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Just dropping a quick mod from #Taiko :D

[Inner Oni]

This difficulty works, idk how but holy god LOL.

  1. 01:28:117 - Add a k here? Hearing the song and seeing that there's no note here made me sad.
  2. 01:28:341 - ^
  1. 00:13:117 - Add a d here? Again, this makes me sad that there's nothing here when I hear something in these harder diffs. XP
  2. 01:28:117 - ^
  3. 01:28:341 - ^
  4. 01:15:878 (385) - Why not change this into a slider that starts there and ends on 01:16:774? Just my suggestion.
  1. 01:15:878 (316) - Finish this slider. :D
  1. 01:15:878 (216) - Finish this slider as well.
  2. 01:41:625 (278) - Change this to a d. This is different than the other patterns that were before this. So maybe a little variety wouldn't hurt.
Coucou Sushi-sama :3
Comme promis, la french modding queue est là pour toi :3 C'est parti pour le blanket mod (olol rezoons :3)
(Tu m'en veux pas si je suis rouillé, ça fait un petit moment :p)

Thx for the baguette & aide pour le mode à lire
Suggestions sans prétention ^^
Tu devrais certainement appliquer ce que je dis :3
Tu dois appliquer parce que c'est moi qui donne les ordres ici D: ^^


  1. 00:05:804 - Je trouve dommage qu'il y ait un trou ici, ça fait un peu vide, certes c'est le début mais comme tu suis la mélodie, je verrai bien un cercle ici pour reprendre avec le slider derrière, ça serait en cohérence avec ce que tu fais imo.
  2. 00:15:207 (1) - Fais attention, ça bouffe vraiment sur la barre de vie donc baisse l'objet dans la grille (et certainement ce qui va avec derrière vu que tu fais une ligne droite entre (1) et (2))
  3. 00:18:565 (1,2,3) - Perso j'aurais placé (1) en x:184 ; y:288 (en sachant que si tu l'appliques, bouge (2,3) avec)
  4. 00:26:625 (1) - enlève le NC
  5. 00:27:520 (3) - met un NC
  6. 00:29:311 (1) - enlève le NC. Je m'explique pour les NC ici : Je trouve que ça respecte pas vraiment ce que tu as fais avant et même si tu as fais un combo avec les trois sliders, tu as mis un finnish sur 00:27:520 (3) - et donc ça serait plutôt logique avec ce que tu as fais que le NC se trouve ici (et après je trouve que les deux combos sont plutôt bien avec ce changement)
  7. 00:31:102 (1) - Un petit finish (même son réduit) sur celui là? Je trouve que ça fait un peu vide sans rien
  8. 00:40:953 (1) - Pour celui là, je retirerai carrément le finish pour ne rien mettre du tout. Essaye pour voir je trouve que on ressent mieux la cassure (vu que la musique s'arrête) entre ce moment là et le refrain qui commence bien avec le finish pour repartir de plus belles :3 (Si tu appliques ça, essaye de voir aussi, comme l'a dit rezoons, de mettre ce finish à la fin du spinner plutôt)
  9. 00:49:013 (1) - Je l'aurais stack sur le début de 00:51:252 (4) - . Par contre ça peut peut être poser des pb de spacing donc c'est uniquement une mini suggestion ^^ (si tu tentes un truc, oublie pas de le faire aussi à 01:24:833 (1,4) -)
  10. 00:50:804 (3) - Un clap à la place d'un finish (je trouve ça un peu plus agréable que 3 finish en 1 combo et si tu l'appliques, même chose qu'au dessus, tu fais ce pattern deux fois dans la map).
Rien d'autre à dire sur la fin, pour moi c'est ok :)


  1. 00:15:878 (4) - y: 120 pour ce cercle pour match avec (2)
  2. 00:23:043 (2) - ^ => vérifie ces patterns là, je repasse pas dessus ^^
  3. 00:48:341 (5) - Je suis pas fan du whistle là dessus. Tu peux essayer de mettre deux clap dessus? (un au début et un à la fin voir ce que ça donne)
  4. 00:51:587 (4) - Perso j'aurais mute la fin de ce slider (genre 10-20%) vu que sur la musique y a rien de spécial, le "toc" comme bruit colle pas très bien à mon avis ^^
  5. 00:59:759 (1) - Même problème que dans la easy, tu passes sur la barre de vie. Baisse l'objet dans la grille.
Pas grand chose à dire d'autre sur cette diff, je trouve qu'elle colle plutôt bien à l'esprit de la musique donc bon v'la ^^
Je te fais pas chier avec les alignements (ouep je suis comme rezoons D: c'est pas vraiment mon style mais ça reste un style de mapping qui, comme je l'ai dis, colle bien donc moi ça me va)


Pour moi, la taille des cercles sont trop petits. ça reste mon avis mais pour une hard, si on tente de la HR, ça va être impossible x) C'est fort probable que tu refuses mais bon, au moins je l'aurais dis :p

  1. 00:16:998 (1) - y:40 pour qu'il colle avec 00:17:446 (3) - (oui nazi mod et alors :O)
  2. 00:30:431 (1,2,3,4,5) - J'aurais rotate un peu ce pattern et fais un espace plus grand entre 00:30:207 (5,1) - vu que je trouve ça assez collé (et au moins, en faisant la rotation, tu vas vraiment en direction de 00:31:102 (1) - ) =>
  3. 00:52:707 (1) - Tu n'a pas mis de finish sur ce spinner sur les autres diff, pourquoi changer? (Surtout que ça collais bien sans)
Encore pas grand chose à dire.. Pour moi, c'est la meilleure diff du mapset. Autant sur les patterns que sur le style ça colle bien, ça donne envie d'aller faire le cow-boy sur la muraille de chine donc objectif atteint ^^


  1. 00:05:132 (5) - Je l'aurais plutôt mis en x:192;y:200 pour le flow
  2. 00:42:205 (4) - Retire le finish sur la fin du slider (ça reprend ce que je disais avant sur les autres diffs, je trouve que ça fait vraiment une cassure comme ça, et je pense que c'est l'objectif à ce moment là)
Bon ça devient de pire en pire x) Franchement respect pour les patterns et le placement des cercles, pour moi c'est parfait (sans faire le nazi mod comme rezoons vu que lui c'est son taff :3)
A part pour la easy où y avait quelques trucs à dire, généralement ce sont de bonnes diff (voir très bonnes :3 et ça se voit que t'étais BAT D:) donc j'ai pas énormément de choses à dire en sachant que c'est mon premier mod depuis 2 mois maintenant, je suis un peu rouillé mais j'espère que ce que je t'ai filé t'aidera déjà un peu :)
Si tu veux que je repasse sur ta hard ou ton insane, fait moi signe vu que je trouve ça un peu ledge mais bon j'ai tourné en rond sur la map, je savais pas trop quoi te mettre à part rentrer dans du nazi mod useless ^^

GL pour faire ranked la map!
Too many diffs...

  1. AIMod detects unsnapped objects. (?)
  1. 00:12:296 (3) - Is this... purposely snapped on 1/12 ? It was confusing as all hell when testplaying. It'd be better to snap it to 1/6 - or even the downbeat after, because the beats after it are on the offbeat and that's kinda confusing
  2. 00:19:460 (3) - same
  1. AR is too high and OD too low. AR5 OD4/5 would fit better. Right now it's... huh.
  2. That was a difficult Normal. Some rhythms are quite confusing.
  3. 00:25:729 (1) - Remove this new combo ? This felt weird, like it's breaking the pattern Or add one on 00:24:834 (2) - . Same goes for all other similar patterns.
  4. 00:34:237 (4) - aaaaaaaarg make this a 1/2 slider and add a circle on 00:34:684 - rightfully bearing the new combo
  5. 00:48:341 (5) 01:24:161 (5) - - I would rather you make this a whole 1/2 slider. The rhythm as it is now sounds very weird in the diff and is confusing.
  6. 00:50:804 (2,3,4) - 01:26:624 (2,3,4) - That was rather confusing too (and quite a complex rhythm for a Normal) but I'm not sure how you can make it easier
  7. 01:08:714 - methinks you should add a note here, because in all similar cases previously, you had a note at this point, and it makes the offbeat easier to play
  1. AR8 is really way too much for a Hard. It doesn't even fit - AR7 works just better here.
  2. 00:15:207 (5,6,7,8) - That was super weird. What does it follow ? Why not use circles (as it's easier and less... weird) ?
  3. 00:22:371 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This comboing isn't consistent with 00:15:207 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) -
  4. 00:40:431 (1,2,3,4,5) - It would be better to place the short slider first in place of 00:40:431 (1,2) - and use the two circles for 00:41:326 (5) - as it would be more intuitive to play (and less harsh, especially after the spinner)
  5. 00:44:983 - 01:20:804 - I was expecting something here, as the song does have something at this point.
  6. 01:01:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - That was super duper mega hyper zodiac level confusing. Like, please just use a second kick slider for 01:02:222 (2,3,4,5) - this just doesn't fit at all in a Hard
  7. 01:34:908 (4) - Try reversing this one - it plays and flows better to me
  8. 01:39:386 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - Quite the suddenly brutal end here, you should make this easier, it's much harder than the rest of the diff
  1. 00:01:998 (1,2,3) - Harsh beginning huh. Already starting off with a weird superwide movement. Stack ?
  2. 00:28:416 (1,2) - failed blanket. Also this is OCD-level but in blankets like 00:27:520 (1,2) - the end circle of (1) is closer to (2) than the end circle of (2) is to (1) and in 01:25:281 (3,4) - (3) is closer to (4) than (4) to (3)
  3. 00:43:863 (2,4) - stack properlyyyyyyyyy
  4. 00:49:460 (3,4) - failed blanket
  1. 00:23:043 (71,72,73,74,75) - I don't think this is acceptable in a futsuu - finish streaks are quite hard to play
  2. 00:48:341 (142,143) - 01:24:161 (234,235) - Yeah, no. Not in a futsuu. The rhythm is already too complex, but making them both finishes makes it even hrader to play
  3. 00:52:595 (152,153) - 01:28:415 (244,245) - Note too soon after drumroll
  4. 01:14:087 (210,211,212,213,214,215) - 01:38:938 (269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279) - that was quite a surprise to me - I didn't see that coming at all. I'd suggest to make this rhythm simpler
  1. This is way too hard for a muzu. There is way too much 1/6, especially stuck in the middle of 1/2 patterns, and the doubles should always be dd kk and no dk or kd. Lots of rhythms are super complex (mainly because of the 1/6) and some mix 1/3, 1/2 and 1/6
  • That was super hard to read. I never thought I'd suggest this but 1.6 velocity helps a bit. Apart from that, I found the diff quite confusing, mixing 1/2 1/3 and 1/6 all the time.
Inner Oni
  • The 1/6 finish whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    Confusing to read too. x_x
Not giving taiko drum of approval. Muzukashii is really too hard. There's little difference between Oni and Muzu, in fact.
Topic Starter

Shiro wrote:

Too many diffs...

  1. AIMod detects unsnapped objects. (?) AIMod had a bad day, and pointed wrong stuff

  1. 00:12:296 (3) - Is this... purposely snapped on 1/12 ? It was confusing as all hell when testplaying. It'd be better to snap it to 1/6 - or even the downbeat after, because the beats after it are on the offbeat and that's kinda confusing
  2. 00:19:460 (3) - same
On the next downbeat now

  1. AR is too high and OD too low. AR5 OD4/5 would fit better. Right now it's... huh.Done
  2. That was a difficult Normal. Some rhythms are quite confusing.
  3. 00:25:729 (1) - Remove this new combo ? This felt weird, like it's breaking the pattern Or add one on 00:24:834 (2) - . Same goes for all other similar patterns.Done
  4. 00:34:237 (4) - aaaaaaaarg make this a 1/2 slider and add a circle on 00:34:684 - rightfully bearing the new combo Why? I don't get why it is a problem here.
  5. 00:48:341 (5) 01:24:161 (5) - - I would rather you make this a whole 1/2 slider. The rhythm as it is now sounds very weird in the diff and is confusing. Well, no. I think this one is to say as it is. It may be confusing, but having a 1/2 slider just makes it sound weird, considering the music. I think you noticed it's based on the "Yahoo", which is kind of a constant in all diffs.
  6. 00:50:804 (2,3,4) - 01:26:624 (2,3,4) - That was rather confusing too (and quite a complex rhythm for a Normal) but I'm not sure how you can make it easier Yeah, that was something I tried to simplify without getting a nobrain thing, but the rhythm itself is already complicated...
  7. 01:08:714 - methinks you should add a note here, because in all similar cases previously, you had a note at this point, and it makes the offbeat easier to play
    You're so right
  1. AR8 is really way too much for a Hard. It doesn't even fit - AR7 works just better here. I didn't notice that , actually, I tried with AR7 and yeah, better
  2. 00:15:207 (5,6,7,8) - That was super weird. What does it follow ? Why not use circles (as it's easier and less... weird) ? Actually it's based on the snare drums (even more noticeable in Insane) I was a little concerned about this pattern, and I don't see how to make something not to hard. I'll try something.
  3. 00:22:371 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This comboing isn't consistent with 00:15:207 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3) - Done
  4. 00:40:431 (1,2,3,4,5) - It would be better to place the short slider first in place of 00:40:431 (1,2) - and use the two circles for 00:41:326 (5) - as it would be more intuitive to play (and less harsh, especially after the spinner) Yep
  5. 00:44:983 - 01:20:804 - I was expecting something here, as the song does have something at this point. Yes, but at this point, I was totally based on the lyrics, rather than having a melting pot of every thing in the song.
  6. 01:01:774 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - That was super duper mega hyper zodiac level confusing. Like, please just use a second kick slider for 01:02:222 (2,3,4,5) - this just doesn't fit at all in a Hard>zodiac level god I laughed xD oooookay simplified it =3=
  7. 01:34:908 (4) - Try reversing this one - it plays and flows better to me I tried keeping the pattern the same at the beginning, i.e 00:05:356 (4) -
  8. 01:39:386 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1) - Quite the suddenly brutal end here, you should make this easier, it's much harder than the rest of the diff Tried something simpler there
  1. 00:01:998 (1,2,3) - Harsh beginning huh. Already starting off with a weird superwide movement. Stack ?nuuuu, I know it's the beginning, but it kinda gives directly the tone of the map, + the way it'll start, imo.
  2. 00:28:416 (1,2) - failed blanket. Also this is OCD-level but in blankets like 00:27:520 (1,2) - the end circle of (1) is closer to (2) than the end circle of (2) is to (1) and in 01:25:281 (3,4) - (3) is closer to (4) than (4) to (3) I am Fail Blanket masterz. Tried to fix them
  3. 00:43:863 (2,4) - stack properlyyyyyyyyy You didn't see ANYTHING
  4. 00:49:460 (3,4) - failed blanket
  1. 00:23:043 (71,72,73,74,75) - I don't think this is acceptable in a futsuu - finish streaks are quite hard to play
  2. 00:48:341 (142,143) - 01:24:161 (234,235) - Yeah, no. Not in a futsuu. The rhythm is already too complex, but making them both finishes makes it even hrader to play
  3. 00:52:595 (152,153) - 01:28:415 (244,245) - Note too soon after drumroll
  4. 01:14:087 (210,211,212,213,214,215) - 01:38:938 (269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276,277,278,279) - that was quite a surprise to me - I didn't see that coming at all. I'd suggest to make this rhythm simpler

    Everything Fiiiiiixed
  1. This is way too hard for a muzu. There is way too much 1/6, especially stuck in the middle of 1/2 patterns, and the doubles should always be dd kk and no dk or kd. Lots of rhythms are super complex (mainly because of the 1/6) and some mix 1/3, 1/2 and 1/6
    Try to simplify most of the patterns. However, I did not get rid of all the 1/6, but tried to make them simpler to play. I admit that it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard, now I replay it. should be good now
  • That was super hard to read. I never thought I'd suggest this but 1.6 velocity helps a bit. Apart from that, I found the diff quite confusing, mixing 1/2 1/3 and 1/6 all the time.
    I'll stay with 1.4 through all diffs. I know it's confusing, but the song itself wants that.
Inner Oni
  • The 1/6 finish whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Becaaaaaaause. I already kinda simplified this before, and discussed it with many taiko modders/players. It's ok but some won't like it. Removing them would litterally kill the sound effect of this part of the map
    Confusing to read too. x_x I knooooooow
Not giving taiko drum of approval. Muzukashii is really too hard. There's little difference between Oni and Muzu, in fact.
Overquality mod. That's what I wanted. Thank you sooooooo much! >w<
Short taiko mods
02:51 HeatKai: futsuu
02:51 HeatKai: change your hp drain rate to 4?
02:51 Sushi: 3 is too low ?
02:52 HeatKai: well idk because it should 4 :p
02:52 HeatKai: to rankable blerghblah rules xD idk maybe
02:52 Sushi: oh, ok
02:53 HeatKai: idk why I feel this futsuu is hard lol
02:53 Sushi: Everything is hard in this mapset '^'
02:53 HeatKai: hahaha
02:53 HeatKai: but the easiest diff should remain easy
02:54 Sushi: I can make an easier diff if necessary
02:54 HeatKai: because futsuu should still be mapped most of it by 1/1 + 1/2
02:54 Sushi: Oh crap, I forgot to modify something somewhere
02:55 HeatKai: where o_o
02:55 HeatKai: what
02:55 HeatKai: lol
02:55 Sushi: 01:28:415 (240) -
02:55 Sushi: drumroll too long
02:55 Sushi: in comparison to 00:52:595 (149) -
02:55 HeatKai: yep
02:56 HeatKai: well let just continue with the modding and ignores that the futsuu being too hard for futsuu
02:56 HeatKai: LOLOL
02:56 HeatKai: because it maybe just me
02:58 HeatKai: 00:16:326 (48,49,50,51) - this finishes in the middle of four circles pattern, three circles pattern
02:58 HeatKai: you should remove it
03:00 Sushi: If the finish is a problem, I prefer removing this note : 00:16:550 (49) -
03:00 HeatKai: then remove it
03:00 HeatKai: because the finish is the problem :p
03:00 Sushi: will do same here 00:20:132 (61) -
03:01 HeatKai: yes and so on :p there's more if i'm not wrong
03:01 HeatKai: oh ok no lol
03:02 HeatKai: 00:55:953 (154) - delete this too?
03:02 HeatKai: 1/2 with finish for futsuu and kantan is consider as hard @_@
03:02 HeatKai: that's why i'm focusing on finish right now
03:02 Sushi: hmm
03:03 Sushi: ok.
03:05 HeatKai: and in kiai i don't think finish should be used for basing on the vocal.
03:05 HeatKai: but still it sounds good xD
03:05 HeatKai: so whatever you want to choose :p
03:06 HeatKai: muzukashii
03:06 HeatKai: 00:15:132 (60,61) - is this right? o.o
03:07 Sushi: You mean, is it on purpose ?
03:07 HeatKai: yes
03:07 HeatKai: xD
03:08 Sushi: Yes it was :o
03:09 HeatKai: is this fine for muzukashii? xD 1/2 + 1/6 looks really confusing you know :3
03:10 Sushi: I know but, as it is not really "possible" to use 1/4 for this song on taiko, it really breaks everything.
03:10 HeatKai: yeah i understand that
03:10 Sushi: It might become something really not interesting
03:11 HeatKai: i guess just delete the first circle would be fine. and let it stays for 1/4 and let the oni have this 1/6 pattern
03:12 Sushi: does it apply only here or for all double 1/6 ?
03:12 HeatKai: all in muzu's diff
03:12 Sushi: like here 00:08:863 (35) - ?
03:12 HeatKai: yeah
03:12 HeatKai: you can reject my suggestions anytime, Sushi :3
03:12 HeatKai: i don't mind
03:13 Sushi: Yeah this one really affects a lot the diff ;_;
03:13 Sushi: I can remove some, but not all of them
03:13 HeatKai: okay that's good enough :3
03:17 HeatKai: the muzu seems fine :3
03:17 Sushi: yaaay
03:18 HeatKai: oni
03:18 HeatKai: all of the 1/6 starting sounds good until come to this one 00:15:132 (78,79,80,81) -
03:18 HeatKai: it sounds weird
03:19 Sushi: Well, it's based on the snare drum in the music
03:22 HeatKai: 01:28:080 () - add circle here?
03:22 HeatKai: 01:28:304 () - ^
03:23 Sushi: The thing is, the rhythm is kinda weird, because the singer and everything are not really on a standard rhythm
03:23 Sushi: it's really a choice not to put something here because it really, really sounds weird
03:24 Sushi: And that makes like a small quiet part in the map :U
03:24 HeatKai: it is hahahaa
03:25 HeatKai: then oni is fine for me
03:25 HeatKai: but i'm still not sure about that 1/6, plays well tho
03:27 Sushi: Now onto THE discutable things in Inner Oni
03:29 HeatKai: i really..
03:29 HeatKai: don't know how to say hahahaha
03:29 HeatKai: mapped 1/6
03:29 HeatKai: too confusing
03:30 HeatKai: btw, change your bg event to this 0,0,"round.jpg",0,40
03:31 Sushi: Ah, right, to see the hats :D
03:31 HeatKai: yes :3
03:32 HeatKai: give more feels hahaha
03:32 Sushi: I had the best idea ever, using this bg, Hahaha
03:32 HeatKai: it fits so yeah it's good :3
03:33 HeatKai: I can play taiko but i really dont know how to say about this inner xD
03:33 HeatKai: it's confusing tbh and hard to play
03:34 Sushi: I know it's hard to play, I know it may be confusing, but it sounds
03:34 Sushi: so good
03:34 Sushi: Which is basically the way I'm mapping :°
03:35 HeatKai: remove the finishes at the 1/6
03:35 HeatKai: it's unrankable if i'm not wrong
03:35 Sushi: D:
03:35 Sushi: No they are not
03:35 HeatKai: oreally
03:35 Sushi: They are now tolerated
03:35 HeatKai: but that's for 1/4?
03:35 HeatKai: o.o''
03:36 Sushi: Ah
03:36 Sushi: But that's really the one thing I don't want to change
03:36 Sushi: it breaks everything
03:36 Sushi: @ removing them
03:37 Sushi: I discussed with lots of other people, and it has already been a little simplified so it is playable
03:37 HeatKai: changing it to 1.6 sv makes it easier to read
03:37 HeatKai: but the sv change is too fast
03:38 HeatKai: if it's 1.6sv
03:40 Sushi: I'm not sure that 1.6 is the solution, either
03:41 HeatKai: it is not, just a suggestion haahhaa
03:41 HeatKai: well i won't mod this inner @___@ i can mod it, but this is the way how you map it
03:41 HeatKai: the hitsounds pretty much fine
Requested Taiko mod? Dunno, somehow we came to this, but glad this happened.
Some explanations before we start, since the mod has become too colorfull:

Bold: Should be probably changed
Bold Red: Mostly/Fully unrankable issues or important notes.


- Consider moving the end of the first kiai at 00:57:968. After all the vocal is still pretty emphasizes and connected to the kiai.
- In my upcoming mod will something appear I suggest the first time: Having different SVs in every difficultie. Normaly this shouldn't be done, but here we have a rare case where the density of notes becomes higher and higher when playing the higher diffs. which makes the readability suffer a lot when considering 1/6 notes on a 134 BPM song.

[ Futsuu]

- SV is okay in this difficultie. You are using 1/4 notes, so the density is fine here. - SV: 1.40
- The Futsuu is so far okay, but you should really use some more 2/1 spaces. Right now it is rather an easy Muzukashii because of this. Check my mod for suggestions, concerning this case. But I won't interfer too much because, after all the diff is fine.
- Also, having some more monton patterns wouldn't hurt.
- A Futsuu don't use SV changes as you did it at 00:41:849 and 01:17:669, so please remove these. SV changes are normaly used in Oni while in Muzukashii it should be used rarely.
- I don't know why AImod dosen't show it, but the notes are not snapped. Use alt + A to move them manualy.


00:01:550 (3) - Recommending to delete such notes. They are not significant at all and rise the difficultie of the Futsuu. Having more rest points in a Futsuu is important. In current case you don't have to delete it, but just wanted to point this out.
00:23:938~00:38:266 - At this part you can start to emphasize the kiai more by reducing the notes. You did the same in the Muzukashii.
00:24:386 (72) - delete this note
00:26:177 (76) - ^
00:28:416 (82) - ^
00:29:087 (83,84,85,86,87,88) - k d d k k d. Having more monoton or in this case lineal patterns is recommended in Futsuu. Though, this one is not ugrent.
00:30:655 (89) - k
00:33:341 (97) - delete
00:34:013 (99) - ^
} In this way the Futsuu has more rest moments for players. Also you would prevent the kiai beeing drowned by this part.
- Funny, the kiai is more like a Futsuu while the other parts are rather easy-Muzukashii level. Think about it.
00:52:072 (146) - Probably 1/8 note at 00:52:091 Also questionable to use such notes in a Futsuu. Consider to delete it anyway.
00:55:505 (150) - I think it fits better to the vocal when you move this note at 00:55:953. Rise of notes(o ooo) instead lowering(ooo o) them in this pattern.
01:10:505~01:15:878 - lower the usage of notes please.
01:19:460 (215,216,217,218,219) - Recommending to use lineal patterns e.g. kkddk or kdkdkd. The more unlineal it is, the harder it becomes to play.
01:27:408 (235) - uh, I would rather say this note should be 1/6 snapped at 01:27:446 since it would be a doublet at 01:27:296 and 01:27:446. Though, when I consider it now, it is between 1/6 and 1/4. Call me crazy, but try 1/16 at 01:27:436. Probably more people should check this one note.
01:39:535, 01:40:431, 01:41:326 - Mh... here I'm not really sure what to do. Song is pretty slow and a Futsuu may have some different spacings between notes. Not sure about those though, they might confuse lower players. Having here a second opinion about deleting or keeping them would be good.
01:42:296 (273) - The "yey" should be probably represented by a kat finisher since this word is really strong in sounding.

Good Futsuu, just as I said before, a little hard to be considered as real one.

[ Muzukashii]

- You started to have 1/6 doublets, so suggestion is to have a higher SV, 1.60 or 1.80? - Preferable SV: 1.60
- Suggesting to have no SV changes in this diff. 2 diffs with SV change and 2 diffs without. Sounds good?


00:13:117 (53) - Same as before, I think the vocal is between 1/4 and 1/6. Try using 1/16 at 00:13:108 I know, it is everything pretty vague, but hard to consider vocals well enough if they are not following a songs timing. We have to find a consense.
00:24:162 (97,98,99) - This and the other patterns are maybe rather normal 1/4 k k k. Please check this.
00:26:849 (110) - Recommending to delete this note. The pattern becomes kinda long.
00:33:565 (x)- How about adding here a note and deleting the one at 00:34:013 to have a similiarity with 00:26:401 ?
00:45:431 (185,186,187,188) - Having kat finisher might be considerable idea because, the two kats which appear earlier somehow fade out too fast, and having here a continues use of kats would fit well. Also, it would have kinda the use of a "mirror-effect", D -> K. Or if you don't like it due to the contradiction of the vocals, you can make the first finishers to kat: 00:41:849 (172,173,174,175) - fits more to vocal.
00:49:834 (199) - Here I'm pretty sure the note should be 1/4 at 00:49:796. 1/6 is late.
00:50:580 (202) - Continue to follow the high pitch, having a kat here is good.
00:52:072 (146) - Probably 1/8 note at 00:52:091, you can hear that the sound is a bit later.
00:56:401 (221,223) - Not a must, but consider deleting these notes. Pattern are becoming kinda long again.
01:04:237 (251) - Same as above, but this time there is no significant sound for this note.
01:07:296 (262,263) - Mabye it would be better to delete the first note. 1/6 came kinda out of the sudden. Represents the violine good, but should be under consideration because of the sudden -more or less- appearance.
01:21:252 (312,313,314,315) - Same as before.
01:25:655 (326) - Here I'm pretty sure the note should be 1/4 at 00:49:796. 1/6 is late.
01:26:401 (329) - Follow the high pitch with a kat again, sounds good.
01:27:408 (332) - Same as in Futsuu, I think this should be 1/6 snapped at 01:27:446
01:39:535 (379) - I suggest to delete this note and add one at 01:39:759 as 1/6, since the constalation is a bit weird and dosen't right to me due to the doublet which isn't mapped. And since the doublet is more emphasizes, mapping this instead of the high pitch might be better.

Nice Muzukashii.

[ Oni]

- Suggesting to use SV 1.80 or 2.00. The more 1/6 notes you use the denser the patterns become and the harder it is to read them. - Preferable SV: 1.80


00:09:386 (47) - Maybe kat. But this is also fine, the new section/stanza is more notable in this way.
00:16:102 (84,85,86,87) - Instead of having such a constalation, you could make the next section/stanza more notable by mapping this like D x D D(00:16:102, 00:16:550, 00:16:774).
00:23:938~00:27:072 - This part can be considered as easier as in Muzukashii, but it is nothing urgent at all.
00:24:311 (130) - snap as 1/4, it fits better to the vocal. I had the same feeling in the muzukashii, but here it was better seeable due to the single note.
00:25:207 (134) - ^ (do the same for similiar notes?)
00:49:834 (259) - Same as in Muzukashii: Here I'm pretty sure the note should be 1/4 at 00:49:796. 1/6 is late.
00:52:072 (267) - Probably 1/8 note at 00:52:091, you can hear that the sound is a bit later.
00:58:416 (295,297,299) - You have a long kdkd... pattern constalation, so you could stop that by deleting these three notes and leave the Ks alone.
01:05:580 (331,333,335) - ^
01:02:222 (314,315,316) - Probably better to delete the first note of the doublet. Plays a bit weird with the finisher as first note. Might be just me.
01:25:654 (43) - Same as in Muzukashii: Here I'm pretty sure the note should be 1/4 at 00:49:796. 1/6 is late.
01:27:408 (332) - Same as in Futsuu and Muzukashii, I think this should be 1/6 snapped at 01:27:446
01:34:909 (82,83,84) - Same as above.
01:39:535 (108) - This note should be snapped as 1/4 at 01:39:498
01:40:431 (114) - ^
01:41:326 (121) - ^

A little more spaces and it should be fine.

[ Inner Oni]

- Here we have so many 1/6 that the playability and readability can suffer a lot for a player, that's why I recommend to have SV 1.80 or 2.00 - - Preferable SV: 1.80 (else it would be 2.00, but kiai becomes too fast for the song)
- I don't know why AImod dosen't show it, but the notes are not snapped. Use alt + A to move them manualy.


00:10:729 (66,67,68,69) - Comes somehow out of the sudden. Make it to a more simple pattern?
00:17:669 (118,119,120,121,122,123,124) - This becomes too much abstract. It dosen't follow the vocal well enough because the vocal it-self is inaccurated. lol
00:28:192 (30,31,32,33,34,35,36) - Instead of starting a new pattern constalation in the same section, I would rather suggest you to stay with the previous one from 00:23:938 since it still belongs to this one section (00:23:938 to 00:31:102)
00:42:296 (5) - No, after all this is a no-go. I know we have a low BPM here, but these are still 1/6 notes and could be considered as doublet with finisher as 1/4 on a higher BPM song, so it is against the Taiko rules. It plays also not well, so please change this by making the finisher to a normal note or deleting the first note of the doublet.
00:43:117 (11,12) - ^
00:45:804 (4,5) - ^
00:46:699 (11,12) - ^ (same case in the second kiai)
00:52:072 (44) - Probably 1/8 note at 00:52:091, you can hear that the sound is a bit later.
01:08:938 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Not sure if this fits well with the doublets. Just pointing it out.
01:27:893 (44) - Same as before.
01:35:804 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93) - I think this constalations should be also used at 01:36:699 + the deletion of the note 01:36:625 (94) - .
01:39:535 (108) - This note should be snapped as 1/4 at 01:39:498
01:40:431 (114) - ^
01:41:326 (121) - ^

As I said before, the density of the notes plus the finisher is a big problem here, which is the reason why you should use higher SVs the more 1/6 you are using, which is the reason why I actually agree with Shiros point. Overall, hey, nice map! The 1/6 don't follow the song at all, but they sound pretty well, so I have no problem with it. Let's see what the people are going to comment about this after it gets ranked.

But before it can be ranked, I strongly recommend you to find some more experienced Taiko and osu modders to check these off-vocal notes.
I would like to be informed if there are any news about it, so I can check it once again. Keep me tuned.
Topic Starter
I'll put just the things I disagree/ did not much changes

OnosakiHito wrote:

- Consider moving the end of the first kiai at 00:57:968. After all the vocal is still pretty emphasizes and connected to the kiai.
Using the kiai at such a time is not really good imo. There is no real place where the music feels like the kiai ends.
With my timing, it's clearly on something which is like a Break or something, and after testing both of them, I clearly prefer the way I did it.

There are several notes which are common in all the diffs, which are these type :
00:51:587 (43) -
00:52:072 (44) -
Where the suggestion is to move them on 1/8 or 1/16
I tried them and they really don't work. This is the closest timing we can have in my opinion, I already triple checked these notes.

Got pretty much everything fixed


OnosakiHito wrote:

00:24:162 (97,98,99) - This and the other patterns are maybe rather normal 1/4 k k k. Please check this.
In my opinion using 1/4 kkk kind of kills the global rhythm and makes it really flat considering the rest of the map.
It sounds weird as well in the current case.

OnosakiHito wrote:

00:45:431 (185,186,187,188) - Having kat finisher might be considerable idea because, the two kats which appear earlier somehow fade out too fast, and having here a continues use of kats would fit well. Also, it would have kinda the use of a "mirror-effect", D -> K. Or if you don't like it due to the contradiction of the vocals, you can make the first finishers to kat: 00:41:849 (172,173,174,175) - fits more to vocal.
I reeaaaaally don't want to use kat finishers on this section. it's like a constant in all diffs.

OnosakiHito wrote:

01:39:535 (379) - I suggest to delete this note and add one at 01:39:759 as 1/6, since the constalation is a bit weird and dosen't right to me due to the doublet which isn't mapped. And since the doublet is more emphasizes, mapping this instead of the high pitch might be better.
I kind of disagree here as applying this makes the pattern terribly empty. I tested it, and really the way you gave feels like it really lacks something.


OnosakiHito wrote:

01:39:535 (108) - This note should be snapped as 1/4 at 01:39:498
01:40:431 (114) - ^
01:41:326 (121) - ^
Totally not. If you listen to the snare, on which is based the pattern, it is totally 1/6, and absolutely not 1/4. 1/4 is totally not the rhythm involved here.
Applies to Inner as well.


OnosakiHito wrote:

01:35:804 (87,88,89,90,91,92,93) - I think this constalations should be also used at 01:36:699 + the deletion of the note 01:36:625 (94) - .
I really don't understand why

Thanks again for the mod ! it was helpful.

RIP 1/6 finishers T____T
Shohei Ohtani
RIP 1/6 Finishers
RIP 1/6 finishers. This looks good though.
Shohei Ohtani
pls renk
run towards you!

(changed unsnapped slider ends in standard difficulties and disabled letterbox in taikos)
Nice ! Gogo !!
Fixed a small alignment issue in Easy.


Screw you, I'm never helping you with ranking your maps again :U
Shohei Ohtani
Well, I needed a new combobreak.wav, guess this shortened will do
Topic Starter

Mr Color wrote:

Well, I needed a new combobreak.wav, guess this shortened will do
Do it man, do it !
Sushi's plan is finally in action! ;)

dkun wrote:

Sushi's plan is finally in action! ;)
First osu!, then the world!
\o\ Gratz Sushi /o/

CDFA wrote:
lol btw congratz so fun map :3/

Yay, bravo :-DD!
Such a fun mapset XD

awesome job!
Gratz!!! Sushi
those who voted 1 don't like the BG
Grats Sushi <3
Love this song!! <33 :D :D :D :D
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