
Performance Points feedback and suggestions (Taiko)

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Well, in your example (ddd kkk d) the hand movements for most players are rlr rlr r (r= right, l= left)
dddkkkd however is rlrlrlr, so the kkk is played lrl instead.
And even if you play the entire map with full alt, ddd kkk d is WAY easier to a) read, because it has the gaps and b) play, because you don't need to start some patterns (in this case the kkk) on a blue tick.
All difficulties concerning patterns are superstitious, everyone has their own problems when it comes to reading patterns and playing them, but it is not possible for a machine to differentiate them. While cheking cluster length and density of notes is easy and doable.
Though, there are still some problems. We talked about this in #taiko .

For example is a ddddkkkkd stream considered as harder than dkkdkkdkkd since in your table oooo > oxx.
- - - - -_old
pp previous.
For example, someone won the #1 first and got some pp.
Secondly, someone else got the same as #1 second and got some pp.
pp that can be acquired, second #1 < first #1.
It isn't the same.
This should not.
- - - - -_old
I think pp earlier was excellent.
In the basic pp previous,
please fix second(third,fourth,fifth...) #1 < first #1.
It become second(third,fourth,fifth...) #1 = first #1.

Please BAN cheater.
ppv2 will become stable ranking.

- - - - - wrote:

It become second(third,fourth,fifth...) #1 = first #1.
This is the way it SHOULD be. The old way was stupid as hell because if you weren't around when the mapset was ranked, you weren't going to get #1 because you KNOW there's gonna be one player who will 100% DTHD / DT / HR / HD the song. Just because they're the first person to do it doesn't mean they should get more points for it as BOTH tied plays took equal amount of skill to perform.

OnosakiHito wrote:


The slower the song, the less pp you gain.
The faster the song, the more pp you gain.

The slower the song, the more pp you gain because, you have to remember more notes for some periode of time.
The faster the song, the less pp you gain because, you have to remember less notes for some periode of time.

The slower the song, the less pp you gain because, density becomes higher and notes are less clustered. Easier readable.
The faster the song, the more pp you gain because, the density becomes really high and hard to read.

Should be disabled or give no points. Too often there was a problem with this mod.
Most people do not play it and it has been often abused (HD+FL+HR). That's my opinion.

Of course, we have to take care of OD and SV here.
for mod, this is so hot to the correct answer imo.
supplementary the some my feelings.

FL made the too many player angry. we should not be a memorize the diffs. because Taiko is a rhythm game i think.
well, in some cases need the memorize. e.g. : complex stream pattern, weird rhythm by song....
but this is nothing to do with memorize for FL.
DS is too easy in taiko, FL is not an exaggeration to say mod for DS players.

HD+HR also similar to FL.
this combination is not working nearly the on taiko.
1, wide screen is so advantageous.
2, memorize must be to some extent.
3, same as FL, cause make the DS player.

anyway i fully agree to Oh no sakihito.

i omitted about hitsound patterns because subjectivity is too big.

WemadeFOX-solo wrote:

OnosakiHito wrote:

Should be disabled or give no points. Too often there was a problem with this mod.
Most people do not play it and it has been often abused (HD+FL+HR). That's my opinion.
This, flashlight may be an challenge to the player but shouldn't influence in the ladder at all, people are just abusing of it to raise pp.
well, some people actually have fun through FL. It gives players with lesser raw skill (considering legit ones in this case) an opportunity to compete evenly with higher raw skill, non-FL players (although memorization itself is already a skill imo; only some people can actually do it in fewer tries than anyone else/do hardcore, non-repetitive stuffs. Take baka_baka_Koishi, for example. Regardless, it's not really raw, but still). Although I haven't tried it at all, I think it's NOT impossible to actually train your reflexes with FL, but then again it's much more tedious to train than with other mods, thus making people not go through it. Just my opinion.

EBAWER123 wrote:

The whole ranking is about becoming better, not hiding in the corner and playing only in your comfort zone. Playing higher BPM, increasing your stamina, your reading skills, trying new mods, increasing your accuracy; striving to be better - isn't this the whole point of having a higher rank than someone else?
THIS. I didn't train my accuracy, deserving me a lower rank; but trying mod combinations that other people (or, to say the most, anyone) don't/can't (talking about individual song-wise, not overall) clearly helped me raise a lot.

_Gezo_ wrote:

Loctav wrote:

Basically I see it like (vision based mods. HD/HR/FL only affect vision): (HD = HR) < HD+HR < FL < FL+HR < FL+HD < FL+HD+HR
DT is an extra factor, increasing OD and BPM and therefore should be calculated into the difficulty where note density calculations happen.

HR affects OD as well. Else, well you'd see many more HRDT scores on average BPM songs (that is 110-140 bpm range no more)
HRHD is not impossible to read, it's very tough and playable at a very limited range !
FL+HD+anything is "memorization", FL+HR is also memorization (except when BPM gets abusively low) as you have a ridiculous reading timespan.
my agreements are highlighted in red.

LunaticP wrote:

anyway actually different people may divide stream in different way, hard to say who is right
yes, since this thing itself is obviously subjective.

- Yuuka Niya - wrote:

Something I want to say:
① OD of course higher OD means higher pp
②mod I think DT>HR=HD>FL of course. Or you can just let FL≈0.(HR+HD) should not be more than( HR)+(HD).So is HDFL and HRFL and HDHRFL

③of course Taiko only maps far more than converted maps.From pp now I think 3 times is not enough.Maybe it should be 5 timers or more.
④The difficulty of the map itself. I think this is the most important.There are many points.
(1)BPM this BPM is the REAL BPM but not what the mapper give us. For example, the big black should be calculated as 180BPM but not 360.
(2)Change of the colors. I only have a theory of calculate the difficulty of a stream.I'm trying to translate it to English.
(3)Rhythm change. 1/6+1/4 is harder than 1/4 only of course.
(4)Note density. I think this one needn't be explained.
(5)Star rate. That's really means nothing in Taiko. So many wrong examples.

if you have any questions about what I say u can ask here or just PM me.
1. But then the game will be basically accuracy-oriented instead of skill-oriented.
2. If you're talking about the score multiplier, no. As I've stated before, FL gives lesser raw-skilled players an opportunity to compete evenly with higher raw-skilled players. If you're talking about the pp, I'm fine with that, but don't nerf it that much though.

As for HDHR, it actually worths more pp, as HR also amplifies the invisibility area of HD (yes, I think that way), making it as it is now. But then again, that's just my opinion.
But you're an extra widescreen player, the area where you can actually see the notes is way higher than others players. Seeing only half a note IS NOT playable at all. As long as HDHR isn't fixed and playable for everyone, there is still a big issue with that mod.

About FLHD, yes we do have some legit players, but it's too easy to DS and the majority of the FLHD scores are DS. Do you prefer to advantage the non-legit plays just to reward the minority of legit plays ?
HRHD should give a small bonus to accuracy, but none to reading/pattern/whatever that factor may be called. Same for FL. DS is the obvious reason.
Or better yet, get peppy to fix HRHD; I really want to play that mod combination but my 4:3 setup makes it damn near impossible /o/

Nashmun wrote:

But you're an extra widescreen player, the area where you can actually see the notes is way higher than others players. Seeing only half a note IS NOT playable at all. As long as HDHR isn't fixed and playable for everyone, there is still a big issue with that mod.

About FLHD, yes we do have some legit players, but it's too easy to DS and the majority of the FLHD scores are DS. Do you prefer to advantage the non-legit plays just to reward the minority of legit plays ?
well, I'm actually a 4:3 fullscreen player, but I like playing HR on that reso (and just a friendly reminder: utterly EVERYONE can adjust the reso like I did without having more than ONE monitor). Yeah, the "half a note" thing is really bugging, and people wouldn't even try to adjust their monitor's brightness/contrast/both for that. My (own) suggestion is to increase the visibility by a bit (not large enough to make Taiko scoreboards look like STD's), although we don't know if that will ever be implemented.

2nd line: I'd rather not, but I do have few things in mind:
1. Make osu! so that it can track the total number of plays for each song, even in offline/Autoplay? And more specifically, separate numbers of online, offline, and Auto plays? (mentioned Auto since some players memorize from the Autoplay (this guy, for example))

2. FL-specific: Set some kind of threshold of number of plays (like the above number 1) in each map, so that any number below that threshold can be assured as DS?
^ I do realize that it's nearly impossible, but once it is done right, voila. Of course, a formula must be present in order to achieve this one, although I haven't thought anyhow.

3. Make osu! so that it automatically ends/fails a play if it reaches an amount of X consecutive misses, especially if it's from the first note? Take X = 30 notes, for example. Note that this effectively applies only to Taiko since all the other game modes fail immediately when the HP's empty.

I think that's all I can say for now; got a bit exhausted from homework.
Just to say , this guy play a lot of easy and normal converted map with FL
Easy and Normal conversions are pretty damn irrelevant.
That's like saying FL is an easy mod in standard because you can sightread Easy diffs with it.
osu!taiko compete for the "memorize skill"!
ahhh im so noob.... yes..

..yeah, this is wrong.
- Yuuka Niya -

TKSalt wrote:

osu!taiko compete for the "memorize skill"!
ahhh im so noob.... yes..

..yeah, this is wrong.
can't agree more XD

and I think to calculate the difficulty, note density and OD is enough..what do u think TKS?
Hm. Some of you used the term "unfair" in the last hours due to differences between players and their gameplay.
But if you ask me, the main gameplay is already(or if not, can be) determinated:

Keyboard: kddk
→ As I said before, Taiko is a drum game. And kddk is the authentic gameplay for this game. Not because TNT does so. Rather because the drum is designed in this way - the rim and the centre.

Screen: Widescreen
→ Some of you might disagree with me, but I say that the Widescreen is the main-option here. At this point I might be old-fashioned, but TNT is using this option even with a higher scroll range. In general, HR becomes easier readable and the mod HD+HR is up to a certian extend possible with WS*. Yes, the impact from HD 4:3 to WS is bigger than the one from HR, since the range you have to "memories" in HD becomes bigger while in HR you have more time to see the upcoming notes. But HD-Players can compensate this better than HR player from WS to 4:3.
Additional to this, I want to add what XK2238 said before: Those who can't play HR+HD on 4:3 can change to WS to be able to play it. Reasons like "they are not used to it" or something like that is rather up to the person and shouldn't be taken into account in such discussion.

If some of you really want to keep this mod, a possible solution would be to count HD+FL as HD play. I still say that this mod is too dangerous, but those of you who really like to play it can still do so and be marked as FL+HD player in the ranking. Just with the difference that your HD+FL points = HD points.

That's my opinion again. I see it from a technical way - what is the most beneficial one. Not what a single user wants to see, since this can lead easy to unfair decisions I think.

* Widescreen
I'm not sure if it's the actual problem, but what about disabling resolution changing in a *.cfg file?

I know, an offtopic.
But let's take a look on osu!mania. Mods give no score multiplier, so simmilar thing should be with performance on Taiko.
[edit](I have no idea if Mods affect performance on osu!mania, sorry)
Like someone already mentioned: DT>HR>HD>FL or DT>HR=HD>FL.
I can't really argue with Hardrock vs Hidden and I have no idea how to explain this.
I just hope you guys will have a one and effective way to handle Convert vs Oni.
- Yuuka Niya -

OnosakiHito wrote:

Hm. Some of you used the term "unfair" in the last hours due to differences between players and their gameplay.
But if you ask me, the main gameplay is already(or if not, can be) determinated:

Keyboard: kddk
→ As I said before, Taiko is a drum game. And kddk is the authentic gameplay for this game. Not because TNT does so. Rather because the drum is designed in this way - the rim and the centre.

Screen: Widescreen
→ Some of you might disagree with me, but I say that the Widescreen is the main-option here. At this point I might be old-fashioned, but TNT is using this option even with a higher scroll range. In general, HR becomes easier readable and the mod HD+HR is up to a certian extend possible with WS*. Yes, the impact from HD 4:3 to WS is bigger than the one from HR, since the range you have to "memories" in HD becomes bigger while in HR you have more time to see the upcoming notes. But HD-Players can compensate this better than HR player from WS to 4:3.
Additional to this, I want to add what XK2238 said before: Those who can't play HR+HD on 4:3 can change to WS to be able to play it. Reasons like "they are not used to it" or something like that is rather up to the person and shouldn't be taken into account in such discussion.

If some of you really want to keep this mod, a possible solution would be to count HD+FL as HD play. I still say that this mod is too dangerous, but those of you who really like to play it can still do so and be marked as FL+HD player in the ranking. Just with the difference that your HD+FL points = HD points.

That's my opinion again. I see it from a technical way - what is the most beneficial one. Not what a single user wants to see, since this can lead easy to unfair decisions I think.

* Widescreen
Can't agree this more.If HD+FL=HD,how about HDHRFL and HDHR? maybe all of them can be same as HR?

- Yuuka Niya - wrote:

Can't agree this more.If HD+FL=HD,how about HDHRFL and HDHR? maybe all of them can be same as HR?
Ono was referring to the Doron mode for HDFL = HD. HRHD also works as Doron, so does HRHDFL.
I am recently still reading the first page but I really want to put down this.

When it comes to pattern difficulty, it is sometimes subjective to your playing style i.e. full alternative, partial alternative, colour oriented, 4-finger or 2-finger, etc. Therefore it is difficult to tell what is a hard map if we don't decide which playing style we are encouraging first.

Example1: dk kd dk kd dk kd vs dk dk dk dk dk dk, the former is easier for a 4-finger player, while the latter is a much more easier one if you are a 2-finger player as you dont have to move your fingers frequently

Example2: A very high speed with less complicated patterns is easier than a lower speed but more complicated map for full alternative hands player, vice versa for colour oriented hand players. So which is more difficult?

OnosakiHito wrote:

If you are meaning the "authentic" thing, I would like to clarify that all of the stated playing styles by me are capable with your model, they are all possible play styles with the orientation kddk

OnosakiHito wrote:

→ As I said before, Taiko is a drum game. And kddk is the authentic gameplay for this game. Not because TNT does so. Rather because the drum is designed in this way - the rim and the centre.
While this is true, it's a moot point since the default (and should I say main?) input type for a computer is a keyboard (and a mouse), and not a drum. While our taiko is based off TnT, it's not TnT.

For the purpose of discussion, we could say that we should be focusing on the default key setup to play with, and that is zxcv in a kddk setup though. That's a more valid argument in my opinion.

osu!standard has nothing in the difficulty formula in the patterns being played by different playstyles (mouse only, tablet + kb, lmb/x, etc), so I'd suggest to keep our taiko that way as well, meaning, it matters little if a pattern is easier or harder on a certain key setup.
Or that.
I'm not really that experienced in taiko, so I'll just speak from my perspective, instead of trying to lay down some hard facts.

I read that you guys think HD<HR, but I think the better you get, the easier HD will become, because you sort of memorise the patterns with muscle memory, so you don't need to "think" about it (or at least that's what I noticed). I only recently started playing HD, but I still find HR easier than HD on a map like this , even though I play on 1366x768.

Also I'm a ddkk player, though after seeing what kddk players consider hard, I found that it's similar to what I find hard. Like I think ddkkddkk-- patterns are a breeze, while triplets (especially kat triplets) in a stream is really hard or annoying.
- Yuuka Niya -

lolcubes wrote:

OnosakiHito wrote:

→ As I said before, Taiko is a drum game. And kddk is the authentic gameplay for this game. Not because TNT does so. Rather because the drum is designed in this way - the rim and the centre.
While this is true, it's a moot point since the default (and should I say main?) input type for a computer is a keyboard (and a mouse), and not a drum. While our taiko is based off TnT, it's not TnT.

For the purpose of discussion, we could say that we should be focusing on the default key setup to play with, and that is zxcv in a kddk setup though. That's a more valid argument in my opinion.

osu!standard has nothing in the difficulty formula in the patterns being played by different playstyles (mouse only, tablet + kb, lmb/x, etc), so I'd suggest to keep our taiko that way as well, meaning, it matters little if a pattern is easier or harder on a certain key setup.
oh..though I'm kddk ,there are really many ddkk players. So some discussion above means nothing I think.

And to Ono: if HDHR and HDFL really become Doron mode, it will be a great help to taiko world of course.
Does a certain playstyle confer advantages to playing the game? This is the question we're asking.

I said before that we could do a calibration type measurement before measuring any sort of pp, but I realize now that won't work for this reason. How can we compare the metric between two different playstyles?

We should purely focus on the technical aspects of the game, not the mechanical.

OnosakiHito wrote:

Or that.
Naah, the key setups of the playstyles that I've stated are the same, man
Or at least make FL give 1.06x only (meaning FL + HD/HR = DT, FL + HDHR/DT = HDT/DTHR)... Please, people won't even bother trying to HDFL if it's only going to be exactly the same as HD >.> same applies with +HR.
Think of it as a middle road.
i agree that HD+HR is impossible to read, every note looks like 3~4 note cluster.

_verto_ wrote:

I'm not really that experienced in taiko, so I'll just speak from my perspective, instead of trying to lay down some hard facts.

I read that you guys think HD<HR, but I think the better you get, the easier HD will become, because you sort of memorise the patterns with muscle memory, so you don't need to "think" about it (or at least that's what I noticed). I only recently started playing HD, but I still find HR easier than HD on a map like this , even though I play on 1366x768.

Also I'm a ddkk player, though after seeing what kddk players consider hard, I found that it's similar to what I find hard. Like I think ddkkddkk-- patterns are a breeze, while triplets (especially kat triplets) in a stream is really hard or annoying.
- Most people said so far HD=HR, so it's cool.
- Both play styles have similarity, but kddk should be considered due to previous said reasons.

Quiesce wrote:

We should purely focus on the technical aspects of the game, not the mechanical.
Without the mechanical way it is hard to consider what is hard/easy. How else do you want to estimate patterns? By looking at them?

XK2238 wrote:

Or at least make FL give 1.06x only (meaning FL + HD/HR = DT, FL + HDHR/DT = HDT/DTHR)... Please, people won't even bother trying to HDFL if it's only going to be exactly the same as HD >.> same applies with +HR.
Think of it as a middle road.
Well, then we do not need the mod if people think in this way. Sounds hard, but I see no point in supporting a "dangerous mod" because people want to gain just points and ranks with it.

darkmiz wrote:

i agree that HD+HR is impossible to read, every note looks like 3~4 note cluster.
We talked about this before. It is possible up to a certain extend. Please read the previous pages.
- Yuuka Niya -

XK2238 wrote:

Or at least make FL give 1.06x only (meaning FL + HD/HR = DT, FL + HDHR/DT = HDT/DTHR)... Please, people won't even bother trying to HDFL if it's only going to be exactly the same as HD >.> same applies with +HR.
Think of it as a middle road.
I'm sorry but I can't agree with u.
If FL =1.06x then both in pp and in score HDHRFL is more than DT only , that can't be accepted I think.
You guys should drop FL, honestly whatever happens there's nothing you can do to counter the multiscreen players without penalizing true memory players.

_Gezo_ wrote:

You guys should drop FL, honestly whatever happens there's nothing you can do to counter the multiscreen players without penalizing true memory players.
the sad truth has been spoken...
- Yuuka Niya -

_Gezo_ wrote:

You guys should drop FL, honestly whatever happens there's nothing you can do to counter the multiscreen players without penalizing true memory players.
In fact you have to agree that multiscreen players is far more than true memory players when HDFL or HDHRFL.
Let's keep the FL topic aside for now.
If you still have anything to say about this topic, read the whole thread again to ensure you do not repeat someone else again, starting from here:
Please keep the topic on track. We do not discuss how "stupid FL is" here, too. Please try to contribute to the ppv2 development only.
Thank you
I would like to avoid the situation that " I could perform more pp in this map, but those performances are of less score than my best score with lower pp, so I couldnt improve my pp by this map"

Quiesce wrote:

Does a certain playstyle confer advantages to playing the game? This is the question we're asking.
In my opinion yes, if you are using the kddk set-up and playing full alt you can play very easily every 1/2 on 300bpm maps and if the map don't have lots of 1/4 it's very simple. But if you singletap everything it'll become way harder/ impossible.

Since this playstyle is the most "optimal" the difficulty should be calculated with the playstyle that makes the game easier imo.

TimmyAkmed wrote:

Quiesce wrote:

Does a certain playstyle confer advantages to playing the game? This is the question we're asking.
In my opinion yes, if you are using the kddk set-up and playing full alt you can play very easily every 1/2 on 300bpm maps and if the map don't have lots of 1/4 it's very simple. But if you singletap everything it'll become way harder/ impossible.

Since this playstyle is the most "optimal" the difficulty should be calculated with the playstyle that makes the game easier imo.
i'd say full alt players usually have lower accuracy but orukaa would strike me down

i'm late to the party but i think rankings would be boring without converted maps since tvsize hr SSx3000
i've generally been avoiding ranked taiko maps for the last couple months because 95% of them just aren't fun

i could understand converted being worth less pp than taiko due to ranking guidelines and things but you can't ignore the fact that some converted maps take just as much if not more skill* to play
*there is no clear definition of skill, i personally see it as acc + reading/playing patterns (especially high speed)

these 2 maps took hours worth of tries and i consider them to be some of my best scores

or take this map, 1 try SS that i wouldn't even blink at if there weren't so few others
this should not be worth more than the above maps just because it's specifically for taiko
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