03:50:068 (2) - no sound , i suggest remove this note , if you want to be more precise it 1/5 rhythm , i wouldnt bother mapping it , i will just leave single note after slider
02:26:318 (3,4,1) - stack '1' with '3 and 4' is better than stacking it with slider , its confusing 1/3 rhythm atleast player will have easier hit and also can empahsis the next slider well
02:08:151 (1,2,3) - i think this patern doesnt fit well here , usually this type of patern will give more impact/intense when playing but rn its just feel force to tap , maybe it because there not much happening with the song at this part
02:03:818 (2,3) - i heard sound on blue tick , i think you could make this a triple to slider
00:24:651 (1,2) - i dont think cover the drum here is good since you strictly followed vocal and piano at this section , better if you start the second slider 00:24:985 - for vocal/piano since these two were more noticeble than the drum ..
00:03:651 (2,3) - better spaced rather than staking it , like you did 00:01:318 (3,4) - since 00:03:818 (3) - have really strong piano sound