
Blizzard Entertainment - Radio Free Zerg

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2011年11月20日星期日 at 08:54:22

Artist: Blizzard Entertainment
Title: Radio Free Zerg
Source: StarCraft
Tags: zerg,starcraft,protoss,terran,hydralisk,diffs,demo,demonstration,omg,neta,ar3,ac3,evil,danmaku,game,sc,wtf,script,javascript,stars,asd,qwerty
BPM: 120
Filesize: 13730kb
Play Time: 02:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. 2,4-dichlorophenyldefiler (4.96 stars, 575 notes)
  2. 4x Marines (4.88 stars, 694 notes)
  3. A never finished Goliath (and so is Battlecruiser) (Guest diff request maybe?) (Yeah. maybe guest diffs) (But who is going to make it?) (Someone who is like me?) (OMG it's so hard to find) (TAT) (Oh wait a minute) (SCV as well) (In other words) (I'll need 3 guest diffs) (If you want to make one) (Contact me please) (...) (It's too long?) (wtf) (NOOOO I WANT TO MAKE IT EVEN LONGER) (osu! does not work appropriately with this difficulty. Please contact the map owner to fix this problem.) (4.76 stars, 4 notes)
  4. B12ad's Hydralisk (4.21 stars, 126 notes)
  5. Carrier Interceptor MIX (4.65 stars, 693 notes)
  6. Catchy Queen (4.66 stars, 645 notes)
  7. Dark Archon Stole The Precious Thing (4.83 stars, 569 notes)
  8. Dark Templar (0.89 stars, 6 notes)
  9. DragoonMAX (4.08 stars, 349 notes)
  10. DropshipDR (3.27 stars, 322 notes)
  11. Fast Zergling (5 stars, 1467 notes)
  12. Function Plotting Observer (4.67 stars, 910 notes)
  13. Heavy Devourer (2.82 stars, 204 notes)
  14. High Templar (负无穷大 stars, 1010 notes)
  15. Huge Ultralisk (4.37 stars, 379 notes)
  16. Infested Terran (5 stars, 855 notes)
  17. Little Larva (2.88 stars, 268 notes)
  18. Long-ranged Guardian (4.79 stars, 447 notes)
  19. Mass Corsairs (3.46 stars, 261 notes)
  20. Medic (2.2 stars, 211 notes)
  21. Nuking Ghost (3.93 stars, 191 notes)
  22. Random Egg (4.77 stars, 412 notes)
  23. Reversed Arbiter (4.2 stars, 333 notes)
  24. Science Vessel (3.17 stars, 2 notes)
  25. Shuttle Reaver Scarab Mix (4.89 stars, 928 notes)
  26. Siege TanK Inner Oni (4.83 stars, 1114 notes)
  27. Simple Drone (1.16 stars, 63 notes)
  28. Slow Overlord (3.23 stars, 305 notes)
  29. Spinny Mutalisk (4.72 stars, 192 notes)
  30. Starry Scout (4.88 stars, 1141 notes)
  31. Stimmy Firebat (4.32 stars, 191 notes)
  32. StrangeProbe (4.86 stars, 71 notes)
  33. Suicidal Scourge (4.83 stars, 30000 notes)
  34. Trappy Lurker (4.33 stars, 227 notes)
  35. Unstable Broodling (2.25 stars, 125 notes)
  36. Valkyrie's Danmaku (1.26 stars, 29 notes)
  37. Vulture with Ion Thrusters (5 stars, 334 notes)
  38. White Archon (4.16 stars, 321 notes)
  39. Wraith? (1 stars, 5 notes)
Download: Blizzard Entertainment - Radio Free Zerg
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
where is humanity

Zerg units - 100%, done!
Protoss units - 100%, done!
Terran units - 90%, done!

StarCraft Zerg theme.

It's said that you can listen to this song if you choose Zerg, enter "Radio Free Zerg" and win the battle. I never tried this...

Sort of finished, moved to pending

If you want to make a guest diff for the followings, thanks and go ahead ^^

Goliath SCV Battlecruiser Medic Firebat Ghost

StrangeProbe is too hard to make, so only made 30 seconds, soooorry OTL

5.99 Star rating!! XD~

Difficulty information | 各难度介绍:

For approval? | 人类能玩:

A never finished Goliath (Sort of..., maybe it needs some GD's?)
Carrier Interceptor MIX (Recommend this diff! lol)
B12ad's Hydralisk (GD?)
Dark Archon Stole The Precious Thing
Dark Templar
DragoonMAX (DJMax Osuka style)
DropshipDR (Dancing machine)
Heavy Devourer
Huge Ultralisk
Mass Corsairs
Medic (Lazy diff = =)
Nuking Ghost (Lazy diff = =)
Reversed Arbiter
Simple Drone
Slow Overlord
Spinny Mutalisk
Stimmy Firebat (Lazy diff = =)
Valkyrie's Danmaku (Storyboard bullets)

For Nofail | 高难度, 开NF能玩:

4x Marines (for TAG4)
Catchy Queen (CTB diff)
Function Plotting Observer
Fast Zergling (2,012x combo)
Little Larva
Long-ranged Guardian
Random Egg
Shuttle Reaver Scarab Mix
Siege TanK Inner Oni (taiko diff)
Unstable Broodling
White Archon

For Auto | Auto君能玩:

High Templar
Infested Terran
Science Vessel (Beware for your eyes!)
Starry Scout
Suicidal Scourge
Vulture with Ion Thrusters

Even Auto will fail | 连auto都过不了:

Trappy Lurker


Strongly Recommend the "Carrier Interceptor Mix" diff

You will know after you play it.

The "High Templar" and "Scourge" diffs may cause a little lag on low-end computers.

Ar3sgice ^^

Topic Starter
Random algorithm

/* Ar3sgice's Random Osu! Beatmap Script v0.01 */

/* constants */

var timeStart = 2022;
var timeEnd = 180022;
var timeTick = 250; /* (60000/BPM) / BeatSnapDivisor */
var L = 0;
var R = 512;
var T = 0;
var B = 384; /* osu height=384 width=512 */
var pb_slider = 0.3; /* Probabilities */
var pb_spinner = 0.03;
var pb_newcombo = 0.125; /* tag4? */
var pb_whistle = 0.1;
var pb_clap = 0.1;
var pb_finish = 0.05;
var spinnerLeastTicks = 2;
var spinnerMostTicks = 12;
var slider_baselength = 150; /* this relates to BPM, Divisor and slider speed */
var vinfo = "Random_" + Math.floor(Math.random()*10000); /* Difficulty */
var fileoutname = "Blizzard Entertainment - Radio Free Zerg ([CSGA]Ar3sgice) [" + vinfo + "].osu";
var prefsname = "prefs2.osu";
var colorLimit = 8;
var sliderBounces = function()
if(Math.random() < 0.05)
return 3;
else if(Math.random() < 0.25)
return 2;
return 1;
sliderBounces.toString = sliderBounces;
sliderBounces.valueOf = sliderBounces;
var sliderTicks = function()
if(Math.random() < 0.035)
return 3;
else if(Math.random() < 0.2)
return 2;
return 1;
sliderTicks.toString = sliderTicks;
sliderTicks.valueOf = sliderTicks;

var curTicks = 0;

/* call FSO */

var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

function r()
return Math.random();
r.valueOf = r;
r.toString = r;

function t(i)
return (i * timeTick + timeStart);

function f(i)
return Math.floor(i);

function hs()
var o = 0;
if(r < pb_whistle)
o += 2;
if(r < pb_finish)
o += 4;
if(r < pb_clap)
o += 8;
return o;
/* Finish+4 Whistle+2 Clap+8 */

function circle(ct)
var x = f(L + r * (R-L));
var y = f(T + r * (B-T));
var time = t(curTicks);
var arg4 = (r<pb_newcombo)?5:1;
var arg5 = hs();
return (x + "," + y + "," + time + "," + arg4 + "," + arg5);
/* x,y,time,isNewCombo/noteType,Whistle/Clap/Finish */

function slider()
var x = f(L + r * (R-L));
var y = f(T + r * (B-T));
var time = t(curTicks);
var arg4 = (r<pb_newcombo)?6:2;
var arg5 = hs();
var st = 1 * sliderTicks;
var arg7 = 1 * sliderBounces;
var arg8 = slider_baselength * st;
var arg6 = "B";
var tx = x;
var ty = y;
var t1x = 0;
var t1y = 0;
var angle = 0;
for(var i=0;i<st;i++)
angle = 2 * Math.PI * r;
t1x = f(tx + slider_baselength * Math.cos(angle));
t1y = f(ty + slider_baselength * Math.sin(angle));
while(t1x < L || t1y < T || t1x > R || t1y > B);
tx = t1x;
ty = t1y;
arg6 += "|" + tx + ":" + ty;
if(i < st - 1)
arg6 += "|" + tx + ":" + ty;
curTicks += st * arg7 + 1;
return (x + "," + y + "," + time + "," + arg4 + "," + arg5 + "," + arg6 + "," + arg7 + "," + arg8);
/* X,Y,TIME,2/6,Whistle/Clap/Finish,B|Points (X:Y),BounceTimes,TimeLength */

function spinner()
var x = 240;
var y = 192;
var time = t(curTicks);
var arg4 = 12;
var arg5 = hs();
var st = f(spinnerLeastTicks + r * (spinnerMostTicks - spinnerLeastTicks));
var endtime = t(curTicks + st);
curTicks += st + 1;
return (x + "," + y + "," + time + "," + arg4 + "," + arg5 + "," + endtime);
/* X,Y,TIME,12,Whistle/Clap/Finish,EndTime */

var combo_colors = "[Colours]";
for(var i=1;i<=colorLimit;i++)
combo_colors += "\r\n" + "Combo" + i + " : " + f(r*256) + "," + f(r*256) + "," + f(r*256);

var out = "[HitObjects]";
var totalTicks = Math.floor((timeEnd - timeStart) / timeTick);
var cx = "";

while(curTicks < totalTicks)
if(r < pb_slider)
cx = slider();
else if(r < pb_spinner / (1 - pb_slider))
cx = spinner();
cx = circle();
if(curTicks <= totalTicks)
out += "\r\n" + cx;

var fp2 = fso.OpenTextFile(prefsname);
var fp2data = fp2.ReadAll();
fp2data = fp2data.replace("VERSION_TEXT_HERE",vinfo);
out = fp2data + "\r\n\r\n" + combo_colors + "\r\n\r\n" + out;
var outfile = fso.CreateTextFile(fileoutname);
/* WScript.Echo(colors); */


osu file format v9

AudioFilename: RadioFreeZerg.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: -1
Countdown: 1
SampleSet: Normal
StackLeniency: 0.5
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 1

DistanceSpacing: 0.8
BeatDivisor: 6
GridSize: 8

Title:Radio Free Zerg
Artist:Blizzard Entertainment


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples
//Background Colour Transformations

Suicidal Scourge - VERY HELL Difficulty!!!! Rank this map!! Cookiezi go play hard!
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Kamikadz wrote:

Suicidal Scourge - VERY HELL Difficulty!!!! Rank this map!! Cookiezi go play hard!
Thank you for appreciation ^^

不过总觉得这种歌似乎确实不会引起大部分anime lovers的兴趣= =......
hehe the high templer difficulty looks like your avatar i think ;)
Topic Starter

Hanyuu wrote:

hehe the high templer difficulty looks like your avatar i think ;)
thanks for appreciation...

爆星太好玩了=.= 5.93
Ibuki Suika
我操终于出现了6星图了 :o

Your message is too short.

Your message is too short.
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Star'd lol

Thank you for supporting~

And thanks for the star, -----

神ID啊= =lll



Download: random_v3.rar
awesome idea :)
What the fuck.
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Backfire wrote:

What the fuck.
= = sorry I should zi zhong for this...
zi zhong? I dont follow, my friend.
How many diffs are you aiming for?
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Teta wrote:

How many diffs are you aiming for?
Already finished...

Diffs for all units in SC1
Oh, I see.
That's a relief :D
LOOOOOOOOOOL WHAT THE HELL IS THIS laughed my ass off when I downloaded this.
Nice code, dude.

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ax_pokl wrote:




osu 2b maps project lol
尼玛 这图mod不起啊 :o
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a3272509123 wrote:

尼玛 这图mod不起啊 :o
haha I'm so eggpain
Shirakawa Kotori
OSU! 2b maps project~XD
SB DBL 但掩盖不住浓浓的egg pain
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LKs wrote:

SB DBL 但掩盖不住浓浓的egg pain
Megurine Luka
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Megurine Luka wrote:


Not for rank?!我可以做個蛋疼難度麼
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