
Which is more important? Cursor movement or Streaming

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Cursor movement or Streaming?

Total votes: 522
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Tanzklaue wrote:

no, there are people who learn to stream
Those are the people who probably just started playing osu

people who just spam and claim that they can stream
in the end that's what streaming is, except in rhythm

people who think clicking 5 1/4 notes means to stream the given BPM
what does that have to do with anything?

people who use macros
same as above

maybe >1% people who are just natural streaming talents (hello jesus).
jesse also worked hard to get to where he is now
Well all we're doing is just comparing opinions here so there isn't really a right answer to it.
Aim is harder and more important, if you miss then your play is no good, if you get somewhat bad acc@streams but still don't miss then your play is good.

Then again some streams are hard because of spacing.

Streaming CAN BE a natural talent, some people just have a better sense of rhythm/stronger fingers. Same can happen with aim though but I don't think it's that notorious.
Ok. Apparently the different ideas of skill development are like religions on here..

thelewa wrote:

buny wrote:

Movement requires more training whereas streaming is mostly just natural skill.
Totally bullshit lol... everything is training unless you have some kind of bone/muscles/hands disorder lol
Oh yeah, about stream speed. Just start working out or something, it's all about muscles. Nothing else, really.
"mostly just natural skill"

Also better clicking abilities is meaningless if you can't support it with cursor movement, so basically this

winber1 wrote:

If you have movement accuracy, you can easily learn to stream, at a at least semi-decent speed. If you can stream with godlike speed and have no movement accuracy, you can't do shit.

thelewa wrote:

Oh yeah, about stream speed. Just start working out or something, it's all about muscles. Nothing else, really.
Mashing your keyboard works best there, there's no real workout to those few muscles in your forearm you need for streaming.
Personally I think cursor movement is the most important. But if you ask "which is more important to train first?" then I'll say streaming, or I prefer to say accuracy, is the most important. It'll help you in the long run.
Cursor movement > Fast streaming. Cusor movemenet == Accurate streaming.
people who are good at streaming will say movement is more important and people who are good at movement say streaming is more important
since i am good at movement (compared to streaming) i will say streaming is more important

buny wrote:

"mostly just natural skill"
so the only reason you can pass freedom dive whereas I can't is because you had massive luck with your birth. man I am unlucky or what

silmarilen wrote:

people who are good at streaming will say movement is more important and people who are good at movement say streaming is more important
since i am good at movement (compared to streaming) i will say streaming is more important
what this guys said.
I lack streaming speed so bad but i'm decent in movements :? So i've always looked jelly the faster stramers :cry:
But i do think they are equally important.
You need aim for EVERY map whilst streaming only applies to some.

Either way I think they're both important. I find aim is harder to improve. Honestly there's no right answer, different people have different strengths.
You can always practice songs with both jumps and spaced streams if you want to improve at both simultaneously.
What kind of streaming we're talking about here by the way. Endurance, speed, or accuracy?
Each of them has different priority for me.

silmarilen wrote:

people who are good at streaming will say movement is more important and people who are good at movement say streaming is more important
since i am good at movement (compared to streaming) i will say streaming is more important
but i suck at streaming :(
*looks at poll results* Yeah no seriously guys what

Streaming/everything related to clicking on buttons is WAAAAAAY more important in this game than jumps. Being good at jumps won't get you anywhere. Jumps in this game are frigging free anyway... FCing Atama/Big Black/Sousei with relax is as easy as a walk in the park (which is almost as easy as CTB!). clicking on circles fast or with good accuracy is the real thing that takes a ton of experience and training. There is no natural skill in this. Gotta practice like mad

JappyBabes wrote:

buny wrote:

"mostly just natural skill"
so the only reason you can pass freedom dive whereas I can't is because you had massive luck with your birth. man I am unlucky or what
Only if you can't stream 222bpm which isn't even what makes freedom dive hard in the first place

Aqo wrote:

*looks at poll results* Yeah no seriously guys what

Streaming/everything related to clicking on buttons is WAAAAAAY more important in this game than jumps. Being good at jumps won't get you anywhere. Jumps in this game are frigging free anyway... FCing Atama/Big Black/Sousei with relax is as easy as a walk in the park (which is almost as easy as CTB!). clicking on circles fast or with good accuracy is the real thing that takes a ton of experience and training. There is no natural skill in this. Gotta practice like mad
Being good at jumps will help you pass nearly every map without some ridiculous stream.

buny wrote:

Being good at jumps will help you pass nearly every map without some ridiculous stream.
Being good at streams will help you pass nearly every map without some ridiculous jumps.
ok. Both streaming and jumps are hard, but streaming is harder to train.
There is a thing called physical limitation.
Even after years of playing, some people cannot stream past bpm 180.
Jumps? Just buy a tablet and instant pro.

darkmiz wrote:

buny wrote:

Even after years of playing, some people cannot stream past bpm 180.
Who's that lmfao? Physical limitation and development applies for every human equally, so that's obviously complete bullcrap.

Pacemaker wrote:

Who's that lmfao? Physical limitation and development applies for every human equally, so that's obviously complete bullcrap.
physicall limitation is completly different for every human. look at bodystatures, some people are to small to reach for something in 2 meter height.

darkmiz wrote:

buny wrote:

Being good at jumps will help you pass nearly every map without some ridiculous stream.
Being good at streams will help you pass nearly every map without some ridiculous jumps.
ok. Both streaming and jumps are hard, but streaming is harder to train.
There is a thing called physical limitation.
Even after years of playing, some people cannot stream past bpm 180.
Jumps? Just buy a tablet and instant pro.
I agree but disagree with your first statement, unless you're treating 3/5 stack notes as streams.

darkmiz wrote:

Even after years of playing, some people cannot stream past bpm 180.
Mind telling us who the examples are?

darkmiz wrote:

Jumps? Just buy a tablet and instant pro.
I used tablet once and I couldn't even pass osu!tutorial. Your argument is invalid.
I suck at streams. I always sucked at it anyway. Cursor movement is something you get sooner or later by practicing.
I can't even do 160 bpm streams D:

Frizz wrote:

darkmiz wrote:

Even after years of playing, some people cannot stream past bpm 180.
Mind telling us who the examples are?
untill a couple of months ago i couldnt even pass 185 bpm for more than 9ish notes

Frizz wrote:

darkmiz wrote:

Even after years of playing, some people cannot stream past bpm 180.
Mind telling us who the examples are?

I still can't properly stream above 160 with over a year of playing. I can't keep up over 175ish at all.
I think this comes down to what level of play you are at. Once you get near the top streaming will be much more important since the hardest maps are typically high bpm. At the beginning, though, accurate cursor movement is key to getting better.

buny wrote:

JappyBabes wrote:

so the only reason you can pass freedom dive whereas I can't is because you had massive luck with your birth. man I am unlucky or what
Only if you can't stream 222bpm which isn't even what makes freedom dive hard in the first place
What. Yes it is.
I can stream 220bpm for 10 notes. 215bpm for 20 notes. 205bpm for 50 notes. 185bpm for 100 notes.
The above is more or less true for the large part of people who play this game actively and are keyboard-only streamers - i.e. 200bpm short term, 180bpm long term. Being able to stream 220bpm long-term is literally something most players are not physically capable of.
Are you a wizard. How the hell do you stream this fast this long.

Aqo wrote:

What. Yes it is.
I can stream 220bpm for 10 notes. 215bpm for 20 notes. 205bpm for 50 notes. 185bpm for 100 notes.
The above is more or less true for the large part of people who play this game actively and are keyboard-only streamers - i.e. 200bpm short term, 180bpm long term. Being able to stream 220bpm long-term is literally something most players are not physically capable of.
Are you a wizard. How the hell do you stream this fast this long.
If bpm was the bigger problem on freedom dive, there'd be a lot more no mod scores on it.
This game is combo based, cursor movement relates to combo while streaming relates to accuracy. If your aim is good then you can FC lots of maps, then again you will probably fail at stuff like chipscape, but it's not like there are many maps like that. Then again if your aim is bad, even if you're a godlike streamer (see KeigoClear) you gonna have trouble with lots of maps, failing to FC even while getting top tier accuracy. Of course, other players gonna have a lot of trouble beating you, but then again you gonna go mad trying to FC any kind of hard map + mods since all of them end up requiring very good aim.

Both are important, but if I had to choose godlike aim or streaming, I'd get aim, no doubt. Remember how those most impressive scores you see from Niko, WW, Cookiezi and rrtyui are pretty much aim based. Even if their accuracy is great too, there are some other players that probably can get the same accuracy as them, but yet they can't do it because their aim is not good enough.

Freedom Dive is not hard because of 300 hit long 222 BPM streams, not at all, the stream practice version is way more exhausting and demanding than 4D, yet it is way easier to clear.
Even KeigoClear can't FC Freedom Dive, so I consider it a jump map.
It's not really a jump map tho.
Jump = snapping
Tracing streams = flow movement

it's not jumps. it's movement. there's a big difference.

how do you wizards stream this fast and this long. can you upload videos of your fingers or something
give me the ability to stream 222~230bpm kb-only without getting tired and I'll pass freedom dive every day
Trust me when I tell you that you won't. It's harder than it looks. :(
it's so hard my mind melts and becomes mush even by trying to comprehend how hard it is

Aqo wrote:

how do you wizards stream this fast and this long. can you upload videos of your fingers or something
give me the ability to stream 222~230bpm kb-only without getting tired and I'll pass freedom dive every day

JappyBabes wrote:
how much does keigoclear-san's hand go for on e-bay?
One of the most important key to stream >200bpm is to keep your fingers relaxed. Proven by myself and Gatyaa, I was able to FC 4/5 part of rog-unlimitation with good accuracy (>95% I think before combobreak) on rubberdome keyboard while Gatyaa himself was able to reach >700 combo in Mad Machine on laptop keyboard.

Both of us didn't tense up our fingers on streams.
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