
TKDz2b - Never Say Never (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Saturday, September 07, 2013 at 9:58:54 PM

Artist: TKDz2b
Title: Never Say Never (TV Size)
Source: Dangan Ronpa: The Animation
Tags: opening academy of hope spike chunsoft jas mace marchitect the 49ers tribeca psp game
BPM: 128
Filesize: 22906kb
Play Time: 01:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Despair (4.96 stars, 212 notes)
  2. Easy (2.2 stars, 87 notes)
  3. Hard (4.64 stars, 163 notes)
  4. Normal (3.15 stars, 96 notes)
Download: TKDz2b - Never Say Never (TV Size)
Download: TKDz2b - Never Say Never (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Dangan Ronpa: The Animation Opening
Full Mapset by AnreFM
Easy : Done
Normal : Done
Hard : Done
Despair [Hard+] : Done
Change Log
02/08/2013 : Applied some mod from Alpaca, Sheela, Mint, Alvin, Chrono, and Alarido^^
16/08/2013 : Major stuffs changed; BG, mp3, and Remapped Normal
17/08/2013 : Applied some mods from Mochi
22/08/2013 : Changed mp3(hope it's final) and applied many mods and changes
30/08/2013 : Added custom hitsound and applied more mods
31/08/2013 : Applied mods
1/09/2013 : More mods~
2/09/2013 : Applied mods by MMzz, looking for BATs ><
5/09/2013 : Bubbled by NoHitter<3
7/09/2013 : Changed Video and BG back to original
9/09/2013 : Ranked by MMzz*v*
First Ranked

Thanks for everyone who helped and Favorited this map!^^

Click me for the credits OvO/
- Miomio Chii -
Mako Sakata
Neiji Razuiya
Background ; pixiv id3345074
ampzz ; video encoder
NoHitter ; bubbled
MMzz ; Rank

Please do rate or leave comment so that i know how my map plays OuO/

Enjoy to your hearts content!!


  • Bitrate audio file-nya harus 192kbps-128kbps
    audio lead-in-nya mungkin ditambah jadi 1.5 s

  • HP OD AR sama kayak normal lol
    AR-2, BPM-nya lumayan lambat imo, lebih cocok AR3 buat easy
    OD-1 atau OD-2
    HP-1 atau HP-2

    00:00:923 (1) - spinner mulai dari 00:00:220 - berhenti di 00:04:439 - kayaknya lebih cocok
    00:05:377 (1) - soft-finish di awalan slider
    00:20:377 (1) - ^
    00:28:814 (4,1) - switch nc
    01:05:377 (1) - finish di awalan slider
    00:43:345 - 00:45:220 - 00:47:212 - 00:58:345 - 01:00:220 - 01:02:095 - unused green timing points?


  • 00:00:923 (1) - sama kayak easy
    00:20:377 (1) - soft-finish di awalan slider
    00:40:767 - add a note. rasanya nggak greget kalo ga ada beat antara 00:40:064 (3,4) - , atau 00:40:064 (3) - dibuat reversed slider
    00:50:377 (1) - finish di awalan slider
    01:05:377 (1,2,3,4) - rhythm suggestion
    00:01:627 - 00:43:345 - 00:45:220 - 00:47:212 - 00:58:345 - 01:00:220 - 01:02:095 - unused green timing points?


  • 00:00:220 (1) - spinner berhenti di 00:04:439 - ?
    00:20:377 (1) - add soft-finish
    00:23:423 (4) - suggestion, diperpanjang sampe 00:23:892 - , rhythm-nya agak konsisten sama 00:21:548 (5) -
    00:27:408 (4) - remove whistle di akhiran slider?
    00:38:658 (4,1) - bikin blanket?
    00:44:517 (4) - clap
    00:46:627 (6) - agak aneh kalo akhiran slider-nya dimute, imo .__.
    00:49:673 (6) - remove finish di akhiran slider? finish di awalan slider 00:50:377 (1) - ini aja udah cukup
    01:01:627 (1) - kayaknya mendingan bikin circle aja di 01:01:627 - trus spinner-nya mulai dari 01:01:861 -
    01:05:377 (1) - finish di awalan slider
    01:19:439 (6) - clap di awalan slider


  • OD+1?

    00:00:923 (1) - sama kayak easy
    00:19:909 (5) - soft-finish di akhiran slider
    00:46:627 (6) - sama kayak hard
    00:49:907 (8) - remove finish di akhiran slider?
    01:16:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - only suggestion, kalo disini rhythm-nya ngikutin vocal kayaknya keren. lagian ini insane
    buat insane, menurutku ini kurang greget. ada banyak bagian yg bisa dibikin jump ya tapi terserah mapper laa o3o
rapi banget
smoga cepet ranked >w<
good luck~
[00:01:627~00:35:377 Seems inaudible, make this louder (use 65% Volume)


  1. 00:34:439 (1) - Remove NC?
  2. 01:07:603 Better remove clap?
hi from m4m

Black: Normal suggestion
Red: Unrankable issue

That mp3 quality... i wish you can change better quality of this song. and your mp3 bitrate is 320kbps, please change it at least 192kbps
I wish you can use custom hitsound.

Generally i want say is: It's not Insane. It just like Hard diff more than Insane, make it more hard. you can increase the SV and DS. (btw at Insane, i didn't use DS because it's no fun)

00:05:377 (1) - i did like you use three 1/2 note or 1/2 slider with reverse note at here, you use a slider to overshadowed the lyric is the worst select.
00:07:134 - add a note at here, it's have a vocal at here.
00:09:009 - ^
00:10:299 (5,1) - why do you stack it? it's destroy the flow, and it's no fun at play.
00:11:237 (4) - just above i say, this slider is overshadowed the lyric.
00:44:752 (1,2) - the (1) is cover the (2) look ugly imo.
01:03:502 (5) - NC it? it seem too long of this combo.
01:11:002 (6) - ^
01:18:736 (5) - ^

This maps need more work on Insane...btw Hard, Normal, Easy and Placement is fine on me imo.
anyway good luck!
Sorry this took so long, and thanks once again for your mod!
Let's Mod 4 Mod!


I didn't have any problems here. Consider turning up your hit sounds for the first part of the song though. Since this is an easy difficulty, sound effects are really helpful when learning how to stay on beat.


00:11:470 (3) - Anytime you had a circles like this before a slider, I would normally hit these circles early. All of them. I didn't know what you were going for and they didn't really fit the rhythm here. I would just not stack these circles.
00:12:877 (1,2,3) - This is the exception to what I said above. I can hit these really easily.
00:31:861 (1) - Since this is the normal difficulty, I would pitch this spinner, and just chart it normally through here.


I got an SS on my first try, so this chart is pretty good as of right now. :)


Also got an SS on my first try. So I would say, I think this map is a little too easy. Try turning up maybe the approach rate by one, if not, the life drain by 2 or 3.

A bigger distance snapping is probably necessary for everything that wasn't a stream. A lot of stuff felt way too close together for an "Insane" difficulty.

Sorry this took so long again! Also, sorry the mod is short! You've got some very well made maps on your hands. I hope this helped and I wish you good luck! :D
Hi ♥
A Free Mod from Coffee Party Queue -- ROUND VI
(You got the Queue open, but even closed, My mutuals can post there ♥)

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
* No complaints on General Things

♥ Nice

♥ Nice.
* 00:51:314 (2,3,4,5) - I stumbled a bit here due to whole map is almost mapped on drums/beats but this part seems mapped to the voice. It still nice, yeah.

♥ Nice too. I did SS.

♥ Nice too (:

That's it ^^ Nice song and nice fully mapset (: STARRR!!!!!

Hope to get ranked soon !!!!

The bitrate is at 320kb/s and the maximum is at 192kp/s and minimum is at 128kp/s. Here's one:
00:00:923 (1) - The spinner should start at 00:00:103 because the music starts here

00:40:767 - Add note here

It was all perfect. Sorry if it is just three things. Good Luck and star!
Topic Starter
mass replies orz


AlpacaCokelat wrote:



  • Bitrate audio file-nya harus 192kbps-128kbpsmasih nyari yg bagusan;v;
    audio lead-in-nya mungkin ditambah jadi 1.5 ssip

  • HP OD AR sama kayak normal lol
    AR-2, BPM-nya lumayan lambat imo, lebih cocok AR3 buat easy
    OD-1 atau OD-2
    HP-1 atau HP-2

    00:00:923 (1) - spinner mulai dari 00:00:220 - berhenti di 00:04:439 - kayaknya lebih cocok
    00:05:377 (1) - soft-finish di awalan slider
    00:20:377 (1) - ^
    00:28:814 (4,1) - switch nc
    01:05:377 (1) - finish di awalan slider
    00:43:345 - 00:45:220 - 00:47:212 - 00:58:345 - 01:00:220 - 01:02:095 - unused green timing points?
fix semua~


  • 00:00:923 (1) - sama kayak easy
    00:20:377 (1) - soft-finish di awalan slider
    00:40:767 - add a note. rasanya nggak greget kalo ga ada beat antara 00:40:064 (3,4) - , atau 00:40:064 (3) - dibuat reversed sliderndak, mau keep rhythm orz
    00:50:377 (1) - finish di awalan slider
    01:05:377 (1,2,3,4) - rhythm suggestion
    00:01:627 - 00:43:345 - 00:45:220 - 00:47:212 - 00:58:345 - 01:00:220 - 01:02:095 - unused green timing points?


  • 00:00:220 (1) - spinner berhenti di 00:04:439 - ?
    00:20:377 (1) - add soft-finish
    00:23:423 (4) - suggestion, diperpanjang sampe 00:23:892 - , rhythm-nya agak konsisten sama 00:21:548 (5) -
    00:27:408 (4) - remove whistle di akhiran slider?
    00:38:658 (4,1) - bikin blanket?
    00:44:517 (4) - clap
    00:46:627 (6) - agak aneh kalo akhiran slider-nya dimute, imo .__.unmute
    00:49:673 (6) - remove finish di akhiran slider? finish di awalan slider 00:50:377 (1) - ini aja udah cukup
    01:01:627 (1) - kayaknya mendingan bikin circle aja di 01:01:627 - trus spinner-nya mulai dari 01:01:861 - ok
    01:05:377 (1) - finish di awalan slider
    01:19:439 (6) - clap di awalan slider


  • OD+1?

    00:00:923 (1) - sama kayak easy
    00:19:909 (5) - soft-finish di akhiran slider
    00:46:627 (6) - sama kayak hard
    00:49:907 (8) - remove finish di akhiran slider?
    01:16:627 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - only suggestion, kalo disini rhythm-nya ngikutin vocal kayaknya keren. lagian ini insane
    buat insane, menurutku ini kurang greget. ada banyak bagian yg bisa dibikin jump ya tapi terserah mapper laa o3o
yay yg gak isi note brarti fixed ya :)
rapi bangetmakasih ;///; masih noob gini orz
smoga cepet ranked >w<
good luck~


alvinheriadi wrote:

[00:01:627~00:35:377 Seems inaudible, make this louder (use 65% Volume) upped


  1. 00:34:439 (1) - Remove NC?ndak, SV change
  2. 01:07:603 Better remove clap?ok
makasih modnya ovo


mintong89 wrote:

hi from m4m

Black: Normal suggestion
Red: Unrankable issue

That mp3 quality... i wish you can change better quality of this song. and your mp3 bitrate is 320kbps, please change it at least 192kbpscurrently searching for it
I wish you can use custom hitsound.
can't find that fits

Generally i want say is: It's not Insane. It just like Hard diff more than Insane, make it more hard. you can increase the SV and DS. (btw at Insane, i didn't use DS because it's no fun)lol hard+

00:05:377 (1) - i did like you use three 1/2 note or 1/2 slider with reverse note at here, you use a slider to overshadowed the lyric is the worst select.
00:07:134 - add a note at here, it's have a vocal at here.fixed
00:09:009 - ^
00:10:299 (5,1) - why do you stack it? it's destroy the flow, and it's no fun at play.want to keep the rhythm
00:11:237 (4) - just above i say, this slider is overshadowed the lyric.^
00:44:752 (1,2) - the (1) is cover the (2) look ugly imo.
01:03:502 (5) - NC it? it seem too long of this combo.fix
01:11:002 (6) - ^^
01:18:736 (5) - ^^

This maps need more work on Insane...btw Hard, Normal, Easy and Placement is fine on me imo.
anyway good luck!
thanks for mod :D


Chronotakular wrote:

Sorry this took so long, and thanks once again for your mod!
Let's Mod 4 Mod!


I didn't have any problems here. Consider turning up your hit sounds for the first part of the song though. Since this is an easy difficulty, sound effects are really helpful when learning how to stay on beat.upped


00:11:470 (3) - Anytime you had a circles like this before a slider, I would normally hit these circles early. All of them. I didn't know what you were going for and they didn't really fit the rhythm here. I would just not stack these circles.yeah deleted it
00:12:877 (1,2,3) - This is the exception to what I said above. I can hit these really easily.
00:31:861 (1) - Since this is the normal difficulty, I would pitch this spinner, and just chart it normally through's fine for normal imo


I got an SS on my first try, so this chart is pretty good as of right now. :) yay :)


Also got an SS on my first try. So I would say, I think this map is a little too easy. Try turning up maybe the approach rate by one, if not, the life drain by 2 or 3.changed the setting

A bigger distance snapping is probably necessary for everything that wasn't a stream. A lot of stuff felt way too close together for an "Insane" difficulty.

Sorry this took so long again! Also, sorry the mod is short! You've got some very well made maps on your hands. I hope this helped and I wish you good luck! :D


Alarido wrote:

Hi ♥
A Free Mod from Coffee Party Queue -- ROUND VI
(You got the Queue open, but even closed, My mutuals can post there ♥)

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
* No complaints on General Things

♥ Nice

♥ Nice.
* 00:51:314 (2,3,4,5) - I stumbled a bit here due to whole map is almost mapped on drums/beats but this part seems mapped to the voice. It still nice, the vocal feels stronger here

♥ Nice too. I did SS.

♥ Nice too (:

That's it ^^ Nice song and nice fully mapset (: STARRR!!!!!

Hope to get ranked soon !!!!

Att. thanks for mod alarido!!


sheela901 wrote:

The bitrate is at 320kb/s and the maximum is at 192kp/s and minimum is at 128kp/s. Here's one: the 192kbps
00:00:923 (1) - The spinner should start at 00:00:103 because the music starts herefollowing alpaca's suggestion

00:40:767 - Add note hereok

It was all perfect. Sorry if it is just three things. Good Luck and star! thanks for mod :)

Thanks for mod and stars guys :D
Hey from M4M queue :D

~The audio quality is quite bad, try to find a better one. I can't give u a suggestion since I am bad at this as well :o
~The offset seem off for me, I suggest u post in the timing check queue. (I can't seem to find the correct offset T.T )
~Follow more music in easier diffs rather than vocals.

~No probs here.

~00:07:252 (3,4) - This was quite sudden to me, it might confuse beginners. Try to keep the intro nice and simple and leave the complex stuff for the build up and chorus.

~00:11:236 - The gap here can be filled by moving 00:11:705 (3) to 00:11:236 Then mapping the gap that follows.
~00:18:502 (4,5,6,7,8) - I dun think this arrangement is suitable for Normal diff. It might be too hard for beginners.
~00:27:877 - Stack a circle on top of 00:28:111 (1) and make NC. Cuz coming back through 1/2 beat is a bit weird and it doesn't really match with the music.
~00:40:533 - Map it pls, gap doesn't fit.
~00:41:002 (4) - This doesn't really match with the music. Map a bit more in Kiai to emphasis Kiai. I mean the long slider here is just boring to play.
~00:50:377 (1) - Remove finish from end of slider and add it on the head.
~00:52:252 (3,4,5) - Again this is very confusing for beginners especially on the quarter beat. Try this (Just dun copy my arrangement cuz it's just for reference.)

~00:54:127 (1) - Same as above.
~01:09:127 (1) - Dun copy and past it again and again, try mapping the parts urself. This just shows laziness.

~CS could +1 since it's quite easy.
~00:44:634 - Could stack a circle and make triplet here for hard diff.
~00:47:564 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This part doesn't really fit with the music. Remap that part starting from 00:47:330. Dun leave gaps in hard.
~01:05:377 (1) - Add finish on head.
~01:24:009 - No 5% volume pls. In most cases, they are unrankable.

~00:06:432 (3,4) - Remove them, they dun fit at all. Try this.
~00:07:369 - Add note for stream to match vocal.
~00:32:798 (4,5,1,2) - This is really confusing. Pls remap this part.
~00:49:556 - I think snapping a stream here is more suitable.
~01:19:439 - 1/4 snapped stream from 01:19:439 to 01:20:142. Make NC on the start of stream.

Overall, your beatmap has a very good structure and it's well organised, but work on following the music with notes and slider more often than following vocals as it might ruin some parts of the map when playing.

Work on it!! Good Luck! :)
Hi, from M4M you modded.

I'm not sure what to mod...
and don't what to mod with rap, not suggested to map rap part...

threw a star here for support >.o / (as said in rule, M4M gets 1 star)

Try to find a better quality for the music if possible.
Check offset and BPM if it's really correct or not.

Just few suggestions here:

Consider extending spinnner to 01:27:759 -

00:06:314 (2,3) - Replace with slider, it doesn't fix any lyric (try slower playback rate) and there's no cover in that part
^ or replace 00:05:377 (1,2,3) - with a long slider
00:08:658 (2) - Not on the tick too, try 25% playback (hit circle approaches earlier than the rap)
00:10:533 (2) - ^ (applies to the circles on rap part too)
Lyric starts at 00:50:494 - , check the offset.
00:49:908 (3,1) - Suggest perfect blanket which the curve covers the circle (applies to any slider you feel ok with it), refer picture below:

Too many notes on blue ticks, hard to play
00:10:064 (2) - Stack with tail of 00:07:486 (4) - , looks better
00:19:439 (6,7) - Replace with slider

No big problems :)
It's a lot better than Normal and Easy
Suggest to increase SV.

Make shorter spinner since it's insane
01:02:330 - Hitsounds change should start at 01:03:502 - when KIAI time is out, makes matches >.o /

I feel there should be 2 different Offset or BPM for rap part and singing part. (try to ask others for help)

For singing part, try 00:35:025 - as your red point (offset) see if it fits.

Hope it helps.

Rakuen wrote:

I feel there should be 2 different Offset/BPM for rap part and singing part. (try to ask others for help)

For singing part, try 00:35:025 - as your red point (offset) see if it fits.
No. There is no need to add a second timing section here. The BPM does not change, neither does the main beat.

However, your current offset is VERY OFF. I would suggest something close to 1688 approx. (+/-7).
Topic Starter

CloudSplash16 wrote:

Rakuen wrote:

I feel there should be 2 different Offset/BPM for rap part and singing part. (try to ask others for help)

For singing part, try 00:35:025 - as your red point (offset) see if it fits.
No. There is no need to add a second timing section here. The BPM does not change, neither does the main beat.

However, your current offset is VERY OFF. I would suggest something close to 1688 approx. (+/-7).
as stated above, i won't change the BPM then
From my queue of normal mod

No problems.

00:11:705 (3) - In my opinion, start at 00:11:470 - and make a come-back slider like 00:10:064 (2) -
00:36:314 (2) - ?,why not end at 00:36:783 - ?
00:40:064 (3) - end at 00:40:533 -
00:40:767 - add note
00:52:603 (4,5) - why not
01:07:252 (3) - ...
why on blue line? it's not a 4.5star normal :<

Good diff

Well, no problems, also no advantages, just a normal insane diff, but it's also ok.

Hope you can rank it soon~
Topic Starter
Mod Replies, Thank you everyone :D :D


gideon5504 wrote:

Hey from M4M queue :D

~The audio quality is quite bad, try to find a better one. I can't give u a suggestion since I am bad at this as well :o
~The offset seem off for me, I suggest u post in the timing check queue. (I can't seem to find the correct offset T.T )
~Follow more music in easier diffs rather than vocals.

~No probs here.

~00:07:252 (3,4) - This was quite sudden to me, it might confuse beginners. Try to keep the intro nice and simple and leave the complex stuff for the build up and chorus.

~00:11:236 - The gap here can be filled by moving 00:11:705 (3) to 00:11:236 Then mapping the gap that follows.
~00:18:502 (4,5,6,7,8) - I dun think this arrangement is suitable for Normal diff. It might be too hard for beginners.
~00:27:877 - Stack a circle on top of 00:28:111 (1) and make NC. Cuz coming back through 1/2 beat is a bit weird and it doesn't really match with the music.
~00:40:533 - Map it pls, gap doesn't fit.
~00:41:002 (4) - This doesn't really match with the music. Map a bit more in Kiai to emphasis Kiai. I mean the long slider here is just boring to play.
~00:50:377 (1) - Remove finish from end of slider and add it on the head.
~00:52:252 (3,4,5) - Again this is very confusing for beginners especially on the quarter beat. Try this (Just dun copy my arrangement cuz it's just for reference.)

~00:54:127 (1) - Same as above.
~01:09:127 (1) - Dun copy and past it again and again, try mapping the parts urself. This just shows laziness.

~CS could +1 since it's quite easy.umm no, the difference is too big
~00:44:634 - Could stack a circle and make triplet here for hard diff.I'm trying to make the hard a little easier, so i'm not adding triplet on hard
~00:47:564 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This part doesn't really fit with the music. Remap that part starting from 00:47:330. Dun leave gaps in hard.remapped parts here orz
~01:05:377 (1) - Add finish on head.ok
~01:24:009 - No 5% volume pls. In most cases, they are unrankable.ok

~00:06:432 (3,4) - Remove them, they dun fit at all. Try this., a bit different though
~00:07:369 - Add note for stream to match vocal.done
~00:32:798 (4,5,1,2) - This is really confusing. Pls remap this is to match with the vocal, and it is hard+ so i think it is okay :v
~00:49:556 - I think snapping a stream here is more suitable.done
~01:19:439 - 1/4 snapped stream from 01:19:439 to 01:20:142. Make NC on the start of stream.

Overall, your beatmap has a very good structure and it's well organised, but work on following the music with notes and slider more often than following vocals as it might ruin some parts of the map when playing.Yay! and thanks for mod :)

Work on it!! Good Luck! :)


Rakuen wrote:

Hi, from M4M you modded.

I'm not sure what to mod...
and don't what to mod with rap, not suggested to map rap lol why not

threw a star here for support >.o / (as said in rule, M4M gets 1 star)

Try to find a better quality for the music if possible.yah, It is really hard to find one >.<
Check offset and BPM if it's really correct or not.

Just few suggestions here:

Consider extending spinnner to 01:27:759 - No, the spin gets too long and doesn't really fit

00:06:314 (2,3) - Replace with slider, it doesn't fix any lyric (try slower playback rate) and there's no cover in that part
^ or replace 00:05:377 (1,2,3) - with a long sliderfixed
00:08:658 (2) - Not on the tick too, try 25% playback (hit circle approaches earlier than the rap)
00:10:533 (2) - ^ (applies to the circles on rap part too)
Lyric starts at 00:50:494 - , check the offset.
00:49:908 (3,1) - Suggest perfect blanket which the curve covers the circle (applies to any slider you feel ok with it), refer picture below:
It is too get a smoother turn and i think it encircles fine :v

Too many notes on blue ticks, hard to play
00:10:064 (2) - Stack with tail of 00:07:486 (4) - , looks better
00:19:439 (6,7) - Replace with slider

No big problems :)
It's a lot better than Normal and Easy
Suggest to increase SV.yay :D

Make shorter spinner since it's insaneumm the n it wouldn't fit w/ music imo
01:02:330 - Hitsounds change should start at 01:03:502 - when KIAI time is out, makes matches >.o /currently matching with vocals

I feel there should be 2 different Offset or BPM for rap part and singing part. (try to ask others for help)

For singing part, try 00:35:025 - as your red point (offset) see if it fits.

Hope it helps.Thanks for mod and star :)


CloudSplash16 wrote:

Rakuen wrote:

I feel there should be 2 different Offset/BPM for rap part and singing part. (try to ask others for help)

For singing part, try 00:35:025 - as your red point (offset) see if it fits.
No. There is no need to add a second timing section here. The BPM does not change, neither does the main beat.

However, your current offset is VERY OFF. I would suggest something close to 1688 approx. (+/-7).
Changed off set, thanks :D


mtbbsben wrote:

From my queue of normal mod

No problems.

00:11:705 (3) - In my opinion, start at 00:11:470 - and make a come-back slider like 00:10:064 (2) -
00:36:314 (2) - ?,why not end at 00:36:783 - ?
00:40:064 (3) - end at 00:40:533 -
00:40:767 - add note
00:52:603 (4,5) - why not
01:07:252 (3) - ...
why on blue line? it's not a 4.5star normal :<

Good diffthanks~

Well, no problems, also no advantages, just a normal insane diff, but it's also ok.

Hope you can rank it soon~Thanks for mod too :D

Thanks everyone~ currently remapping normal so not updated yet, Taking all the suggestion above :D
Okay c'mon more modders ( ^v^ )/
hi~ m4m here, sorry for late

colour-coded modding:
red is unrankable. you must fix this.
orange is highly suggested. these are things we think you should really fix, and if you do not we want to know why you didn't.
everything in normal black is personal opinion. you are free to take this advice or ignore it.


  1. current background is really chaotic, i understand that most people who care will just dim it anyway but there's a little too much going on for me
  2. did you rip this mp3 off youtube? sounds really low quality :<
  3. tags: add "Spike Chunsoft" (studio behind the vn), Jas Mace, Marchitect, The 49ers (rappers), Tribeca

00:05:377 (1) - i'd ctrl+g this so spacing is more even
00:14:284 (5) - silly suggestion: nc here so it's (1) when the vocal is saying "one", rm nc at 00:14:752 (1) - ww
00:27:174 (5) - ctrl+g here too?

i feel like you could add a lot more finishes in this! i gave some examples in the box, you can see if you like how they sound
finish suggestions
00:19:909 (5) - finish head
00:31:159 (7) - finish tail
00:34:439 (1) - finish head and tail
00:38:658 (9) - finish head
00:42:408 (9) - ^
00:44:752 (1) - ^
00:54:127 (1) - ^
01:09:127 (1) - ^
01:12:877 (1) - ^
01:20:142 (6) - finish

00:46:627 (6) - the 5% here really disrupts the flow after the gap here i think, you should have it normal

umm..that's all, it's very clean already :<
good luck!
Topic Starter

emmy wrote:

hi~ m4m here, sorry for late

colour-coded modding:
red is unrankable. you must fix this.
orange is highly suggested. these are things we think you should really fix, and if you do not we want to know why you didn't.
everything in normal black is personal opinion. you are free to take this advice or ignore it.


  1. current background is really chaotic, i understand that most people who care will just dim it anyway but there's a little too much going on for meokay changed orz
  2. did you rip this mp3 off youtube? sounds really low quality :<yay new mp3 now
  3. tags: add "Spike Chunsoft" (studio behind the vn), Jas Mace, Marchitect, The 49ers (rappers), Tribeca

00:05:377 (1) - i'd ctrl+g this so spacing is more evenyeah
00:14:284 (5) - silly suggestion: nc here so it's (1) when the vocal is saying "one", rm nc at 00:14:752 (1) - wwwww no that wouldn't be necessary
00:27:174 (5) - ctrl+g here too?ok

i feel like you could add a lot more finishes in this! i gave some examples in the box, you can see if you like how they sound
finish suggestions
00:19:909 (5) - finish head
00:31:159 (7) - finish tail
00:34:439 (1) - finish head and tail
00:38:658 (9) - finish head
00:42:408 (9) - ^
00:44:752 (1) - ^
00:54:127 (1) - ^
01:09:127 (1) - ^
01:12:877 (1) - ^
01:20:142 (6) - finish
applied a few on top, but not all cuz it will break my current clap pattern

00:46:627 (6) - the 5% here really disrupts the flow after the gap here i think, you should have it normalupped

umm..that's all, it's very clean already :<thanks for mod :)
good luck!
Okay some major stuffs changed!! Artist name, mp3, blah blah. Please redownload~
And I've also remapped Normal~ It is much better now :D
Okay, c'mon more mods!
Hai ~
as requested :roll:

Ngga nyangka ada yg ngemap lagu ini.. awalnya aku kira lagu ini unmappable o_o

00:00:036 (1) - Spinner not snapped, cek AiMod
00:10:818 (3) - Klo ngikut rhytm sebelumnya harusnya disini ada finish~
00:26:990 (5) - Mending satu kali aja reverse nya.. truss add note disini 00:27:693

00:32:614 (3) - Ctrl +J ?
00:36:833 (1) - Pecah rhytm ini slider.. mending di pisahin jadi 2 1/2 slider

00:11:755 (6,1) - Bingung ini spacingnya.. org psti ngira ini reverse slider bakal 2x
00:16:443 (1) - Ctrl J ?
00:55:818 (3,4) - Blanket kurang pas

Easy udh ok keknya..

Don't KD this post~
GL ^^
Sorry again :o

Normal hitsound sounds not very good

I have played this PSP game before TV anime,really good game,it has excellent story,but foolish choices,the choices are always paronomasia but not reasoning.....

00:14:099 (2) - strange clap,remove it
00:42:693 (1) - from here,volume is a bit big,and makes hitsound sounds noisy.
00:12:224 (4,1) - better blanket pls
00:57:693 (1,2,3) - ^
01:20:661 (1) - I think this spinner is unnecessary,end at 01:20:193 is ok,it makes a feeling of sudden stop,players will be release from the Grade referees,and maybe the next will come soon? :)

same suggestions as easy.
other things are fine imo

claps in kiai is not awesome,try drum hitsound?I think drum hit-normal and finish is good for this song,drum clap is a bit noisy,you can use custom hit clap.
I notice that in hard and insane,there are some unnecessary spacing changes
00:38:474 (9) - like this,fix them
00:52:068 (1) - for example,1 have a random spacing..
make it like this
1's head and 3's end,2's head and 3's head,if they have the same spacing,they will look ordered

00:23:709 (7) - some parts like this,maybe spacing between 7 and 6 smaller ,7 and 8 bigger is better.because 8 has a stress,so do a jump here will be better,when there is a stress,you can make a jump to show it.
for example,in your hard 00:53:943 (1,2) - you do a jump,2 has a stress,it is good

01:16:443 why not try more interesting rhythm?
like this

00:49:489 (5,6) - a confusing jump imo,maybe smaller spacing is better

00:53:943 just an example,if you feel hard to change it,don't change,x_x because it will break your Original map

00:15:505 ^
maybe 2 kick slider + 1 note more interesting?
like this
00:17:849 you miss lots of parts which can be more interesting like this.
maybe it can be this

new combo above just to show the rhythm more clearly

a bit boring imo..too many similar patterns
the diff itself doesn't have big problems,but boring...

try more different rhythm and patterns,it can become interesting

a poor mod ;w; haven't do modding things for a long time.
Hi~ from M4M request from my queue

  1. Your mp3's volume is so low. You should try to turn up the volume.
  1. 00:07:068 (1) - You can make better blanket I think.
  2. 00:08:943 (1) - move to rightup a little?
  3. 00:14:099 (2) - Why you put clap here? I recommend to remove this.
  4. 00:28:161 (3,1) - How about to make regular triangle?
  5. 00:46:443 (1) - I don't like a flow like drawing straight line. I suggest like this.
  6. 01:08:943 (1) - You should make better blanket here imo.
  1. 00:11:521 (5) - add whistle at 00:12:224 -
  2. 00:18:318 (4) - add whistle on the tale.
  3. 00:20:193 (1) - add finish at 00:20:193 - ?
  4. 00:37:771 (5) - Flow from 00:37:068 (4) - is bad I feel. I prefer if this slider is like this.
  5. 00:40:818 (3) - move to (416,76)
  1. 00:53:943 (1) - make better blanket with 00:53:474 (4) -
  2. 01:19:724 (7) - add clap instead of 01:19:958 (8) - ?
  1. 00:05:193 (1) - add finish at 00:05:193 -
  2. 00:05:193 (1) - add whistle at 00:05:661 -
  3. 00:11:169 (5) - add whistle on the head ?
  4. 00:19:725 (5) - add finish on the tale instead of the head.
  5. 00:26:990 (5) - add whistle at 00:27:224 -
That's it. Good luck ;)
From my queue
The mp3 is not that good in quality..
Set kiai volume to 35-45% sounds better
U may silence the sliderslide using an empty sliderslide.wav

00:14:099 (2) - Whistle is better imo

00:12:224 - Whistle?
00:18:786 - ^


You could try more 3/4 and jumps in this diff..For example
Change 00:53:005 (6,7) into this:
00:48:669 (3) -
00:56:521 (7) - NC

That's all I could find...nice map in all but I think U'd better change the mp3 :D
[ Zzz ]
Hi~ AnreFM


HP -1 OD - 1 AR - 1

Ai Mod Check

00:07:068 (1) - No NC


HP + 1 OD + 1

Ai Mod Check


Ai Mod Check

01:10:114 (3) - Ctrl + G

01:14:099 (4) - Ctrl + G


Ai Mod Check

t/147483 My Map!!
Hi, m4m!

Blue=Should fix
Red=Must fix/Unrankable


Well, your mp3's volume is really really low in comparison to the other ranked maps... I highly suggest to find another mps with higher volume, this also because the song is quite intense and a low volume ruins it...

Another thing: it's just a little detail but can you edit the BG and delete this? It's really annoying to see...

The offset is totally wrong... Try to use 5165 (-28)! Maybe it's not perfect but it's much better imo... And don't forget to resnap all notes and green lines after the offset change! My mod is done after the offset change anyway


00:00:243 (1) - This spinner should start in 00:00:008 - and end in 00:04:227
00:12:196 (4,1) - You can curve better the second slider in order to have a much better blanket!
00:12:665 (1) - Whistle in the end? It feels a bit emply without it
00:28:602 (1,2) - This blanket can be really better
00:38:446 (4,1) - ^ Curve the slider a bit more!
00:45:946 (4,1) - ^
00:57:665 (1,2) - ^

Ok I won't go on, just go through the map and correct all wrong/bad blankets, they are really ugly to see and they make your map ugly :|

01:08:915 (1) - Finish in the beginning?


00:00:243 (1) - The same as Easy about this spinner
00:20:165 (1) - Finish in the beginning
00:44:540 (3) - Maybe you can curve this slider a bit better in order to have a better blanket
01:11:727 (4,1,2) - You can improve these blankets too


00:00:243 (1) - The same about the spinner
00:26:478 (2,3) - Blanket them better
00:31:180 (7,1) - ^

The main problem here are the blankets... Go through the map and fix them please :<

From this moment on: 00:35:165 - The claps.
Well, in my opinion they sound bad... They are supposed to be on every 2nd and 4th white tick, and not in other places, so I think you have to remove them and put them on every 2nd and 4th tick. I mean, here 00:35:633 here 00:36:571 here 00:37:508 here 00:38:446 here 00:39:383 here 00:40:321 here 00:41:258 and so on! They will sound much better... You should put claps in another way only if they follow the song but this is not the case imo...


Same suggestion as Hard diff about the claps
ALso, fix all bad blankets

00:11:727 (6,7) - Improve the blanket... Anyways I think the slider should end 1/4 earlier, it follows better the vocals. If you shorten it, remove the whistle from the end
00:19:696 (5) - Finish in the end
00:27:196 (5) - Whislte in this point, you forgot it
00:46:180 (5) - Move to 92|308 for spacing
00:25:790 (1,2,3) - Move this to 292|320 because during playing this pattern overlaps the previous slide because of the stack leniency!


Nothing else, you really have to fix the blankets... Anyways congratulations because actually your map is good, I hope it gets ranked soon ;)
Topic Starter
Replies because it is VERY rude to not do it orz


Momochikun wrote:

Hai ~
as requested :roll:

Ngga nyangka ada yg ngemap lagu ini.. awalnya aku kira lagu ini unmappable o_owdw saya ngedengernya pas aja, jdi bsa deh ngemap heuheu

00:00:036 (1) - Spinner not snapped, cek AiModlol fixed
00:10:818 (3) - Klo ngikut rhytm sebelumnya harusnya disini ada finish~fix
00:26:990 (5) - Mending satu kali aja reverse nya.. truss add note disini 00:27:693

00:32:614 (3) - Ctrl +J ?iya deh, fixed
00:36:833 (1) - Pecah rhytm ini slider.. mending di pisahin jadi 2 1/2 slider
did some change

00:11:755 (6,1) - Bingung ini spacingnya.. org psti ngira ini reverse slider bakal 2xoke, rhythm changed
00:16:443 (1) - Ctrl J ?yaa
00:55:818 (3,4) - Blanket kurang pas
rapiin orz

Easy udh ok keknya..yay!

Don't KD this post~lol no why not zzz
GL ^^makasih modnya :)


baldrace wrote:

Sorry again :o

Normal hitsound sounds not very goodguess have to look at some cs then

I have played this PSP game before TV anime,really good game,it has excellent story,but foolish choices,the choices are always paronomasia but not reasoning..... lol yeah but it's still a great game tho right? :)

00:14:099 (2) - strange clap,remove itdone
00:42:693 (1) - from here,volume is a bit big,and makes hitsound sounds noisy.
00:12:224 (4,1) - better blanket pls
00:57:693 (1,2,3) - ^
01:20:661 (1) - I think this spinner is unnecessary,end at 01:20:193 is ok,it makes a feeling of sudden stop,players will be release from the Grade referees,and maybe the next will come soon? :)

same suggestions as easy.
other things are fine imo

claps in kiai is not awesome,try drum hitsound?I think drum hit-normal and finish is good for this song,drum clap is a bit noisy,you can use custom hit clap.
I notice that in hard and insane,there are some unnecessary spacing changes
00:38:474 (9) - like this,fix them
00:52:068 (1) - for example,1 have a random spacing..
make it like this
1's head and 3's end,2's head and 3's head,if they have the same spacing,they will look ordered

00:23:709 (7) - some parts like this,maybe spacing between 7 and 6 smaller ,7 and 8 bigger is better.because 8 has a stress,so do a jump here will be better,when there is a stress,you can make a jump to show it.
for example,in your hard 00:53:943 (1,2) - you do a jump,2 has a stress,it is good

01:16:443 why not try more interesting rhythm?
like this

00:49:489 (5,6) - a confusing jump imo,maybe smaller spacing is better

00:53:943 just an example,if you feel hard to change it,don't change,x_x because it will break your Original map

00:15:505 ^
maybe 2 kick slider + 1 note more interesting?
like this
00:17:849 you miss lots of parts which can be more interesting like this.
maybe it can be this

new combo above just to show the rhythm more clearly

a bit boring imo..too many similar patterns
the diff itself doesn't have big problems,but boring...

try more different rhythm and patterns,it can become interesting

a poor mod ;w; haven't do modding things for a long time.


Cah-m wrote:

Hi~ from M4M request from my queue

  1. Your mp3's volume is so low. You should try to turn up the volume.better now
  1. 00:07:068 (1) - You can make better blanket I think.yeah done
  2. 00:08:943 (1) - move to rightup a little?done
  3. 00:14:099 (2) - Why you put clap here? I recommend to remove this.fix
  4. 00:28:161 (3,1) - How about to make regular triangle?
  5. 00:46:443 (1) - I don't like a flow like drawing straight line. I suggest like this.
  6. 01:08:943 (1) - You should make better blanket here imo.

  1. 00:11:521 (5) - add whistle at 00:12:224 -
  2. 00:18:318 (4) - add whistle on the tale.
  3. 00:20:193 (1) - add finish at 00:20:193 - ?
  4. 00:37:771 (5) - Flow from 00:37:068 (4) - is bad I feel. I prefer if this slider is like this.
  5. 00:40:818 (3) - move to (416,76)
fix all thanks :)

  1. 00:53:943 (1) - make better blanket with 00:53:474 (4) - ok i guess :o
  2. 01:19:724 (7) - add clap instead of 01:19:958 (8) - ?add on both
  1. 00:05:193 (1) - add finish at 00:05:193 -
  2. 00:05:193 (1) - add whistle at 00:05:661 -
  3. 00:11:169 (5) - add whistle on the head ?
  4. 00:19:725 (5) - add finish on the tale instead of the head.
  5. 00:26:990 (5) - add whistle at 00:27:224 - fix all thanks :)
That's it. Good luck ;)thanks again for mods :D


Autumn wrote:

From my queue
The mp3 is not that good in quality..
Set kiai volume to 35-45% sounds better
U may silence the sliderslide using an empty sliderslide.wav

00:14:099 (2) - Whistle is better imofix

00:12:224 - Whistle?
00:18:786 - ^all fixed


You could try more 3/4 and jumps in this diff..For example
Change 00:53:005 (6,7) into this:
00:48:669 (3) - umm kinda refraining on another pattern here orz
00:56:521 (7) - NCok

That's all I could find...nice map in all but I think U'd better change the mp3 :Dthanks and thank you for mods :D


[ Zzz ] wrote:

Hi~ AnreFM


HP -1 OD - 1 AR - 1

Ai Mod Check

00:07:068 (1) - No NC


HP + 1 OD + 1

Ai Mod Check


Ai Mod Check

01:10:114 (3) - Ctrl + G

01:14:099 (4) - Ctrl + G


Ai Mod Check

t/147483 My Map!!
umm you do know that i can and do open the AImod myself right? umm so what's the point of showing it to me again?-__- and for that, i think all of it is fine and all ranked maps almost have all of it on them :| anyway, thanks for modding~


RikiH_ wrote:

Hi, m4m!

Blue=Should fix
Red=Must fix/Unrankable


Well, your mp3's volume is really really low in comparison to the other ranked maps... I highly suggest to find another mps with higher volume, this also because the song is quite intense and a low volume ruins it...

Another thing: it's just a little detail but can you edit the BG and delete this? It's really annoying to see...fix lol

The offset is totally wrong... Try to use 5165 (-28)! Maybe it's not perfect but it's much better imo... And don't forget to resnap all notes and green lines after the offset change! My mod is done after the offset change anyway


00:00:243 (1) - This spinner should start in 00:00:008 - and end in 00:04:227
00:12:196 (4,1) - You can curve better the second slider in order to have a much better blanket!
00:12:665 (1) - Whistle in the end? It feels a bit emply without it
00:28:602 (1,2) - This blanket can be really better
00:38:446 (4,1) - ^ Curve the slider a bit more!
00:45:946 (4,1) - ^
00:57:665 (1,2) - ^

Ok I won't go on, just go through the map and correct all wrong/bad blankets, they are really ugly to see and they make your map ugly :|

01:08:915 (1) - Finish in the beginning?


00:00:243 (1) - The same as Easy about this spinner
00:20:165 (1) - Finish in the beginning
00:44:540 (3) - Maybe you can curve this slider a bit better in order to have a better blanket
01:11:727 (4,1,2) - You can improve these blankets too


00:00:243 (1) - The same about the spinner
00:26:478 (2,3) - Blanket them better
00:31:180 (7,1) - ^

The main problem here are the blankets... Go through the map and fix them please :<

From this moment on: 00:35:165 - The claps.
Well, in my opinion they sound bad... They are supposed to be on every 2nd and 4th white tick, and not in other places, so I think you have to remove them and put them on every 2nd and 4th tick. I mean, here 00:35:633 here 00:36:571 here 00:37:508 here 00:38:446 here 00:39:383 here 00:40:321 here 00:41:258 and so on! They will sound much better... You should put claps in another way only if they follow the song but this is not the case imo...


Same suggestion as Hard diff about the claps
ALso, fix all bad blankets

00:11:727 (6,7) - Improve the blanket... Anyways I think the slider should end 1/4 earlier, it follows better the vocals. If you shorten it, remove the whistle from the end
00:19:696 (5) - Finish in the end
00:27:196 (5) - Whislte in this point, you forgot it
00:46:180 (5) - Move to 92|308 for spacing
00:25:790 (1,2,3) - Move this to 292|320 because during playing this pattern overlaps the previous slide because of the stack leniency!umm yeah, fixed all of it, really. And the claps too, hope it's better now :D


Nothing else, you really have to fix the blankets... Anyways congratulations because actually your map is good, I hope it gets ranked soon ;)thank you very much for your mod and thanks again, I hope it get ranked too~ :)

lol that's tiring, but thanks again everyone :) :)
anyway, if someone can encode a better video, I'd be very happy ;)
Aaaand, more modders~ :D
- Miomio Chii -
Hi, here is my mod. From Queue's m4m.
  1. add " Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc " in tags ? ➩ .
  2. Add " ダンガンロンパ 希望の学園と絶望の高校生 " in tags ? ➩
  3. Add " 小高 和剛 西田 惠美 Marchitect JasMace Tribeco 高田 雅史 " in tags ? ➩
    YouTube (0:56 - 0:57)
  1. Vol : too softly
  2. you can try to put some hitsounds
  3. 00:35:392 (1,3) - symmetry?
  4. 00:49:923 (3) - remove finish
  5. 01:18:517 (3) - NC ?
  6. 01:20:509 (1) - end 01:22:735 - here ?
  1. Vol : too softly
  2. 00:49:923 (4) - remove finish ?
  3. 01:04:923 (3) - same as ^
  4. 01:05:392 (1) - add finish for the front ?
  1. Vol : too softly
  2. 00:07:267 (1) - add whistle/clap ?
  3. 00:07:501 (2) - remove whistle from the end ?
  4. 00:34:454 (1) - add whistle for the end ?
  5. 01:20:392 (9) - NC ?
  6. 00:49:454 (5) - remove finish ?
  7. 01:05:392 (1) - add finish for the front ?
  1. Vol : too softly
  2. 00:14:767 (1) - add finish ?
  3. 00:16:642 (1) - add finish for the front ?
  4. 00:26:720 (4) - remove whistle from the end ?
  5. 00:27:188 (5) - add whistle for the end ?
  6. 01:04:923 (7) - add whistle for the front ?
End of this mod.
Good luck to you ! ;)
Hi! (: Mod from my modding queue!

Please respond to my suggestions, thanks!

Red = Unrankable

Blue = Highly recommended

Black (aka normal) = Just a suggestion

General thoughts: You should raise the volume on every part by ~10%, I nearly can hear the hitsounds and also get your timing checked!

01:20:509 (1,1) - Please don't do this because it is an easy diff, I suggest you start your first spinner 01:20:626 - Here and end it 01:22:735 - here! Your second spinner could start 01:22:970 - and end 01:24:142 -
Otherwise nice diff~

00:12:892 (1) - 's end 1 grid down maybe?
00:37:267 (4) - Add more curve.
Nothing more, nice diff (:

00:11:017 (5) - 's end few grid up?
01:20:509 (1) - Why didn't you do the 2 spinners here like in easy, normal and hard+?
Nothing else, nice diff (:

-1 HP, please.
01:18:048 (6) - NC because velo change.

Sorry for that noob mod and GL with the mapset (:
Hi from my queue :)

Tags: "Spike Chunsoft" Jas Mace Marchitect The 49ers Tribeca, why you capitalized every first font? and why not to remove the quotation mark on "Spike Chunsoft"

00:12:892 (1) - Ctrl+J and move to x: 188 y:152
00:18:517 (4,5) - Why no copy paste like this one? 00:14:767 (3,4) - That one neater imo, if you do that Ctrl+H and move to x:56 y:300
00:20:392 (1) - If you follow the mod above, Move this slider to x:88 y:64
00:21:329 (2) - If you follow the mod above, Move this circle to x:136 y:152
00:21:798 (3) - If you follow the mod above, Move this circle to x:92 y:240
01:20:392 (1) - Delete this circle
01:20:626 (1) - This spinner should be on 01:20:392 - With an end in 01:24:142 -
01:22:970 - Delete this spinner

It's better to use 1/4 beat snap divisior instead of 1/2 imo
Rise you SV? It's no different with Easy diff SV, or you can lower the easy diff SV below 1.00
01:20:392 (1) - Spinner end should be in 01:24:142 -
01:23:204 (1) - Delete this spinner

01:20:392 (1) - Delete this circle
01:20:626 (1) - This spinner should be on 01:20:392 - With an end in 01:24:142 -

Why Despair instead of Insane?
01:18:048 (6) - Delete this slider and I rather to use this pattern It sound better imo
01:19:805 (8) - Delete this circle
01:20:392 (1) - Delete this circle
01:20:626 (1) - This spinner should be on 01:20:392 - With an end in 01:24:142 -
01:22:970 - Delete this spinner

That's all
Good luck :)
Good luck! Hopefully you'll get this approved and rated! I'll give a little mod sometime (maybe) if needed C: Keep up the good work! For DR!
Why not changing the difficulty names from Easy/Normal/Hard/Insane to Merciful/Gentle/Malicious/Despair :3 ?
Topic Starter


- Miomio Chii - wrote:

Hi, here is my mod. From Queue's m4m.
  1. add " Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc " in tags ? ➩ .
  2. Add " ダンガンロンパ 希望の学園と絶望の高校生 " in tags ? ➩
  3. Add " 小高 和剛 西田 惠美 Marchitect JasMace Tribeco 高田 雅史 " in tags ? ➩
    YouTube (0:56 - 0:57)
  1. Vol : too softly
  2. you can try to put some hitsounds
  3. 00:35:392 (1,3) - symmetry?
  4. 00:49:923 (3) - remove finish
  5. 01:18:517 (3) - NC ?
  6. 01:20:509 (1) - end 01:22:735 - here ?
  1. Vol : too softly
  2. 00:49:923 (4) - remove finish ?
  3. 01:04:923 (3) - same as ^
  4. 01:05:392 (1) - add finish for the front ?
  1. Vol : too softly
  2. 00:07:267 (1) - add whistle/clap ?
  3. 00:07:501 (2) - remove whistle from the end ?
  4. 00:34:454 (1) - add whistle for the end ?
  5. 01:20:392 (9) - NC ?
  6. 00:49:454 (5) - remove finish ?
  7. 01:05:392 (1) - add finish for the front ?
  1. Vol : too softly
  2. 00:14:767 (1) - add finish ?
  3. 00:16:642 (1) - add finish for the front ?
  4. 00:26:720 (4) - remove whistle from the end ?
  5. 00:27:188 (5) - add whistle for the end ?
  6. 01:04:923 (7) - add whistle for the front ?
End of this mod.
Good luck to you ! ;)


Asphyxia wrote:

Hi! (: Mod from my modding queue!

Please respond to my suggestions, thanks!

Red = Unrankable

Blue = Highly recommended

Black (aka normal) = Just a suggestion

General thoughts: You should raise the volume on every part by ~10%, I nearly can hear the hitsounds and also get your timing checked!

[box=Easy]01:20:509 (1,1) - Please don't do this because it is an easy diff, I suggest you start your first spinner 01:20:626 - Here and end it 01:22:735 - here! Your second spinner could start 01:22:970 - and end 01:24:142 -
Otherwise nice diff~

[box=asphyxia][Normal]00:12:892 (1) - 's end 1 grid down maybe?
00:37:267 (4) - Add more curve.
Nothing more, nice diff (:

[Hard]00:11:017 (5) - 's end few grid up?
01:20:509 (1) - Why didn't you do the 2 spinners here like in easy, normal and hard+?
Nothing else, nice diff (:

[Despair]-1 HP, please.
01:18:048 (6) - NC because velo change

Sorry for that noob mod and GL with the mapset (:
thanks all fixed too :D


Mako Sakata wrote:

Hi from my queue :)

Tags: "Spike Chunsoft" Jas Mace Marchitect The 49ers Tribeca, why you capitalized every first font? and why not to remove the quotation mark on "Spike Chunsoft"

00:12:892 (1) - Ctrl+J and move to x: 188 y:152
00:18:517 (4,5) - Why no copy paste like this one? 00:14:767 (3,4) - That one neater imo, if you do that Ctrl+H and move to x:56 y:300no i like this one better orz
00:20:392 (1) - If you follow the mod above, Move this slider to x:88 y:64
00:21:329 (2) - If you follow the mod above, Move this circle to x:136 y:152
00:21:798 (3) - If you follow the mod above, Move this circle to x:92 y:240
01:20:392 (1) - Delete this circle
01:20:626 (1) - This spinner should be on 01:20:392 - With an end in 01:24:142 -
01:22:970 - Delete this spinner

It's better to use 1/4 beat snap divisior instead of 1/2 imo
Rise you SV? It's no different with Easy diff SV, or you can lower the easy diff SV below 1.00
01:20:392 (1) - Spinner end should be in 01:24:142 -
01:23:204 (1) - Delete this spinner

01:20:392 (1) - Delete this circle
01:20:626 (1) - This spinner should be on 01:20:392 - With an end in 01:24:142 -

Why Despair instead of Insane?because it's not insane:3
01:18:048 (6) - Delete this slider and I rather to use this pattern It sound better imo
01:19:805 (8) - Delete this circle
01:20:392 (1) - Delete this circleno i will keep the slider pattern
01:20:626 (1) - This spinner should be on 01:20:392 - With an end in 01:24:142 -
01:22:970 - Delete this spinner

That's all
Good luck :)thanks :) changed all otherwise stated~


Haganeproductio wrote:

Good luck! Hopefully you'll get this approved and rated! I'll give a little mod sometime (maybe) if needed C: Keep up the good work! For DR!
Thanks :) i will work harder to get this ranked :D your mod will exactly be necessary and helpful too ;)


Myckose wrote:

Why not changing the difficulty names from Easy/Normal/Hard/Insane to Merciful/Gentle/Malicious/Despair :3 ?
will consider that, thank you for the suggestion :D

that was helpful, thanks all :)
Anyway, sorry for late reply and all, school projects and whatnot keep getting in the way orz
Okay then! more mods~ and maybe a BAT is already necessary here lol
marked on my to-do list. :)
hi there~


  1. 00:51:329 (2) - add finish on the slider end. for consistency with 00:35:392 (1,3)
  2. 00:54:142 (1) - finish on slider head? vokalnya terasa agak keras disini.
  3. 01:09:142 (1) - ^

  1. 00:56:954 (4) - coba ubah jadi 1/2 slider + circle. sepertinya lebih cocok

  1. 00:07:501 (2,3) - pindah gan. 3 di 00:07:501 , 2 di 00:07:735.
  2. 00:19:220 (2,3) - coba jadikan 1/4 slider. seperti ini
  3. 00:22:267 (1,2,3,4) - seperti ini mungkin?
  4. 00:23:907 - tambahkan circle disini?
  5. 00:34:454 (1) - why NC?
  6. 01:18:517 (4,5,6,7) - seperti ini?

  1. 00:11:837 - tambahkan circle.
  2. 00:18:752 (1) - hmm...remove ini trus buat stream sampai 00:19:102.
  3. 00:42:774 - tambahkan circle?
  4. 01:04:220 (4) - ubah jadi seperti ini?
  5. 01:18:048 (6) - seperti ini?
    hmm....ini di kiai time nya kok lebih gampang dari sebelum kiai?

wah...maaf ya, cuma itu saja yang bisa saya bantu.
semoga mod saya bermanfaat untuk anda. :)

btw, bueeh....btw. lol @dadongBLELENG
map ini bagus, cuma di [Despair] ada masalah sedikit yaitu di kiai time nya. relatif lebih gampang daripada bagian bukan kiai time. tolong di review lagi ya~

good luck!
hi ~

offset -233 to avoid notes behind red line ...233 wow
timing seems really early, offset +10 at least IMO

00:06:329 (2) - missing whistle on end 0.0
00:30:235 (2) - x:384 y:356 better blanket & spacing
00:31:642 (1) - better blanket

00:27:892 (5,1) - swap NCs for downbeat
01:11:954 (4,1,2,3) - I suggest to rework this pattern cause spacing is off 01:11:954 (4,1) - 01:13:829 (2,3) - . IMO keep similar shape but make blanket would be good ~

00:07:501 (2) - touches HP bar
00:27:188 (3) - 1 grid right for better blanket imo, don't forget to fix spacing
00:28:829 (2,3) - imo, remove whistle on (2) and add on end of (3) seems better
00:32:813 (3,4) - swap whistles seems make more sense, more consistent too

really not sure I get claps in kiai. IMO just put clap on 2nd and 4th beat would work better, ofc it's up to you
00:14:767 (1) - why not continue finishes here 0.0
00:16:642 (1) - ^
00:24:611 (3,4) - swap clap? can't find another instance like this in this part
00:33:517 (2) - better blanket?
00:37:970 (6) - add clap like in hard
00:41:720 (6) - same as 00:37:970 (6) -
00:52:267 (5) - clap on end
00:56:251 (6,1) - swap claps seems more consistent?
01:01:642 (6,1) - swap NCs for downbeat
01:07:267 (6) - clap on end

seems pretty good map tho I don't get these claps > <
hope it helps ~ good luck :D
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