Metadata / Sources:
When a Vision bearer dies, the light in their Vision will fade away. But the shell that housed that light remains. As for whether this shell has any practical application, well, this remains to be seen. But my intuition tells me that while it remains in the world, it may just be possible for someone else to inherit it.
Any official source for the romanisation of (CV: 田中美海)? because this is pronounced Tanaka Minami as per RC rules should be romanised as Tanaka Minami unless there is an official one.
Afaik the youtube page that shows Vocal: Amane (CV: Minami Tanaka)
is translated from the original in Japanese and can't be used as primary source for romanisation.
I may be outdated about this metadata rule though so maybe double check lol
The Purge March in the title itself is fine because that can be inferred from album cover
Yeah I think these should help clear it up more - a few points to support this:
I'll close this for now, but feel free to reopen if you think it should still be investigated more. Will add this post to the metadata references. I appreciate the carefulness with this though!
yea i think that sauce is gud. i came from a time when we were still stupid stringent with metadata lol
Looks like there is now another ranked map of this song:
Artist field has the vocalists name in the opposite order in the other set.
Tbh I think the points I mentioned still are valid, but also with ranked consistency I assume the other order should be valid as well. Im leaning toward changing it to be consistent with the other set.
Would like some more opinions from the BNs on this set though, so reopening.
Both versions are valid. The one on the ranked set is the order it’s romanized as. The version used here is from supplied from an official source.
Thus it’s up to you to choose what you prefer imo.
I personally prefer keeping it as official as possible, so I personally would lean towards the one by universal.
Just a thought but maybe you could add an extra transition background since std has 6 diffs?
pretty sure this wasn't on purpose but Norm, Hard and Extra have some kinda redundant double greenlines from first kiai onwards. (and one at 00:03:819 -)
I think at least most of them don't exactly affect the gameplay at all, but i'd appreciate if you could get rid of the unnecessary ones to keep it cleaner.
Already talked in dm but for future reference this section here 01:06:419 is in 6/8 from metric modulation 4/4 -> 6/8. So from this thing I told mapper to change it to 92 2/4.
Tempo is kept constant here but change from 8 8ths per bar in 4/4 to 6 8ths per bar in 6/8
I feel like you really need to raise clap and kick hitsound volume. For clap it's very quiet I need to turn on my spider senses. For kick it blends a LOT with the music. I'm fine with blending but I'd rather have the volume raised by a bit. I can't even check hitsounding LOL
I'm not sure if rock j-rock and related tags should be included here. This feels nothing like rock
Current offset is sooo early, i personally found this need +15 from current offset, but please doublecheck if it's needs more or less.
Hmm ok thanks for checking that. Yeah when I tried doing the timing manually by ear I was getting a later offset like you. But I tried something new (based on waveform) for figuring out offset and I was questioning it - yeah I guess it didn't work lol.
Anyway, adjusted it manually again and I think +20ms
sounds right to me. Fixed!