00:58:865 (1,2) - maybe move this up to lower spacing a bit since the wide angle makes this a lot harder than 00:50:897 (1,2,1,2) - and 01:05:897 (1,2,1,2) -
00:00:059 (1) - 5% audio on active rhytjm kinda cringe try increase volume to atleast 30 just for the first click
spread issue!!
normal diff feels extremely conservative with very little active 1/2 for a 128bpm map while the hard diff uses spacing emphasis, sv changes, several 5 note bursts, and pretty dense 1/4 rhythms in general
if ur going for ranked ur gonna need to either both nerf hard diff and buff normal diff or map a diff inbetween
imo the more practical option is just balancing the 2 diffs so heres what i would do for each diff:
normal: make heavier use of 1/2 sliders where a lot of 1/1 circles are prevalent and also use a lot more active 1/2 in the sections at 01:57:459 (1) - and 03:29:334 (1) - as well as maybe unsimplify some rhythms where appropriate
hard: (in the sections at 01:58:396 (1) - and 03:29:334 (1) - ) change some of the buzzsliders to 1/2 sliders, remove the sv increases at the kiai flashes (eg 01:58:396 (1) - 02:00:740 (3) - ) and remove the spacing emphasis from stuff like 02:00:271 (1,2,3) - 02:07:771 (1,2,3) -
if ur not going for ranked u dont really need to care though llo