
osu! Community Localisation Project

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MillhioreF wrote:

We can get rid of these altogether now, right? Collections make them obsolete and unused.
And also SongSelection_RemovedFromFavouritesA, SongSelection_RemovedFromFavouritesB, SongSelection_RemoveFromFavouritesA, SongSelection_RemoveFromFavouritesB?
DJ Angel
loled at the !faq swag
To the clever Spanish speaking guy who translated "pie" literally as CAKE ... wtf? seriously. Is it that hard to check these things before making changes?

pfff... someone has made a lot of silly changes.
right then lads.

+Added Arabic (ar)
+Added Nicer Bancho (BETA) (nb)
+Added massive amounts of FAQ content for nb
*Changed 'tldr' to 'longlink'
*Updated the 'multi' for most langauges
+Added 'organisation'
*Synced 'organisation' with 'organization'
*Fixed 'color' and 'colour' sync on a bunch of new languages
*Fixed conditional formatting for the entire spreadsheet
*Added a few faqs in ar for the N/A faqs
+Purchased EagleThunder supporter for 2 months
-Remove 'vent'
*Updated 'admin'
*Pushed these updates to Bancho at 8:55:55PM, UTC +8

I'd like to thank EagleThunder for all the hard work he's done translating the Arabic FAQ! If you see him around, say hi! :)
*Re-worded nb:achievement
*Saved a copy of the spreadsheet as a backup
dkun renamed how-to-admin to how-to-gmt and I added faq gmt:
The [ Global Moderation Team], in short[ GMT], a group of users that help run osu!. They have red names in chat and green names on the forums.
These guys help moderate the forum and chat.
I'm sure it can be improved a bit.

added czechoslovak and ReVeNg3r translated it and other czechoslovak faqs.
I removed Slovak column and renamed Czech to Czechoslovak for our channel.I will add some FAQs in slovak and czech language.
+Addded 'completion'
*Pushed to Bancho at 11:00:00PM, UTC+8

Note that this feature is also in beta, and might explode. Do not attempt to edit this line, as it juggles a a few different formulas. What it attempts to do is enable people to check the status of the localisations while still in osu!
+Re-added tsundere FAQ
*Updated wording on 'completion'
*Pushed to Bancho at 9:26:55AM, UTC+8
*Fixed the alignment of the tsundere FAQ
*Pushed to Bancho at 9:33:01AM, UTC+8
I finished the Arabic FAQ translating. If there is more to do i'd be glad to help :) .
Ayesha Altugle
ph faq is now complete

*Re-worded 'completion'
*Pushed to Bancho at 4:45:35PM, UTC+8
Topic Starter
For what it's worth, I removed the "snapshot" tables. They are now stored in a separate document. Ask if any rollbacks/restorations are necessary.
Ayesha Altugle
fixed mumble ph not loading the site itself to Ang detalye kung saan makikita ang osu!mumble ay makikita sa [ dito]
Will we be able to translate the Nicer Bancho and Tsundere Bancho?
I remember there was a Spanish tsundere Bancho. I wonder what happened to it.

I proofread the entire French translation btw
Because all of the tsundere FAQs were deleted, we had to dive into the backups to get the english one back - i'm not entirely sure if anyone has a backup of the other languages of it though.

On another note, just remember Nicer Bancho was a side project of mine, so i'll slowly work on it when I have time ;)

kingking9 wrote:

i'm not entirely sure if anyone has a backup of the other languages of it though.
I do! I'm keeping local backups just in case (I even have one of November 2012 :D )

If anyone wants to reimport the Spanish tsundere banchobot, help yourself: (backup of May 11, 2013)
Expect it to be active in the next three hours.
Topic Starter
ts was removed for a reason. please do not add back without consulting with others.
DJ Angel
Nice Banchobot

oh well it will be so nice to have a good conversation with a bot
those feels
Is the transition from the old Bancho to the new Nicer Bancho permanent? Thinking about updating the translation accordingly.
New strings:

Options_RunUpdater           Run osu! updater
Options_TabSkin_ScoreMeter Show score meter:
Be sure to read my comment in Google Doc to understand what the score meter is.
I have re-run through the localization doc again.

"Options_Input_ConfirmExit" and "Options_Input_ConfirmExit_Tooltip" is no longer used, but is still modifiable manually by editing the cfg file. I wonder if this may need to be removed or not.

For "Options_Input_DisableButtons_Tooltip", it says "Specifically for people who use Z/X/Ctrl/Space to click". When is the Ctrl key used? O.o

When will the "SongSelection_AddToFavouritesA", "SongSelection_AddToFavouritesB", "SongSelection_AddedToFavouritesA", "SongSelection_AddedToFavouritesB", "SongSelection_RemoveFromFavouritesA", "SongSelection_RemoveFromFavouritesB", "SongSelection_RemovedFromFavouritesA", and "SongSelection_RemovedFromFavouritesB" removed? I'm still not sure whether the Collection thing is not an issue anymore because I think so.

"SongSelection_GoOnline" is no longer used anymore, right?
peppy has shortened English version of SongSelection_ScoreList to avoid overlapping of text. cf. t/125148
Topic Starter
Around 150 new strings to translate! More to come~

peppy wrote:

Around 150 new strings to translate! More to come~
The purple ones? I'll help tomorrow:p
so multiplayer and editor translating ,nice
when and where does this editor tips appear?
Topic Starter
I've also reorganised the languages which have most users furthest to the left. Please don't change the order going forward.
Done edditing the ph language with all my brain it seems to faint by now xD


The Ph Language Before 70% After 82%

Glad I Can Help!
add Korean 70% to 92%
한국어 번역을 92% 완료했습니다.
Topic Starter
Great job, keep it going :). I hope to add the editor and other remaining strings over the coming week.

peppy wrote:

Great job, keep it going :). I hope to add the editor and other remaining strings over the coming week.
it's very hard for all translators LOL
Topic Starter
The end result is worth it, I think you'll agree.
From 70% to 96% of the german translated.
I do the remaining 4% (Editor tips) later unless someone else does that before me xD

EDIT: okay FAQ and in-game stuff is 100% of the german section.
DJ Angel

DingGGu wrote:

peppy wrote:

Great job, keep it going :). I hope to add the editor and other remaining strings over the coming week.
it's very hard for all translators LOL
not that much, editor is full of slangs, so probably most of it will be in english, it would be retard to translate some words like "slider" or "hitcircle", and it would be confusing for new mappers to mod other people maps or to receive other people mods, since they would use their own slang. Also, probably the text would get disproportionate (bugged) since most of the text its character-limited

btw, the docs now are protected with some kind of login authorization, what kind of login is this? I'm lost. It's not osu! acc, at least.
I could login in with my google+ or Youtube login data

DJ Angel wrote:

not that much, editor is full of slangs, so probably most of it will be in english, it would be retard to translate some words like "slider" or "hitcircle", and it would be confusing for new mappers to mod other people maps or to receive other people mods, since they would use their own slang. Also, probably the text would get disproportionate (bugged) since most of the text its character-limited

btw, the docs now are protected with some kind of login authorization, what kind of login is this? I'm lost. It's not osu! acc, at least.

In the Spanish one we are translating everything except 'beatmap'. I think it can be done without damaging the 'experience'. The problem is being able to find the right words... but who said translating was easy?
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