#4671368 with this said here is the long-awaited timing that took 1 year using this new mp3
ending isn't timed properly since most diffs use a slider to map it and i don't wanna make snapping those even worse for you so
your mp3 quality is kinda ass
mp3 is slightly boosted in volume just so the hitsounds don't completely overpower the song, should be more or less the same volume as your current one
04:39:022 basically any difficulty that maps past this point is going to need their ending rhythms reworked -- for the diffs that relegate this to a spinner, it works fine (outside of the fact that you can end it earlier when the song actually ends) but the newer mp3 makes it so current rhythms don't work
i guess it was because the prior mp3 was artificially extended to some extent or something?
#4671433/12574239 see this as well
top diff: spinner extends further than it needs to
kibbleru diff: sliders are more or less fine past 04:41:174 (1) - here but the places they end at seem kinda weird, spinner also starts at a weird time, would be nice to rearrange those a bit to make a rhythm that makes a bit more sense (timing might also help this, granted -- come back to this later ig)
kyuuchie tsunyun: slider kinda just ends in the middle of nowhere rn
xlolicore: ^ arguably same and the slider kinda goes on for Way too damn long -- also 04:58:663 (1,2,3) - mapping this at the end is troll as hell
vert: entire ending basically is wrong on the account of ass-old mp3 that kibble's set used, can probably find a way to make it work though since i think what it's following just happens a bit earlier than where it is currently?
indonesian: yea
amayuu: spinner is ass-long when it doesn't need to be
in case it's helpful to know here, the difference between the two audios is that in the old (extended) version, there's an extra repeat of the two measures from 04:41:174 to 04:43:327. here's what that looks like on the waveforms side-by-side -
so i think the solution across the board is to just delete the two measures of mapping from 04:43:327 to 04:45:479 and move the rest of the map back
wtf i didn't know that you carried over scub's diff to this mapset
can i at least remap my part please D:
your mp3 is rankable but i have something better: a 194kbps q6 ogg file!!!!!!!!!!!
get it here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/944060012244910100/1109527892431487136/audio.ogg
put it in your map's root directory, and go to every .osu file and change this:
AudioFilename: audio.mp3
should be:
AudioFilename: audio.ogg
old: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/944060012244910100/1109528347257606225/spek_FqkvfRjb8s.png
new: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/944060012244910100/1109528318409199736/image.png
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/944060012244910100/1111446986802085978/audio.ogg replace it with this instead the one above is quiet as hell