
Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011 at 22:43:23

Artist: Two Door Cinema Club
Title: What You Know
Tags: TDCC aleks719 icebeam Kurisuchianu Tourist History
BPM: 138,98
Filesize: 15943kb
Play Time: 03:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. AleksBeam (4,97 stars, 384 notes)
  2. Easy (1,82 stars, 196 notes)
  3. Hard (4,74 stars, 352 notes)
  4. Insane (5 stars, 525 notes)
  5. Normal (3,56 stars, 225 notes)
  6. Taikoni!Kuri (4,89 stars, 946 notes)
Download: Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know
Download: Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
And I can tell just what you want
You don't want to be aloooone
You don't want to be aloooone

AleksBeam by Aleks and IceBeam (It's a collab!). Info about the parts here

Taiko by Kurisuchianu

Now 8 combocolors can be seen everywhere, wheee!
S o r d a
#1 :oops:
I'll wait till you finish this to mod it but that should do it for now
Firo Prochainezo
I know I shouldn't star this, but this difficulty is great. Can't wait for this to be done!
Hey~ Random modding ~ Nice song ;3

- I seem to hit a little early 2~7 ms

- 00:45:498 >> Start the new combo here instead ?
- 01:40:762 >> ^

- Good

- 00:20:673 >> Add whistle ?

- 00:20:673 >> Add whistle ?
- 00:34:488 >> Hahaha, the new combo colour is red too :3
- 02:35:270 >> Add a note with clap ?

* This makes me want to dance, star ~
Mod4Mod here:
(Sure asked you in game first)

  1. The offset is obvious early,Maybe try : 184 (+19) (Please check the mod before you change it/check it)
  2. Other stuff seems fine~
  1. 00:20:888(1)-Consider a finish here?Because here has a accent point and the instrument keep strong,so I suggest you put a finish here.
  2. 00:27:904~00:41:520(x)-The sliderslide is quite noisy with 80% volume here,also this part is quite calm,so consider a silent in S2 then apply it.Well,a advice only,use or not is depend on you. (Won't mention this again in other diff)
  3. 00:48:304(1)-I prefer whistle than a clap here.
  4. 01:22:197(3.4)-Little hitsound suggestion here:(3)-Remove whistle,then,(3.4)-add a clap ,it sounds better for me.
  5. 03:03:226(x)-I hope this spinner won't be too long for newbie.
Nazi stuff only >"<

  1. 00:26:069(4)-Why you don't make this slider to 3/4 like (3)-?It sounds better if you do that.
  2. 00:32:546(x)-I know you're following the vocal here.However,add a note here and balance the clap sound is better than follow the vocal.You need to consistent the spacing if you change it.
  3. 01:31:263(3)-I don't like this sldier personally and bad arrangement here!Change it if you can.
  4. 02:35:594(1)-If I were you,I would like to put this slider to central,then Newbie can easy to catch it up(I suppose "Normal" diff is for newbie)However,seems you're doing a symmetry here.So just leave to you.
  1. 00:15:923(6)-New combo here for the play flow.
  2. 00:22:831(5)-^ Same.
  3. 00:31:898(x)-Add a note here due to follow the vocal.Since you most of them is follow the vocal in this part,so you better to do this.
  4. 00:34:488(1)-I'm wondering why the combo color is same as previous combo = ="
  5. 01:29:752(1)-Personally hate this shape,just feel weird of this.
  6. 01:36:768(x)-It'll make more confortable if you add a note here,then triplet will be the 5-plet
  7. 02:02:781(6)-Probably add a new combo here?Keeping the play flow and gibe a remind to play and let them know it is a 3/4 not a 1/2 jump.
  8. 02:55:454(9)-I don't know it's rankable or not because the wave shape of the slider will cause the speed,but anyway,I'm recommend you change it if you don't have any specialties reason.
  1. 00:16:139(8)-How about add a new combo here?
  2. 00:19:161(6)-^ Same.
  3. 01:31:911(5)-How about add a note here to make a triplet.
  4. 01:38:603(8)-Add a new combo to keep consistent the combo,this combo is a bit longer then others.
  5. 01:43:136(8)-Same as "Hard" ,However if it is rnkable,just ignore it .
  6. 02:45:416(4)-How about change it to 1/2 and make a jump like (1.2)-?It looks better then 1/4 :U
Good map,that's all,Sorry for my nazi orz...
My map: Wotamin - Letter song

Download: Hitsound.rar
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

  1. 00:20:888(1)-Consider a finish here?Because here has a accent point and the instrument keep strong,so I suggest you put a finish here. I did place a finish there at first, but after playing it a lot, I started to dislike it.
  2. 00:27:904~00:41:520(x)-The sliderslide is quite noisy with 80% volume here,also this part is quite calm,so consider a silent in S2 then apply it.Well,a advice only,use or not is depend on you. (Won't mention this again in other diff) Done
  3. 00:48:304(1)-I prefer whistle than a clap here. Sure, why not
  4. 01:22:197(3.4)-Little hitsound suggestion here:(3)-Remove whistle,then,(3.4)-add a clap ,it sounds better for me. Yeah, it does~
  5. 03:03:226(x)-I hope this spinner won't be too long for newbie. If anything, we should worry about too short spinners on newbie difficulties.
Nazi stuff only >"<

  1. 00:26:069(4)-Why you don't make this slider to 3/4 like (3)-?It sounds better if you do that. Mainly because I don't ant for the intro to be that hard compared to the first verses and the last chorus.
  2. 00:32:546(x)-I know you're following the vocal here.However,add a note here and balance the clap sound is better than follow the vocal.You need to consistent the spacing if you change it. Done
  3. 01:31:263(3)-I don't like this sldier personally and bad arrangement here!Change it if you can. Done
  4. 02:35:594(1)-If I were you,I would like to put this slider to central,then Newbie can easy to catch it up(I suppose "Normal" diff is for newbie)However,seems you're doing a symmetry here.So just leave to you. yeah, I'll keep this one. Besides, this normal is quite hard for a rookie anyways, hence why I have the easy ^^
  1. 00:15:923(6)-New combo here for the play flow.
  2. 00:22:831(5)-^ Same.
  3. 00:31:898(x)-Add a note here due to follow the vocal.Since you most of them is follow the vocal in this part,so you better to do this. Done
  4. 00:34:488(1)-I'm wondering why the combo color is same as previous combo = =" Oh yeah! I knew someone would mention this XD! Actually, this mapset's new combos were mapped using a 6th combocolor on the test build. Wich means, they'll look buggy now, but when the 8 combocolors become standard, this map will have all the combocolors.
  5. 01:29:752(1)-Personally hate this shape,just feel weird of this. I guess I can change it then~
  6. 01:36:768(x)-It'll make more confortable if you add a note here,then triplet will be the 5-plet Uh, I'd like to avoid doing a 5-plet on a Hard diff D:
  7. 02:02:781(6)-Probably add a new combo here?Keeping the play flow and gibe a remind to play and let them know it is a 3/4 not a 1/2 jump. Uhm, I think adding the new combo would be more fitting for a 1/2 jump actually, due to the space change.
  8. 02:55:454(9)-I don't know it's rankable or not because the wave shape of the slider will cause the speed,but anyway,I'm recommend you change it if you don't have any specialties reason. No particular reason, just asthetics. Anyways, changed it.

  1. 00:16:139(8)-How about add a new combo here?
  2. 00:19:161(6)-^ Same. Thanks, but I want to keep these :P
  3. 01:31:911(5)-How about add a note here to make a triplet. Will consider this for later, however I shall keep it for now.
  4. 01:38:603(8)-Add a new combo to keep consistent the combo,this combo is a bit longer then others. This is due to the stream after (8), however, the combo placement follows the tempo.
  5. 01:43:136(8)-Same as "Hard" ,However if it is rnkable,just ignore it . This is rankeable, however, I shall modfy it for a different shape so that the whiggle lasts the whole slider.
  6. 02:45:416(4)-How about change it to 1/2 and make a jump like (1.2)-?It looks better then 1/4 :U Well, it's not quite the rhythm I'm trying to follow, however! If you think I could shape it in any better way, I'm all ears ^^

I used +15 (as +19 seemed a tad too much) and downloaded your clap! Thanks a lot!
Lovhin: no apliqué nada del modpost, sin embargo consideraré los NC en el easy en futuros modposts. Gracias ^^!
Your spots of brake are unsnapped in all diffs :P
Oh, I don't agree with your hitsound patterns, especially with whistles on blue ticks
I picked main rhythm pattern (attachments) This hitsounds will be my suggeston for all similar parts in this diff
00:27:811 (1) - whistle instead of finish?
02:43:596 (4,5) - make it parallel with 02:44:244 (1,4) ?
02:48:993 (7) - reverse sliders? imo, plays better
03:00:974 (5,6) - why you overlap here? You increase spacing in similar places before
03:03:025 (1) - remove whistle?

00:14:859 (5) - remove clap from the end, add whistle
00:20:688 (7) - add whistle
00:21:767 (4) - remove clap from the end, add whistle
00:23:494 (8) - add whistle to the end
00:27:811 (1) - remove finish, add whistle?
00:35:583 (3,4) - OMG, this two notes without video looks like a slider D: Really confused red color, fix it please
00:57:170 (5) - add whistle
00:58:465 (7) - add whistle to the end
01:00:624 (6) - add whistle
01:10:986 (5,7) - add whistle + add whistle to the end
... as before, add whistles to the high white ticks in kiai
03:00:650 (3) - *nazi* (1grid up) for symmetry
03:03:025 (1) - remove whistle? (for all diffs)

00:14:859 (3,4) - plays good, but sounds totally off
00:16:586 (6,1) - ^
02:18:339 (6) - why you stop using nc on this note? (and last note in diff too) (In Easy diff too)

offset 165 instead of 180 , fix it + resnap all notes, check your timing and break points again after changing
Oh, I don't want to be nazi here, it's perfect Easy... but... I keep wanting to make a diff ><

Five stars for a song, which associated with an important moment in my life.

Download: Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know (Krisom) [aleks' pattern].osu
uoo, looks like so solid , but I will try my best.
Yeah, it's mod4mod XD
Some modding info~

Color Help:
Red -> You must change it.
Blue -> Change it as well.
Black -> Suggestion only.

Ok. Let's go.


  1. I don't sure but seems like the .osb was useless?
Ok, just this I can find here.


  1. AR-1 , HP -1 ?
  2. 02:51:137 (3) - x:204 y:192 seems better (?) just nazi.
Very nice Easy diff.


  1. 01:55:024 (2) - Should have whishle here?
  2. 01:58:478 (2) - ^
  3. 02:01:932 (2) - same here? add whishle on the first of the slider.
  4. 02:08:840 (2) - whishle ( I guess you should add on every 3 white line , just suggestion , it sounds better for me.)
  5. 02:59:787 (1) - should remove the New combo?
  6. 03:01:514 (9) - The new combo should be here?

  1. 00:51:342 (x) - Add a note here?
  2. 01:55:888 (5) - Hmm~ Can you add a New combo here?
  3. 02:09:704 (5) - ^ Yeah, same thing here.
  4. 03:01:514 (6) - ^

  1. 00:16:154 (8) - Should add a new combo here?
  2. 01:32:897 (x) - Add a note here? plays better for me ( I like 3-plet, haha)
  3. 02:35:717 (x) - Follow the music , should add a note here?
Really perfect mapset. :)
Hope my modding isn't so useless for you D:

My map:
Thank s></
Topic Starter

KanaRin wrote:

uoo, looks like so solid , but I will try my best.
Yeah, it's mod4mod XD
Some modding info~

Color Help:
Red -> You must change it.
Blue -> Change it as well.
Black -> Suggestion only.

Ok. Let's go.


  1. I don't sure but seems like the .osb was useless?
Yeah, but it's not mandatory to remove it so ~
Ok, just this I can find here.


  1. AR-1 , HP -1 ? Seems too much imo
  2. 02:51:137 (3) - x:204 y:192 seems better (?) just nazi. Done
Very nice Easy diff.


  1. 01:55:024 (2) - Should have whishle here? Ok
  2. 01:58:478 (2) - ^ Done
  3. 02:01:932 (2) - same here? add whishle on the first of the slider.
  4. 02:08:840 (2) - whishle ( I guess you should add on every 3 white line , just suggestion , it sounds better for me.) Sure
  5. 02:59:787 (1) - should remove the New combo? Not really
  6. 03:01:514 (9) - The new combo should be here?Not really

  1. 00:51:342 (x) - Add a note here? nah
  2. 01:55:888 (5) - Hmm~ Can you add a New combo here?
  3. 02:09:704 (5) - ^ Yeah, same thing here.
  4. 03:01:514 (6) - ^ I'll keep these

  1. 00:16:154 (8) - Should add a new combo here? I'm adding new combos every 2 measures.
  2. 01:32:897 (x) - Add a note here? plays better for me ( I like 3-plet, haha) Sure, it feels nice
  3. 02:35:717 (x) - Follow the music , should add a note here? I'll keep this one blank, thanks
Really perfect mapset. :)
Hope my modding isn't so useless for you D:

My map:
Thank s></

Aleks719 wrote:

Your spots of brake are unsnapped in all diffs :P Fix'd em all

Oh, I don't agree with your hitsound patterns, especially with whistles on blue ticks
I picked main rhythm pattern (attachments) This hitsounds will be my suggeston for all similar parts in this diff
00:27:811 (1) - whistle instead of finish? Nope
02:43:596 (4,5) - make it parallel with 02:44:244 (1,4) ? Yeah, it looks better that way
02:48:993 (7) - reverse sliders? imo, plays better I'd rather keep it as it is
03:00:974 (5,6) - why you overlap here? You increase spacing in similar places before Actually, I'm not sure how did that end up there
03:03:025 (1) - remove whistle? Nope

00:35:583 (3,4) - OMG, this two notes without video looks like a slider D: Really confused red color, fix it please Whaaaat XD? Under what circumstances lol!
03:00:650 (3) - *nazi* (1grid up) for symmetry For symmetry with what? (5)? It is symmetrical with that alredy ._.
03:03:025 (1) - remove whistle? (for all diffs) Nah
I didn't apply any of those hitsound mods because they seemed to abuse the whistles a lot imo.

00:14:859 (3,4) - plays good, but sounds totally off
00:16:586 (6,1) - ^ If you don't mind, I rather keep these
02:18:339 (6) - why you stop using nc on this note? (and last note in diff too) (In Easy diff too) To be honest, I dunno. Added

offset 165 instead of 180 , fix it + resnap all notes, check your timing and break points again after changing
Oh, I don't want to be nazi here, it's perfect Easy... but... I keep wanting to make a diff >< Heh, I rushed when fixing the timing XD!

Five stars for a song, which associated with an important moment in my life.

aleks: sorry, we don't have the same hitsound taste XD!
Haciendo diff taiko
Making diff taiko

about 00:35:583 (3,4) - . . .(Hard) I see red slider instead of (3) and (4), because I moving cursor fast and...not seeeng notes ;~;
Yeah, there are white points between (3) and (4) when playing, but a bit confusing for me anyway
  1. Like mentioned before, delete .osb~
  2. 00:34:503 - In every difficulty you have 2 red combo colors in a row, please fix~
Rest is perfect like always Krisom o/
Aqui esta, Done~!

GladiOol wrote:

Where is the star?, Lol

Download: Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know (Krisom) [Taikoni!Kuri].osu
Louis Cyphre

- add to tags: "Tourist History" it's the name of their album.

HP drain seems too much, so suggesting to low by 1 tick. Same with Overall difficulty.
Why would not to put some custom claps on slider ticks? For example 00:35:151 (2) -[00:35:583],[00:36:446], 00:38:173 (1) - [00:38:605],[00:40:332],[00:39:469], etc.
01:29:120 (1),01:42:935 (1) - - remove clap from the repeat, sounds weird ;_;
02:18:339 (1) - remake pattern? Goes a bit offscreen.
nothing else, awesome difficulty

Same as above, i wanna see some custom stuff on sliderticks! :3
Also don't kick me, but i think slider velocity is a bit too fast for Normal ;_;
00:31:697 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - looks random, and a bit weird. Make something else instead of that pattern? :3
01:29:335 (5)~01:29:767 (1) - hard to catch correct rhythm during playing. Better to change pattern
the rest seems good for me ~<3

I'd put HP 5 instead of 6.
[!] 00:20:040 (6) - almost whole slider end goes offscreen.
[!] 02:15:532 (4) - also offstreen stuff.
02:02:796 (6) - suggest to add new combo, because rhythm there is different then previous beats. So adding if you add new combo, it will be easier to read. :P
that's all here.

௵_ ௵

Download: Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know (Krisom) [Collab].osu

boring info
Collab between Aleks719 and IceBeam
  1. [00:13:995 - 01:23:075] - Aleks719
  2. [01:23:075 - 01:36:891] - Break
  3. [01:36:891 - 02:18:339] - IceBeam
  4. [02:18:339 - 02:33:882] - Break
  5. [02:33:882 - 02:49:209] - Aleks719
  6. [02:49:425 - 03:06:695] - IceBeam
offset: -4 (176)
I don't really get why you start the break at 02:21:793 but not 02:18:339....
GONZ_ NO U... well i can't play with the video on! (it's rare, believe me, sexy elements ban it)
There's sth difference in [Metadata] of .osu files. i don't know what changed from osu file format v9 ~ v10, so maybe you should check it again?

I doubt if you should use tick rate 2 here. since there's not that much beat in Easy (also Normal, won't mention it again), which leads to a bad sound effect. (...and with 3/4 sliders, Hard and Insane sounds not so good too, STR 1 is in fact a better choice)
HP-1? (in few cases HP should be higher than OD imo)
00:23:494 (6) - keep symmetry to (4) seems a better idea to me...
01:01:488 (3) - move it down a bit (make it curve better?) (also a copy&paste part in the last kiai)
01:15:304 (3) - ^

00:36:878 (4) - since this beat is a non-vocal one, while (1,2,3,5,6) all are... how about make 3 and 4 a 2/1 slider? (may spend a little more time to arrange though)
01:29:551 - missing clap... though you're probably on purpose... just have to mention.
01:42:935 (4) - if you don't want to add that missing clap... i think it's still better to just "miss" it instead of adding it in a wrong place (btw, the clap is a bit louder than i expected... maybe you could make it with lower volume?)

00:34:288 (7,1) - I don't know how it happens but it just happens, holy shit red right after red....
00:41:411 (2) - remove
00:59:761 (3) - whistle on 2,6 instead of 3
01:13:361 (2) - similar, add whistle
01:36:459 (8,9) - move this 2 circles 1/4 earlier and check the effect (change the placement also)
02:13:158 (7) - whistle?
02:33:882 (1,2) - remove clap at the end, also if you do this, switch 1&3's place maybe, because 1&2 is a pair, 3&4 is another if you make the change.

HP-1, AR+1?
i like the idea you put 1/4s (in fact i'm trying it in my new map), but what i'm not satisfied about is... the other spacings are too small compared to the 1/4s (especially the 1/2s, looks no big difference to 1/4s...), not really good-looking imo.
00:32:992 (7,1) - here again.As i see there's no other places have the same problem, and this one could be solved with click new combo twice, weird.
01:08:719 - add a note?
01:15:304 (4) - a little ugly imo.
02:03:983 - add a note?
00:34:503 (1) thereabouts - Double combo all the way across the sky. I have no idea why. Though over people pointed this out so what are you up to you goober

It seems that some of your 1/4s overlap more than others. Just thought you should know, though you probably don't care. Me neither.
00:36:446 (5) - This slider honestly sounds a bit strange to me. 2 1/1 hitcircles sounds better to me, personally.
Remember when I said your maps didn't suck? Well I didn't lie mwahaha

Let's see how I can kill mappers spirits here Oh I can't. Nice difficulty bro. A bit like the other difficulties, in all honesty.

00:36:878 (4,5,6) - A bit unusual for a Nomral difficulty, I have a bit of trouble reading where 4 is. Hmm.
01:33:005 (5) - Can you not think of a more creative place to put this? More of an aesthetic problem than readability, teeheehee.

Your awesomeness is a curse upon others

This mod post is now Ellie Goulding, as such adding much needed value to it.
cool. star.
Offset: 184 (+4 from current)

HP Drain Rate is a bit too brutal. Reduce to either 6 or 5.
I like high OD, but much as this seems to be attributed to an Oni difficulty, the limit is OD7.

Aside from that, I actually like the way that the patterns were made.
Topic Starter

NotShinta wrote:

It seems that some of your 1/4s overlap more than others. Just thought you should know, though you probably don't care. Me neither. Will check though some with time...
00:36:446 (5) - This slider honestly sounds a bit strange to me. 2 1/1 hitcircles sounds better to me, personally. Fine
Remember when I said your maps didn't suck? Well I didn't lie mwahaha Oh you

00:36:878 (4,5,6) - A bit unusual for a Nomral difficulty, I have a bit of trouble reading where 4 is. Hmm. I see what you did there. Also, kept the pattern
01:33:005 (5) - Can you not think of a more creative place to put this? More of an aesthetic problem than readability, teeheehee. Changed


NatsumeRin wrote:

offset: -4 (176) Done
I don't really get why you start the break at 02:21:793 but not 02:18:339.... Personal preference, it's when the guitar stops
GONZ_ NO U... well i can't play with the video on! (it's rare, believe me, sexy elements ban it) Poor you, the video is awesome D:
There's sth difference in [Metadata] of .osu files. i don't know what changed from osu file format v9 ~ v10, so maybe you should check it again? Seems ok to me, will ask around though

I doubt if you should use tick rate 2 here. since there's not that much beat in Easy (also Normal, won't mention it again), which leads to a bad sound effect. (...and with 3/4 sliders, Hard and Insane sounds not so good too, STR 1 is in fact a better choice) Done just for Easy
HP-1? (in few cases HP should be higher than OD imo) Changed according to Louis' mod :3
00:23:494 (6) - keep symmetry to (4) seems a better idea to me... I like the descending pattern :<, too much symmetry everywhere can be boring sometimes y'know :P
01:01:488 (3) - move it down a bit (make it curve better?) (also a copy&paste part in the last kiai) Agreed
01:15:304 (3) - ^ Done

AR+1? I rather keep AR here tbh, if not it's too similar to Hard settings :P
00:36:878 (4) - since this beat is a non-vocal one, while (1,2,3,5,6) all are... how about make 3 and 4 a 2/1 slider? (may spend a little more time to arrange though) For pattern purposes, I rather keep this one tbh :P
01:29:551 - missing clap... though you're probably on purpose... just have to mention. Changed the pattern and added the clap
01:42:935 (4) - if you don't want to add that missing clap... i think it's still better to just "miss" it instead of adding it in a wrong place (btw, the clap is a bit louder than i expected... maybe you could make it with lower volume?) Changed the pattern and added the clap

00:41:411 (2) - remove Ok (I didn't like that note either tbh :P)
00:59:761 (3) - whistle on 2,6 instead of 3 Agreed
01:13:361 (2) - similar, add whistle Agreed
01:36:459 (8,9) - move this 2 circles 1/4 earlier and check the effect (change the placement also) LOVELY!
02:13:158 (7) - whistle?
02:33:882 (1,2) - remove clap at the end, also if you do this, switch 1&3's place maybe, because 1&2 is a pair, 3&4 is another if you make the change. I can see some people complaining about (3,4) spacing...

HP-1, AR+1? Done AR, kept HP
i like the idea you put 1/4s (in fact i'm trying it in my new map), but what i'm not satisfied about is... the other spacings are too small compared to the 1/4s (especially the 1/2s, looks no big difference to 1/4s...), not really good-looking imo. I'll look into this
01:08:719 - add a note? I rather keep the empty space tbh
01:15:304 (4) - a little ugly imo. not if you play with slidertype 3 <3
02:03:983 - add a note? I rather keep the empty space tbh

Louis Cyphre

Louis Cyphre wrote:


- add to tags: "Tourist History" it's the name of their album. Done

HP drain seems too much, so suggesting to low by 1 tick. Same with Overall difficulty. Just done HP
Why would not to put some custom claps on slider ticks? I'm not a big fan of slidertick claps
01:29:120 (1),01:42:935 (1) - - remove clap from the repeat, sounds weird ;_; Ok
02:18:339 (1) - remake pattern? Goes a bit offscreen. ???

AR+1~? What's now feels good to me...
Also don't kick me, but i think slider velocity is a bit too fast for Normal ;_; It is, indeed, but at this point I don't really feel like changing it.
00:31:697 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - looks random, and a bit weird. Make something else instead of that pattern? :3 Done
01:29:335 (5)~01:29:767 (1) - hard to catch correct rhythm during playing. Better to change pattern Done
the rest seems good for me ~<3

I'd put HP 5 instead of 6. It would be way too similar to Normal...
[!] 00:20:040 (6) - almost whole slider end goes offscreen. Eh, it wasnt too close imo but changed anyways
[!] 02:15:532 (4) - also offstreen stuff. Moved a bit
02:02:796 (6) - suggest to add new combo, because rhythm there is different then previous beats. So adding if you add new combo, it will be easier to read. :P I'd rather keep my combo-age
that's all here.

௵_ ௵

About double red: Read the OP

Thanks for thee mods >w< <3

EDIT: Oh crap, will deal with the offset asap

Zekira wrote:

Offset: 184 (+4 from current)

HP Drain Rate is a bit too brutal. Reduce to either 6 or 5. OK
I like high OD, but much as this seems to be attributed to an Oni difficulty, the limit is OD7. OK

Aside from that, I actually like the way that the patterns were made.
thanks for your mod~.

Download: Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know (Krisom) [Taikoni!Kuri].osu
In a few weeks, I'll get time, to finishallmyfuckingre-checksohgodohgod

Download: OHGODOHNO.rar

Also, quick check:

*01:36:895 (1,2,3) - Oh god, oh god that stack! Just do something like this: 01:48:984 (1,2,3) -

Everything else seems fine~
Heh,yeah Gonzie,a bit unusual stack ;)

But it was in purpose,I'd like to keep it if it's possible~
[ Taikoni ]
00:01:695 (1) - No clap.
00:06:012 (2,3,4) - No claps.
00:12:488 (2) - Move this note to 00:12:704. It sounds better that way.
00:23:498 (5) - No clap for this note.
00:38:033 (6,7) - Remove these. It does not sound right.

00:51:993 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I love this pattern. ♥

01:03:435 (2,3) - Use the same hitnotes from 00:56:311 (5,6).
01:12:717 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This whole part is confusing.
Try having them arrange like this?
It suits the song and your pattern.

01:23:079 - 01:33:225 - This whole section is confusing. Try sticking with the pattern
you used in the beginning of the song with a few alterations and hitsounds.

01:41:536 - Add new note.
01:42:076 - Add new note.
01:45:098 - Add new note.

01:48:984 - This stream is difficult for me to FC. It could possibly be the irregular number
of don ( red ) here 01:49:632 (7,8,9).
Try experimenting with different hitsounds.
It can be all don, or all kat, or a elegant mixture of both.
This is what I came up with.
01:48:984 (1,2,3,4) - No clap.
01:49:416 (5,6) - Clap.
01:49:632 (7,8) - No clap.
01:49:847 (9,10) - Clap.
01:50:063 (11,12,13,14) - No clap.
01:50:495 (15,16) - Clap.
01:50:711 (17) - No clap.

The rest may need some minor tweaking.
Hitsounds and streams need some work.

[ AleksBeam ]
Great job with this one.
Loving the use of hitsounds, and interesting patterns.

The only thing is this.
01:03:003 (4,5,6)

I wasn't sure if the hitcircles were supposed to stay stacked, but I would like it if
they had the same pattern as 01:02:139 (7,8,9,1,2,3).

That is all.

Great map, and great song.
I love TDCC. ♥


- Delete the .osb file if you ever Full Submit in the future ~
- It would be quite nice in the summertime if all your ending spinners started at the same time.

02:48:997 (4,1) - This blanket could be more perfect and (4) could not overlap with (2). Possibly.

00:54:800 (8,9,10) and 01:36:355 (8,9) - I'm tempted to say remove these because they do seem out of place in an otherwise 1/4-less diff.
03:01:302 (5,6,7,8,9) - The spacing seemed a bit odd here but alright.

00:24:146 (12) - One grid up, please.
01:21:676 (2) - Same here, me thinks.
01:29:339 (10) - Well it touches the HP Bar a little which is okay, but perhaps you could substitute it for a wiggle or something.

00:38:177 (1) - use whistles at the start and second repeat? (like in other diffs)
01:19:625 (1) - add whistle at the end?
01:21:784 (2) [or 01:22:216 (3)] - replace clap to whistle? (3 claps in a row don't sound too good)
01:02:355 (1) - add whistle at the start?
01:54:165 (1) - ^
02:01:073 (1) - ^
02:07:981 (1) - ^
02:11:435 (1) - ^
02:14:997 (1) - ^
02:52:883 (1) - ^
02:56:337 (1) - ^
02:59:791 (1) - ^ lol

00:51:993 (1,3) - add whistle (or maybe finish) at the start?
01:33:441 (1,3) - ^
01:47:257 (1,3) - ^
00:58:901 (1) - add whistle at the start?
01:12:717 (1) - ^
01:54:165 (1) - ^
02:07:981 (1) - ^
02:39:067 (1) - ^
02:52:883 (1) - ^

00:56:311 (5,6,7) - :(
01:03:111 (5) - remove?
01:16:063 - add circle, 01:16:927 (5) - remove -> for equal to ^
01:37:219 (2,3) - strange stack
01:39:486 (5,6) - use one slider?
01:48:120 (1,2) - ^
sudden 1/4 spam starts here, but it's ok

Hard and Insane are perfect. Well, the whole mapset is quite nice! stars..

Tachanne wrote:

[ Taikoni ]
00:01:695 (1) - No clap. ok
00:06:012 (2,3,4) - No claps. leave it that way, so no
00:12:488 (2) - Move this note to 00:12:704. It sounds better that way.
00:23:498 (5) - No clap for this note. ok
00:38:033 (6,7) - Remove these. It does not sound right.

00:51:993 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I love this pattern. ♥

01:03:435 (2,3) - Use the same hitnotes from 00:56:311 (5,6).
01:12:717 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This whole part is confusing. fixed some parts
Try having them arrange like this?
It suits the song and your pattern.

01:23:079 - 01:33:225 - This whole section is confusing. Try sticking with the pattern
you used in the beginning of the song with a few alterations and hitsounds.

01:41:536 - Add new note.
01:42:076 - Add new note.
01:45:098 - Add new note.

01:48:984 - This stream is difficult for me to FC. It could possibly be the irregular number
of don ( red ) here 01:49:632 (7,8,9).
Try experimenting with different hitsounds.
It can be all don, or all kat, or a elegant mixture of both.
This is what I came up with.
01:48:984 (1,2,3,4) - No clap.
01:49:416 (5,6) - Clap.
01:49:632 (7,8) - No clap.
01:49:847 (9,10) - Clap.
01:50:063 (11,12,13,14) - No clap.
01:50:495 (15,16) - Clap.
01:50:711 (17) - No clap.
i have no time to wrote more things sorry, but they are fixed~
tnx for mod my map~ :)

Download: Two Door Cinema Club - What You Know (Krisom) [Taikoni!Kuri].osu

Tachanne wrote:

[ AleksBeam ]
The only thing is this.
01:03:003 (4,5,6)... No, thanks

gyt wrote:

00:56:311 (5,6,7) - plays fine
01:03:111 (5) - remove? nope
01:16:063 - add circle, 01:16:927 (5) - remove -> for equal to ^_^" , nope
01:37:219 (2,3) - strange stack usual stack :D
01:39:486 (5,6) - use one slider? Hum, nope
01:48:120 (1,2) - ^sudden 1/4 spam starts here, but it's ok ok
Thank you for modding guys :3

So... Our diff without changes, Krisom ~

Waw, nicknames are awesome <3
Goodbye my digits, lol
I haven't changed anything either~

What's about SB - great font choice,but hasn't Aleks lost his numbers? and why Beam isn't capitalized? :D
- The SB na- What IceBeam said lol

Tick Rate 2? no?

EDIT: 00:28:031 - shouldn't these sections be C2 so you use the sexy custom clap for that section?
01:52:006 (1) - Remove this New Combo? Seems rather useless.
02:05:822 (1) - ^
02:14:025 (1) - Make Clap on Start and End Point? :D
02:50:724 (1) - What I said about New Combo's.

Stop it already Krisom. I wanna steal your power of perfectness and making your guest perfect too.
Anyways this is an awesome song and mapset, and thank god IceBeam made one part the same way I would have done it. lol

Rukarioman wrote:

I love you too, Rukario
Topic Starter

Rukarioman wrote:

- The SB na- What IceBeam said lol

Tick Rate 2? no? Nope, sliders feel way too overloaded considering the rhythms I'm mapping

Stop it already Krisom. I wanna steal your power of perfectness and making your guest perfect too.
Anyways this is an awesome song and mapset, and thank god IceBeam made one part the same way I would have done it. lol


gyt wrote:

00:38:177 (1) - use whistles at the start and second repeat? (like in other diffs) Sure
01:19:625 (1) - add whistle at the end? Yes
01:21:784 (2) [or 01:22:216 (3)] - replace clap to whistle? (3 claps in a row don't sound too good) Hmm, true
01:02:355 (1) - add whistle at the start? Not really, same for similars

00:51:993 (1,3) - add whistle (or maybe finish) at the start? Finished (1), whistle'd (3), same for similar
00:58:901 (1) - add whistle at the start? Not really, same for similars

Hard and Insane are perfect. Well, the whole mapset is quite nice! stars..


SapphireGhost wrote:


- Delete the .osb file if you ever Full Submit in the future ~ Ehhh, sure why not
- It would be quite nice in the summertime if all your ending spinners started at the same time. Whoops, done

02:48:997 (4,1) - This blanket could be more perfect and (4) could not overlap with (2). Possibly. Fine

00:54:800 (8,9,10) and 01:36:355 (8,9) - I'm tempted to say remove these because they do seem out of place in an otherwise 1/4-less diff. Kept the rhythm, changed circles to slider
03:01:302 (5,6,7,8,9) - The spacing seemed a bit odd here but alright. Mwahahahaha

00:24:146 (12) - One grid up, please. Hng, you "overlap" bitches and yo bitchin'.... ....bitches
01:21:676 (2) - Same here, me thinks. Not here
01:29:339 (10) - Well it touches the HP Bar a little which is okay, but perhaps you could substitute it for a wiggle or something. Moved a tad down

Waiting on Gonz's new sprites and Aleks n' Ice answer to Rukai's modpost desu

Some minor nazi stuff on irc. And talked with Aleks and IceBeam about the stuff I mentioned and explained me why they wanna keep it that way.
Gonna bubble after changes are made.

EDIT: Bubbled.
yo man
i found that the vid is funny XD

BPM is a bit off. 139.980 will work better here. 138.970 feels too late at the end of the song. offset is pretty good XD

Kat hitsounds fit the song so well in taiko XD
Topic Starter
Re-snapped everything, notes, kiai timing sections and other sensitive timing sections and also break times.

Trying to get the re-bubble now, thanks Alace-senpai!
Yeah! It's Krisom's mapset right XD
Everything is fine and great :3


/me gonna eat pizza orz
Oh god, I failed... sorry Kriss! (I owe you a mod)

I'll leave a couple of stars here.
OK we add leadin time in taiko diff before ranked
Also fixed two bugged new combo
the mapset is really nice
Yay! Congrats Krisom! I can finally SS this in CtB (;
Topic Starter
Thanks a lot senpai >w<
Thanks to everyone who modded >w<

Hope the map pleases everyone ^^
I was supposed to mod the Taiko but ffffffffffok


Congratulations 8-)
Klassic Krisom Map
Krissy song, Krissy map. Congratulations!
Oh,finally ;)
YA RLY, dreams come true.
Recien vi esto, bueno vengo a felicitarte.

Thank you for introducing me to TDCC :D
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