01:39:495 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - nerf these, spacing gets too big to quick makes the jumps afterward that should be more intense less significant, start at a much smaller spacing and build up slower, you could also buff spacing on 01:42:237 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I can also see that this was addressed before by other modders 2277201#4691672 and 2277201#4674773 I agree that these jumps should be changed
So, are BNs exempt from this according to what you said at first? They have veto powers too. My veto on this is from me as a BN, and not as a NAT. In addition -- where am I not trying to understand your perception here? I wouldn't be writing dissertations explaining my own points of view and arguing with you if I wasn't trying to understand what's going on.
it's not my perception you have to understand, but the mapper's. it doesnt matter whether you are doing something as NAT or BN, i was just reading the red tag by your name. i was just talking about anyone who had veto power.
These aren't comparable.
there is NOTHING in the music to support odd rhythm groupings in taitou no suika or basara, yet you are trying to argue that there is. that's nothing against those maps, in fact that's part of why i love those maps so much. but to try and suggest that those groupings are implied by the music is utter insanity to me--or you are just fabricating completely tendentious arguments to support your own position. either way there is no point talking about the mapping particulars anymore.
See, you're trying to say that you don't want to be rude or an asshole, and yet you're doing this.
do what? i'm just reporting what literally happened. i have nothing against you, in fact i downloaded the map expecting to support your decision, but one play is all it took to change my mind. i specify "one play" to drive home the fact that i am not digging deep to find some arcane reason to discredit your veto. sorry to use the phrase again, but this is indeed completely surface-level.
why am i being so rude? because i am genuinely aghast at the type of stuff you dont seem to be grasping. usually when it comes to these controversial vetoes (or just controversial ranks, like uncanny long arms), i like to just leave a short comment in support of the mapper, showing that i love the map. i can see why uncanny long arms might be too extreme for some to stomach. in fact, i can even see why this map would be too much to stomach at first glance. but the way you specifically have spoken about this map is just mindboggling to me. okay even if you dont think the triangles are immediately intuitive like i do... bro you said fuwa fuwari was five syllables...come on man...and that's what you're vetoing on? what am i supposed to think at that point
By saying that I'm "clinging onto a narrow view of what is musically possible" despite this, you're just coming across as a douchebag to me.
look i dont think youre dumb or anything. i honestly dont know that much about you as a mapping understander. i like seeing your comments on omdb, i know you used to map jump maps or whatever but that was a long time ago. but everytime i say something rude it's me trying to convey exactly how easy it should be to at least see, if not entirely agree, where usaha is coming from with some of these patterns, and how strange it is to see you as an NAT/BN be unable to do so, at least in this specific case. that's all. at this point i'm no longer interested in discussing the map itself, or some of your other points ive left unaddressed, i'm just trying to wrap things up by communicating my feelings to you and the reasons behind my tone.
If the mapper really wanted to stick with triangles here, why not just do
because that's not the same lmao that's grouped in 4s now. but you ask the right question now. the answer is that unusual groupings is a very old and somewhat common technique, it should not be controversial at all. obviously if a beginner mapper is spamming rhythms without paying attention to the music then that's a different thing, but the way it's used here is so contained and so specific that it's clearly intended. if you want an old example of odd rhythmic groupings you can look at 01:02:176 (1) - from 100pa-'s basara. if you want a newer example you can look at this entire section 05:18:662 (1) - from fanzhen's taitou no suika, which you nominated. and these examples are even less "justified" than in this map
The brass instruments do play new melodies here, but 00:23:906 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - it's the same rhythm and pitch used for this (and less loud), so why incorporate such a drastic shift in what you're following between sections?
because a song can support different interpretations of it. as i said, a map can reveal different aspects of a song. static jumps may not provide the correct feeling because while the vocal note is held, the song is still moving, as i said, building TOWARDS something. that trumpet is now in an ENTIRELY different context. it's the end of the kiai, there's vocal on top of it, instrumentation is thicker than in the rest of the song. this all contributes to the overall intensity which is reflected by the jumps.
...thanks for the passive-aggressiveness and holier-than-thou attitude, I guess?
I'm gonna be fully honest, it feels like you're trying to deeply analyze what's going on in this map when I very much doubt the mapper had any intention of actually being deeply thoughtful with what he was doing for each and every single note.
that was me being nice, because this is really obvious stuff. other people can miss it, but you're an NAT. if you're going to veto based on musical expression, you should at least know about musical expression. the fact is that i'm not deeply analyzing anything. i'm shallowly analyzing it, because this is all surface level, maybe even subconscious on the part of the mapper. it's because it's so obvious that i have to use many words to explain it. yes that's condescending but that's literally what it is, i'm not exaggerating to make myself look good, it's actually just basic. a map is a reflection of how the mapper understands the music. you've been a mapper for many years now, i hope you've been spending that time looking at others' maps and trying to understand their perspectives and broaden your horizons instead of clinging onto your own narrow view of what is musically possible. that's the great thing about mapping, is you get to experience someone else's perspective. sometimes there is no perspective, sometimes they really do just want to map jump bullshit without regard for the music, and thats a good time to veto. but you should be able to tell when that's happening and when it isn't, and it's not happening here. sorry for being rude, genuinely, but if i acted polite like this wasn't all obvious, i would just be lying