
Krfawy - Slut Off

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 23 grudnia 2014 at 00:10:24

Artist: Krfawy
Title: Slut Off
Tags: synth pop dance edm Pinksane Treats
BPM: 118
Filesize: 4276kb
Play Time: 00:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,37 stars, 54 notes)
  2. Extreme (3,97 stars, 170 notes)
  3. Hard (2,59 stars, 108 notes)
  4. Insane (2,97 stars, 133 notes)
  5. Normal (1,53 stars, 69 notes)
Download: Krfawy - Slut Off
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Easy by Me
Normal by Me
Hard by Me
Insane by Me
Extreme by Me

Amazing skin by Kazuya. Thank you very much for your time and effort! ^
Bathory Witch
Wcale nie ma mnie u ciebie w domu. xD

  1. 00:10:171 (1,1) - Niesymetrycznie.
  2. 00:14:239 (1) - Ustaw punkty slidera: 2.(445;126) 3.(396;164)
  3. 00:17:544 (2) - Wstaw kółko na (208;212)
  4. 00:19:324 (2) - Ustaw na (416;148)
  5. 00:21:103 (2) - Ustaw kółko na (344;108)
  6. 00:24:154 (3) - Ustaw kółko na (68;144)
  7. 00:24:917 (2,3,4) - Ustaw drugie kółko na (168;244) więc czwórkę też ustawisz za pomocą CTRL + H. Trójkę wstaw na (256;284).
  8. 00:28:222 (3) - Ustaw kółko na (356;140)
  9. 00:31:273 (2) - Ustaw kółko na (28;208)
  10. 00:32:290 (4) - Ustaw kółko na (136;236)
  11. 00:40:679 (1,2) - Usuń czerwone punkty, niepotrzebne.
  12. 00:42:713 (1) - Ustaw na Y=268
  13. 00:45:510 (2) - Ustaw kółko na (112;36)
  14. 00:45:764 (3) - Może 1/1 slider?
  15. 00:46:781 (1) - I kółko na koniec przed spinnerem? Whistle ofc. :P
  1. 00:08:900 (5) - Popraw slider. : / Osobiście radzę ustawić punkty: 2.(216;312), 3.(267;306), 4.(324;300), 5.(380;328)
  2. 00:09:663 (6) - Ten też... Punkty: 1.(452;324), 2.(488;292) - radzę ten ustawić jako czerwony, 3.(512;240)
  3. 00:11:697 (4) - I to też...
  4. 00:12:205 (1,2,3,4) - Jedynkę i slider ustaw na (388;80), dwójkę na (455;179) i trójkę na (366;188)
  5. 00:26:824 (2,3) - Ustaw na X=140 i daj w dwójce gwizdek.
  6. 00:26:443 (1) - Ustaw ostatni punkt slidera na X=139
  1. 00:10:172 (1) - Zmień ustawienie punktów w sliderze: 2.(432;352) 3.(448;203)
  2. 00:22:501 (2) - Ustaw na (337;300)
  3. 00:28:985 (3) - Ustaw na (117;220)
  4. 00:29:239 (4) - Skopiuj poprzedni slider i daj CTRL + <
Mod wcale się nie przyda. XDDD
From xLoupGarou's Modding Queue

Da BG . . . it's OK XD

*Mp3 seems OK

00:46:782 Remove NC? Only That Hahaha

Really have nothing to MOD . . Great Map. . No Kds .
That's All *shoots a star*
Topic Starter
XDDDDDDDDDDD Unfortunately I didn't remove the NC moment because I think it's too slutty... I mean pervy right moment in the music to remove it. Sorry, no changes. ;_;

And HUUUGE LOVE for your star! Thank you so much for supporting me Garou! <3

LVU Bluddy! o3o
hi bitch blonde
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Hello my deer! o3o

12th July '14 EDIT: IRC MOD

02:15 Krfawy: May I ask you for an IRC mod to a Hard diff to my mapset? D:
02:17 Winek: sure
02:17 Krfawy: <3
02:17 *Krfawy is listening to [ Krfawy - Slut Off]
02:17 Krfawy: This one :3
02:17 Krfawy: called 'Harden' o3o
02:18 Winek: these diffname
02:19 Krfawy: I guess you're the 6th person who says they are odd D:
02:20 Winek: all the world are gonna say so xD
02:20 Krfawy: XDDDDDDDD
02:21 Winek: hmm
02:23 Winek: soooo
02:23 Winek: zzz
02:23 Winek: anyway i just think the spreads get to be a bit bad
02:24 Krfawy: you mean there's too big gap between normal and hard?
02:25 Winek: yeah
02:25 Winek: Pinksane is full of 1/4
02:25 Winek: Harden have got a big amount of 1/4
02:25 Winek: and Pornmal(ftw) only have a decent amount of 1/2
02:27 Krfawy: well TBH I know it might be kinda challenge, but when I believe that if I reduce some of 1/4s it's gonna be more acceptable xD
02:27 Winek: yeah
02:27 Winek: you have a pretty low bpm and its acceptabel to have this amount of 1/4
02:28 Winek: but its not acceptable to have a bad spread :P
02:28 Krfawy: wait a minute I'm fixing dah spread
02:29 *Krfawy fixing dah spread
02:29 Winek: milk from above
02:30 Krfawy: what
02:30 Krfawy: XD
02:30 Winek: no ide
02:30 Winek: IDEA*
02:33 Krfawy: BTW but I guess it will be OK if I reduce some of 1/4s and if settings are low, right?
02:33 Krfawy: I mean AR7, CS4, but OD&HP is only 5
02:34 Winek: yeah
02:34 Krfawy: migh you update Harden and try it now? :3
02:36 Winek: k
02:36 *Krfawy hugs Winnie
02:37 Winek: you should reduce hp drain a bit ><
02:38 Krfawy: is 5 still too hard? D:
02:38 Krfawy: oh wait
02:38 Krfawy: it's 6
02:38 Krfawy: XD
02:38 Winek: yeah 5 looks more reasonable
02:38 Krfawy: sorry me stupid XD
02:38 Winek: especially for a short and rapid song
02:38 Krfawy: OK
02:38 Krfawy: changed to 5 :3
02:39 Krfawy: any suggestions to fix? :o
02:39 Winek: hmmmmm
02:39 Winek: mrepg;omapg;
02:40 Winek: hmm some triplet could be better positioned yknow
02:40 Krfawy: let me know which
02:41 Krfawy: I am stupid XD
02:41 Winek: like this one only cover a weak part 00:18:307 (1,2,3) -
02:41 Winek: 00:17:671 - is a stronger one
02:41 Winek: oops not 00:18:307 (1,2,3) -
02:41 Winek: i meant 00:17:925 (3) -
02:42 Krfawy: I've just fixed that TBH
02:42 Krfawy: XDDDDDDDDDD
02:43 Krfawy: that which was told as not strange XDDD
02:43 Winek: xD
02:43 Krfawy: but I believe it looks better now XD
02:43 Krfawy: K what's next? :3
02:44 Winek: hmm
02:45 Krfawy: 00:23:900 (4,1) - I've just fixed those because they looked a bit too not-curved
02:45 Winek: 00:32:544 (1,2) - im not sure dakedekaane will want to mod your map XDDD
02:46 Krfawy: ?
02:46 Krfawy: where from do you know I want him to mod my map : /
02:46 Krfawy: XD
02:46 Winek: i mean are you sure that (1) should end up on a blue tick?
02:47 Krfawy: ofc, it matches the rhythm
02:47 Winek: same here pls 00:34:578 (1,2) -
02:47 Krfawy: oooh
02:48 Winek: constanthingy mapping4life
02:48 Krfawy: OK I've just got what you mean
02:48 Krfawy: Winek plz, I know people map blue ticks when it's not to the rhythm
02:48 Krfawy: but my song totally allows to map blue ticks XD
02:48 Winek: yeah dakedekaane hate this
02:49 Krfawy: I know he hates, but he wrote 'when it does NOT follow the rhythm' so he should accept it XD
02:49 Krfawy: if only he mod my map...
02:49 Krfawy: ;__________________;
02:49 Winek: XDDDDD
02:50 Krfawy: K I've just fixed some things which you mentioned and I've got what to fix next
02:50 Krfawy: fixed now ofc XD
Tylko sprawdzam jak będzie wyglądał mod z tym obrazkiem bo one robią się modne ostatnio :I

[*]Kiai spam jest nierankingowy a w dodatku dziwnie wygląda. Jak chcesz jakiegoś efektu dla tych miejsc to pobaw się sb, przecież potrafisz. :I
[*]BG jest takie wyku*wiste że musiałem je usunąć <3
[*]Co to za spread do cholery... 0.80 -> 2.40 -> 3.00... Nie skomentuję XD W takim wypadku przydałoby się zmienić Typical Pain na Easy i dorobić Normala z SV ~~1.60 ;_;

[ Typical Pain]

[*]Nazwa difa brzmi trochę... Ciężko ;_; Np. takie Jezus Maria Peszek to już brzmi ciężko więc co dopiero Jezus Maria Typowy Peszek... O o o, albo mam inny argument. Nazwy Harda i Insane zawierają w sobie orginalne nazwy diffa więc normal musi mieć w sobie normal w takim wypadku. Tylko najtrudniejszy poziom trudności może mieć bardziej nietypową nazwę :c
[*]00:03:307 - tutaj bym dodał notkę, trzeba czasami na normalach dodawać 1/2, nawet jeżeli jest to najłatwiejszy poziom w mapsecie :I
[*]Wyjaśnij mi, dlaczego 00:00:002 (1,2) nie mają gwizdka na początku, a mimo że piosenka leci ciągle tak samo, to na następnym combo i dalej bez przerwy jest gwizdek co 1/1...
[*]00:26:442 (1,2,3) - Ten rytm lepiej by wyglądał tak: (Szczerze to nawet nie musisz nic przemieszczać [z wyjątkiem (3)], i tak nie będzie o wiele trudniej.

[*]Ładnie :3

[ Hard cutting]

[*]00:06:104 (1) - Do poprawy jeden punkcik :x

[*]W czasie kiai jest zbyt mało 1/4 w porównaniu do następnej sekcji mapy ;_;

[*]AR 7.5 albo 7, no bo przecież z DT to jest prawie AR 10 (9.86 jeżeli dobrze kojarzę :I) A twój ukochany zestawik DT+HR tworzyłby AR11 XD

[*]Perfekt :I

[ Insane Bleeding]

[*]Powiem tylko tyle że passłem na A bo nie chce mi się poprawiać wyniku ale tak ogólnie to na DT dałem radę na C wyciągnąć... XD Ale stream około 240 BPM... no plz XD
Topic Starter
Właśnie muszę się dowiedzieć czy jednak MOGĘ ten kiai time, bo on jest takie OOOSOOOOOM! <3

Nazwa diffa zmieniona i dałem gwizdek jak rzekłeś! D: XD AR7 dałem oraz poprawiłem slider. Dzienxu! <3

EDIT: ŁAŁ! D: To ładny wynik z DT! D: Gratki! <3
BG change x.x this too hentai..

Uh +1 for BG change x_x

Check AiMod

[Normal Pain]

00:05:086 (2,1) - I'd make these blankets around the sliderfollowcircle (basically just making them less curved)

00:14:239 (1) - Well since this is intended to be a blanket anyways, this is off

00:27:459 (2) - ^

00:39:154 (0) - Since you're missing a clap here but there isn't an object either you could copy the soft-hitclap.wav (can be found in the default skin template) and rename the copy to soft-slidertick2.wav, then add a greenline here, set the sample to 'Soft (Custom 2)', and add a greenline with the normal soft sampleset at the slider end

Not much else, nice one

[Hard Cutting]

00:00:511 (2) -This distance snap is wrong because of the SV decrease on 3 (thank you Jenny), remove the SV decrease, fix DS and add it again

00:02:544 (2) - ^

00:02:799 (3) - Change positioning down a bit while you're at fixing the DS. Now, suggestion (lovely illustration by Jenny)

00:04:070 (1) - Make this less curved for better flow.

00:05:595 (3) - Move this up a bit, x:56 y:148 for example

00:06:612 (2) - Same DS issue as above

00:08:900 (5) - Weird wave, try Symmetry is key!

00:14:748 (2) - Darn distance snap

00:15:002 (3) - Same wave stuff

00:16:273 (1,2,3) - These aren't perfectly ontop eachother

00:20:340 (1) - Make this less curved, better flow and blanketing

00:19:324 (5) - ^ since copy paste

00:34:578 (1) - This blanket is off

[Insane Bleeding]

Ye same distance snap stuff but I'm not going to point them out this time :s

00:04:833 (3) - This plays weirdly, might be better

00:11:443 (3) - Blanket's off

00:16:273 (1) - Not really a fan of the extra-ish spacing from here on(split streams and very varying spacing)

00:18:560 (3) - Blanket's off

00:42:713 (1) - ^

Nice diff
Ok GO!

00:11:188 (2,3) - You can make the hitcircles revolve in a circle, so it flows better

That's it. Its pretty short.

00:04:070 (1) - Make this curve less

I can't find anything else. Your style is pretty cool though

00:03:561 (4) - You can make this curve instead
00:08:138 (1,2,3,4) - This seems a bit too fast
00:16:019 (6,7) - This can get confusing, because the spacing of your streams are the same as this.
00:16:655 (2,3) - This too^
00:17:290 (1) - These sliders kinda look weird, but you can keep them
00:20:341 (1,2,3,4) - Distance snapping here is a bit misleading

Other than some mistakes here and there, the beat placement is not bad.

Its good in general. Your music making is pretty primitive, but keep it up! I was wondering if you named the song wrong (since your diffs were about being hurt) I thought your song was meant to be "Slit Off". But oh well, the BG gave it away. I love it BTW
From my queue

Gonna agree with Timorisu about the background lol
Any reason you decided to go with OD8/HP9 on a 4 star map? I've seen OD8/HP8 on high 4.X maps, but never HP9. It just seems a little excessive. Also there's a HUGE spike in difficulty from your Hard at HP5/OD5.

Looks good to me, just gonna point out some minor aesthetic stuff (really nazi modding here, feel free to ignore these)
00:04:069 (1,2) - A few pixels down and to the right and it would be a perfect blanket
00:13:222 (2,1) - Just slightly off from a perfect blanket at the lower end
00:25:934 (4,1) - This might flow better if you made it more circular, but that's just my personal preference.

00:08:138 (1,2,3) - Hmm... The music is playing 4 beats here so a triplet feels kinda weird. I guess it's not worth changing to 1/8 just for this, but maybe try changing it to a slider or something and see if it feels better?

Even after switching it to HP7 so I could pass it, there were a couple parts that felt out of place on a 4 star map.
00:17:672 (2,3,4) - I'm not hearing anything in the music that would indicate a jump like this, especially when immediately before and after you use stacks for nearly identical parts of the music.
00:30:002 (1,2,1,2) - In my opinion this is way too hard compared to the rest of the map.

Other than that it seemed pretty solid. Good luck with your map
Topic Starter
WOW! That was really fast guys! :D

So I fixed everything from Timo's mod which was huuuuuge. Thank you! ^o^

Estellia - I haven't only used a tip from you to my Normal and 4th tip to Insane difficulty since there is a change in SV in this moment. :3

idodgebull3ts... (Your nick-name is too hard to write it without copy&paste ._. Sorry! xD). So I haven't only used the last offer in the Normal to make a slider more circle-look-like because I would have no idea what to do next. :< In Hard I didn't use 1/8 sliders/circles because it would be too hard since it's only... hard! Haha! xD And in Insane I have only fixed a bit the last (1,2) combination of the circles which is totally hard and jumpy. As I can see you don't think before should be that jumpy thing in 00:17:672 moment, but I want to keep it because I can feel this moment very well... OK maybe it's because I am the owner of the song IDK I'm a weirdo you know. ;_; But thanks for sharing your opinion how you see my mapset because I know people can see it as something what should be more and more improved which is really important! Thanksu! ^o^ Also I have increased OD and HP in Hard to 7 and 8. :3 I know maybe there's no Insane with HP9 AR9 OD8, but now it's a perfect time to show maps need more HP9 when other settings are high too! >:3 IMO it's still more rankable than some ranked maps like beloved Rising Hope or BRYNHILDR IN THE DARKNESS. Always-I MEAN Spmetimes I can't understand what kind of BATs are in this team really...

Oh and I want to talk with BAT about the BG. I know it might seem to be +12 but I want to keep it so much. The girl's touching a male chest. Why does everybody think it's so deviant? Maybe he likes it? ;_;

Update! <3
Hey there


Ranking Criteria wrote:

Keep background imagery safe. Images should be on a level that can be displayed on all-audience TV, on public signage, and of nature that doesn't require censoring in any country. If you have any possible edge-case scenarios, please PM "ppy" on irc with a link to the image in question and I will start building up a list of images which are/aren't acceptable, to set some visible guidelines.
Also regarding your BG, you should make it a .jpg in order to conserve space. 1.4MB for one picture might be too much

Please don't abuse kiai time. Most players find fountain effects really annoying, and honestly, the effect doesn't fit at the sections that you added them


OD 7 doesn't really fit this map. Try 6 or 6.5
Also please lower HP....It is unnecessarily high

becareful of slider velocity that is really fast. Many players can't hit fast sliders, and the constantly changing SV makes your map hard to read

00:16:273 (1,2,3) - stack these properly or else stack leniency will mess them up
00:33:815, 00:35:849, etc - honestly these finishes don't sound that great
00:35:087 (2,3) - blanket this properly

HP9 is a little high ... I suggest HP7

00:02:290 (2,3) - blanket better

there are some overlap issues in your map that make it really difficulty to read and makes it looks extremely messy.
such as

00:16:909 (4,1)
00:17:672 (2,4)
00:18:560 (3,5)

You could sweep through your map to fix up any of the spacing ..

good luck
Topic Starter
OK. I have swapped the BG to JPEG but in my opinion it's not deviant enought to call it 'unrankable' since there is nothing prohibited or to make it censored. I haven't changed SV because there's no rule which say Hard can't have as fast SV as here and I kept my settings in this difficulty. I have seen ranked hards with HP7 AR&OD8 so why not to make HP&AR8 OD7? It's totally OK. :3 Also Insane is... Insane! So why not to harden everything? Now most of people argue when map is too easy, and mappers make maps for PLAYERS, not for MAPPERS. So let's make them satisfied! :D

Going back to your mod Frost - I have done everything what you said about notes and I have removed kiai which was spamming. I wanted to keep it, but I see too many mappers advicing me to change it. D:

Thanks a lot! <3
and that kiai time please fix it again.
and tags, 'lol' ? what does mean


HP -1, AR-1
00:02:544 (2) - beter if it's like this
00:18:816 (2) - add more circle before this, and spread the stream

00:34:070 (3,4,5,6) - spread the stream
00:39:027 (2) and this 00:39:155 (3) - would be stream, right? why too far? or maybe you can change it become jump, not only one, until the (6)

that's all~
nice flow! and GL~
sorry dopost, my internet connection is bad

Krfawy wrote:

OK. I have swapped the BG to JPEG but in my opinion it's not deviant enought to call it 'unrankable' since there is nothing prohibited or to make it censored. I haven't changed SV because there's no rule which say Hard can't have as fast SV as here and I kept my settings in this difficulty. I have seen ranked hards with HP7 AR&OD8 so why not to make HP&AR8 OD7? It's totally OK. :3 Also Insane is... Insane! So why not to harden everything? Now most of people argue when map is too easy, and mappers make maps for PLAYERS, not for MAPPERS. So let's make them satisfied! :D
Po pierwsze, nie chodzi o to że hard jest za szybki jak na hard, tylko jak już ci zresztą mówiłem hard jest za szybki w porównaniu do normala. Po drugie, błagam zrób coś z HP9 bo mnie szlag trafia na streamie 1/8 z dabyl tajmem... XD
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Papcio, TBH bywały już większe róznice pomiędzy normalami i hardami w rankingowych mapsetach 2013/2014 XD I ja chcę zatrzymac HP9 ;_; XDDD
Heyo Krfawy~ Like always, I'm here to mod your map :D

- General :
  1. Some tags seems not really appropriate here...
  2. Well I already told you, just hope this bg is not NSFW (check it).
  3. There is a big gap with SV between Hard and Normal. I'm not sure if it's really good. Would be better if you can check if it's okay or not.
- Insane Bleeding :
  1. HP maybe 8.5
  2. 00:08:137 (1,2,3,4)- Your stream have incosistant DS and I don't think it's a good idea.
  3. 00:10:679 (2,3)- Improve blanket.
  4. 00:14:747 (2)- Why not using same form than previous slider ? And maybe blanket them.
  5. 00:17:798 (3,4)- Honestly, blanket and reduce a little the DS with that. Jump just before is already hard so be nice ^^
  6. 00:24:408 (1,2)- Blaaaanket ^^
  7. 00:28:857 (2,3)- I would reduce a little this jump he is really hard.
  8. 00:30:001 (1,2,1,2)- HERE ! I always miss ! DO SOMETHING PLS !!!!! Also pretty bad overlap between 00:30:001 (1)- and 00:30:510 (1)-
  9. 00:45:510 (6,1)- Come on blanket this XD
- Hard Cutting :
  1. HP maybe 7.5 (if you change HP on insane).
  2. 00:08:137 (1,2,3)- I would use a reverse slider here, because we want to follow rhythm here.
  3. 00:08:900 (5,6)- Improve blanket.
  4. 00:10:934 (3,4)- ^
  5. 00:16:273 (1,2,3)- Don't find it easy to read. I would see them not stack.
- Normal Pain :
  1. 00:13:222 (2,1)- Blanket ?
  2. 00:22:374 (1,2)- ^
  3. 00:26:442 (1,2)- ^
  4. 00:45:510 (2)- You get this kind of circle only on Kiai, so why there ?

Hope it help you ;)
  1. Remove "polish" from tags, because it's not a SONG, it's instrumental. I mean no words -> Polish language isn't used here
[Normal Pain]
  1. AR-1 or -2
  2. HP drain -1
  3. 00:04:069 (1) - Add a point here, x:228 y:72 for example. Make it a bit kurwa curve o3o And don't forget to make a blanket better with 00:04:069 (1,2) -
  4. 00:04:069 (1,1) - Bad overlap.
  5. 00:13:222 (2,1) - Make (1) a bit more curved to make better blanket with (2)
  6. 00:15:764 (3) - x:254 y:228. If you agreed, fix the distance with (1)
  7. 00:19:324 (2,1) - Better blanket. Make them more curved!
  8. 00:45:764 (2) - Delete the middle point
[Hard Cutting]
  1. AR -2
  2. OD -1
  3. HP -1
  4. When I change sliders' speed I like to make the same spacing.. I mean not this but this
    It's up to you, but I'd like you to change the spacing in such places:
    00:00:765 (3,4) -
    00:02:799 (3,4) -
    00:04:833 (2,3) -
    00:06:866 (3,4) -
    00:08:900 (3,4) -
    00:10:934 (3,4) -
    00:15:001 (3,4,5) -
  5. 00:22:883 (3) - The slider's end is too near from the HP bar. Make it lower.
  6. 00:35:087 (2,3) - Blanket.
  7. 00:37:121 (3) - Delete the middle point and move reverse arrow at x:212 y:360?
[Insane Bleeding]
  • It's not a hardcore map, lol
  1. HP -1
  2. AR -1
  3. 00:01:527 (4) - Make this slider like 00:00:765 (3) - . Add a white point after the red point and make those sliders the same!
  4. 00:02:290 (2,3) - Move the red point at x:236 y:188 to make a better blanket
  5. 00:04:578 (2,3) - Blanket again
  6. 00:06:104 (1) - first white point - x:304 y:248, red point - x:296 y:216, 2nd white point - x:284 y:180
  7. 00:09:663 (6,1) - Bad overlap. Try this:
Good luck o3o
Topic Starter
Thanksu Darling! I have uploaded most of your advices which are AWESOME o3o

I have skipped the spacingu thingu. I understand your want to keep DS the same because I like this thing too. xD But this time I am trying with something new, so I want to keep it. /me blonde >3<

Also I have reduced only some of the settings you wanted to change, because I want to keep my Slutsane to be so dirty. Sorry! ;_;

But your help was really helpful and thanks for slider things! >:3 BIG LOVE! <3

Update! o3o

Nice diffs + instrumental and that background~

  1. I believe the mp3 needs to be a little louder (compare this to other songs).
  2. Re-snap all notes. AI mod didn't catch this.
  3. Re-snap the preview point to 00:16:146 -.
  1. General: Circle Size 3.5 would fit much better for this difficulty. Will also help diversify the transition between Normal and Hard.
  2. 00:06:103 (1) - Move this to x:219 y:43 to stack properly with the 00:04:069 (1) -.
  1. 00:39:917 (5,6,1) - Well I personally wouldn't put 3 of the same sliders in rotation on a 1/4 base. It is technically rankable though.
  2. Nothing else.
  1. General: Try AR8.7. I think it flows better.
  2. General: You must change HP to 8 or at least 8.5. 9 is too high.
  3. 00:10:172 (1) - Move this to x:486 y:369 to stack properly with 00:09:663 (6) -.
  4. 00:34:070 (3,4,5,6,1) - This is kind of hard to play... maybe you can find a better solution?
Good luck~
Yo, as requested.

  1. Practically every modder inthe thread suggested you to change the BG, and I completely agree with them. The BGs should be suitable for young (12+ y.o.) players. Now take a look at the BG and ask yourself if the BG is suitable or not. I bet the answer will be "no".
    Note: please, note, that your BG is 1228x767 which is not recommended. (Recommended dimensions are 1024x768 or/and 1366x768). Which is also a reason to change the BG.
    Note: while modding I've had to replace the BG, sorry about it.
  2. Remove 8 bit and all variations of this from the tags, the composition doesn't sounds like 8 bit, imo. Such tags as slutty bitch bitchy hoe ho whore are offensive and have nothing to do with the MUSIC, I strongly recommend you to remove them as well.
  3. The spread itself feels a bit unbalanced. There's a HUGE gap between Normal and Hard. it's like 1,6 Slide Velocity Difference which is way too much, imo. You could rename Normal to Easy (reduce diff settings, change some patterns, feel free to poke me if you decide to do it.) and map a Normal with higher SV.
  4. 00:47:290 - I would recommend you to start the spinner here. It will fit better with the song (since there's a beat and it sounds quite loud) and it fits better with your patterns.
Personally I see no reason to call the diff Normal paiin instead of just Normal, but, oh well, it's up to you.
  1. Are you sure about your comboing? I would rather place NCs every second measure (big white tick), so, your combos will get longer and look a bit prettier, imo. Having 2-3 objects in each combo is too shrt, I think.
  2. 00:12:205 (1,2) - minor - some of your transitions can (and probably should) be improved. Your flow in general is quite good and those little mistakes mke players feel uncomfortable.
    Note: please, understand, that this is not the only pattern with such issue. There're a few more, but I believe, that you can find and fix them on your own. :)
    Don't really get it? Click the spoilerbox!
    The first screenshot shows how your flow works. Red is what Bugs me about your flow, it feels weird/tricky and Blue is what flows good enough.

    At this screenshot you can see the fixed pattern. It did not change too much but now it flows a bit better.

    Still conused? Click me for more information. :)
  3. 00:24:154 (3) - the beat here is really quite. the circle here sounds strange comparing to the rest of 1/2 beats, I would strongly recommend you to remove it.
    Note: 00:32:290 (4) - pretty similar thing happens here. The whole 1/2 pattern is a little bit too long for a Normal and the beat here sounds confusing, too.

    The diff itself is quite good, though it may need some minor improvements and maybe a little bit more work on the rhythm.
  1. 00:04:070 (1,2) - I've already mentioned that your transitions are a bit confusing in the Normal, unfortunately, the same happens here and on your Insane. Fixing them would take up 10 minutes but the result will make your map look beautiful!
  2. 00:08:137 (1) - comparing to the rest of your patterns, 1/8 does not work here as it should. Sudden switch from 1/2 to 1/8 is too hard to understand for players and makes them miss//fail. Instaead of this tricky slider, try using a simple 1/2 slider with some curves to emphasize the rhythm changes.
  3. 00:09:663 (4) - I believe that the downbeat should be emphasized more. Try to remove repeat from (4) and place a circle at 00:10:171 - instead.
    Note: a slider from 00:10:171 - and untill 00:10:425 - (1/2) would also work good. If you're unsure, check out this thing.
  4. 00:22:120 - a loud bass sound is ignored here. You should map it to keep your rhythm more consistent and to fit with the song's rhythm better.
  5. 00:31:019 (3) - having two repeats here feels a bit tricky. Try swapping them on the timeline in order to match with the song better and to make the pattern more understandable. Example
  6. 00:39:281 - most of such beats are mapped, and having this one ignored breaks your consistent rhythm. Try to replace this slider with a repeated 1/4 slider? Example
    Note: it will require re-arrangin this pattern since it breaks symmetry. :(

    The diff itself probably needs some work. Both rhythm and patterns seem rather confusing and will probably bug lots of players.
  1. Both OD and HP are too high. You have some 1/8 patterns and you mix them with insane velocity changes. I would go with OD and HP set to 7,5 or even to 7. It would greately increase playability of the diff.
  2. Your velocity changes do fit with the song but are they readable? Try to set Slider Tick rate to 2, so players will be able to see how and when the velocity changes.
  3. 00:18:371 (2) - I feel unnsure about the 1/8 pattern here since it breaks your polarity and feels really uncomfortable while playing. What's polarity?)
  4. Your 1/4s are quite hard to understand and can easily be misread as 1/8s. Why? Because you use different DS values for them. For example 00:25:426 (1,2,3,4,5) - x0.4 / 00:31:527 (1,2,3,4) - x0.6 / 00:33:307 (5) - x0.6 with different SV / 00:34:070 (3,4,5,6,1) - I don't understand the stack and unstacked (1) at all, it looks really random annd confusing to me / 00:37:883 (3) - x0.8

    You should work more on maijng the diff readable and understandable for players.
The mapset was not bad, but it surely needs some more work and more opinions.


Best of luck!

00:19:324 (4,1) - it looks not good
00:21:866 (3,4,5) - snap
00:26:442 (5,6,1) - ^

00:26:442 (4,5,6) - make these into a curve
00:28:476 (1,2,3,4) - make these into a line
00:41:188 (2,3) - blanket

00:29:493 (4,5,6) - at axis of symmetry?
00:31:527 (4,5) - there you wanna connect these, but 00:32:035 (6,7) - 7 is not follow previous connection way, why?
00:34:578 (5) - NC

I think you can up the DS
00:26:951 (3,4) - blanket
00:27:460 (4,5) - make these into a line

it's great I cannot mod :( :(

Great map and song ! Good luck
rip background :(
Topic Starter
Stan I am sorry that I haven't sent you a message that my mapset has 2 new difficulties. I am really sorry for that! ;_; I will check your mod soon. :3

Project Railgun wrote:

rip background :(

Project Railgun wrote:

rip background :(

Nooooooooooo !!!!!


  1. Random mod because i like the song
  2. Rip background
  3. as the background changed you could probably consider changing the combo colours as well because nothing right now fits this background (and i honestly have no idea what the current thing - the current bg - is supposed to be anyway)


  1. real for the diffname...? (i don't think they will have you keep this) also about your HP (as i see this has been suggested before) (while i also have to say that it's quite easy to play right here)
    but just go ahead and type "HP=9" into your search bar and look how many maps turn up, you will most likely not find that many and the HP drainrate has absolutely zero influence on the Maps star rating, so if you only chose that so that this map is harder to play and the Starrating skyrockets... well you chose to manipulate the wrong stat then because CS actually has the biggest influence on the Star rating.
  2. 00:00:765 (3,4) - is this even trying to have the same gap to (3)? if you look at this other pattern you use in 00:02:290 (2,3) - you could see something that you could do better here
  3. 00:14:239 (1,2) - not really an issue but as this picture illustrates this blanket could be a tiny bit more even
  4. 00:18:307 (1,2) - i have a serious problem with these notes because their spacing suggest they are the same as 00:16:655 (2,3,4) - which is essentially untrue because they're 1/8 notes and therefore you should come up with some other way to space these which indicates more clearly what exactly they are
  5. 00:21:358 (1,2) - just another aesthetic thing: you could attempt to have 00:20:977 (4,1) - the one blanket the 4 so that it may look a bit better ingame
  6. 00:25:426 (1,2,3,4,5) - just me saying that i don't like changing the ds for this stream to 0.4 but it somehow fits your triplet spacing so w/e (could have done something funny and similar to 00:22:375 (1,2,3) - , just sayin)
  7. 00:28:477 (1,2) - that blanket is off again (i suppose it's supposed to be one so i'd advise fixing it)
  8. 00:30:002 (3,4,5,6,1) - I have a problem with those notes because
    1. They completely break the DS you used throughout the Kiai
    2. The 2nd stack 00:30:256 (5,6) - is not even readable and imo very unintuitive
    3. 00:30:002 (3,4,5,6,1) - the whole thing looks like it's supposed to be a triangle but even that is uneven and so it's even a bit more awkward
    4. you never did or do any similar stacking underneath a slider's beginning before or after this point
    So due to this i suppose you could come up with something more intuitive for this pattern which doesn't break the flow of your map and needs memorization in order to be played correctly
  9. 00:34:960 (2,3,4,5,6) - i don't really get this pattern since the sounds these doublets are mapping are theoretically also in 00:35:595 (1,2) - but the spacing is different here so this is meh (also you could nerf this a bit since it's no kiai or anything else demanding something exciting here i guess)
  10. 00:33:053 (3,4,5,6) - oh yes i forgot to mention that all the other streams in this section use 0.8x snap so this one looks and maybe is a mistake on your side?
  11. 00:42:333 (4,1) - could blanket the sliderball's follow circle just saying
    Note that all Boxes for this mod which do not contain the word 'example' in their header are only unmodified versions of your current map


  1. i don't know what to say here yet This isn't that much more difficult than the Hard imo, but whatsoever (maybe nerf the HP8 idk)
  2. 00:00:511 (2) - blah blah blah "but the DS is even!" - Does it look even? do the maths and make it so would be my advice (in case you don't want to do the maths, resnap 00:00:511 (2,3,4) - this whole pattern to the Distance of 0.8x to the previous slider, or 1.25 if you resnap 00:00:765 (3) - and 00:01:527 (4) - to fit this (the mathematical formulars aren't that hard btw lol 0.8/1.0 and 1.0/0.8))
  3. 00:02:036 (1,2,3) - this is the exact same
  4. 00:06:104 (1,2) - this too
    I would like to see this a bit more even overall since things like 00:04:070 (1,2) - or 00:06:866 (3,4) - do look pretty even while those circles primarily aren't
  5. 00:08:137 (1) - supposedly random anchor party yay, but honestly i think you could do sth like this timeline
  6. 00:14:748 (2) - asdf
  7. 00:25:934 (4,1) - just saying that these are in fact not perfectly symmetrical because (1) is a CRTL + H CRTL + G copy of 00:25:934 (4) - so CRTL+G 00:25:934 (4) - TWICE to have these identical (this fixes up your sliders anchors real handy to know that when copying stuff)
  8. 00:39:155 (3) - why does this have one more anchor compared to 00:37:121 (3) - or 00:35:087 (2) - (would be nice to have these the same overall idk)
  9. Taken from the hard: ok so after watching this (the Hard's) chorus you could reevaluate your use of sliders here and and the fact that the Insane currently is the Hard with SV changes and 11 more objects in total (could use more circles in the kiai time of the Insane would advise remapping a few things)


  1. i suck at modding hards so this will be short
  2. 00:21:612 (2) - was it too much symmetry to have this face exactly upwards?
  3. 00:23:391 (1,2,3) - idk
  4. ok so after watching this chorus you could reevaluate your use of sliders here and and the fact that the Insane currently is the Hard with SV changes and 11 more objects in total (could use more circles in the kiai time of the Insane would advise remapping a few things)
  5. 00:47:163could map this sound somehow similar to


  1. For i'm worst for these and there isn't anything obviously wrong with this diff i will skip this


  1. See the normal for explanation, i just don't play those diffs, sorry

Gl with this song and rip bg T_T
also answer this pls as i want to know some reasons for rejecting some of my suggestions - given you won't take all which is very likely

Topic Starter

  1. real for the diffname...? // Of course I am // (i don't think they will have you keep this) also about your HP (as i see this has been suggested before) (while i also have to say that it's quite easy to play right here) // I can agree to change many things in my beatmaps, but HP is the thing I like to increase to the maximum. I love beatmaps which make you fail if you miss too many notes. <3 TBH I wanted to make it HP10, but that would be too serious. So I want to keep HP9. :3 // But just go ahead and type "HP=9" into your search bar and look how many maps turn up, you will most likely not find that many and the HP drainrate has absolutely zero influence on the Maps star rating // That's why I made HP9 Extra >:3 // So if you only chose that so that this map is harder to play and the Starrating skyrockets... well you chose to manipulate the wrong stat then because CS actually has the biggest influence on the Star rating. // TBH I like CS5 and CS6 and CS7 and CS8, but I know many players do not welcome it really, so that's why I want to keep CS4 in the whole mapset. Not too easy not too hard. Everytime touchable with HR! :D // //
  2. 00:25:426 (1,2,3,4,5) - just me saying that i don't like changing the ds for this stream to 0.4 but it somehow fits your triplet spacing so w/e (could have done something funny and similar to 00:22:375 (1,2,3) - , just sayin) // TBH I love experimenting with slutty DS and I like weirdo-like things and I want to keep it since it's very mine and sexually amusing. I just like to try with something new or different and I think this time it's such a totally legit DS abusing. <3 //
  3. 00:30:002 (3,4,5,6,1) - I have a problem with those notes because (...) // I understand and acknowledge your reasonable thinking because it's the truth. Notes are unreadable and hard to 300 or even 50, but... Again "To be honset": I must confess I know you won't agree with me, but in my opinion the hardest difficulty (like this, I mean - an "Extra" difficulty) is allowed to use patterns which are extremely hard to play because it's the Extra's destination. And again TBH - it's still not too hard to play it so I don't want to change it. If I changed it, I'd make it REALLY impossible to play, which is not my will - I just want to make it hard to play if you have a miss, but not if you can FC it! BTW "triangle pattern" you say... Well, that wasn't on my purpose. D: No changes, sorry!
  4. 00:34:960 (2,3,4,5,6) - i don't really get this pattern since the sounds these doublets are mapping are theoretically also in // Another playing map editor in osu, not osu. And harden ways to play this map perfect. I know it sounds sadistic, but I'm not. I just like to make everything in a troll-way. <3 Well... maybe not EVERYTHING, but sometimes I troll when I don't even know that I do it. D:

  1. This isn't that much more difficult than the Hard imo, but whatsoever (maybe nerf the HP8 idk) // I don't know what 'nerf' means D: //
  2. To be honset I am going to not use first four tips about spacing 1.00 and 0.80 because I want it as it is. I know it's impurrrfuckt and rough, but it's rankable as it is. Besides imperfect is one of some of people's mapping style which I appreciate because personally I LOVE to use it! o3o 00:08:137 (1) - And I have skipped this one, because Bakari said it might be a bit surprising what I made previously. And notice the way you've just shown is even more crazy than my techniques because it wouldn't follow the rhythm as it does right now! D:
  3. 00:14:748 (2) - As I said before - it's rankable and very funny! Besides I like to see people getting confused when playing things like those. And please, notive it's not as confusing as it is in many maps with this kind of various SV. :3
  4. 00:39:155 (3) - why does this have one more anchor compared to 00:37:121 (3) - or 00:35:087 (2) - (would be nice to have these the same overall idk) // I don't understand what you want to write... Could you repeat it in the easier way, please? ;=;

  1. i suck at modding hards so this will be short // Still better to suck at any skill than to suck one guy's balls, isn't it true? :3 //
  2. 00:21:612 (2) - was it too much symmetry to have this face exactly upwards? // Exactly. //
  3. 00:23:391 (1,2,3) - idk // It's called 'copy&paste' darling. :3 Just being Bluddy (which is me)! I know you know that, but I couldn't help myself from telling that humorless and dried joke XDDD //
Thanks for your time Oko because your mod helped me. :3 And it helped to see my PC is even more laggy than I thought... For example that two 1/8 and a slider wasn't my fault, but I am happy that you caught some issues ;w;

Thanks again for your mod! And... would you repeat the very last sentence in your mod to Pinksane, please? xD I have no clue what you want to tell me ;___;

LVU Bluddy! o3o

Krfawy wrote:

// I don't know what 'nerf' means D: //
By nerf he means reduce / deduct.
Topic Starter
I would like to get it there but I can't. Too mature lol2. IDKS but still... LOl2 XD

  • General
  1. A Volume of 28% is rankable, but it plays and sounds much better with 40%!
  2. 00:32:544 - Also, you made this finish louder in the Easy diff, but you didn't do it in the other diffs :3
  3. Otherwise, fine :)

  • Greasy
  1. 00:23:391 (5) - I wouln't use different spacings in an Easy, and I can't see a reason for doing it here, so I'd recommend you to snap it normally.
  2. 00:28:476 (1) - Same.
  3. Not much to say. The Easy diff is quite boring, but that's mostly the song's fault. I'd still highly recommend you to include some different rhythms to spice up the map a bit, for example this: (it actually fits the song quite well, try it out)

  • Pornmal
  1. I'd highly recommend you to go with AR 4~4.5 for this diff. It's pretty simple, so a lower AR would be better.
  2. 00:00:002 - Your rhythm in the first section is really worrysome. You are mainly focusing on the 1/1-beats, but they don't seem to be the most emphasized beats. In the Easy, simplyfing the rhythm was okay, but here it seems strange to have beats like this 00:01:018 mapped while there isn't anything important in the music, but leaving out beats like 00:00:764 or 00:01:273.
    00:08:137 (1,2) - That was already a good idea - Try to include more rhythms like this in this first section, to make it more interesting. For example the one I mentioned in the Easy diff, or this one:
    The following suggestions imply that you didn't change the rhythm for these specific objects, of course.
  3. 00:00:002 (1) - You could move that slider more down, so that the transition to the next object is better. In my screenshot you can see, that the position of (2) follows an oval movement which is intuitive after (1)'s curve.
  4. 00:04:069 (1) - Try to keep this slidershape more simple. In this section, you didn't use special slidershapes like this (except 00:08:137 (1), but that one is fitting because of the music). It seems rather random here and it's easy to change :)
  5. 00:41:188 (2) - I'd recommend you to curve the first part of this slider more. It would look better together with 00:42:713 (3), because of the blanket, and it would improve the transition to this object as well :)
  6. 00:45:256 (2) - Again, I don't see a reason for using this slidershape here. It would usually imply that the music is different than it was before, but it isn't.
  7. Well. Decent Normal. Just spice up the rhythm in your first section a bit, and it will be good to go :)

  • Harden
  1. I'd recommend you to use a NC every measure instead of every 2nd measure for this diff, since the combos are getting quite long. Also, it would help making 3/4-gaps like in the last section, for example 00:34:070 (4,5) or 00:38:138 (3,4)
  2. 00:02:036 (1,2,3) - It would definitely look nicer if (1) and (3) wouldn't touch each other slightly.
  3. 00:08:138 (1) - Some of the anchor-points are really useless, especially the ones where the slider already ended. It seems that you place those points randomly; You might try putting a bit more thought into these, in order to make your slidershapes look better and maybe have a bit more structure.
  4. 00:16:273 - In the kiai, your 1/4-spacing seems to be rather inconsistent. It would be better if you used 1,0x spacing for all 1/4 instead of varying between 1,0x ~ 1,2x.
  5. 00:16:782 (3) - Turning this into an 1/4-slider would help to make the rhythm more consistent in the kiai.
  6. 00:18:816 (3) - Same. If you applied these two, you are always using an 1/4-slider for this kind of "sound-effect".
  7. 00:29:494 (4,5,6) - This looks like it was supposed to be placed in the middle of the playfield. It would fit very well, since the previous and the following objects are placed symmetrically. Also, it might be a good idea to change 00:30:001 (6) into a vertical straight slider, if you apply this suggestion.
  8. 00:40:172 (7,1) - This is quite confusing to read for a Hard diff. The 1/2-spacing looks almost the same as the 3/4-spacing. I'd recommend you to use 1,0x for the 3/4-spacing as well.
  9. 00:46:273 (4,5) - Same. This time the 3/4-spacing is 1,0x, but the 1/2-spacing was 1,5x, so it looks the same again.
  10. The Hard is okay. It looks pretty untidy, because of some issues I mentioned, the "random" slidershapes as well as the spacings. I hope you can fix some of these issues!

I won't cover the Insane and Extra in my mod here. It seems too unbalanced yet. Basically, in the first section, you have a lot of slider velocity changes, but sometimes you forgot to place them or placed them randomly. Please, go through your diffs and check that!
Then, your 1/4-spacing seems rather random. Check again if it is consistent everywhere! It is of course okay to use different spacings, but it should be reasonable. Your song is quite repetetive, so consistency is a very important aspect here.
Also, some of your jumps are rather unintuitively. Test your map and try to spot out issues on your own.

The Easy and Normal are already quite good, the others needs much more work though. If you did what I mentioned for Insane and Extra and also found a few more mods, you can ask me ingame for a recheck. I am willing to do more in-depth modding then! I hope you can understand that.
I know you are not a bad mapper, looking at your ranked mapsets, so I'm sure you'll improve this and impress me :)
Good luck!
My mod is not that long, so I decided to try and mod your "Pinksane" as well.
I found very little problems in these diffs.
Well, here we go.

1) Your circle size is too small for an easy diff. Consider changing it to a three.
2) 00:23:391~ Maybe change this slider's shape so that it doesn't conflict with this slider: 00:22:374 (I'm probably knit-picking)

I didn't find any other problems with this diff.

1) 00:12:968~ I suggest making this slider's shape the same as the previous slider's shape: 00:12:205; I think it'll look better.
2) 00:47:290~ Maybe rather start the spinner at this point: 00:47:035 and stop it at this point: 00:48:815?

No other problems found.

1) 00:01:527- 00:02:035~ I like that part
2) Maybe move this slider: 00:18:815 a bit farther away from this hitcircle: 00:18:561. Even if you just move it slightly. (It causes a bit of confusion for me)

No other problems.

1) I suggest not placing these three hitcircles that starts here: 00:08:137 onto this slider: 00:08:391; move it so that it only slightly touches the slider. I don't really have much experience when it comes to insane, but it's just my opinion.
2) 00:13:730~ This slider is too short; consider making it longer to this point: 00:13:985.
3) 00:19:069 and 00:19:196~ These two hitcircles' placement makes the flow a bit confusing. Again, not much experience with insane maps, but it's just my opinion.

Overall, really nice map.
Good Luck! :D
Ujimatsu Chiya
From my Queues.

Red : Must Fix. ( Unranked )
Blue : Recommendation.
Black : My personal opinion.
  1. change combo colors ( combo 2 , 3 ) color is so Similar. remove 2 or 3. please. Difficult to cheak NC.
  1. 00:21:358 (1,2) - see this. // DS is so long. I think a bit overmapping D:
  1. 00:23:900 (1,2,3,4) - Is not overmapping , neither?
  1. how about use slidertick? some place awakard. / like this / 00:32:544 (1) -
Map is good , but difficulty higher than other map ? D:
Cerulean Veyron
Hey, from V&V's modding queue

Wth, u wrote dis song? u famous musician? u r so cool O_O
[> GrEasy <]
  1. 00:02:036 (3) - Curve like the previous slider for symmetry and better flow.
  2. 00:05:086 (2,4) - Change the circle (4)'s placement to avoid overlap like this, or is this on purpose?
  3. 00:15:256 (4,5) - Instead adding circles here, try this a bit. >
  4. 00:22:374 (4) - It's a little uncomfortable here since you broke a bit of flow, just remake this slider as a normal curved slider.
  5. 00:45:764 (2) - Same as 00:02:036 (3) -
  6. - Nice diff, nothing to say here btw...
[> PorNormal <]
  1. 00:12:968 (2) - Curve more like previous slider... same reason as easy ofc.
  2. 00:29:493 (4) - Flip this slider for a bit of blanket on 00:30:510 (5) -
  3. - Eheheheheh...
[> Harden <]
  1. 00:06:103 (1) - Curve this slider to avoid overlap with 00:04:832 (3) -, or is this on purpose?
  2. 00:07:629 (5,1) - What DS you used here? it's likely a jump or a weird spacing.
  3. 00:15:001 (3) - Sharpen this slider like the next slider, same reason.
  4. 00:23:900 (8) - ^
  5. 00:35:086 (3) - ^, and a bit of blanket with 00:35:595 (4) -
  6. 00:46:781 (1) - Remove NC?
  7. - I hope you fix some spacing problems in this diff here. Well, this is just my suggestion.

The last two diffs are perfect, but...umm... it's too much for me o_o
Topic Starter
Didn't use 3 things:

00:15:256 (4,5) - Instead adding circles here, try this a bit. >
I don't think it would be OK to the ranking criteria - constistent spacing, you know. D:

00:12:968 (2) - Curve more like previous slider... same reason as easy ofc.
That wouldn't be good to my thoughts about a flow. D: Sorry! ;_;

00:35:086 (3) - ^, and a bit of blanket with 00:35:595 (4) -
I want to keep it without changes because I can't find it better. Sorry! ;<

But huge thanks for your mod! <3 I think I will abuse you again someday! >:3


00:07 Krfawy: Pinnie! :3
00:07 Krfawy: How are you doing? ;3
00:07 Winek: not bad
00:07 *Krfawy is away: Krfawełing Everytime You Touch Smth IDRK
00:08 Krfawy: yay :3
00:08 Krfawy: I have a question to you <3
00:09 Winek: what is it?
00:09 Krfawy: Guess what it will be 83
00:09 Winek: hmm
00:09 Krfawy: Something big, dark and black?
00:09 Winek: something like that?
00:10 Winek: no racism intended
00:10 Krfawy: em... only with HT ;<
00:11 Krfawy: but I was talking about a big black dick xD
00:11 Krfawy: so you're right
00:11 Krfawy: XD
00:11 Winek: big black dick ftw
00:12 Krfawy: don't say you do not know what means "dick" : /
00:12 Winek: yes i know but why are you talking about that
00:13 Krfawy: TBH?
00:13 Krfawy: IDK :<
00:13 Krfawy: Just a random quiz. XDDDDDDDD
00:13 Winek: lol ok
00:14 Krfawy: Winnie, I know it's v rude, but may I abuse you a bit? : /
00:14 Krfawy: You know, osu hot stuff
00:14 Winek: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
00:15 Krfawy: May I ask you for an IRC mod to a Hard diff to my mapset? D:
00:16 Winek: sure
00:16 Krfawy: <3
00:17 *Krfawy is listening to [ Krfawy - Slut Off]
00:17 Krfawy: This one :3
00:17 Krfawy: called 'Harden' o3o
00:17 Winek: these diffname
00:18 Krfawy: I guess you're the 6th person who says they are odd D:
00:19 Winek: all the world are gonna say so xD
00:20 Krfawy: XDDDDDDDD
00:21 Winek: hmm
00:22 Winek: soooo
00:22 Winek: zzz
00:23 Winek: anyway i just think the spreads get to be a bit bad
00:24 Krfawy: you mean there's too big gap between normal and hard?
00:24 Winek: yeah
00:24 Winek: Pinksane is full of 1/4
00:24 Winek: Harden have got a big amount of 1/4
00:25 Winek: and Pornmal(ftw) only have a decent amount of 1/2
00:26 Krfawy: well TBH I know it might be kinda challenge, but when I believe that if I reduce some of 1/4s it's gonna be more acceptable xD
00:27 Winek: yeah
00:27 Winek: you have a pretty low bpm and its acceptabel to have this amount of 1/4
00:27 Winek: but its not acceptable to have a bad spread :P
00:28 Krfawy: wait a minute I'm fixing dah spread
00:28 *Krfawy fixing dah spread
00:29 Winek: milk from above
00:29 Krfawy: what
00:29 Krfawy: XD
00:29 Winek: no ide
00:29 Winek: IDEA*
00:32 Krfawy: BTW but I guess it will be OK if I reduce some of 1/4s and if settings are low, right?
00:32 Krfawy: I mean AR7, CS4, but OD&HP is only 5
00:33 Winek: NO FAGGOT
00:33 Krfawy: migh you update Harden and try it now? :3
00:36 *Krfawy speak japanese+english+spanish
00:37 Winek: you should reduce suck drain a bit ><
00:37 Krfawy: is 5 still too hard? D:
00:37 Krfawy: oh wait
00:37 Krfawy: it's 6
00:37 Krfawy: XD
00:37 Winek: yeah 5 looks more reasonable orelse you litterally suck the milk off :/
00:38 Krfawy: sorry me stupid blondeXD
00:38 Winek: especially for a short and rapid song
00:38 Krfawy: OK
00:38 Krfawy: changed to 5 :3
00:38 Krfawy: any suggestions to fix? :o
00:39 Winek: hmmmmm
00:39 Winek: mrepg;omapg;
00:40 Winek: hmm some triplet could be better positioned yknow
00:40 Krfawy: let me know which
00:40 Winek: like this one only cover a weak part 00:18:307 (1,2,3) -
00:40 Krfawy: I am stupid XD
00:40 Winek: 00:17:671 - is a stronger one
00:41 Winek: oops not 00:18:307 (1,2,3) -
00:41 Winek: i meant 00:17:925 (3) -
00:42 Krfawy: I've just fixed that Toothfairybe
00:42 Krfawy: its stragnge
00:42 Winek: xD
00:43 Krfawy: but I believe it looks better now XD
00:43 Krfawy: K what's next? :3 maybe sexeh?
00:44 Winek: hmm
00:44 Krfawy: 00:23:900 (4,1) - I've just fixed those because they looked a bit too not-curved
00:45 Winek: 00:32:544 (1,2) - im not sure dakedekaane will want to mod your map XDDD
00:45 Krfawy: im a cat
00:45 Krfawy: pussy
00:45 Krfawy: pussycat
00:46 Winek: krfawy pls
00:46 Krfawy: ofc, it matches the rhythm
00:47 Winek: same here pls 00:34:578 (1,2) -
00:47 Krfawy: oooh
00:47 Winek: constanthingy mapping4life
00:47 Krfawy: OK I've just got what you mean
00:47 Krfawy: Winek plz, I know people map blue ticks when it's not to the rhythm
00:48 Krfawy: but my song totally allows to map blue ticks XD
00:48 Winek: yeah dakedekaane hate this
00:48 Krfawy: I know he hates, but he wrote 'when it does NOT follow the rhythm' so he should accept it XD
00:48 Krfawy: if only he mod my map...
00:48 Krfawy: ;__________________;
00:48 Winek: XDDDDD
00:50 Krfawy: K I've just fixed some things which you mentioned and I've got what to fix next
00:50 Krfawy: i wanna sexeh with peppy
00:50 Krfawy: do a commend called /savelog because you've deserved to get a kudosu from me B|
00:51 Winek: nah that's fine
00:51 Winek: this shitmod doesnt deserve kudosu
00:52 Krfawy: I insist on posting in my thread xD
00:52 Winek: fine
00:52 Winek: but isnt that mod soo shitty that it deserve grave
00:52 Winek: wastelandtrashgarbage?
00:52 Krfawy: Winnie plz
00:53 Krfawy: If you could see what people get kudosu for : /
00:53 Winek: for what
00:53 Krfawy: NC, NC, remove NC, NC, NC, NC, NC, remove NC
00:53 Krfawy: I understand when ppl get kudosu for BPM and offset
00:53 Krfawy: without them beatmap wouldn't even exist D:
00:54 Winek: :<
00:54 Krfawy: so I am pretty sure you deserve kudosu from my map :3
00:55 Krfawy: when you've mentioned things which made me think to change another
00:55 Krfawy: YOU'VE MADE ME THINK
00:55 Krfawy: Blondes aren't supposed to THINK
00:55 Krfawy: D:
00:55 Krfawy: you've just done an impossible thing XD
00:56 Winek: LOL
00:57 Winek: i got to go anyway
00:57 Krfawy: oh
00:57 Winek: cya
00:57 Krfawy: OK
00:58 Krfawy: have a nice night! :3
00:58 Krfawy: bye bye :*
00:58 Krfawy: XD

ok heres the real version

true blonde
00:07 Krfawy: Pinnie! :3
00:07 Krfawy: How are you doing? ;3
00:07 Winek: not bad
00:07 *Krfawy is away: Krfawełing Everytime You Touch Smth IDRK
00:08 Krfawy: yay :3
00:08 Krfawy: I have a question to you <3
00:09 Winek: what is it?
00:09 Krfawy: Guess what it will be 83
00:09 Winek: hmm
00:09 Krfawy: Something big, dark and black?
00:09 Winek: something like that?
00:10 Winek: no racism intended
00:10 Krfawy: em... only with HT ;<
00:11 Krfawy: but I was talking about a big black dick xD
00:11 Krfawy: so you're right
00:11 Krfawy: XD
00:11 Winek: big black dick ftw
00:12 Krfawy: don't say you do not know what means "dick" : /
00:12 Winek: yes i know but why are you talking about that
00:13 Krfawy: TBH?
00:13 Krfawy: IDK :<
00:13 Krfawy: Just a random quiz. XDDDDDDDD
00:13 Winek: lol ok
00:14 Krfawy: Winnie, I know it's v rude, but may I abuse you a bit? : /
00:14 Krfawy: You know, osu hot stuff
00:14 Winek: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
00:15 Krfawy: May I ask you for an IRC mod to a Hard diff to my mapset? D:
00:16 Winek: sure
00:16 Krfawy: <3
00:17 *Krfawy is listening to [ Krfawy - Slut Off]
00:17 Krfawy: This one :3
00:17 Krfawy: called 'Harden' o3o
00:17 Winek: these diffname
00:18 Krfawy: I guess you're the 6th person who says they are odd D:
00:19 Winek: all the world are gonna say so xD
00:20 Krfawy: XDDDDDDDD
00:21 Winek: hmm
00:22 Winek: soooo
00:22 Winek: zzz
00:23 Winek: anyway i just think the spreads get to be a bit bad
00:24 Krfawy: you mean there's too big gap between normal and hard?
00:24 Winek: yeah
00:24 Winek: Pinksane is full of 1/4
00:24 Winek: Harden have got a big amount of 1/4
00:25 Winek: and Pornmal(ftw) only have a decent amount of 1/2
00:26 Krfawy: well TBH I know it might be kinda challenge, but when I believe that if I reduce some of 1/4s it's gonna be more acceptable xD
00:27 Winek: yeah
00:27 Winek: you have a pretty low bpm and its acceptabel to have this amount of 1/4
00:27 Winek: but its not acceptable to have a bad spread :P
00:28 Krfawy: wait a minute I'm fixing dah spread
00:28 *Krfawy fixing dah spread
00:29 Winek: milk from above
00:29 Krfawy: what
00:29 Krfawy: XD
00:29 Winek: no ide
00:29 Winek: IDEA*
00:32 Krfawy: BTW but I guess it will be OK if I reduce some of 1/4s and if settings are low, right?
00:32 Krfawy: I mean AR7, CS4, but OD&HP is only 5
00:33 Winek: yeah
00:33 Krfawy: migh you update Harden and try it now? :3
00:36 Winek: k
00:36 *Krfawy hugs Winnie
00:37 Winek: you should reduce hp drain a bit ><
00:37 Krfawy: is 5 still too hard? D:
00:37 Krfawy: oh wait
00:37 Krfawy: it's 6
00:37 Krfawy: XD
00:37 Winek: yeah 5 looks more reasonable
00:38 Krfawy: sorry me stupid XD
00:38 Winek: especially for a short and rapid song
00:38 Krfawy: OK
00:38 Krfawy: changed to 5 :3
00:38 Krfawy: any suggestions to fix? :o
00:39 Winek: hmmmmm
00:39 Winek: mrepg;omapg;
00:40 Winek: hmm some triplet could be better positioned yknow
00:40 Krfawy: let me know which
00:40 Winek: like this one only cover a weak part 00:18:307 (1,2,3) -
00:40 Krfawy: I am stupid XD
00:40 Winek: 00:17:671 - is a stronger one
00:41 Winek: oops not 00:18:307 (1,2,3) -
00:41 Winek: i meant 00:17:925 (3) -
00:42 Krfawy: I've just fixed that TBH
00:42 Krfawy: XDDDDDDDDDD
00:42 Krfawy: that which was told as not strange XDDD
00:42 Winek: xD
00:43 Krfawy: but I believe it looks better now XD
00:43 Krfawy: K what's next? :3
00:44 Winek: hmm
00:44 Krfawy: 00:23:900 (4,1) - I've just fixed those because they looked a bit too not-curved
00:45 Winek: 00:32:544 (1,2) - im not sure dakedekaane will want to mod your map XDDD
00:45 Krfawy: ?
00:45 Krfawy: where from do you know I want him to mod my map : /
00:45 Krfawy: XD
00:46 Winek: i mean are you sure that (1) should end up on a blue tick?
00:46 Krfawy: ofc, it matches the rhythm
00:47 Winek: same here pls 00:34:578 (1,2) -
00:47 Krfawy: oooh
00:47 Winek: constanthingy mapping4life
00:47 Krfawy: OK I've just got what you mean
00:47 Krfawy: Winek plz, I know people map blue ticks when it's not to the rhythm
00:48 Krfawy: but my song totally allows to map blue ticks XD
00:48 Winek: yeah dakedekaane hate this
00:48 Krfawy: I know he hates, but he wrote 'when it does NOT follow the rhythm' so he should accept it XD
00:48 Krfawy: if only he mod my map...
00:48 Krfawy: ;__________________;
00:48 Winek: XDDDDD
00:50 Krfawy: K I've just fixed some things which you mentioned and I've got what to fix next
00:50 Krfawy: fixed now ofc XD
00:50 Krfawy: do a commend called /savelog because you've deserved to get a kudosu from me B|
00:51 Winek: nah that's fine
00:51 Winek: this shitmod doesnt deserve kudosu
00:52 Krfawy: I insist on posting in my thread xD
00:52 Winek: fine
00:52 Winek: but isnt that mod soo shitty that it deserve grave
00:52 Winek: wastelandtrashgarbage?
00:52 Krfawy: Winnie plz
00:53 Krfawy: If you could see what people get kudosu for : /
00:53 Winek: for what
00:53 Krfawy: NC, NC, remove NC, NC, NC, NC, NC, remove NC
00:53 Krfawy: I understand when ppl get kudosu for BPM and offset
00:53 Krfawy: without them beatmap wouldn't even exist D:
00:54 Winek: :<
00:54 Krfawy: so I am pretty sure you deserve kudosu from my map :3
00:55 Krfawy: when you've mentioned things which made me think to change another
00:55 Krfawy: YOU'VE MADE ME THINK
00:55 Krfawy: Blondes aren't supposed to THINK
00:55 Krfawy: D:
00:55 Krfawy: you've just done an impossible thing XD
00:56 Winek: LOL
00:57 Winek: i got to go anyway
00:57 Krfawy: oh
00:57 Winek: cya
00:57 Krfawy: OK
00:58 Krfawy: have a nice night! :3
00:58 Krfawy: bye bye :*
00:58 Krfawy: XD
Topic Starter
LOL I was sure you'd never write so I gave kud for the older post and I edited my own with IRC mod shame on me XD
Heya~ From my modding queue!

Song ends suddenly out of nowhere :s
I think you should change some of ur diff names.. Remember we want to keep the game pg :]

00:05:086 (2,4) - careful not to overlap
00:25:934 (4,1) - ^

Well damn I can't find anything worth saying here. nice job :]

00:01:528 (3,1) - stack?
00:03:562 (3,1) - + few others (I know ur doing on purpose but imo it'd look better so yeah)
00:21:612 (2) - I'd ctrl + G for flow since i dont think it's worth emphasizing

00:08:137 (1,2,3,4) - Remove the (2)
00:18:815 (1,2,1,2) - Doesn't flow well
00:30:256 (5,3) - stack
imo it gets really messy in the kiai

The biggest problem here is the flow i think, its okay to break the flow to emphasize something but doing it too often isn't good

Good luck from now!
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