
Aoi Shoudo - Steel Samurai

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Salut rezoons, désolé du retard, j'ai eu pas mal de chose à faire et avoir été malade m'a pas aidé --' x)
Bref allons-y ^^


C'est ok pour moi


/!\Le easy a été fait avant ton fix du mod à Quiz-chan

  1. 00:15:428 (1) retire le combo
  2. 00:17:142 (4,1) inverse le combo
  3. 00:23:571 (1,2,3) Je trouve que stacker (2,3) est pas une bonne idée ici. Essaye quelque chose dans ce style là (c'est pas très soigné là mais c'est une idée de style, pour avoir un truc bien symétrique par rapport au centre, utilise aussi le grille de niveau 4)
  4. D'ailleurs petite parenthèse là dessus, vu que tu utilises la grille 3, la distance entre les différents objets sont vachement irréguliers. Sur ta map, elle varie entre x0.94 environ et x1.1 : c'est trop grand (c'est peut être pas grand chose au niveau de l'oeil mais c'est toujours mieux de corriger ça. Normalement tu devrais être entre x0.98 et x1.02 max. ça fera un travail en moins aux MAT ^^) Essaye donc de revoir le DS de tous tes points et de mettre tout entre x0.98 et x1.02
  5. 00:27:428 (1) On m'avait dit que mettre un objet en plein milieu après un spinner était pas autorisé parce que le 300 cachait l'objet. Faudrait que je vérifie l'info, j'ai un doute dessus. (en tout cas pour du easy, tu devrais pas le planquer derrière le 300 ça c'est une certitude pour moi ^^)
  6. 00:27:428 (1,1,1,1) Pas sûr que tous ces nouveaux combos soient nécessaires. Rassemble les tous en un seul combo ou sépare au moins en deux combos. (la meilleur idée selon moi)
  7. 00:34:285 (1,1,1,1) ^
  8. 00:46:285 (1) /!\ le spacing est pas bon entre (4) et (1) rapproche le (grid level 4)
  9. 01:01:714 (1) tu peux retirer ce combo (la guitare continue et le combo d'après, tu le coupes pas donc ça sert à rien à mon avis).
  10. 01:20:571 (1,1,1,1) Toujours pareil pour les combos
  11. 01:27:428 (1,1,1,1) ^
  12. 01:30:857 (1) /!\ spacing entre le slider et ce cercle. Rapproche le.

Toujours même conseil, utilise la grille de niveau 4, tu seras beaucoup plus précis avec plus de marge (replace tes objets, même problème que dans easy, il y a une discontinuité sur la distance entre les objets, c'est un peu trop grand (entre ~0.94 et 1.1). Replace le tout.

  1. 00:10:285 (1) /!\spacing entre (4) et (1)
  2. 00:15:428 (1,2,3,4) grille niveau 4 et déplace 2,3 pour qu'ils soient un peu plus éloigné de 1 et 4 (x1.02 environ max)
  3. 00:27:428 (1,1,1,1) Toujours la même pour les combos, sépare en 2 ou fait un seul bloc avec ces 4 objets comme je l'ai dis précédemment.
  4. 00:34:285 (1,1,1,1) Bon je vais arrêter de le rabâcher ^^ repasse toi toutes tes difficultés et règle le problème quand tu as 4 sliders qui ont des combos différents à la suite. ^^
  5. 00:46:285 (1) Pas fan de ce slider. Et en plus je trouve pas qu'il suit la musique. Essaye plutôt ce rythme :
  6. 00:51:857 rajoute une note
  7. 00:52:714 ^ (pour les deux, je trouve que ça passe mieux avec la musique ça fait beaucoup moins vide alors que la guitare est assez présente à ce moment là)
  8. 01:02:785 (2) /!\spacing entre (1) et (2). Rapproche le cercle du slider.
  9. 01:42:642 (1) ^ entre (1) et (1)
  10. 01:43:500 (4) ^ entre (3) et (4)
[Path Of Glory]

Toujours la même, utilise la grille level 4 et replace tout tes objets pour qu'ils aient une distance à peu près équivalente entre x0.98 et x1.02 (sur les moments où tu n'as pas changé le Distance Spacing ou quand tu fais un saut)

  1. 00:11:785 (8) Je pense qu'il y aurait besoin d'un nouveau combo ici. En plus, tu commences un nouveau pattern donc c'est le bon moment ^^
  2. 00:25:714 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) J'aime! =D
  3. 00:32:571 (5) Nouveau combo ici!
  4. 00:34:285 (1,2,3,4) Pas fan de la gueule des sliders. Refait les peut-être (on te le dira peut être, enfin moi quand j'ai fais des trucs comme ça, on m'a fait la remarque ^^)
  5. 01:16:071 (1) enlève le nouveau combo
  6. 01:25:714 (5) nouveau combo (tu as fini ton pattern)
Pas grand chose d'autre à dire sur cette difficulté ^^ elle est assez plaisante à jouer :)

Bonne chance pour la suite!
Topic Starter
Salut à toi :) ,

shARPII wrote:

Salut rezoons, désolé du retard, j'ai eu pas mal de chose à faire et avoir été malade m'a pas aidé --' x) Pas de problème ^-^, de toutes façon je ne prévois pas de ranker cette map avant un an donc c'est pas à quelques jours près que ça changera grand chose. :D
Bref allons-y ^^


C'est ok pour moi


/!\Le easy a été fait avant ton fix du mod à Quiz-chan

  1. 00:15:428 (1) retire le combo Je trouve que ça fait pas super comme ça. 00:14:142 (1,2) sont vraiment à part donc ils meritent leur combo à part.
  2. 00:17:142 (4,1) inverse le combo -Fixed
  3. 00:23:571 (1,2,3) Je trouve que stacker (2,3) est pas une bonne idée ici. Essaye quelque chose dans ce style là (c'est pas très soigné là mais c'est une idée de style, pour avoir un truc bien symétrique par rapport au centre, utilise aussi le grille de niveau 4) -Fixed
  4. D'ailleurs petite parenthèse là dessus, vu que tu utilises la grille 3, la distance entre les différents objets sont vachement irréguliers. Sur ta map, elle varie entre x0.94 environ et x1.1 : c'est trop grand (c'est peut être pas grand chose au niveau de l'oeil mais c'est toujours mieux de corriger ça. Normalement tu devrais être entre x0.98 et x1.02 max. ça fera un travail en moins aux MAT ^^) Essaye donc de revoir le DS de tous tes points et de mettre tout entre x0.98 et x1.02 A vrai dire j'ai plusieurs autres map utiliser la grille 3 sans grand problème. Je sais qu'il m'arrive quelque fois de tricher un peu sur le DS pour avoir des trucs plus beau ce qui peu expliquer pourquoi c'est aussi disparate. En tout cas le changement risque d'être long. Je ne sais pas si je le ferais mais en tout cas, là, je n'ai pas le temps.
  5. 00:27:428 (1) On m'avait dit que mettre un objet en plein milieu après un spinner était pas autorisé parce que le 300 cachait l'objet. Faudrait que je vérifie l'info, j'ai un doute dessus. (en tout cas pour du easy, tu devrais pas le planquer derrière le 300 ça c'est une certitude pour moi ^^) -Fixed
  6. 00:27:428 (1,1,1,1) Pas sûr que tous ces nouveaux combos soient nécessaires. Rassemble les tous en un seul combo ou sépare au moins en deux combos. (la meilleur idée selon moi) -Fixed
  7. 00:34:285 (1,1,1,1) ^ -Fixed
  8. 00:46:285 (1) /!\ le spacing est pas bon entre (4) et (1) rapproche le (grid level 4) -Fixed
  9. 01:01:714 (1) tu peux retirer ce combo (la guitare continue et le combo d'après, tu le coupes pas donc ça sert à rien à mon avis). -Fixed
  10. 01:20:571 (1,1,1,1) Toujours pareil pour les combos -Fixed
  11. 01:27:428 (1,1,1,1) ^ -Fixed
  12. 01:30:857 (1) /!\ spacing entre le slider et ce cercle. Rapproche le.-Fixed

Toujours même conseil, utilise la grille de niveau 4, tu seras beaucoup plus précis avec plus de marge (replace tes objets, même problème que dans easy, il y a une discontinuité sur la distance entre les objets, c'est un peu trop grand (entre ~0.94 et 1.1). Replace le tout.

  1. 00:10:285 (1) /!\spacing entre (4) et (1) -Fixed
  2. 00:15:428 (1,2,3,4) grille niveau 4 et déplace 2,3 pour qu'ils soient un peu plus éloigné de 1 et 4 (x1.02 environ max) -Fixed
  3. 00:27:428 (1,1,1,1) Toujours la même pour les combos, sépare en 2 ou fait un seul bloc avec ces 4 objets comme je l'ai dis précédemment. La pour le coup je ne peux pas vraiment car sinon la superposition des sliders rend la map assez difficile à lire pour des débutants. C'était à la base la raison pour laquelle j'avais fait ces NC. Et je l'avais propager aux autres pour que ce soit cohérent. (Et je l'avais fait aux Easy parce que je trouve ça esthétique mais finalement je l'ai enlevé.)
  4. 00:34:285 (1,1,1,1) Bon je vais arrêter de le rabâcher ^^ repasse toi toutes tes difficultés et règle le problème quand tu as 4 sliders qui ont des combos différents à la suite. ^^ Au final j'ai tout changé en Easy et changé une partie au Normal.
  5. 00:46:285 (1) Pas fan de ce slider. Et en plus je trouve pas qu'il suit la musique. Essaye plutôt ce rythme : -Fixed
  6. 00:51:857 rajoute une note -Fixed
  7. 00:52:714 ^ (pour les deux, je trouve que ça passe mieux avec la musique ça fait beaucoup moins vide alors que la guitare est assez présente à ce moment là) -Fixed
  8. 01:02:785 (2) /!\spacing entre (1) et (2). Rapproche le cercle du slider. -Fixed
  9. 01:42:642 (1) ^ entre (1) et (1) -Fixed
  10. 01:43:500 (4) ^ entre (3) et (4) -Fixed
[Path Of Glory]

Toujours la même, utilise la grille level 4 et replace tout tes objets pour qu'ils aient une distance à peu près équivalente entre x0.98 et x1.02 (sur les moments où tu n'as pas changé le Distance Spacing ou quand tu fais un saut)

  1. 00:11:785 (8) Je pense qu'il y aurait besoin d'un nouveau combo ici. En plus, tu commences un nouveau pattern donc c'est le bon moment ^^ -Fixed
  2. 00:25:714 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) J'aime! =D -Merci ^^
  3. 00:32:571 (5) Nouveau combo ici! -Fixed
  4. 00:34:285 (1,2,3,4) Pas fan de la gueule des sliders. Refait les peut-être (on te le dira peut être, enfin moi quand j'ai fais des trucs comme ça, on m'a fait la remarque ^^) -OK. Je les referais surement plus tard. Je suis pas trop inspiré pour le moment.
  5. 01:16:071 (1) enlève le nouveau combo -Fixed
  6. 01:25:714 (5) nouveau combo (tu as fini ton pattern) -Fixed
Pas grand chose d'autre à dire sur cette difficulté ^^ elle est assez plaisante à jouer :) Merci ^^, à vrai dire les Hard sont les seules diffs que je sais vraiment mapper. Pour ce qui est des Easy, Normal et Insane. C'est pas mon truc :o.

Bonne chance pour la suite!
Merci beaucoup pour le mod :).
Hi from my queue :3

[Path Of Glory]

00:09:214(7,8,9,10) - It's looks ugly and slider 10 overlap with stream~ This will be looks better
00:12:214(3,4) - remove whistle from this notes
00:14:357 - add double slider 1/2 It's better follow for music
00:17:142 - add NC here
00:20:571(1,2) - looks ugly and not playable~ Put it here and correct pattern after
00:52:714 - add note here for better flow~
00:56:571 - add NC
01:00:000(2) - add NC here
01:12:214(3,4) - put this sliders on centre Y
01:18:000 - you forget add finish here
01:27:000(6,7,1) - looks realy ugly >.< Plz fix this overlap
01:29:142 - add NC
01:43:285 - add nc on spin
01:45:857 - add note here


00:28:285 - remove NC
00:30:000 - ^
00:34:285 (1,1,1,1) - This pattern unrankable bct start slider very overlapped and It not readable and very hard to play~ Plz change this pattern
00:50:357 - repeat is hide~ It's unrankable too~

This diff is very hard for Normal~ You shoud remove all sliders on 1/4 bcz It's hard to play and correct all spacing~


00:27:000 - very close to note plz replace this spin on notes it will be easier to play
00:32:571 - the same ^
00:41:142 - here better make so
00:42:857 - remove NC here
00:46:285 - ^
00:53:142 - put this note on x416 y192 for smooth triangle and remove clap
01:06:857 - better add note here~ It will be more playable for beginners
01:20:142 - replace this spin on notes! Bcz note very close to spin for easy
01:27:000 - ^
01:34:285 - remove this slider and end spin here
01:36:428 - repeat is hide~ It's unranable fix this

Map need more work~ I hope you can make this map much better :3 Good luck :oops:
Topic Starter
Hi :),

Wow, a mod from a really good mapper. It's my lucky day ^^. (btw i really love your maps. Osu! need more lindsey stirling. :D )

Katty Pie wrote:

Hi from my queue :3

[Path Of Glory]

00:09:214(7,8,9,10) - It's looks ugly and slider 10 overlap with stream~ This will be looks better -Fixed
00:12:214(3,4) - remove whistle from this notes -Fixed
00:14:357 - add double slider 1/2 It's better follow for music -You're sure? I have trouble seeing it. For the moment i won't change anything.
00:17:142 - add NC here -Fixed
00:20:571(1,2) - looks ugly and not playable~ Put it here and correct pattern after -Fixed
00:52:714 - add note here for better flow~ -Fixed
00:56:571 - add NC -Fixed
01:00:000(2) - add NC here -Fixed
01:12:214(3,4) - put this sliders on centre Y -Fixed
01:18:000 - you forget add finish here -Fixed
01:27:000(6,7,1) - looks realy ugly >.< Plz fix this overlap -Fixed
01:29:142 - add NC -Fixed
01:43:285 - add nc on spin -Fixed
01:45:857 - add note here -Fixed


00:28:285 - remove NC -Fixed
00:30:000 - ^ -Fixed
00:34:285 (1,1,1,1) - This pattern unrankable bct start slider very overlapped and It not readable and very hard to play~ Plz change this pattern -Fixed
00:50:357 - repeat is hide~ It's unrankable too~ -Fixed

This diff is very hard for Normal~ You shoud remove all sliders on 1/4 bcz It's hard to play and correct all spacing~ -Ok, i fixed all the spacing, remap nearly all the parts with 1/4 sliders. I hope it's better now.


00:27:000 - very close to note plz replace this spin on notes it will be easier to play -Fixed but not the same way as you suggested.
00:32:571 - the same ^ - ^
00:41:142 - here better make so -Fixed
00:42:857 - remove NC here -Fixed
00:46:285 - ^ -Fixed
00:53:142 - put this note on x416 y192 for smooth triangle and remove clap -Fixed
01:06:857 - better add note here~ It will be more playable for beginners -Fixed
01:20:142 - replace this spin on notes! Bcz note very close to spin for easy -Fixed
01:27:000 - ^ -Fixed
01:34:285 - remove this slider and end spin here -Fixed
01:36:428 - repeat is hide~ It's unranable fix this -Fixed

Map need more work~ I hope you can make this map much better :3 Good luck :oops: I hope too. I will work on this harder and i'll make some big changes. I'm still a beginner so i'm not used to all this. Anyway, thank you for your very helpful mod.
Thank you ^^.
Modding from my queue!


00:12:857 to 00:14:142
I don't like this gap, it's really odd... You should add some notes here...
00:36:000 - Remove NC like you did here in this pattern 00:29:142
00:41:142 (1,1) - Please remove claps from slider's tails and add whistles, they sound much better!
00:42:000 - Bad overlap, please move this one grid down (ignore distance snap here)
00:52:285 (2) - Move to 252|308 where you put the previous note
01:08:571 (4) - Make this a bit better, I'm noob at sliders and I don't know how to improve it unfortunately :C
01:25:714 (5,1) - I don't like this overlap, try to do something
01:29:142 (1) - Remove NC
01:32:571 (5,1) - Ugly overlap
01:34:285 (1,1) - Like you did before, remove claps from slider's tails and add whistles


00:14:142 (1,2) - Try to replace claps with whistles
00:24:857 (3) - Ctrl+g on this, it flows better
00:41:571 (2,2) - Add whistles on these notes
00:54:857 - Add a note
01:07:285 (1,2) - Whistles
01:24:428 (2,4) - Put these 4 grid up
01:34:714 (2,2) - Whistles
01:48:000 (1,2) - ^
01:49:714 (1,2) - ^

Path of glory

00:14:142 (1,2) - Wh...I think you know
00:27:000 - Add a note and make an unique stream, there is a sound here!
00:41:571 (2,4) - ...
01:00:214 (1) - I don't think MAT/BATs will approve this NC
01:07:285 (1,2) - :V
01:20:142 - The same as before, make an unique stream
01:34:714 (2,2) - Blahblahblah

Well, you need to improve Normal because I didn't like your sliders in that diff.
I loved sliders in Path of glory.
Star because Phoenix Wright is win.
Topic Starter
Hi :),

RikiH_ wrote:

Modding from my queue!


00:12:857 to 00:14:142
I don't like this gap, it's really odd... You should add some notes here... Fixed
00:36:000 - Remove NC like you did here in this pattern 00:29:142 Fixed
00:41:142 (1,1) - Please remove claps from slider's tails and add whistles, they sound much better! Fixed
00:42:000 - Bad overlap, please move this one grid down (ignore distance snap here) Fixed
00:52:285 (2) - Move to 252|308 where you put the previous note Fixed (but i prefered moving the other note)
01:08:571 (4) - Make this a bit better, I'm noob at sliders and I don't know how to improve it unfortunately :C Fixed.... i guess.
01:25:714 (5,1) - I don't like this overlap, try to do something Fixed
01:29:142 (1) - Remove NC Fixed
01:32:571 (5,1) - Ugly overlap Fixed
01:34:285 (1,1) - Like you did before, remove claps from slider's tails and add whistles Fixed


00:14:142 (1,2) - Try to replace claps with whistles Fixed
00:24:857 (3) - Ctrl+g on this, it flows better Indeed, fixed
00:41:571 (2,2) - Add whistles on these notes Fixed
00:54:857 - Add a note Fixed
01:07:285 (1,2) - Whistles Fixed
01:24:428 (2,4) - Put these 4 grid up Fixed (i even slightly changed the pattern)
01:34:714 (2,2) - Whistles Fixed
01:48:000 (1,2) - ^ Fixed
01:49:714 (1,2) - ^ Fixed

Path of glory

00:14:142 (1,2) - Wh...I think you know Let me guess... Whistles? Fixed
00:27:000 - Add a note and make an unique stream, there is a sound here! No. There is no sound here if you listen closely.
00:41:571 (2,4) - ... Hum.... Whistles? Fixed
01:00:214 (1) - I don't think MAT/BATs will approve this NC Well, it's Katty Pie who said to me to put one here.She has more ranked beatmap than you so i'll trust her/him/it on this one. Sorry.....
01:07:285 (1,2) - :V Fixed
01:20:142 - The same as before, make an unique stream The same as before, no.
01:34:714 (2,2) - Blahblahblah Fixed

Well, you need to improve Normal because I didn't like your sliders in that diff. Well.... Betxeen this map and my other map, i think i'm definitely unable to do a decent "Normal". I'll remap it. Again..... :o
I loved sliders in Path of glory. Really? Thank you. I wasn't really sure about them. :D
Star because Phoenix Wright is win.Wouah. Thank you very much, Grazie mille :) . Osu! needs more Phoenix Wright :P
Thank you for your mod. :)
Gloria Guard
Hi rezoons (:3 」_)=3

From my queue m4m :)


00:12:857 (2) slider end remove finish

00:17:142 (2,3) be confusing pattern, Recommends widening the interval.

00:15:000 (3) remove finish

00:15:428 (1) slider head remove finish and slider end 00:16:714

00:34:285 (1) slider head add finish

00:42:000 remove new combo

00:48:000 (1) slider head add finish

00:53:357 ~ 00:59:785 The short length of the songs, And break time to put in this section is not recommended.
please add note

01:00:000 (1) slider head add finish

01:08:571 (4) slider end move 01:09:857

01:11:357 (1,3) overlap this is patter change please ->

01:27:428 (1) slider head add finish

01:35:142 (1) remove new combo


00:13:714 add note?

00:27:000 remove finish

00:33:857 remove finish

00:34:285 (1) slider head add finish

00:40:714 remove finish

00:42:000 (1) remove new combo

01:00:642 (1) remove new combo

01:00:000 (1) add finish

01:06:857 add note?

01:20:142 (1) remove finish

01:27:000 (1) ^

01:27:428 (1) slider head add finish

01:33:857 (1) remove finish

01:35:142 (1) remove new combo

[Path Of Glory]

00:08:571 (5) add NC

00:34:285 (1) slider head add finish

00:48:000 (1) slider head add finish

01:20:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6) This beat is very awkward. change please ->

01:27:428 (1) slider head add finish

01:43:285 ... Abrupt spin remove please and add note

Good luck
Topic Starter
Hi :),

Gloria Guard wrote:

Hi rezoons (:3 」_)=3

From my queue m4m :)


00:12:857 (2) slider end remove finish Fixed

00:17:142 (2,3) be confusing pattern, Recommends widening the interval. It's beacause when i modified the slider i didn't make it long enough. Fixed

00:15:000 (3) remove finish Fixed.... Wait! In fact no, the finish is good.

00:15:428 (1) slider head remove finish and slider end 00:16:714 Fixed and already Fixed

00:34:285 (1) slider head add finish Fixed

00:42:000 remove new combo Fixed

00:48:000 (1) slider head add finish Fixed

00:53:357 ~ 00:59:785 The short length of the songs, And break time to put in this section is not recommended.
please add note I'll fix it... Later.

01:00:000 (1) slider head add finish Fixed

01:08:571 (4) slider end move 01:09:857 Fixed

01:11:357 (1,3) overlap this is patter change please -> Fixed

01:27:428 (1) slider head add finish Fixed

01:35:142 (1) remove new combo Fixed

Well.... It's basically the same mistakes as you pointed out in the Easy Diff so i fixed everything.
00:13:714 add note?

00:27:000 remove finish

00:33:857 remove finish

00:34:285 (1) slider head add finish

00:40:714 remove finish

00:42:000 (1) remove new combo

01:00:642 (1) remove new combo

01:00:000 (1) add finish

01:06:857 add note?

01:20:142 (1) remove finish

01:27:000 (1) ^

01:27:428 (1) slider head add finish

01:33:857 (1) remove finish

01:35:142 (1) remove new combo

[Path Of Glory]

00:08:571 (5) add NC Fixed (but not here)

00:34:285 (1) slider head add finish Fixed

00:48:000 (1) slider head add finish Fixed

01:20:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6) This beat is very awkward. change please -> Sorru but it's the actual beat. Listen closely.

01:27:428 (1) slider head add finish Fixed

01:43:285 ... Abrupt spin remove please and add note Fixed but with a slider instead

Good luck Thanks :)
As always your mod are very helpful. Thanks :)
Hello from my Queue~!

Consider using some custom hit sounds for parts of the song like 00:27:642 - 00:27:857 and so on.
This thread might be helpful:

00:10:285 (1) - Put a Finish?
00:14:142 (2,3) - Remove clap - Add Finish. Fits better with the music.
00:51:428 (1) - Remove clap, the song doesn't ask for Clap there.
01:07:285 (2,3) - Remove clap and put Finish.

00:27:428 (1,2,1,2) - Why this overlapping? It doesn't look nice. Something like this would help:
When sliders are not overlapping each other or their self and the player can see clearly the slider border is more enjoyable and looks beautiful.
00:41:571 (2,4) - Whistle + Finish. Whistle + Clap sounds bad. .-.
00:45:857 (4,1) - Slider border overlap D:< Fix this as well
00:51:428 (1) - Finish :c No clap
00:52:285 (3,5) - ^
01:00:642 (3,4,1) - Slider border overlap. They do not look beautiful like this ~
01:07:285 (2,3) - Whistle + Finish
01:13:714 (1,2) - Slider overlap~
01:34:714 (2,4) - Whistle + Finish
01:37:714 (1,2,3,4) - Just few grids away from each other just to not touch each other's border.
01:44:571 (1) - Finish, No Clap~
01:46:285 (5) - ^
01:47:999 (1,2) - Whistle + Finish
01:49:713 (1,2) - ^
01:50:784 (1) - Remove clap.

[Path to Glory]
00:06:857 (1) - Finish
00:14:142 (1,2) - Whistle + Finish
00:41:571 (2,4) - ^
00:46:285 (1,2) - Slider border overlap~ Fix this as well, ignoring a bit the distance snap wont hurt your map ;)
00:48:000 (1,2) - ^
00:51:428 (1,2) - Replace Clap with FInish
00:54:857 (1) - ^
00:56:571 (1,4) - No clap, put Finish :<
00:59:999 (1) - NC - I know it is already NC but only visible because it's after spinner.
01:07:285 (1,2) - Whistle + Finish
01:34:714 (2,2) - ^
01:41:142 (1,2) - Slider border overlap~ Fix this as well

Besides the hitsound errors and the sliders the map is good made. Good luck!
Topic Starter
Hi :),

KiyoshiX101 wrote:

Hello from my Queue~!

Consider using some custom hit sounds for parts of the song like 00:27:642 - 00:27:857 and so on. I already use custom hitsounds for these parts.
This thread might be helpful: t/15407 I didn't know this tread. Thanks for the tip ^^

00:10:285 (1) - Put a Finish? Fixed
00:14:142 (2,3) - Remove clap - Add Finish. Fits better with the music. Fixed
00:51:428 (1) - Remove clap, the song doesn't ask for Clap there. Fixed
01:07:285 (2,3) - Remove clap and put Finish. Fixed

00:27:428 (1,2,1,2) - Why this overlapping? It doesn't look nice. Something like this would help:
When sliders are not overlapping each other or their self and the player can see clearly the slider border is more enjoyable and looks beautiful. Fixed.... I guess....
00:41:571 (2,4) - Whistle + Finish. Whistle + Clap sounds bad. .-. Fixed
00:45:857 (4,1) - Slider border overlap D:< Fix this as well Fixed
00:51:428 (1) - Finish :c No clap Fixed
00:52:285 (3,5) - ^ Fixed
01:00:642 (3,4,1) - Slider border overlap. They do not look beautiful like this ~ Fixed
01:07:285 (2,3) - Whistle + Finish Fixed
01:13:714 (1,2) - Slider overlap~ Fixed
01:34:714 (2,4) - Whistle + Finish Fixed
01:37:714 (1,2,3,4) - Just few grids away from each other just to not touch each other's border. Fixed
01:44:571 (1) - Finish, No Clap~ Fixed
01:46:285 (5) - ^ Fixed
01:47:999 (1,2) - Whistle + Finish Fixed
01:49:713 (1,2) - ^ Fixed
01:50:784 (1) - Remove clap. Fixed

[Path to Glory]
Let me guess: Remove claps, add finishes and fix ugly overlapping...*see your mod*... Yeah! i was right :D .
00:06:857 (1) - Finish Fixed
00:14:142 (1,2) - Whistle + Finish Fixed
00:41:571 (2,4) - ^ Fixed
00:46:285 (1,2) - Slider border overlap~ Fix this as well, ignoring a bit the distance snap wont hurt your map ;) Fixed
00:48:000 (1,2) - ^ Fixed
00:51:428 (1,2) - Replace Clap with FInish Fixed
00:54:857 (1) - ^ Fixed
00:56:571 (1,4) - No clap, put Finish :< Fixed
00:59:999 (1) - NC - I know it is already NC but only visible because it's after spinner. Fixed
01:07:285 (1,2) - Whistle + Finish Fixed
01:34:714 (2,2) - ^ Fixed
01:41:142 (1,2) - Slider border overlap~ Fix this as well Fixed

Besides the hitsound errors and the sliders the map is good made. Good luck! Thanks. And you discovered my two major weaknesses: the sliders and the hitsounds. I followed all your suggestions and i will take a look at your link of differents custom hitsounds.
Thanks for your mod :). It was very helpful. ^^
01:18:157 01:19:714 fix these two slides' shape
01:03:428 usually we don't use this shape in easy
00:12:857 clap
01:20:571 - 01:23:785 it is not recommoned to use slider's end stack with slider's head in normal
01:34:285 - 01:35:571 too hard in normal
[Part of Glory]
00:27:000 why miss the note?
01:16:071 unrankable
01:20:142 the same
01:39:428 check the blanket

small tips: try to use less blanket and symmetry next time
Topic Starter
Hi :),

angelfix wrote:

01:18:157 01:19:714 fix these two slides' shape The first one refers to nothing. Fixed for the second one.
01:03:428 usually we don't use this shape in easy Because? It's not a complicated shape. You're the first one to ever tell me that.
00:12:857 clap If you want.... Fixed
01:20:571 - 01:23:785 it is not recommoned to use slider's end stack with slider's head in normal Not recommended but not forbidden. In this cas since we have a 1/2 beat gap it's better to have the stack rather to have two sliders with a big overlapping.
01:34:285 - 01:35:571 too hard in normal Fixed
[Part of Glory]
00:27:000 why miss the note? Because there is no note here.
01:16:071 unrankable I have seen this pattern in other maps before but if you want i can put a NC in order for the stack to be more clear.
01:20:142 the same The same.
01:39:428 check the blanket Fixed

small tips: try to use less blanket and symmetry next time Well i don't think that i use them that much (set apart the "Easy diff"). Moreover they are very pleasant to play. But i will see what can i change when i will have the time.
Thanks for the mod ^^

Hello Sir I from Modding Queues

Nothing to see!

00:38:142 not look good sir Move it to x:328 y:268 then fix space of next combo

00:17:357 Make end slide to snap last combo 2

[Path Of Glory]
01:30:000 Don't Make it Out Grid move it inslide

So I will give star for this because it Good and Impassive beatmap
Topic Starter
Hi :),

Zazalng wrote:

Nothing to see!

00:38:142 not look good sir Move it to x:328 y:268 then fix space of next combo Fixed

00:17:357 Make end slide to snap last combo 2 Fixed

[Path Of Glory]
01:30:000 Don't Make it Out Grid move it inslide The playing aread isn't limited to the grid. Play it and you'll see it's good.

So I will give star for this because it Good and Impassive beatmap Thanks a lot :)
Thanks for the mod (and the star) ;).
Yo. From my queue/

Deselect letterbox during breaks, because you haven't a storybiard.

Path of Glory:
00:45:285(1) - reduce end of slider to one tick
00:48:000(1) - ^
01:20:142 - add note
01:39:428(1) - reduce end of slider to one tick
01:41:142(1) - ^

Good luck.
Topic Starter
Hi :),

Verlaren wrote:

Yo. From my queue/

Deselect letterbox during breaks, because you haven't a storybiard. Fixed

Path of Glory:
00:45:285(1) - reduce end of slider to one tick Fixed
00:48:000(1) - ^ Fixed
01:20:142 - add note No
01:39:428(1) - reduce end of slider to one tick Fixed
01:41:142(1) - ^ Fixed

Good luck.
Hi~ rezoons :)

from my queue~

first, You forget to give kudosu to Zazalng o.o?
If it is not helpful, you should write about it :P

ok. here my mod~

  1. Difficulty settings: Why did you change Path Of Glory diff from Hard to Insane? Easy ⇒ Normal ⇒ Insane This setting does not have good balance. :? ( Because it does not have Hard of the middle degree of difficulty) but I think the actual setting is sufficient. since you have slightly difficult Normal. and Insane is not too difficult.
    I recommend that you hide the Insane of the Creator's Words. i mean Path Of Glory (Insane) ⇒ Path Of Glory. Because it makes diff balance look bad only by an appearance.
  2. Song Setup - Artist - 「Aoi Shoudo」 Is this a Japanese? I was able to find the Romaji, too. but I was not able to find it other than it...orz
  3. KIAI TIME - kia time start 00:59:999 - It is not put on the line. so better to put 01:00:000 all diff.

  1. 00:06:856 (1) - add finish to start of the slider. like Insane diff. It matches song very much
  2. 00:10:285 (1,2) - 00:06:856 (1,2,3) - I make these with a different flow. for ex: It is not necessary to change this, but It is also important to entertain the people with a variety of flow. ;)
  3. 00:14:142 (2,3) - I thought soft-finish will fit better than Normal-finish. so i suggest change to Additions:Auto⇒Soft
  4. 00:17:571 (3,4,1,2) - Suggestion of the rhythm & flow: ( I thought that the balance of the color was not so good. and 00:19:714 (2,1) - This similar flow, same as the reason above.) This is an example. When you change it, Please adjust it yourself.
  5. 00:20:571~00:34:285 - during this time, I think that your original clap matches song very much :) but I tried a few suggestions.
    ・00:23:571 (1,2) - I thought that there is no need of this slider tickclap
    ・00:25:285 (3) - add clap instead to finish
    ・00:25:714 (1,2) - add finish
    ・00:26:571 (3) - add finish to start of the slider and add clap to end of the slider
    ・00:31:285 (2,4) - add clap instead to finish.
    ・00:32:571 (5) - add finish to start of the slider and add clap to end of the slider
  6. 00:31:285 (2,4) - remove finish and instead 00:32:571 (5) - add finish to start of the slider. I think that it is better than consecutive finish :P
  7. 00:41:142 (1,2) - I think that finish matches end of the slider than a whistle. so i suggest add whistle to start of the slider and add whistle instead to clap to slider body, and add finish instead to whistle to end of the slider( maybe soft-finish is better? ) and 00:42:857 (3) - add finish
  8. 00:48:857 (2,4) - add clap to end of the slider
  9. 00:52:285 (2) - remove clap
  10. 01:07:285 (2,3) - same as 00:14:142 (2,3)
  11. 01:08:571 (4) - add clap to end of the slider
  12. 01:13:714~01:27:428 - comment same as 00:20:571~00:34:285 my suggestion hitsound ↓
    ・01:16:714 (1,3) - I thought that there is no need of this slider tickclap
    ・01:17:999 (3) - add clap instead to finish to end of the slider
    ・01:18:857 (1,2) - add finish
    ・01:19:714 (3) - add finish to start of the slider and add clap to end of the slider
    ・01:24:428 (2,4) - add clap instead to finish
    ・01:25:714 (5) - add finish to start of the slider and add clap to end of the slider
  13. 01:32:571 (5,1) - Why did you add few jumps here? yep. Probably this will not affect the play. but This is Easy diff. You should not make such a pattern in the later half of the song. and same as 01:39:428 (1,1) - . If you want to put such a pattern, It should be made in consideration of the balance. :P When make it the next time, please refer to it.
  14. 01:34:285 (1,2,1) - same as 00:41:142 (1,2)
  15. 01:36:000 (1) - remove NC. same pattern as 00:42:857 (3) -
  16. 01:39:428 (1) - ^ 00:46:285 (5) -
  17. 01:41:142 (1) - add finish to start of the slider
  18. 01:41:999 (2,4) - add clap to end of the slider
  19. 01:44:571 (1,2,3) - I think better fit to put only finish.
  20. 01:47:999 (1,2,1,2) - i suggest that these change to the slider for Easy. because Rhythm pattern for the first time at the end. so I suggested the rhythm that was easy to take 300 point for easy.
  21. 01:48:641 (2,2) - ^
  1. 00:06:856 (1) - same as Easy diff
  2. 00:06:857~00:20:571 - less hitsound. It is quieter than Easy. I recommend that you put clap more moderately.
  3. 00:09:857 (4) - remove finish. I can't recommend that you put them at the same time except when it really matches.
  4. 00:12:857 (3) - i prefer this circle change to the slider, and expanded the rhythm.
  5. 00:14:142 (2,3) - hitsound same as Easy diff.
  6. 00:20:571~00:34:285 - comment as 00:06:857~00:20:571. :? Please add hitsound refer to the Easy
  7. 00:22:285 (3,1,2) - I cannot recommend such a pattern. because these are placed by the same spacing. i mean 00:22:285 (3,2) - 00:22:714 (1,2) - . but rhythm is different. actually 00:22:285 (3,1) - This spacing is correct. since it may push it with wrong rhythm. so I think that you should take the spacing that does not crowd it for Easy, Normal diff. :P This is that I thought.
  8. 00:35:142 (2,2) - add clap to start of the slider?
  9. 00:41:142 (1,2,3,4,1) - hitsound same as Easy.
  10. 00:55:500 (2,4,5) - add finish
  11. 00:57:428 (1) - spinner end 00:59:142. It is where the sound will begin sounding synthesizer.
  12. 01:00:000~01:13:714 - comment as 00:06:857~00:20:571.
  13. 01:08:571 (4) - add NC
  14. 01:15:428 (3,1,2) - same as 00:22:285 (3,1,2)
  15. 01:27:428 (1) - add finish to start of the slider.
  16. 01:28:285 (2,2) - add clap to start of the slider.
  17. 01:34:285 (1,2) - hitsound same as Easy.
  18. 01:47:999 (1,2) - add finish instead to whistle
  19. 01:49:713 (1,2) - remove whistle
  20. 01:50:784 (1) - spinner start 01:50:571. same as 00:57:428 (1) -
[Path Of Glory]
  • What does this diff name mean o.o? but maybe 「Path of Glory」 is better?
  1. 00:06:857~00:20:571 - same comment as normal diff.
  2. 00:35:142 (2,2) - add clap to start of the slider
  3. 00:52:285 (2) - add NC. 00:51:428 (1,2) - 00:52:285 (2,3) - For these different rhythm but the same spacing
  4. 00:53:785 (4,5,6,7,8) - Suggestion of the flow: Make a jump in this star formation. or If you use the latter, 00:54:857 (1,2) - You should adjust these. )
  5. 00:56:571 (1) - add finish instead to clap
  6. 00:57:321 (1) - remove finish
  7. 01:00:214 (1) - remove NC. 00:59:999 (1) - i thought this single NC was not so good for an appearance.
  8. 01:00:000~01:13:714 - same as Normal diff.
  9. 01:05:999 (3) - remove whistle to end of the slider. and 01:06:321 (4,6) - add whistle?
  10. 01:12:642 (x) - I think better to put a note here as well the rhythm will become good. not only follow the sound, i think It is also important that make rhythm better.
  11. 01:23:142 (4) - add NC or 00:29:999 (1) - remove NC. because These are the same pattern. so better to unify it.
  12. 01:26:571 (4,5) - Suggestion of the flow: Ctrl + G. will give them a little jump
  13. 01:37:500 (x) - I think better to put a note here like 00:43:928 (4) - rhythm here.
  14. 01:28:285 (2,2) - add clap to start of the slider
  15. 01:44:571 (1,2,4) - add finish instead to clap
  16. 01:45:428 (2) - same as 00:52:285 (2)
  17. 01:47:999 (1) - add finish instead to clap to start of the slider
  18. 01:49:714 (5,7) - ^
  19. 01:50:357 (7,1) - The sound of the 01:50:571 it sounds a little unnecessary. I think that you should put a spinner just after 01:50:357 outstanding sounds. It like 00:57:214 (4,1).
  20. 01:50:464 (1) - I think that 01:52:714 is enough for the end of the spinner. have a drum sound there.
Most of the form&rhythm does not have the problem. but I think that hitsound has to be improved more. At first, Please try how to use the same in all diff. and Please pay attention to sound more. it have various sounds there. ;)

Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter
Hi :),

Fist of all, i thank you for your big mod (and the star :D). It's defenitely the better i've ever had and i don't know how many time it took for you to do it but i'm really thankful. :)

I haven't applied all the mod so i will edit this post.

kosiga wrote:

Hi~ rezoons :)

from my queue~

first, You forget to give kudosu to Zazalng o.o? Yeah, i completly forgeot. I hope she/he won't kill me.
If it is not helpful, you should write about it :P

ok. here my mod~

  1. Difficulty settings: Why did you change Path Of Glory diff from Hard to Insane? Easy ⇒ Normal ⇒ Insane This setting does not have good balance. :? ( Because it does not have Hard of the middle degree of difficulty) but I think the actual setting is sufficient. since you have slightly difficult Normal. and Insane is not too difficult. Because i thought that it was too hard to be called a "Hard" but i rename it like you suggest.
    I recommend that you hide the Insane of the Creator's Words. i mean Path Of Glory (Insane) ⇒ Path Of Glory. Because it makes diff balance look bad only by an appearance. It will also hide the "insanity" of the Creator's words.... *Ba Dum Tish* :o
  2. Song Setup - Artist - 「Aoi Shoudo」 Is this a Japanese? I was able to find the Romaji, too. but I was not able to find it other than it...orz It was already in the mp3 so i didn't check any further.
  3. KIAI TIME - kia time start 00:59:999 - It is not put on the line. so better to put 01:00:000 all diff.Fixed

I'm a begginer mapper (but i think you know that) and hitsounds is one of my weekness so i thank you a lot for all your suggestions.
  1. 00:06:856 (1) - add finish to start of the slider. like Insane diff. It matches song very much Fixed
  2. 00:10:285 (1,2) - 00:06:856 (1,2,3) - I make these with a different flow. for ex: It is not necessary to change this, but It is also important to entertain the people with a variety of flow. ;) Fixed
  3. 00:14:142 (2,3) - I thought soft-finish will fit better than Normal-finish. so i suggest change to Additions:Auto⇒Soft Fixed
  4. 00:17:571 (3,4,1,2) - Suggestion of the rhythm & flow: ( I thought that the balance of the color was not so good. and 00:19:714 (2,1) - This similar flow, same as the reason above.) This is an example. When you change it, Please adjust it yourself. I really love this pattern. Thank you ^^. (btw i really love your skin too)
  5. 00:20:571~00:34:285 - during this time, I think that your original clap matches song very much :) but I tried a few suggestions.
    ・00:23:571 (1,2) - I thought that there is no need of this slider tickclap Well, i don't know.I'll let them and see if someone else suggest that i should remove them.
    ・00:25:285 (3) - add clap instead to finish Fixed
    ・00:25:714 (1,2) - add finish Fixed
    ・00:26:571 (3) - add finish to start of the slider and add clap to end of the slider Fixed
    ・00:31:285 (2,4) - add clap instead to finish. Fixed
    ・00:32:571 (5) - add finish to start of the slider and add clap to end of the slider Fixed
  6. 00:31:285 (2,4) - remove finish and instead 00:32:571 (5) - add finish to start of the slider. I think that it is better than consecutive finish :P Fixed
  7. 00:41:142 (1,2) - I think that finish matches end of the slider than a whistle. so i suggest add whistle to start of the slider and add whistle instead to clap to slider body, and add finish instead to whistle to end of the slider( maybe soft-finish is better? ) and 00:42:857 (3) - add finish Fixed
  8. 00:48:857 (2,4) - add clap to end of the slider Fixed
  9. 00:52:285 (2) - remove clap Fixed
  10. 01:07:285 (2,3) - same as 00:14:142 (2,3) Fixed
  11. 01:08:571 (4) - add clap to end of the slider Fixed
  12. 01:13:714~01:27:428 - comment same as 00:20:571~00:34:285 my suggestion hitsound ↓ Same modification than before
  13. 01:32:571 (5,1) - Why did you add few jumps here? yep. Probably this will not affect the play. but This is Easy diff. You should not make such a pattern in the later half of the song. and same as 01:39:428 (1,1) - . If you want to put such a pattern, It should be made in consideration of the balance. :P When make it the next time, please refer to it. I didn't want to add jump. The first time i think it's because i messed up with the distance snapping and the seconde time it's for the pattern. But i removed the jump in both case.
  14. 01:34:285 (1,2,1) - same as 00:41:142 (1,2) Fixed
  15. 01:36:000 (1) - remove NC. same pattern as 00:42:857 (3) - Fixed
  16. 01:39:428 (1) - ^ 00:46:285 (5) - Fixed
  17. 01:41:142 (1) - add finish to start of the slider Fixed
  18. 01:41:999 (2,4) - add clap to end of the slider Fixed
  19. 01:44:571 (1,2,3) - I think better fit to put only finish. Fixed
  20. 01:47:999 (1,2,1,2) - i suggest that these change to the slider for Easy. because Rhythm pattern for the first time at the end. so I suggested the rhythm that was easy to take 300 point for easy. Change to one 1/2 beath-length-slider plus one note
  21. 01:48:641 (2,2) - ^ ^
  1. 00:06:856 (1) - same as Easy diff Fixed
  2. 00:06:857~00:20:571 - less hitsound. It is quieter than Easy. I recommend that you put clap more moderately. Fixed
  3. 00:09:857 (4) - remove finish. I can't recommend that you put them at the same time except when it really matches. Fixed
  4. 00:12:857 (3) - i prefer this circle change to the slider, and expanded the rhythm. I doesn't fit the rythm quite well but i have added a slider to fill the gap
  5. 00:14:142 (2,3) - hitsound same as Easy diff. Fixed
  6. 00:20:571~00:34:285 - comment as 00:06:857~00:20:571. :? Please add hitsound refer to the Easy Fixed
  7. 00:22:285 (3,1,2) - I cannot recommend such a pattern. because these are placed by the same spacing. i mean 00:22:285 (3,2) - 00:22:714 (1,2) - . but rhythm is different. actually 00:22:285 (3,1) - This spacing is correct. since it may push it with wrong rhythm. so I think that you should take the spacing that does not crowd it for Easy, Normal diff. :P This is that I thought. I'm not sure if i've understood well but i think it's fixed.
  8. 00:35:142 (2,2) - add clap to start of the slider? I must say i don't like it.
  9. 00:41:142 (1,2,3,4,1) - hitsound same as Easy. Fixed
  10. 00:55:500 (2,4,5) - add finish Fixed
  11. 00:57:428 (1) - spinner end 00:59:142. It is where the sound will begin sounding synthesizer. Fixed
  12. 01:00:000~01:13:714 - comment as 00:06:857~00:20:571. Fixed
  13. 01:08:571 (4) - add NC Fixed
  14. 01:15:428 (3,1,2) - same as 00:22:285 (3,1,2) Fixed
  15. 01:27:428 (1) - add finish to start of the slider. Fixed
  16. 01:28:285 (2,2) - add clap to start of the slider. No, for the same reason
  17. 01:34:285 (1,2) - hitsound same as Easy. Fixed
  18. 01:47:999 (1,2) - add finish instead to whistle Fixed
  19. 01:49:713 (1,2) - remove whistle Fixed
  20. 01:50:784 (1) - spinner start 01:50:571. same as 00:57:428 (1) - Fixed
[Path Of Glory]
  • What does this diff name mean o.o? but maybe 「Path of Glory」 is better? In the Video Game it's the title of the "book" (so, Path Of Glory) made by a young fan of the Steel Samourai
  1. 00:06:857~00:20:571 - same comment as normal diff. Fixed
  2. 00:35:142 (2,2) - add clap to start of the slider No
  3. 00:52:285 (2) - add NC. 00:51:428 (1,2) - 00:52:285 (2,3) - For these different rhythm but the same spacing Fixed
  4. 00:53:785 (4,5,6,7,8) - Suggestion of the flow: Make a jump in this star formation. or If you use the latter, 00:54:857 (1,2) - You should adjust these. ) Fixed
  5. 00:56:571 (1) - add finish instead to clap Fixed
  6. 00:57:321 (1) - remove finish Fixed
  7. 01:00:214 (1) - remove NC. 00:59:999 (1) - i thought this single NC was not so good for an appearance. Fixed. It was suggested by a modder with a good experience in mapping even if i had doubt but since you have an even better experience i'll trust you on this one.
  8. 01:00:000~01:13:714 - same as Normal diff. Fixed
  9. 01:05:999 (3) - remove whistle to end of the slider. and 01:06:321 (4,6) - add whistle? Fixed
  10. 01:12:642 (x) - I think better to put a note here as well the rhythm will become good. not only follow the sound, i think It is also important that make rhythm better. Fixed
  11. 01:23:142 (4) - add NC or 00:29:999 (1) - remove NC. because These are the same pattern. so better to unify it. Fixed
  12. 01:26:571 (4,5) - Suggestion of the flow: Ctrl + G. will give them a little jump Fixed
  13. 01:37:500 (x) - I think better to put a note here like 00:43:928 (4) - rhythm here. Fixed
  14. 01:28:285 (2,2) - add clap to start of the slider No
  15. 01:44:571 (1,2,4) - add finish instead to clap Fixed
  16. 01:45:428 (2) - same as 00:52:285 (2) Fixed
  17. 01:47:999 (1) - add finish instead to clap to start of the slider Fixed
  18. 01:49:714 (5,7) - ^ Fixed
  19. 01:50:357 (7,1) - The sound of the 01:50:571 it sounds a little unnecessary. I think that you should put a spinner just after 01:50:357 outstanding sounds. It like 00:57:214 (4,1). But for the pattern it's better to keep things this way.
  20. 01:50:464 (1) - I think that 01:52:714 is enough for the end of the spinner. have a drum sound there. Fixed
Most of the form&rhythm does not have the problem. but I think that hitsound has to be improved more. At first, Please try how to use the same in all diff. and Please pay attention to sound more. it have various sounds there. ;) I don't have a good ear for hitsounds so that's why i need help with them and your help is quite enough. I really owe you on this one. :)

Good luck~ :)
Thank you again for your aweome mod :).
From my Modding Queue.

Looking good!

00:17:143 (2) - Fix spacing.
00:23:571 (1) - Remove finish on the beginning.
00:24:428 (2) - ^
00:44:571 (1,2,3,4) - Hmm, feels kinda weird since they are following a straight line, consider moving them to improve flow.
01:08:571 (4) - New Combo.
01:15:428 (3) - Hmm, it's better not to put sliders that high on the grid, you should lower this one.
01:16:714 (1) - Same as 00:23:571 (1).
01:17:571 (2) - Remove finish.

00:23:571 (1) - Remove finish on beginning.
00:24:428 (2) - Remove finish.
00:25:714 (1) - Add finish?
00:32:142 (4) - I'd place this circle on x:256 y:260 to improve flow.
00:31:285 (2) - Remove Finish.
00:32:571 (1) - Add finish.
00:38:142 (2) - Remove clap.
00:38:999 (4) - ^
00:51:428 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same as on Easy, placing them on a straight line doesn't looks fine.

Path of Glory
00:27:000 - Consider adding a note here to follow the beat. Plus it would be nice for the stream.
01:10:285 - Why no circle here?
01:11:571 - ^
01:20:142 - Same as 00:27:000
01:50:357 (7) - Consider replacing this slider for a circle, so the spin can start on a better place.

Good luck!
Topic Starter
Hi :),

Wolf wrote:

From my Modding Queue.

Looking good!

00:17:143 (2) - Fix spacing. WTF! Should have been a missclick. Fixed
00:23:571 (1) - Remove finish on the beginning. I'll trust kosiga's hitsounds suggestions on this one. Maybe if someone else point it out but for the moment i keep it this way.
00:24:428 (2) - ^ ^
00:44:571 (1,2,3,4) - Hmm, feels kinda weird since they are following a straight line, consider moving them to improve flow. Fixed
01:08:571 (4) - New Combo. Fixed
01:15:428 (3) - Hmm, it's better not to put sliders that high on the grid, you should lower this one. It's maybe high here but in the playfield it's good.
01:16:714 (1) - Same as 00:23:571 (1). Same as 00:23:571 (1)
01:17:571 (2) - Remove finish. No, same reason.

00:23:571 (1) - Remove finish on beginning. ^
00:24:428 (2) - Remove finish. ^
00:25:714 (1) - Add finish? Clap added like in "normal"
00:32:142 (4) - I'd place this circle on x:256 y:260 to improve flow. Fixed
00:31:285 (2) - Remove Finish. No
00:32:571 (1) - Add finish. Clap added like in "normal"
00:38:142 (2) - Remove clap. ^
00:38:999 (4) - ^ ^
00:51:428 (1,2,3,4,5) - Same as on Easy, placing them on a straight line doesn't looks fine. Fixed. In fact the pattern is now way better thanks.

Path of Glory
00:27:000 - Consider adding a note here to follow the beat. Plus it would be nice for the stream. I did that at the start but the sound is kind of awkward so i keep it like this.
01:10:285 - Why no circle here? Because i follow the music.... but it kils the flow so i will add one.
01:11:571 - ^ ^
01:20:142 - Same as 00:27:000 Same as 00:27:000
01:50:357 (7) - Consider replacing this slider for a circle, so the spin can start on a better place. Since you're not the first one to suggest it: Fixed

Good luck!
Thanks ^^
ohai~ there. So lets begin:

I really like the song and because you requested a mod from a little Cookie you get it.


I like the map. The timing seems to be right and the notes are placed reasonable. I can only make some suggestions for your map.

00:13:285 - I think you should put a circle there. It sounds good and would fit. Without it you can clearly hear the base-drum which annoys me a bit.

00:13:714 - I wouldn't start a new combo here, but at 00:14:142 - , because the two notes after that should be exaggerated, like in the song. The same at 01:06:857.

00:39:428 - Instead of a "normal" sampleset, you should let the slider sound with "drum", this way the player could also hear the little tension, the componist used.

That's all, I think.


I can't find much. Actually it is pretty well mapped. There's only one thing that could sound better:

01:12:642 - Gou could place another hitsound there, filling the gap.

That's all...

Path of Glory

Again I can't find much. But I try to make some suggestions again.

00:10:928 - I would place the note somewhere else, maybe at x:256 y:200. Otherwise you'll destroy the flow.

Yeah. Nothing else.
Topic Starter
Hi :),

ChivaCookie wrote:

ohai~ there. So lets begin:

I really like the song and because you requested a mod from a little Cookie you get it.


I like the map. The timing seems to be right and the notes are placed reasonable. I can only make some suggestions for your map.

00:13:285 - I think you should put a circle there. It sounds good and would fit. Without it you can clearly hear the base-drum which annoys me a bit. I follow the guitar in this diff so a circle wont do it.

00:13:714 - I wouldn't start a new combo here, but at 00:14:142 - , because the two notes after that should be exaggerated, like in the song. The same at 01:06:857. If i had had your other circle then yes i would have put a NC here but without it avoids the combo of one note.

00:39:428 - Instead of a "normal" sampleset, you should let the slider sound with "drum", this way the player could also hear the little tension, the componist used. Fixed

That's all, I think.


I can't find much. Actually it is pretty well mapped. There's only one thing that could sound better:

01:12:642 - Gou could place another hitsound there, filling the gap. There is a blank here in the song and i don't think a transition beat is needed here just for a Normal.

That's all...

Path of Glory

Again I can't find much. But I try to make some suggestions again.

00:10:928 - I would place the note somewhere else, maybe at x:256 y:200. Otherwise you'll destroy the flow. It seems absurd. Maybe you don't point the right note.....

Yeah. Nothing else.
Thanks ^^
Hello, rezoons.
Modding from \( 'ω')/Kitsuneko's Modding Queue\('ω' )/


  1. General is OK


  • Setting

  1. Clear

  1. 00:16:714 - Add clap

  1. 01:10:286 (2,1,2,3,4) - Unkind to newbie player since It's stacked three times on same point.
    Example of placements:
  2. 00:53:142 (3) - X:392 Y:220. 00:51:428 (1,2,3) - make equilateral triangle and line of 00:50:142 (4).


  • Setting

  1. Clear

  1. OK

  1. 00:18:642 (1) - It has two issues. one, it's close from 00:18:214 (3) . two, it's hard to read repeat times.
    If I make that:
  2. 00:43:499 (3,4) - Replace to slider.

Path Of Glory

  • Setting

  1. Set Stack Leniency over 5. 2 is too rarely case and disadvantage to rank.

  1. 00:07:285 - Add clap
  2. 00:10:714 - ^
  3. 00:13:285 (3) - ^
  4. 00:16:500 (5,6) - ^, (5) is up to you.
  5. 00:17:142 (1) - Remove clap
  6. 00:17:571 (3) - Add clap
  7. 00:52:714 (2) - Remove clap
  8. 01:00:428 (3) - Add clap
  9. 01:06:428 (5) - ^
  10. 01:08:999 (5) - ^
  11. 01:09:642 (1,2) - ^, (1) is up to you.
  12. 01:45:857 (2) - Remove clap
  13. 01:48:214 - Add whsitle
  14. 01:48:642 - ^
  15. 01:49:714 - ^
  16. 01:50:357 (7) - ^

  1. 01:16:071 (2) - DON'T USE Unreadable Slider. body of all is covered by slider. Definitely it's Unrankable.

Good luck :3

Black = suggestions. Does not mean that must be changed / Blue = recommend to change / Red = Unrankable issues

Good mapset. But it lacks a decent Hard. It's Easy -> Normal -> Insane at the moment. Get a Hard then a few mods and call me back for a re-check & possible bubble.


00:41:142 (1) - Add a whistle and remove the clap on the entire slider.
00:42:000 (2) - Add a whistle and remove the clap on the entire slider.
01:34:285 (1) - Add a whistle and remove the clap on the entire slider.
01:35:142 (2) - Add a whistle and remove the clap on the entire slider.
01:43:285 (4) - Remove the clap on repeat 1 (at 01:43:713).


01:46:285 (5,1) - this is slightly hidden, and makes its very hard (for a normal). Consider the same type of spacing you used earlier.

That is all I could see.

Good job.

[Path of Glory]

Any reason Stack Leniency is 2? I'd suggest you make it 3, since 2 is rarely used and some BAT's might have an issue with it.

00:27:107 (5,6) - These two stacks are really hard to hit while playing. So, here is my suggestion to improve it while keeping the effect the same.

Delete 4 & 5 and make it a slider.

01:20:249 (5,6) - ^ same idea as above.

Rest looks good.
Mod queue

01:32:142: (4) I think that you should put this circle here rather than putting it where (1) was.


00:41:571: (2) I don't like the circle under silder here. Put it at the end of the silder?
00:42:428: (4) ^

Path of Glory
00:15:535: (2) I don't hear anything here, so why is the 1/4 here? I suggest you delete it.
00:25:714: (1,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3,4) Some of these 1/4's are again mapped to nothing, or you have a beat on no sounds. I listened in and this is what I got on the timeline. I suggest you restructure this based on the picture:
How you pattern this is up to you :P
01:01:607: (2) Same thing as 00:15
01:03:750: (3) ^
01:06:964: (2) ^
01:08:678: (2) ^
01:08:892: (4) ^
01:18:857: (1, 2, 3, 1 ,2, 3, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Same kind of deal as 00:25. Heres what I suggest to make it sound nicest.

Good luck with ranking.
Topic Starter
Hi everyone :),

Kitsuneko wrote:

Hello, rezoons.
Modding from \( 'ω')/Kitsuneko's Modding Queue\('ω' )/


  1. General is OK


  • Setting

  1. Clear

  1. 00:16:714 - Add clap Fixed

  1. 01:10:286 (2,1,2,3,4) - Unkind to newbie player since It's stacked three times on same point. Fixed

    Example of placements:
  2. 00:53:142 (3) - X:392 Y:220. 00:51:428 (1,2,3) - make equilateral triangle and line of 00:50:142 (4).Fixed


  • Setting

  1. Clear

  1. OK

  1. 00:18:642 (1) - It has two issues. one, it's close from 00:18:214 (3) . two, it's hard to read repeat times. Fixed but in a different way.

    If I make that:
  2. 00:43:499 (3,4) - Replace to slider. Fixed

Path Of Glory

  • Setting

  1. Set Stack Leniency over 5. 2 is too rarely case and disadvantage to rank. I can't because of 00:47:142 (2) and 00:48:857 (2).

  1. 00:07:285 - Add clap Fixed
  2. 00:10:714 - ^ Fixed
  3. 00:13:285 (3) - ^ Fixed
  4. 00:16:500 (5,6) - ^, (5) is up to you. Fixed but not 5
  5. 00:17:142 (1) - Remove clap Fixed
  6. 00:17:571 (3) - Add clap Fixed
  7. 00:52:714 (2) - Remove clap Fixed
  8. 01:00:428 (3) - Add clap Fixed
  9. 01:06:428 (5) - ^ Fixed
  10. 01:08:999 (5) - ^ Fixed
  11. 01:09:642 (1,2) - ^, (1) is up to you. Fixed but not 1
  12. 01:45:857 (2) - Remove clap Fixed
  13. 01:48:214 - Add whsitle Fixed
  14. 01:48:642 - ^ Fixed
  15. 01:49:714 - ^ Fixed
  16. 01:50:357 (7) - ^ Fixed

  1. 01:16:071 (2) - DON'T USE Unreadable Slider. body of all is covered by slider. Definitely it's Unrankable.I have seen this in ranked map and the MAT below didn't said anything so, i'll keep it for the moment.

Good luck :3

Black = suggestions. Does not mean that must be changed / Blue = recommend to change / Red = Unrankable issues
Thanks for your mod ^^

Teara wrote:


Good mapset. But it lacks a decent Hard. It's Easy -> Normal -> Insane at the moment. Get a Hard then a few mods and call me back for a re-check & possible bubble. That's why i change it's name but yeah, i'll mod a Hard. I just don't know how long it will take but thanks for your proposition. ^^


00:41:142 (1) - Add a whistle and remove the clap on the entire slider. Fixed
00:42:000 (2) - Add a whistle and remove the clap on the entire slider. Fixed
01:34:285 (1) - Add a whistle and remove the clap on the entire slider. Fixed
01:35:142 (2) - Add a whistle and remove the clap on the entire slider. Fixed
01:43:285 (4) - Remove the clap on repeat 1 (at 01:43:713). Fixed


01:46:285 (5,1) - this is slightly hidden, and makes its very hard (for a normal). Consider the same type of spacing you used earlier. Fixed but in another way.

That is all I could see.

Good job.

[Path of Glory]

Any reason Stack Leniency is 2? I'd suggest you make it 3, since 2 is rarely used and some BAT's might have an issue with it. That's because of 00:47:142 (2) and 00:48:857 (2) with a higher SL they would move a little bit and it would get ugly while playing. So that's either that or change the positions of the notes.

00:27:107 (5,6) - These two stacks are really hard to hit while playing. So, here is my suggestion to improve it while keeping the effect the same. You know what? You're the only one in 15 mod to show me a good way to fix this without changing the effect. Thank you.Fixed

Delete 4 & 5 and make it a slider.

01:20:249 (5,6) - ^ same idea as above. Fixed

Rest looks good.
Thank you too ^^

PortalLife wrote:

Mod queue

01:32:142: (4) I think that you should put this circle here rather than putting it where (1) was. Not a bad idea but i would have to move everything in order to keep the DS and it would cause 01:43:285 (4) to be too high.


00:41:571: (2) I don't like the circle under silder here. Put it at the end of the silder? Yeah, why not.
00:42:428: (4) ^ ^

Path of Glory
00:15:535: (2) I don't hear anything here, so why is the 1/4 here? I suggest you delete it. There are three note of the guitar separate by 1/4 beat.
00:25:714: (1,2,3, 1,2,3, 1,2,3,4) Some of these 1/4's are again mapped to nothing, or you have a beat on no sounds. I listened in and this is what I got on the timeline. I suggest you restructure this based on the picture: There are notes of.... whatever this instriument is. I assure you
How you pattern this is up to you :P
01:01:607: (2) Same thing as 00:15 Same thing
01:03:750: (3) ^ ^
01:06:964: (2) ^ ^
01:08:678: (2) ^ ^
01:08:892: (4) ^ ^
01:18:857: (1, 2, 3, 1 ,2, 3, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Same kind of deal as 00:25. Heres what I suggest to make it sound nicest. Same thing


Good luck with ranking.
And thank you too.

rezoons wrote:

  1. 01:16:071 (2) - DON'T USE Unreadable Slider. body of all is covered by slider. Definitely it's Unrankable.I have seen this in ranked map and the MAT below didn't said anything so, i'll keep it for the moment.
Just to verify, this is rankable, I can see it fine with new default skin, and because it has a different combo color, it doesn't feel hidden.

Topic Starter

Teara wrote:

Just to verify, this is rankable, I can see it fine with new default skin, and because it has a different combo color, it doesn't feel hidden.
Thanks :), i must say i wasn't 100% sure.

Standard Ranking Criteria wrote:

Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end.
it's Rules. not Guidlines.
Admit one exception, it's Rules will not have a meaning as a rules.
Yeah I' would not say to strongly stop use it anymore.
Just it's okay if any BAT says go.
Path of Glory

01:00:750 - add a note?
01:05:892 - ^

That's all I got :\ Quite a few of the 1/4 sounds in the song are within some of your longer sliders, can't fault any of that.
Topic Starter
Hi :),

Each time i follow the guitar so i won't add any note. Sorry.....
Thanks for the mod anyway ^^
Hi! M4M
You said for me to mod only the hard and path of glory diff, but my mods are kind of short too, so i'll mod normal too

00:16:071 (4) - move this so it isnt touching (3)
00:19:285 (4) - ^
00:26:571 (1) - short multi-reverse sliders with notes quickly after arent fun D:
00:43:928 (3) - create some sort of blanket over (1)?
00:56:571 (5) - move this a little higher

Path of Glory
00:44:571 (1) - move 1 unit right to line up with end of previous slider, sorry if its nazi but im a perfectionist :D plus you have a lot of perfect stuff in here already
01:12:642 (4) - move 8 units down?
01:43:500 (6) - try it like this, this is how i do mine and i think it looks nice (symmetrical points btw): (you don't have to put it in the spot i made it in)

It's definitely a little crowded in here, i think its okay to use distance snap 1.1x if this ever happens. obviously it would need remapping, so, up to you. (or maybe 1.1x is bad, dont listen to me adsgdfhjkh)
01:21:428 (1,2) - these sliders dont line up perfectly in the middle
01:22:285 (1,2) - ^
01:46:928 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - too hard for normal i think ._.

I would mod easy but I found nothing.
You have a very beautiful clean mapping style, I like it!
Sorry if this is a short/bad mod, I think it's better than some mods I've seen out there though ._.
Nice map, good luck! Thanks for M4M.
Topic Starter
Hi :),

Cobra wrote:

Hi! M4M
You said for me to mod only the hard and path of glory diff, but my mods are kind of short too, so i'll mod normal too Well... Thank you ^^

00:16:071 (4) - move this so it isnt touching (3) Fixed. I changed the CS at the last minute so that's why they touched.
00:19:285 (4) - ^ Fixed
00:26:571 (1) - short multi-reverse sliders with notes quickly after arent fun D: I know but i didn't find anything else for this pattern. Just a slider is too easy and i can't do the same thing that i've done in Insane.
00:43:928 (3) - create some sort of blanket over (1)? That's what i did. But over the whole slider and note just the beggining.
00:56:571 (5) - move this a little higher Fixed

Path of Glory
00:44:571 (1) - move 1 unit right to line up with end of previous slider, sorry if its nazi but im a perfectionist :D plus you have a lot of perfect stuff in here already Fixed. And don't worry i'm a perfectionist too.
01:12:642 (4) - move 8 units down? I prefer when it's centered and with AR 8 we can't see that it's not stacked with the slider.
01:43:500 (6) - try it like this, this is how i do mine and i think it looks nice (symmetrical points btw): (you don't have to put it in the spot i made it in) That's much better. Thank you ^^

It's definitely a little crowded in here, i think its okay to use distance snap 1.1x if this ever happens. obviously it would need remapping, so, up to you. (or maybe 1.1x is bad, dont listen to me adsgdfhjkh) Well it's just the limit allowing the note to don't overlap so i'll keep it like this.
01:21:428 (1,2) - these sliders dont line up perfectly in the middle Fixed
01:22:285 (1,2) - ^ Fixed
01:46:928 (2,3,4,5,6,1) - too hard for normal i think ._. Maybe.... I'll see with a MAT but for the moment i'l keep it like this.

I would mod easy but I found nothing.
You have a very beautiful clean mapping style, I like it! Thank you ^^. Your mapping style is different but i like it too.
Sorry if this is a short/bad mod, I think it's better than some mods I've seen out there though ._. There is always worse and always better. But the important is that your mod was helpful.
Nice map, good luck! Thanks for M4M.
Thank you for the mod ^^
Hi o/
Summoned here via ~ ★ Dake's and Irre's Modding Queue ★ ~
I loved this case when I played Ace Attorney :3
Here I go.

This is a quite oldish style map, but it's still a nice one.
Maybe add Nintendo to tags ;3

Nice diff, I'll give you some suggestions in aesthetics, that I think it's the weak point of this map, should be better after this.
00:19:285 (5) - I don't like how this sharp slider looks, try making a nice soft curve that matches wit the next sliders, maybe like this.
00:23:571 - 00:27:428 - Maybe return to the normal sampleset in this part, the claps as sliderticks don't fit too much here in my opinion.
00:37:714 (1,2,3,4,5) - This looked a bit weird for me while playing as it's a bit stretch pattern, you can make a near regular pentagon,

(1) and (5) keep their placement
00:38:142 (2) - x:196 y:296
00:38:571 (3) - x:108 y:244
00:38:999 (4) - x:128 y:148
01:03:428 (1) - Make this a bezier slider instead a sharp one.

I'll put you the coordinates for the nodes.
1st x:244 y:48
2nd (red) x:344 y:48
3rd x:360 y:48
4th x:436 y:56
5th x:444 y:136
6th (red) x:444 y:152
7th x:444 y:196
01:05:142 (2) - If you do what I said above, remember to fix the spacing for this object, and maybe you will want to re-arrange the next two circles too.
01:16:714 - 01:20:571 - Maybe return to the normal sampleset in this part, the claps as sliderticks don't fit too much here in my opinion.
01:41:142 (1) - I think you forgot to put a clap in the end of this slider.
01:41:999 (2) - If I was right above, you put an extra clap in the beginning of this, remove it.

Somehow nazi stuff below, little aesthetical things that don't have any noticeable effect in gameplay, but may add a nice look to the map, feel free to follow or ignore.
00:15:428 (1) - Move the last node 2 grid to the right, and the 3rd and 4th nodes (the ones at the right side) 1 grid to the right, and we have a nice perfect symmetrical slider.
01:39:428 (5) - As above, the result will be a nice symmetrical slider and not look so close to the previous slider. Move the bottom nodes 1 grid down and the upper ones 1 grid up, then move the whole slider 1 grid left. Tada~
To be honest, this is a quite fast Normal, I recommend to lower the Slider Velocity to around 1.30-1.40, it would be more friendly to the players that are still improving in the game, but well, you have some nice patterns here that might be destroyed if you do this, so feel free to keep your actual SV.
00:23:571 - 00:27:428 - As I mentioned in Easy, return to Normal sampleset in this part.
00:27:428 (1,2,1,2) - All this would play better as 1/1 sliders, Due to the SV you use it may be a bit hard to handle.
00:41:142 (1,2) - I think it would be better if these is joint into a 1/1 slider, following the guitar is nice for this one.
00:42:000 (3,4) - As above.
00:42:857 (1,2,3,4) - If you follow the ones I pointed above, let's keep following guitar and make this.

00:53:357 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - A lot of circles in 1/2, it's nice to play, but it may be too much for a Normal, though you can keep your short repeating for (1).

01:15:428 (3) - I think you're missing a clap here.
01:20:571 (1,2,1,2) - As I said in 00:27:428.
01:35:999 (1,2,3,4) - As I said in 00:42:857.
01:46:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - As in 00:53:357.
The best diff in this mapset in my opinion, there are some jumpy parts but the way the objects are placed makes easy to read them.
Maybe you should increase the Circle Size to 4, all will look a lot cleaner.
00:26:571 (1,2,3) - I loved this part, the way you use syncopation it's very nice, good job, but you should unstack (2,3), by this you will make this part less confusing, as it may be hit as it was 1/4 beat after the slider and not 1/2.
01:14:571 (2) - Remove the finish in the end of the slider, doesn't fit at all.
01:20:250 (2,3) - As I said a bit above, unstack it.
[Path of Glory]
Just one thing, if you could make the triples less spaced it will be a nice diff, any value for Distance Snapping between 0.6x and 0.8x would work for that.
00:26:571 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part would play better as only circles, all this call for be tapped while playing, the slider is only making things a bit annoying in my opinion (I know it's an Insane, but it still has to be nice to play ;3).
00:27:428 (1,2,3) - This sliders are somehow consistent in all diffs, so no need to change, but it would be more fun if you follow the bass for this part, maybe something like this.

00:43:928 (4) - I don't like so much sharp sliders, you could make a nice curve for this, maybe a circular slider would fit very nice here.
01:02:357 (6) - Make this sliders as a curved one, too sharp in my opinion.
01:19:714 (1,2,3,4,5) - As I said first, this would be a lot more better and more fun if all here are only circles.
01:20:571 (1,2,3) - Same as 00:27:428.
:!: 01:16:714 (1) - Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end. This can be easily read as a circle instead as an slider, or unless you have a very sharp eye, I noticed until checking in editor it was an slider. An alternative way to keep your flow could be something like this:

That's all from my part, nice job so far, keep improving, good luck ;3

Hi~ From My M4M Queues~


  • Mapping
    Modding is for slider shape or pattern
  1. 00:14:999 (3) - Try This?

  2. 00:19:285 (5) - Do You like this Slider?

  3. 00:25:714 (1) - Remove NC?
  4. 01:47:142 - Add Note?

    hitsound on suggestions
  5. 00:10:285 (1) - End Whistle?
  6. 00:14:142 (2) - Remove Finish


  • Mapping
    Modding is for slider shape or pattern
  1. Why Normal Dff Hard?? Ar-1 Please
  2. 00:08:357 (1) - Remove NC?
  3. 00:25:714 (1) - No Spinner!! Fix Please!!
  4. 00:32:571 (1) - ^
  5. 00:39:428 (1) - ^
  6. 00:50:357 (5) - Anti Jump??
  7. 01:25:285 (4) - Try This?

  8. 01:32:571 (1) - No Spinner!! Fix Please!!
  9. 01:44:571 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hmm.. Seating arrangement .. I'm more than Fix look differently
  10. 01:49:285 (2) - Remove?

Ok~ Good Map~ Star~
Good Luck~~!!
Topic Starter
Hi :),

DakeDekaane wrote:

Hi o/
Summoned here via ~ ★ Dake's and Irre's Modding Queue ★ ~
I loved this case when I played Ace Attorney :3
Here I go.

This is a quite oldish style map, but it's still a nice one. Thanks ^^. I like old style. Even if it has a low reputation because of all the poor map which have been mapped like this.
Maybe add Nintendo to tags ;3 I don't think it's really useful. In fact, PW is from capcom and has no link with nintendo. XD

Nice diff, I'll give you some suggestions in aesthetics, that I think it's the weak point of this map, should be better after this. One of the first diff i ever mapped and at the time i hadn't any experience in mapping so... well it's kinda flawed.
00:19:285 (5) - I don't like how this sharp slider looks, try making a nice soft curve that matches wit the next sliders, maybe like this.
00:23:571 - 00:27:428 - Maybe return to the normal sampleset in this part, the claps as sliderticks don't fit too much here in my opinion. I'm not sure but i think someone else also pointed this so... Fixed.
00:37:714 (1,2,3,4,5) - This looked a bit weird for me while playing as it's a bit stretch pattern, you can make a near regular pentagon, Fixed but my pattern is slightly diffrent from the one you suggested.

(1) and (5) keep their placement
00:38:142 (2) - x:196 y:296
00:38:571 (3) - x:108 y:244
00:38:999 (4) - x:128 y:148
01:03:428 (1) - Make this a bezier slider instead a sharp one. Fixed

I'll put you the coordinates for the nodes. Fixed. And thank you, you're the first modder i know to do that ^^.
1st x:244 y:48
2nd (red) x:344 y:48
3rd x:360 y:48
4th x:436 y:56
5th x:444 y:136
6th (red) x:444 y:152
7th x:444 y:196
01:05:142 (2) - If you do what I said above, remember to fix the spacing for this object, and maybe you will want to re-arrange the next two circles too. Fixed
01:16:714 - 01:20:571 - Maybe return to the normal sampleset in this part, the claps as sliderticks don't fit too much here in my opinion. Fixed
01:41:142 (1) - I think you forgot to put a clap in the end of this slider. Fixed
01:41:999 (2) - If I was right above, you put an extra clap in the beginning of this, remove it. Fixed (well... i missplaced it)

Somehow nazi stuff below, little aesthetical things that don't have any noticeable effect in gameplay, but may add a nice look to the map, feel free to follow or ignore.
00:15:428 (1) - Move the last node 2 grid to the right, and the 3rd and 4th nodes (the ones at the right side) 1 grid to the right, and we have a nice perfect symmetrical slider. Fixed. It's perfect now.
01:39:428 (5) - As above, the result will be a nice symmetrical slider and not look so close to the previous slider. Move the bottom nodes 1 grid down and the upper ones 1 grid up, then move the whole slider 1 grid left. Tada~ Fixed. It's perfect now.
To be honest, this is a quite fast Normal, I recommend to lower the Slider Velocity to around 1.30-1.40, it would be more friendly to the players that are still improving in the game, but well, you have some nice patterns here that might be destroyed if you do this, so feel free to keep your actual SV. It was intended to be a normal + diff. It was when i thought to make only 3 diff. But well now i have a hard so i have to call it normal.
00:23:571 - 00:27:428 - As I mentioned in Easy, return to Normal sampleset in this part. Fixed
00:27:428 (1,2,1,2) - All this would play better as 1/1 sliders, Due to the SV you use it may be a bit hard to handle. Indeed. But it's not bad either with these slider.
00:41:142 (1,2) - I think it would be better if these is joint into a 1/1 slider, following the guitar is nice for this one. Fixed (with an arrow)
00:42:000 (3,4) - As above. ^
00:42:857 (1,2,3,4) - If you follow the ones I pointed above, let's keep following guitar and make this. Well, not this time. I think what i've done is good enough for this part.

00:53:357 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - A lot of circles in 1/2, it's nice to play, but it may be too much for a Normal, though you can keep your short repeating for (1). Well it kinda makes sense in a normal+ diff but since it's a normal..... I don't know i'll see later if it's a probleme or not with a Mat or a Bat. But i keep your suggestion in mind.

01:15:428 (3) - I think you're missing a clap here. Fixed
01:20:571 (1,2,1,2) - As I said in 00:27:428. As I said in 00:27:428.
01:35:999 (1,2,3,4) - As I said in 00:42:857. As I said in 00:42:857.
01:46:500 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - As in 00:53:357. As in 00:53:357.
The best diff in this mapset in my opinion, there are some jumpy parts but the way the objects are placed makes easy to read them.
Maybe you should increase the Circle Size to 4, all will look a lot cleaner. Seriously? I completly rushed it in two days because MAT said that i needed one. Well it means i'm getting better at this ^^..... maybe.
00:26:571 (1,2,3) - I loved this part, the way you use syncopation it's very nice, good job, but you should unstack (2,3), by this you will make this part less confusing, as it may be hit as it was 1/4 beat after the slider and not 1/2. ....... Well, i learned a new word XD. As we say in france: je me coucherai moins bête ce soir (i'll sleep less stupid tonight). Anyway, i agree with you. Fixed.
01:14:571 (2) - Remove the finish in the end of the slider, doesn't fit at all. How did it get here? Fixed.
01:20:250 (2,3) - As I said a bit above, unstack it. Fixed
[Path of Glory]
Just one thing, if you could make the triples less spaced it will be a nice diff, any value for Distance Snapping between 0.6x and 0.8x would work for that. I mapped with a DS of 1x so if the DS of triples were lower it would force the player to slow down. My insane being very fast i think it would kill the flow.
00:26:571 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part would play better as only circles, all this call for be tapped while playing, the slider is only making things a bit annoying in my opinion (I know it's an Insane, but it still has to be nice to play ;3). AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *hum* sorry for the outburst. But i will explain. Since the start everybody tell me to change it and whatever the change i made there is still someone to tell me anything else. So, i think that whatever i'll choose it won't please everybody. So, i'll do by instinct and use my old 4+2 notes.
00:27:428 (1,2,3) - This sliders are somehow consistent in all diffs, so no need to change, but it would be more fun if you follow the bass for this part, maybe something like this. Maybe. Unfortunately i won't change it.

00:43:928 (4) - I don't like so much sharp sliders, you could make a nice curve for this, maybe a circular slider would fit very nice here. Fixed.
01:02:357 (6) - Make this sliders as a curved one, too sharp in my opinion. I understand you ahte them. But one sharp slider form time to time doesn't hurt anyone. ^^
01:19:714 (1,2,3,4,5) - As I said first, this would be a lot more better and more fun if all here are only circles. Fixed my own way.
01:20:571 (1,2,3) - Same as 00:27:428. Same as 00:27:428.
:!: 01:16:714 (1) - Every slider must have a clear and visible path to follow from start to end. This can be easily read as a circle instead as an slider, or unless you have a very sharp eye, I noticed until checking in editor it was an slider. An alternative way to keep your flow could be something like this: MAT said it was OK. But wel, since everyone is bithcin complaining about it i will change (but differently from what you suggested.

That's all from my part, nice job so far, keep improving, good luck ;3

WOW! That's one very good mod. Maybe not the best but it's clear that it took you a lot of time to do it and you explain in big detail everything what a lot of modder don't do (or stop doing after one or two diff). I think you deserve more than just one kudosu for your work. I'll take a look at your map and try modding it to show you how thankful i am to you :).

And here is my random plays:
Path of Glory:

HabiHolic wrote:

Hi~ From My M4M Queues~


  • Mapping
    Modding is for slider shape or pattern
  1. 00:14:999 (3) - Try This? Sorry, i prefer my way in this case.
  2. 00:19:285 (5) - Do You like this Slider? Already fixed thanks to DakeDekaane but thnaks anyway ^^

  3. 00:25:714 (1) - Remove NC? I follow the guitar then the... i don't know which instrument it is but it's not the guitar so NC.
  4. 01:47:142 - Add Note? It follows nothing. It's just for filling the gap.

    hitsound on suggestions
  5. 00:10:285 (1) - End Whistle? Why not
  6. 00:14:142 (2) - Remove Finish Seems good to me.


  • Mapping
    Modding is for slider shape or pattern
  1. Why Normal Dff Hard?? Ar-1 Please Becaue it was supposed to be a Normal + diff but MAT said that i should map a HArd anyway so... yeah. But i applied your change.
  2. 00:08:357 (1) - Remove NC? Nope!
  3. 00:25:714 (1) - No Spinner!! Fix Please!! Fixed
  4. 00:32:571 (1) - ^ Fixed
  5. 00:39:428 (1) - ^ Fixed
  6. 00:50:357 (5) - Anti Jump?? Where? It's not a jump at all.
  7. 01:25:285 (4) - Try This? Sorry but i prefer my way here.

  8. 01:32:571 (1) - No Spinner!! Fix Please!! Fixed
  9. 01:44:571 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hmm.. Seating arrangement .. I'm more than Fix look differently What?
  10. 01:49:285 (2) - Remove? Turned into a slider.

Ok~ Good Map~ Star~ Really?!?! And two satrs btw?!?! You looked like quite the ooposite in your mod but well thank you ^^
Good Luck~~!!
Thank you for the mod. ^^
Hello from the Modding Queue!
Thanks for M4M! :3

Bold - Should be fixed!
Dark Red - Unrankable
Normal - Suggestion

This is from Phoenix Wright! :o I loved this turnabout. It was fun.
Also this is probably one of my favourite songs in Ace Attorney.
You should add "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney" to the source. That is where the song is from.
Also I will mod all the diffs because I like the song and the song is short! 8-)

This diff is good for beginners. I wouldn't change much.
  • 00:14:142 (2,3) - Please don't stack on easy. Newbie might have trouble reading or understanding it.
    00:46:285 (5) - This slider doesn't look so nice... Try changing it so that it has more waves.

Please set AR down 1 tick. The notes appear a bit fast for a normal.
Please consider renaming this to Normal+, since its a bit fast paced for a Normal difficulty. :p
  • 00:13:714 (1,2) - This stack is a bit hard to read for newer people.

I like the neat patterns! :D
Please use new combo when changing snapping or you're using a different rhythm (like switching from 1/2 to 1/1) It makes the map easier to read.
  • 00:27:107 (2,3) - Please move these two hitcircles away from the slider, it looks like they continue the slider's 1/4 stream.
    00:25:714 (6,7,8,1,2,3,1,2) - Use Whistle Hitsound please! It fits better with the music!
    01:18:857 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - Please use the Whistle Hitsound here as well please!
    01:20:250 (2,3) - Please move these hitcircles in the same fashion as 00:27:107 (2,3)
    01:26:035 (6,7) - Move these hitcircles so that it's easier to see that it's continuing stream.
    01:46:607 (8,1) - Awkward Combo Change. Also please move them in the same way as above.

[Path Of Glory]
I love this difficulty! It has awesome patterns and it looks pretty! :D
  • 00:25:714 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Please use Whistle Hitsound! Fits nicely to the song.
    01:18:857 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Same as above.

This song is deffo one of my favourites!
You should have someone map a Taiko for it ;)
If you have any questions, PM me in-game!
Good Luck!

Here, take my star~ <3
Topic Starter

Dolphin wrote:

Hello from the Modding Queue!
Thanks for M4M! :3

Bold - Should be fixed!
Dark Red - Unrankable
Normal - Suggestion

This is from Phoenix Wright! :o I loved this turnabout. It was fun.
Also this is probably one of my favourite songs in Ace Attorney. Yeah! Me too. ^^
You should add "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney" to the source. That is where the song is from. In fact it's not the original song but a remix (more metal and less 8 bit XD) so i think it should be in the tag but not in the source.
Also I will mod all the diffs because I like the song and the song is short! 8-) Woah! Then, thank you very much. :)

This diff is good for beginners. I wouldn't change much.
  • 00:14:142 (2,3) - Please don't stack on easy. Newbie might have trouble reading or understanding it. I agree with you but in this case the difference between the two notes is 2 beat (nearly one second). So, i don't think it's too much trouble because they have the time to see the second one coming.
    00:46:285 (5) - This slider doesn't look so nice... Try changing it so that it has more waves. Fixed

Please set AR down 1 tick. The notes appear a bit fast for a normal. Fixed
Please consider renaming this to Normal+, since its a bit fast paced for a Normal difficulty. :p It was intended to be a Normal+ and path of glory to be a hard+ but MAT said that it's an insane and i should map a Hard in order to have a better balance of the diff so if i rename it Normal+ i'm afraid it will also destroy this balance. So i keep the name Normal to give the illusion of it's well balanced (even if i agree with you it's a Normal +)
  • 00:13:714 (1,2) - This stack is a bit hard to read for newer people.Fixed

I like the neat patterns! :D
Please use new combo when changing snapping or you're using a different rhythm (like switching from 1/2 to 1/1) It makes the map easier to read.I prefer when the combo follow the music instead of the map. But i did a recheck of my combo and change some of them trying to follow the music and your suggestion.
  • 00:27:107 (2,3) - Please move these two hitcircles away from the slider, it looks like they continue the slider's 1/4 stream. Not really. All the stream are made with a DS of 0.5x and the two notes are away with a DS of 1x and since there are 1/2 beats of difference between these two notes and the slider, and 1/4 beat in the stream that menas there are 4 times further from the slider than they would be if they would continue the stream. So, they can't really look loke continuing the stream.
    00:25:714 (6,7,8,1,2,3,1,2) - Use Whistle Hitsound please! It fits better with the music! Fixed
    01:18:857 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2) - Please use the Whistle Hitsound here as well please! color=#80BF00]Fixed[/color]
    01:20:250 (2,3) - Please move these hitcircles in the same fashion as 00:27:107 (2,3) same explanation
    01:26:035 (6,7) - Move these hitcircles so that it's easier to see that it's continuing stream. The AR is high enough to see that. I also add a NC in order to help seeing this.
    01:46:607 (8,1) - Awkward Combo Change. Also please move them in the same way as above. Fixed (the combo)

[Path Of Glory]
I love this difficulty! It has awesome patterns and it looks pretty! :D Thanks you. It's the one where i put the more effort so i'm glad you like it.
  • 00:25:714 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Please use Whistle Hitsound! Fits nicely to the song. Fixed
    01:18:857 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Same as above. Fixed

This song is deffo one of my favourites! Well, it's one of my favourtie remix of PW song. That's why i mapped it. And maybe i'll map other song like this one later.
You should have someone map a Taiko for it ;) I nearly never play taiko so i don't really know how Taiko GD works but if someone ask me i will gladly accept.
If you have any questions, PM me in-game!
Good Luck!

Here, take my star~ <3 Thanks ^^
Thank you for your mod and your star :).
Just some suggestions:

BG was kinda frightening.

00:53:142 - Can't understand why you set such a break here...imo it's unnecessary.
01:50:784 (1) - Move the beginning to 01:50:464.

DS 1.0 makes this diff kinda awkward...
00:28:285 (2,2) - Unperfect stacking.
00:32:571 (5) - Imo it should ends on 00:33:428.
00:53:142 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - Too difficult for a normal...
00:57:428 (1) - Move the beginning to 00:57:321.
01:46:285 (5,1,2,3,4,5,1) - Difficult and confusing.
01:50:571 (1) - Move the beginning to 01:50:464.

00:57:428 (1) - Move the beginning to 00:57:321.
01:47:357 (5) - New combo.
01:50:571 (1) - Move the beginning to 01:50:464.

[Path Of Glory]
00:09:214 (6,7) - Weird shape...the shape of 00:11:357 (7) is much better than this.
00:14:999 (3,1,2,3) - Unperfect stacking.
00:43:928 (4) - 1/4 longer?
00:57:428 (1) - Move the beginning to 00:57:321.
01:50:571 (1) - Move the beginning to 01:50:464.

Well, the map was pretty fine to me. However, I think still it's not interesting enough.
Good luck.

Path Of Glory
00:09:214 (6,7) - move this ? and make better flow
00:15:000 (3,1) - stack miss ?
00:22:285 (3) - make a curve ?
00:25:714 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - use this rythm ?
01:11:035 - add note ?
01:20:250 (5) - move 1 tick left

00:08:571 (7) - NC
00:19:607 - add note ?
00:37:714 (5) - NC
01:18:857 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - use this rythm ?

Thats all
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