
Chata - Eroiko (Short Ver.)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, September 16, 2012 at 12:05:09 AM

Artist: Chata
Title: Eroiko (Short Ver.)
Source: Dolphin Divers
Tags: merchat7 cRyo cRyo[iceeicee] eroge opening axl
BPM: 190
Filesize: 12058kb
Play Time: 01:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. cRyo's Hard (5 stars, 273 notes)
  2. Insane (5 stars, 318 notes)
  3. merchat7's Easy (2.69 stars, 88 notes)
  4. Normal (3.91 stars, 106 notes)
Download: Chata - Eroiko (Short Ver.)
Download: Chata - Eroiko (Short Ver.) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
:: Dolphin Divers ::

Hello, can I make a guest diff for this, maybe Hard? I"m a bit busy this week through so may take a while, but should be done sometime next week for sure.

good map!

hoLysoup wrote:

茶太 is Goddess.
茶太 is so cute <3
can i make a Taiko diff ? :D
add short ver. at the title~?

nice map and nice song ~ :oops:

Topic Starter

asgardv wrote:

茶太 is so cute <3
can i make a Taiko diff ? :D
:D star ありがとう!!!!
でもごめん.. I don't want taiko in the mapset :<
but if you make one I will include it in creator's words :D

alacat wrote:

add short ver. at the title~?

nice map and nice song ~ :oops:

あ. そうですね :D
sankyuu star!!

thanks!! :D

hoLysoup wrote:

asgardv wrote:

茶太 is so cute <3
can i make a Taiko diff ? :D
:D star ありがとう!!!!
でもごめん.. I don't want taiko in the mapset :<
but if you make one I will include it in creator's words :D
ok~ I wanna be going to play this lovely song with Taiko :(
I already finished but take a pass on your suggestion, thank you :( because i'm so shy in creator's words >< haha :lol:
Star Stream
Actually i had a plan to map this song~ but ...
Umun can i make 2nd Insane diff?
Or ill map this song as my own map =x=
Really sorry for 2 week late holysoup, lost a bit of motivation to mod/map in osu! recently so I haven't been mapping/modding much.
Information over Easy
About Easy, this song is actually quite hard to map, lot of red tick>white tick, really hard for me not to want to use 1/2 rhythm, but manage to not use them in the end. However, lot of ugly slider ticks due to 3/2 slider 5/2 etc. Also notice I was mapping some parts harder than Normal so simplify it. Hitsound wasn't too hard to do, but can't think of any way to put whistle at kiai. Don't want to timing point spam this time so maybe some weird slider tick sound here and there. Even through I use lot of long sliders, still 2.7 stars :/, but probably due to bpm. If you want me to try to simplify some more tell me. Slider velocity is base of Normal & Insane (1.2 Normal, 1.6 Insane, I would assume 1.4 for Hard so I use 1.0 to keep to this spread). Kept difficulty settings balanced to Normal. Some parts were mapped when I wasn't really in a mapping mood and some sliders I think could be a bit better, but minor issues and don't want to keep you waiting, will fix as you get mods.

Don't forget tags and source. Also about the title, still think you should put short ver., but up to you.

Good luck, maybe I come mod this when hard is done, but really need to clear my modding queue.
im comming ><
Topic Starter

cRyo[iceeicee] wrote:
moe~~ chata<3
Topic Starter

Quilt wrote:

moe~~ chata<3

Request from Game-pm

[merchat7's Easy]

Fine :)


  1. 01:05:179 (2) - Layout, rhythm repeated many times, I feel boring. Why do not you display the more creative?
  2. 01:10:232 (1,2) - ^
  1. 01:22:154 - Useless inherited point
[cRyo's Hard]



  1. Why the HP same with Hard? HP+1 better.
  1. 01:32:340 (1) - Look like 1/2 beat in this distance :<
  1. 00:52:862 (2,3) - I think it's not feel the voice, try to followed this rhythm:
Seen good. Good luck :)

hello everyone :oops:
  1. AR+1. i think better is this
[cRyo's Hard]
  1. i love this and you lol
  1. Fine
[marchat7's Easy]
  1. 00:29:017 (1) - hmm... i think it doesn't follow the music well. how about this?
that's all
sry for short modding :?
but i have nothing to say, its well good map :D
amazing! good luck :oops:
Sorry, but I'll keep that pattern, I don't want to increase star rating any further (+0.05 star rating if I follow your suggestion).
Alright let's get started...mod requested on my queue.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: You should fix it, but it's up to you.
Italic: Suggestion. Feel free to ignore this if you don't like it.
Blue: Comment. I'll give you my opinion, advice, or if i'm curious about something.

remove the countdown because it doesn't fit with this song, and since you have a video and no breaks, disable the letterbox during breaks.

[merchat7's Easy]
ok now that ik your mapping style in easies, i'll try not to do the same thing twice.
00:02:646 (3) - idk...i'm thinking a curved slider pointing up for a somewhat smoother flow to the song. if not then point it down to blanket (1).
00:11:173 (1) - consider adding a whistle with the clap at the beginning to match the piano in the song. claps for consistency and whistles for the piano.
00:16:226 (1) - ^
00:23:964 (1) - the repeat does follow the vocals, but since this is the easiest diff, i feel that it'd make beginners feel uncomfortable during gameplay. do something like this as it follows the vocals nicely and i think that this is easier for beginners. the sliderticks on (2) should follow every bit in the vocals during gameplay. if you ignore this, then you can do a similar pattern to what i suggested.
00:29:017 (1,2) - ^
00:34:070 (1) - i can see beginners having trouble in this part because 1: the spinner-osu file is covering this slider and that might be hard for beginners to know where the note is, and 2: it's at the 1/2 tick and that would be even harder for beginners to time this correctly. if you want to keep the note at the 1/2 tick , then i suggest doing Ctrl+J so that it'd be fully visible for beginners to get to easily.
00:39:439 (1) - move this to the right so that it's blanket the previous slider nicely.
00:47:967 (2) - same issue as 00:23:964, this time, extend this slider by 1/2 and add a finish at the end to match the cymbals in the song.
00:55:546 (2,3) - consider moving these 2 notes here. i think (2) would make a nice blanket and (3) is aligned to the end of (1) making a triangle for this pattern.
01:01:863 (1) - reduce this spinner by 1/1 because it'll follow the high note in the piano, and it should give beginners plenty of time to recover for the next note. it sounds weird if the spinner ends here IMO.
01:07:232 (1) - hmm move this below the curve of the previous slider. i think it'll flow smoother and it'll look nicer since it makes a blanket. for more effect, i suggest making the slider like this to blanket the full slider.

00:10:226 (3) - maybe a curved slider like this? as you see it should make a nice blanket and that slight overlap from (1,3) bothers me a bit during gameplay.
00:26:017 (3) - remove the repeat on this slider because the high note at the piano ends at the repeat slider and that finish tells me that a new pattern is coming up and a new pattern changes. in this case add a circle to replace the end and make it a NC because of the change in the instrumental and the lyrics.
00:27:280 (1) - if you follow the suggestion above, remove the NC because the vocals/instrumental are connected from the previous note.
00:36:123 (4) - same as 00:26:017.
00:37:387 (1) - same as 00:27:280.
00:43:703 (4) - same as 00:26:017.
00:44:966 (1) - same as 00:27:280.
00:46:230 (3) - replace the whistle for a finish here.. it'll be consistent with the other repeat arrows with the finishes.
00:54:441 (1,2) - is the spacing here intentional...if not fix it because
01:00:600 (2) - add a finish at the beginning. easy has it, so doing it here would be consistent with the finishes since it matches the cymbals in the song.
01:05:179 (2) - consider making this a curved slider so that it'd be consistent with the other curved slider at 00:55:073 since the lyrics loop all over again.
01:18:286 (2) - same as 01:00:600, this time, the hard diff has the finish.
01:36:516 - is there a reason why a green line is here? if there's no reason, remove it because it looks unnecessary.

[cRyo's Hard]
everything looks fine, but consider re-snapping some of the green lines on the blue tick at the kiai. some of the notes that are close to the blue ticks are louder than you might think.

00:04:226 (1) - maybe a whistle at the repeat to match the piano in the song? also hard has it so it'll be consistent with the whistles.
00:17:174 (3) - same as above, but at the beginning.
00:21:122 (1) - remove the NC for this. it'll be consistent with the hard diff for this. although the piano changes, it's still following the same instrument and that's the piano.
00:33:755 (2) - this clap bothers me when i played this. i don't hear any loud thumps for this, so i think it'd be better if you can remove it.
00:39:440 (7) - this should be a NC. the lyrics change from this note.
00:39:914 (1) - remove the NC if you follow the suggestion above...the lyrics are connected from this note.
01:12:759 (3) - what does the whistle match in this part? remove it because it sounds weird considering the hitsounds are mainly claps and finishes.
01:19:549 (7) - instead of moving it there, move it below (4), stacked on the beginning of (1). it should make a diamond since the lyrics change to the point that a jump should fit here.
01:29:024 (2) - missing a finish at the beginning? add it to match the cymbals.
01:35:716 (1) - maybe a clap on this spinner for more effect on the drums?

I guess that's it. GL :D
Hi hoLysoup, mod request from my modding queue

Remove countdown in all diffs
Remove letterbox during breaks in all diffs (because there aren't breaks)

[merchat7's Easy]
00:31:544 (1) - You have started this spinner following the vocal so you should end this spinner on the previous white long tick: 00:32:965
00:41:650 (1) - Mh, I don't like where you decided to end this spinner, for the simply reason that you started it when the vocal started but you finished it when the vocal is still going. So, what about to end this slider on 00:44:177 adding a finish and following this rhythm deleting the 00:44:177 (1)?

It follows the music much better in my opinion. And don't forget to add a clap on 00:44:651 (1)

00:10:226 (3) - Instead to overlap this slider with 00:08:963 (1), what about to make it curved blanketting it with 00:08:963 (1)? Something like this, it's more flowing imho:
00:24:754 (2) - I would use a clap hitsound on this slider's repeat to fill this sound
00:31:623 Why this hole? Add a spinner that starts on this blue tick and extending it till 00:32:965. It sounds perfectly
00:46:230 (3) - Why this whistle on repeat? It would sound better if you use a finish here instead, to keep a consistency with the previous "finishing repeats" :3
01:00:600 (2) - Add whistle to keep consistency with 01:10:706 (2)
01:18:286 (2) - You really need to use finish on the head here
01:26:023 (3) - If you liked my first suggestion, well, copy and paste it here too

[cRyo's Hard]
Resnap all green lines plz
Awesome map :3 As always

00:18:911 (1) - Make it more curved in way that the 00:19:701 (3) doesn't touch it?
00:20:175 (1,2,3) - I would add some whistles on these circles
00:36:440 (7) - x:372 y:164 so it's blanketted with 00:35:808 (4) much better
00:39:440 (7) - Omg. Remove whistle ad add new combo here, removing it from 00:39:914 (1) instead
01:13:864 (6) - Why overlap? çç

Good mapset, good luck with rank :3/

00:21:280 (2) - Better to stack at the slider end of 00:21:438 (1) - ?
00:25:070 (7) - New combo for consistancy with 00:21:122 (1) -
01:10:706 (4) - Make this slider more curved~? (add point)
01:11:180 (6,7,8,9,1) - Design.... lol
01:13:706 (5) - New combo?
01:19:075 (4,5,6) - Not symmertical
01:19:549 (1) - Position like this ?

cRyo's Hard

Intresting rythem~ (not sure why you put jumps in a normal diff...)
00:10:226 (3,1) - Spacing is too big!
00:53:177 (2,1) - Spacing is too big!
01:36:516 - Can add note here?

merchat7's Easy


Good map =w=b
Topic Starter
>Byakugan249, Chewin, Kiiwa
Sorry for delay.
Only reply to Byakugan249's mod as I know he read replies for mods. If other modders want a reply to their mod, feel free to ask.

00:23:964 - Since I follow the piano mostly for this song (look at begin/end), I follow the piano here too so I definitely do not want to change 00:25:543 (2). So this is currently the simplest rhythm I can come up with.
00:55:546 - Prefer current pattern
01:07:232 - Don't look good with the rest of the pattern imo

Fix the rest, thanks and fix first suggestion from Chewin.

Will self mod soon, seem I was a little lazy at a couple of parts and did some uninteresting patterns.
Yaay a mod!! merchat7 made a request to mod this map in my queue so might as well

If you deny a mod then tell me why, I want to know why to improve as a modder.
- Looks ok.

merchat7's Easy
00:58:863 (3) - Stay away from using sliders like this in an easy diff as it's difficult to get for easy players. Try changing it to a simple hit circle from where the slider use to start.
01:08:969 (3) - Same issue as above

~Really nice diff~

cyRo's Hard
- Unsnapped green ticks...
00:46:072 (4,5) - Fix the spacing on this, random jump that doesn't fit throws off the player.
01:07:863 (4,1) - Again a throw off, this time a quick repeat like this followed by a slider doesn't fit the jump.
01:09:285 (5,1) - Same spacing error. Jump doesn't fit.

00:51:599 (8) - Slider is basically completely hidden from the previous combo burst nearly impossible to get after many tries.
00:56:652 (5) - Again this circle is completely hidden from the previous combo burst, instead stack this with 00:56:810 (6) -

Thats it good luck ^_^
most of green lines were created by doubleclick (automaticly +100mc from previous, important green lines that affects kiai or changing SV snapped correctly), replacing them 21mc earlier wont change anything....

---> Weez | jumps fine for me

Thx for mod :)
Hmmm, I don't really agree that those sliders are hard. I consider them easier than hit circle at the very least (as sliders are much easier to get 300 than hit circles in general). Also feel rather empty if I do hit circle, but the main reason here is that I want to keep to a 1/1 rhythm. I think 3/2 rhythm is harder for beginner to play than 1/1.

So keeping this for now.
Hi there~

[merchat7's Easy]
00:44:177 (1) - While the default skin of spinner is red-orange-yellow, this might be hidden for players. Do the colorhax by doing this
01:18:128 (1) - Add clap at repeating slider for your hitsound pattern

01:36:516 - Remove this useless green timing section

[cRyu's Hard]
00:20:174 (1,2,3,4) - Sudden anti-jump can confuse players after 1/2 click from previous pattern

00:21:122 (1) - I suggest you to move further away from anti-jump pattern. Otherwise, players didn't notice there is a jump pattern ahead
00:53:020 (4) - Add whistle at head slider, since it has a cymbal sound inside the song?

Good luck~
Star Stream
From my queue~

  1. You didn't accept my Diff Clear~
  1. 00:06:278 (1,2) - comparing with 00:02:646 (3,1) - , it's really hard to read imo, i suggest this rhythm instead
  2. 00:36:913 (1,2) - feels pretty awkward here, how about this?
  3. 00:41:176 (3) - all your notes are following vocal now, so i recommend to expend this slider to 00:41:650 -
  4. 00:44:177 (1) - this song is almost 190BPM, i think in Easy diff, you should offer at least 2/1 break after spinner
  5. 01:08:969 (3,4) - the 1/2 slider is not fit here imo, maybe expend the slider to 01:09:443 - and add some more notes. ah yes, i noticed the boring rhythm just now 01:10:706 (1,2,1,2,1,2) -
    so i suggest a rhythm for 01:08:969 (3,4,1) - so that you can make more active map
  6. 01:18:128 (1) - you have so many 3/2 blank in this part, i think it's not so good choice, start from 01:18:286 - ?
  7. 01:22:549 (1) - same as 00:44:177 (1) -, well but up to you
  1. 00:02:646 (3) - not perpectly stacked with copied 1, 1grid down plz
  2. 00:24:122 (1) - rhythm is too simple. follow vocal, start from 00:23:964 -
  3. 00:24:754 (2) - remove arrow and add a circle at 00:25:543 - and move 00:26:017 (3) - to 00:25:859 -
  4. 00:42:440 (1) - 1 grid up plz, 3 is on y:132
  5. 00:57:599 (4) - NC?
  6. 01:01:389 (1,2) - un ballanced, switch NC
  7. 01:07:706 (4) - NC?
  8. 01:12:759 (1) - curve i a bit more, like 01:11:495 (3) -
  9. 01:14:022 (3) - ^
  10. 01:17:812 (1) - i think just a straight slider is ok?
  11. 01:18:286 (2) - not fit imo, remove the arrow and add a circle at 01:19:075 - and 1/2 slider at 01:19:391 -
  1. 00:09:910 (3,4) - copy/paste from 00:09:278 (1,2) - for perpect diamon plz
  2. 00:19:701 (2) - ctrl+r would be better to play imo
  3. 00:42:440 (3) - ctrl+r and 00:42:756 (4) - this note as well, will be enjoyable jump
    i think it's just an Insane diff with low ar?..
  1. 00:26:965 (2) - ctrl+r and 00:27:439 (3,4) - as well, will be more playable imo

Cha-Cha-Cha~ Ta-Ta-Ta~
Good Luck with Rank~
Hi, mod time~ :3


A bit fast for newbies, but I liked, so, it's fine~


Only spacing stuff
00:11:489 (1) - This note is a bit far (normal spacing you are using in this diff 1.0x, and this looks like 1.4x), you should put it closer to the previous note
00:54:441 (1) - ^
01:27:287 (1) - ^
00:55:073 (2) - Same as above, but this is spaced 0.8x, you could ignore this.

That's all from my part, good luck~ c:
Fix all from Leorda

@Star Stream
00:06:278 (1,2) - Don't really see how this is hard to read, just follow the piano here and all the notes up to this point follow just the piano as well, none follow the drums until 00:09:278 (1). I think it'll be more confusing to break this pattern.
00:41:176 (3) - I always prefer starting a spinner on a prominent sound (here, the finish)
01:08:969 (3,4) - Since I just copy the same rhythm, a bit odd you didn't mention for 00:58:863 (3,4). Listening to vocal at 01:09:443, I feel like you need to hold something so definitely want to keep a slider there. Didn't add a repeat to (3) to avoid 1/2 and doing a hit circle as mention in previous mod make this part feel empty. I doubt I could change this in a way that I feel would fit the song and be simple enough for an Easy so this is the best rhythm for me. The 1/2 slider also doesn't feel weird to me. About the long sliders after this, I'm pretty sure I would break 3 stars if I try to map it.
01:18:128 (1) - Since I notice the high star rating, I wanted to do something simple here. As mention, prefer keeping spinner at that place due to finish sound. There isn't any really simple thing to follow here except for drums so I did that.

About the break after spinner, I did thought maybe I gave too little break time, but feel weird to me if I end spinner any earlier, will see more opinions. As mention in some replies to my older beatmaps, I don't agree about ending a spinner earlier just to give a break due to being able to see the next hit object while spinning because of low ar. I really doubt people would miss something they could see almost 2 seconds before.
Sorry only one change, hope my reasons are good for you.

Decide to change a curved slider back to straight, thanks for mod both,
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