don. Compare with 07:21:188 (1,2,3) -
02:50:845 (299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311) - Compare with 02:56:502 - 03:01:816 - 03:07:474 - . A bit too different in all imo

03:23:245 - Same as last kiai

03:54:445 (29) - Change to kat, we had this before : P
03:57:188 (49) - ^
05:12:959 - You sure you want such a long strea- what am I asking you probably are even tho it has stuff like 05:13:988 (13,14,15,16,17) - that is more complicated than most patterns in the map and in a such long stream it's very nice c:
05:34:902 - same as last kiai

07:21:188 (1,2,3) - Do I sense a not 4-plet? YAY C:


Nwolf wrote:


[Raiden's Inner Oni]

00:11:245 - oh come on really 4x? The sound is not that strong, it's kinda quiet even. Do 2x at most. ok
00:25:645 (8) - Delay start until 00:26:331 - and add a note 00:25:988 - here so you really follow vocals. The strings only really come through on 00:26:331 - anyway
00:31:131 (1) - 00:36:616 (8) - ^
00:42:445 - Same too but without moving spinning sliders na, the vocal held note starts at 00:25:302 - and on their respective notes on other places as well, the sliders/spinners are merely there to avoid losing momentum
00:57:359 (52) - move 00:57:702 - here to be more consistent across the section (it's the only time you have kdd and it doesn't fit) ok
01:13:131 (53,54,55,56,57,58,59) - Try ddk [kkkd] here instead, the 1/6-ish sound is on 01:13:474 - (like 01:13:988 - ). Alternatively make the first 1/6 1/4
01:13:988 (61,62,63,64) - if needed: Change the 1/6 to dddk and 01:14:331 (65,66) - these to D K (cause [dddk] K plays uuuuhm stupid) the 1/6 are fine they don't play stupid (got several testplays)
01:20:845 (29) - 01:23:588 (49) - I know you like doing snare rhythm until you decide not to on some notes (guitar as reason) BUT 01:31:816 (115) - 01:34:559 (135) - these do and it makes it inconsistent. Change the first two marked ones to kats nope, I think you completely missed the overall structure in these point which consistently alternates between kk and kd, not following pitch or anything, just giving some variety as well as flow to the gameplay

02:11:931 - 02:33:874 - Really reconsider this part. The song slows down quite a lot here (esp with the slow drums, only the drums. ok there's some 1/2 guitar but compared to before even that is calming down) and you have mostly 1/1 kats everywhere which I would highly discourage. Try to limit it a bit more, orientate on vocals/drums more and don't add too much other kats. Also reduce the 1/4 a little bit because to me it felt like I played a 87 BPM song with 1/8 overmap and that doesn't feel right. SOME 1/4 is of course needed, I'm not saying that. But long stuff like 02:21:702 (78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86) - can be avoided if there's generally less 1/4 - try the ones that are in the song already, you can even make 5-plets with that. And if then it's a little bit too few, then you can add 1/4 again. uhm... I don't see how it slows down in any way. Lessing the amount of notes would make this completely undermapped and unfun to play. I'm already very confident about the 1/4 usage in this map. Not every 1/4 must follow an accurate instrument and I'm sure you know about it. So unless you are more specific I'm not reconsidering anything.

02:41:674 (236) - Think twice about this one, doesn't really seem to add much except sounding weird. A triplet already sounds good here. If you want it anyway, try don. Compare with 07:21:188 (1,2,3) - there is a quad here lol
02:50:845 (299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311) - Compare with 02:56:502 - 03:01:816 - 03:07:474 - . A bit too different in all imo aha, so?

03:23:245 - Same as last kiai same answers

03:54:445 (29) - Change to kat, we had this before : P
03:57:188 (49) - ^
05:12:959 - You sure you want such a long strea- what am I asking you probably are even tho it has stuff like 05:13:988 (13,14,15,16,17) - that is more complicated than most patterns in the map and in a such long stream it's very nice c: sarcasm? xd
05:34:902 - same as last kiai same

07:21:188 (1,2,3) - Do I sense a not 4-plet? YAY C: yea there is no quad this time

weff woof
ty weff

update ->
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

update ->

wait you can't HL people on forums can you oops
Topic Starter
Hi :3


Taiko Mod Via: my mod Queue
Made by: Raiden
Mod Tipe: Normal Mod


k= small kat d= small don
^ you need do same thing

It's Ok

[Raiden's Inner Oni]
  1. change to k 00:23:931 (4) - Por que la voz cambia es decir dice otra palabra y la tonalidad de la misma cambia un poco
  2. agraga 2 notas aqui 02:05:159 (202,204) - por que hay sonidos de la bateria
  3. cambia a d 05:19:645 (79) - creo que seria un poco mejor dar un poquito mas de variedad en esas notas


... I don't have comments fpr this... Your diff is very VERY good Raiden x'D i hope this can be ranked very soon GL with that Dear Raidon

[_Chichinya_] wrote:

Hi :3


Taiko Mod Via: my mod Queue
Made by: Raiden
Mod Tipe: Normal Mod


k= small kat d= small don
^ you need do same thing

It's Ok

[Raiden's Inner Oni]
  1. change to k 00:23:931 (4) - Por que la voz cambia es decir dice otra palabra y la tonalidad de la misma cambia un poco yo creo que el tono es el mismo =w=
  2. agraga 2 notas aqui 02:05:159 (202,204) - por que hay sonidos de la bateria oooh si buen catch
  3. cambia a d 05:19:645 (79) - creo que seria un poco mejor dar un poquito mas de variedad en esas notas
creo que el stream sufriria en jugabilidad de esa forma porque cambiaría la mano dominante xD (kddk masterrace top420mlg)


... I don't have comments fpr this... Your diff is very VERY good Raiden x'D i hope this can be ranked very soon GL with that Dear Raidon nah... it's average/below average imo
@Arphi can you add a note without hitsound (red note / don) at 02:05:331 - ?
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