
KOTOKO - Sakura no Ame Moegi no yo

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00:48:760 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 가사로 가는 것보다 박자로 가는게 어떨까요?

02:36:650 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 그리고 하드치고는 노트 수가 너무 많습니다. 슬라이더로 대체 해주시는 것도 좋을 것 같습니다.

02:39:953 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^

03:53:714 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^

HP : 6 OD : 6 이 적당합니다.


00:10:503 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - 이 패턴이 이 부분에만 있네요, 수정 해주시는게 좋을 것 같습니다.

크게 문제 될 만한 건 없는 것 같습니다.
Topic Starter

DingGGu wrote:


DingGGu's Modding
00:48:760 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - 가사로 가는 것보다 박자로 가는게 어떨까요? → 정박자로 수정.는 밋밋해졌을지도...

02:36:650 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 그리고 하드치고는 노트 수가 너무 많습니다. 슬라이더로 대체 해주시는 것도 좋을 것 같습니다. → 느린 연타가 맵 컨셉이지만 하드치고는 좀 어려운가 보네요.. 수정 완료.

02:39:953 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ → 수정 완료.

03:53:714 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ → 수정 완료.

HP : 6 OD : 6 이 적당합니다. → 수정 완료.


00:10:503 (2,1,2,3,4,5) - 이 패턴이 이 부분에만 있네요, 수정 해주시는게 좋을 것 같습니다. → 수정 완료.

크게 문제 될 만한 건 없는 것 같습니다.
감사합니다! ;)
HI~ Losertic M4M from my queue

  • Clean

  1. AR 7 HP 6 OD 6 fit this diff alot better
  2. 00:11:329 (4,1) - swap NC
  3. 00:18:210 try to move this to x:196 y:167 so the tail get stackad with 00:17:384 look alot better
  4. 00:24:815 add a circle here then start the spinner in 00:24:953 sound alot better following the vocals
  5. 00:27:017 Add finish here fit alot with the music
  6. 00:29:632 Is kinda weird you ignore the vocal there I suggest you to map this beat
  7. 00:31:421 This slider dont follow the music really well try THIS
  8. 00:32:934 same as 00:24:815
  9. 00:39:127 1/2 slider fit really well the vocals here imo
  10. 00:41:879 I preffer if you start the NC stuff every stanza but I think is just your prefference
  11. 00:44:632 add finish on the head (kiai start here)
  12. 00:50:136 you forget a clap here
  13. 00:54:540 (5,6) - I preffer if you stack this It will follow the music alot better imo
  14. 01:01:696 add finish here too
  15. 01:02:246 same as above
  16. 01:05:411 (4,5,6,7) - turn off grid snap and stack this perfect
  17. 01:17:109 (6,1) - swap NC will make the map more readable imo
  18. 01:23:164 Finish in the tail Kiai end there
  19. 01:24:265 add finish here too
  20. 01:23:989 (1,2) - Oh also I will like if you try a jump here to put more empathize in the song maybe like THIS them 01:23:989 (1,2) - are stacked on the centre of the grid also add The NC to ake the jump readable If you follow my suggestion
  21. 01:41:604 add whiste fit with the starts of the vocals
  22. 01:41:879 remove whistle just keep the clap here
  23. 01:42:705 (4) - add more distance here with previous maybe 1.10 or 1.20
  24. 01:51:512 add a circle here imo actually sound too empty
  25. 01:56:467 (2,3,4) - stack they for consistency with 01:55:366 (2,3,4) -
  26. 01:57:292 same suggestion about the spinner in 00:24:815
  27. 01:57:292 (1) - also add a whistle on the spinner sound really nice
  28. 02:00:320 same as 01:51:512
  29. 02:01:421 add NC look really cool and fit alot with the star pattern
  30. 02:17:109 add finish here
  31. 02:20:687 this 1/1 slider dont fit this part try a 1/2 repeat will follow alot better the song
  32. 02:21:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I really dont like this part 02:22:063 and 02:23:164 got a important sounds uin the music and should be mapped also you did a jump pattern here 02:21:512 (1,2,3) - for consistency do the same in 02:22:338 (4,5,6) -
  33. 02:25:641 add circle 02:25:778 add circle should be a triplet there sound really nice and make the kiai part more fun :3
  34. 02:31:971 maybe NC im not sure
  35. 02:32:246 (1) - add finish
  36. 02:34:723 finish on the head
  37. 02:45:457 should be a triplet here x_x
  38. 02:54:540 same suggestion about the other spinners
  39. 03:36:375 add finish here too
  40. 03:49:035 (8,1) - swap NC
  41. 03:54:815 (1) - copy past previous slider and maybe you like to try THIS
  42. 04:11:604 same suggestion about the other spinners

  1. 00:23:714 (2,3,4,5) - uhh this is too hard for a easy/normal I suggest you to convert they intwo 1/2 slider
  2. 00:42:980 (2,3,4,5,6) - same as above a new player cant read or play things like this try another rhythm
  3. 00:44:632 add finish here
  4. 00:53:164 (5,1) - fix the distance is little but noticeable
  5. 01:01:145 (2) - finish in the tail
  6. 01:02:246 add finish here kiai start again
  7. 01:46:008 (6,1,2) - same as 00:53:164
  8. 02:15:457 (2,3,4,5,6) - same as 00:42:980
  9. 02:17:109 add finish here too
  10. 02:32:522 (1,1) - add finish in both of them
  11. 03:14:907 add whistle here fit aliot with the vocals
  12. 03:27:567 (1,2,3) - fix the distance
  13. 03:36:375 (1,2,3,4) - same as 00:23:714
  14. 03:36:375 (1) - Finish
  15. 03:38:577 (1) - Fix the distance with previous one
  16. 03:49:586 (1,1) - add finish in both of them
  17. 04:11:054 convert this in 1/2 slider to it will finish with the kiai i forget to point this in previous kiai ends so do the same on they

Nice song GL with this :P
Topic Starter

Natsu wrote:

HI~ Losertic M4M from my queue

Natsu's Modding
  • Clean

  1. AR 7 HP 6 OD 6 fit this diff alot better → Fixed.
  2. 00:11:329 (4,1) - swap NC → Fixed.
  3. 00:18:210 try to move this to x:196 y:167 so the tail get stackad with 00:17:384 look alot better → Fixed.
  4. 00:24:815 add a circle here then start the spinner in 00:24:953 sound alot better following the vocals → Fixed.
  5. 00:27:017 Add finish here fit alot with the music → Fixed.
  6. 00:29:632 Is kinda weird you ignore the vocal there I suggest you to map this beat → Fixed. maybe better rythem!
  7. 00:31:421 This slider dont follow the music really well try THIS → Fixed. but.. really too hard shape. i don't know ;_;
  8. 00:32:934 same as 00:24:815 → Fixed.
  9. 00:39:127 1/2 slider fit really well the vocals here imo → Fixed.
  10. 00:41:879 I preffer if you start the NC stuff every stanza but I think is just your prefference → maybe if this diff is normal, fixed. but.. too short NC?.
  11. 00:44:632 add finish on the head (kiai start here) → Fixed.
  12. 00:50:136 you forget a clap here → Fixed.
  13. 00:54:540 (5,6) - I preffer if you stack this It will follow the music alot better imo → Fixed.
  14. 01:01:696 add finish here too → Fixed.
  15. 01:02:246 same as above → Fixed.
  16. 01:05:411 (4,5,6,7) - turn off grid snap and stack this perfect → Fixed.
  17. 01:17:109 (6,1) - swap NC will make the map more readable imo → Fixed.
  18. 01:23:164 Finish in the tail Kiai end there → Fixed.
  19. 01:24:265 add finish here too → Fixed.
  20. 01:23:989 (1,2) - Oh also I will like if you try a jump here to put more empathize in the song maybe like THIS them 01:23:989 (1,2) - are stacked on the centre of the grid also add The NC to ake the jump readable If you follow my suggestion → Fixed.
  21. 01:41:604 add whiste fit with the starts of the vocals → Fixed.
  22. 01:41:879 remove whistle just keep the clap here → Fixed.
  23. 01:42:705 (4) - add more distance here with previous maybe 1.10 or 1.20 → Fixed.
  24. 01:51:512 add a circle here imo actually sound too empty → Fixed.
  25. 01:56:467 (2,3,4) - stack they for consistency with 01:55:366 (2,3,4) - → Fixed.
  26. 01:57:292 same suggestion about the spinner in 00:24:815 → Fixed.
  27. 01:57:292 (1) - also add a whistle on the spinner sound really nice → Fixed.
  28. 02:00:320 same as 01:51:512 → Fixed.
  29. 02:01:421 add NC look really cool and fit alot with the star pattern → Fixed.
  30. 02:17:109 add finish here → Fixed.
  31. 02:20:687 this 1/1 slider dont fit this part try a 1/2 repeat will follow alot better the song → Fixed.
  32. 02:21:512 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I really dont like this part 02:22:063 and 02:23:164 got a important sounds uin the music and should be mapped also you did a jump pattern here 02:21:512 (1,2,3) - for consistency do the same in 02:22:338 (4,5,6) - → Okay, Remapping.
  33. 02:25:641 add circle 02:25:778 add circle should be a triplet there sound really nice and make the kiai part more fun :3 → Fixed.
  34. 02:31:971 maybe NC im not sure → I think "not". because. it's only one NC pattern by hard diff.
  35. 02:32:246 (1) - add finish → Fixed.
  36. 02:34:723 finish on the head → Fixed.
  37. 02:45:457 should be a triplet here x_x → Fixed.
  38. 02:54:540 same suggestion about the other spinners → Fixed.
  39. 03:36:375 add finish here too → Fixed.
  40. 03:49:035 (8,1) - swap NC → Fixed.
  41. 03:54:815 (1) - copy past previous slider and maybe you like to try THIS → Fixed. and Remove NC.
  42. 04:11:604 same suggestion about the other spinners → Fixed.

  1. 00:23:714 (2,3,4,5) - uhh this is too hard for a easy/normal I suggest you to convert they intwo 1/2 slider → Fixed.
  2. 00:42:980 (2,3,4,5,6) - same as above a new player cant read or play things like this try another rhythm → Fixed.
  3. 00:44:632 add finish here → Fixed.
  4. 00:53:164 (5,1) - fix the distance is little but noticeable → Fixed.
  5. 01:01:145 (2) - finish in the tail → Fixed.
  6. 01:02:246 add finish here kiai start again → Fixed.
  7. 01:46:008 (6,1,2) - same as 00:53:164 → Fixed.
  8. 02:15:457 (2,3,4,5,6) - same as 00:42:980 → Fixed.
  9. 02:17:109 add finish here too → Fixed.
  10. 02:32:522 (1,1) - add finish in both of them → Fixed.
  11. 03:14:907 add whistle here fit aliot with the vocals → Fixed.
  12. 03:27:567 (1,2,3) - fix the distance → ahh, i miss this problem. Fixed.
  13. 03:36:375 (1,2,3,4) - same as 00:23:714 → I think it's ok. (maybe it's too hard pattern for beginner. but, this pattern save only one by normal diff. the beginner osu! player will be clear this.)
  14. 03:36:375 (1) - Finish → Fixed.
  15. 03:38:577 (1) - Fix the distance with previous one → Fixed.
  16. 03:49:586 (1,1) - add finish in both of them
  17. 04:11:054 convert this in 1/2 slider to it will finish with the kiai i forget to point this in previous kiai ends so do the same on they → Fixed.

Nice song GL with this :P
Thank you! ;)

and i'll fix hard diff mod later~

Again, Thanks for modding! (really many mod, and nice modding.)


00:30:320 (4) - 맨 끝에 휘슬
00:41:879 (1) - 흐름이 어색한듯 합니다 뉴콤보 제거하는게 좋을듯 해요
00:46:833 (1) - 뉴콤보 제거
01:06:650 (1) - 차라리 01:04:448 (1) - 얘를 복붙시켜서 반전시키는게 보기에는 좋은듯 합니다
01:10:778 (5,1) - 약간 어긋낫네요 잘 배치바랍니다
03:36:375 (1,2,3,4) - 헉.. 너무 어려워요.. 그냥 짧은거 두개 두시는게 좋을듯
03:49:586 (1) - 스피너하고 노트사이가 너무 가까워요 그냥 스피너 빼고 노트로 채우는게 어색하지 않을듯 합니다


00:50:962 (1) - 너무 어색한듯 노트로 채우는걸 추천합니다

이외에 제가 지적할건 딱히 없네요

Topic Starter

HabiHolic wrote:


HabiHolic's Modding

00:30:320 (4) - 맨 끝에 휘슬 → 수정 완료.
00:41:879 (1) - 흐름이 어색한듯 합니다 뉴콤보 제거하는게 좋을듯 해요 → 수정 완료.
00:46:833 (1) - 뉴콤보 제거 → 수정 완료.
01:06:650 (1) - 차라리 01:04:448 (1) - 얘를 복붙시켜서 반전시키는게 보기에는 좋은듯 합니다 → 수정 완료.
01:10:778 (5,1) - 약간 어긋낫네요 잘 배치바랍니다 → 수정 완료.
03:36:375 (1,2,3,4) - 헉.. 너무 어려워요.. 그냥 짧은거 두개 두시는게 좋을듯 → 이부분은 꽤 어렵다고 다른분께도 지적 받았었네요.. 짧은 슬라이더 2개는 이 난이도에선 없기에, 노트 4개중 2개는 지웠습니다.
03:49:586 (1) - 스피너하고 노트사이가 너무 가까워요 그냥 스피너 빼고 노트로 채우는게 어색하지 않을듯 합니다 → 수정 완료.


00:50:962 (1) - 너무 어색한듯 노트로 채우는걸 추천합니다 → 수정 완료.

이외에 제가 지적할건 딱히 없네요

감사합니다! ;)
Hi from my queue :)
00:28:118 (2) - try to move it avoid overlap with 00:30:320 (4) -
01:11:054 (1) - add fin?
01:22:063 (1) - ^
01:59:494 (1) - ^
02:25:916 (1) - ^
02:40:228 (2) - ctrl+g?
02:54:540 (1) - add n-fin?
00:17:109 (3,4) - ctrl+g ?I think the flow is not good now
00:32:934 (6,7) - stack on 00:32:522 (5) 's end?
00:49:035 (1,2,3,4) - I think it's too boring for hard diff try to make more patterns
01:20:411 (1) - ctrl+j?
01:51:512 (2) - move to 256,264 to make a same spacing?
02:00:320 (2) - ^to 328,192
02:53:577 02:53:714 02:53:852- add notes

03:55:916 add a note?
04:10:641~04:10:916 add notes?
in general it looks good
good luck for :)
Well hi there.

Sorry for taking my time too much.

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. ...I actually expected an even smaller BG file size, considering the BG is filled with black shades (mostly), but it's fine I suppose.
  2. Accel World is not the source. In fact, this song doesn't come from any show at all. It is simply the B-side of the "unfinished" single, so please remove Accel World from the source column.
  3. Also remove Satoshi Yaginuma because he isn't involved in the song at all; only Shinya Saito does.
  4. Maybe add "The Sakura Rain is Pale Green" (the English title of the song, though not official) to the tags? Not necessary, but still.
  5. Set the offset to -505 please. The current offset makes the beginning of the stanzas one beat earlier.
  6. 00:27:017 - I'd increase the volume to 75% here in all diffs to follow the song's increase in power/loudness.
  1. Umm, why do you use an NC every one or two stanzas (00:53:439 (1,2,1,2,3,4) for example)? Make them consistent, please. I recommend using an NC every two stanzas.
  2. 00:33:622 (5,1) - Try to make a nice blanket here?
  3. 01:17:659 (1) - I don't really have the time to check it, but this can be off-screen in 4:3 resolutions. Try to see if it's true?
  4. 01:44:907 - I recommend to add a 1/2 slider here to follow the instrument and then remove 01:45:182 (4), but this isn't really necessary.
  5. 03:27:567 (1,2,3) - Hmm, Ctrl+G for the rhythm so they will follow the vocal and instrument more correctly?
  6. 03:50:687 (6) - Just for aesthetic reasons so the pattern here will look neater: Ctrl+J?
  1. 00:09:402 (1,2,3) - The blanket is pretty weird here, too. Just saying.
  2. 00:16:833 (2,3,4) - If you want to make a jump, make one between (3) and (4), not (2) and (3). The instrument's pitch increases in the transition from (3) to (4), not (2) to (3). The current jump is just really hard to expect and is an awkward one.
  3. 00:31:421 (2,4) - Why do they overlap each other partially? This is really easy to avoid, seriously... I think you know how to fix this yourself.
  4. 00:42:980 (2) - I prefer to move this to (448,264) to make the flow here better. Well, up to you for this.
  5. 00:50:962 (5) - I'd add an NC here to indicate that this is a completely different and separate pattern from the previous square to make the pattern readable.
  6. 00:55:641 (2,3,4) - This kind of flow is weird for me, IMO. Hitting a note to the left that is only 1/4 beats apart and suddenly having to go up straightly 1/2 beats after? Feels strange, but maybe it's just me.
  7. 00:58:944 (4) - Also NC here to indicate the change of the rhythm?
  8. 01:00:044 - I heavily recommend to map this spot to follow the vocal. Right now, it just feels so awkward to leave the place unmapped...
  9. 01:01:145 (3,4,5,6,7) - ...Why does the stream's shape look so random? Maybe try to curve them, or remove (5) to create an interesting rhythm?
  10. 01:04:173 (1) - Move this to (136,208) to make the flow better?
  11. 01:04:861 - I also recommend to add a circle here to follow the vocal; feels kinda empty currently.
  12. 01:09:953 (3,4,5,6,7) - Same as 01:01:145 (3,4,5,6,7).
  13. 01:24:127 - Hmm, add a circle here to follow the instrument?
  14. 01:52:889 (5) - NC to make the combo pattern consistent, please?
  15. 01:53:439 - And maybe map this with a slider's repeat or a circle to follow the vocal? idk, I don't feel comfortable seeing the vocal being skipped using the middle of a slider.
  16. 02:28:944 (3,4,5,6) - Change the rhythm to this instead to follow the song (especially the vocal) more accurately?
  17. 02:42:430 (3,4) - Combine them into a slider to emphasize the vocal in the middle of the two circles?
  18. 02:45:733 (1) - Shorten the slider to 02:45:870 to follow the vocal? Feels better than following the instrument, IMO.
  19. 02:46:421 (4) - And remove this for the same reason as the suggestion above?
  20. 03:39:815 (7) - Maybe end this slider at 03:40:090 and add a circle at 03:40:228 to follow the vocal and instrument better?
  21. 04:02:934 (4) - Remove this to emphasize the vocal at 04:02:797 and 04:03:072?
  22. 04:08:577 (7) - Also remove this to emphasize the vocal around it too?
Mostly about rhythm stuff and minor things, although there are a few must-fixes. Your map is fine; I just don't really like how you map lol

Sorry if that sounded rude. Still a nice map, so don't mind my words too much.

Good luck on the way 8-)
Topic Starter

sjoy wrote:

Hi from my queue :)
sjoy's Modding
00:28:118 (2) - try to move it avoid overlap with 00:30:320 (4) - → i think it's not. because blanket by 00:27:017 (1)
01:11:054 (1) - add fin? → Fixed.
01:22:063 (1) - ^ → umm... not good?..
01:59:494 (1) - ^ → Fixed.
02:25:916 (1) - ^ → Fixed.
02:40:228 (2) - ctrl+g? → Fixed.
02:54:540 (1) - add n-fin? → Fixed.
00:17:109 (3,4) - ctrl+g ?I think the flow is not good now → ummmmm... fixed.
00:32:934 (6,7) - stack on 00:32:522 (5) 's end? → I think not good shape. (also, too many 00:32:934 (6,7) rythem. not change)
00:49:035 (1,2,3,4) - I think it's too boring for hard diff try to make more patterns → okay.. umm.... make it temporarily pattern
01:20:411 (1) - ctrl+j? → nice. but, too close
01:51:512 (2) - move to 256,264 to make a same spacing? → Fixed.
02:00:320 (2) - ^to 328,192 → Fixed.
02:53:577 02:53:714 02:53:852- add notes → sorry.. umm i want consistent rythem this part.

03:55:916 add a note? → Fixed.
03:57:017^ → Fixed.
04:10:641~04:10:916 add notes? → sorry.. umm i want consistent rythem this part.
in general it looks good
good luck for :)

Thank you! ;) and again, thanks for your kudosu ;)
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Well hi there.

Sorry for taking my time too much.

Hinsvar's Modding
*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. ...I actually expected an even smaller BG file size, considering the BG is filled with black shades (mostly), but it's fine I suppose.
  2. Accel World is not the source. In fact, this song doesn't come from any show at all. It is simply the B-side of the "unfinished" single, so please remove Accel World from the source column.
  3. Also remove Satoshi Yaginuma because he isn't involved in the song at all; only Shinya Saito does.
  4. Maybe add "The Sakura Rain is Pale Green" (the English title of the song, though not official) to the tags? Not necessary, but still.
  5. Set the offset to -505 please. The current offset makes the beginning of the stanzas one beat earlier.
  6. 00:27:017 - I'd increase the volume to 75% here in all diffs to follow the song's increase in power/loudness.
  1. Umm, why do you use an NC every one or two stanzas (00:53:439 (1,2,1,2,3,4) for example)? Make them consistent, please. I recommend using an NC every two stanzas.
  2. 00:33:622 (5,1) - Try to make a nice blanket here?
  3. 01:17:659 (1) - I don't really have the time to check it, but this can be off-screen in 4:3 resolutions. Try to see if it's true?
  4. 01:44:907 - I recommend to add a 1/2 slider here to follow the instrument and then remove 01:45:182 (4), but this isn't really necessary.
  5. 03:27:567 (1,2,3) - Hmm, Ctrl+G for the rhythm so they will follow the vocal and instrument more correctly?
  6. 03:50:687 (6) - Just for aesthetic reasons so the pattern here will look neater: Ctrl+J?
  1. 00:09:402 (1,2,3) - The blanket is pretty weird here, too. Just saying.
  2. 00:16:833 (2,3,4) - If you want to make a jump, make one between (3) and (4), not (2) and (3). The instrument's pitch increases in the transition from (3) to (4), not (2) to (3). The current jump is just really hard to expect and is an awkward one.
  3. 00:31:421 (2,4) - Why do they overlap each other partially? This is really easy to avoid, seriously... I think you know how to fix this yourself.
  4. 00:42:980 (2) - I prefer to move this to (448,264) to make the flow here better. Well, up to you for this.
  5. 00:50:962 (5) - I'd add an NC here to indicate that this is a completely different and separate pattern from the previous square to make the pattern readable.
  6. 00:55:641 (2,3,4) - This kind of flow is weird for me, IMO. Hitting a note to the left that is only 1/4 beats apart and suddenly having to go up straightly 1/2 beats after? Feels strange, but maybe it's just me.
  7. 00:58:944 (4) - Also NC here to indicate the change of the rhythm?
  8. 01:00:044 - I heavily recommend to map this spot to follow the vocal. Right now, it just feels so awkward to leave the place unmapped...
  9. 01:01:145 (3,4,5,6,7) - ...Why does the stream's shape look so random? Maybe try to curve them, or remove (5) to create an interesting rhythm?
  10. 01:04:173 (1) - Move this to (136,208) to make the flow better?
  11. 01:04:861 - I also recommend to add a circle here to follow the vocal; feels kinda empty currently.
  12. 01:09:953 (3,4,5,6,7) - Same as 01:01:145 (3,4,5,6,7).
  13. 01:24:127 - Hmm, add a circle here to follow the instrument?
  14. 01:52:889 (5) - NC to make the combo pattern consistent, please?
  15. 01:53:439 - And maybe map this with a slider's repeat or a circle to follow the vocal? idk, I don't feel comfortable seeing the vocal being skipped using the middle of a slider.
  16. 02:28:944 (3,4,5,6) - Change the rhythm to this instead to follow the song (especially the vocal) more accurately? → hmm.. changed new pattern.
  17. 02:42:430 (3,4) - Combine them into a slider to emphasize the vocal in the middle of the two circles? → add note
  18. 02:45:733 (1) - Shorten the slider to 02:45:870 to follow the vocal? Feels better than following the instrument, IMO. → hmm. not change. because many same pattern in hard diff. also, i think... great?
  19. 02:46:421 (4) - And remove this for the same reason as the suggestion above? → Fixed.
  20. 03:39:815 (7) - Maybe end this slider at 03:40:090 and add a circle at 03:40:228 to follow the vocal and instrument better? → i think great for now.
  21. 04:02:934 (4) - Remove this to emphasize the vocal at 04:02:797 and 04:03:072? → no, i heard the voice 04:02:935 so.. non-fixed.
  22. 04:08:577 (7) - Also remove this to emphasize the vocal around it too? → Fixed.

Mostly about rhythm stuff and minor things, although there are a few must-fixes. Your map is fine; I just don't really like how you map lol

Sorry if that sounded rude. Still a nice map, so don't mind my words too much.

Good luck on the way 8-)
really long- modding 0_0 (maybe i don't have a time for now tomorrow, i'll fix your mod!)

yeah, i'm so lazy...

finally, fixed!

Thank you! ;)
Hmm, about the general stuff...

When I'm talking about the file size, I'm talking about how much space it occupies in your storage (in bytes). 1024x768 is the resolution of the image. Well, it's not that much of a problem, though.

And about the source, yes, I do realize that the name of an album/single isn't supposed to appear in the source column, but no, this song doesn't show up in Accel World at all. This is why you should remove Accel World and leave the source column empty.

Just my two cents; I'm fine for the other rejections :D
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Hmm, about the general stuff...

When I'm talking about the file size, I'm talking about how much space it occupies in your storage (in bytes). 1024x768 is the resolution of the image. Well, it's not that much of a problem, though. → it's my mistake X_X (Because I'm not good other language T_T)

And about the source, yes, I do realize that the name of an album/single isn't supposed to appear in the source column, but no, this song doesn't show up in Accel World at all. This is why you should remove Accel World and leave the source column empty. → ahhhh, i don't know. It is not heard in the Accel World Anime. but.. this song in Accel World " →Unfinished→ " Album. hoo... really i don't know.

change source → tags for now.

Just my two cents; I'm fine for the other rejections :D

oah- nice!

Thank you! ;)
Topic Starter

Move "Accel World"

Source → Tags

...where is delete this post?
hi From Kritio's Modding Queuse (Normal / M4M)

- bpm offset 9,403으로 수정해주세요. -505가 아닙니다.
- BG 바꿔주세요. 노래하고 BG가 어울리지 않습니다.
- 모든 난이도에 00:09:128 - 초록색 선 삭제해주세요.
- 히트사운드 중에 normal-hitclap는 소리가 안들리니 삭제해주세요.. normal-hitclap2는 사용 안하는 히트사운드 삭제

00:33:623 (5) - NC 추가
01:22:063 - ~ 01:24:265 - 노트 추가하세요.
01:22:063 (1) - 01:24:402 - 01:33:072 - 으로 이동해서 스핀 추가
03:21:512 (4,5) - 박자 이상하네요.배치 추천
03:34:173 - 서클 추가
04:11:604 - ~ 04:13:806 - 이 구간 노트 추가하세요.
04:11:743 (1) - 스핀 여기부터입니다.04:13:806 - ~ 04:22:614 -

00:20:412 (3) - 1/1 슬라이드 아닙니다. 보컬에 맞게 수정해주세요. this
00:21:513 - 여기에 서클 추가
00:38:027 (6,7) - 00:20:412 (3) - 와 같게
00:49:861 - 서클 추가
00:50:688 (7) - 00:50:549 - 으로 이동
00:53:439 (1) - 클랩을 피니시로 바꿔주세요
01:24:402 - 01:33:072 - 노멀과 동일
01:22:063 (1) - 보기 않좋은 슬라이더 입니다. this
01:23:165 (2) - ^
01:57:293 (9) - NC 추가
01:59:495 (1,2,3) - 간격 유지 x1.0
02:10:504 (5,1) - NC 반대로
02:41:330 (4) - NC 추가
04:11:604 - ~ 04:13:806 - 노멀과 동일
04:11:743 (1) - 노멀과 동일

Topic Starter

-Kirito wrote:

hi From Kritio's Modding Queuse (Normal / M4M)

-Kirito's Modding
- bpm offset 9,403으로 수정해주세요. -505가 아닙니다. → 수정 완료.
- BG 바꿔주세요. 노래하고 BG가 어울리지 않습니다. → 음... 이부분을 일단 보류 할게요. 마땅한 백그라운드가 없어요.. 이것도 그나마 찾은거라서;.
- 모든 난이도에 00:09:128 - 초록색 선 삭제해주세요. → 수정 완료.
- 히트사운드 중에 normal-hitclap는 소리가 안들리니 삭제해주세요.. normal-hitclap2는 사용 안하는 히트사운드 삭제 → 히트클랩2 삭제 완료. 근데 나머지 하나는 음.. 지우면 히트사운드 소리 없게 하는건가요? 일단 나둬둘게요;.

00:33:623 (5) - NC 추가 → 수정 완료.
01:22:063 - ~ 01:24:265 - 노트 추가하세요. → 이 부분은 다른 리듬에서도 스핀을 했기에 그대로 나두겠습니다. ( 02:54:540 (1) - 04:11:604 (1) - )
01:22:063 (1) - 01:24:402 - 01:33:072 - 으로 이동해서 스핀 추가 → 위와 동일합니다..
03:21:512 (4,5) - 박자 이상하네요.배치 추천 → 수정 완료.
03:34:173 - 서클 추가 → 수정 완료.
04:11:604 - ~ 04:13:806 - 이 구간 노트 추가하세요.
04:11:743 (1) - 스핀 여기부터입니다.04:13:806 - ~ 04:22:614 - → 저는 이 부분 스핀이 맘에 든다고 생각해서. 이것 포함 스핀 3개는 수정 안하겠습니다 죄송합니다-

00:20:412 (3) - 1/1 슬라이드 아닙니다. 보컬에 맞게 수정해주세요. this → 수정 완료.
00:21:513 - 여기에 서클 추가 → 서클 하나 대신에 슬라이더를 넣었습니다.
00:38:027 (6,7) - 00:20:412 (3) - 와 같게 → 이부분은 보컬대신에 크게 퉁퉁 거리는 소리를 따라 넣었습니다.
00:49:861 - 서클 추가 → 이부분도 보컬보단 퉁퉁 거리는 소리를 따라서...
00:50:688 (7) - 00:50:549 - 으로 이동 → 위와 동일 합니다.
00:53:439 (1) - 클랩을 피니시로 바꿔주세요 → 수정 완료.
01:24:402 - 01:33:072 - 노멀과 동일 → 노말과 같은 이유로 수정 안할게요..
01:22:063 (1) - 보기 않좋은 슬라이더 입니다. this → 수정 완료.
01:23:165 (2) - ^ → 수정 완료.
01:57:293 (9) - NC 추가 → 수정 완료.
01:59:495 (1,2,3) - 간격 유지 x1.0 → 01:50:687 (1,2,3) - 이부분이랑 동일하게 해서... 일단은 놔둘게요.
02:10:504 (5,1) - NC 반대로 → 수정 완료.
02:41:330 (4) - NC 추가 → 수정 완료.
04:11:604 - ~ 04:13:806 - 노멀과 동일 → 수정 안하겠습니다.
04:11:743 (1) - 노멀과 동일

감사합니다! ;)
From my queue~
thanks for M4M!

  1. Romanised Title: "Sakura no Ame Moegi no Yo"
  2. mp3: outro is too long. I recommend to cut appropriately
  1. 01:41:880- remove whistle
  2. 01:43:531- add whistle
  3. 01:44:081- remove whistle
  4. 02:27:017 (3,4) - I prefer to change for 1 slider
  5. 02:45:463- add a note?
  6. 03:14:907- whistle is necessary?
  1. According to AI-Mod, Object isn't snapped!
  2. 00:35:549 (1) - how about moving to x:272 y:242 (you can make star-pattern)
  3. 00:44:357- I prefer to add a note
  4. 00:53:438 (1) - curve slider is better
  5. 01:06:100 (7,8) - I prefer to change for 1 slider
  6. 01:15:457 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - this pyramid-pattern looks awkward. how about this?

  7. 01:22:063~01:24:265- I suggest to reduce SV
  8. 01:41:604 (1) - move whistle from it to 01:41:880
  9. 01:50:412- add a note
  10. 01:57:430 (1) - whistle is necessary?
  11. 02:16:834- I prefer to add a note
  12. 02:53:989 (4,5,6) - I suggest to unifrom DS to 1.45x, and you can make star-pattern
  13. 03:18:760 (4) - I prefer the slider: 03:18:485~03:18:760
  14. 03:35:274~03:36:100- it is better to add someting note (I prefer 1/4 beat rolling)
  15. 04:00:320- add a note
Nice KOTOKO~ :)
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~
thanks for M4M!

RandomEffect's Modding
  1. Romanised Title: "Sakura no Ame Moegi no Yo" →

    Umm. wait.
    Title: Accel World ED Single - unfinished
    Artist: KOTOKO

    1. unfinished
    2. Sakura no Ame Moegi no yo <<
    3. unfinished (Instrumental)
    4. Sakura no Ame Moegi no yo (Instrumental)
  2. mp3: outro is too long. I recommend to cut appropriately → uh, but. not cut Original-song File ;_;
  1. 01:41:880- remove whistle → Fixed.
  2. 01:43:531- add whistle → Fixed.
  3. 01:44:081- remove whistle → Fixed.
  4. 02:27:017 (3,4) - I prefer to change for 1 slider → i think its' too hard
  5. 02:45:463- add a note? → I think.. umm. it's follow boom- sound
  6. 03:14:907- whistle is necessary? → remove whistle.
  1. According to AI-Mod, Object isn't snapped! → it's my mistake! fixed
  2. 00:35:549 (1) - how about moving to x:272 y:242 (you can make star-pattern) → i want jump(pattern) this part.
  3. 00:44:357- I prefer to add a note → umm. it's great. but, i like this pattern!
  4. 00:53:438 (1) - curve slider is better → Fixed.
  5. 01:06:100 (7,8) - I prefer to change for 1 slider → Fixed.
  6. 01:15:457 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - this pyramid-pattern looks awkward. how about this? → Fixed.

  7. 01:22:063~01:24:265- I suggest to reduce SV → what is SV?
  8. 01:41:604 (1) - move whistle from it to 01:41:880 → Fixed.
  9. 01:50:412- add a note → Ummm.....
  10. 01:57:430 (1) - whistle is necessary? → 01:59:494 (1) - remove whistle hitsound much better!
  11. 02:16:834- I prefer to add a note → yep, same opinion.. l like 5 note!
  12. 02:53:989 (4,5,6) - I suggest to unifrom DS to 1.45x, and you can make star-pattern → maybe it's too hard. because 02:54:265 (5) - this.
  13. 03:18:760 (4) - I prefer the slider: 03:18:485~03:18:760 → oh, i think better this pattern: 03:18:485 ~ 03:18:760 - add note.
  14. 03:35:274~03:36:100- it is better to add someting note (I prefer 1/4 beat rolling) → I like this part. (no note, slider..maybe you know why i like this part)
  15. 04:00:320- add a note → i like better now
Nice KOTOKO~ :)
~Good Luck~
Thank you! ;)
Sun Rainbow

I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazy
Topic Starter

Sun Rainbow wrote:

I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazy
I am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazyI am sorry for my lazy
Simple, and nice SB!

nice jop like it@_@!
nice jop like it@_@!
nice jop like it@_@!
nice jop like it@_@!
nice jop like it@_@!
nice jop like it@_@!
nice jop like it@_@!
nice jop like it@_@!
nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!nice jop like it@_@!


Thank you! ;) Fixed!

Slider Tick Rate -> 2

00:48:485 (4,5,7,8,9,10) - 이런 박자 추천 드려요
00:57:843 (6) - NC
01:03:622 (5) - 써클 제거
01:05:962 (6) - ^
01:11:053 (1,2) - 같은 모양으로 체인지
01:12:430 (5) - 써클 제거
01:16:283 (4,5) - 디스턴스 쳌
01:20:411 (1,2,3) - 조금 넓게 해주세요 -> ctrl + shift + S 한후에 1.3정도로
01:55:916 (5) - NC
02:10:503 (5) - 박자 실수하셨네요
02:16:696 - 02:16:971 노트 추가
02:18:485 - 제거
02:24:815 - 힛사 넣어주세요
02:27:292 - 제거
02:44:907 (5) - ^
02:54:265 (5) - NC
04:11:329 (5) - ^

00:34:724 - 클랩
00:35:824 (1,2,3) - 같은 모양으로 -> ctrl + c,v한후에 120도씩 돌리면 되요
00:42:980 (4) - 이렇세
02:27:843 (5) - 제거04:11:054 (4) - 펴주세여
Topic Starter

[ Sana ] wrote:


Sana's Modding
Slider Tick Rate -> 2 → 히트사운드를 잘 맞추는 것도 아니고 해서 일단은 '1'개로 냅둘게요.

00:48:485 (4,5,7,8,9,10) - 이런 박자 추천 드려요 → 이건.. insane에서나 어울릴듯한 느낌.. 너무 어려운것 같아요
00:57:843 (6) - NC → 수정 완료.
01:03:622 (5) - 써클 제거 → 퉁 거리는 소리도 나고.. 있는게 더 나을것 같습니다. 그리고 노트 2개, 바로 노트2개는 어려 울듯..
01:05:962 (6) - ^ → 위와 같은 이유이고, 에- 라는 소리가 그 부분에서 나옵니다.
01:11:053 (1,2) - 같은 모양으로 체인지 → 1번슬라이더로 교체 해봤으나...이 둘이는 원래 같은 모양입니다 ㅠ.ㅠ
01:12:430 (5) - 써클 제거 → 위와 같은 이유들 입니다.
01:16:283 (4,5) - 디스턴스 쳌 → 수정 완료. 실수;_;
01:20:411 (1,2,3) - 조금 넓게 해주세요 -> ctrl + shift + S 한후에 1.3정도로 → 수정 완료.
01:55:916 (5) - NC → 수정 완료.
02:10:503 (5) - 박자 실수하셨네요 → 수정 완료.
02:16:696 - 02:16:971 노트 추가 → 이부분은 앞에 있는 것처럼 노트 없는게 나을것 같아요.
02:18:485 - 제거 → 위와 같은 이유 입니다.
02:24:815 - 힛사 넣어주세요 → 슬라이더 틱 1개로 설정해서..
02:27:292 - 제거 → 위와 같은 이유 입니다....
02:44:907 (5) - ^ → 위와 같은 이유 입니다.
02:54:265 (5) - NC → 수정 완료.
04:11:329 (5) - ^ → 수정 완료.

00:34:724 - 클랩 → 수정 완료.
00:35:824 (1,2,3) - 같은 모양으로 -> ctrl + c,v한후에 120도씩 돌리면 되요 → 수정 완료.
00:42:980 (4) - 이렇세 → 수정 완료.
02:27:843 (5) - 제거 → 이부분에 보컬이 들려서 일단은 패스..
04:11:054 (4) - 펴주세여 → 수정 완료.

감사합니다! ;)
Hi ~ from your queue :D

  1. 00:17:109(5,6,1) - set at 180|104 , 280|112 , 380|112 to make more fit the circle flow.
  1. 00:32:522(3,4,5) - make it more curve ? will be smooth during play
  2. 00:49:036(1,2,3,4,5,6) - this part I see you want to follow vocal , but current it feel some strange on 00:49:586(3) - and 00:50:687(6) -
    cus both of them's front two note follow vocal close , but those two just set on durm.
    umm... maybe like this :
    or other patterns that have note on 00:49:448 - and 00:50:594 -
  3. 00:59:769(4,5) - Cus it have a storng vocal on 01:00:045 - ,it really not fit with slider end :<
    I will suggest set slider strat at 01:00:045 - and a note at 00:59:769 -
  4. 01:24:265(4) - maybe a spinner will be great with here :3
  5. 02:18:210(3,4,5,6,7,1) - This will be more fit I think.
    02:19:036 - 02:19:586 - have a speed vocal , my view is it seems more fit with stream than 02:18:210 - 02:18:760 -
  6. 03:32:522(2,3,4) - Bigger spacing with (1) to make it symmetry
  7. 04:03:072(5) - stream contine ? until 04:03:347 -

Good song

Good luck for you !
[ Yuki ]_old

03:31:971 (5) - 180'돌리고, Ctrl+G, x:172,y:208

00:49:035 (1,2) - 슬라이드 어때요? <언랭요소 (맞나?ㅇㅅㅇ;)
00:50:136 (4,5) - ^
00:57:843 (1,2,3) - 리버스 슬라이드 어떨까요? <이유^
02:35:824 (3,4) - ^^
03:46:008 (3,4) - ^
04:03:622 (1,2) - ^
04:08:301 (5,6) - ^

죄송합니다 모딩 잘못해요,,ㅇㅅㅇ;
Good song.. GL
Topic Starter

leon1341414 wrote:

Hi ~ from your queue :D

leon1341414's Modding
  1. 00:17:109(5,6,1) - set at 180|104 , 280|112 , 380|112 to make more fit the circle flow. → Fixed.
  1. 00:32:522(3,4,5) - make it more curve ? will be smooth during play → 00:32:522 (3) - it's blanket 00:31:145 (5) - this note.
  2. 00:49:036(1,2,3,4,5,6) - this part I see you want to follow vocal , but current it feel some strange on 00:49:586(3) - and 00:50:687(6) -
    cus both of them's front two note follow vocal close , but those two just set on durm.
    umm... maybe like this :
    or other patterns that have note on 00:49:448 - and 00:50:594 - → Fixed.
  3. 00:59:769(4,5) - Cus it have a storng vocal on 01:00:045 - ,it really not fit with slider end :<
    I will suggest set slider strat at 01:00:045 - and a note at 00:59:769 - → Fixed.
  4. 01:24:265(4) - maybe a spinner will be great with here :3 → i think better now. same normal diff! (same break time)
  5. 02:18:210(3,4,5,6,7,1) - This will be more fit I think. → nice
    02:19:036 - 02:19:586 - have a speed vocal , my view is it seems more fit with stream than 02:18:210 - 02:18:760 - → long stream.. it's really hard for "Hard" diff
  6. 03:32:522(2,3,4) - Bigger spacing with (1) to make it symmetry → maybe it's too hard;_;
  7. 04:03:072(5) - stream contine ? until 04:03:347 - → i think better now. and it's too hard

Good song

Good luck for you !
Thank you! ;)

[ Yuki ] wrote:


Yuki's Modding
03:31:971 (5) - 180'돌리고, Ctrl+G, x:172,y:208 → 수정 완료.

00:49:035 (1,2) - 슬라이드 어때요? <언랭요소 (맞나?ㅇㅅㅇ;) → 이게 언랭 요소인가요...? 일단 이거 말고 그뒤에 노트 슬라이더로 바꿉니다.
00:50:136 (4,5) - ^ → 위와 동일합니다.
00:57:843 (1,2,3) - 리버스 슬라이드 어떨까요? <이유^ → 보컬에 따라서 갔습니다. 노말도 아니니 괜찮을듯.
02:35:824 (3,4) - ^ → 언랭 요소는 아닐 듯 합니다. 네;.
03:46:008 (3,4) - ^ → 위와 동일합니다.
04:03:622 (1,2) - ^ → 역시..
04:08:301 (5,6) - ^→ ㅜ.ㅜ

죄송합니다 모딩 잘못해요,,ㅇㅅㅇ;
Good song.. GL
감사합니다! ;)

00:30:320 (4) This Repeat Slider just doesnt makes any sense, Maybe like this
00:55:641 (3) Move it to x: 496 y: 148 i think it looks better
03:21:513 (4) Delete 5 and do i like this


00:13:531 (1) Why that distance snap? Maybe use normal Distance snap
00:32:522 (3) Why is here a jump? I cant seem to find anything in the song to make a jump there
00:46:008 Add HC, would fit very nice
00:48:210 ^
00:49:861 ^
00:58:393 ^
01:45:182 (3) Move it to x: 336 y: 240
01:45:733 (4) Move it to x: 280 y: 192
04:08:577 Add HC

Thats all, nice Beatmap for your second *_*
The song is actually really catchy :3
Topic Starter

Come[Back]Home wrote:

Come-back-home's Modding

00:30:320 (4) This Repeat Slider just doesnt makes any sense, Maybe like this → I think better now. umm...
00:55:641 (3) Move it to x: 496 y: 148 i think it looks better → Fixed (495,153)
03:21:513 (4) Delete 5 and do i lik this → I tried first map set. but.. i like follow vocal XD


00:13:531 (1) Why that distance snap? Maybe use normal Distance snap → i think better now. it's hard diff!
00:32:522 (3) Why is here a jump? I cant seem to find anything in the song to make a jump there → ^
00:46:008 Add HC, would fit very nice → Fixed. nice
00:48:210 ^ → Fixed.
00:49:861 ^ → Fixed.
00:58:393 ^ → i think better now. follow vocal + hard pattern!
01:45:182 (3) Move it to x: 336 y: 240 → Fixed.
01:45:733 (4) Move it to x: 280 y: 192 → Fixed.
04:08:577 Add HC → I fixed first map set. maybe it's follow vocal.

Thats all, nice Beatmap for your second *_*
The song is actually really catchy :3
Thank you! ;)
랜덤 모딩~


00:14:081 (4) - 이 부분 리듬 처리도 00:15:182 (6,7) 처럼 하는건 어떨까요?
00:22:613 (3,4) - (3)을 1/4 늘이시고 (4) 삭제해 보세요
00:39:678 (1) - 노트를 2개 넣으시고, 슬라이더는 00:40:228 부터 1/1로 가는게 나을듯요
00:59:769 (4) - 뉴콤 어떨까요
01:01:696 (5) - 여기에서의 피니시는 개인적으로 어색하다고 봐요
01:13:255 (1) - 시작의 피니시 삭제
01:22:063 (1,2) - 음...... 음악이 역동적이지 않기 때문에 개인적으로 이렇게 꼬은 거 보다는 무난하게 sv 속도 줄이는게 어울릴거라고 봅니다.
01:42:705 (4) - 다음 슬라와의 점프가 이상한거 같아요. (316,28) 같은데에 놓는게 나을듯요
02:12:155 (1) - 노트 2개와 02:12:705 부터 슬라이더?
02:19:173 (2) - 이거 삭제하고 02:19:724 에 노트 추가가 더 어울릴듯요
02:24:540 (6,7) - 02:24:540 에 노트 두시고 02:24:815 에 1/1 슬라이더 놓는게 더 어울릴듯요
02:32:246 (1) - 노트 하나 넣으시고 스핀은 02:32:522 부터 하는게 어때요?
02:45:732 (1) - 시작의 피니시 제거
02:54:678 (1) - 피니시
03:31:971 (1) - ctrl+G가 더 일관성 있는 패턴으로 보일듯요
03:34:361 - 브레이크 넣어주세요
04:02:797 (3) - 피니시 제거

괜찮게 만드신 것 같습니다. 스타 받으시고 굳럭하세요~!
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

랜덤 모딩~ ♥♥♥♥

Sonnyc's Modding

00:14:081 (4) - 이 부분 리듬 처리도 00:15:182 (6,7) 처럼 하는건 어떨까요? → 수정 완료.
00:22:613 (3,4) - (3)을 1/4 늘이시고 (4) 삭제해 보세요 → 수정 완료.
00:39:678 (1) - 노트를 2개 넣으시고, 슬라이더는 00:40:228 부터 1/1로 가는게 나을듯요 → 수정 완료.
00:59:769 (4) - 뉴콤 어떨까요 → 수정 완료.
01:01:696 (5) - 여기에서의 피니시는 개인적으로 어색하다고 봐요 → 수정 완료.
01:13:255 (1) - 시작의 피니시 삭제 → 수정 완료.
01:22:063 (1,2) - 음...... 음악이 역동적이지 않기 때문에 개인적으로 이렇게 꼬은 거 보다는 무난하게 sv 속도 줄이는게 어울릴거라고 봅니다. → 글을 보니까 왠지 어색한게 느껴지고 그렇다고 슬라이더 속도를 줄이니 너무 밋밋하고ㅠㅠ 그래서 결론은(...) 일단 놔두겠습니다.
01:42:705 (4) - 다음 슬라와의 점프가 이상한거 같아요. (316,28) 같은데에 놓는게 나을듯요 → 수정 완료.
02:12:155 (1) - 노트 2개와 02:12:705 부터 슬라이더? → 그 전에 같은 리듬을 수정했으므로 이것 역시 수정.
02:19:173 (2) - 이거 삭제하고 02:19:724 에 노트 추가가 더 어울릴듯요 → 노트하나-연타5개는 이 하드 난이도안에서는 한개도 없는 리듬입니다(아마도요.) 대신 슬라이더하나-연타5개 or 연타5개-슬라이더하나 or 연타5개-노트하나는 이 비트맵에 있어요(아마도)그래서 일단 놔두겠습니다.
02:24:540 (6,7) - 02:24:540 에 노트 두시고 02:24:815 에 1/1 슬라이더 놓는게 더 어울릴듯요 → 수정 완료. 는 그냥 자리 바꾸기만 했는데 은근히 괜찮은것 같네요... 모양은 그대로.
02:32:246 (1) - 노트 하나 넣으시고 스핀은 02:32:522 부터 하는게 어때요? → 수정 완료.
02:45:732 (1) - 시작의 피니시 제거 → 수정 완료.
02:54:678 (1) - 피니시 → 수정 완료.
03:31:971 (1) - ctrl+G가 더 일관성 있는 패턴으로 보일듯요 → 수정 완료. 이건 좀 역발상....
03:34:361 - 브레이크 넣어주세요 → 수정 완료.
04:02:797 (3) - 피니시 제거 → 수정 완료.

괜찮게 만드신 것 같습니다. 스타 받으시고 굳럭하세요~!
스타&모딩 감사합니다! ;)

Source: Accel World ?
Tag: Saitou is better?

01:12:980 - add note?
02:23:439 - ^
03:23:714 (1) - why don't use distancesnap?


00:32:246 (2) - why a mini jump? I think not need jump >.>
00:49:861 (4) - remove note? same as 00:46:558 - and 00:48:760 -
00:52:338 (4) - The dirty a little...
01:13:806 (2,3,4,5) - More better rhythm,follow with lyrics,like this.

01:18:760 (5) - add Nc. so the NC is on the downbeat. It makes more sense to have it on the stronger beat, and ths is where the drums repeat as well.
01:52:888 (5) - try CTRL+G
02:03:347 (1) - remove Nc and 02:03:897 (2) - add Nc
02:19:861 (6) - Move x256 y96 is better? (DS)
02:24:815 (7) - try CTRL+G
02:32:384 (1) - spinner start 02:32:522 - here

good luck~
Topic Starter

Satellite wrote:


Satellite's Modding
Source: Accel World ? → hmm. pass. (i don't know this part... maybe. ask to BAT.)
Tag: Saitou is better? ... C%E7%B4%A2 umm... no?

01:12:980 - add note? → Fixed.
02:23:439 - ^ → Fixed.
03:23:714 (1) - why don't use distancesnap? → It's my mistake! o.o. Fixed.

good. → thanks! ;)

00:32:246 (2) - why a mini jump? I think not need jump >.> → hmm, but-..maybe.. it's no problem!...
00:49:861 (4) - remove note? same as 00:46:558 - and 00:48:760 - → Fixed.
00:52:338 (4) - The dirty a little... → umm. like this? (change little shape, ctrl+g)
01:13:806 (2,3,4,5) - More better rhythm,follow with lyrics,like this.
→ wait, what?.. ;_;
01:18:760 (5) - add Nc. so the NC is on the downbeat. It makes more sense to have it on the stronger beat, and ths is where the drums repeat as well. → Fixed.
01:52:888 (5) - try CTRL+G → i think better now. because it's too hard jump. and.. ummmm. not good this voice part+hard jump?
02:03:347 (1) - remove Nc and 02:03:897 (2) - add Nc → Fixed.
02:19:861 (6) - Move x256 y96 is better? (DS) → Fixed.
02:24:815 (7) - try CTRL+G → Fixed.
02:32:384 (1) - spinner start 02:32:522 - here → Fixed.

good luck~
Thank you! ;)
El SolarBeam
from M4M


well, since I'm quite fond of SB, I'll include it in this mod~
00:10:503 Add sb/circle to follow the song rythm
00:11:604 ^
00:12:705 ^
00:14:907 ^
00:17:109 ^
00:44:081 I think circle here should be changed with something like this
01:24:265 Consider adding sb/white
02:17:109 ^
02:41:329 to 02:43:531 Consider fading both bg, then give white flash afterwise. That should do an impact
03:01:146 to 03:14:357 Please give whatever SB element here, cause black bg seems ugly
oh, and I like that snow effect <3


00:33:623 Could you reshape it so that the slider's end make a better blanket with next slider?
00:55:641 Rotate it around 33' to create a symmetry
01:12:980 Maybe move to x:332 y:152
You sure don't want to map it until the end of the song? This diff is good though


00:16:008 Move anchor to x:360 y:144 (sorry if it's just a little different change)
00:16:008 Move slider to x:300 y:88
00:52:338 Just suggestion, make (4) and (5) become reverse slider
01:15:458 Make it into more creative shape maybe?
01:23:990 Add finish
03:25:366 NC
03:28:393 ^
03:47:935 (7) The shape doesn't fit the (6) slider
04:06:100 Move the red anchor to x:276 y:116

not much that I can say, since the map itself is good :3
good luck~
Topic Starter

El SolarBeam wrote:

from M4M

El SolarBeam's Modding

well, since I'm quite fond of SB, I'll include it in this mod~
00:10:503 Add sb/circle to follow the song rythm
00:11:604 ^
00:12:705 ^
00:14:907 ^
00:17:109 ^
00:44:081 I think circle here should be changed with something like this
01:24:265 Consider adding sb/white
02:17:109 ^
02:41:329 to 02:43:531 Consider fading both bg, then give white flash afterwise. That should do an impact
03:01:146 to 03:14:357 Please give whatever SB element here, cause black bg seems ugly
oh, and I like that snow effect <3 → I send PM to SB Maker.


00:33:623 Could you reshape it so that the slider's end make a better blanket with next slider? → moved 00:35:825 (1) - this slider.
00:55:641 Rotate it around 33' to create a symmetry → Fixed.
01:12:980 Maybe move to x:332 y:152 → i want 1.0x distance ;_;
You sure don't want to map it until the end of the song? This diff is good though → :3


00:16:008 Move anchor to x:360 y:144 (sorry if it's just a little different change) → Fixed.
00:16:008 Move slider to x:300 y:88 → ummm??.. wait, umm.. well.... like this?... i don't like this ;_;
00:52:338 Just suggestion, make (4) and (5) become reverse slider → i think better now :3
01:15:458 Make it into more creative shape maybe? → umm? i think better this note's shape. like bowling? ;)
01:23:990 Add finish → maybe not. hmm. i think weird sound..?
03:25:366 NC → this NC pattern, like 00:39:678 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - . sorry. umm.
03:28:393 ^ → non fixed.
03:47:935 (7) The shape doesn't fit the (6) slider → Fixed.
04:06:100 Move the red anchor to x:276 y:116 → move (274,121)

not much that I can say, since the map itself is good :3
good luck~

Wait. I'll check your mod.

Thank you! ;)
Sun Rainbow
No change,But thx your SB mod!>w<

00:11:604 (3) - Rather flow-breaking. But actually the problem lies in (1) since people expect it to flow just because the first two notes did

01:02:797 (2) - Stack below the end of slider 01:00:044 (3) (you'd have t rearrange (1))

01:50:411 (4,1) - flows badly. Put them on the left side of (3) instead

02:18:210 (3) - Make good triangle with (1) and (2)

02:22:338 - Add note?

02:46:008 - ^

03:21:513 (4) - This was unexpected

Love your pentagons @w@


00:23:714 (4,5) - Would rather replace with same slider from (3)

00:42:429 (8) - NC here instead

01:18:760 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hey, this pentagon ain't perfect

02:19:724 - Shouldn't there be a note here?

02:43:256 and 02:43:393 - Add note to make tripplet

Very good ^^ Star~ I'll be waiting for this rank~

You have been modded out by Yurun Ceroia Neram~
late m4m~


  1. 00:42:980 (4) - NC.
  2. 00:53:439 (1) - 첫 부분에 피니쉬
  3. 01:02:246 (1) - 피니쉬
  4. 01:04:449 (5) - 가운데 슬라이더 포인트를 (148,228) 으로
  5. 01:19:861 (1) - 피니쉬
  6. 01:22:063 (1) - ^
  7. 02:08:301 (1) - 역시 피니쉬.
  8. 02:15:458 (5) - NC
  9. 03:42:980 (1) - 피니쉬
  10. 03:50:687 (6) - 끝에 피니쉬 빠졌네요
  11. 04:11:604 (1) - 피니쉬

  1. 00:24:953 (1) - 00:26:742 이 때 끝내는 건 어떨까요?
  2. 00:33:622 (1) - 2번째 슬라이더 포인트를 (316,144)
  3. 00:38:026 (6) - NC
  4. 00:39:678 (1,3) - 1번 뉴콤 해제,3번 뉴콤
  5. 00:53:438 (1) - 첫 부분 피니쉬
  6. 01:19:861 (5) - 피니쉬
  7. 02:41:329 (4) - 뉴콤보
  8. 03:25:366 (5) - 이 다음 노트가 겹쳐있어서 인식하기 어려울것 같아서, 5번 노트에 뉴콤보!
  9. 03:33:622 (4) - 끝에 피니쉬
  10. 03:36:100 - 여기서부터 보컬이 시작되는거 같은데, 노트추가 제안
Topic Starter

yurunneram wrote:

yurunneram's Modding

00:11:604 (3) - Rather flow-breaking. But actually the problem lies in (1) since people expect it to flow just because the first two notes did → well.... but, it's normal diff. not matter? (slow BPM,AR. seeing notes)

01:02:797 (2) - Stack below the end of slider 01:00:044 (3) (you'd have t rearrange (1)) → Fixed.

01:50:411 (4,1) - flows badly. Put them on the left side of (3) instead → Changed.

02:18:210 (3) - Make good triangle with (1) and (2)

02:22:338 - Add note? → i think better now :3

02:46:008 - ^ → same answer.

03:21:513 (4) - This was unexpected → add NC

Love your pentagons @w@ → Thanks @w@


00:23:714 (4,5) - Would rather replace with same slider from (3) → Fixed.

00:42:429 (8) - NC here instead → i think not. like normal diff, and 02:15:457 (1) - same rhythm.

01:18:760 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hey, this pentagon ain't perfect → Fixed.

02:19:724 - Shouldn't there be a note here? → yep, because it's too hard.

02:43:256 and 02:43:393 - Add note to make tripplet → Fixed.

Very good ^^ Star~ I'll be waiting for this rank~

You have been modded out by Yurun Ceroia Neram~
Thank you Yurun Ceroia Neram. ;) (it's your full name? lol)

TaMul wrote:

late m4m~

TaMul's Modding

  1. 00:42:980 (4) - NC. → 수정 완료.
  2. 00:53:439 (1) - 첫 부분에 피니쉬 → 수정 완료.
  3. 01:02:246 (1) - 피니쉬 → 수정 완료.
  4. 01:04:449 (5) - 가운데 슬라이더 포인트를 (148,228) 으로 → 왜 슬라이더 중간점을 이렇게 옮기시는지는 알겠습니다. 그러나 4번 노트와 약간 부딪쳐서 패스할게요.
  5. 01:19:861 (1) - 피니쉬 → 수정 완료.
  6. 01:22:063 (1) - ^ → 수정 완료.
  7. 02:08:301 (1) - 역시 피니쉬. → 수정 완료.
  8. 02:15:458 (5) - NC → 수정 완료.
  9. 03:42:980 (1) - 피니쉬 → 수정 완료.
  10. 03:50:687 (6) - 끝에 피니쉬 빠졌네요 → 수정 완료.
  11. 04:11:604 (1) - 피니쉬 → 수정 완료.

  1. 00:24:953 (1) - 00:26:742 이 때 끝내는 건 어떨까요? → 스핀이 끝난다음 바로 노트인게 좀 맘에들지 않네요...
  2. 00:33:622 (1) - 2번째 슬라이더 포인트를 (316,144) → 수정 완료.
  3. 00:38:026 (6) - NC → 02:13:531 (4) - 처럼 뉴콤보 유지하겠습니다.
  4. 00:39:678 (1,3) - 1번 뉴콤 해제,3번 뉴콤 → 00:40:228 - 이 3번 슬라이더 부분이 그렇게 임팩트 있는 부분이 아니라서 패스하겠습니다. 이거랑 비슷한 박자도 이런 배치입니다. 02:12:155 (1) - 예시.
  5. 00:53:438 (1) - 첫 부분 피니쉬 → 수정 완료.
  6. 01:19:861 (5) - 피니쉬 → 수정 완료.
  7. 02:41:329 (4) - 뉴콤보 → 수정 완료.
  8. 03:25:366 (5) - 이 다음 노트가 겹쳐있어서 인식하기 어려울것 같아서, 5번 노트에 뉴콤보! → 수정 완료.
  9. 03:33:622 (4) - 끝에 피니쉬 → 수정 완료.
  10. 03:36:100 - 여기서부터 보컬이 시작되는거 같은데, 노트추가 제안 → 이부분은 비슷한 박자와 동일하게 하는게 맘에들어서 넣지 않겠습니다.

힛사관련 모딩! 좋아요 진짜ㅠㅠ

감사합니다 ;)

Losertic wrote:

(it's your full name? lol)
Haha hai desu OwO)/ Beautiful name desune?~ giehehe~
Topic Starter

yurunneram wrote:

Losertic wrote:

(it's your full name? lol)
Haha hai desu OwO)/ Beautiful name desune?~ giehehe~

nice laughter 8-)
Hiya :D

First of all, i like the song and the anime^^
Here is my modding :


  • 00:38:026 (6) - clap is missing
    00:44:081 (5) - the whistle makes a strange sound there, i prefer the finish more -> same at this place -> 02:16:558 (5)
    00:46:146 (3) - imo it sounds better if there is a note
    00:48:347 (7) - here should be then also a note
    00:49:448 (3) - the jump from the note before to this one is too big, you should make it some shorter -> same at this place ->00:50:549 (6)
    02:11:604 to 02:12:430 - this sequenz is strange for me , may you should change it a bit, for example like this :
    03:14:357 - i would add there a note
    03:25:366 (1) - clap is missing

  • 00:33:072 (4) - whistle is missing
    00:44:081 (3) - like i wrote in Hard, there is a strange sound. if you change it in Hard, you also should change it in Normal.
    03:33:623 (6) - turn the whistle off there and make it on at the next note

  • You did a nice job ^^ , i hope for you it will get ranked ;D
    One point: Like someone said before me, i think the desing is really dark. You should edit the video and improt some other pictures.
I tried to find more errors, but i am just fine with the rest xDD,
so at least i hope my modding is a bit helpful ;D
Topic Starter

Robbydie wrote:

Hiya :D

First of all, i like the song and the anime^^ :3
Here is my modding :

Robbydie's Modding

  • 00:38:026 (6) - clap is missing → Fixed.
    00:44:081 (5) - the whistle makes a strange sound there, i prefer the finish more -> same at this place -> 02:16:558 (5) → i think better now.
    00:46:146 (3) - imo it sounds better if there is a note → okay, change one slider (1/4)+add reverse
    00:48:347 (7) - here should be then also a note → fixed. like ↑
    00:49:448 (3) - the jump from the note before to this one is too big, you should make it some shorter -> same at this place ->00:50:549 (6) → change rhythm!
    02:11:604 to 02:12:430 - this sequenz is strange for me , may you should change it a bit, for example like this : → i think better now. and 00:39:678 (1,2,3) - it's same rhythm part.
    03:14:357 - i would add there a note → Fixed.
    03:25:366 (1) - clap is missing → Fixed.

  • 00:33:072 (4) - whistle is missing → umm... no?
    00:44:081 (3) - like i wrote in Hard, there is a strange sound. if you change it in Hard, you also should change it in Normal. → Well... pass ;_;. i don't know. i think better this sound.
    03:33:623 (6) - turn the whistle off there and make it on at the next note → Fixed.

  • You did a nice job ^^ , i hope for you it will get ranked ;D
    One point: Like someone said before me, i think the desing is really dark. You should edit the video and improt some other pictures. → really dark? lol .... but, i don't have BG. ;_;

I tried to find more errors, but i am just fine with the rest xDD,
so at least i hope my modding is a bit helpful ;D
Thank you! ;)
hmm for the design : i think you can cut some pictures into a video and make them slide a bit . then you have another background.
It makes the video more interesting, but its just my opinion and it is just an addition to the beatmap, so dont keep thinking about this long ^^
Topic Starter

Robbydie wrote:

hmm for the design : i think you can cut some pictures into a video and make them slide a bit . then you have another background.
It makes the video more interesting, but its just my opinion and it is just an addition to the beatmap, so dont keep thinking about this long ^^

Thanks for your advice!!

( but, i don't know how to use "photoshop" :( ) and Storyboard...
Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

I think this hard should add more rhythm so....maybe lot of mod is about add note so....whatever...
00:20:412 (3) - (just look at rhythm)
00:27:017 (1) - (just look at rhythm)
00:31:283 (x) - add note
00:46:558 (x) - ^
00:51:237 (1) - delete 2 then (just look at rhythm)
00:53:302 (x) - add note
00:59:907 (x) - ^
01:03:347 (3) - (just look at rhythm)
01:07:476 (x) - ^
01:55:366 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - little bit werid when I play this
02:19:724 (x) - note
02:20:136 (8) - (just look at rhythm)
02:28:393 (2) - (just look at rhythm【slider 2 】)
00:27:017 (x) - 00:44:081 (x)
01:59:494 (x) - 02:16:558 (x)
those two part should have almost same rhythm, and I think you lose many rhythm in 01:59:494 (x) - 02:16:558 (x) ._.
03:36:925 (5) - (just look at rhythm)
03:41:604 (3) - (just look at rhythm)
03:48:760 (x) - add note
well because this song has almost same rhythm in kiai time so...some problem will be same as another kiai time
v This is what rhythm I try to describe v
I just think this diff lost much blue tick rhythm /_\...
Topic Starter

tutuhaha wrote:

Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ >,<

tutuhaha's Modding
I think this hard should add more rhythm so....maybe lot of mod is about add note so....whatever... → Wellllll. okay
00:20:412 (3) - (just look at rhythm) → Fixed.
00:27:017 (1) - (just look at rhythm) → Fixed.
00:31:283 (x) - add note → Fixed.
00:46:558 (x) - ^ → Fixed.
00:51:237 (1) - delete 2 then (just look at rhythm) → Fixed.
00:53:302 (x) - add note → Fixed.
00:59:907 (x) - ^ → Fixed.
01:03:347 (3) - (just look at rhythm) → Fixed.
01:07:476 (x) - ^ → add note.
01:55:366 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - little bit werid when I play this → Changed. maybe much better
02:19:724 (x) - note → no, because it's too hard. 7 notes ;_;. ( and i don't like this rhythm. )
02:20:136 (8) - (just look at rhythm) → Fixed.
02:28:393 (2) - (just look at rhythm【slider 2 】) → Fixed.
00:27:017 (x) - 00:44:081 (x)
01:59:494 (x) - 02:16:558 (x)
those two part should have almost same rhythm, and I think you lose many rhythm in 01:59:494 (x) - 02:16:558 (x) ._. → well, okay. i changed some rhythm. ex)
03:36:925 (5) - (just look at rhythm) → → Fixed. and changed little
03:41:604 (3) - (just look at rhythm) → i think better now. because it's not follow vocal. follow boomboom sound anyway, it's maybe alright rhythm for hard diff XD
03:48:760 (x) - add note → Fixed.
well because this song has almost same rhythm in kiai time so...some problem will be same as another kiai time
v This is what rhythm I try to describe v
I just think this diff lost much blue tick rhythm /_\... → ahhhh. right, but maybe too hard for hard diff user? hmm..
Thank you! ;)

I'll fixed tomorrow. (and i download your diff hehe 8-) it's good rhythm notes. it was helpful ;) )
Sun Rainbow

tutuhaha wrote:

Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

I think this hard should add more rhythm so....maybe lot of mod is about add note so....whatever...
00:20:412 (3) - (just look at rhythm)
00:27:017 (1) - (just look at rhythm)
00:31:283 (x) - add note
00:46:558 (x) - ^
00:51:237 (1) - delete 2 then (just look at rhythm)
00:53:302 (x) - add note
00:59:907 (x) - ^
01:03:347 (3) - (just look at rhythm)
01:07:476 (x) - ^
01:55:366 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - little bit werid when I play this
02:19:724 (x) - note
02:20:136 (8) - (just look at rhythm)
02:28:393 (2) - (just look at rhythm【slider 2 】)
00:27:017 (x) - 00:44:081 (x)
01:59:494 (x) - 02:16:558 (x)
those two part should have almost same rhythm, and I think you lose many rhythm in 01:59:494 (x) - 02:16:558 (x) ._.
03:36:925 (5) - (just look at rhythm)
03:41:604 (3) - (just look at rhythm)
03:48:760 (x) - add note
well because this song has almost same rhythm in kiai time so...some problem will be same as another kiai time
v This is what rhythm I try to describe v
I just think this diff lost much blue tick rhythm /_\...
From my modding queue. Sorry for late mod.

This color means something you can either choose to fix or not to fix cause I prefer to do this.
This color means some suggestions.
And this color means some issue to fix I think.

Good map and a little suggestions here.
Hmm.. No easy or Insane? That's ok because I think it can be hard to make a In diff.
Ok let's start.
(ノ·ω·)ノ︵ Good luck.
Hard to find something to say because you followed drums almost all the map and arrangement is almost blanket.. Not bad idea for a normal diff but may not so interesting.
00:33:623 (1,1) - Blanket is a good choice.
Some suggestions here.
00:27:017 (1,2,3) - The start of slider 2 is not on vocal, so I suggest this beat.00:55:640 (2,3,4) - This beat is messy in following tracks. Maybe not use reverse in 2 is a better choice.
01:04:861 - Add a note? A voice here is missing.
01:08:852 (5,6) - The vocal is more like 01:13:255 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why the first 2 sets of vocals are sliders and the 3rd set is a triplet? A more balanced rhythm here is better.
01:15:457 (1,2,3,4,5) - Really not good rhythm here. Vocal is easy to follow.
01:17:109 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Boring 1/2s... So sorry because you did followed drums but maybe vocal is a better choice because you followed vocal in previous part and the 2 part is better to be seen as a whole part.
02:19:724 - Add a note. If you are not sure about this because the difficult you can make 02:19:036 (1,2) a slider.
02:20:825 (10) - change the slider in to the note here.
02:20:825 (10) - A triplet is suitable. And if you added triplet here, you may need to add here too 02:22:476
02:28:256 - Add a note to cover the vocal
02:30:320 (1,2,3,4,5) - My advice is following vocal here.
02:47:934 (1,2,3,4) - ^
02:50:411 (4) - Also vocal is not well followed..
04:04:999 (1,2,3) - Also a matter of track. I think vocal is better. 1 1/4 longer?
00:09:402 (1,2) - Not perfect blanket but ok.
00:22:613 (3,4) - Bend 3 a bit will make it a better flow.
00:43:531 (3,4) - A sudden jump.
00:53:990 (2,3) - ^, and flow is not so good.
01:06:650 (1) - The jump is really big.
01:06:650 (1,2) - Not good blanket.
01:09:265 (6,1) - ^
01:42:705 (4) - Distance is really need to be controlled.
01:46:558 (5,6,7) - ^ pay attention to the distance between stream.
03:47:109 (6,7) - Blanket is not good here.

That's my suggestions. Thanks for requesting.If you have any questions feel free to send pm to me.:) .
Topic Starter

azuretwinight wrote:

From my modding queue. Sorry for late mod.

azuretwinight's Modding
This color means something you can either choose to fix or not to fix cause I prefer to do this.
This color means some suggestions.
And this color means some issue to fix I think.

Good map and a little suggestions here.
Hmm.. No easy or Insane? That's ok because I think it can be hard to make a In diff.
Ok let's start.
(ノ·ω·)ノ? Good luck. → uh, umm.. star? :roll:
Hard to find something to say because you followed drums almost all the map and arrangement is almost blanket.. Not bad idea for a normal diff but may not so interesting. → I know. (maybe) it's boring diff.... but- i choose this way... it's simple. and (maybe) pretty?
00:33:623 (1,1) - Blanket is a good choice. :3
Some suggestions here.
00:27:017 (1,2,3) - The start of slider 2 is not on vocal, so I suggest this beat. → Fixed.
00:55:640 (2,3,4) - This beat is messy in following tracks. Maybe not use reverse in 2 is a better choice. → i changed new rhythm.
01:04:861 - Add a note? A voice here is missing. → Fixed.
01:08:852 (5,6) - The vocal is more like → umm... not change. follow boom-boom- sound 01:13:255 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why the first 2 sets of vocals are sliders and the 3rd set is a triplet? A more balanced rhythm here is better. → change new pattern!
01:15:457 (1,2,3,4,5) - Really not good rhythm here. Vocal is easy to follow. → change new pattern!
01:17:109 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Boring 1/2s... So sorry because you did followed drums but maybe vocal is a better choice because you followed vocal in previous part and the 2 part is better to be seen as a whole part. → change new pattern!
02:19:724 - Add a note. If you are not sure about this because the difficult you can make 02:19:036 (1,2) a slider. → add slider
02:20:825 (10) - change the slider in to the note here. → 02:21:513 ~ 02:25:366 - not follow vocal o.o
02:20:825 (10) - A triplet is suitable. And if you added triplet here, you may need to add here too 02:22:476 → 02:21:513 ~ 02:25:366 - this part, not follow vocal.
02:28:256 - Add a note to cover the vocal → Fixed.
02:30:320 (1,2,3,4,5) - My advice is following vocal here. → Fixed.
02:47:934 (1,2,3,4) - ^ → Fixed.
02:50:411 (4) - Also vocal is not well followed.. → Fixed.
04:04:999 (1,2,3) - Also a matter of track. I think vocal is better. 1 1/4 longer? → Fixed.
00:09:402 (1,2) - Not perfect blanket but ok. → :3
00:22:613 (3,4) - Bend 3 a bit will make it a better flow. → changed shape
00:43:531 (3,4) - A sudden jump. → well.. i think it's good. (because this song-slow bpm. not hard)
00:53:990 (2,3) - ^, and flow is not so good. → i changed new rhythm.
01:06:650 (1) - The jump is really big. → Fixed.
01:06:650 (1,2) - Not good blanket. → Fixed.
01:09:265 (6,1) - ^→ where..? umm but i think it's okay.
01:42:705 (4) - Distance is really need to be controlled. → changed distance 1.5x.
01:46:558 (5,6,7) - ^ pay attention to the distance between stream. changed distance. - 01:47:659 (2,3,4)
03:47:109 (6,7) - Blanket is not good here. → maybe... no problem?..
That's my suggestions. Thanks for requesting.If you have any questions feel free to send pm to me.:) .
Thank you! ;) and i really busy now T.T

Finally fixed your mod.

Hi, from Quiz Modding team. sorry for late :(

Black = suggestion.  Blue = suggetion, but important thing for me. Red = Error Element.
These are all suggestions. so you can reject them without reason.


  1. 00:59:219 (2) - This clap is intentional?
  2. 01:15:458 (1) - add clap to slider's start.
  3. 01:56:742 (8) - You put clap to slider's end, is it intentional?
  4. 02:24:815 (7) - maybe add clap to slider's start.
  5. 03:52:338 (2) - remove clap on slider's start.
  6. 04:11:742 (1) - maybe add finish
  1. 01:21:788 (x) - add note is more good for me.
  2. 01:22:063 (1) - I don't recommend this slider. I am not certain whether this is applicable to the Ranking Rule, but this slider point is very dangerous.
  3. 01:23:164 (2) - ^
  4. 01:24:402 (x) - maybe add spinner. You put it on [Normal].
  5. 02:54:540 (x) - KIAI pattern is incorrect. move to 02:54:265 or shift the others KIAI.
  6. 04:11:329 (1) - You put N:C1 sound 02:54:265 (1), but here is S:C1. You should be unified either.
  1. 00:20:412 (3) - add clap to slider's start and end.
  2. 00:33:623 (1) - (nazi). add silence soft-sliderslide3.
good luck<3
Topic Starter

terametis wrote:

Hi, from Quiz Modding team. sorry for late :(

terametis's Modding
Black = suggestion.  Blue = suggetion, but important thing for me. Red = Error Element.
These are all suggestions. so you can reject them without reason.


  1. 00:59:219 (2) - This clap is intentional? → remove clap.
  2. 01:15:458 (1) - add clap to slider's start. → Fixed.
  3. 01:56:742 (8) - You put clap to slider's end, is it intentional? → remove clap.
  4. 02:24:815 (7) - maybe add clap to slider's start. → Fixed.
  5. 03:52:338 (2) - remove clap on slider's start. → Fixed.
  6. 04:11:742 (1) - maybe add finish → Fixed.
  1. 01:21:788 (x) - add note is more good for me. → Fixed.
  2. 01:22:063 (1) - I don't recommend this slider. I am not certain whether this is applicable to the Ranking Rule, but this slider point is very dangerous.→ okay, change this.
  3. 01:23:164 (2) - ^ → Fixed. ^
  4. 01:24:402 (x) - maybe add spinner. You put it on [Normal]. → Fixed. ^
  5. 02:54:540 (x) - KIAI pattern is incorrect. move to 02:54:265 or shift the others KIAI. → Fixed.
  6. 04:11:329 (1) - You put N:C1 sound 02:54:265 (1), but here is S:C1. You should be unified either. → ahh, set N:C1
  1. 00:20:412 (3) - add clap to slider's start and end. → Fixed.
  2. 00:33:623 (1) - (nazi). add silence soft-sliderslide3. → change this.

good luck<3
Thank you! ;)
I'm from modding request queue

what is changed :
- keep the object is inside the grid because it have an impact on standadr monitor size
- little bit change of object timing and hitsound

that is all for me
hope this is useful to you

thank you for request ;)
Topic Starter

Feith wrote:

I'm from modding request queue

what is changed :
- keep the object is inside the grid because it have an impact on standadr monitor size
- little bit change of object timing and hitsound

that is all for me
hope this is useful to you

thank you for request ;)

thanks mod, but i don't know change your mod

sry, non-fixed. next time write mod in this thread plz!
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