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Vulf wrote:

There has been a few games where I left the HoG at rank 2 because of the CD difference which is huge for split pushing. I split push a lot in this game. I only really get WoG if FG and Fury are heavily contested which isn't often in my games.

My second active is always something depending how the game is. I really like protected recall and shielded teleport when I split push. I really like Aegis amulet because I can initiate fights with that because people immediately blow their CC on you when you jump into them and Fenrir is way too squishy (even with tank items) to build beads for the same effect warriors get.
I haven't given Aegis enough of a chance, but then again I rarely play Fenrir.

I've been playing a lot of Arachne currently despite her feeling like a meh God to pick overall. How do you guys think they should buff her to improve her? Or is she fine the way she is?
I still have nightmares playing against the old OP Arachne jungle so I really don't want that god to be good again. I think her kit is too stupid to just change numbers and call it a day. I wouldn't mind seeing a majority of her kit remade, but thats just me and I know Arachne fans wouldn't want that. I mean I would be super upset if they reworked Fenrir even though his main issue is just CC and beads being broken as fuck.
- L A U R A -
Beads Aegis are the 2 hard hard counters to loki, imo beads is already enough. Also, if you face a Freya and her ult bothers you, get the walking aegis thing and she can't harm you.
I kinda hope they rework arachne into a guardian or something. Even if her damage numbers would be doubled, her ganks are extremly weak, even weaker if there are wards and if a jungler can't gank it's pointless. And she has to "Siege up" with eggs and stuff before she can gank so she gets predictable. Her clear is amazing though and the early game 1v1 boxing potential too. Siege is better for her, the corners that you simply don't ward are her home. That new item... I love it for 1v1 vs mages. CDR, Power and protection. Finally a good item giving sustain that is suited for assassins.

Picked up some level 10 players that wrote me a PM on reddit. It is somehow funny to look how much they concentrate to use the vgs, or how they always think a few times if they should attack when I stun someone. Told them about beads and how to counter certain gods, it's quite fun and they are way better then me back then.
I still don't know how to use the vgs properly. Why can't I set it to my own macro's first of all? Would make my life so much easier if I could bind some of them to different keys.

Why did they remove the auto skill level feature? Not every god has situational level up spells or wants to abuse the level skip at 4 and 8.
Never used the auto buy.

That new stacking item Ancile is really good. Combo it with other stacking items like Devourer's gloves and it's pretty dumb at full stacks.
Hmmmm, alright, this has happened enough times to merit me asking about it.

Do they plan on implementing a type of backdoor protection or am I just dealing with this all wrong? I was having some games last night and to my frustration, I was matched against the same Nu Wa player 3 times. Every single time she would just focus on backdooring towers with her little army dudes when our creeps were way up the lane and we were elsewhere, by the time we'd react she would retreat, and even if she did die, the damage was done and it was well worth her trip. Inevitably she would just backdoor our phoenix and we'd just lose in a miserable manner.

I guess my question is, what is the best way to deal with this (imo) ridiculous playstyle?

In dota2, towers heal if none of your creeps have hit it and you try to backdoor it, I wonder if something like that will ever see the light of day in Smite. I'm ok with someone running up and popping a tower that is sitting at 1% hp, or if 3-5 farmed players overpower the backdoor healing, but to backdoor from full to zero in a matter of 2'ish trips seems way too beneficial. It really killed my desire to continue playing when i saw it.

ETA: I guess I should state that I was playing Arachne in both games, and since they had an Ares in their lineup i had HoG + beads as my actives, so quick travel to towers wasn't possible to me.
[- Alex -]
I think Au Kuang ult need to be a bit nerfed . 1 ult , 4 kills . At 420 ap , over 1000 damage at lvl 2 in ult i think.
Nu Wa split pushing is next level retarded because she doesn't need minions to take things. What they can do to fix this is have the soldiers deal no damage to structures and have turrets prioritize Nu Wa over them.

Ao Kuang has always been ridiculously strong. His ratios are fine I just think he is bugged in a lot of ways. He can ult in the middle of CC and it's really dumb he is allowed to do that.
- L A U R A -
I loathe Ao Kuang. His tornados, his ult, everything. When I use my 3 on him "wow let's press 4 cuz god hard" and i die. The worst thing with CC immunity is Tyr, his passive, his 1 not being able to be CCd in and his ult that is a bit leap with CC immunity. PLEA STAHP.
And to Nu Wa... Attack when you killed her. Only thing to get out of her ridiculous ability taking phoenixes lategame... She isn't the only one able to do this, count Mercury, Bakasura, Apollo and Bastet to the most annoying split pushers too :/ Wards and killing them is the only way to take out an active split pusher.

2 Days before season ends :D :D :D
[- Alex -]
Pff , is so sad i only have lvl 15.... I want to play some rank's.
I got deserter status and lost all my goodwill because my net crashed this morning! :(

Ao Kuang could probably use a slight nerf on his 3 for how safe it makes his laning and how the damage is. It's hard to avoid when you try to fight him. I don't think the CC immunity on his ulti is intentional because if it is then they most definitely should nerf the damage.
I still think they need to add backdoor protections to this game. I'll work on my wards and killing split pushers and all that, but I still want to see either towers heal or god minions unable to tank towers.

Also, am I the only one who thinks Geb ult is really bad? Seriously have never seen it turn the tide of a battle. Or am I just an idiot?
- L A U R A -
Gebs ult is a teamfight ult. Most people suck at Geb since they just spam abilitys, he's a pretty good support if you can calculate when to use your CC and when not. His shield is what makes him good though.
- L A U R A -
What happens when you don't focus on OBJECTIVES.
Played vs this guy before as Mercury, he play like a cheesy idiot. He wards and waits to gank you when you do buffs and if he succeeds he can just snowball around and kill you since this is where Loki shines... ( I didn't sell Hearthseeker since it gives me power even without stacks and stacking in Joust isn't a problem..)

I got into a discussion with someone the other day on Heartseeker vs Devourer' Glove.

1950 gold
25 attack
8% Movement Speed

PASSIVE - You gain +1 Physical Power per stack. You receive 2 stacks for a god kill and 1 stack per minion kill. The stacks are halved on death. (max. 50 stacks)

+75 attack at max stacks.

Devourer's Glove
2050 gold
30 attack
10% Lifesteal

PASSIVE - You permanently gain +.5 Physical Power and +.25% Physical Lifesteal per stack, and receive 5 stacks per god kill and 1 stack per minion kill. (max. 60 stacks)

+60 attack and 25% lifesteal at max stacks.

I don't really see a reason to get Heartseeker over Devourer's Glove unless you are snowballing hard and dying isn't really a big issue.
[- Alex -]
Nemesis , Ares , Poseidon or Zeus? I like them very much but i want to own one. ^^
- L A U R A -

Vulf wrote:

I got into a discussion with someone the other day on Heartseeker vs Devourer' Glove.

1950 gold
25 attack
8% Movement Speed

PASSIVE - You gain +1 Physical Power per stack. You receive 2 stacks for a god kill and 1 stack per minion kill. The stacks are halved on death. (max. 50 stacks)

+75 attack at max stacks.

Devourer's Glove
2050 gold
30 attack
10% Lifesteal

PASSIVE - You permanently gain +.5 Physical Power and +.25% Physical Lifesteal per stack, and receive 5 stacks per god kill and 1 stack per minion kill. (max. 60 stacks)

+60 attack and 25% lifesteal at max stacks.

I don't really see a reason to get Heartseeker over Devourer's Glove unless you are snowballing hard and dying isn't really a big issue.
Mercury and Osiris, since both work better with Bloodforge and Mercurys passive + his need for mov speed, Joust 1v1 mostly. Normally under ADCs people win with devos gloves since they give sustain.

And WingsOfDeathx I like them in this order: Nemesis, Poseidon, Ares, then Zeus. They are all quite different.
God specific I can see. How does mercury's passive work? Is it based off the percentage or the flat movement from items? Hope it's the flat movement because that would be a very bad passive if it isn't.

Fenrir with a fully stacked devourer's Glove + fully runed 2 at max rank is almost 80% lifesteal. Pretty much can 1v1 anyone unless they burst you.

I'm glad I bought the god pack back when it was like 10 bucks. I pretty much only play Fenrir so idk if I would buy it at $30. lol
- L A U R A -
I'll have to say, Mercurys passive doesn't calculate with his base movement speed. But still it's great since you build speed anyway...

> For every 1 ft traveled, Mercury gains a 0.1% physical power bonus on his next basic attack (max 50%). Mercury also gains additional physical power equal to 25% of movement speed from items or abilities.

Let's say, you don't get tons of damage from it, but the chunk you get is often notable (I remember having about 38 most games). Same reason to pick up Golden Bow on Merc: His 1 is a basic attack, helps him clear, free mov speed. IMO, as long as you don't play solo or in joust, it won't be useful, but it helps clear waves a lot. Max rank Made you look can clear a normal minion wave with it in seconds. But on ever other god, Golden Bow is useless and has just way to bad stats... I often sell it for Titan's Bane or a protection item lategame.

And Bloodforge for gods with incredible fast or just great attack chains for the BF passive (Osiris, Mercury with his 2 giving 70% attack speed, Kali...)
40 Physical Power, 20% Lifesteal
> PASSIVE - Each successful hit on an enemy grants you +5 Physical Power and +2% Physical Lifesteal for 4s. (max. 5 stacks)

Those are the only exceptions I could think off... differences often not noticable so it wont hurt just getting devos gauntlet.
I meant off the % of the item. For example 25% of 8% (heartseeker) is 2 attack.

I went in game to test this because I was very curious how this mechanic worked. It goes off the base movespeed the item gives. With no other movespeed items or abilities in play heartseeker gives mercury about 30 movespeed which is 7.5 attack.

The distant part of the passive is already incredibly strong this part of it makes it even more ridiculous. lol
- L A U R A -
But the distance part gets cancelled by jumping and I jump all the time .-.

PLS SMITE...maybe just have to play lunch and stomp randoms...
Is that intentional? LOL

I wish I had more motivation to play Smite. I hate solo queue and if I had a good group of people to play with every day I think I'd play a lot more.
- L A U R A -
If you see me online just invite me :) As long as someone jungles in my team I'm happy.
Jungle is my main role so you would never have to worry about doing it if we queue.
- L A U R A -
They really need to remake the joust map .-. wasted 1 hour on this guy that was titansitting...
I don't think the map is the problem. I've only played like 3 games on that map and the first thing I noticed and possibly a big reason I hate that game mode is that it's extremely stagnant. Basically whoever fucks up first loses or is put at a pretty big disadvantage. Which is fine, but it's pretty dang hard to come back from. Talking from a 3v3 perspective.

Also I saw this on reddit this morning.

Not sure how I feel about paying $$$$ to gain more worshipers. Kinda ruins it for the people who spent a lot of time on some gods to reach legendary status.
- L A U R A -
You still see the difference from a legendary that farmed without boosters and one that farmed with them according to wins and kills on the godcard if they bought the gold card. I don't even look at the loading screen mostly... And honestly, have you ever seen a legendary Ao Kuang without med?

from the 3v3 perspective, you have mostly 1 mage, 1 assassin/hunter and 1 guardian/warrior. So it is true from that perspective, a mage can poke down that titan if people titan sit. If you don't have a hyper carry team you should probably give up after the first few kills since snowballing is easy in that mode.
The problem is in 1v1, with, let's say Mercury and Kali you have no chance poking it without getting in danger. Also, you need the abilitys to clear. And if you poke them down and they have to go back to spawn, you can't do any damage since you need to go near objectives, phoenixes are no problem, but the titans are really annoying. Those 1h+ matches are just retarded... you can farm towerkills though.

The new skins are amazing, I'll buy them all :) And Serket feels so OP, but cool to play.

This curse voice thing, thanks for the free gems. The program seems like the normal voice chat thing, I'd rate 6/10 from functionality compared to dolby axon and teamspeak 3. The problems with it, after joining a few conversations: People with bad mics, people screaming, people insulting someone that isn't in the conversation. The good part is, you can make plans better and discuss strategies. Also, a lot of people are really friendly on it, maybe because it gives you more personality, the way you talk, your pronunciation and how you act. People seem a lot more careful on what they say then what they write. On the other side, trolls are more hardcore and bm is scary on it. But anyway, voice chat won't give you too much if there is no synergy in a team. My clan doesn't use voice chat and we still win most premades.
I guess thats true, but I still don't think it should be something that's easy to achieve. =\
Would be really cool if they had it increase beyond level 10. This way the people who just want the Legendary skin get it while the people who invested a lot of time in the god keep getting rewarded for it.

I guess it's better than nothing. The lazy fucks at Riot couldn't even be bothered to implement something like this despite it being upvoted by a majority of the community on both reddit and their forums. LOL

90% of the time someone compliments me on my card. LOL
To be honest it's kinda inflated because Fenrir was extremely broken on release.
- L A U R A -
Haha nice :D My card looks worse q.q most of them are joust stats, my domination stats got deleted and I played him as a total noob ending games with scores like 0:5:3 for the first 3 masteries. Fixed my KDR though, 1.4:1 at this moment. And i never miss an ult, it's on instant casting :D And Riot... when I played LoL it all looked so nice, can't believe it got like that...

People complaining about counterpicks, streamsniping, ghosting and whatever weird stuff in joust league should not play this mode. It could sound as stupid as "He baited me into Chronos which lets him pick Chronos which counters my Chronos.", for a reason there are counterbuilds. I randomly tuned in the smite twitch, saw PBat playing joust, complaining about how the opponent of him is a sniper and how he looked to counter his picks, and that's why he always picks different gods and whatever. His opponent didn't know how to counter the god PBat was playing, so he just trolled around a bit. During that time he already was far behind.

Also, Yuketsu vs Rikudosannin was pretty much a reason to Alt + F4 the stream. Just because you get the same guy 2 times in a row doesn't mean he snipes you. And how can you loose with prenerf Bastet?

I saw the first time someone really raging about streamsniping in Smite, dmbrandon about GiTsticker. dmbrandon played vs GiT before and it was always the same picks: Kali vs Mercury. GiTsticker spammed during that time in Joust 1v1 with Mercury, he got about 500 wins in these days. He is maybe one of the most mature and skilled joust players, but got denounced before 2k viewers. It makes me sick to see how streamers trashtalk about their opponents. They are streamers and could be a good image for their viewers which are a lot maybe young and take this as normal behavior.

(I snipe my friends sometimes and they snipe me but pshhhhh)
As I said my stats are inflated. I used to average around 20-25 kills a game with him. Basically release Fenrir was - Do attack buff and go 1 shot someone in lane or enemy jungler with your 3. Repeat process. His 3 also used to proc on hit effects and didn't break with jumps. xD

Riot is still a good company and League is still a good game, but it's definitely going downhill due to them making terrible balance decisions and being super lazy with everything. I've spent way too much time playing LoL to hope for it to die, but I've already got to the point where I rarely play it anymore.

My net lately is too bad to play anything that requires a stable online connection eg: Smite. :(
- L A U R A -
My provider is crap in my area... I walk into the wall for like 10s sometimes and 99% of the time people kill me .-. And one source of bad stats is maybe joust 1v1, since you rarely get many kills depending on the god you play. On tiermonster it says you average 11 kills a game and 2 deaths. DAE Vulfs Fenrir OP?

When looking on my page I cry, didn't join for to long (06-12-2014) my most played god since then is Mercury with 6 kills and 3 deaths per game. I play him mostly in Joust 1v1, every arena player has like double or triple the kills I get with merc. But Artemis, which I only play in conqest to fill for the ADC role, has average 9 kills per game and 5 deaths, 8 assists. Which is kill wise a lot higher then the normal user stats.

Fenrirs 3 makes me laugh sometimes, not because people say "push 3 to win" or some other crap, more like when I Mercury ult Fenrir follows me to the end of the map. Same for Loki ult, got a Fenrir in the spawn like that.
Those stats on that site seem kinda off to me and I don't think it starts from when you joined the site either. 600+ kills in 3-4 conquest is unrealistic. LOL

I think it might be going off when Smite launched because that seems more accurate in terms of numbers to me.

Check your stats on the main smite site.

I think tiermonster might have just averaged every game mode together because I shouldn't have almost a 12 kill average anymore because there was a good 20 or so games where I did pretty damn awful trying to get used to the new items/item system that was added a few months ago. xD
I have played a good amount of smite now but i still prefer League, but i sometimes just play some smite bcus they are both very diffrent that kinda says its self, but still nice haveing some fresh air away from league.
Add me xXnoscoperXx
- L A U R A -
I think tiermonster counts the kills since you signed in on tiermonster and takes the wins and losses from the smite homepage? On my smite profile it says i have something over 6k kills, on tiermonster I have about 3k in total.

I honestly don't know why people not pick up Kali more in conquest. She is such a good solo laner, you can even put her as adc or mid. Many people pick her for jungle, but in my opinion, lane is better for her since she's a hyper lategame carry, like hunters/solos. Her sustain is extreme, especially with deaths toll. Her lifesteal jump is insane, at max rank lash you can clear full waves. Lategame you are a frontline, you can take damage and deal a lot of damage, people pick up aegis to counter her passive, but you just need to predict it. Her speed and mobility is insane, you need to pick out your targets with instinct but it gets easy with time. She is probably next to Thor one of the Assassins that can take damage and pretty much yolo aa lategame her way to the enemy titan. She is with Mercury one of the most brutal lategame assassins.

Kind of defeats the whole purpose of a statistics then.
The main site gives more information anyways.

Maybe my internet will be stable enough to play this game again someday. :(
- L A U R A -
RIP Nu Wa. I understand in nerfing her, but srsly that remodel .-.

In game golden looks even more perfect, the cristals, basic attacks omg I will never forget u. Biggest difference spotted: Boobs.


And god no, I'm not such a retarded splitpusher that suicides and goes 0/12 :( Her ulti is great for teamfights and the kit wellrounded.
Probably the most unneeded remodel. Looks good however.
Kyonko Hizara
Lizzehb got me to play Smite with her and now I unintentionally will play it for 5 hours straight. I still suck dick at it but if anyone wants to add me I'm KyonkoHizara.
Man, I forgot about this game for a while. How is Serqet? She looks neat.
Kyonko Hizara
If only I could play assassin ;~; Serqet is pretty fucking awesome. She's a badass if you can play assassins. Pretty much everyone I've seen play as her does really well so :U
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