00:05:504 (1) - 00:11:504 (1) - for this kinds of sounds in such a calm part of the song maybe this rhythm would fit better?https://i.imgur.com/2eV3Zxk.png. if you do agree, mute the slider end
00:15:004 (1) - Inconsistent usage of hit circle pertaining to the piano. Pretty misleading rhythm imo
noticeable sound which should be clickable, its playable and doesn't mess with the rhythm all too much
00:16:504 (1) - 00:22:504 (1) - i get that you are trying to follow vocals but i think those sounds are really strong to not be mapped
00:16:504 (1) - would remove the sliderwhistle here becausse you dont use it anywhere else in the section
00:25:379 (2) - maybe make this slider to two 1/3 beat long so the end lands on the piano. Right now it kinda sounds off to me
00:25:504 (3) - This is the only instance in the map when 1/16th division is used (for the slider's end). I would suggest snapping it to the following yellow tick (00:27:191). While the vocals cut off a bit earlier, this new timing lines up better (I think) with the piano notes (and therefore the subsequent hit circles, 00:27:754 (4,5)).
00:25:504 (3) - u can make this a 1/2 slider to stop all movement when bass cuts out for nice feel
00:28:754 (6) - this should be nc because it has no relation with 00:25:504 (3,4,5) - (3,4,5) follows piano while (6) don't
00:39:579 (6) - you could ctr+g this to emphasize the tom or whatever it is at 00:39:979 (1) - .
00:48:379 (1,1,1,1) - it is way too hard to read the timing of this pattern, would recommend using sliders to standardize spacing and utilize slider leniency like one of these two https://imgur.com/a/JrghzZU
NC should help as well as spacing. There is a clear difference between the spacing between the 3/4 jump and the 1/2 jump
00:49:179 (1) - I would not start a new combo on this one so the timing is even clearer (Same here: 04:53:992 (1) )
you should map the note at, 00:49:579, im assuming this is a mistake because the keysound on 00:49:979 (1) - is way off key and perfectly matches the sound i just timestamped
00:54:379 - to 01:05:579 - nitpick here but what if you unstack some circles that are mapped into some high pitch bell sounds 00:55:579 (1,2) - 01:00:379 (1,2) - 01:05:179 (1,2) - to have a little bit more of variety as how you did on 01:08:779 (1,1,2) -
01:02:579 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - vs 01:21:779 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - i expected the second one to have the same spacing or as bit more than the first one as its a noticeable it uses the same flute(?)sound and also the introduction or more instruments like violin
01:03:979 (1) -crl-G this slider to avoid a missleading visual spacing which reminds a 1/2 slider instead of a 3/4
01:21:979 (2,3,4) - you could make this into a rotated 120 degrees pattern to relate all the objects to each other better
01:43:579 (1,2,3,4) - IMO, I think you could increase the distance in between (3) and (4) to give the feel of some kind of progression.
01:46:579 (4) - A bit uncomfortable to play imo. Would be nice to ctrl+g for circular flow to move the emphasis from this object to 01:46:779 (5) where it fits more
01:47:179 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:47:479 - you skipped this blue tick but mapped actively the previous one .I suggest using a rhythm like this(with kicksliders) to have a more consistent rhythm http://prntscr.com/vagzsu
01:57:779 (1,2,1,2) - Recommend mapping actively the violin here,like this 01:48:179 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
02:02:379 (3,4) - what if you try something like this? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15682088/7122 ,to give more emphasises to this vocals as how you did here 01:46:379 (3,4) -
02:03:579 (5) - i don't think there should be a finish on slider end tbh. also i think (5) would be better as 1/8 slider. i think 1/8 would give it a harder impact than 1/4
02:12:979 (3,4) - the stack make this beat unimpactful,when this should be stronger than 02:12:179 (1,2) - . Buffing them/nerfing (1) (2) should fix it.
02:13:379 (1,2) - same reasoning,you can space it further to have more impact.
02:15:379 (2,3) - the snare at (3) is spaced lower than 02:15:179 (1,2) - these two sounds, even though they are less prominent. Consider moving 02:15:579 (3) - further to the left.
02:23:979 (1) - no need to use a slider here, with a circle works better since the vocals arent as strong as in 02:24:379 (2,3) -
02:28:379 (2) - a slider would represent the vocals better, maybe consider using this rhythm https://i.imgur.com/kHPWwmD.png
02:31:179 (3,4,5) - i believe this should has less spacing compared to 02:32:379 (1,2,3) - as the second one feels more strong imo
02:42:779 (5) - before this slider, all sliders were in a "circular" direction. everything is broken on this slider. 02:44:779 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - the direction of the sliders is clearly visible here. please change the direction of the slider somehow. he doesn't really fit in there
02:44:379 (1) - 03:00:379 (5) - 03:05:979 (4) - same
There may be others
02:58:179 (1) - you can make this kick to point downwards so it gets a better transition to 02:58:379 (2) - or actually just make it a circle prereably to not make it confusing with such things like 03:03:579 (3) -
03:03:579 (3) - compared to 03:17:979 (5) - is more reasonable as the whole chorus is way more strong and different rhythm wise
02:58:379 (2,3,4) - you can use more spacing for (4) to be consistent with 01:53:579 (1,2,3) -
03:03:579 (3) - making this a 1/2 slider seems to be a better representation of vocals. I personally think it sounds a lot better too
also, as a side note, I do know that you do this throughout the map. I personally believe that 1/4 makes no sense for the part of the song and should have them all changed to 1/2
03:06:379 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - i will gives a bit more of a clear visual spacing increase as 03:07:179 (1,2) - has two strong sounds that are mapped with less spacing than 03:06:779 (1,2) -
03:06:379 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - Suggest nerfing the jumps because are relatively large while the song is not that intense.
03:06:979 (2,1) - there is a very large gap between the notes. there is no sound that would make you change the distance
03:07:579 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - this could just as well be a stream, considering that the song actually supports it, unlike in the other cases like 01:45:379 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - where you clearly overmapped (which is not bad, don't get me wrong).
03:21:179 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - this is too quiet of a pattern for an intense part of the song, one way to fix this could be changing 03:21:979 (2) - to a 1/1 slider and maybe 03:22:779 (2) - to a 1/4 slider
changed 03:21:979 (2) - into a slider, but i don't see any reason to make the second one a 1/4 slider
03:37:592 (1,1,1,1) - A bit confusing to know what you're following here. It feels out of place and isn't supported by anything audible.
following the ringing bell sound and then the vocals. This section is just to calm everything down and buildup for the next section.
03:37:592 (1,1,1,1) - [Sort of a continuation from Sisig's comment] I think the confusion of this section is that the vocals change up in emphasis, yet are all represented the same way rhythmically. I think 03:37:592 (1) and 03:42:392 (1) are fine the way they are, but 03:39:992 (1) and 03:44:792 (1) could be improved. See my suggestions below:
For 03:39:992 (1):
For 03:44:792 (1):
03:37:592 (1) - what are you exactly following here? since this is a calm section you could just follow vocals with sliders and a few circles and i would work out a lot better
03:49:192 (1,1) - please break both of these into circle + slider to make the bells at 03:49:592 - and 03:50:792 - clickable.
03:51:792 (2) - consider moving this further to the bottom right for more spacing emphais on 03:51:992 (3) - this.
03:56:792 (7) - should probably map slider end actively imo because you're following piano actively up to that point
03:59:192 (1) - raise this slider to make it easier to point at it. so prettier (lol): https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15656227/aaca
03:59:792 (2,3,4,5) - You can space this out more since final kiai. Would be good contrast for the past kiais too
04:00:192 (1) - change this to circle? first kiai is 6 circle stream but here is 4 circle stream. make same as first kiai?
because vocal start in 04:00:392 -
04:02:192 (5,1) - try moving these little bit away from the burst. I think it looks better that way
those repeat sliders cover background noises. For example, 04:24:792 (2) - you can clearly hear two drum hits.
04:17:192 (4,5,6) - you can really try something better than this as the build up it gives feels underwhelming as you skip really strong vocals, drums and snares considering the song its reaching the peak of strongest section
i dont see anything wrong with it. The slider emphasizes the held vocal while still mapping the drums
04:19:192 (3,4,5,6) - [Comment applies to all bursts from tagged to 04:33:992 (1)]
I understand from a gameplay perspective that one would want to build the spacing of the bursts, but I think the spacing is a bit overdone. From the music's context, the intensity of the snare rhythms is not really growing enough to justify a growth from ~0.45 to ~1.16 DS. It's not as if this is overly difficult from a 5* map, but I just find it misrepresentative, that's all. I would suggest looking into lowering the range of distance snap.
this part is most intense part of the song, but nerfed spacing between the last two burst. I am still keeping the rest as it is because I want to create the build up
04:27:592 (5) - not having a burst here feels a little odd considering that all other bursts in this section were mapped actively.
04:29:992 (3,4,5,6,1) - I would mirror this moment horizontally. because this will keep the direction from this slider 04:29:592 (2) - https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/15656243/7d9a
04:44:792 (1,2,1,2) - i feel this 1-2 feels out of nowhere considering theres no 1-2 instruments to support them imo
04:45:192 (1) - why is this a new combo?
can't hear anything in the song to support an nc. remove nc if you wouldn't mind
04:58:053 (2) - About timing:
place 135bpm timing point at 298042ms and remove 04:58:461 - sounds more accurate to me
05:00:708 (1,1,1,1,1) - 1/8 would be better since 1/4 seems too long for that sound. also it gives more impact imo
05:03:375 (1) - i believe this should be around 05:03:449 - as right now sounds pretty early
if you get someone to check it would be nice as i might think each piano note has different timing