对于00:10:008 - ~00:18:108 - :1/4多少有点随机了,而且作为一个intro的话也没强到需要另添加1/4三连来强调。建议保留所有的1/4二连,然后把1/4三连改成1/2单点,顺便把1/4二连的位置统一一下。比如:
00:10:308 - 原来这里的三连:
也就是删掉00:14:058 (53) -
00:16:758 (69,70) - 如果接受的话,这两个可以ctrl+g,做出一点点变化
00:06:108 - ~00:07:908 - 连红是不是有点太长了?节奏和音高变化也没有这么平缓,多加几个蓝色呗?我的建议:00:06:108 (19,20) - 蓝,00:07:308 (22) - 蓝
个人感觉7连可以留给音调比较高的部分,比如:00:30:633 (13) - 这个note,挪到00:29:883 - 会更好一点,这样的话可以通过1/4串的密度来表现出音调高低。类似的部分:00:33:183 (14) - 挪到00:32:283 - 然后改一改7连配色。
还有诸如00:34:833 (30) - 这个note:考虑挪到00:34:983 - 然后改蓝,个人感觉后面的这个空站的连续音更有理由填上。
kiai后半部分同:00:40:233 (13) - 00:42:783 (14) - 00:44:433 (30) -
o/ mods here:
For the part after 00:59:646 - :
As you followed the vocal mostly, and the overall pitch and rhythm density are both stronger than parts before this timestamp, but notes didn't show the strength, so i suggest to add more 1/1 5plets to vary from before:
01:04:229 - add a don for the lyric and snare
01:07:562 - add a kat for the same reason
01:12:562 - add a don for drum, also for the continuous vocal here
01:17:562 (6) - this note: move to 01:18:396 - and 01:19:229 - add a don
00:39:085 (5,6,7) - how about change this 1/2 triplet into something start with kat? as the pitch is going down here so i think the ddk pattern isn't such fit here.
00:46:009 (7) - this xxxxx xxx xxx pattern seems made the diff gap too large, i'd suggest to delete this one to make a bit nerf.
00:52:722 (7) - same
similar to the general suggestion on Kantan, I think the part after 00:59:645 - this timestamp seems a little undermapped while compared to parts before here. so as the vocal and drums becoming dense, buff somewhere would be more fit this song. my suggestions are:
01:01:729 - add a kat for the snare and optionally 01:01:937 - add here a note for continuous vocal
01:06:104 - add a note for continuous vocal
01:10:687 (8) - move to 01:10:271 - for the dense drum
01:13:187 (5) - move to 01:12:354 - and change the 5plet into ddkkd or ddkdk whatever, for the drum and a better emphasize of 01:13:396 (6) - this vocal stops.
01:20:687 - add a note here for the dense drum?
01:04:646 (1) - 01:07:979 (1) - how about unfinisher them to consistent with Kantan, Oni and Inner Oni? As I can't really see the reason about finishers' usage here.
same for Muzukashii.
01:07:563 (10,11,1) - change the color to dkd? it's clearly the middle one has the highest pitch and you followed the vocal here mainly
00:29:645 (10) - about this note, i think 00:29:855 - this snare should be more noticed to set a note so how about move it to 00:29:855 - ?
00:29:855 (13) - as this one has only been finishered in oni, consider unfinish this for spread consistency?
From 00:59:645 - to the end, I saw you used some long sentences to perform the build up but some breaks like 01:10:271 - seems not that necessary? also 01:15:062 - this sentence seems a bit too long. so i'd suggest:
01:10:271 - 01:10:375 - add here notes as a triplet to connect the continuous vocal here
01:14:854 (2) - remove this one as a break
01:19:750 - add here a kat for the vocal
01:22:771 - 01:22:875 - add here notes as a triplet for the final drums
Inner Oni:
00:40:869 (20) - move this one to 00:41:288 - and change to blue? i think the vocal here should be more focused, now this note seems standing on somewhere not such necessary.
if accepted 00:42:967 - add a note and make this ddkdk for consistency
00:10:896 - 对于这里开始的一段,音乐明显非常弱,这样的话可以通过减少密度来表达这边的节奏强度,比如:
类似于00:28:364 (50,51) - 删掉,也就是说后面的三连1/1都适当砍一下,来突出一波kiai和强段
00:04:440 - 开头这一段,3333的排列有点太密了,在kiai都看不到这种排列
00:06:339 (11) - 00:10:896 (20) - 可以删掉,然后这一段的1/1 2/1链有点长,可以适当空出一些休息段以贴合rc
按rc的话休息段是要每8~9小节 (32/1 ~ 36/1)一个3/1的空格,现在明显不够啊,nerf一下
futsuu同,32/1 ~ 36/1一个2/1的空格
muzu同,16/1 ~ 20/1一个3/2或者三个1/1空格
Kantan doesn't have the video bro.. maybe you need to add
to 'Background and Video events'
For the part after 00:59:646 - :
As you followed the vocal mostly, and the overall pitch and rhythm density are both stronger than parts before this timestamp, but notes didn't show the strength, so i suggest to add more 1/1 5plets to vary from before:
01:04:229 - add a don for the lyric and snare
01:07:562 - add a kat for the same reason
01:12:562 - add a don for drum, also for the continuous vocal here
01:17:562 (6) - this note: move to 01:18:396 - and 01:19:229 - add a don
00:39:085 (5,6,7) - how about change this 1/2 triplet into something start with kat? as the pitch is going down here so i think the ddk pattern isn't such fit here.
00:46:009 (7) - this xxxxx xxx xxx pattern seems made the diff gap too large, i'd suggest to delete this one to make a bit nerf.
00:52:722 (7) - same
similar to the general suggestion on Kantan, I think the part after 00:59:645 - this timestamp seems a little undermapped while compared to parts before here. so as the vocal and drums becoming dense, buff somewhere would be more fit this song. my suggestions are:
01:01:729 - add a kat for the snare and optionally 01:01:937 - add here a note for continuous vocal
01:06:104 - add a note for continuous vocal
01:10:687 (8) - move to 01:10:271 - for the dense drum
01:13:187 (5) - move to 01:12:354 - and change the 5plet into ddkkd or ddkdk whatever, for the drum and a better emphasize of 01:13:396 (6) - this vocal stops.
01:20:687 - add a note here for the dense drum?
01:04:646 (1) - 01:07:979 (1) - how about unfinisher them to consistent with Kantan, Oni and Inner Oni? As I can't really see the reason about finishers' usage here.
same for Muzukashii.
01:07:563 (10,11,1) - change the color to dkd? it's clearly the middle one has the highest pitch and you followed the vocal here mainly
00:29:645 (10) - about this note, i think 00:29:855 - this snare should be more noticed to set a note so how about move it to 00:29:855 - ?
00:29:855 (13) - as this one has only been finishered in oni, consider unfinish this for spread consistency?
From 00:59:645 - to the end, I saw you used some long sentences to perform the build up but some breaks like 01:10:271 - seems not that necessary? also 01:15:062 - this sentence seems a bit too long. so i'd suggest:
01:10:271 - 01:10:375 - add here notes as a triplet to connect the continuous vocal here
01:14:854 (2) - remove this one as a break
01:19:750 - add here a kat for the vocal
01:22:771 - 01:22:875 - add here notes as a triplet for the final drums
00:40:869 (20) - move this one to 00:41:288 - and change to blue? i think the vocal here should be more focused, now this note seems standing on somewhere not such necessary.
if accepted 00:42:967 - add a note and make this ddkdk for consistency
对于00:10:008 - ~00:18:108 - :1/4多少有点随机了,而且作为一个intro的话也没强到需要另添加1/4三连来强调。建议保留所有的1/4二连,然后把1/4三连改成1/2单点,顺便把1/4二连的位置统一一下。比如:
00:10:308 - 原来这里的三连:
也就是删掉00:14:058 (53) -
00:16:758 (69,70) - 如果接受的话,这两个可以ctrl+g,做出一点点变化
00:06:108 - ~00:07:908 - 连红是不是有点太长了?节奏和音高变化也没有这么平缓,多加几个蓝色呗?我的建议:00:06:108 (19,20) - 蓝,00:07:308 (22) - 蓝
个人感觉7连可以留给音调比较高的部分,比如:00:30:633 (13) - 这个note,挪到00:29:883 - 会更好一点,这样的话可以通过1/4串的密度来表现出音调高低。类似的部分:00:33:183 (14) - 挪到00:32:283 - 然后改一改7连配色。
还有诸如00:34:833 (30) - 这个note:考虑挪到00:34:983 - 然后改蓝,个人感觉后面的这个空站的连续音更有理由填上。
kiai后半部分同:00:40:233 (13) - 00:42:783 (14) - 00:44:433 (30) -