mapped by Nostril
This beatmap was ranked on 14 July 2024!
nominated by SN707, KaedeharaKazuha, and Okoayu
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When a Vision bearer dies, the light in their Vision will fade away. But the shell that housed that light remains. As for whether this shell has any practical application, well, this remains to be seen. But my intuition tells me that while it remains in the world, it may just be possible for someone else to inherit it.


pretty sure this wasn't on purpose but Norm, Hard and Extra have some kinda redundant double greenlines from first kiai onwards. (and one at 00:03:819 -)

I think at least most of them don't exactly affect the gameplay at all, but i'd appreciate if you could get rid of the unnecessary ones to keep it cleaner.


removed unused green lines by using mapping tools



Marked as resolved by Nostril