unicode title should be "ラストチャプター (TV Size)" if we're going strictly off the anime's opening video (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1_djjTVwwY at ~1:05)
@eiri- I think it's because the website is automatically set to english, you need to change it manually in the left bottom. But indeed it needs the unicode title, here's another reference http://nanoripe.com/discography/3515/
#3420469 speaking of the video, i'd recommend taking the video from https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1623255#osu/3314328 the already existing ranked set of the song and using it
video offset should be the same as both sets use the same mp3
your current video (which is present in the folder) goes unused, so make sure to delete that one
I love this song, this beatmap is very very good, rank plsssssss, if you can, put the opening in the background, it will be much better
hs : 00:15:819 - 00:18:471 - 00:35:212 (4,5) - 01:23:609 - kick hs . 00:22:449 - 00:19:963 - 00:44:991 - 00:58:748 (1) - finish hs . 00:13:830 - should use tom hs instead kick . 00:35:709 (7) - whistle
Really nice map and song, should definitely be ranked. Got some fun jumpings and the beatsounds are on point. Hope it get ranked soon
i think your kick hs is too quite here ,i barely cant hear your kick hs ,i suggest change the sample of kick or increase the volume