
goreshit - Satori De Pon! [CatchTheBeat|Osu|Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年1月5日星期六 at 11:06:58

Artist: goreshit
Title: Satori De Pon!
Tags: marisa lolicore hardcore Backfire Hyperhappyhardcore Dance Corps 2 Gasaiyuno-chan DCRPS018 breakcore OnosakiHito eldnl
BPM: 180.2
Filesize: 7106kb
Play Time: 02:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Fruitcore (4.98 stars, 522 notes)
  2. Gezocore 2.5 (5 stars, 816 notes)
  3. Hardcore (4.74 stars, 363 notes)
  4. Lolicore (5 stars, 571 notes)
  5. no u (5 stars, 1395 notes)
  6. Standard (2.76 stars, 150 notes)
  7. Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 954 notes)
  8. Taikocalypse X (4.83 stars, 1495 notes)
  9. Taikosaki (4.94 stars, 1380 notes)
Download: goreshit - Satori De Pon!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
last submission: 2013/1/5 11:03

_(:3 」∠)_

yes, for rank. 回来看了下帖子, 十分感动

Taikocalypse X by Backfire
Taikosaki by OnosakiHito
Taiko Oni by Gasaiyuno-chan
Fruitcore is a CTB diff by eldnl
Gezo's diff by _Gezo_ <-- download here (very hard)
other diffs by me
Storyboard in Taikosaki diff by Zapy

BG from Zapy's never submitted map, mp3 is originally there but later got a better quality version from Wishy22 / 7odoa

2012-3-31 0.0 raised hitsound vol by 2.5dB, sounds fine now 0.0
4-8 added another taikoBG
4-12 change mp3 and offset
5-6 added Taikosaki diff

reDL if your mp3 file is 2.22MB

last full submission: 6-18

mod list:

wmfchris (?
Katty Pie
Kawayi Rika (lol how
K i R a
Megurine Luka
Star Stream
BeatofIke (..?
this is from Zapy's Map that I make guest for ^^; (either way its from me and him)
He never submitted.
If you like, I can remake my taiko.
Topic Starter

Backfire wrote:

this is from Zapy's Map that I make guest for ^^; (either way its from me and him)
He never submitted.
If you like, I can remake my taiko.
thanks ^^
From 【All requests posted here will be modded】 queue


  1. osb里指向了俩SB图片 但文件夹里没有
  2. offest 10729

01:31:920 (2) - 首尾clap


00:10:974 (2) - 其实这clap听不到(我是HD380 PRO) whistle的频率也太稀疏 以后这里都换成whistle
00:13:527 (4,5,6) - 高难度下前三个都whistle制造效果
00:14:038 (9) - W 以后这里都代表whistle
00:14:676 (7) - w
00:15:059 (3,4) - 3尾4首 w
00:16:080 (7,8) - 7尾8首w
00:17:229 (4) - w
00:17:357 (6) - 尾w
00:18:761 (7,1) - 7+1首w
00:19:144 (2) - 尾w
00:19:910 (5) - 尾w
00:20:421 (8) - 首w
00:21:187 (4) - 首w
哭了 这样有点多 你知道原理就行 越奇怪越多的加越好 这种音效不能24whistle这么加

除了运用本身音效素材 还可以加入新的音效素材 比如你的默认clap明显不够用 那么可以找找更电子更突出的

这里有点音效 你看看能不能用 再不行去natteke的user page去拿 主要是拿一个够突出的clap来 多了无用 歌曲已经很满了

Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

From 【All requests posted here will be modded】 queue


  1. osb里指向了俩SB图片 但文件夹里没有
  2. offest 10729 用的别人图改的, offset应该还好啊

01:31:920 (2) - 首尾clap


00:10:974 (2) - 其实这clap听不到(我是HD380 PRO) whistle的频率也太稀疏 以后这里都换成whistle ..? 这里都用的原版CLAP 应该可以的
00:13:527 (4,5,6) - 高难度下前三个都whistle制造效果
00:14:038 (9) - W 以后这里都代表whistle
00:14:676 (7) - w
00:15:059 (3,4) - 3尾4首 w
00:16:080 (7,8) - 7尾8首w
00:17:229 (4) - w
00:17:357 (6) - 尾w
00:18:761 (7,1) - 7+1首w
00:19:144 (2) - 尾w
00:19:910 (5) - 尾w
00:20:421 (8) - 首w
00:21:187 (4) - 首w
哭了 这样有点多 你知道原理就行 越奇怪越多的加越好 这种音效不能24whistle这么加

除了运用本身音效素材 还可以加入新的音效素材 比如你的默认clap明显不够用 那么可以找找更电子更突出的

这里有点音效 你看看能不能用 再不行去natteke的user page去拿 主要是拿一个够突出的clap来 多了无用 歌曲已经很满了

改了一些 :> 谢谢modding

Modder list: (keep to make sure don't ask same person twice)

progress: 46/53

wmfchris (?
Katty Pie
Kawayi Rika (lol how
K i R a
Megurine Luka
Star Stream
BeatofIke (..?
  1. Remove lolicore in Tags.

  2. Your 3rd Kiai should start on 01:40:591.

  3. I guess you focused more on [Lolicore]. Please give more attention to Standard cause I think you just put random notes everywhere on that diff. lol

  1. OD +1

  2. AR -2 / -1

  3. 00:09:442 (1) - I hope you are aware that this slider is not symmetrical.

  1. Good Job on this!

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:


  1. osb里指向了俩SB图片 但文件夹里没有
  2. offest 10729 用的别人图改的, offset应该还好啊

00:10:974 (2) - 其实这clap听不到(我是HD380 PRO) whistle的频率也太稀疏 以后这里都换成whistle ..? 这里都用的原版CLAP 应该可以的
offest: 我错了 offest是 10744, win7系统误差太大 怎么说 这图的offest很明显早了太多 不管是谁之前做的 现在结果就是这样
clap: 正因为原版clap相比这歌太弱所以才会听不见 后面非kiai的某些地方音量提高+osu本身的解码原因和混合音效后的发声效果平衡下能听见了 但毕竟软弱无力 你的目标是把clap调到和whistle一样显眼 不然就不平衡
Topic Starter

LKs wrote:

offest: 我错了 offest是 10744, win7系统误差太大 怎么说 这图的offest很明显早了太多 不管是谁之前做的 现在结果就是这样
。。我打得还好啊, backfire的taiko map, 他userpage里有

我自己打standard diff 打出来1ms early

clap: 正因为原版clap相比这歌太弱所以才会听不见 后面非kiai的某些地方音量提高+osu本身的解码原因和混合音效后的发声效果平衡下能听见了 但毕竟软弱无力 你的目标是把clap调到和whistle一样显眼 不然就不平衡 lol其实我想突出whistle的

Philippines wrote:

  1. Remove lolicore in Tags.

  2. Your 3rd Kiai should start on 01:40:591. hmmmm

  3. I guess you focused more on [Lolicore]. Please give more attention to Standard cause I think you just put random notes everywhere on that diff. lol Random how 0.0 but honestly I didn't pay much to hitsounds, only 3clap all lol

  1. OD +1

  2. AR -2 / -1

  3. 00:09:442 (1) - I hope you are aware that this slider is not symmetrical. o.o that should be 1/3, somehow snapped wrong
thanks for modding!


。。几个clap而已嘛。我是想这图重点whistle, clap就当衬托了。。


再说了, 10L ..按你的说法应该问题不会太大, 反正大触忙着打图lol

1 这样的话你只能在找人timing check了 看来我不够权威
2 我猜打你图的十有八九不会听到有clap 这就不是突出谁的问题了 而是下这音效有没有意义的问题
聽不下去 饒了我
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

聽不下去 饒了我
I must say, why the SB is in there BUT, the image files are gone?
02:05:101 - Here is beter kai
okay, just saying.
Topic Starter

Kurisuchianu wrote:

I must say, why the SB is in there BUT, the image files are gone?
02:05:101 - Here is beter kai
okay, just saying.
forgot to remove script :( can't upload for now
Request from M4M
以下只是建議~不喜歡可以略過 OAO

藍線沒用處的話可以把他刪了 (雖然沒影響)
design裡有兩個文件 可是資料夾裡卻沒有

01:32:421 (3) - NC?
02:21:442 (5) - ^

01:26:293 (4) - NC
02:07:016 (3) - ^
00:44:932 (3) - ctrl+R?(自己感覺這樣比較順?!)
00:44:932 (3) - ^ (若上面有換的話 沒換請忽略這個)

若沒幫助 對不起 QAQ~
Good song and map~
Star for [Lolicore]可怕難度,and 訓練我的耳朵XD
good map and song
Topic Starter

l1106188 wrote:

Request from M4M
以下只是建議~不喜歡可以略過 OAO

藍線沒用處的話可以把他刪了 (雖然沒影響)
design裡有兩個文件 可是資料夾裡卻沒有

01:32:421 (3) - NC?
02:21:442 (5) - ^

01:26:293 (4) - NC
02:07:016 (3) - ^
00:44:932 (3) - ctrl+R?(自己感覺這樣比較順?!)
00:44:932 (3) - ^ (若上面有換的話 沒換請忽略這個)

若沒幫助 對不起 QAQ~
Good song and map~
Star for [Lolicore]可怕難度,and 訓練我的耳朵XD
good map and song
谢谢modding和star~ :)


/o\ lolicore - diff for approved< you diff too/
Make options:
Approach Rate - 7,8
Overall Difficulty - 6

It is chosen very big spaising >< It already approved( not ranked
You need to make it a little bit easier bcz very big bpm

00:14:676(7) - put on spasing
00:30:633(9) - make this slider shorter to blue section and on white put next slider
00:35:229 - ^
00:42:889(2) - remove this note
00:53:612 - this combo in general is better for altering >< bcz Notes are confused in general it is impossible to play
01:03:570(1,2) - In such places it is better to make small distance between notes. In such places need make short slider So that its end was from the same party where also the beginning of following slider
01:31:527(3,4) - remove this notes >< They here aren't necessary
01:31:974(6) - prolong this slider to white section
02:07:080(4) - remove this note
02:11:165(4) - ^
02:17:421 - start slider on red section
02:20:676 - i think what It will be better instead of spinner to make notes it to look more effectively. spinner - borring ><

Distance between jumps too big, you need to make it less, Because such the distance is usually used in approved map


00:09:442(1) - start this slider on big white section ><
00:21:697 - add note
00:47:229 - ^
00:50:804 - ^
01:02:038 - ^
01:07:655 - ^
01:15:059(3) - prolong this slider to big white section.
01:28:336 - this better
01:43:655 - this better sounds
02:08:421 - add note
02:09:187 -
02:11:484 - add note
02:11:995 - ^

arrangement of new combos

1) Each big white section
2) Start kiai time's
3) stream more 10 notes
4) Change of speed
5) chance of velocity

And nevertheless I will advise to make average diff (hard) bcz Not all can play such insane's and normal can be boring it!!!
good luck with map ^^
Topic Starter

Backfire wrote:

It is completo~!
Thanks~ :)
Those custom hitsounds are amazing :O
Can I make a hard-ish difficulty?

Download: goreshit - Satori De Pon! ([CSGA]Ar3sgice) [Taikocore].osu
Topic Starter

Bobo wrote:

Those custom hitsounds are amazing :O
Thanks :D

Jacob wrote:

Can I make a hard-ish difficulty?
um.. I have asked dksslqj to make it a week ago, but 2 hard diffs are ok i think, so you can make one too :)

Gasaiyuno-chan wrote:

嗯, 没做好我就不加进去了lol

Backfire wrote:

Fixed some errors and shit.

update tomorrow.
Are any of these to your liking Backfire?

Yaay :3
Neither of them particularly fit since the song is Satori, however I like the second one.
Topic Starter
Added the second BG to taiko ^^
a better quality mp3 can be found at! (manually copy and paste this into your browser, the "!" doesn't work with links for some reason)

just click "free mp3" and it'll begin to download. (it's a safe website)
also, add "Hyperhappyhardcore" into the tags, it's the album name. i also think you should add "Dance Corps 2" because that's the group that compiled the album. Satori De Pon! isn't in any specific goreshit album i believe.

source - ... pyhardcore

edit - why is there an epilepsy warning when there's no storyboard?
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:

a better quality mp3 can be found at! (manually copy and paste this into your browser, the "!" doesn't work with links for some reason)

just click "free mp3" and it'll begin to download. (it's a safe website)
also, add "Hyperhappyhardcore" into the tags, it's the album name. i also think you should add "Dance Corps 2" because that's the group that compiled the album. Satori De Pon! isn't in any specific goreshit album i believe.

source - ... pyhardcore
hmm it's 128kbps too.. not better

Thanks for finding source ^^

edit: deleted the warning ^^
the mp3 i gave sounds better to me, but okkaay
double post

why is the whistle so quiet in the custom sounds? could you make it louder? ;_; it's for my diff (not too much louder, just a bit so that it's still subtle)

late edit - okay.jpg
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:

double post

why is the whistle so quiet in the custom sounds? could you make it louder? ;_; it's for my diff
i think it's fine ;_; I cut it from marisa x kanbu, you can change volume maybe

Okay well I fail at life :L
I'll make another bg when I get time, which is now

That is fucking sexy.
Plz use
btw, rename my diff to "Taikocalypse X"

Bobo wrote:

Are any of these to your liking Backfire?

haha i think you should make a taiko BG for me,too.
This map is very happy

Topic Starter

CoinCihaya wrote:

This map is very happy

Modding request from my queue ^^

00:47:484 (1,2) - Align

00:31:527 (2,3) - Align
02:19:399 (1) - remove new combo

00:14:612 (6,7) - don't stack them
Oh my god can anyone do this!? That's crazy~

All suggestions, even though there isn't much.
Topic Starter

Aeonnen wrote:

Modding request from my queue ^^

00:47:484 (1,2) - Align

00:31:527 (2,3) - Align
02:19:399 (1) - remove new combo

00:14:612 (6,7) - don't stack them
Oh my god can anyone do this!? That's crazy~

All suggestions, even though there isn't much.
thanks for modding~
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:




00:16:336 (2) - 换成不折返的?
01:32:421 -同Hardcore


00:38:676 (7) - nazi - 往左一格 (grid 4)
01:28:208 (5,1) - nazi - 往右一格 (grid 4)
01:32:421 - 这里不要break,和前面的break很近,从音乐上来说也没有break的必要


01:32:421 -同Hardcore

That's all I can find. GL~
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:


太鼓的Kiai没有在重音上 咱不了解太鼓0.0 红线都不一样 再看看吧0.0


00:16:336 (2) - 换成不折返的? fixed
01:32:421 -同Hardcore


00:38:676 (7) - nazi - 往左一格 (grid 4) fixed
01:28:208 (5,1) - nazi - 往右一格 (grid 4)
01:32:421 - 这里不要break,和前面的break很近,从音乐上来说也没有break的必要 因为重复了嘛... = =就是没必要map这里 我觉得


什么都看不出来 0.0
01:32:421 -同Hardcore

That's all I can find. GL~
thanks for modding~
Topic Starter

Gasaiyuno-chan wrote:

0.0 咱也不会taiko啊...

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Gasaiyuno-chan wrote:

0.0 咱也不会taiko啊...

无力啊 :?
Satori~! :D

01:05:867 (1,2,3) - 往左上移动(特别是往左)让1和前一句的123看起来好看
01:31:910 (2,3) - 不好看,最好把2改弧度一点,这样和3连一起好看些
01:53:867 (3) - 右移一格让123变等腰三角
02:04:080 (3) - 下面那半段拉出弧度来吧……不用长得完全和1一样
02:15:314 (2) - 下来一格

00:15:953 (5) - 减少一次反弹,放到后面那根白线上去(00:16:080)
00:19:272 (2) - 放在3上面出现读图失误,请放到1尾部和3头部中间的位置
00:20:548 (7) - ^ (后面很多地方这样就可以不改了,因为第一次知道了人就不会犯第二次错……当然要不要改随你吧)
01:04:591 (6) - 这后面也加一个note
01:26:165 (5) - 往右一格
01:47:740 (6,7) - 推荐你6多一次反弹,7放到后面那根白线上去

[Taikocalypse X]

你们这些萝莉控^ ^

00:54:123 (4) - 看不见这个Note了,放到3的尾部和5之间某个位置比较好(往返跳是可以的,但是slider之后跳回去不舒服也没见过也难读……)
01:28:336 (3,4,1,2,1,2,1) - 这里肿么能这么简单,又不是距离超近的anti-jump,快改成跳(原地按两下,跳到远处,再按两下的那种)
01:41:229 (5) - slider减短,这里加个circle,slider放到后面白线上
01:46:591 (3) - ^,此处因为出现了一个1/4空拍,可以加2个circle

好,random mod完毕,看在觉大人这么萌份上给个star :) 下次排列要再用心点,还不是很好看
Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

Satori~! :D

01:05:867 (1,2,3) - 往左上移动(特别是往左)让1和前一句的123看起来好看 这个还好吧...
01:31:910 (2,3) - 不好看,最好把2改弧度一点,这样和3连一起好看些 移了一段距离
01:53:867 (3) - 右移一格让123变等腰三角
02:04:080 (3) - 下面那半段拉出弧度来吧……不用长得完全和1一样 就是不好看啊...
02:15:314 (2) - 下来一格

00:15:953 (5) - 减少一次反弹,放到后面那根白线上去(00:16:080)
00:19:272 (2) - 放在3上面出现读图失误,请放到1尾部和3头部中间的位置 故意的jump
00:20:548 (7) - ^ (后面很多地方这样就可以不改了,因为第一次知道了人就不会犯第二次错……当然要不要改随你吧)
01:04:591 (6) - 这后面也加一个note
01:26:165 (5) - 往右一格
01:47:740 (6,7) - 推荐你6多一次反弹,7放到后面那根白线上去

[Taikocalypse X]

你们这些萝莉控^ ^

00:54:123 (4) - 看不见这个Note了,放到3的尾部和5之间某个位置比较好(往返跳是可以的,但是slider之后跳回去不舒服也没见过也难读……) 改成slider了 (找不到好点啊T.T)
01:28:336 (3,4,1,2,1,2,1) - 这里肿么能这么简单,又不是距离超近的anti-jump,快改成跳(原地按两下,跳到远处,再按两下的那种)休息一下嘛... 全程230多累 0108也有减速段不是
01:41:229 (5) - slider减短,这里加个circle,slider放到后面白线上 ^
01:46:591 (3) - ^,此处因为出现了一个1/4空拍,可以加2个circle[/color] 加上不好听啊0w0

好,random mod完毕,看在觉大人这么萌份上给个star :) 下次排列要再用心点,还不是很好看 thanks ~
I just poke the fucking room of to fucking read this:

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

yes, for rank
Star for this brashness.
Topic Starter

TheNutritiousGuy wrote:

I just poke the fucking room of to fucking read this:

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

yes, for rank
Star for this brashness.
lol thanks for star

Download: goreshit - Satori De Pon! ([CSGA]Ar3sgice) [Taikocore-rand613020].osu


Download: goreshit - Satori De Pon! ([CSGA]Ar3sgice) [Taikocore.osu
AR+1? 因為這個圖真的很快就是了 說笑的,AR10太難了
00:25:655 (5,6) - 建議這兩個note不要搭在一起...
00:28:336 (7) - clap
00:34:463 (7,8) - 不要搭在一起
00:55:655 (1,2) - ^
01:41:229 (5) - 聽起來有點怪怪的...
01:46:591 (3) - ^
01:54:761 (2) - ^
02:04:718 (11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - 啊這好難!!! :o
02:17:101 (4,5,6) - 這個弄成跳吧...

00:47:484 - 加一個note在這裡
01:03:570 (1) - ???
01:15:059 (5) - 太吵了...
01:31:399 (6) - ^

00:42:378 (3) - 怪怪的
01:15:059 (3) - 略醜
Topic Starter

Regou wrote:

AR+1? 因為這個圖真的很快就是了 說笑的,AR10太難了
00:25:655 (5,6) - 建議這兩個note不要搭在一起... 没地方放0.0
00:28:336 (7) - clap
00:34:463 (7,8) - 不要搭在一起 感觉还好...
00:55:655 (1,2) - ^
01:41:229 (5) - 聽起來有點怪怪的... fixed
01:46:591 (3) - ^ fixed
01:54:761 (2) - ^
02:04:718 (11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - 啊這好難!!! :o 嗯。。。
02:17:101 (4,5,6) - 這個弄成跳吧... 结尾不想这样了...

00:47:484 - 加一個note在這裡 不想..
01:03:570 (1) - ??? fixed
01:15:059 (5) - 太吵了... fixed
01:31:399 (6) - ^

00:42:378 (3) - 怪怪的 还好吧...
01:15:059 (3) - 略醜 ...
Hello!! Mod request from My Queue

01:31:910 (6) - Add a Green line @ x0.50 Slider Velocity Multiplier & drag the slider to 01:32:484
(the speed of the slider and the lyrics sounds more syncronized)
01:32:484 - Green line @ x1.00 Slider Velocity Multiplier to fix the rest sliders :3


01:16:080 - Add a circle? o. o

That's all from me, the maps are great :3
Good luck!

Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ [CSGA]Ar3sgice ~ :)

M4M here ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. 00:10:208 (6,1) - Try perfect stack.
  2. 01:26:293 (4) - Add new combo,sudden jump to here.
  3. 01:56:038 (7) - ^
  4. 01:57:953 (5) - ^
  5. 02:06:633 (1,2,3,4,5) - Confused spacing.


  1. 00:15:442 (3,4,6,7) - Make a symmetry.

That's all ~ pretty nice mapset ~

Good luck ~
Well, mod request from the leaf queue.


01:32:421 - 01:40:591 - Map this part for all the diffs.


00:22:974 (1) - Reshape it like this:
00:59:740 (1) - ^
01:06:378 (2) - This slider doesn't sound right. Maybe shorten it?


00:26:038 (4) - Huh. Reshape it.
01:46:718 (3,4,5) - reshape it like this
I really can't say much because the map feels quite repetitive imo.


00:14:804 - Add a note here. It sounds nicer that way.
00:34:591 (8,9,10) - You should either line them up properly or replace those 1/4 sliders to a stream.
01:02:804 (8,9) - Maybe shape them like this?
01:07:399 (8,9) - Change it like this
01:11:357 (4,5) - ^
01:32:421 - to 01:40:59 -
01:47:357 (5,6,7) - This part felt awkward, maybe change the slider to notes?

It kind of feels like you placed in effort on Lolicore, but not on Hardcore and Standard. Good luck on it anyways.
Request from Queue

ฅ•ﻌ•ฅAoi's Mod

  1. 为啥用.mp3格式作为hitsound?
  2. 少个太鼓背景
  1. try offset=10760,应该是音源换过的关系,现在的肯定不准。以下mod先按之前的timing来
  1. 00:11:740 (5) - NC
  2. 00:11:995 (2,3||6,7) - 既然要鬼畜这两个就换下位置嘛w
  3. 00:14:612 (6,7) - 这个设定肯定会被喷的哟
  4. 00:15:825 (6) - NC
  5. 00:17:612 (7) - 因为有个大跳,NC下比较好
  6. 00:23:484 (3,4) - 这两个的距离也太远了,尽量搞成和(1,2)的间距一样比较统一
  7. 00:23:995 (5) - NC,提升辨识度
  8. 00:30:123 (7) - NC
  9. 00:34:208 (5) - NC
  10. 00:34:846 (10,1) - 间距
  11. 00:42:889 (2) - antijump后一个大跳,加个NC比较好
  12. 01:04:846 (6) - NC,纯粹为了好看=。=
  13. 01:26:293 (4) - NC
  14. 01:42:633 (6) - NC
  15. 02:20:676 (1) - 紧连着前一个转盘?
    1. 我的狗耳Orz
  1. 00:29:101 (3) - 这里只用这么一个滑条不太合适,没合vocal
  2. 02:05:612 (3,4,5) - 间距
    1. 整体打起来节奏不太爽的样子
  1. 00:29:101 (2,3) - 莫用这种会让新手困扰的叠加
  2. 02:01:016 (1,2,3,4) - 这段对新手太难了啦
  3. 最后五个连打还是换成转盘?
    1. 玩下来给我的感觉就是谱面和曲子基本没什么关系一样
standard難度。。。01:16:080 - 這裏加個note把。。感覺不加很空虛寂寞冷啊
dsvhsadluifioasfdo song ><

00:10:718 - No nc needed :D
01:15:059 - hmm~ I think it looks nice here if it has have a NC :D

00:16:080 - Put farther away from 4
02:19:399 - why new combo here? D:

00:14:676 - don't stack this under 6 ><
00:34:463 - Maybe put this circle diagonally towards slider 7
01:26:293 - New combo?
01:31:527 - I think this part kinda looks bad, do something else with it ><
02:04:718 - New combo~

Good luck ^^
Topic Starter
Done with all the mods.


00:22:974 (1) - Reshape i
01:31:910 (6) - longer
01:06:378 (2) - single 2/1 slider
00:29:101 (2,3) - changed position

00:10:208 (6,1) - fixed
01:46:718 (3,4,5) - reshaped
02:05:612 (3,4,5) - spacing

01:16:080 - added a circle
01:26:293 (1) - nc
01:04:846 (6) - nc
01:43:527 (1) - nc

not changed:

02:01:016 (1,2,3,4) - 这位置应该不会misread。。还好吧
00:10:718 - 1/3 -> 1/4 so nc

00:29:101 (3) - 这里觉得累了放个sl小休息一下
02:19:399 - new combo for vocal pattern

00:14:676 (7) - for the feeling of stopping at there
00:11:995 (2,3||6,7) - 感觉不换舒服点。。
00:23:484 (3,4) - 故意的。。
02:20:676 (1) - 这样感觉好点, 应该没差别吧。。
01:07:399 (8,9) - Change it like this -> don't understand what that is ... 0.0

try offset -> 音源没换过啊...

Copter-kun wrote:

It kind of feels like you placed in effort on Lolicore, but not on Hardcore and Standard. Good luck on it anyways.
well, not that much lol
hard to map this song easy


going to make taiko BG lol
"who wants to try my new map
it's very hard"


My first Mod:

- mp3 Quality is really bad

- Everything is fine

- 00:22:463 (5) - Delete the Slider and try this:
- 00:32:548 - Add Note
- 00:42:378 (3) - cut Slider to 00:42:889 and add Note at 00:43:016 , 00:43:144 , 00:43:272

- 00:14:676 (7) - Don't stack
- 01:28:846 (1) - Delete new Combo
- 01:29:357 (1) - Delete new Combo

That's all :)
Topic Starter

GamerX4life wrote:

"who wants to try my new map
it's very hard"


My first Mod:

- mp3 Quality is really bad :arrow: can't find better one lol

- Everything is fine

- 00:22:463 (5) - Delete the Slider and try this: fixed
- 00:32:548 - Add Note don't like
- 00:42:378 (3) - cut Slider to 00:42:889 and add Note at 00:43:016 , 00:43:144 , 00:43:272 uhm don't wanna add too much notes here

- 00:14:676 (7) - Don't stack no
- 01:28:846 (1) - Delete new Combo
- 01:29:357 (1) - Delete new Combo nc for antijump

That's all :)
thanks ~
I would've stared if i had enough kudos.. but sorry, i only got some few not ;-;



01:56:676 (8,9) - I don't think this is good idea.. eitehr stack 8 to 7, or 9 to next 1?


00:10:123 (5,6,1) - i don't think this is good idea..
00:13:527 (4) - this kind of beat ( ) ? (triple - triple => single - x5 stream)
00:14:804 (x) - add anything here O.O?
00:45:442 (5) - I think its better when stacked to 4's end
00:55:655 (1) - unstacking this from next circle-slider(s), felt better for me
02:05:357 (2) - ^, since this is end of the stream

nice map~
Topic Starter

haha5957 wrote:

I would've stared if i had enough kudos.. but sorry, i only got some few not ;-;



01:56:676 (8,9) - I don't think this is good idea.. eitehr stack 8 to 7, or 9 to next 1? o.o why? it's perfectly readable


00:10:123 (5,6,1) - i don't think this is good idea.. hmm thst's 1/3
00:13:527 (4) - this kind of beat ( ) ? (triple - triple => single - x5 stream) good
00:14:804 (x) - add anything here O.O? intentional empty..
00:45:442 (5) - I think its better when stacked to 4's end no...
00:55:655 (1) - unstacking this from next circle-slider(s), felt better for me i like this pattern lol
02:05:357 (2) - ^, since this is end of the stream ok

nice map~
Thanks for modding~ :)
K i R a
I think this map is really hard to mod but I will try, it is for approved no?

I will say you first the parts I think are weird:

00:10:123 (5,6,1) - This is weird and I dont know if it is rankeable (when I mean rankeable it means for approved too)
00:21:570 (7,8) - So high difficult to understand including if you are pro.
00:22:208 (11) - Stack and same ^
00:34:463 (7,8,9,10) - Em... that's really hard to understand at this speed.
01:07:399 (8,9,1) - Stack
01:27:825 (4) - ^
01:28:080 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - That is like random spacing, that is only readable for peole who don't play using the eyes, it is basically unreadable.
01:46:080 (8) - Stack
02:00:123 (4,5,6,7) - Basically most of the people will fail it.
02:04:080 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - It is imposible to complete, because that is 1/8, 1/8 from 235 bpm, that is like 470 bpm stream, I know that are sliders, but anyway...

Try with approach on 8.
01:48:761 - bad kiai time D: it starts at 01:40:591
02:16:846 (3,4) - hard to read.

Nothing more, good luck in your song, it is awesome owo.
Topic Starter

K i R a wrote:

I think this map is really hard to mod but I will try, it is for approved no? for rank because high score is lower than 18m and for example this map is ranked

I will say you first the parts I think are weird:

00:10:123 (5,6,1) - This is weird and I dont know if it is rankeable (when I mean rankeable it means for approved too) it's just 1/3
00:21:570 (7,8) - So high difficult to understand including if you are pro. ..???
00:22:208 (11) - Stack and same ^ not hard to read imo..
00:34:463 (7,8,9,10) - Em... that's really hard to understand at this speed. umm..why? what do you mean "understand" I think it's totally readable
01:07:399 (8,9,1) - Stack fix
01:27:825 (4) - ^ fix
01:28:080 (1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,5) - That is like random spacing, that is only readable for peole who don't play using the eyes, it is basically unreadable. come on it's the easiest part in this map
01:46:080 (8) - Stack fix
02:00:123 (4,5,6,7) - Basically most of the people will fail it. I tried it's possible.. and, I think, most people (if passed here) will fail next part lol
02:04:080 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1) - It is imposible to complete, because that is 1/8, 1/8 from 235 bpm, that is like 470 bpm stream, I know that are sliders, but anyway... it's possible, just click it like 1/4 note stream a little faster than 235

Try with approach on 8. it's just hard diff =_=" people now all play too much high AR
01:48:761 - bad kiai time D: it starts at 01:40:591 what o.o it's different from 40:xx-48:xx
02:16:846 (3,4) - hard to read. um but even if fail to read it's just slider end miss, won't break combo, it's ok I think.

Nothing more, good luck in your song, it is awesome owo.
Thanks for mod & star!
Sure the beginning is 235? It feels slower to me.
Sorry for not finding that much if there might be anything I missed out... I'm quite... used nowadays o3o *exhausted*


Would you mind using another diff-name? Since LRJ used that one already that may lead to confusions~
Can't tell there was much bugging for me here o.o

  • Found the applause-hitsound a little overused.
    00:14:293 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 0.6x spacing fits better there imo
    00:22:463 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
    00:46:974 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
    01:30:378 (1) - NC since you use 2-circle-combos before


Same thing about diffname~

  • 00:14:293 (5,6,7,8) - many 1/2s in a row at that BPM are too fast for a hard-diff imo
    00:18:378 (5,6,7,8) - ^
    00:48:761 (6) - NC
    00:56:931 (6) - ^
    01:04:846 (7) - ^
    01:51:825 (4,5,6,7) - again, quite many 1/2s in a row for that BPM and diff o3o

The hitsounds are godly <3
This MP3 is complete crap, sound quality is horrible, get the MP3 from this YT link:

I don't know how to get an MP3 from YouTube, guess it can be done, it's not hard to notice the sound quality from that YT link is about a trillion times better than this map's MP3, dunno why Zapy used such a bad MP3. :(
request from my queue
sorry for being late/


00:39:314 (1) - 这个repeat对的位置总感觉听起来不舒服
00:55:655 (1,2,3) - 看前面都蛮简单的感觉这里会略难
01:53:867 (3) - 这个还是2/1slider舒服
02:01:016 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 还是突然一串很难。
02:21:442 (5) - finish


[Taiko Oni]
01:43:282 (7) - ...

00:30:633 (9) - 默认whistle
00:34:846 (10) - ^
02:03:314 (3) - 分个NC好了毕竟是1/8
02:13:272 我看别的难度这里都是N。。

Topic Starter

Wishy22 wrote:

This MP3 is complete crap, sound quality is horrible, get the MP3 from this YT link:

I don't know how to get an MP3 from YouTube, guess it can be done, it's not hard to notice the sound quality from that YT link is about a trillion times better than this map's MP3, dunno why Zapy used such a bad MP3. :(
0.0 can someone convert the mp3 format for me...

No_Gu wrote:

request from my queue
sorry for being late/


00:39:314 (1) - 这个repeat对的位置总感觉听起来不舒服
00:55:655 (1,2,3) - 看前面都蛮简单的感觉这里会略难
01:53:867 (3) - 这个还是2/1slider舒服
02:01:016 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - 还是突然一串很难。
02:21:442 (5) - finish


[Taiko Oni]
01:43:282 (7) - ...

00:30:633 (9) - 默认whistle
00:34:846 (10) - ^
02:03:314 (3) - 分个NC好了毕竟是1/8
02:13:272 我看别的难度这里都是N。。


unsnaped note i know......I will fix it
Snow Note

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Wishy22 wrote:

This MP3 is complete crap, sound quality is horrible, get the MP3 from this YT link:

I don't know how to get an MP3 from YouTube, guess it can be done, it's not hard to notice the sound quality from that YT link is about a trillion times better than this map's MP3, dunno why Zapy used such a bad MP3. :(
0.0 can someone convert the mp3 format for me...
Try this MP3,It is high quality! :)
Topic Starter

7odoa wrote:

Try this MP3,It is high quality! :)
Thanks ~ changed mp3 file and offset ~
  • Hi hi~ request from my queue~
  1. : 是我覺得一並要改的
  2. : 建議 但個人認為要改的
  3. : 就單純建議
    [ General ]
  4. 關於Lead-In的秒數 請把他改成0 ( 除了Taikocalypse X難度 ) 不是從剛開始3秒左右開始 不需要Lead-In
  5. 加個Red Timing Section吧 Offset : 160 BPM : 90 我知道這裡沒有擺東西 但是如果要讓節奏有在音樂上 就必須加這個Timing
  6. rules wrote:

    You must use hitsounds. Without these, things get way too monotonous as you are throwing away one of the main elements of variation present in mapping. You don't need to place them on every note (and are discouraged from doing so), but they must at least be frequently heard when playing.
    ^^^不看下不? 雖然有音效 但是好像才幾個finish而已>_< 最簡單的兩個難度
    [ Standard ]
  7. 01:13:062 (1) - NC沒什麼用處
    [ Hardcore ]
  8. 01:56:850 (9) - 這放到下個slider的開頭上打起來比較舒服
    [ Lolicore ]
  9. 鬼畜啊.. 我不會mod有App向的難度 >_<

BPM235 這太鬼畜了 我能做BPM差不多160或以下的歌 >_<
Good Luck :3
Topic Starter

bossandy wrote:

  • Hi hi~ request from my queue~
  1. : 是我覺得一並要改的
  2. : 建議 但個人認為要改的
  3. : 就單純建議
    [ General ]
  4. 關於Lead-In的秒數 請把他改成0 ( 除了Taikocalypse X難度 ) 不是從剛開始3秒左右開始 不需要Lead-In 改了
  5. 加個Red Timing Section吧 Offset : 160 BPM : 90 我知道這裡沒有擺東西 但是如果要讓節奏有在音樂上 就必須加這個Timing 嗯, 加了。不过前奏貌似是235的1/3拍。。taikocalypse难度里有。。
  6. rules wrote:

    You must use hitsounds. Without these, things get way too monotonous as you are throwing away one of the main elements of variation present in mapping. You don't need to place them on every note (and are discouraged from doing so), but they must at least be frequently heard when playing.
    ^^^不看下不? 雖然有音效 但是好像才幾個finish而已>_< 最簡單的兩個難度 hard我觉得有很多了啊... easy就是第三白线clap下去的...
    [ Standard ]
  7. 01:13:062 (1) - NC沒什麼用處 fixed
    [ Hardcore ]
  8. 01:56:850 (9) - 這放到下個slider的開頭上打起來比較舒服 fixed
    [ Lolicore ]
  9. 鬼畜啊.. 我不會mod有App向的難度 >_<

BPM235 這太鬼畜了 我能做BPM差不多160或以下的歌 >_<
Good Luck :3
hi~ CSGA Ar3sgice :)

from m4m queue ~

here my mod and sorry, for late :(

  1. Song folder - SatoriDePonTaikoBG233.jpg - i think this is not a character related to the song. ( maybe character of the mirai nikki ? ) Can you look for other BG? If not found, there is no need to change.
  2. Song folder - soft-sliderslide,slidertick.wav - Both silence are unrankable. Please delete either :x
    This is the Rule
    Hitsounds from hitcircles and sliders must be audible. These provide feedback for the player, and having them silent in a rhythm game doesn't make much sense. If you don't like the default sounds, then find replacements rather than silencing notes. You can use hitsounds from the Custom Hitsound Library or easily find others online. Lowering the volume of a few notes to provide a dampened effect is usually fine, but complete silence is always unacceptable. The end of a spinner (or even the entire spinner) the sliding sound of a slider, and the end of a slider can be silent, but only do it if it makes sense. Finally, you cannot silence both slider ticks and slider slides together.
  3. Song folder - soft-hitclap2 - This is not used as far as I looked. Please delete the file not to use
  4. Song Setup - Storyboarding - Display epilepsy warning - Only Taiko Oni is different. Please remove the check. If you do not want to use the SB, there is no need to check
  5. KIAI TIME - 01:48:807~02:05:147 - 01:48:807start⇒change to 01:40:637. because 01:40:637~ and 01:48:807~ , are the same rhythm and tension. :?

  1. AR -1 or -2 ( i think too fast :? )
  2. 00:56:467 (2,3) - grid move to 2:x392,y120 , 3:x336,y88. it is better to flow ? ( use grid size 4 tiny )
  3. 01:13:062 (3) - add NC and 01:15:105 (3) - add NC is better imo

    there is no problem to map :) but since you are not using only clap, it seems a little lonely hitsound to me :(
  1. 00:32:211 (4,5) - 00:31:190 (1,2,3) - i think this has better same pattern. 00:31:573 (2) - remove or 00:32:594 - add note.
  2. 01:03:616 (1) - remove NC and 01:03:871 (2) - add NC ? ( same as 01:11:403 (7,1) ? )
  3. 01:58:764 (7) - add NC and 01:59:403 (1) - remove NC ( same as others NC)
  4. 02:04:126 (7) - 02:05:147 (1) - remove note. and 02:04:126 (7) - end 02:05:147 is better imo. because i think a sound continues to there
  5. 02:12:296 (5) - same as ^

    When you use the jump, you are using a DS about 2.0x. And this distance is the same when using the DS1.0x 1/1rhythm , I think confusing when play for the first time. :(
    for ex: 00:37:318 (3,4) , 00:46:509 (4,5) , 01:06:935 (5,6) etc
  1. 00:42:935 (2) - add NC ( 00:42:935 (1,2) - hard jump to me >< )
  2. 01:07:445 (8,9,1) - Is very difficult to read too much overlap :o Can you not take some distance?
  3. 01:11:403 (4,5,1) - ^
  4. 01:31:509 (3) - add note ? sound continues from here to 01:31:573 ?
  5. 02:17:467 (1,1) - you can use the double spinner here. 02:17:467 (1) - end 02:20:403 , 02:20:722 (1) - end 02:20:467
Good luck ~ :)
Topic Starter

kosiga wrote:

hi~ CSGA Ar3sgice :)

from m4m queue ~

here my mod and sorry, for late :(

  1. Song folder - SatoriDePonTaikoBG233.jpg - i think this is not a character related to the song. ( maybe character of the mirai nikki ? ) Can you look for other BG? If not found, there is no need to change. it's the mapper~
  2. Song folder - soft-sliderslide,slidertick.wav - Both silence are unrankable. Please delete either :x fixed ~
  3. Song folder - soft-hitclap2 - This is not used as far as I looked. Please delete the file not to use ok ~
  4. Song Setup - Storyboarding - Display epilepsy warning - Only Taiko Oni is different. Please remove the check. If you do not want to use the SB, there is no need to check uncheck ~
  5. KIAI TIME - 01:48:807~02:05:147 - 01:48:807start⇒change to 01:40:637. because 01:40:637~ and 01:48:807~ , are the same rhythm and tension. :? no.. :(

  1. AR -1 or -2 ( i think too fast :? ) ok
  2. 00:56:467 (2,3) - grid move to 2:x392,y120 , 3:x336,y88. it is better to flow ? ( use grid size 4 tiny ) ok
  3. 01:13:062 (3) - add NC and 01:15:105 (3) - add NC is better imo

    there is no problem to map :) but since you are not using only clap, it seems a little lonely hitsound to me :( making easy diff is very hard.. >_>
  1. 00:32:211 (4,5) - 00:31:190 (1,2,3) - i think this has better same pattern. 00:31:573 (2) - remove or 00:32:594 - add note. it is easier to play with diferent patterns I think~
  2. 01:03:616 (1) - remove NC and 01:03:871 (2) - add NC ? ( same as 01:11:403 (7,1) ? ) ok ~
  3. 01:58:764 (7) - add NC and 01:59:403 (1) - remove NC ( same as others NC) no I think this is fine ~
  4. 02:04:126 (7) - 02:05:147 (1) - remove note. and 02:04:126 (7) - end 02:05:147 is better imo. because i think a sound continues to there don't want to make it too long ~
  5. 02:12:296 (5) - same as ^

    When you use the jump, you are using a DS about 2.0x. And this distance is the same when using the DS1.0x 1/1rhythm , I think confusing when play for the first time. :(
    for ex: 00:37:318 (3,4) , 00:46:509 (4,5) , 01:06:935 (5,6) etc I like this kind of slider end jumps :D
  1. 00:42:935 (2) - add NC ( 00:42:935 (1,2) - hard jump to me >< ) no
  2. 01:07:445 (8,9,1) - Is very difficult to read too much overlap :o Can you not take some distance? ok, fixed~
  3. 01:11:403 (4,5,1) - ^ this has stack~
  4. 01:31:509 (3) - add note ? sound continues from here to 01:31:573 ? no 0.0
  5. 02:17:467 (1,1) - you can use the double spinner here. 02:17:467 (1) - end 02:20:403 , 02:20:722 (1) - end 02:20:467 I like this way, no change~
Good luck ~ :)
OK, finally got to modding this! Sorry for the lateness, had an essay to do... :|

  • General
    01:32:977 (Break) I don't think you need it, one break should be enough. Ignore if you no like.
    00:09:488 (1) - You got a bpm for this part for a reason, you should use it. I don't think having unsnapped notes is rankable as well, especially one you can see so clearly. It's done on purpose, but I really dislike it. Its hard for a player to catch out first thing in the song and its quite unprofessional to do this for a map for rank. Use Timing --> Resnap and Timing --> Recalculate Slider Length. That's why we need those options :cry:

    00:26:594 - No new combo
    00:27:105 - New combo here. If you hear it is just as the part at 00:31:190, which you did place new combo at.
    00:28:126 - No new combo.
    00:29:147 - New combo.
    00:34:764 (4) - 2 grids to the right, so that it is on the same x as (3) ends at, that looks better. Distance snap the fallowing notes.
    01:56:467 - No new combo. New combo at (2). Look at how u done it previously, 1:03:871, you didn't start this slider with a new combo, so don't do it with this one.
    02:11:275 (1) - 1 grid down
    02:11:786 (2) - 1 grid to the left.

    Have to say, its a shame you didn't just made faster slider by changing slider velocity, because it would totally suit the beatmap to have speedy sliders as well as higher spacing, as it is a bit overmapped. A song does not need to be overmapped to make it hard though, a higher slider velocity and bigger spacing could make up for it, that's why you could have had less notes to press but it still would be hard as the spacing would be bigger. Beatmaps which too many notes but small slider velo and spacing most of the time end up being impossible for mouse players. You might like to think about it, but I understand it is a lot of work so I won't nag you. Take caution with your next beatmap..?
    Oh, and also... Higher the HP Drain Rate as all the little sliders such as at 01:15:105 can make a player go from nearly drained HP bar to fully regenerated one, lol. Make it 7 or 8?
    00:30:552 (5) - Try not to cover sliders with sliders, put this slider a bit further from (4) so that they don't go over each other.
    00:47:530 - I suggest placing a beat here as tall white slider ticks are the most important ticks as far as I am concerned, as they are the first tick you hear in a set of 4.
    01:14:339 (2,4) - Make it exciting just before the break - Don't snap 2 together with 1 or 4 together with 3. I would jumps here personally.
    01:26:339 (1) - 3 grids up?
    01:53:275 - Maybe remove (2), move the slider after forward to where it was and repeat? I think it sounds better.

    00:23:275 (2) - Symmetry here. (2) should be the same as (1) turned horizontaly + verticaly.
    00:23:786 (4) - Again symmetry. (4) = (3) turned horizontaly + vertically.
    00:34:892 (1) - 2 grids up and one grid to the left.Should then make a diagonal slider lane, so the 2nd gray circle should be a bit higher than it is currently.
    00:36:424 (6,7) - Should be placed directly under (5), if it doesn't fit then put (5) a bit higher. (7) should be a straight slider as well I think...
    02:04:764 (?) - I'm certain that it is unrankable, as you can't see that those are sliders.
    02:07:062 - New combo
Topic Starter

Jebok wrote:

OK, finally got to modding this! Sorry for the lateness, had an essay to do... :| good luck on that :D

  • General
    01:32:977 (Break) I don't think you need it, one break should be enough. Ignore if you no like.
    00:09:488 (1) - You got a bpm for this part for a reason, you should use it. I don't think having unsnapped notes is rankable as well, especially one you can see so clearly. It's done on purpose, but I really dislike it. Its hard for a player to catch out first thing in the song and its quite unprofessional to do this for a map for rank. Use Timing --> Resnap and Timing --> Recalculate Slider Length. That's why we need those options :cry: this is just 1/3, not unsnap

    00:26:594 - No new combo
    00:27:105 - New combo here. If you hear it is just as the part at 00:31:190, which you did place new combo at.
    00:28:126 - No new combo.
    00:29:147 - New combo. fixed
    00:34:764 (4) - 2 grids to the right, so that it is on the same x as (3) ends at, that looks better. Distance snap the fallowing notes. don't like 0.0
    01:56:467 - No new combo. New combo at (2). Look at how u done it previously, 1:03:871, you didn't start this slider with a new combo, so don't do it with this one.
    02:11:275 (1) - 1 grid down
    02:11:786 (2) - 1 grid to the left. no..

    Have to say, its a shame you didn't just made faster slider by changing slider velocity, because it would totally suit the beatmap to have speedy sliders as well as higher spacing, as it is a bit overmapped. A song does not need to be overmapped to make it hard though, a higher slider velocity and bigger spacing could make up for it, that's why you could have had less notes to press but it still would be hard as the spacing would be bigger. Beatmaps which too many notes but small slider velo and spacing most of the time end up being impossible for mouse players. You might like to think about it, but I understand it is a lot of work so I won't nag you. Take caution with your next beatmap..? I think for a Hard diff this SV is fine, also I can play it with mouse, don't think that's a problem 0.0
    Oh, and also... Higher the HP Drain Rate as all the little sliders such as at 01:15:105 can make a player go from nearly drained HP bar to fully regenerated one, lol. Make it 7 or 8? no lol that would go over lolicore diff
    00:30:552 (5) - Try not to cover sliders with sliders, put this slider a bit further from (4) so that they don't go over each other. I like this style 0.0
    00:47:530 - I suggest placing a beat here as tall white slider ticks are the most important ticks as far as I am concerned, as they are the first tick you hear in a set of 4. 0.0 what no, have a rest.
    01:14:339 (2,4) - Make it exciting just before the break - Don't snap 2 together with 1 or 4 together with 3. I would jumps here personally.
    01:26:339 (1) - 3 grids up? don't like...
    01:53:275 - Maybe remove (2), move the slider after forward to where it was and repeat? I think it sounds better. ..

    00:23:275 (2) - Symmetry here. (2) should be the same as (1) turned horizontaly + verticaly. i tried 0.0 doesn't work
    00:23:786 (4) - Again symmetry. (4) = (3) turned horizontaly + vertically.
    00:34:892 (1) - 2 grids up and one grid to the left.Should then make a diagonal slider lane, so the 2nd gray circle should be a bit higher than it is currently. I didn't use grids here 0.0 and what's gray circle
    00:36:424 (6,7) - Should be placed directly under (5), if it doesn't fit then put (5) a bit higher. (7) should be a straight slider as well I think...
    02:04:764 (?) - I'm certain that it is unrankable, as you can't see that those are sliders. that's just 1/8.. very easy to read for me.. slider = no approach circle, I think...
    02:07:062 - New combo ok
Thanks for modding ~
Hi there

* Remove OSB files in your mapset

00:32:211 (2) - The tail slider is almost offscreen

02:20:722 (1) - Move to 02:20:530 and extend it for let players having enough time to complete the spinner

that's all I can find, sorry
Topic Starter

Leorda wrote:

Hi there

* Remove OSB files in your mapset

00:32:211 (2) - The tail slider is almost offscreen

02:20:722 (1) - Move to 02:20:530 and extend it for let players having enough time to complete the spinner

that's all I can find, sorry
fixed ~
yeag gogogo rank~
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