So the voting results among entire mania BNs and NATs already been concluded, and here's the result.
There are 36 BNs and 5 NATs in total, make it the total of 41 people that has nomination button specifically for mania. the amount of people who voted is 35 people. (31 BNs and 4 NATs.)
To specify how the voting works, we use a pooling system with Yes/No/Neutral choices.
To explain what the choices meant:
yes vote = you agree it's okay to be ranked, with probably some mods at most
no vote = you disagree it's okay to be ranked, and need like major entire remap, or possibly even nuked the top difficulty
Neutral vote = you don't really support this map current condition, but you don't mind either if this got ranked.
The voting results as below:
yes vote = 8 votes (BN: 25.8% , Total: 22.9%)
no vote = 12 votes (NAT: 50% BN: 32.3% Total: 34.3%)
neutral vote = 15 votes (NAT: 50% BN: 41.9% Total: 42.9%)
Thank you for the BNs that participating in this votes, and i will leave it to the mapper on how to proceed from now on.
might be better to change question to "would u veto this map? , maybe some of the no would turn into neutral
with how question is phrased, one can easily say no while not wanting to put any effort on this map
If 'another' is supposed to be a higher level than 'insane'? personally feel current 'insane' is much harder than 'another'.
Though 'another' diff has more notes, but some burst parts from the current 'insane' is much trickier, as well as the SV and LN pattern need some certain skill and experience to be comfortable with.
While 'another' is a very smooth diff to play. So Personally would recommend you to exchange the name of the two diffs.
My test play score of the two diffs: insane: 98%, another 99.5%
if bad example of overmap in the past was imperishable night 2007, then this one is good example of overmap
by overmap means playing snap without adding huge chord (at least on my PoV)
really not a sarcasm from me, but this is really memorable for me
The mapper requested for DQ to fix and improve the top difficulty based on the feedback and mod being given.
A small reminder to keep being civil while discussing and giving feedback for the map. The way the discussion flow so far seems great and i hope that will be maintained for both the mapper and the modder sides.
Good luck! Wish the chart will eventually be ranked with the much better version later on.
Offset is pretty early, that a +10~12ms will sync better with the song.
Preferably to be 305.
Addressing this tag: - [ L e a h ] -
Quoting "Usernames in tags containing single characters separated by spaces must have the spaces replaced with underscores."
By any means, this isn't allowed per RC.
Since you already have "-[l_e_a_h]-" and "Leah", "- [ L e a h ] -" should have been removed instead.
I have to say it's a very subjective opinion. I feel the dump parts of Ultra and Destruction diff seem too over-emphasized. Don't very fit the music's feeling, pretty stand out compare to the rest parts of the map as well.
In short.
Firstly, it's completely not wrong to express such dubstep sound as dump streams.
But still I'd say different ppl have different accept range for such design. How dense it could be, 1/8, 1/16 or even 1/32... 1/64? different ppl might have different opinion. But for me, current top diff is too much for the music (even the kiai has much higher intensity).
Another thing why I disagree with this design is because such 1/12 and 1/16 streams (in the kiai) have completely different feeling as the 1/2 dense stacks (from the rest parts).
Really unnatural when they are placed together in such a map. The sudden transition between those parts might also be very unpredictable and weird for players.
You've mentioned the map wouldn't be renomed within a week, I think it's better and fair for us as well as the rest of the community, use this time share more opinions about this when you are fixing the other things.
(I've checked the discussion, I know you've already said much about this, but still. Sorry for the inconvenience, I am still have such concern about the dump usage.)
Many mapping issues across all difficulties. Many parts where notes are mapped to air, but parts where there's sound but only air to be played. Please turn up the volume on your headphones and listen for sounds that are being ignored.
There's nothing wrong with dump mapping, But please if you're gonna dump map at least map to the sounds too xd
It is vague on purpose. If you look at the map, and do as I suggested you would understand why. I'll do a proper mod after this has been applied because I don't feel like making 50+ timestamps about "oh yeah 1/1 beat here completely ignored when all these other 49+ ones are not
I don't know what there is to misunderstand. literal 1/1 beats are missing. Why would I mod a map from someone when all their other maps clearly exceed this one in quality? I know I can't do better than Hydria to fix these, so I trust that he'd be able to on his own. This map honestly feels like it came from a mass production facility with how copy paste it is, and with how many mistakes it has. If the mapper doesn't want to show a certain amount of effort to detail then why should I?
Help me with what? I don't care if this message gets ignored or not. Why should I? I get nothing from it if it does. Its simply here to help.
it's year 2040, lazer is still under development and modders are utilizing telepathy to communicate with the mapper.
It literally takes less time to point out 1-2 timestamp examples than writing all these words and argues "I'm trying to help but you need to help yourself first" I still don't understand what you're trying to say
I wrote an entire essay about issues on a private discord and do not feel like writing them here. on top of the literal pages of issues the TLDR of the entire thing was: "Notes here when they shouldnt be, snapping issues, and notes missing" And there was soooooooo many that this was just better. Its actually dissapointing that as a BN you can't even figure that out.
I thought i already told earlier to be civil earlier #3331419 , i guess i need to put the last warning here specifically for CommandoBlack.
Mentioning others doing "stupid comment" , saying that you purposely doing vague feedback, and on top of that giving such a strong passive aggressive remark and being combative to anyone aren't being constructive at all. Either be constructive or don't say anything at all.
-mint- is correct that if you/others think the map is fundamentally wrong, just put couple more specific example that can be applied to the entire chart. There's others that already capable of pointing the main issues to be salvaged, If you unable to do that, it's simply means that you don't even know where's exactly the issues to begin with. Never ever put such a dark blind statement and expect the mapper to simply shoot in the dark on what's exactly to fix and think you are actually "helping" them. No it's not.
Either post an actual constructive post or the next time you still insist continuing with all these non-civil combative reply, i will simply force close this discussion and took a drastic action on you. NAT/GMT will keep continue monitor this map's thread and discussion, so you better be very careful on what's you gonna say next.
I believe that all my posts are completely justified, and that you are just wrong in every way here. My primary post is in accordance with the modding guidelines.
Eclipse-: "have you heard of a timestamp? they are a neat little addition to the modding page that helps your modpost not be outright ignored"
This is very condescending and got the response that it deserved.
The messages with -mint- are fine. Literally nothing is wrong with this convo. Am I not allowed to decline help? The same way Hydria can decline the original post if he wants? All I did was elaborate more on my messages as it felt to me that -mint- was confused with my intentions. If you think that simple elaborations are combative responses than idk what to tell you.
If you don't think my original post is constructive than that's just your opinion. I commented on feel. I can't necessarily give a perfect timestamp without pointing at the whole map. Because of how its balanced same parts feel like I'm hitting air, while other times it feels like I should be hitting something when there's nothing there.
And because you wanted to end your post in a threat I will do the same to you. I feel this behavior from you is completely out of place. Do a drastic action and I will report you as that comment was completely unprofessional.
I'm marking this as resolved since everyone except -mint- responding just feels like they want to attack me.
mapper didn't want it ranked due to the last difficulty. Once the last difficulty is changed to be more enjoyable i'm pretty sure it'll get qualified again
Why are you guys mad about the map, it only has 512bpm streams with 256bpm minijacks! which the average pepsilon enjoyer will manip by playing it as a 256bpm chordjack map! And for the people with dan fetishes, you can translate this into epsilon's jack map at 1.34x (yeah, to measure cringe you need cringe measurements).
This is completely finen't
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
tons of objects in ultra diff got unsnapped as the results of you changing the BPM. (Because of how osu engine works, whenever you change the BPM , it will causes unsnap). Since top difficulty doesn't have that, i assume it's unintentional.
Would be good for you to fix that for ultra before proceeding for rank.
#Audio comparison(fine), BG size(fine), HS delay(lesser than 5ms): https://imgur.com/a/zD3DTkh
#Metadata(fine): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUz7zaSk-Uw&ab_channel=Xtrullor https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=Q4uotalK https://xtrullor.newgrounds.com/ https://soundcloud.com/xtrullor/cry-free-download?si=2c8b17f21801442d9538e5866ed39ca1&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
Tags: uL- Zymasis39 Raveille - [ L e a h ] - dubstep harsh distorted legacy electronic instrumental -[l_e_a_h]- leah tuukka veikkola
uL- – GDer https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10652110
Zymasis39 – GDer https://osu.ppy.sh/users/9477978
Raveille – GDer https://osu.ppy.sh/users/1388767
#Difficulty Naming
seems the diffname 'Exile' from uL's guest difficulty is not following the proper naming procedure, according to https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/ko/Ranking_Criteria/Difficulty_naming . The difficulty name 'Extreme' is a widely accepted alternative for difficulty harder than Expert. Arrange the diffname uL's Exile to uL's Extreme.
#Inconsistent HS
*Extra: 01:03:926 - 01:33:926 - need W
*Insane: 00:00:294 -00:49:044 - 00:52:794 - 00:53:262 - 00:56:075 - 00:56:544 - 01:00:294 - 01:04:512 - 01:08:262 - 01:12:012 -01:19:044 - 01:22:794 - 01:23:262 - 01:26:075 - 01:26:544 - 01:30:294 - 01:34:512 - need F // 00:45:294 -01:15:294 - need W // 00:57:481 -00:58:419 -01:27:481 -01:28:419 -02:04:278 - 02:04:747 - 02:05:215 -02:05:684 - change C to W
*Intermediate: 02:02:637 - W
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
you forgot to make the last difficulty with 1/24 streams, at least you're not fuckin NiHIlesE anymore😩
Wow, this is an awesome map. Good song, and chart too. Would love to see this map get ranked or loved.
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.
Sent u a new audio file through discord
Old/New (top/bottom): https://imgur.com/a/WKyDIpm
Source: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=Q4uotalK#folder=1396152915&tpl=publicfoldergrid
I really liked Zyma's SVs (00:45:294 - and so on)
I think (apart from maybe the first two) it'd be cool if you could implement it into the rest of them or at least into the top diff.
ngl b4 I even played this map i was expecting some cool SVs. Think this is an opportunity you should take just to make the map that much better.
I have arrived to point out shit no one gives a fuck about
Song genre and language should be added to the tags of a beatmap. BNs slacking smh my head. Literally unplayable.
Usernames containing single characters separated by spaces must have the spaces replaced with underscores. Replace - [ L e a h ] - with -[L_e_a_h]-.
Also the following aren't really required, but adding them while you're at it would be nice and convenient:
Add Leah since that's a lot easier to search than -[L_e_a_h]-.
AlexDunk made the bg so maaaaybe add that too?
Tuukka Veikkola is Xtrullor's real name as seen on their soundcloud profile: https://soundcloud.com/xtrullor
Tags to add: electronic instrumental -[l_e_a_h]- leah alexdunk tuukka veikkola
U don’t need to add alexdunk btw since the metadata is usually reserved for things related to the song/diff
You've been faster than me, I had written the exact same thing in my review but I deleted it when I saw this lol