00:09:975 (1,2) - This jump is kinda excessive here, the intensity in this part is not as strong as 00:11:339 (1,2,1,2,3,1) - . You should consider reducing the spacing a bit.
00:43:384 (3) - The flow with the previous slider isn't the best here, try using CTRL+G and also move 00:43:214 (2) - on sliderstart after you do that, flow will significantly improve.
00:56:339 (3) - change follow vocal rhythm for same reason with Extreme.
01:13:725 (5,1) - The spacing here is kind of tricky and doesn't flow that good, perhaps consider turning this slider to the left, like this: http://puu.sh/DrUJp/f3c3e18c55.jpg