
-----[SPEED RACER 2008]-----

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 8:35:45 PM

Artist: The Bloody Beetroots
Title: Speed Racer Theme 2008
Source: Speed Racer Movie
Tags: speedracer loogie speed racer bloody beetroots animask
BPM: 160
Filesize: 5830kb
Play Time: 01:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Animask On Wheels (4.61 stars, 253 notes)
  2. Demon On Wheels (4.84 stars, 233 notes)
  3. Rabbit On Wheels (4.33 stars, 190 notes)
  4. Snail On Wheels (1.59 stars, 82 notes)
  5. Turtle On Wheels (3.79 stars, 147 notes)
Download: The Bloody Beetroots - Speed Racer Theme 2008
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
(3.37) NoHItter
(4.91) BlueDragon
(4.91) KillerRind [+MORE]

Storyboard, Snail, Turtle, Rabbit, and Demon On Wheels : Loogiesquared
Animask On Wheels: Animask

[10/20] Uploaded. Kytoxid's mod suggestions.
[10/21] jericho2442's mod suggestions.
[10/22] Updated to 160-bpm/0-Offset.
[10/24] NoHItter+Armin's mod suggestions.
[10/25] CrimmiSkye's mod suggestions.
[10/28] Animask's mod suggestions and Animask's guest difficulty!
[10/29] KillerRind's guest difficultiy!~. Minor SB changes. New skinning.
[10/30] New spinner.
[10/31] Snails On Wheels[/b] added; beta. NoHItter On Wheels added. Teara's mod suggestions. Dragon On Wheels added.
[11/03] minyeob's mod suggestions. New score-numbers. Finished Snail On Wheels.
[11/15] Lokamp + AgnesChan + Dusty's mod suggestions.
[11/20] Kytoxid's GIANT mod suggestions + New score colors.
[11/23] Whymeman's mod suggestions.

Download stats:
First! :P

[Turtle on Wheels]

Preview point.

00:12:79 (3) - Extend this slider (and the others like it in this section) to land right on the beat.
00:42:36 (1,2,3,4) - Dunno how well this stack turns out, it's interesting but really hard to read on your first try.
00:54:34 (1) - Space it out a bit.
01:29:90 (3,4,5) - Feels more "right" if it gets extended by 1/4, but the previous section feels more right left as-is. Hm.

[Rabbit on Wheels]

Preview point.

00:36:56 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Differences in spacing are kinda noticeable, since some have a slight overlap while others don't. (through this entire section)
01:00:33 (1) - Space out a bit?
01:23:72 (1,2) - Dunno if this was supposed to be a jump, but it's hard to anticipate.
01:36:54 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Weird spacing again. Try doing it without grid snap, or with a more dense grid.
01:46:83 (1,1,1,1) - I'd space these out a bit, but as it's the end of the song, it'll be okay like that too.


00:12:32 (2,3) - Move these 2 notes back a 1/4 beat.
00:23:92 (1) - Don't really like this anti-jump, lol.
00:33:00 (4,10) - New combos?
00:36:56 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Spacing again, though less noticeable here than before.

Some parts of the map were too close to Rabbit on Wheels, in my opinion, and for those parts, it's pretty much a repeat of the above.
hmmmm i think your offset is out a bit, but i aint good enough at timing to fix it

[Turtle On Wheels]
00:19:62 (4,5,6) - these are out of time, on 1/4 move them 1 tick forewerd on the time line so that none of them are on a blue tick
01:29:99 (3) - out of time, on 1/4 move back one tick so that it rests on a red tick

[Rabbit On Wheels]
00:12:32 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - this whole section is out of time, on 1/4 move it all one tick on the timeline forewerd
00:20:09 (5) - this slider has messed up, remake it but one timeline tick smaller
01:09:40 (1) - this sounds a lil out of time too, dunno how to fix it though :S
theres a few more timing probs but i think there because of your offset

00:12:32 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - again this whole section is out, on 1/4 move it one tick forewerd
00:26:92 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - timing is out, move one tick on the timeline forewerd
00:55:41 (5) - move this onto the red tick next to it to make it intime
01:09:40 (1) - timing again, move one tick back
again theres some other parts what feels wierd and i think that because the offset needs messing with

tbh i rather like the way these are mapped, atm theres quite a few probs but once you get the timing of all the notes down better this will be a nice map :)

Topic Starter
Thank you both. <3
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I really think that the storyboard would look better if the car alone flashes/disappears...

Demon on Wheels

00:12:093 - Move backwards by 1/4 tick.
01:01:875 ~ 01:5:798 - Move all the notes here forward by 1/4 tick.
01:05:906 - Extend by 1/4 tick.
01:09:281 - Move forward by 1/4 tick.
01:17:906 - ^
01:19:406 - ^
01:25:406 - ^
01:26:906 - ^
01:29:625 - Move this entire combo forward by 1/4 tick.

[Turtle On Wheels]

00:36:000 Too hidden for an Easy/Normal (I guess :P)
01:12:000 1/4 later
01:18:000 ^
01:25:500 ^
01:27:000 ^
01:29:625 (1,2,3,4) ^
01:42:375 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) ^
01:48:000 ^ and delete the sound of this spinner

[Rabbit On Wheels]

00:21:000 Clap
00:24:000 1/4 later
01:18:000 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) ^
01:29:625 (1,2,3,4,5) ^

[Demon On Wheels]

00:12:000 1/4 back?
01:01:875 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) 1/4 later
01:18:000 (1,1) ^
01:25:500 (4,5) ^
01:29:625 (1,2,3,4,5) ^
[Turtle on Wheels]
ok tested it and between (1) 0:54:28 and 01:00:187 is offbeat so fix that as soon as possible. =)

[Rabbit On Wheels]
01:05:812 ----> Place spinner on white tick.

[Demon On Wheels]
011:916 till 013:416 (1) (2) (3) Place on white ticks.
01:05:343 till 01:05:812 (1) (2) (3) Place on white ticks and the spinner as well. shorten it to place on the tick.
01:20:812 (1) (2) (3) Place on white tick it's offbeat.

Overall it's good, just fix the minor problems and it'll be A'Ok =). A star for great effort i have Speed Racer the movie and it's awesome. ^.^
...can you get someone to double-check your offset? I keep getting -18 (yes, negative 18).

...too many return-stacks for an Easy/Normal IMO, especially with that low Overall Diff.

That's all for now...
Sleep Powder
[Turtle on Wheels]

[Rabbit on Wheels]
00:36:18 (1) - Remove New Combo

[Demon on Wheels]
00:12:75 (3) - Kind of too far from (2)
00:36:18 (1) - Remove New Combo
01:00:37 (1,2,3) - Maybe make it only claps on the beginning and end of the combo?

I love~ <3

Download: The Bloody Beetroots - Speed Racer Theme 2008 (Loogiesquared) [Ani On Wheels].osu
Nice Map (and a funny song lol)

Have a Star~
Here's my diff <3
Would be cool if you add it (you dont have to add it though)

Download: The Bloody Beetroots - Speed Racer Theme 2008 (Loogiesquared) [Rind On Wheels].osu
[Turtle on Wheels]
01:42:37 (1) - This overlap caught me off-guard.

[Rabbit on Wheels]

[Animask on Wheels]
00:47:62 (4,5) - Egh. I know it's supposed to be a slow, 2-note stream, but it looks like you messed up making a stack.

[Demon on Wheels]

[KillerRind on Wheels]
00:14:25 (4) - It feels like this should end half a note earlier. Same with 00:17:25 (3), 00:20:25 (4), 00:23:25 (4).
00:24:00 (1,1,1,1) and the rest - A bit repetitive. Try spacing stuff out a bit in a more varied design than just four corners.

Overall, pretty good! I feel pretty confident about this map, and the SB is a nice touch that really enhances the song. I would recommend ending all SB instructions by the time the map itself is done so people don't have to hit "Skip" to get to the results screen each time while the music fades out.

Topic Starter
Just my thoughts on the SB

Change the background to a darker color. The text cannot be seen during breaks...

Move Speedracer BG.png, so it'll be centered.

Adjust the lights too. They're kind of offcentered.

Edit: And change the combo colors or return arrow: The yellow return arrow looks weird on the sliders...
Here's my diff.

You can change the name if you want.

Download: The Bloody Beetroots - Speed Racer Theme 2008 (Loogiesquared) [Training Wheels].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: The Bloody Beetroots - Speed Racer Theme 2008 (Loogiesquared) [Dragon On Wheels].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

kino77 wrote:

Nice map~

[Turtle On Wheel]
01:24:75(3)-I think clap is better than finish here,so as others?

[Rabbit On Wheel]
01:24:75(3)-I think clap is better than finish here,so as others?

[Animask On Wheel]
00:35:06(x)-Add a note here?
00:41:63(4)-New combo for change spacing?

[Demon On Wheel]
00:23:06(6,7,8)-Same place as 4?
01:24:75(3)-I think clap is better than finish here,so as others?

[KillerRind On Wheel]
00:37:13(5,6)-How about clap here,so as other 5,6?

done. thanks.
Alright then. I love your map!!
Hope it will be ranked soon, and star of course!!
Sleep Powder
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

minyeob wrote:

Sorry for delay......

Background is white.
It is bad that score&accuracy letter's color are same as background.
I mean, we can't check acc&score while break time is passing. oh, LOL. I didn't notice that, since i play osu in widescreen, but for now, i changed the numbers and things to blue.

[Turtle on wheels & Rabbit on wheels]
Almost same :o I think 1diff is un-necessary.
I suggest making Rabbit harder(Removing long sliders will be a good way to make this harder) Made Rabbit harder

-> Rabbit diff has a break on here but Turtle diff has no break on here. Added break

[Demon on wheels]
01:36:000 (1) - I think this is too close from the next object. Made it further

Well done!
And keep going.
Thanks; fixed. <3
I liked the map.
Some beats start fading in during spinners, it's a bit offputting and if someone got confused they would fail both.

I didn't find any problems with the timings or design. I like how you made the background move left extremely slowly.

Also, in the highest two diffs, maybe you could make the circles like a size bigger. The spacing is a little difficult.

Good job though.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Loogie.~ Hai. <3

[Snail on Wheels]

No errors.

[Turtle on Wheels]

No errors.

[Rabbit on Wheels]

No errors.

[Animask on Wheels]

00:35:156 (6,7) - Check spacing.
00:59:438 (2,3) - ^

[Demon on Wheels]
General: 2manybookmarks. =(

No errors.

Pretty flawless. You got me stumped. O_o Star'd
Topic Starter

Lokamp wrote:

Sorry keep you waiting... ^^"

Snail On Wheels
00:38:025 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5) - move these beats and sliders 3 squares right fixed
01:37:050 (1) - start it on 01:36:00 aìnd add a repeat fixed

Turtle On Wheels
01:12:000 (1,1) - ...already seen on the previous mode... try to invent an original shape for this slider ^^ Slider-Text!~ <3
01:37:050 (1) - see Snails On Wheels... fixed

Rabbit On Wheels
00:24:000 (1,1) - break time between these beats fixed
00:27:000 (5,1) - ^ fixed
01:44:062 (2) - move it a square down (grid level 3) fixed

Animask On Wheels
00:41:062 (1,2,3) - confusing spacing... put them more further from each others fixed
00:53:062 (1,2,3) - ^ fixed
00:59:062 (3,4) - ^ fixed
01:46:050 (1,2,3,4) - ^ fixed

Demon On Wheels
[General] this map is VEEEERY similar to easier one... be creative and try to invent something more original ^^ ... i'll wait for future mods here.

This map has good potencial: try to set a little better overall hitsound placing ^^

AgnesChan wrote:

Loogie.~ Hai. <3

[Snail on Wheels]

No errors.

[Turtle on Wheels]

No errors.

[Rabbit on Wheels]

No errors.

[Animask on Wheels]

00:35:156 (6,7) - Check spacing.fixed
00:59:438 (2,3) - ^ fixed

[Demon on Wheels]
General: 2manybookmarks. =( deleted all bookmarks.

No errors.

Pretty flawless. You got me stumped. O_o Star'd
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Let's take a look-see.


The blue text is still a bit too light for my eyes. ._.
Storyboarded credits went by too quickly to read. Consider moving the Storyboard by Loogiesquared text to 00:37:049 to sync with the beat.
Especially before play begins, the blue cursor is quite hard to see compared to the white background. (I have brightness settings fairly high.)
I found the endings to be somewhat abrupt.

There were a bunch of spacing irregularities that I didn't point out because they weren't that noticeable during play, but if you'd like, turn off grid snap and respace all the notes. (for example, 01:37:050 (6,1) - On Demon, these are touching whereas the rest of the stream don't, and the identical pattern at 01:39:000 (5,1) actually becomes farther than normal.)

[Snail on Wheels]

00:21:000 - Add a break.
00:26:062 (5,1) - Might want to properly arrange this spacing.
00:31:031 (4) - New combo?
00:34:031 (4) - ^
00:36:000 (1) - This set of streams may get a bit rough for an Easy difficulty.
00:42:037 (1,1,1) - Combining these into 1 spinner might be better and more appropriate for an Easy.
00:46:087 (1) - Follows the spinners too closely.
00:48:000 - Maybe I missed something, but I do not see the point of this timing section.
00:54:037 (1,1,1) - Too many spinners. ._.
00:58:087 (1) - Follows the spinners too tightly again.
00:58:087 (1,2,3,4) - Consider centering this square, either just horizontally, or at the actual center of the screen.
01:24:000 (1,2,3) - Notice how the 1-2 spacing differs from the 2-3 spacing (1,2 barely touch, 2,3 do not). Would look much neater if this was consistent, and possibly centered.
01:28:012 - Might as well take this break out, too short anyways.
01:30:000 (1,2,3) - Same thing about the spacing as above.
01:34:012 - Very short break again.
01:42:037 (1,1,1) - More spinner spam.
01:46:087 (1) - Follows the spinners too closely.
01:46:087 (1,2,3,4) - Center?

[Turtle on Wheels]

00:36:000 (1,2,3) - This section is much easier than the equivalent section on Snails. Consider swapping the patterns.
00:47:025 (2) - Doesn't fall properly between 1 and 3, needs to be moved to the right. Doesn't look very good as it is right now.
00:47:097 - Once again, why is this timing section here?
00:48:000 (4) - Consider doing something more interesting here.
00:58:087 (5) - New combo?
01:18:000 (2) - New combo? Also, possibly unrankable, dunno how easy this is to read.
01:21:000 (1) - Once again, unrankable, please storyboard a direction arrow if you wish to keep this.
01:27:000 (5) - Too far again, although less noticeable.
01:28:012 - Another short break.
01:33:000 (5) - Too far.
01:34:012 - Very short break.
01:36:000 (1) - Yawn, boring.
01:46:087 (5) - New combo?

[Rabbit on Wheels]

00:24:028 - Break is tiny. Remove it.
00:27:028 - ^
00:36:056 (1) - No new combo?
00:47:097 - Once again, I question the utility of this timing section.
00:54:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Too much clapping.
01:00:037 (1,1) - A bit boring, but that's okay.
01:06:000 (1,1) - I thought this was a bit unnatural.
01:20:081 (2) - New combo?
01:27:000 (4) - Too close this time. Distance snap?
01:28:012 - This break's okay, I guess. You could still remove it, you could keep it.

[Animask on Wheels]

00:21:037 (2) - I didn't like how this slightly covered up 4, but it's not that bad.
00:30:000 (1,2,3) - Height changes slightly, looks a bit weird. Fine as-is though.
00:34:031 (5,6,7) - Should probably put new combos on these notes to indicate the jump on 6-7 without making it look ugly.
01:08:062 (12,1) - This jump is a bit surprising since it doesn't follow the same beat pattern as the combo before.
01:23:062 (1) - Move the timing sections so that this note is also on soft hitsounds?
01:23:081 - Why are there 2 timing sections here?
01:27:000 (2,3,4) - Spacing isn't regular.
01:31:050 (5,6,7) - ^, but not as noticeable.
01:43:012 (1,2,3) - These antijumps are a bit surprising.
01:44:062 (1,2,3) - ^, although they should have learned by now. XD
01:46:050 (1,2,3,4) - ^

[Demon on Wheels]

00:27:000 (1) - So many claps in this section...
00:31:068 (5) - Move the new combo to this note instead to be consistent.
00:34:068 (7) - New combo?
00:35:062 (1) - No new combo.
00:56:025 (2,3,4) - Much more bundled together than the other identical patterns, intended?
00:58:050 (5) - Not lined up with 4.
01:18:000 (1) - This section feels awfully empty...
01:23:081 - Why 2 timing sections?
01:27:000 (5) - Very noticeable difference compared to 3, 4.

Don't need to change all of this, of course. Some things are important though.

EDIT: Hey, you took the time to fix this. Star~
Topic Starter

Kytoxid wrote:

Let's take a look-see.


The blue text is still a bit too light for my eyes. I'll make them black when i get the chance.
Storyboarded credits went by too quickly to read. Consider moving the Storyboard by Loogiesquared text to 00:37:049 to sync with the beat. Fixed.
Especially before play begins, the blue cursor is quite hard to see compared to the white background. (I have brightness settings fairly high.) I'll wait for a second opinion on this.
I found the endings to be somewhat abrupt. they are.

There were a bunch of spacing irregularities that I didn't point out because they weren't that noticeable during play, but if you'd like, turn off grid snap and respace all the notes. (for example, 01:37:050 (6,1) - On Demon, these are touching whereas the rest of the stream don't, and the identical pattern at 01:39:000 (5,1) actually becomes farther than normal.) fixed

[Snail on Wheels]

00:21:000 - Add a break. added
00:26:062 (5,1) - Might want to properly arrange this spacing. respaced somethings around this area
00:31:031 (4) - New combo? added
00:34:031 (4) - ^ added
00:36:000 (1) - This set of streams may get a bit rough for an Easy difficulty. Keepn' it.
00:42:037 (1,1,1) - Combining these into 1 spinner might be better and more appropriate for an Easy. Keepn' it.
00:46:087 (1) - Follows the spinners too closely. I combined 3 notes into a slider, which might make it easier
00:48:000 - Maybe I missed something, but I do not see the point of this timing section. It's not in the timing pannel. o.O''
00:54:037 (1,1,1) - Too many spinners. ._. JUST. NOT. ENOUGH. >:|
00:58:087 (1) - Follows the spinners too tightly again. I combined 3 notes into a slider, which might make it easier
01:24:000 (1,2,3) - Notice how the 1-2 spacing differs from the 2-3 spacing (1,2 barely touch, 2,3 do not). Would look much neater if this was consistent, and possibly centered. fixed
01:28:012 - Might as well take this break out, too short anyways. removed
01:30:000 (1,2,3) - Same thing about the spacing as above. fixed
01:34:012 - Very short break again. fixed
01:42:037 (1,1,1) - More spinner spam. JUST. NOT. ENOUGH. >:|
01:46:087 (1) - Follows the spinners too closely. I combined 3 notes into a slider, which might make it easier
Topic Starter

Kytoxid wrote:

[Turtle on Wheels]
00:36:000 (1,2,3) - This section is much easier than the equivalent section on Snails. Consider swapping the patterns. Switched
00:47:025 (2) - Doesn't fall properly between 1 and 3, needs to be moved to the right. Doesn't look very good as it is right now.fixed
00:47:097 - Once again, why is this timing section here? idk. o.o''
00:58:087 (5) - New combo? fixed
01:18:000 (2) - New combo? Also, possibly unrankable, dunno how easy this is to read. fixed
01:21:000 (1) - Once again, unrankable, please storyboard a direction arrow if you wish to keep this. fixed
01:27:000 (5) - Too far again, although less noticeable. fixed
01:28:012 - Another short break. fixed
01:33:000 (5) - Too far. fixed
01:34:012 - Very short break. fixed
01:36:000 (1) - Yawn, boring. it is.
01:46:087 (5) - New combo? fixed
Topic Starter

Kytoxid wrote:

[Rabbit on Wheels]

00:24:028 - Break is tiny. Remove it. fixed
00:27:028 - ^ fixed
00:36:056 (1) - No new combo? Removed
00:54:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Too much clapping. Whiste-Hitsound is less noticeable.
01:00:037 (1,1) - A bit boring, but that's okay. kk
01:06:000 (1,1) - I thought this was a bit unnatural. Added sum etnas
01:20:081 (2) - New combo? Added
01:27:000 (4) - Too close this time. Distance snap? fixed
01:28:012 - This break's okay, I guess. You could still remove it, you could keep it. removed

[Animask on Wheels]

00:21:037 (2) - I didn't like how this slightly covered up 4, but it's not that bad. moved the the endpoint of 4.
00:30:000 (1,2,3) - Height changes slightly, looks a bit weird. Fine as-is though. fixed
00:34:031 (5,6,7) - Should probably put new combos on these notes to indicate the jump on 6-7 without making it look ugly. fixed
01:08:062 (12,1) - This jump is a bit surprising since it doesn't follow the same beat pattern as the combo before. fixed
01:23:062 (1) - Move the timing sections so that this note is also on soft hitsounds? fixed
01:23:081 - Why are there 2 timing sections here? fixed
01:27:000 (2,3,4) - Spacing isn't regular. fixed
01:31:050 (5,6,7) - ^, but not as noticeable. fixed
01:43:012 (1,2,3) - These antijumps are a bit surprising. i know

[Demon on Wheels]

00:27:000 (1) - So many claps in this section... Those are finishes. (keeps)
00:31:068 (5) - Move the new combo to this note instead to be consistent. Fixed
00:34:068 (7) - New combo? Fixed
00:35:062 (1) - No new combo. Fixed
00:56:025 (2,3,4) - Much more bundled together than the other identical patterns, intended? Yes, but they're spaced the same. ;-;
00:58:050 (5) - Not lined up with 4. fixed
01:18:000 (1) - This section feels awfully empty...Removed breaks if that matters...
01:23:081 - Why 2 timing sections? removed the 2nd one.
01:27:000 (5) - Very noticeable difference compared to 3, 4. fixed
looks good now I can see the cursor.
Kim Jin Seok

[Turtle On Wheels]

00:37:050 (1,2) - Too far appart.
01:18:000 (1) - Could maybe flip it both vertical and horizontal to make it appear more interesting than to look the same as the previous slider.
01:48:000 - Honestly, the map could work better ending here. That spinner after the note here makes me wonder why the map suddenly stops going....

[Rabbit On Wheels]

The spacing between some of the notes in this difficulty is a bit far apart (i.e. 00:48:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) with "broken link" spacing). Make sure to recheck into this.

[Animask On Wheels]

01:17:018 - Why is this inherited timing mark here in the middle of the slider??? It should be at 01:18:000.
01:34:056 - Just a playability suggestion but it would help to move this up to 01:34:068 incase of late hits.

[Demon On Wheels]

00:30:075 (3,4) - Can this be setup a bit more neater?
00:45:000 (5,6) - Too far apart.
01:23:081 (2,3) - Too close together.
01:29:081 (2,3) - ^
01:38:081 (4,5,1) - What happened with the spacing here?

Make sure to recheck the spacing for all difficulties.

Also, the SB looks a bit disorganized like the offset was changed, but not when the SB elements are activated. Same for the bookmarks and inherited timing marks. One more thing to point out is that the credits you have at the beginning of the map was a bit hard to read. Flashy and cool, but a bit hard to read. Remind me to do a recheck after the fixes are done.
Topic Starter

whymeman wrote:


[Turtle On Wheels]

00:37:050 (1,2) - Too far appart.
01:18:000 (1) - Could maybe flip it both vertical and horizontal to make it appear more interesting than to look the same as the previous slider. Fixed
01:48:000 - Honestly, the map could work better ending hear. That spinner after the note here makes me wonder why the map suddenly stops going.... Added more beats, and finished.

[Rabbit On Wheels]

The spacing between some of the notes in this difficulty is a bit far apart (i.e. 00:48:037 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) with "broken link" spacing). Make sure to recheck into this. Fixed

[Animask On Wheels]

01:17:018 - Why is this inherited timing mark here in the middle of the slider??? It should be at 01:18:000. OFF IT GOES! MUAH HA HA HA
01:34:056 - Just a playability suggestion but it would help to move this up to 01:34:068 incase of late hits. Fixed

(Modding in progress...) fix in progress.
Topic Starter

whymeman wrote:

[Demon On Wheels]

00:30:075 (3,4) - Can this be setup a bit more neater? Fixed
00:45:000 (5,6) - Too far apart. Fixed
01:23:081 (2,3) - Too close together. Moved 1 and 2 left, instead of moving 3 right.
01:29:081 (2,3) - ^ Moved 1 and 2 left, instead of moving 3 right.
01:38:081 (4,5,1) - What happened with the spacing here? Fixed
Make sure to recheck the spacing for all difficulties.

Also, the SB looks a bit disorganized like the offset was changed, but not when the SB elements are activated. Same for the bookmarks and inherited timing marks. One more thing to point out is that the credits you have at the beginning of the map was a bit hard to read. Flashy and cool, but a bit hard to read. Remind me to do a recheck after the fixes are done. I fixed the credits part.YO, DAWG, REMEMBER TO DO A RECHECK..
[Demon On Wheels]

01:37:050 (6,1,2,3,4,5) - Too close together.

Just that needed fix, and you could just forum PM me when its done....

Edit: After a recheck and a few more fixes from IRC, the map should be good enough. Bubbled.

Edit #2: Please becareful next time. Editing the main post will also pop the bubble.
Sleep Powder
A little fixing up~

The anti-jumps are part of the beatmap rhythm...

Download: The Bloody Beetroots - Speed Racer Theme 2008 (Loogiesquared) [Animask On Wheels].osu
Topic Starter
i've been updating myself from pg.5, Animask. <.<
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Topic Starter

Pasonia wrote:


This map is interesting - I'll consider nominating for Beatmap of the Month. =3
There's a beatmap of the month? >.>
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