00:00:430 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Most calmest part of the song and its just as difficult as the kiai, I recommend nerfing this to something more suitable for this section
00:15:771 (2) - If you move this circle to x337 y239,
(if you concern about stack, move 00:14:748 (2) - at the same time.)
it can make alignment consist of 00:15:771 (2,1,2) - .
00:28:043 (2) - Using CTRL+G on this slider would significantly improve the flow of the pattern.
00:39:123 (3,4) - 00:44:577 (3,4) - 00:50:032 (3,4) - ctrl g rhythm would be more suitable here because you are following both instruments and vocals in this part and currently the rhythms don't cover vocal well.
00:57:702 (1) - 01:01:452 (8) - For more emphasis the intonation of the song and consistency with 00:14:065 (1) - 00:16:793 (1) - ,
you should add NC in these timing.
→00:58:214 (4) - ,00:58:725 (7) - ,00:59:236 (2) - ,00:59:748 (5) - ,01:00:941 (4) -
and delete NC in 00:59:066 (1) - .
01:00:430 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - why less difficult when music intensity is at its peak? Keep jumps spaced pls
01:01:282 (8) - maybe nc this to show the difference between jumps and stream. also combo goes so long rn
01:01:452 (8) - using passive rhythms doesn't help represent this playability wise. I'd suggest sticking with bursts.
01:13:555 (6,7) - questionable jump length, I would shorten that and move to x - 241 y - 275
01:26:339 (1) - for more emphasis melody sound of the song,
I think it is better to move this circle to x465 y292.
01:27:702 (1) - Why is this spinner end not silenced? Perhaps consider silencing it like you did with the other difficulties, the song stops here so hearing a sound kinda doesn't fit.