00:29:129 (203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211) - hihi pattern suggestion here:
mapping katsus to the goofy ahh sounds is nice ^-^
If you don't like it this way, we can explore alternatives... if anything, do let me know "o.o
00:01:493 (11) - Rabid-sama consider a K here!
Reasoning: Same sound as 00:13:129 (96) - which already is a K. Ha
06:57:748 (1) - Consider snapping this sliderhead to 06:57:666 (1) - to follow the triangle. Or at the very least to 06:57:576 (1) - if anything "^^
06:41:632 (1,2,3,4,5) - ok I have no idea what mr. (2) and mrs. (4) are doing here. You can do two things here imo:
Idea #1: delete (2, 4) entirely. (1, 3, 5) can be a "spaced triplet" alright (this would follow the drums btw).
Idea #2: go from 1/4 to 1/6 here. You can definitely improv 1/6 in this guitar sounds. So basically 7 notes between 06:41:632 and 06:41:895.
Idea #3: Go 1/3. There is no improv if you map 1/3. This is the best choice imo. So basically 4 notes between 06:41:632 and 06:41:895.
06:21:024 (5) - I would stack this with the sliderend at 06:20:957 for playability and reading... and then move 06:21:157 (6,7) - closer to (5) because this spacing is insanely big o_o (imo) (yes, (6) should be further from (5) than from (7), but try to make the space between (5) and (6) less big than the upcoming 1-2s for better song emphasis there :3)
I agree with your reasoning, but I'm trying to match the song's intensity here. Someone could have even gone a step further and mapped these two sections as two big 1/4 + 1/6 streams and I would completely agree with that all the same. It would feel very awkward as a player to have "break-ish", quiet gameplay while the guitar is going much more denser than that in the background.
I'll bear the possiblity of replacing some streams with 1/2 vocals or similar elsewhere. Thank you for your mod, and thank you for your time o7
Tried something else. I hope it works out nicely despite mixing both guitar and drums here.
Thank you for helping me spot this awkward part of the map~
This suggestion is a good alternative but I fail to see how it would fit my map. Maybe for another map or another diff of the same song "o.o
03:59:521 (3) - Applied for the guitar sound.
03:59:461 - Not really sure what you meant with this one timestamp. Lmk if I have missed something o7
I have omitted these notes you're suggesting for the sake of structure and keeping the density low in this section (density balance when compared to the rest of the section and overall map, if you will).
However, your suggested notes and timestamps convinced me otherwise. Applied! Thanks fuwamoco <3
You are not showing me the timestamp you're sitting at in your image, so it's confusing for me where to put 1/6 doublets and where not.
I have put some 1/6 doublets where the snares reverberate the most in my view but I will be open to further suggestions about there usage in this section "o.o
Sorry, I don't hear any 1/6! Not in the drums, not in the guitars... am I mishearing the guitar in this regard, perhaps? Please do let me know o.o
These streams are mapped to guitar. Might remap if a better way to map these guitar sections gets proposed!