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I'll add you when the servers come online or when I get around to getting online. I actually don't play often but enough i guess.

Anyways season 2 hype!

Sirus wrote:

Im always looking for more people to play Smite with. Ad me ign-SpartanxGunnerx :)
i just started playing so i need meta help. ill add you if you can helps teh nub like me ;P

Tasteyy wrote:

i just started playing so i need meta help. ill add you if you can helps teh nub like me ;P
You can ask anything here. I've been playing since closed beta and I am pretty sure Laura (liimo) has gone pro at this point.

My ign is Vulf. Same as the one I use on osu
I'm gold 5 so I can help a bit
I didn't see it in the patch notes but did they change base movespeed on some gods? Fenrir feels extremely slow and sluggish for me now.

Vulf wrote:

I didn't see it in the patch notes but did they change base movespeed on some gods? Fenrir feels extremely slow and sluggish for me now.
Yeah I switched around a lot of the gods I play, I dropped Vulcan and Apollo and picked up Osiris and anhur
I just checked for Fenrir. 370 base post and pre patch.

It felt really slow in one game because this Thor was able to easily out run me even when I used sprint. We had the same movespeed as well.

Vulf wrote:

I just checked for Fenrir. 370 base post and pre patch.

It felt really slow in one game because this Thor was able to easily out run me even when I used sprint. We had the same movespeed as well.
Weird, did he use the curse active?
You were in the game with me. lol ... =134420726

I wish replays were available for every game so I can just watch it and see what happened.

Anyways I am really not liking the removal of the physical CDR boots. Was a core item in my tank Fenrir build. Having 40% CDR with just boots and Jotuns was really freakin good on him. Now I have to get a stacked ancile which is really not very optimal for support. =\
- L A U R A -
They removed movement speed from Witchblade :/ So sad...

And started to try out ranked because duo queue - first two games were alright, then suddenly 2 afks on my team. We were winning, but those 2 were just feeding and were like NOPE IMA QUIT.
Or they are like "Nooo I'll mid because I'm silver 3 conquest league and you are qualifying". - When I have 4 times their games and belong to the top 200 joust players worldwide elowise... I guess you are right with your silver 3 rights and not even half of my joust elo q.q

I really hate if you have teams that never push towers. People that have 0 structure damage (unless a guardian support, but even then ._.)

We should all just form a party and go rek some fools XD
The problem is I can only really log in at a really late time during the week thanks to school and work. If you guys want to play this weekend let me know and I'll try to log in.
- L A U R A -
I am often playing at night times at the weekend and sometimes during the week. Just add me and if I'm online invite me.

My friend found this long existing bug a while ago. Wont share it on reddit and probably keep it unlisted. You could do 1v2 customs with it ;) It needs some practice to time the 2 clicks right.

I love how we say well all play together but we haven't all shared usernames (except Vulf)
Easier to just add me: SpartanxGunnerx
Laura posted theirs awhile back. It's on the first page of this thread.

I really wish the creator of this thread was still around so we could put IGN's on the first post so we could help new people or just play together.
Probably would need to a mod to edit it now.

I even tried to add the OP in game when he made this thread forever ago but he didn't even accept it. LMAO
Just found it
Supports get hardly any gold and xp now.

Despite getting my carry really fed and rotating mid (because he really needed the help) I barely got anything from all that. Role is ridiculously unrewarding to play now. =\

Also I have no idea what to even build on support Fenrir anymore. CDR boots are gone, Death's toll seems less superior to Bluestone Pendant in every way and Sovereignty got nerfed.

I don't get why they would take one of the hardest roles to play properly in this game and make it ridiculously worse and super unrewarding. RIP my support days I guess.
Yeah that's why I'm looking into some new goods for new roles, I want to try nemesis solo
If I can make solo Fenrir work I'm sure you can easily make Nemesis work.

The only matchups I have an issue with are Hercules and Vamana. Hercules is damn near impossible to kill and Vamana gets way too tanky after his first back.

I changed my in game name to Fênrîr.
- L A U R A -
Nemesis solo is a lot of fun, her clear early is just bad. I'd build dev gloves just for the sustain.

Fenrir is currently really strong (in Siege atleast) with a bruiser build. His basedamage is really high, he's hard to catch and lock down and can secure damage or force cc immunity. Since Aegis, Magis and Penetration nerfs he shines, so do a lot other gods.

Vulf wrote:

If I can make solo Fenrir work I'm sure you can easily make Nemesis work.

The only matchups I have an issue with are Hercules and Vamana. Hercules is damn near impossible to kill and Vamana gets way too tanky after his first back.

I changed my in game name to Fênrîr.
Osiris is an amazing counter to herc actually, especially after building fist of the gods, works great

- L A U R A - wrote:

Nemesis solo is a lot of fun, her clear early is just bad. I'd build dev gloves just for the sustain.

Fenrir is currently really strong (in Siege atleast) with a bruiser build. His basedamage is really high, he's hard to catch and lock down and can secure damage or force cc immunity. Since Aegis, Magis and Penetration nerfs he shines, so do a lot other gods.
Tank Fenrir in general has been really strong for awhile now which is why I really love playing him support. Severely underrated and I hope people do not catch on because I can see it getting nerfed.

Sirus wrote:

Osiris is an amazing counter to herc actually, especially after building fist of the gods, works great
I've been picking up fist of gods against herc lately because you really need to chain CC him to kill him. I just really hate hercules. :(
- L A U R A -
Atfer I saw how they will nerf Bellona, I'm a bit dissappointed. They just reduced the healing of her 3. The mechanic of Scourge doesn't seem to fit a warrior at all (it scales with attackspeed, like Pulse/Irradiate combo from Freya). Instead of changig it to a heal that happens once, or scales of Power/Protection they just leave it as a skill fitting an assassin more then warrior.
I never liked Belonna, shes annoying to fight and im just busy fangirling about the new bakasura skin

- L A U R A - wrote:

Atfer I saw how they will nerf Bellona, I'm a bit dissappointed. They just reduced the healing of her 3. The mechanic of Scourge doesn't seem to fit a warrior at all (it scales with attackspeed, like Pulse/Irradiate combo from Freya). Instead of changig it to a heal that happens once, or scales of Power/Protection they just leave it as a skill fitting an assassin more then warrior.
I feel they will eventually end up overnerfing her because people are still going to complain about her after this nerf.

Honestly the heal and disarm alone is not a problem but when you throw it onto one ability it's kinda ridiculous. They should move the heal onto her 1 and change the attack progression of her 3 so it's less retarded with attack speed items.
- L A U R A -
Is it just me or did matchmaking actually get worse? In almost all of my recent Siege matches there were people that weren't level 30. Still winning most of my matches, but playing hypercarries every game isn't something I'd call my favorite thing. There was a Freya that was stoned (she said so), did care about nothing, bought items because they looked "cool" and missed minions with AoE basics :/ It ends up in my husbando and me playing Chronos/Kali/Freya/Aphro/Thor every game... We both have about 67-70% winrate and 700 or so Siege games played, having a level 16 Anubis that played 15 Siege games and won 3 of them on the other lane feeding his brain out gets rather painful.

New meta?
Still not as bad a league of legends XD
Holy shit I just logged in after a couple months and the new client UI looks atrocious and is clunky as fuck. How did this get through beta testing?
Main thing I don't like about smite is it sacrifices strategy for more action, its like the CoD of MOBA's. No thx

- L A U R A - wrote:

Is it just me or did matchmaking actually get worse? In almost all of my recent Siege matches there were people that weren't level 30. Still winning most of my matches, but playing hypercarries every game isn't something I'd call my favorite thing. There was a Freya that was stoned (she said so), did care about nothing, bought items because they looked "cool" and missed minions with AoE basics :/ It ends up in my husbando and me playing Chronos/Kali/Freya/Aphro/Thor every game... We both have about 67-70% winrate and 700 or so Siege games played, having a level 16 Anubis that played 15 Siege games and won 3 of them on the other lane feeding his brain out gets rather painful.

New meta?
I stay away from Siege and Arena now because I always get matched against premades and get stomped hard. Assault I just troll and not care. Conquest is still pretty bad but not as bad as it was a year ago at least. The MM system still needs some work.

I've been playing Fenrir mid when I can and it is hilarious how mad people get when I do that sometimes even though I always end up doing the best on my team.

Speaking of meta

Mid - Fenrir
Ymir -Jungle
Support - Poseidon

Fun game!

BrokenArrow wrote:

Holy shit I just logged in after a couple months and the new client UI looks atrocious and is clunky as fuck. How did this get through beta testing?
I could say the same with LoL. I stopped actively playing that game 4 months ago and recently got pressured into playing urf with some friends not only is the new client/UI beyond unresponsive and slow at times but it just looks really terrible when you hover over peoples names on your friends list now. The game itself even feels slow and sluggish but that could be because I'm so used to Smite being so fast paced compared to LoL.

I just want Smites UI to not be this blue color. They should change it to a gold/dark yellow so it matches the smite logo and I think it would be more appeasing on the eyes at least.

EneT wrote:

Main thing I don't like about smite is it sacrifices strategy for more action, its like the CoD of MOBA's. No thx
You should really watch the competitive scene. A game being more fast paced does not mean it has less strategy.

LoL and dota are way slower to the point it actually feels like people are thinking of ways to do things which isn't really the case at all.
- L A U R A -
Yep the strategy thing kinda depends on the level of play. You can watch this guy and sometimes there are games where it just counts who farms more efficient for 18 minutes. Joust on a low level again... lmao. I don't bother too much because of the UI since I'm more focused on it's functionality. It's alright overall.

Low levels are mostly just a cluster fuck with little thinking involved it's like that in every moba unless it's plagued with smurfs *cough* LoL *cough*. I can't wait to start making people rage in leagues with a Fenrir pick every game. Soon™

Also lol.

Edit: some reason the embed messed up. :(
- L A U R A -
Siege, bitches. Low levels are really clusterfuck, especially as a smurf. My friend tries to keep highest score by only playing Mercury, and because his casual elo is so high (1 loss out of like 60 games) all he gets if afks, spanish preschoolers that spam jajajaja etc against other smurfs.

The new Arena map looks sick! Current one is just so dark and sad. Anewbis isn't my type, I like his old troll model. He just looks so... cute :$

Ah Puch probably most annoying god ever. They should delay the corpse explosion and nerf his 3 a little bit. Maybe make the ultimate duration shorter. He's easy to jump on but if he's feed, unstoppable.
- L A U R A -
oh and lmfao, the outplay was real:
^double post
Ah Puch slow is insane lol other than that he is only really annoying in assault pretty much.

The outplays in this game are always hilarious because everything is a skill shot. I've done something similar when I ran into the gold fury and it aggroed the person who was chasing me which made them back off because that bitch hurts early game.

-SayaKai wrote:

^double post
Problem? His intention wasn't to bump the thread. Kinda pointless to edit your post for something minor after 12 hours.
Ah Puch only as 2 counters.... Isis and Agni
It took me almost 3 years but I finally hit level 30. lol

I think that stems well beyond casual gaming.
- L A U R A -
Oh well a lot of games go like that for me. Dota is just derping around for me and my skill level is beyond bronze.

I guess you'll grind some masteries and play Fenrir in ranked?

and yay, I defeated the monster! on my smurf though...
Me playing something else besides Fenrir? lol

Probably not for awhile. Pretty much the only way for me to get masteries at this point is through assault if I am trolling with clan members.
- L A U R A -
Yep pretty much the same, I stick to a handfull of gods and just play them over and over. Ratatoskr looks like loads of fun to play (and he's really cute next to that), gonna instalock him at release hehehe.

When you aren't mad that someone dodged lobby in Joust 1v1
Well at the rate of this meta he probably won't be that good.

Guardians and hunters are ridiculously strong right now. They really need to nerf hunter itemization already, nerfing devos and buffing HS did nothing because they need nerfs not nerfbuffs.
Since the E3 is ongoing, Humble Bundle offers a nice bundle for the next two days. If you haven't see yet I strongly recommend to take a look!

The bundle includes beside of Steam games and add-ons a Xbox One Closed Beta key and the Loki Pack for Smite. I won't play Smite so I give these to you. To get one of these two things please contact me via Forum PM what do you want. Don't forget: who comes first served first. I may buy this bundle more than once, so more than two will be lucky.
If I didn't already own the skins I would take you up on that.

I also have a few xbox beta codes as well.
- L A U R A -
I'm kinda sad about Ratatoskr. He's really boring to play. New Nox is arguably worse then the old one, her cooldowns are just way to long and her mechanics straight out bad. Her damage easy to avoid. Old Nox maybe needed a small buff on her base damage or ability size, or on the cooldown of her silence. I never played her anyway so w/e.

The announcer packs are pretty cringe worthy atm. Having them as a bit more "human" version of announcer felt really nice to me. Matchmaking is on a new low. They should have never matched this
Used to play smite last year. Im level 28 :( Never made it to level 30 so I can play ranked
I used to play smite but the game bored me because the server it's not good. Too much lag and falls
Well matchmaking is always bad lol.

Also that DDOS attack last saturday. Didn't even know Smite was popular enough to warrant such a thing?
I play this game in periods. Ne Zha is hands down the best god and I absolutely love the character design and his kit overall.

PrinceArua wrote:

I play this game in periods. Ne Zha is hands down the best god and I absolutely love the character design and his kit overall.
Fenrir is the best god. 8-)
is smite good game?, i want to download it but it seems like LoL
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