
goreshit - Satori De Pon! [CatchTheBeat|Osu|Taiko]

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ok then

Aqo wrote:

Ok lets do this.

* For the [Lolicore] map:
01. Red timing point on 00:190 for 180 BPM: fix the offset, it's earlier than 190, approximately 180-184. I recommend going with 182.
02. The five first notes that sync to the vocals saying "Sa - To - Ri - De - Po" are incorrectly aligned. Move those notes 1/8 forward in the timeline. Yes, 1/8 is uncommon, but this song isn't normal, and I checked this 10 times. no, please check in 25% speed. I checked this 20 times and the timing is perfect.

03. The transition between the "Po~" and the repeating slider right after it makes no sense. It's one note in the rhythm, not two, there's no reason for the player to have to click twice. Remove the circle and move the repeating slider to its timeline. i.e. like this this shows a great effect from the impact of the song, and it's very fine because there are the beats in the music, it's good to use a repeat slider here

04. This is so overmapped... dear god wtf is going on. Right from the start: the stream that starts on 00:13:822 doesn't match notes in the song. Right after it there's another stream on 00:14:339 which also doesn't match anything in the song. this is not overmapped, please check the song in 25% speed, this song has the beats, and I think it's really undermapped actually
Don't just spam streams to add clicking. If it doesn't match anything in the song, don't put it on the map.
I'm assuming you wanted to swap from mapping the background beat to the vocals in that part, which is legitimate because the vocal volume went up on that point. However the correct timing for the vocals is this: [Image]
Please make sure your timing is correct and follows the song. There's no point to map a song if you don't follow it. timing is correct
If you want to increase difficulty, you do it with distance spacing and patterns, not with invisible notes. the notes are not invisible, please learn to read approach circles, they're perfectly readable

05. After this part you switch back to mapping the background beat, however this is incorrect and you can't do this the way you did. On 14:850 you have an empty spot with no objects/notes, and yet the song has a background beat note at that point. This means that the player will not read the rest of the map as the background beat, and because of that he will expect to play the rest as the vocals. You have two options here:
Option 1 - Decide to map the vocals, and then just follow their timing. If you choose this, the timing for the BG beat is OFFBEAT in comparison to the vocal timing, the player's reading will be 1/2 off timing if you don't place the notes correctly. Here is an image to illustrate: [Image]
Option 2 - Decide you still want to map the background beat. In this case, you must place a slider that starts on 14:850 to show that you have transitioned the sync out of the vocals into the BG beat. no, a map can follow both vocal and music, which makes nothing offbeat, especially this is a insane diff, so players rely on reaction rather than knowledge of lyrics to follow the notes.
Regardless of which option you pick, the 3-hit-stream on 00:14:977 makes no sense. Don't place invisible notes like that. learn to see approach circles
06. Right next, starting from 16:892 where the vocals and BG beat timings align, you create a stream - finally a stream that makes sense, because it follows the vocals, except you don't map the parts after it to the vocals so what's the point!? do the timing correctly! Here is image to explain: [Image] this is totally correct. learn to map

I could go on and on about the timing in this map, it's flawed in many many ways, please start by fixing the timing.
First: remove all of the invisible notes. All of the streams in parts where the song doesn't stream anything. All of the random notes that don't match a song note.
Second: break your map into sections, you can use combo colors to make it easy for yourself to remember where each section starts and ends, or green timing points, and for each section make a decision for what rhythm you want to map - and then only map that rhythm inside that section so that it would make sense to the player.
You're allowed to switch up what sync you map, i.e. from vocals, to drums, to guitar to whatever, but only in parts where the song has some change the indicates your change of mapping - like a volume increase, a sudden pause, a pattern break in the rhythm, etc. It must not be random, it has to follow something in the song. this suggestion makes NO sense at all. this is the way it was mapped, I don't change to your mapping style. If you like to follow vocal, then follow vocal yourself. This song is very repetitive and following the vocal individually makes totally NO sense.

Now about some other problems:
The notes in 24:041 and 24:169 are completely unreadable. I don't even understand what you tried to map with those. If you wanted to map the "Iaa~ uu~" vocals part, the real timing for it is 23:913 and 24:041 which is half a beat earlier than those two notes, but you weren't even mapping vocals at that point, the slider follow the BG beat... so wtf. At first I thought this was a spacing problem while I played, because the note on 24:041 is practically invisible due to its location which does not follow the movement flow that the slider before it creates combined with the way it's hidden under the stream prior to it, but after checking in Edit it's actually a timing problem. Seriously, fix the timing. interesting, 40+ modders modded this map, and now you say timing is wrong? it can be seen as an insult to other modders. Must say, if you have the wrong mp3 file, yeah it's changed, please redownload. About invisible notes, do you mean, "they're stacked, I can't read"? You can't read, doesn't mean all players can't read them. I tested this map many times (and got many friends), they can all read this properly, there is no problem

At 30:679 you have a 1/8 repeating slider. Don't ever create those. Even if the song really had a fast 1/8 pattern in it, for mapping you'd have to convert it to 1/4 to be playable - however the song doesn't even have a 1/8 pattern in this part, so don't do something like this at all. If you want a fast repeating slider, 1/4 is very very fast and you don't need any more than that.
...You have a lot more 1/8 repeaters after this! wow. No wonder they were all unplayable. Never use timing smaller than 1/4 for those. learn to play. It's taiko mode, 1/8 sliders just hold them.

Breaks: you have two breaks that are about 8 seconds long each. This is too long for a break on this difficulty. Find a different way to choose where to put a break if you want breaks, and don't do breaks longer than 3-5 seconds. so where to break makes sense eh? do you mean just map all parts and don't let players have a rest?

02:04:764: lol. This part is just sooo wrong. Even if it's technically playable, it makes no sense at all. Don't do that. Nuke this completely. yeah, nuke it, so you can pass? wtf is this I don't even.
If the song had an actual pattern for this sort of slider stream timing this would pass, but it doesn't. If you don't understand the rhythm of the song at a certain point, don't spam notes on an imaginary timing. Instead just put one slider and give it a weird/funny shape that you feel matches that rhythm. Don't create imaginary hit timing. You can look at val0108's map for With a Dance Number for examples on sliders like that. no. it has beat in the music, it can be mapped that way.

02:11:020 - 02:11:275: this is completely unreadable. Don't do this. learn to read plz.
This mod post is just full of complaints that "you can't read" stuff, which doesn't make any sense at all. Also, don't be rude at mappers, this can hurt their feelings. No thanks. This is not helpful at all, and next time I'll learn to read mods before giving KDs.

Seriously, if you downloaded this long before and had a wrong MP3, please redownload thanks.

no change thanks for modding
For the timing problems,
I think here00:10:106 ~ 00:10:689 should have multi BPM and others are fine IMO.
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nold_1702 wrote:

For the timing problems,
I think here00:10:106 ~ 00:10:689 should have multi BPM and others are fine IMO.
其实那个部分我也拿不准, 再测一下吧._.


[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

This mod post is just full of complaints that "you can't read" stuff, which doesn't make any sense at all. Also, don't be rude at mappers, this can hurt their feelings. No thanks. This is not helpful at all, and next time I'll learn to read mods before giving KDs.

Seriously, if you downloaded this long before and had a wrong MP3, please redownload thanks.

no change thanks for modding
These are not complaints. It's suggestions to improve the map's readability to make it more fun for players. I can read it with my eyes and pass it by ignoring the music, I don't "need it to be easier". However it would be nice if it followed the song better.

I'm sorry if you've taken offense by what I wrote, that was not the intention. Please learn to receive advice and not think you're being attacked. If you want to keep things as they are, that's perfectly fine, it's your map, do what you want with it. I do enjoy some parts of your mapping style, and I think you have many good ideas for mapping, otherwise I wouldn't have taken the time to come to this thread. I just believe timing could be improved on the map; this is based on not just my own experience, but also on several other people I know who also played this map, and complained that in some parts the connection from the map to the song was hard to understand.

Let me ask you this, just one sample to help me understand, because I'm very curious. You said:
Right after it there's another stream on 00:14:339 which also doesn't match anything in the song. this is not overmapped, please check the song in 25% speed, this song has the beats, and I think it's really undermapped actually
I have the map open in Edit mode right now, and I'm looking at 00:14:339 and onwards. At this point of time in the song, there are two rhythms going: the drums and the vocals. The drums are hitting on a consistent beat on every 1/1 timing section, so the stream is definitely not the drums.
The vocals around this time go something like "su-gi-i-na-chi-u-a-a". When checking in 25%, the "chi" part of that sequence lands on the #1 circle in that stream, the "u" part lands on the #3 circle, the "a" lands on the #5 circle, and the next "a" is supposed to land on the #7 circle, which is stacked for some reason.
So as you can see, the timing does match not the drums, and not the vocals. I can't hear any other instruments in the background. Is there any instrument I'm missing? Please point this out to me because I'm curious and I want you to point it out to me since I can't notice it.

Because I couldn't notice other instruments, I thought it would be more appropriate to put 4 circles instead of 7, and have 1/2 timing space between them instead of 1/4 - this will follow the "chi-u-a-a" part of the vocals. However maybe there is a quiet instrument that hits exactly 7 times in the timing you used, so please point it out to me if there is.

If there isn't, it means the map is overmapped - "overmapped" means that there are objects on the map which are more than there are notes in the song, so for example in this stream the #2, #4, and #6 circles are overmapped notes - notes that exist in the map but not in the song (that's why I called them "invisible"). It's ok to use overmapping, and if this is the style you want to go for, you can do it, but I still think it's confusing for player if you overmap like this - because the vocals have 4 notes in them. Won't it make more sense if you overmapped 4 more circles, to have a total stream of 8 hits (instead of 7)? This will make the connection to the song more obvious, because it will follow the song's pattern.

You can disagree with me, but I'm just trying to give you suggestions that will make this map follow the song more correctly.
This is not my own personal preference, if you want this mapset to go for ranked, MAT and BAT require that the timing in your map follows the song - they will not rank your mapset if they think the timing doesn't match, that's why I'm trying to help you to get this ranked by pointing out things that you can change to fix, so that this map won't be unrankable.
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00:14:339 is vocal

yes I listened carefully

... btw if you don't like my style, you can make another one, I have problem ranking this anyways, maybe it'll be graveyarded soon

I'm tired of ranking maps orz

or let's make a drama here so we can summon BATs

On your request.

BPM: 180.20 Offset: 190
BPM: 181.60 Offset: 6,849
BPM: 94.00 Offset: 8,170
BPM: 180.00 Offset: 9,446
BPM: 170.00 Offset: 9,946
BPM: 180.00 Offset: 10,122
BPM: 185.00 Offset: 10,288
BPM: 190.00 Offset: 10,450
BPM: 235.00 Offset: 10,765

That's about all. Good luck. :oops:
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Faust wrote:

On your request.

BPM: 180.20 Offset: 190
BPM: 181.60 Offset: 6,849
BPM: 94.00 Offset: 8,170
BPM: 180.00 Offset: 9,446
BPM: 170.00 Offset: 9,946
BPM: 180.00 Offset: 10,122
BPM: 185.00 Offset: 10,288
BPM: 190.00 Offset: 10,450
BPM: 235.00 Offset: 10,765

That's about all. Good luck. :oops:

nyan =w=/

00:44:977 - move to - 00:44:722
00:45:999 - circle, nc
00:46:254 - ^
00:53:147 - move to - 00:52:892
00:54:169 - circle, nc
00:54:424 - ^
00:56:722 - move to - 00:56:977
00:56:722 - circle

00:37:190 - 00:37:573 - slider 2 repeat, just suggestion -w-

I think map is ready for rankeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.

good luck moe c: (btw enjoyed playin ur map, cuz i had already ur map lol before ur request)

tutturuu~ nyan nyan~
好图 支持 :)
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Strawberry wrote:

好图 支持 :)
I played Fruitcore (I'm noob >_<)...

so fun!!
go go rank
Love the song. :D I enjoyed playing this mapset, too - managed to pass Lolicore and SS Hardcore diffs. I'd shoot you a star if I could. :(

Speaking of that SS, I've never considered myself any accurate at playing. I think the OD should be increased by one, as it seems pretty slack for a hard diff.
短mod :D

升做AR8 吧 :)
更好玩 :D
00:10:122 - 建議刪circle加spinner :)
00:16:126 - new combo
00:27:105 - 加normal 1 的 finish? :)
00:20:211 - new combo
00:32:594 - add circle

神圖不用full mod了吧 :D (不過要full mod再找我XDXD)
加油哦 ;)

Needs to get ranked great map!
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>.< graved


such an old map...
go rank this map idiot
Ungrave it then, and try to catch some mats/bats in #modrequest/#modhelp
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Kyomaku wrote:

Ungrave it then, and try to catch some mats/bats in #modrequest/#modhelp

sorry really

can't find ..
怎么坟了 快挖出来rank啊 ><
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Strawberry wrote:

怎么坟了 快挖出来rank啊 ><
好累 感觉不会rank了
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Regou wrote:

233反正都坟了我还不如传点新的, 我还好多张没传的图呢...

This map should be ranked. Don't let it die like this. ;___;
I really want to show support for this map. I know nothing about mapping but I love this so far. Amazing job and would love to see it completed.
Revive & Approve this please.
I really, really want this approved.

Bites wrote:

I really, really want this approved.
I really, really want Gezocore included in the mapset.
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i can't update my map, it says cannot connect to map submission system

rank please ;_;
I never really liked CtB diffs in general, but this is the second time I liked another one besides Spectator's Talent Shredder ctb. grats eldnl, this is just amazing.
I likey :_D

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

I removed Gezo's diff because omg Chewin can't do it.
But Gezo is best diff :<
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Gezocore 2.5 Diff is the best :3

my score is with Easy mod, but is better XDD
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[no u]
02:06:179 (2) - ctrl+h this slider to have a jump
00:06:127 (1) - change the volume for this note to 79%
01:44:310 (2) - add 3 notes here
03:08:306 (3) - move this note 1 grid down
03:12:703 (1) - change the volume for this note to 70%
00:32:072 (3) - add 4 notes here
01:48:774 (1) -
00:53:289 (2) - change the volume for this note to 64%
01:16:795 (2) - ctrl+j this slider to match the lyrics
02:42:638 (1) - remove whistle with sampleset drum:c2 here
02:42:853 (2) - ctrl+h this slider to match the flow better
03:27:910 (3) - add 4 notes here
03:03:396 (2) - remove finish with sampleset normal:c3 here
02:47:299 (4) - add 3 notes here
03:11:950 (1) - ctrl+j this slider for consistency
02:54:439 (2) - move this note 1 grid up

update my diff, pls
Rank this please.Dont waste your talen.
Hey! I am going to try to fix my taiko diff and some of it's problems, i'll edit this post when it's done.

I'd really be interested in helping you get this ranked if I can. I know a few people who could help.
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