mapped by Hydria
This beatmap was ranked on 15 January 2023!
nominated by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and Muse Dash
1 August 2023
Moderator deleted post from discussion #3358985.
15 January 2023
9 January 2023
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by Muse Dash (osu!mania).
Nominated by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (osu!mania).
8 January 2023
Issue #3507887 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3507886 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
7 January 2023
Issue #3492271 by Muse Dash marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
3 January 2023
Discussion #3492280 by Muse Dash obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3492280 by Muse Dash marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3498312 by Muse Dash obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3498312 by Muse Dash marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3492236 by Muse Dash marked as resolved by Raveille.
Discussion #3492236 by Muse Dash obtained enough votes for kudosu.
29 December 2022
Issue #3488444 by Muse Dash marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
19 November 2022
Discussion #3412829 by _kokodayo obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3412829 by _kokodayo marked as resolved by Hydria.
26 October 2022
Discussion #3373597 by gzdongsheng obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3373597 by gzdongsheng marked as resolved by Hydria.
24 October 2022
Discussion #3371891 by 8230 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3371891 by 8230 marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3329889 by Abraxos marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3032716 by myucchii marked as resolved by Hydria.
16 October 2022
Moderator deleted post from discussion #3358985.
13 October 2022
Issue #3331419 by Maxus marked as resolved by Hydria.
7 October 2022
Issue #3330848 by Akasha- marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3330127 by Ballistic obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3330127 by Ballistic marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2959146 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331899 by Lott obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331899 by Lott marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3330854 by Akasha- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3330854 by Akasha- marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3330788 by Ballistic obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3330788 by Ballistic marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3332194 by datoujia obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3332194 by datoujia marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331127 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331127 by Archaic84 marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331122 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331122 by Archaic84 marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331121 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331121 by Archaic84 marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331119 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331119 by Archaic84 marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331113 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331113 by Archaic84 marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3332200 by datoujia obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3332200 by datoujia marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331111 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331111 by Archaic84 marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2335263 by Ventilo le vrai lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #2335263 by Ventilo le vrai obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335263 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331103 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331103 by Archaic84 marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331102 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331102 by Archaic84 marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3331883 by Lott obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3331888 by Lott obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3331874 by Lott obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3331874 by Lott marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3331888 by Lott marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3331883 by Lott marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3331861 by Muse Dash marked as resolved by Muse Dash.
2 October 2022
Discussion #3330848 by Akasha- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3332406 denied for kudosu.
30 September 2022
Discussion #3332406 by CommandoBlack lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #3332406 by CommandoBlack obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3332406 by CommandoBlack lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #3332406 by CommandoBlack obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3332406 by CommandoBlack marked as resolved by CommandoBlack.
29 September 2022
Moderator deleted post from discussion #3329889.
Discussion #3332406 by CommandoBlack obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Moderator deleted post from discussion #3329889.
Moderator restored post from discussion #3329889.
Moderator deleted post from discussion #3329889.
Discussion #3331861 by Muse Dash lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #3331861 by Muse Dash obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3329889 has had its kudosu grants recalculated.
Discussion #3329889 denied for kudosu.
28 September 2022
Resolved issue #2959146 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reopened by datoujia.
Discussion #3331103 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3330848 by Akasha- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3331119 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3331127 by Archaic84 lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #3331127 by Archaic84 obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3331419 denied for kudosu.
Discussion #3331419 by Maxus obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Disqualified by Maxus. Reason: #3331419 (
The mapper requested for DQ to fix and improve the top difficulty based on the feedback and mod bein…
Resolved issue #2335263 by Ventilo le vrai reopened by Archaic84.
27 September 2022
Resolved issue #3032716 by myucchii reopened by -mint-.
Discussion #3329889 by Abraxos obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3329889 by Abraxos obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Resolved issue #3330127 by Ballistic reopened by Ballistic.
Issue #3330127 by Ballistic marked as resolved by Ballistic.
Resolved issue #3330127 by Ballistic reopened by Ballistic.
Issue #3330127 by Ballistic marked as resolved by Ballistic.
Discussion #3329889 by Abraxos lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #3329889 by Abraxos obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3329889 by Abraxos obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3329889 by Abraxos lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #3329889 by Abraxos obtained enough votes for kudosu.
26 September 2022
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by Furryswan (osu!mania).
Nominated by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (osu!mania).
Issue #3326032 by BanchoBot marked as resolved by Hydria.
24 September 2022
New problem #3326032 (
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmap…
) triggered a nomination reset. (BanchoBot)
Discussion #3324563 by Maxus obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3324594 by Maxus marked as resolved by Hydria.
Nominated by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (osu!mania).
Discussion #3324563 by Maxus obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3324543 by The Fart Lord marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3324563 by Maxus marked as resolved by Hydria.
Disqualified by Maxus. Reason: #3324563 (
Need to DQ as ultra has completely different BPM compared with other diffs. Good luck
23 September 2022
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (osu!mania).
Nominated by Furryswan (osu!mania).
Issue #3323193 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3323191 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3323189 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3323187 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
22 September 2022
Issue #3320090 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3322946 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3322946 by Furryswan marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #3322959 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3322932 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #3322941 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Hydria.
Resolved issue #3320090 by Furryswan reopened by Furryswan.
21 September 2022
Discussion #3320094 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3320094 by Furryswan marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Discussion #3320097 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3320096 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3063094 by Decku obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3063093 by Decku obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3063092 by Decku obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3063091 by Decku obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3320095 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3063088 by Decku obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3063083 by Decku obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2869958 by Roasted Chicken obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2335206 by Fawcro obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2335201 by Fawcro obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2335195 by Fawcro obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3320110 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Raveille.
Discussion #3320110 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3320108 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Raveille.
Discussion #3320108 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3320106 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Raveille.
Issue #3320096 by Furryswan marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #3320097 by Furryswan marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #3063092 by Decku marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #3320095 by Furryswan marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Discussion #3137463 by Lott obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3137458 by Lott obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2909575 by Jizzy obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3137470 by Lott obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3063320 by Decku obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2888303 by secXcscX obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3063312 by Decku obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2888332 by secXcscX obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3320177 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3320177 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #3320090 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3320090 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3320226 by BanchoBot marked as resolved by Hydria.
New problem #3320226 (
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmap…
) triggered a nomination reset. (BanchoBot)
20 September 2022
Resolved issue #3063092 by Decku reopened by Furryswan.
5 August 2022
Nominated by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (osu!mania).
25 June 2022
Issue #3137470 by Lott marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
18 June 2022
Issue #3137477 by Lott marked as resolved by Raveille.
Discussion #3137477 by Lott obtained enough votes for kudosu.
17 June 2022
Issue #3137463 by Lott marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #3137458 by Lott marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
13 June 2022
Issue #3032716 by myucchii marked as resolved by Hydria.
4 June 2022
Issue #3063312 by Decku marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
16 May 2022
Resolved issue #3063312 by Decku reopened by Decku.
Issue #3063320 by Decku marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #3063317 by Decku marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #3063307 by Decku marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #3063312 by Decku marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
4 May 2022
Issue #3065581 by BanchoBot marked as resolved by Hydria.
New problem #3065581 (
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmap…
) triggered a nomination reset. (BanchoBot)
3 May 2022
Issue #3063093 by Decku marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #3063083 by Decku marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #3063091 by Decku marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #3063092 by Decku marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #3063094 by Decku marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #3063088 by Decku marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
25 April 2022
Discussion #3032716 by myucchii obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3032716 by myucchii obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3032716 by myucchii obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Nominated by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (osu!mania).
Issue #2960701 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #3032526 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #3032525 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #3024742 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
22 April 2022
Issue #3024745 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #3024743 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #3024744 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3024744 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #3024741 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3024741 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #2945396 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
2 April 2022
Issue #2960688 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
1 April 2022
Issue #2960656 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Raveille.
Discussion #2960656 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2960655 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Raveille.
Discussion #2960655 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2960654 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Raveille.
Discussion #2960654 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2960653 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Raveille.
Discussion #2960653 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
31 March 2022
Issue #2945392 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #2945399 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2945399 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Resolved issue #2945399 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reopened by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Issue #2945397 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Resolved issue #2945392 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reopened by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
26 March 2022
Issue #2960690 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
24 March 2022
Discussion #2968465 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2968465 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2959148 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2945392 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #2945399 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #2945398 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2945398 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #2945397 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2945395 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2945395 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #2945394 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2945394 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #2945393 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2945393 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #2959233 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #2959235 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #2959153 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Issue #2959152 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Resolved issue #2959148 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reopened by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Resolved issue #2959235 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reopened by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Resolved issue #2960690 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reopened by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Resolved issue #2960688 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reopened by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Resolved issue #2959233 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reopened by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
23 March 2022
Discussion #2959157 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959157 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2959156 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959156 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2959155 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959155 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2959154 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959154 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Resolved issue #2959153 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH reopened by Hydria.
Issue #2959153 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2959152 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2959151 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959151 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2959150 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959150 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2959149 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2959147 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959147 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2959146 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959146 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2959148 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959148 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2959143 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2959144 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959145 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2959144 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2959143 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2960690 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2960689 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2960688 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2960687 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2960686 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2960685 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2959238 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #2959237 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Discussion #2868807 by Roasted Chicken obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2959237 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2959236 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2959235 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2868802 by Roasted Chicken obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2959234 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2959233 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2868792 by Roasted Chicken obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2959235 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #2959236 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #2959234 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #2959233 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
21 February 2022
Issue #2909575 by Jizzy marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2909572 by Jizzy marked as resolved by uL-.
20 February 2022
Issue #2909573 by Jizzy marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2909620 by Jizzy marked as resolved by Hydria.
10 February 2022
Issue #2888344 by secXcscX marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2888303 by secXcscX marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2888296 by secXcscX marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
Issue #2888332 by secXcscX marked as resolved by Zymasis39.
9 February 2022
Discussion #2865449 by Xnery obtained enough votes for kudosu.
8 February 2022
Issue #2874225 by Hoshimegu Mio marked as resolved by uL-.
7 February 2022
Issue #2874244 by Hoshimegu Mio marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #2874240 by Hoshimegu Mio marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #2874232 by Hoshimegu Mio marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #2874232 by Hoshimegu Mio obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2874230 by Hoshimegu Mio obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2874230 by Hoshimegu Mio marked as resolved by uL-.
Issue #2874237 by Hoshimegu Mio marked as resolved by uL-.
6 February 2022
Issue #2868807 by Roasted Chicken marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #2868792 by Roasted Chicken marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #2869958 by Roasted Chicken marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
Issue #2868802 by Roasted Chicken marked as resolved by NayoLeah.
28 January 2022
Issue #2865449 by Xnery marked as resolved by Hydria.
15 January 2022
Issue #2837331 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Discussion #2841569 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2841569 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2841553 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2841553 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2841552 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2841552 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2841551 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2841551 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2837331 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2837330 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2837330 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2837328 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2837328 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2841554 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2841554 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2837326 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2837327 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2837327 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2837326 by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2727410 by Eclipse- marked as resolved by Hydria.
18 November 2021
Issue #2727403 by Eclipse- marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #2727401 by Eclipse- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2727401 by Eclipse- marked as resolved by uL-.
Discussion #2727444 by Eclipse- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2727440 by Eclipse- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #2727439 by Eclipse- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2727444 by Eclipse- marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2727440 by Eclipse- marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2727439 by Eclipse- marked as resolved by Hydria.
15 May 2021
Owner of difficulty [4K] Zyma's Insane changed to Zymasis39. (Hydria)
Owner of difficulty [4K] uL's Exile changed to uL-. (Hydria)
Owner of difficulty [4K] Rave's Hard changed to Raveille. (Hydria)
Owner of difficulty [4K] Leah's Intermediate changed to - [ L e a h ] -. (Hydria)
9 May 2021
Issue #2335206 by Fawcro marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335201 by Fawcro marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335195 by Fawcro marked as resolved by Hydria.
7 May 2021
Issue #2335259 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335187 by Fawcro marked as resolved by Hydria.
6 May 2021
Discussion #2335244 by Fawcro obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335244 by Fawcro marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335228 by Fawcro marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2335296 by Fawcro obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335296 by Fawcro marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2335254 by Fawcro obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335254 by Fawcro marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2335260 by Ventilo le vrai obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335260 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2335272 by Ventilo le vrai obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335272 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335271 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335270 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2335269 by Ventilo le vrai obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335269 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2335268 by Ventilo le vrai obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335268 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2335267 by Ventilo le vrai obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335267 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335266 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335265 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335263 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Discussion #2335264 by Ventilo le vrai obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #2335264 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335262 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
Issue #2335261 by Ventilo le vrai marked as resolved by Hydria.
5 May 2021
Discussion #2335228 by Fawcro obtained enough votes for kudosu.
1 December 2020
Language changed from Unspecified to Instrumental. (Hydria)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Electronic. (Hydria)