
Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014年5月4日 星期日 at 21:52:13

Artist: Oratorio The World God Only Knows
Title: God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract)
Source: Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai Megami-hen
Tags: 神のみぞ知るセカイ 女神篇 早見沙織 Hayami Saori The World God Only Knows alacat Azure KanaRin climbb65588
BPM: 145
Filesize: 13833kb
Play Time: 01:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.89 stars, 96 notes)
  2. Hard (4.91 stars, 236 notes)
  3. Inner (4.78 stars, 526 notes)
  4. Insane (5 stars, 271 notes)
  5. Muzu (4.66 stars, 285 notes)
  6. Normal (4.05 stars, 122 notes)
  7. Oni (4.78 stars, 416 notes)
Download: Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract)
Download: Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Normal - Azure
Hard - alacat
Taiko Muzukashii - No_Gu
Taiko Oni & Inner Oni - KanaRin/climbb65588

timing check

Taiko Oni Lv. 8*

Taiko Inner Oni Lv. 9*+
  1. Red - Unrankable
  2. Purple - Highly recommended
  3. Black - Just suggestion
  • General
  1. Preview Time 移到00:43:208 -
  2. Audio Lead-in -> 2000ms
  3. 缺少Hard和Taiko Muzu难度

  4. 00:02:001 (2) - 滑条上加whistle
  5. 00:06:966 (2) - ^
  6. 00:09:449 (5) - ^?
  7. 00:11:932 (2) - ^
  8. 00:16:897 (3) - ^
  9. 00:20:620 (1,2,3,4) - 我觉得这里填实一点比较好
  10. 00:50:090 (1) - NC move to 00:48:855 (5) - 然后00:51:678 (3) - NC
  11. 01:05:796 (1,2,4) - 开头finish,后面三段一样

    Azure's Normal
  12. 拉音滑条上加whistle:00:00:761 - 00:03:242 (3) - 00:05:725 (1) - 00:09:449 (5,1) - 00:13:173 (4) - 00:16:897 (4) -
  13. 00:03:242 (3) - 开头whistle
  14. 00:05:725 (1) - ^?
  15. 00:08:208 (4) - ^
  16. 00:13:173 (4) - ^,还有个人感觉这个repeat不太合节奏,建议拆开
  17. 00:29:090 (1) - finish
  18. 00:46:031 (1) - ^
  19. 00:48:855 (1) - ^
  20. 00:57:325 (1) - 开头finish
  21. 01:04:031 (3) - ^
  22. 01:05:796 - 这里往后finish加法同Easy diff

  23. 拉音滑条上whistle参考normal难度那几个
  24. 00:09:966 (4,5,6) - so weird
  25. 00:18:966 (2,3,4) - same as above
  26. 00:20:622 (1,1,2,1,1,2) - Easy难度空了点还说得过去insane再不谱也太懒了吧
  27. 后面部分还可以高难Insane我mod无力……不过感觉略微有点overmapped

    Climbb & Kana's Taiko Oni
  28. 00:05:311 (15,16,17) - ddk, same as 00:15:242 (45,46,47) -
  29. 00:07:794 (22,23,24) - ^?, same as 00:17:725 (52,53,54) -
  30. 00:09:449 (27) - d, same as 00:18:966 (56) -
  31. 00:20:208 (3) - k
  32. 00:39:502 (15) - k
  33. 00:50:090 (44) - d?
  34. 00:51:325 - add k
  35. 01:16:384 (43,44,45) - ddd or kkk
  36. 01:17:619 (50) - k
  37. 01:26:619 (89) - 改成silder拉到01:27:502 - ?

    Climbb & Kana's Taiko Inner Oni
  38. mod无力

No No No_Gu Gu Gu :oops:

Oni改了少許 謝謝mod

  1. 論.osb的意義
  2. 說起來為啥title是(Extract)不是(TV Size)啊..
  1. 00:07:794 - 上個whistle跟鋼琴? 這裡的鋼琴音也比較高一點
  2. 00:28:563 (6,7) - 感覺能再開點 把整個串往左移幾格
  3. 00:50:443 (2) - 怎麼看都覺得ctrl+g比較順..
  4. 01:18:149 (4,1) - 感覺還是能再開點 至少要像01:17:443 (2,3) - 的距離才比較符合音樂
  5. 01:22:914 - 這後面不排嗎
[alacat's Hard]
  1. I don't think AR7 fit with this diff. Since the pattern you've placed are hard a bit, I'll suggest to raise 1 tick on AR to make it more readable :>
  2. 00:12:346 (4,5,1) - How about copy (5)'s shape and rotate it for 120 degrees to instead current (4)? Take a look at the example picture~
  3. 00:33:855 - I can hear a vocal sound in the music here, so you shouldn't miss this beat! Add a note here at least ;_;
  4. 00:44:443 - How about add a finish here instead a whistle? The music contains a finish-like sound in the music, so if you use whistle to emphasize it, it'll become so soft! So, add a finish here might be a great idea to follow the music.
  5. 00:55:737 - Same as ^
    Jumpy cat (´・ω・`)
[Azure's Normal]
  1. AR+1 (因為有00:36:149 (5,1) - 這種東西存在) 另外其他數值可以考慮-1
  2. 前奏可以跟鋼琴緊一點 至少每個重音都上whistle
  3. 00:04:484 (4) - 超nazi不過往上一格包好一點
  4. 00:36:149 (5,1) - 超危險
  5. kiai的每個重音都有類似whistle的音 為了聽起來好聽一點還是考慮每個重音都whistle吧
  1. 00:42:502 - 這裡空音太明顯 綠線刪了至少上個whistle (finish這裡太重了 然後你消音又太輕了)
  2. 00:48:855 (5) - 從這裡NC就開始亂亂的 如果跟著你前面那種兩個重音一個NC的話 ↓
    00:48:855 (5) - / 00:51:678 (3) - NC 00:50:090 (1) - 刪NC

Black: feel free to ignore
Blue: might consider
Red: Unrankable issue


00:01:794 (2) - 我觉得这里 +whistle & 00:02:001 (3) - -whistle&normalsampleset 会比较好
00:53:443 (2,3,4) - 排发有点不好...
01:17:619 (3) - 以 01:17:090 (1) - 来比例的话太弯了

AR+1? it seem too slow for hard

...nothing orz


00:11:932 (2) - 这个尾部& 00:12:760 (3) - 可以加finish
01:04:031 (3,4,5) - 排成一条线?
01:22:384 (5) - 尾部怪

[Climbb & Kana's Taiko Inner Oni]

00:02:001 (7) - d? 鼓音
00:03:242 (12) - D啊 前面也D
00:06:139 (25) - k 00:01:173 (2) - 就像这个
00:13:173 (57) - D
00:27:678 (12) - K
00:34:561 (23,24,25,26,27) - dkddk
000:35:619 (34) - k
00:59:972 (50,51,52) - kkd
01:04:031 (85,86,87,88,89) - kdkdk, 觉得d有点乱

没了... 又是神图
Topic Starter
Hello, M4M

I downloaded from the link in description, I hope this won't affect my mod.


  • Check AIMod, there are tons of unsnapped object.
  1. 00:05:311 (2,1) - I think you should reduce the distance between them, by testplaying it I thought it was 1/2, instead of 1/4
  2. 00:08:932 (2) - I didn't really like it, I'd remove this beat since this part is quite low and calm and this note was kinda useless there, in my opinion
  3. 00:15:656 (4) - Move endpoint 1 grid up, fits great.
  4. 00:30:502 (1,2) - Add whistles as you did in 00:31:210 (3,4) - ? If yes, you could create a climax by increasing volume of every sliders in progression.
  5. 00:56:796 (4) - This will touch almost every scorebar in osu!, move it down a bit.
  6. 01:22:737 - A spinner will be nice starting here, your choice.
[alacat's Hard]

  • AR8 fits better as Flask said
  1. 00:27:678 (1) - This slider is a bit messy, you could move to the left and then make a blanket with 00:28:208 (2,3,4) -
  2. 00:48:502 (7) - Stack on 00:48:855 (1) - , this will cause a lot of sliderbreaks.
[Az's Normal]
  1. 00:10:691 (1) - This shape is kinda ugly, consider making it symmetrical like you did in 00:00:760 (1) -
  2. 00:58:384 (3) - Move slider repeat point to 176|280 or similar, flows better
  3. 01:05:796 (1) - Change this with a curve slider, having it linear is very bad to see imo ;_;
  4. 01:22:384 (5) - It should end 1/4 before, imo
  1. 00:20:620 (1,2,3,4) - These notes on the same point is really boring x.x
  2. 00:51:678 (3,4) - The flow is not so good here, try like this
Great map, good luck :3
檔案壞檔 = =

  • 你的E里面的一个note和I里面的一堆note都是unsnapped!!


  • 和Normal建议一样 另外加上一个01:16:737 -
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:20:620 (1,2,3,4) - wocao过于懒逼了吧 你扔个对称也好啊

Az's Normal

  1. 这几个地方加上clap比较合适
    01:08:267 -
    01:11:090 -
    01:13:914 -
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:36:149 (5,1) - Normal这样遮不太合适吧
  2. 01:17:090 (1,2) - 我觉得对准好看些

alacat's Hard

  • 01:04:384 - Uhm I think this finish should be here:01:04:208 -
Arrangement & Design
  • AR7 in hard is quite a challenge for players' readability.I suggest drag it to 8.
    wao VERY nice flow. Cant find sth.


  • 谷大大教我下音效(
  1. 00:52:914 - 如果不考虑长白线 那你这里还是漏个finish
    或者说 要是和后面一致 你也漏了个whistle
Arrangement & Design
  • 天杀的这次你没种草..
  1. 00:10:001 (4,5,6) - 用1/3?
  2. 00:14:828 (1) - 换个方向 顺便摆紧凑点
  3. 01:22:737 - 这是你没做完还是故意的..
Topic Starter
Thank you.update
did some irc

23:23 Flower: haowomenkaishi
23:24 No_Gu: 恩
23:24 Flower: Insane
23:24 No_Gu: 不过IRC还真是意外的浪费时间orz以后不玩了
23:24 Flower: 真是
23:24 Flower: 所有diff都没设audio lead in是不是故意留给吐槽的
23:25 No_Gu: 我错了
23:25 No_Gu: 1500差不多?.
23:25 No_Gu: 卧槽那么多居然没人跟我提这么个事
23:25 Flower: 。
23:26 Flower: 1500差不多
23:26 Flower: 00:10:277 - 加个note?有vocal 你不跟vocal就算了
23:26 No_Gu: 好评 此次M4M我很愉快
23:26 Flower: me too
23:27 No_Gu: 原来有加但是感觉这边还是乐器比较带感
23:27 Flower: 好
23:27 Flower: 00:19:173 (4) - 这里改成1/6?没乐器放1/8有点奇怪
23:28 No_Gu: 其实你把它删了之后重新听一遍就知道是鼓
23:29 No_Gu: 我还是换一下音效。。不然也不容易听
23:29 Flower: 不行这个128k+电视机真是神组合什么都听不见
23:30 No_Gu: 啥
23:30 Flower: 我现在用的音响师电视机
23:30 No_Gu: 好了相信我反正那里有鼓音
23:31 Flower: 00:36:149 (1,2) - blanket 如果你有时间的话
23:31 No_Gu: ..我这么懒的人
23:31 No_Gu: 算了还是修了下
23:33 Flower: 00:37:031 (3,4,5) - 我感觉这个跳太突然而且1/4跳很容易断掉 可以把3 4改成一个1/8滑条
23:34 No_Gu: 其实要的就是这个感觉。。不过我找人test的时候还真有人1PC就反应过来了。。
23:34 No_Gu: 这么下rank之后保准被黑成翔不过我还是喜欢把BGM跟的透彻。。。
23:34 Flower: 我2pc打过来了 然后就一直没接上
23:35 Flower: 00:44:090 (5,1) - 怀疑跳的不够大?
23:35 No_Gu: 其实重头戏是后面4个slider 而且这边。。不太清楚再怎么大了
23:35 Flower: 00:48:325 - 加clap?个人感觉而已
23:36 No_Gu: 应该不是军鼓音。。吉他还是贝斯?...不太懂
23:36 Flower: 强调段落感吧我感觉 你觉得不好也可以不改
23:37 No_Gu: 嘛。我自创hitsound比较少 跟你不太一样
23:37 No_Gu: 我习惯把背景音乐跟的死死的
23:37 Flower: 00:53:443 (2,3,4) - 感觉有点妈船 主要flow断开了 这边是个很锐的直角
23:37 Flower: hap
23:38 No_Gu: 还真有人跟我说过这个。。
23:38 No_Gu: 不过我感觉打着手感还行啊。。
23:38 No_Gu: 实在不行把3放上面?
23:39 No_Gu: 不过上面没地方了。。
23:40 Flower: 这样?要是不好的话还是不变
23:40 No_Gu: 看着不圆润啊..
23:41 No_Gu: 我还是先放放
23:41 Flower: 好
23:41 Flower: 00:59:619 (4) - 这个貌似就要加clap了 跟背景的话
23:41 No_Gu: 不过感觉改mod真是一种挺纠结的东西..
23:41 No_Gu: 就算知道不太对劲因为做的太整了还不知道怎办
23:41 Flower: 嗯^
23:42 No_Gu: 咦好像是..
23:42 No_Gu: 但是前面不应该也有一个
23:43 Flower: 前面的就是跟你说过的那个
23:43 Flower: 按照段落来算的话
23:43 No_Gu: 不对..音还是不一样
23:43 Flower: 减小一些音量?
23:44 No_Gu: 恩..勉强还能接受
23:44 Flower: 01:08:090 (4) - 我的话估计会放到x:264 y:260
23:45 Flower: 然后01:08:796 (2) - 放到x:232 y:68 比较能照顾flow
23:45 No_Gu: 感觉还是这样好点..而且跟后面照应的
23:46 Flower: 那就看你的了
23:46 No_Gu: 恩我在考虑考虑
23:46 Flower: 01:10:914 (3,4) - 这几个还是减小一些间距和之前一样比较好 虽然是坑过一次已经知道了
23:47 No_Gu: 可以
23:47 No_Gu: 近了一格
23:48 Flower: 阿拉猫的是我找他还是直接和你说
23:48 Flower: 还有az公主 还有太鼓
23:48 No_Gu: 要不单写出来?..
23:48 Flower: hao
23:48 No_Gu: azu的跟我说就行 她这几天不在 我明天泡了这张
23:48 No_Gu: 话说你会看太鼓吗
23:49 Flower: 会
23:49 No_Gu: 哦哦
23:49 Flower: 阿拉猫的难度跟你的I差的感觉比较近
23:49 No_Gu: 往后可以找你光看下太鼓
23:49 No_Gu: 省时省力
23:49 No_Gu: 其实我也是这么想的。。
23:49 Flower: 太鼓呢都直接给你么
23:49 No_Gu: note太难。。
23:49 No_Gu: 太鼓也post吧
23:50 Flower: 好 那我先说你的
23:50 No_Gu: alacat那边帮我写一条吧 rhythm is too hard
23:51 No_Gu: 我感觉实在不太好意思说
23:51 Flower: 好
23:52 Flower: muzu开头一段的减速其实没啥必要 稍微加点速也好判断
23:53 No_Gu: 我是看kana那边都减速了我直接搬的线。。
23:53 No_Gu: 还是先统一下
23:54 Flower: oni本来和muzu是有不同的嘛……要是统一的话就不改吧
23:54 Flower: 00:27:590 (7) - d 对muzu来说难了 00:31:207 (20,21,22,23,24) - 同理
23:55 Flower: 00:53:795 (103,104,105,106,107) - 前面其实都还好但是这个不要用 除非你的oni超级鬼畜可以用这个减小spread
23:55 No_Gu: 其实我做太鼓就是纯跟鼓
23:55 No_Gu: 然后是啥样就是啥样了。。这样muzu问题不大我感觉。。
23:56 Flower: 那也看你喜欢吧
23:56 Flower: 00:59:619 - add k
23:57 No_Gu: 哦又是这变
23:57 No_Gu: *边
23:57 No_Gu: 可
23:57 No_Gu: 前面也加了
23:57 Flower: 01:22:384 (221) - d
23:58 No_Gu: 我感觉是军鼓啊
23:59 Flower: 不觉得有点变化比较好么?
23:59 No_Gu: 我还是感觉跟鼓比较好
23:59 Flower: 再一个只是我个人不是很爽
00:00 Flower: 哦还有 CS默认最好改成5 这个对太鼓没影响但是似乎有guideline
00:01 No_Gu: 我记得原来是中间来着?。。反正明天我让sp3给个标看他说不说
00:01 Flower: 没了 normal
00:02 Flower: 你们怎么都这么鬼畜... 1.0SV我能做I
00:02 No_Gu: 。。。
00:02 No_Gu: 我E0.8
00:02 No_Gu: N好像是1.12还是18来着
00:02 Flower: 1.0
00:03 Flower: 01:10:031 (4) - 不是很好看 向下移两格
00:03 No_Gu: 没 我说我习惯
00:03 Flower: hap
00:03 No_Gu: 微调了下
00:03 Flower: 01:11:796 (2) - ^
00:04 Flower: 然后这个动的话后面的顺延微调一下
00:04 No_Gu: 恩
00:05 Flower: 01:22:384 (5) - 貌似是跟vocal好一些 这里跟鼓的话新手80%会得个100
00:06 No_Gu: ...vocal在后面 新手当vocal停的话也只会后收而不会先收所以为什么会100..
00:07 Flower: vocal是1/2啊
00:08 No_Gu: 你说乐器?..
00:08 Flower: 对
00:09 No_Gu: 算了那就1/2吧
00:09 No_Gu: 本来az也下的1/2
00:09 Flower: 。
00:09 Flower: 00:14:415 (1,2) - 单纯不是很喜欢遮挡
00:10 Flower: 哦忘记说了 easy
00:10 Flower: 刚才那个是easy的
00:11 No_Gu: 我还是觉得这样比较有美感(..
00:11 No_Gu: 先保留下
00:12 Flower: 0hap
00:12 Flower: 00:37:914 (2,4) -
00:13 No_Gu: 还行
00:13 No_Gu: 改了
00:14 Flower: 没了
00:14 Flower: 我save下然后看别的了

a bit too as a Hard, whose difficulty is too close to Insane, and does not have good spread
00:32:619 (5) - suggest changing to a note, and change 00:32:972 (6,7) - to a slider.
00:36:502 (2,3,4,5) - imo
00:37:384 (1,2) - both add clap and reduce volume
00:43:737 (2,3,4,5) - exchange 3 and 5 for better flow if you like. please also adjust the shape.
00:54:149 (7) - stack with 5?
00:57:149 (5) - meaningless jump.
01:22:561 (9) - change to a 1/4 slider.

I suggest using x1.13 in kiai instead.
00:14:828 (62,63,64,65) - move 1/2 early and and add k at 00:15:035 - imo
I suggest you using similar patterns in 00:31:914 - 00:37:561 - and 00:37:561 - 00:42:502 -
01:05:796 - from this I think it's somewhat too empty. if you are intended then keep it. if not please consider adding more rhythm.

00:42:325 - add k?
00:58:825 (105) - delete sounds better imo

good luck~

From cbb: fixed some above, thx mod
Topic Starter
Taiko mod via IRC
2013-07-25 12:13 spboxer3: 屁股阿
2013-07-25 12:13 No_Gu: 在
2013-07-25 12:13 spboxer3: PM收了沒
2013-07-25 12:13 No_Gu: 我这边官网抽了。
2013-07-25 12:14 spboxer3: 額...好吧 我下你的圖下來都失敗
2013-07-25 12:14 spboxer3: 你晚點重傳看看
2013-07-25 12:14 No_Gu: 不是那个事。。
2013-07-25 12:14 No_Gu: osz名太长了
2013-07-25 12:14 spboxer3: ...
2013-07-25 12:14 spboxer3: 哪招
2013-07-25 12:14 No_Gu: 你把osz名字改短点就能load了
2013-07-25 12:15 spboxer3: 尼馬這能Rank lol 快去找開源
2013-07-25 12:15 No_Gu: 神知1的那个OP
2013-07-25 12:15 No_Gu: DJpop做的
2013-07-25 12:15 No_Gu: 也是这个问题
2013-07-25 12:15 No_Gu: 我当时下了好多次都不行
2013-07-25 12:15 No_Gu: 然后就突然想到是不是文件名的问题
2013-07-25 12:15 No_Gu: 改短了就好了
2013-07-25 12:16 spboxer3: 尼馬
2013-07-25 12:16 spboxer3: 還真的
2013-07-25 12:17 No_Gu: 看吧。。
2013-07-25 12:17 No_Gu: 有人也开这首
2013-07-25 12:17 No_Gu: 昨天问我这个事
2013-07-25 12:17 No_Gu: 这么看的话应该就是文件名长度了
2013-07-25 12:17 spboxer3: 恩...
2013-07-25 12:17 No_Gu: 不过这样的话rank了之后也很麻烦。。
2013-07-25 12:17 No_Gu: 估计不少人因为一次下不下来就过去了
2013-07-25 12:17 No_Gu: 而且很少人看creator's words吧。。
2013-07-25 12:18 spboxer3: 對
2013-07-25 12:18 No_Gu: 头疼
2013-07-25 12:18 No_Gu:
2013-07-25 12:18 No_Gu: 顺带这边kana有fixed ver
2013-07-25 12:18 No_Gu: 我还没传
2013-07-25 13:12 spboxer3: 00:31:207 (20,21,22,23,24) - dkddk
2013-07-25 13:12 spboxer3: ACTION is editing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) [TaiGu Muzukashii]]
2013-07-25 13:13 spboxer3: 你用了好多2連阿
2013-07-25 13:14 spboxer3: 感覺有些並不是這麼恰當
2013-07-25 13:14 spboxer3: 00:40:296 (55,56) - 例如這個
2013-07-25 13:14 No_Gu: 有军鼓啊..
2013-07-25 13:14 spboxer3: 沒 這個位置沒有._.
2013-07-25 13:14 No_Gu: 哪里
2013-07-25 13:14 spboxer3: k00:40:296 (55) - 這位置沒有阿
2013-07-25 13:15 No_Gu: 哦没有..
2013-07-25 13:15 No_Gu: 删了
2013-07-25 13:16 spboxer3: 如果刪了會覺得這邊有些空虛 不然考慮在00:39:855 - 加個note?
2013-07-25 13:17 No_Gu: 我感觉是不是这里本来就有个大鼓的样子?..加了
2013-07-25 13:17 spboxer3: 你是說哪邊??
2013-07-25 13:17 spboxer3: 哪邊有大鼓
2013-07-25 13:17 No_Gu: 00:39:855
2013-07-25 13:17 No_Gu: 救你那个地方
2013-07-25 13:18 spboxer3: 好像沒有
2013-07-25 13:18 No_Gu: 你把那地方note删掉
2013-07-25 13:18 No_Gu: 从前面开始播放 仔细听
2013-07-25 13:19 No_Gu: 这边开25%反而不太好听
2013-07-25 13:19 spboxer3: 你可能聽到的是00:38:796 -
2013-07-25 13:19 spboxer3: 對了 第一條妳有注意到嗎 我最先說的
2013-07-25 13:19 spboxer3: 在二連之前的
2013-07-25 13:20 No_Gu: 那个改了
2013-07-25 13:20 spboxer3: 好
2013-07-25 13:23 spboxer3: 01:27:678 - 要不改成spinner?
2013-07-25 13:24 spboxer3: 對了 你該開開AIBAT看看 Easy好像有unsnap?
2013-07-25 13:26 No_Gu: 我看kana那边也不是spinner..统一一下还是
2013-07-25 13:26 spboxer3: 喔 還有你所有standard的diff video offset必須一致 Hard沒有一致
2013-07-25 13:27 No_Gu: 这帮人真是..改个mod之前还不update下
2013-07-25 13:27 spboxer3: 可以統一 看你的想法吧
2013-07-25 13:27 No_Gu: ok了 还有别的吗
2013-07-25 13:27 spboxer3: 我看看其他的diff
2013-07-25 13:33 spboxer3: ACTION is playing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) [Climbb & Kana's Taiko Inner Oni]] <Taiko>
2013-07-25 13:33 spboxer3: 00:01:794 (6) - 這顆用d會比較好
2013-07-25 13:34 spboxer3: 其他打起來是沒甚麼問題
2013-07-25 13:34 No_Gu: ...他俩的我不太清楚我改不改
2013-07-25 13:34 No_Gu: 等下我问问cbb 他好像在线
2013-07-25 13:34 spboxer3: 摁...cbb通常都不回我mod的>_>
2013-07-25 13:36 spboxer3: 好久沒玩了Taiko都不會打了= =
2013-07-25 13:36 No_Gu: 我现在自己muzu都费劲。。
2013-07-25 13:36 No_Gu: 1/4完全不行
2013-07-25 13:36 spboxer3: ACTION is playing [ Oratorio The World God Only Knows - God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess- (Extract) [Climbb & Kana's Taiko Inner Oni]] <Taiko>
2013-07-25 13:36 No_Gu: 他说不改比较好
2013-07-25 13:36 spboxer3: 看我打??
2013-07-25 13:36 spboxer3: 好
2013-07-25 13:37 No_Gu: oni有吗
2013-07-25 13:37 spboxer3: 沒
2013-07-25 13:37 No_Gu: ...我加了下lead-in。。
2013-07-25 13:37 No_Gu: 我先upload下
Now, Taiko is fine to Ranked.
Set the Taiko icon
As requested.
  1. OD+1吧, 打起來感覺判定太鬆了, 你的風格不一向是送分圖OD8, 難圖OD7麼.
  2. 00:02:828 (5) - 尾巴也用normal hit? 這裏似乎是4下鼓吧.
  3. 00:09:966 (4,5,6) - 這個不知道你是跟的甚麼, 如果是那鋼琴的話似乎不是1/4吧... 不管怎麼樣這裏的確很難打好acc, 建議換成slider?
  4. 00:12:760 (5) - 同2828.
  5. 00:21:855 (1,2,1,2) - 這個也得提一下, 雖然看上去是沒甚麼問題, 不過因為一個很鬆的地方卻放上一個間距比較大的跳, 其實很難打, 建議stack.
  6. 00:41:796 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 這有必要下串嗎... 要麼試試這樣:
\^o^/ neko, good diff as always!
  1. 00:02:415 (4,5) - Try normal hit as well on sliders end?
  2. 00:12:346 (4,5) - ^
[Az's Normal]
  1. Honestly, speed changes make no sense for a Normal diff.
  2. 00:13:173 (4) - A bad blanket here, change them more closely:
  3. 00:26:267 - Useless timing section.
  4. 00:36:855 (6,7) - Why didn't use 2 sliders instead of 1 circle + 1 repeat slider? especially (6) was stack with 00:37:561 (1) - , that would make beginners confused.
  1. 00:29:088 (1) - Unsnapped object.
I love this song!
Lyrics (sing along)
Look up at the sky, like a bird without wings.
If you want to fly, feel your breeze release yourself.
Why do you sigh? Just count your blessings.
Every time you try, what something believe yourself.
My mission is gonna be a tough one, I know it's not a game any more.
I swear that I'll never fail again, cause don't wanna regret any more.
Can you hear I'm calling you, I just wanna feel you.
Don't forget to remember so please remember.
I hear you are calling me, I want you to feel me.
You know I won't surrender never surrender.
My mission I got to execute, I know it's not a game any more.
I swear that I'll never fail again, cause don't wanna regret any more.
Secrets of the Goddess, God only knows!
thanks sp3. Ok let's go :)
Topic Starter

Amamiya Yuko wrote:

As requested.
  1. OD+1吧, 打起來感覺判定太鬆了, 你的風格不一向是送分圖OD8, 難圖OD7麼.加完我自己打相当费劲。。感觉没必要这么难
  2. 00:02:828 (5) - 尾巴也用normal hit? 這裏似乎是4下鼓吧.k
  3. 00:09:966 (4,5,6) - 這個不知道你是跟的甚麼, 如果是那鋼琴的話似乎不是1/4吧... 不管怎麼樣這裏的確很難打好acc, 建議換成slider?OD+1了打也问题不算太大。。这个先放着看看
  4. 00:12:760 (5) - 同2828.k
  5. 00:21:855 (1,2,1,2) - 這個也得提一下, 雖然看上去是沒甚麼問題, 不過因為一個很鬆的地方卻放上一個間距比較大的跳, 其實很難打, 建議stack.1/2stack不死就残星人
  6. 00:41:796 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 這有必要下串嗎... 要麼試試這樣:我感觉5678那边听起来挺清楚的1/4.1234仔细听的话也是1/4
  1. 00:29:088 (1) - Unsnapped object.k
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gu仔快找bat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KanaRin wrote:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gu仔快找bat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Topic Starter
added widescreen support
Go! Go! No_Gu san :D

EDIT: Your map can't import. Try to find problem >:(
Topic Starter

Oyatsu wrote:

Go! Go! No_Gu san :D

EDIT: Your map can't import. Try to find problem >:(
the title name...
I can't import umi's map,either

It's already an old bubble enough. btw I'm here because I want to mod it but the problem is why can't I import the beatmap into the game?
I will be in front of a PC tonight so hopefully you will be there in next 8-10 hours
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:


It's already an old bubble enough. btw I'm here because I want to mod it but the problem is why can't I import the beatmap into the game?
I will be in front of a PC tonight so hopefully you will be there in next 8-10 hours
i'm still in the senior high dormitory so i can't get the computer in for the importing problem.if you dl umi's ranked ver,you'll face the same problem cuz of the long file couldn't be better if you can read my creator's'll make the problem solved.
This map is a result of the bug that's been confirmed in Tech Support and is also one of the affected maps (another is Watamote).

I'm sorry to say this, but these aren't to be ranked until the bug is properly fixed.
I finely imported umi's mapset if I recall correctly but this one was not.
Nevermind, I will try again tonight also don't worry about your activity, I will just drop a mod when I can get to the map itself.

@dkun, thanks for informing this! , I will tend to just drop a mod and wait when No_Gu can get to his PC. 8-)
Topic Starter
thank you very much
Ayesha Altugle
Checking this before getting ranked
and this is my first time modding a bubbled map
00:43:208 - Set preview time here
01:23:090 - add a red timing section here and use 5/4 time signature

00:14:415 (1) - remove normal sampleset on the end of the slider
00:15:656 (2) - add normal sampleset on the start of the slider
00:23:443 (3) - add NC
01:19:914 (1) - end slider @01:22:737 and remove clap

00:32:972 (3) - Sample set: Normal, Additions:Soft on the start of the slider then add clap to it
00:58:384 (3) - remove hitsound on the reverse arrow part
01:06:855 (3) - add clap to the start of the slider
01:09:678 (3) - ^
01:10:737 (5) - add clap to the end of the slider
01:12:502 (3) - add clap to the start of the slider
01:13:914 (6) - ^
01:15:325 (3) - ^

00:02:415 (5,7) - k
00:13:173 (31) - k
00:26:884 (3,15) - move 1/4 to the right two times
00:26:884 (3,15) - remove this note
01:24:502 (229,233) - d

01:24:502 (84,88) - d

[inner oni]
00:16:691 (73,74) - swap hitsound
00:28:825 (21) - d
00:52:296 (178) - k
00:57:855 (31,32,33,34,35) - ddkkd :arrow: dkddk
01:24:502 (87,91) - d

00:20:620 (1,2,1,2) - Add normal sampleset to all

00:19:380 - add note with the hitsound of whistle

dkun wrote:

This map is a result of the bug that's been confirmed in Tech Support and is also one of the affected maps (another is Watamote).

I'm sorry to say this, but these aren't to be ranked until the bug is properly fixed.
Popping this for now like it happened with the Watamote maps as well.

Also, make sure to check vahn's mod and reply to him, then I'll be modding this too once the title bug is finally fixed.
go go go :>

vahn10 wrote:

00:20:620 (1,2,1,2) - Add normal sampleset to all keep on now
Topic Starter

vahn10 wrote:

Checking this before getting ranked
and this is my first time modding a bubbled map
00:43:208 - Set preview time herethere is an end sound of "more" if I set no
01:23:090 - add a red timing section here and use 5/4 time signaturesince taiko diff needs,ok

00:14:415 (1) - remove normal sampleset on the end of the slider
00:15:656 (2) - add normal sampleset on the start of the sliderI add hitsound to follow drums in my own way and in this part I just follow snare here so sorry,same as above
00:23:443 (3) - add NCk
01:19:914 (1) - end slider @01:22:737 and remove clapfollow snare drum like insane

00:32:972 (3) - Sample set: Normal, Additions:Soft on the start of the slider then add clap to itk
00:58:384 (3) - remove hitsound on the reverse arrow partfinish sounds better
01:06:855 (3) - add clap to the start of the slider
01:09:678 (3) - ^
01:10:737 (5) - add clap to the end of the slider
01:12:502 (3) - add clap to the start of the slider
01:13:914 (6) - ^
01:15:325 (3) - ^all above refused.I add clap only for snare,here doesn't fit

00:02:415 (5,7) - kno
00:13:173 (31) - kno
00:26:884 (3,15) - move 1/4 to the right two timesk
00:26:884 (3,15) - remove this note^
01:24:502 (229,233) - dk

01:24:502 (84,88) - d

[inner oni]
00:16:691 (73,74) - swap hitsound
00:28:825 (21) - d
00:52:296 (178) - k
00:57:855 (31,32,33,34,35) - ddkkd :arrow: dkddk
01:24:502 (87,91) - d

00:20:620 (1,2,1,2) - Add normal sampleset to allk

00:19:380 - add note with the hitsound of whistlenot only added difficulty but also sounds not good and it destorys the sense
also deleted fountain in taiko diffs
Taikos remain unchanged
Thanks for checking.
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