Villoux Tournament 1st Iteration Lost to Lefafel in quarterfinals because I suck
TNSFT Lost in RO128 to Pudder because I suck also he's 3 digit
ODWT Winter Cup Forfeit RO16 because I was up against YoshiLover
YuNico Autumn Tournament with texasaboy1 Out in groups because we both suck and we had YoshiLover in our group
TAR Out in groups because I got 4-0'd by Perfox also I suck
o!RT (Redemption Tournament) with texasaboy1 and Minisablab Eliminated in Losers quarterfinals because I was asleep Also where Min was asleep and texas was playing in a hotel room so I had to carry
Sotarks Tournament (entire mappool of sotarks maps) 3rd place, 1 month of supporter prize Got absolutely destroyed by Agostino in Semi-finals, 5-0
Big Bread Cup with Minisablab, texasaboy1 and Cossco Out in groups because none of us could make our third match also texas played nothing smh
HTG Battle Royale #11 1st place, 2 months of supporter prize Reedkatt threw so I won also I made them play chocobo twice community/matches/56480455
Mudkip Cup Forfeit in RO16
Gaucho Cup Forfeit in RO32
Dio's Bizarre Holiday Triples 1st place with phox, Fre, Samoyed, and MinecraftSteve 1 month of supporter, $40 of Jojo merch and a badge good tournament thank you everyone for carries Also community/matches/57837867 probably the best match I've ever had (?) idk for every map I either fcd or I inted
Ricma 3 Out in finals, 5th/6th with Raja, Sukiye, chemistry, Apsuko, BadWolfi, Batuhan, Extrel, salumeca, Xiru, and A N T O N I O I threw every map
Yeong's Epicly Encompassing Tournament 2nd place 8 months of supporter and a banner good tournament, took it to bracket reset 7-6 but ataraksia is too good and the second round went 7-2
GAF with tfge, GameGear, Raoul, Ataraksia, Jiuchu, sage on osu, Stepping Solo B Out in group stage, super unlucky group
Suiji cup with My Angelsim, Marek Marucha, twoj stary, Veth, Zyphox, Blade69, itzpigeon Out in RO16, unlucky matches and I threw every map Suiji cup with My Angelsim, Marek Marucha, twoj stary, Veth, Zyphox, Blade69, itzpigeon Out in RO16, unlucky matches and I threw every map Hidden-Only tournament with phox, moosepi, DVDthe1st Out in quarter-finals I love hd
Evan's Summer Draft with Pein, PieFlavours, Lexnox, Konipaku, xHei_57, Kueryuu, YTseangaming My team is good but I suck, 2nd place
Canadian Draft Cup with Stan Full Area (xootynator, Rupertion, PikaPwn, Devon, THUNDERCOKC2678, mits, XenoPenguino) 4th place BADGRAPH BANNED AND WE WON LET'S GOOOOOOOO I PLAYED OK TOO 1ST PLACE BADGE, 4 MONTHS SUPPORTER
4wc with Alden, Incredibeast1, KingOKarma, Vespirit, chiv, Yip, nanawo Out in quarter-finals, happy that I made the team but didn't really play too well in the matches
MRC2 with DivineRose and emmeryson Placed top 12, didn't play all that well and had unlucky bracket
PXM3 using maps from -Tynamo 3rd place, 1 month supporter prize 2nd place possible but I woke up 5 mins before one of my matches oops
CDC 2021 with Arav, Too Slow, ThePro365, younited, C-L, Devon, LynVA, KRH2678, Namotzu, Flyy, and XenoPenguino Out in semi-finals (lost the first 2 matches) Not happy with my performance, mappools for these tournaments have gotten so much harder and everyone has gotten so much better during my 6 month break period
MRC3 with IonJ and Mixer Placed top 12, just coming out of break so didn't play too well
Stream Cup of Pain with pekora fumes and Armanidilbo Out in semi-finals, flow aim gap Made me realize how shit at streaming I am
Break the Meta Cup with Devon, Hane, koral, Matt4132, Totoro, KingScrub, Cuckweezy, ruyunata, and VineOpoly Out in semi-finals (top 8), pretty good considering we got swept first round and won 2 weeks of losers bracket I played ok I guess but could have been better
F2 Tournament with Armanidilbo and cmayN All pools were random, unbadged tournament 2nd place decided by a bo13 roll match LOL If I played better we should have just won unlucky
Merami Household Winter Cup with Flatpaper and -tan Out in losers quarterfinals, 5 star pools unlucky
Spring Flower Scramble with kirby mix, quorelia, Nakano, Swiftah, LumenLogic, DarkAlly, Ishimarui Out in loser's finals, played decently in the later stages I guess
revoh's Spring Duos with ArmaniDilbo, cmayN, and Venpris Out in loser's semifinals, played well I guess but I will not miss this tournament's mappools
F2P2 with various team members Placed first in qualifiers and played well in the first match, but Lexonox got swapped away from our team and then I got swapped out a round after that so I lost both those matches after
Stoof's Spring Draft with Crezz, Pinguinzi, Daffy, noncycle, DarkScrap, Pezudos, Chrystian Could have been top 2 or even won if I wasn't in Houston during semifinals, rip but was fun regardless and cool banner
The Perennial with Gabey, Armanidilbo, BTG4, Jimarrah, revoh, Wispy, CutPaper Pretty underwhelming performance from me, could have played a lot better with practice but I had a good team, out in loser's quarterfinals
Maple Cup Out in loser's semifinals (ff'd to Vespirit), had some good matches against Lane, kyle, and VineOpoly where I played pretty well
TRT3 Played super well in my solo qualifier lobby sightreading everything, placed 4th in qualifiers and won the first round but none after that
World Blitz osu! Championship with Sp1cyy, egao, and KirbyTwister Out in loser's quarterfinals, had some decent performances but mostly pretty underwhelming
Conyoh Cup Division 3 with Gurbzy, Spev, Eunha, Flameztear, Dawnwing, BTG4, Zeph2003 Could have played a lot better if I practiced more, pretty bad performance
Harse Draft Tournament with oomfie mcdonald, temka na, Big Brayn, reimia, tan-, gadzzaa, zachy lol Had some decent performances, lost in loser's semifinals but could have went further if arge and temka na were there the whole time
Resurrection Cup with Dain, Menty, xidorn, [ Uzumaki ], Raoul Placed 5th/6th with this lft team, had a ton of fun playing and was really happy with how far we got
SmokesOut Tourney with dem27 and Armanidilbo Super scuffed tournament, didn't play all that well, still won anyways because my team is so good
Mahloola's regional cup 4 with Eddie- and xootynator I was gunga-useless but my teammates are so good....... all 7 points in GF were won without me so literally anyone could have been third slot on this team and would win badge + 6 months supporter someday i will be good too maybe.....
First 600 pp play (661 pp and also got 11kpp from this)
Entered 5 digit at some point in May-June 2018 or something (after hd rework) Entered top 50k on August 22nd, 2018 Entered top 10k on December 27th, 2018 with Kimi no Bouken [Squilly's Extreme]
Entered top 5k on April 16th, 2019 with United (L.A.O.S Remix) [Eternity]
Reached 100 replays watched on April 15th, 2019
Re-entered top 100 Canada August 3rd, 2021
Reached 10kpp August 13, 2021 with Horrible Kids (rip 600)
First 8 star FC August 22, 2021 on Guinea Pig Bridge
Entered top 1000 and top 50 Canada on August 24, 2021 (probably will decay out to play in 4 digit tournaments)
During the week of August 22nd 2018, I turned off mouse acceleration for the first time ever. I adjusted my sensitivity to something I felt comfortable with, and started playing like that instead. The very next day after this switch, I started to gain ranks and improve at a substantial rate. I was around 67k rank before with a top play of 142 pp or something similar, and in a week I had 200 pp plays at around 35k rank. After that, I climbed at a slower but still fast rate relative to other players, and reached 20k sometime in the next month. I kept climbing to where I am today (end of 2019), with very little time periods where I was stuck in a dry spell.
During the start of November 2018, I discovered that I could no longer submit scores on beatmaps ranked after October 28th on my fallback client, which was the only one I could use on Mac that I knew of thus far. yeahbennou linked me a Github download of a Stable osu! client ported to Mac, which I now use to this day. It still has all of the problems that I listed above, but is much better than the Fallback version listed on the website. Link:
Near the end of December, I got a Huion H420 tablet. I tried it for about 2 weeks, discovered I sucked at it, and moved back to mouse. Maybe I should have tried it out for longer, but I think I made the right choice.
In April 2019, I finally upgraded from my 7 year old mac to an actual pc that I picked the parts for and built. Also got equipped with the obligatory 144 hz monitor. I also switched from my old rubber dome switch membrane keyboard to a mechanical keyboard with cherry mx browns. My acc now sucks ass still after 2 months of playing with it, but people tell me it's just a learning curve I have to come across, so I'll continue on with it. My speed, stamina, and aim have improved tremendously with my current setup, though I still have the crippling weakness of not being able to read ar 10 and not being able to start triples or bursts with my dominant finger (???????).
2020 Summer: got a Ducky One 2 keyboard with cherry mx blacks, always preferred heavy switches so here goes. Maybe acc will improve
2021 Summer: after 6 months of not playing much at all (after mrc 2020) I started playing again and am setting some pretty good scores. Not going to focus on tournaments that much (already have 2 badges and some good solo performances) until I get good enough again to match the other 4 digit tournament gods still around. After playing with only hr for a couple of weeks, my acc has improved more than it ever has before which let me set a ton more plays that I can actually be proud of, and my global acc has finally raised to above 98% again.
2023 winter: Grinding speed/stamina and also doing some ar11 plays. when will i finally be good at the game ?
Current setup: Hyperx alloy reds (the old cheater board i forgot the exact name) Razer Naga Trinity (this shit is 120 grams!!!!!) with some mousepad idk 800dpi 1x sens 144hz monitor