
Raito - Basilica

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年6月18日 at 0:21:40

Artist: Raito
Title: Basilica
Source: Melty Blood
Tags: Type Moon Ciel Actress Again tsukihime MBAACC
BPM: 148
Filesize: 2684kb
Play Time: 01:13
Difficulties Available:
  1. Crescent Moon (3.2 stars, 88 notes)
  2. Full Moon (5 stars, 214 notes)
  3. Half Moon (4.62 stars, 135 notes)
Download: Raito - Basilica
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
————— Theme of Ciel —————

Crescent Moon - done
Half Moon - done
Full Moon - done


Red = Unrankable
Blue = You should consider
Black = My suggestion


  1. 嘛,主要就是之前说的,黑色note的问题,就算不dim,深色背景下也看不清黑note的缩圈
  2. 总体音效音量好像有点偏小?

New Moon

  1. 00:44:388 (5) - 瞎了这个位置好极限刚好没出界
  2. 跪了什么都没mod出来

Half Moon

  1. 00:10:334 (2) - 不太理解这个形状的意义?
  2. 00:18:442 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 间距好像有点大
  3. 好的继续跪

Full Moon

  1. 为什么减速滑条的位置和hard难度下的不一样?
  2. 00:42:767 (3) - 看了一下全曲只有这个slider是压蓝线的,不怎么和谐。不如干脆都不压。我打的时候都误把这里听成是1/6了

  1. Audio Lead-In 1750 (或者2000), 1500對N來說太快了我覺得
  2. Tag Radio Edit
  3. 其實diff name可以new full crescent 雖然我也不知道月牙是啥不過聽起來就很氣派
[Full Moon]
  1. tick rate 2
  2. 00:00:605 (1,2,3) - 這三個有點空..前面雖然挺安靜的不過還是有音 與其什麼音效都不加我會選擇上finish (而且你還加了神自定音效)
  3. 00:11:753 (5,6) - 前面這麼跳 這裡不來跳一下嗎o.o (5)疊在(3)上面即可
  4. 00:21:077 (4,5) - (5)左下去一點? 可以跟(2,3)作個漸層 lol
  5. 00:28:983 (3,4,5) - flow不太對勁吧 雖然(4)疊在(5)的尾吧是好梗 不過這樣flow就怪怪的了 建議(4)擺x:184, y:164之類的
  6. 00:32:632 (1) - 不NC嗎._.
  7. 00:34:659 (1) - 感覺可以調N的sampleset然後finish 之後在條S回來
  8. 00:44:388 (8) - 變速條紅色combo colour
  9. 00:51:077 (3,4,5,6,7) - 這裏的flow其實也怪怪的 如果說從(3)的方向來看接下來的flow應該是往下或者是往右上的方向去的 但是這裡卻折返了 打起來整個別別扭扭的..我覺得把(5,6,7)ctrl+h是一個方法 下面這張圖也是另一個辦法 ._.
  10. 01:04:659 (4,5) - 怎麼突然萎掉了..

    開0.9排就行了 我就不給code了
[Half Moon]
  1. SV略快 AR+1比較好讀
  2. 00:00:605 (1,2,3) - 同Full
  3. 00:19:659 (7,1) - 這個最好疊起來不然就分開 我會建議疊起來然後跟(1,3,5)弄個正方形
  4. 00:25:942 (1) - 遮到折返了 感覺ctrl+j就行
  5. 00:33:544 (1) - 這太短了吧
  6. 00:54:118 (1,2,3,4) - 這太水了吧 好歹弄個正方形啥的
[New Moon]
  1. 00:23:307 (1,2,3) - ...(2,3)移出來
  • full moon
00:18:442 (1,2,3) - 这个地方四折的前两个建议改成三折 太容易断尾惹
01:04:456 (3,4) - 这两个点击 建议改成一个小滑条 与之前那个相似的样子
都是建议> < 而已 参考而行
  • half
00:19:659 (7) - 这个很奇怪 音乐中最后重音显示的是三连击 但是最后一个分开了 建议最后一个用三连 二连跳对四星半有些厉害惹 acc不太好把握
  • new
easy用的居然是8分拍 感觉有些好奇
总的来说是好曲子 有望rank> < :)
建议tag里加上God Mapper

[Full Moon]
00:17:429 (4) - NC
00:10:334 (2) - ^
00:29:591 (5) - ^
00:44:388 (8,1) - exchange nc
01:03:847 (2) - NC
00:16:821 (3) - 跟前面一样 滑条头finish+whistle
00:23:307 (2) - 滑条头finish
00:29:794 (7) - ^
01:03:848 (2) - ^
01:05:875 (11) - ^
01:10:334 (7) - ^
01:12:767 (3) - 跟开头照应减少一个折返放一个note吧

[Half Moon]
00:10:334 (2) - 滑条头finish
00:16:821 (5) - ^
00:23:307 (2) - ^
00:29:794 (4) - ^
00:17:632 (6) - 我觉得偶数折返会误读诶ww 不如减少一个然后后面加个note
01:02:023 - 这里补一个note

[New Moon]
00:10:334 (1) - finish
00:16:821 (1) - ^
00:29:794 (1) - ^


[New Moon]
00:21:686 (3) - 00:26:550 (1,2) - 00:50:875 (2) - 00:54:118 (2) - 01:02:226 (3) - 01:07:091 (1,2) - easy 里不怎么喜欢偶数折返
Nazi time~
00:05:469 (1) - Move node #1 to {x:19 y:223}, move node #2 to {x:71 y:342}, move node #3 to {x:212 y:361}.
00:07:091 (1) - Move node #1 to {x:286 y:251}, move node #3 to {x:94 y:115}.
00:11:145 (3) - Move node #2 to {x:28 y:131}, move node #3 to {x:77 y:181}.
00:31:415 (4) - Move node #1 to {x:180 y:178}, move node #2 to {x:267 y:178}.
00:41:145 (5) - Move node #3 to {x:496 y:192}.
00:58:983 (3) - Move node #1 to {x:259 y:134}, move node #3 to {x:32 y:165}.
01:00:604 (1) - Move node #1 to {x:47 y:280}, move node #3 to {x:264 y:271}.
01:01:820 (2) - Move to {x:265 y:270}.

[Half Moon]
00:02:277 (2) - 裤线
00:18:442 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 真·高潮部分,不得不断OTL
00:05:469 (1) - Move node #3 to {x:68 y:227}.
00:07:091 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:314 y:33}, move node #3 to {x:212 y:95}.
00:07:902 (3) - Move node #3 to {x:407 y:181}.
00:13:577 (2) - Move node #1 to {x:431 y:28}, move node #2 to {x:346 y:-9}, move node #3 to {x:265 y:29}.
00:15:199 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:160 y:345}, move node #3 to {x:76 y:282}.
00:15:807 (2) - Move to {x:94 y:312}.
00:20:064 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:257 y:61}, move node #3 to {x:163 y:117}.
01:00:604 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:253 y:24}.
01:01:415 (3) - Move node #2 to {x:257 y:233}, move node #3 to {x:172 y:198}.
01:07:090 (2) - Move node #2 to {x:86 y:201}, move node #3 to {x:167 y:124}.

[Full Moon]
01:12:767 (3) - 多了一个repeat
00:36:280 (5) - Move node #1 to {x:384 y:360}, move node #2 to {x:408 y:272}, move node #3 to {x:352 y:176}.
00:57:361 (1) - Move node #3 to {x:81 y:130}.
00:58:780 (3) - Move to {x:352 y:296}.
00:58:882 (4) - Move to {x:352 y:296}.
00:58:983 (5) - Move node #1 to {x:352 y:296}, move node #2 to {x:256 y:320}, move node #3 to {x:144 y:280}.

快rank xD
Topic Starter
  1. Audio Lead-In 1750 (或者2000), 1500對N來說太快了我覺得 fixed
  2. Tag Radio Edit 这个的话我也不太确定,不过MBAACC的OST特典里扒出来的就是这个版本,所以暂时没动
  3. 其實diff name可以new full crescent 雖然我也不知道月牙是啥不過聽起來就很氣派 进游戏看了看,确实是crescent不是new ;w;
[Full Moon]
  1. tick rate 2 fixed
  2. 00:00:605 (1,2,3) - 這三個有點空..前面雖然挺安靜的不過還是有音 與其什麼音效都不加我會選擇上finish (而且你還加了神自定音效)
  3. 00:11:753 (5,6) - 前面這麼跳 這裡不來跳一下嗎o.o (5)疊在(3)上面即可 fixed
  4. 00:21:077 (4,5) - (5)左下去一點? 可以跟(2,3)作個漸層 lol 其实是想2,3,4,5,6做个造型,而且根据音乐跳的组合应该是(3,4)(5,6)这样
  5. 00:28:983 (3,4,5) - flow不太對勁吧 雖然(4)疊在(5)的尾吧是好梗 不過這樣flow就怪怪的了 建議(4)擺x:184, y:164之類的 fixed
  6. 00:32:632 (1) - 不NC嗎._. 忘了._.
  7. 00:34:659 (1) - 感覺可以調N的sampleset然後finish 之後在條S回來
  8. 00:44:388 (8) - 變速條紅色combo colour 又忘了._.
  9. 00:51:077 (3,4,5,6,7) - 這裏的flow其實也怪怪的 如果說從(3)的方向來看接下來的flow應該是往下或者是往右上的方向去的 但是這裡卻折返了 打起來整個別別扭扭的..我覺得把(5,6,7)ctrl+h是一個方法 下面這張圖也是另一個辦法 ._. 这里音乐明显有个变化所以想断一下flow来着,不过好像没处理好,我在研究研究
  10. 01:04:659 (4,5) - 怎麼突然萎掉了.. 改了

    開0.9排就行了 我就不給code了
[Half Moon]
  1. SV略快 AR+1比較好讀 fixed
  2. 00:00:605 (1,2,3) - 同Full 同Full
  3. 00:19:659 (7,1) - 這個最好疊起來不然就分開 我會建議疊起來然後跟(1,3,5)弄個正方形
  4. 00:25:942 (1) - 遮到折返了 感覺ctrl+j就行
  5. 00:33:544 (1) - 這太短了吧 Hard diff感觉还好啦
  6. 00:54:118 (1,2,3,4) - 這太水了吧 好歹弄個正方形啥的
[New Moon]
  1. 00:23:307 (1,2,3) - ...(2,3)移出來 fixed
    鬼畜 哪鬼畜了D:


Red = Unrankable
Blue = You should consider
Black = My suggestion


  1. 嘛,主要就是之前说的,黑色note的问题,就算不dim,深色背景下也看不清黑note的缩圈 黑色调亮了
  2. 总体音效音量好像有点偏小?感觉应该是clap音量偏小

New Moon

  1. 00:44:388 (5) - 瞎了这个位置好极限刚好没出界
  2. 跪了什么都没mod出来

Half Moon

  1. 00:10:334 (2) - 不太理解这个形状的意义?其实是给上面的5让一下位置
  2. 00:18:442 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 间距好像有点大 修正了一点
  3. 好的继续跪

Full Moon

  1. 为什么减速滑条的位置和hard难度下的不一样? 不知道;w;
  2. 00:42:767 (3) - 看了一下全曲只有这个slider是压蓝线的,不怎么和谐。不如干脆都不压。我打的时候都误把这里听成是1/6了fixed


Sweet Vanilla
  • full moon
00:18:442 (1,2,3) - 这个地方四折的前两个建议改成三折 太容易断尾惹 个人觉得现在这样还行,修改了一下距离
01:04:456 (3,4) - 这两个点击 建议改成一个小滑条 与之前那个相似的样子 因为感觉4,5 6,7是两组跳 所以想把4单独放出来
都是建议> < 而已 参考而行
  • half
00:19:659 (7) - 这个很奇怪 音乐中最后重音显示的是三连击 但是最后一个分开了 建议最后一个用三连 二连跳对四星半有些厉害惹 acc不太好把握 其实音乐的话这里应该是连打来着,修正了一下距离
  • new
easy用的居然是8分拍 感觉有些好奇 其实这是normal啊;w;
总的来说是好曲子 有望rank> < :)

建议tag里加上God Mapper

[Full Moon]
00:17:429 (4) - NC
00:10:334 (2) - ^
00:29:591 (5) - ^ 感觉前面的nc看着还行
00:44:388 (8,1) - exchange nc 8加个nc
01:03:847 (2) - NC
00:16:821 (3) - 跟前面一样 滑条头finish+whistle 这里音乐听不出来要finish的感觉orz
00:23:307 (2) - 滑条头finish
00:29:794 (7) - ^
01:03:848 (2) - ^
01:05:875 (11) - ^
01:10:334 (7) - ^
01:12:767 (3) - 跟开头照应减少一个折返放一个note吧 我想了想 把前面那个note去掉了

[Half Moon]
00:10:334 (2) - 滑条头finish
00:16:821 (5) - ^
00:23:307 (2) - ^
00:29:794 (4) - ^
00:17:632 (6) - 我觉得偶数折返会误读诶ww 不如减少一个然后后面加个note 好像确实是,先留着,再有人提就改
01:02:023 - 这里补一个note 这里跟前面一样是空着的

[New Moon]
00:10:334 (1) - finish
00:16:821 (1) - ^
00:29:794 (1) - ^


建议去掉Combo1好喜欢combo2>< combo1调亮了点,我觉得我还是需要一个深一点的颜色
spin要么就全丢掉吧/.\ 不要/_\

[New Moon]
00:21:686 (3) - 00:26:550 (1,2) - 00:50:875 (2) - 00:54:118 (2) - 01:02:226 (3) - 01:07:091 (1,2) - easy 里不怎么喜欢偶数折返 我不会告诉你是为了降星,不过这是normal啊,这种折法不算难
Nazi time~
00:05:469 (1) - Move node #1 to {x:19 y:223}, move node #2 to {x:71 y:342}, move node #3 to {x:212 y:361}.
00:07:091 (1) - Move node #1 to {x:286 y:251}, move node #3 to {x:94 y:115}.
00:11:145 (3) - Move node #2 to {x:28 y:131}, move node #3 to {x:77 y:181}.
00:31:415 (4) - Move node #1 to {x:180 y:178}, move node #2 to {x:267 y:178}.
00:41:145 (5) - Move node #3 to {x:496 y:192}.
00:58:983 (3) - Move node #1 to {x:259 y:134}, move node #3 to {x:32 y:165}.
01:00:604 (1) - Move node #1 to {x:47 y:280}, move node #3 to {x:264 y:271}.
01:01:820 (2) - Move to {x:265 y:270}.

[Half Moon]
00:02:277 (2) - 裤线 这音确实在那根黄线上啊,天地良心orz
00:18:442 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 真·高潮部分,不得不断OTL 改了orz
00:05:469 (1) - Move node #3 to {x:68 y:227}.
00:07:091 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:314 y:33}, move node #3 to {x:212 y:95}.
00:07:902 (3) - Move node #3 to {x:407 y:181}.
00:13:577 (2) - Move node #1 to {x:431 y:28}, move node #2 to {x:346 y:-9}, move node #3 to {x:265 y:29}.
00:15:199 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:160 y:345}, move node #3 to {x:76 y:282}.
00:15:807 (2) - Move to {x:94 y:312}.
00:20:064 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:257 y:61}, move node #3 to {x:163 y:117}.
01:00:604 (1) - Move node #2 to {x:253 y:24}.
01:01:415 (3) - Move node #2 to {x:257 y:233}, move node #3 to {x:172 y:198}.
01:07:090 (2) - Move node #2 to {x:86 y:201}, move node #3 to {x:167 y:124}.

[Full Moon]
01:12:767 (3) - 多了一个repeat 本来就多一个0.0
00:36:280 (5) - Move node #1 to {x:384 y:360}, move node #2 to {x:408 y:272}, move node #3 to {x:352 y:176}.
00:57:361 (1) - Move node #3 to {x:81 y:130}.
00:58:780 (3) - Move to {x:352 y:296}.
00:58:882 (4) - Move to {x:352 y:296}.
00:58:983 (5) - Move node #1 to {x:352 y:296}, move node #2 to {x:256 y:320}, move node #3 to {x:144 y:280}.

快rank xD

瞎了好细心,nazi我都看了看,修改了一些,thanks :3

thanks a lot for your modding :3
  1. offset - 18?
  2. 感觉clap的音效不大适合,回头帮你找个
[Crescent Moon]
  1. 00:19:253 (2) - 第二个圈加个clap?
  2. 00:24:929 (4) - 感觉可以多一个折回,和前面的呼应
  3. 00:33:037 (1) - 建议移动到00:32:632 - ,然后00:34:659 - 这里加个circle
  4. 00:47:632 (4) - NC
  5. 00:47:632 (4) - 感觉移动到(473,246)比较好看
  6. 01:00:604 (1,2) - 没有重叠好
  7. 01:13:577 (1) - 个人感觉把这个换成一个finish的circle比较好
[Half Moon]
  1. 00:00:605 (1,2,3) - 做成折回的slider会不会更好 感觉很难点准
  2. 00:33:544 (1) - 这种难度用刚好2000分的转盘有点短吧
[Full Moon]
  1. 00:31:821 (5) - 建议移动到(479,54)
  2. 00:47:632 (1) - 第一个圈加finish
找不到啥问题了 妹贴爷我的偶像 再给个星
EasyModder 1.4.2
Program By Weiren
Topic Starter

Weiren wrote:

  1. offset - 18? 我音效拿不准啊 还是等bat好了orz
  2. 感觉clap的音效不大适合,回头帮你找个
[Crescent Moon]
  1. 00:19:253 (2) - 第二个圈加个clap?
  2. 00:24:929 (4) - 感觉可以多一个折回,和前面的呼应 这里没放好 整体都改了
  3. 00:33:037 (1) - 建议移动到00:32:632 - ,然后00:34:659 - 这里加个circle 感觉spin没压在音上的样子0.0
  4. 00:47:632 (4) - NC fixed
  5. 00:47:632 (4) - 感觉移动到(473,246)比较好看 ds差的有点多.-.
  6. 01:00:604 (1,2) - 没有重叠好 fixed
  7. 01:13:577 (1) - 个人感觉把这个换成一个finish的circle比较好 fixed
[Half Moon]
  1. 00:00:605 (1,2,3) - 做成折回的slider会不会更好 感觉很难点准 那太长了♂
  2. 00:33:544 (1) - 这种难度用刚好2000分的转盘有点短吧 删掉了

[Full Moon]
  1. 00:31:821 (5) - 建议移动到(479,54) 感觉现在这样还不错orz
  2. 00:47:632 (1) - 第一个圈加finish fixed
找不到啥问题了 妹贴爷我的偶像 再给个星
EasyModder 1.4.2
Program By Weiren
thanks for modding :3
00:20:875 (3,5) - ctrl+g 换下位置如何?
00:25:942 (1,2,3) - 音乐告诉我 这三个应该贴纸一起 or
00:47:023 (5,6) - ctrl+g 如何
01:06:686 (2,3) - ^

00:10:942 (3) - 有个这么好的slider 怎么不利用下?

00:40:334 (3) - 这个和下面那个slider左右两边的宽度不一致

妹贴老爷简直我偶像 我要射了
Good luck
Topic Starter

bokito wrote:


00:20:875 (3,5) - ctrl+g 换下位置如何?
00:25:942 (1,2,3) - 音乐告诉我 这三个应该贴纸一起 or 这3个本来就贴在一起的orz 感觉挤太紧不好看
00:47:023 (5,6) - ctrl+g 如何
01:06:686 (2,3) - ^

00:10:942 (3) - 有个这么好的slider 怎么不利用下? ds稍稍有点大了

00:40:334 (3) - 这个和下面那个slider左右两边的宽度不一致 修改了一下

Good luck
And changed the hitclap in this song
thanks for modding :3
刚开始Mod图 如有冒犯请见谅! :D


1· 感觉音量有些小 大概65%差不多
2· 有些绿线好像是开1/6插的 ? 觉得位置有点奇怪
3` 如果能弄些云雾状和星光的SB 应该会很美哈哈

Crescent Moon

1· 没什么问题 有个地方 就是像00:42:159 (1) 这种如果是新手可能反应不过来

Half Moon

1· 有个提议 00:11:956 (6) 不用折返 然后在 00:12:260 - 00:12:767 加一个滑条(或许可以SVx0.8) ; 01:05:469 (6) 也是 去掉折返 01:05:773 - 01:06:280 加滑条
2· 00:39:929 或许可以加个note 在 x:336 y:64

Full Moon

1· 00:14:591 和 00:16:213 或许可以加 Clap 00:27:564 和 00:29:186 还有 01:08:104 和 01:09:726 也是
2· 00:18:442 (1) 和 00:19:253 (3) 或许可以改为串状连打
3· 00:35:064 (2,3,4) 或许可以用 SVx0.8 00:38:307 (1,2,3) 也是
4· 00:37:091 (7) 或许可以做个三角跳什么吧
5· 00:40:739 (8) NC
6· 00:56:550 (5) NC
7· 01:07:091 (1) 和 01:08:712 (1) 或许可以 SVx0.5 (还有前面的红色滑条都用 SVx0.5 可能对比感会更强烈些

大概就这样了~ ;)
祝早日Ranked ! :) :)

your placements are nice :3
some suggestions

[Crescent Moon]
00:31:415 (4) - x 160 y 192
00:53:510 (1) - x 24 y 200
00:54:118 (2) - x 88 y 176
00:55:740 (3) - x 176 y 288
01:13:679 (1) - Try to avoid using hitobjects directly after spinners (especially on Easy/Normal difficulties). Spinners are sometimes the hardest element for players, and having a hitcircle or slider half a beat (or even a beat) after a spinner will commonly result in frustration and a broken combo. Hitobjects directly after spinners are fair game for Hard/Insane difficulties, but try to give a nice pause for Easy/Normal difficulties.

[Half Moon]
00:11:956 (6) - add finish on slider's tail
00:34:659 (1) - add finish
00:56:956 (6) - add whistle
01:13:679 (1) - add finish

[Full Moon]
I can't play this map "'º|¯|_ (I'm noob)
00:12:969 (1,2,3) - slider's tail add clap / whistle
00:25:942 (1,2,3) - ^
00:33:544 (1) - add finish
00:56:956 (6) - add whistle
01:06:482 (1,2,3) - slider's tail add clap / whistle
01:13:679 (1) - add finish

nice song, good luck for ranked!
Topic Starter

CET 6 wrote:

刚开始Mod图 如有冒犯请见谅! :D


1· 感觉音量有些小 大概65%差不多 感觉这是个人习惯了orz 有些地方改了一下
2· 有些绿线好像是开1/6插的 ? 觉得位置有点奇怪 是插物件之前的黄线上的,也是个人习惯orz
3` 如果能弄些云雾状和星光的SB 应该会很美哈哈 没能力啊QAQ

Crescent Moon

1· 没什么问题 有个地方 就是像00:42:159 (1) 这种如果是新手可能反应不过来 因为还算是个normal diff所以节奏上想多点变化,稍微改了下ds

Half Moon

1· 有个提议 00:11:956 (6) 不用折返 然后在 00:12:260 - 00:12:767 加一个滑条(或许可以SVx0.8) ; 01:05:469 (6) 也是 去掉折返 01:05:773 - 01:06:280 加滑条
2· 00:39:929 或许可以加个note 在 x:336 y:64 感觉原来这样还行

Full Moon

1· 00:14:591 和 00:16:213 或许可以加 Clap 00:27:564 和 00:29:186 还有 01:08:104 和 01:09:726 也是
2· 00:18:442 (1) 和 00:19:253 (3) 或许可以改为串状连打 这里不想放连打orz
3· 00:35:064 (2,3,4) 或许可以用 SVx0.8 00:38:307 (1,2,3) 也是
4· 00:37:091 (7) 或许可以做个三角跳什么吧
5· 00:40:739 (8) NC
6· 00:56:550 (5) NC 改了下后面的NC
7· 01:07:091 (1) 和 01:08:712 (1) 或许可以 SVx0.5 (还有前面的红色滑条都用 SVx0.5 可能对比感会更强烈些

大概就这样了~ ;)
祝早日Ranked ! :) :)
thanks for modding :3
Topic Starter

Setsurei wrote:

your placements are nice :3
some suggestions

[Crescent Moon]
00:31:415 (4) - x 160 y 192
00:53:510 (1) - x 24 y 200
00:54:118 (2) - x 88 y 176
00:55:740 (3) - x 176 y 288 i know there are not 1.0 ds but i think its easy enough for a normal diff,changed a little
01:13:679 (1) - Try to avoid using hitobjects directly after spinners (especially on Easy/Normal difficulties). Spinners are sometimes the hardest element for players, and having a hitcircle or slider half a beat (or even a beat) after a spinner will commonly result in frustration and a broken combo. Hitobjects directly after spinners are fair game for Hard/Insane difficulties, but try to give a nice pause for Easy/Normal difficulties. but i think objects before the spin are ok 0.0

[Half Moon]
00:11:956 (6) - add finish on slider's tail
00:34:659 (1) - add finish
00:56:956 (6) - add whistle
01:13:679 (1) - add finish

[Full Moon]
I can't play this map "'º|¯|_ (I'm noob)
00:12:969 (1,2,3) - slider's tail add clap / whistle
00:25:942 (1,2,3) - ^
00:33:544 (1) - add finish
00:56:956 (6) - add whistle
01:06:482 (1,2,3) - slider's tail add clap / whistle
01:13:679 (1) - add finish

nice song, good luck for ranked!
Fixed some hitsound error

thanks for modding :3
Hi; modding for M4M here.

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the harder diffs of the mapset.

>Crescent Moon
  1. ...Is this supposed to be an Easy or Normal diff?
  2. Your combo pattern in this map looks inconsistent overall. Apply NCs every one or two stanzas consistently, please~ I see no reason for the random NCs.
  3. 00:24:118 (2,3) - Spacing inconsistency?
  4. 00:30:604 (3,4) - Why do you use ~1.3x spacing for 1/2s? If it's to avoid the touching objects, I think it's unnecessary here. In fact, I find it easier (and I think most new players think of that too) if I can determine whether the gap is 1/2 beats or 1/1 beat by looking if they are touching with the previous/next object or not. Just use 1.0x maybe?
>Half Moon
  1. 00:15:199 (1,2,3,4,5) - The flow feels weird and forced here.
  2. 00:19:456 (6,7,1) - The change of spacing here feels... unnatural, IMO.
  3. 00:33:037 (6,7) - I think this rhythm fits better to the song.
  4. 00:35:064 (2,3) - They would look better if (2)'s repeat is exactly placed in the middle of (3).
>Full Moon
  1. 00:12:969 (1,2,3) - Yes, I do understand that we can map a song not exactly to the sound of the instruments and the vocal of the singer (if there are any), and most of the time, there are places in a song that can be mapped without exactly going according to those sounds, but... these sliders just don't work. They feel really forced and doesn't even slightly fit the song. Just don't map the blue ticks (maybe an exception can be given to the last tick...) I guess. (Applies to similar patterns.)
  2. 00:40:132 (5,6,7,8,9) - ...I think this works more wonderfully.
Sorry for the short mod I guess lol

Map's good overall, there are just a few things that disturb me.

Good luck on the way 8-)
Wonderful song~
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Hi; modding for M4M here.

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the harder diffs of the mapset.

>Crescent Moon
  1. ...Is this supposed to be an Easy or Normal diff? i think this is a Normal diff 0.0
  2. Your combo pattern in this map looks inconsistent overall. Apply NCs every one or two stanzas consistently, please~ I see no reason for the random NCs. fixed some NC error
  3. 00:24:118 (2,3) - Spacing inconsistency? fixed
  4. 00:30:604 (3,4) - Why do you use ~1.3x spacing for 1/2s? If it's to avoid the touching objects, I think it's unnecessary here. In fact, I find it easier (and I think most new players think of that too) if I can determine whether the gap is 1/2 beats or 1/1 beat by looking if they are touching with the previous/next object or not. Just use 1.0x maybe? maybe this is my personal habits,i always try to avoid touch between each object,its may make this placement looks crowded,anyway,fixed a litte

>Half Moon
  1. 00:15:199 (1,2,3,4,5) - The flow feels weird and forced here.
  2. 00:19:456 (6,7,1) - The change of spacing here feels... unnatural, IMO.
  3. 00:33:037 (6,7) - I think this rhythm fits better to the song. i think its ok for me :3
  4. 00:35:064 (2,3) - They would look better if (2)'s repeat is exactly placed in the middle of (3).fixed
>Full Moon
  1. 00:12:969 (1,2,3) - Yes, I do understand that we can map a song not exactly to the sound of the instruments and the vocal of the singer (if there are any), and most of the time, there are places in a song that can be mapped without exactly going according to those sounds, but... these sliders just don't work. They feel really forced and doesn't even slightly fit the song. Just don't map the blue ticks (maybe an exception can be given to the last tick...) I guess. (Applies to similar patterns.) actually,i can use three circles instead of slider at this point,but i think the music let me do some changes to show the high pitch,so i finally decided to use the slider for it.consider the diffculty of this diff,i changed the slider's direction.
  2. 00:40:132 (5,6,7,8,9) - ...I think this works more wonderfully. its fine
Sorry for the short mod I guess lol

Map's good overall, there are just a few things that disturb me.

Good luck on the way 8-)
thanks for your help :3
Topic Starter

buhei wrote:

Wonderful song~
thanks :3
From my Queue!

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
Let's go!

Nothing to point at General issues, so let's go straight to...

[Crescent Moon]
♥ Very solid diff ♥
:idea: :?: I could suggest a Ctrl-G on 00:07:091 (1), although it creates an alternative flow that's not so amazing than the original imo. Graphics available: original flow and the one that Ctrl-G does
00:32:632 - Feels a 1/2 slider here, preferentially at x:416 y:72 with its head to right
01:13:679 (1) - Could silence the spinner's end (or apply 5% volume)? If doing it here, repeat on other diffs.

[Half Moon]
00:54:523 (2,3) - Song seems not suggesting a Highlander jump here. ♥ On patterning, it's fascinating.

[Full Moon]
♥ I love this complex blanket at 00:44:388 (1,1,2)

That's it...

♥ The song is awesome! Kinda epic *.* Good choice!
♥ The MAP is well done, and feels you are very experienced !
♥ The diff names are amazing :3

Take a !!!!

And GO GO RANK ^.^
Good luck for a very very spped ranking ♥

Topic Starter

Alarido wrote:

From my Queue!

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
♥ → Greetings
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
Let's go!

Nothing to point at General issues, so let's go straight to...

[Crescent Moon]
♥ Very solid diff ♥
:idea: :?: I could suggest a Ctrl-G on 00:07:091 (1), although it creates an alternative flow that's not so amazing than the original imo. Graphics available: original flow and the one that Ctrl-G does i think its fine for not use ctrl-g here
00:32:632 - Feels a 1/2 slider here, preferentially at x:416 y:72 with its head to right
01:13:679 (1) - Could silence the spinner's end (or apply 5% volume)? If doing it here, repeat on other diffs. good idea

[Half Moon]
00:54:523 (2,3) - Song seems not suggesting a Highlander jump here. ♥ On patterning, it's fascinating. reduced the distance :3

[Full Moon]
♥ I love this complex blanket at 00:44:388 (1,1,2) thx!

That's it...

♥ The song is awesome! Kinda epic *.* Good choice!
♥ The MAP is well done, and feels you are very experienced !
♥ The diff names are amazing :3

Take a !!!!

And GO GO RANK ^.^
Good luck for a very very spped ranking ♥

and fixed some nc error

thanks for modding :3
其实灰色问题都不大,重点是蓝绿……就算你要用深蓝我感觉也是这种顺眼的多 试试这个?
Combo1 : 171,46,46
Combo2 : 60,60,60
Combo3 : 170,170,170
Combo4 : 125,210,251
Combo5 : 169,233,209

00:16:821 (1) - 最低难度最好还是不要这样叠
00:39:929 (x) - 虽然大致能理解为什么你要空拍但是前面又跟了24感觉再整体上有一点点牵强?
00:50:469 (1) - 同之前所说最低难度最好还是不要这样叠

00:32:632 (4,5,6) - 我拿刚重装系统15块地摊货的鼠标打了一下感觉有点难,换成这样?
00:33:240 (3,4,5) - 这边感觉角度太直了,考虑斜着放? 00:37:699 (8,9) - 感觉听上去挺生硬的,如果是我的话我估计肯定不这么下节奏了,不那么复杂的的话考虑下这个?00:42:767 (2) - 我觉得这尾巴其实没必要静音因为琴还在拉……静音反而有违和感,不如加到25
Topic Starter

eveless wrote:

其实灰色问题都不大,重点是蓝绿……就算你要用深蓝我感觉也是这种顺眼的多 试试这个?
Combo1 : 171,46,46
Combo2 : 60,60,60
Combo3 : 170,170,170
Combo4 : 125,210,251
Combo5 : 169,233,209

00:16:821 (1) - 最低难度最好还是不要这样叠
00:39:929 (x) - 虽然大致能理解为什么你要空拍但是前面又跟了24感觉再整体上有一点点牵强?
00:50:469 (1) - 同之前所说最低难度最好还是不要这样叠

00:32:632 (4,5,6) - 我拿刚重装系统15块地摊货的鼠标打了一下感觉有点难,换成这样?
00:33:240 (3,4,5) - 这边感觉角度太直了,考虑斜着放? 00:37:699 (8,9) - 感觉听上去挺生硬的,如果是我的话我估计肯定不这么下节奏了,不那么复杂的的话考虑下这个?00:42:767 (2) - 我觉得这尾巴其实没必要静音因为琴还在拉……静音反而有违和感,不如加到25
All fixed!
ok bubbled
Topic Starter

  1. The offset is off. The offset should be 595~597. I give you the small range, choose a offset you think that is most sutable.

[Full Moon]
  1. 00:05:368 - I guess you can rise the volume by 5% to 25%. Since 20% is too soft and the normal sound cannot be emphasized.
  2. 00:06:888 (5) - Remove the finish here? I don't think it fits the music well becuase there is no downbeat or strong musical point to support the finish.
  3. 00:16:821 (3) - I would suggest adding a finish at the beginning of the slider to fit with previous pattern and the high pitch sound. Also I think you can slow down this slider just like what you did at 00:13:577 - and 00:15:199 - . But you need to adjust the spacing afterward.
  4. 00:29:794 (7) - ^Same
  5. 00:34:659 (1) - You can consider a finish here to fit the strong downbeat.
  6. 00:51:686 (1) - Add a new combo here?
  7. 01:06:482 (1,2,3) - I think you can improve the flow here. This pattern can be improved by using the same direction-slider. This will also enhance the flow. Here is my suggestion (use ctrl+g):
  8. 01:10:334 (7) - Same as 00:16:821 -
  9. 00:34:659 - ~01:00:402 - I guess you should add a clap sound on every 2,4 beat there. I feel a bit strange because the clap sound suddenly disappear from 00:34:659. Adding the clap sound can make your hitsound pattern more consistent.

[Half moon]
  1. 00:34:253 - I think you can add a note here with a clap sound to fit and emphaize the drum there.
  2. 00:34:659 - ~01:00:402 - I guess you should add a clap sound on every 2,4 beat there. I feel a bit strange because the clap sound suddenly disappear from 00:34:659. Adding the clap sound can make your hitsound pattern more consistent.

[Crescent Moon]
  1. 00:34:659 - ~01:00:402 - I guess you should add a clap sound on every 2,4 beat there. I feel a bit strange because the clap sound suddenly disappear from 00:34:659. Adding the clap sound can make your hitsound pattern more consistent.
  2. 01:04:659 (2) - unstack this? My personal opinion only.
  3. 01:11:145 (3,1,2,3) - I don't recommend to use any spacing change in the lowest difficulty. Here, obviously the spacing between (1.2.3) are inconsistent. I strong suggest changing it.

Sorry have to pop over the timing issue.
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:


  1. The offset is off. The offset should be 595~597. I give you the small range, choose a offset you think that is most sutable.
    i changed the offset to 596

[Full Moon]
  1. 00:05:368 - I guess you can rise the volume by 5% to 25%. Since 20% is too soft and the normal sound cannot be emphasized.ok
  2. 00:06:888 (5) - Remove the finish here? I don't think it fits the music well becuase there is no downbeat or strong musical point to support the finish.i think a finish here is fine for me since its the beginning of the kiaitime,and i reduce the volume to make this sound not too obvious
  3. 00:16:821 (3) - I would suggest adding a finish at the beginning of the slider to fit with previous pattern and the high pitch sound. Also I think you can slow down this slider just like what you did at 00:13:577 - and 00:15:199 - . But you need to adjust the spacing afterward.add a finish here,but i think its may too many slow sliders in this diff if i slow down the sliders
  4. 00:29:794 (7) - ^Same ^
  5. 00:34:659 (1) - You can consider a finish here to fit the strong downbeat. fixed
  6. 00:51:686 (1) - Add a new combo here? fixed
  7. 01:06:482 (1,2,3) - I think you can improve the flow here. This pattern can be improved by using the same direction-slider. This will also enhance the flow. Here is my suggestion (use ctrl+g):fixed
  8. 01:10:334 (7) - Same as 00:16:821 - same
  9. 00:34:659 - ~01:00:402 - I guess you should add a clap sound on every 2,4 beat there. I feel a bit strange because the clap sound suddenly disappear from 00:34:659. Adding the clap sound can make your hitsound pattern more consistent. ok
  10. And also changed the sharp of the slider at 00:37:082(7)

[Half moon]
  1. 00:34:253 - I think you can add a note here with a clap sound to fit and emphaize the drum there. ok
  2. 00:34:659 - ~01:00:402 - I guess you should add a clap sound on every 2,4 beat there. I feel a bit strange because the clap sound suddenly disappear from 00:34:659. Adding the clap sound can make your hitsound pattern more consistent. ok

[Crescent Moon]
  1. 00:34:659 - ~01:00:402 - I guess you should add a clap sound on every 2,4 beat there. I feel a bit strange because the clap sound suddenly disappear from 00:34:659. Adding the clap sound can make your hitsound pattern more consistent. ok
  2. 01:04:659 (2) - unstack this? My personal opinion only. fixed
  3. 01:11:145 (3,1,2,3) - I don't recommend to use any spacing change in the lowest difficulty. Here, obviously the spacing between (1.2.3) are inconsistent. I strong suggest changing it. fixed

Sorry have to pop over the timing issue. thanks for timing help,its really diffcult for me to find the right offset
Looks better.


Kawayi Rika
Checked and nothing to say ~

Pretty nice map ~ Here you go <3

Congratz Melt~ o3o
wow, [Full Moon] is like CtB diff :D
Topic Starter
thanks all for your help OAQ
Melt Down
Gratz :D
Thank you for mapping this song! We need more Melty Blood~
Rankeoooooooooooooooooooooooooooou ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Congratulations, Melt !!!

And dear BATs ♥ let's check (and buuble) the pimpG and okamiratsu maps too ^^
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