
Kirby!osu! v1.5

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Kirby!osu! v1.5

A lot of thanks to the following osu!mers U.U :
~Ady the Nobody

~Skinner's words~
Well, version 1.5 of the kirby skin is up and running. I hope you enjoy this skin and have fun with it. In the meantime, I'll work on some tutorials or such for the extra files in there. Those files are meant to give the skin a bit more diversity, so It doesn't get boring to see the same Kracko cursor all the time, and so people can alternate between characters like Dark Matter or Master Hand. Anyways, I'll stop rambling now... =] Hope ya like this version!!!

~Screenshots~ :!: *WARNING* long edited screenshot awaits *WARNING* :!:

(Recent) Changes:
>indicates a change in the game sprite(s)
+indicates added content
+5 new cursors, cursortrails & star2s
+plain play-warningarrow
>sliders & sliderfollowcircles
+a new slider & sliderfollowcircle
+a new hit-clap sound
+4 new comboburst sounds
+a new fail-background
+a new soft-slidertick sound
+a new normal-slidertick sound
(Older) Changes:
*cursor size
*cursortrail size
*ctb fruit sprites
*ranking- accuracy
*ranking small sprites
*score number/symbol sizes
*scorebar- bg
*scorbar ki, kidanger & kidanger2
*scorebar colour
*selection- mod sprites
*spinner background
*spinner circle
~Skin's download link~
:!:!osu!v1.5.rar :!:

Have fun! ;)

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<post reserved for some tutorials>
It's looking pretty good. I think you should drop the faded x from the miss image and revise the spinner. The skin looks too good to have a half-assed default spinner recolour. I remember at the end of the older Kirby games, you'd fall onto a cloud and then launch yourself into the sky for bonuses. The launch height signs could make for a good spinner meter, for example.
At first I thought it would be a copy and paste crappy skin :P
But man was I wrong.
I love the font.
I don't see a download link. :(

Also, from your screenshots, some of the text is really hard to see on the lifebar and combobursts..... Looking pretty sweet so far though.
It's very... Kirbyish. I like what I see so far, especially the Kracko cursor.
Kirby is the only pink i dared to touch so far and was always waiting for one kirby skin, and its awesome!
Hope the download link comes soon.
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k, so I took in mind what awp said, and re- made the spinner ( cause it's true, i was to lazy to do one and I just used a recolour) and dropped the faded X ( thank god someone told me). Tell me if the skins's spinner is better or worse than the other one, It's different and i had to rape many pics in photoshop to make it. Also, thanks a lot for your support. I want to make a download link, but I'd rather wait till I have everything done... and I have to admit I don't know how to make download links... do I use rapidshare or other programs? OH! and the thing with the text is that I was worried that it would look worse if bigger, but I was wrong, so I'll fix it up later ( when i'm almost done with the skin). THANK U!!!

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... New spinner looks... a bit weird (meaning something looks choppy)... let's see if u can see what i saw...
Two things I'd suggest: in the bottom left corner, try letting the meter be behind the clouds, or at least offer a fade or something. Secondly, as the meter fills up, recolour the sign-posts in their proper colours (however they should appear) so that they stand out a little more.

When you want to upload your skin, you're best off using upppy and pasting the link in the first post of this thread.
This looks really good so far.
And, yeah, please try to get us a download link so we could try out the skin, too.
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For the new spinner, is the star the one spinning or is kirby spinning too?

(Not really a fan of spinning kirbies)
This looks good, VERY good. But the only thing that's annoying me is the spinner, but otherwise, great job!
I hope to get an dl link soon ;)
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I'm still workin' on it... but this is the spinner circle( a bunch of stars... I think I've edited so many stars i'm getting dizzy)

Hitoshirenu Shourai
Wow, this skin looks really nice. Keep it up! =3
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Lulz, I've made the new spinners ( Tell me which one is better, or comment if it needs improvement) and made the mods, select options, options and randomize plus changed the menu button background ( Tell me if u liked the other one or this one) and the back button ( is it any better?), thankx awp for the spinner comments! I'm 2/3 of the way to almost making my first skin ( I'm still a noob :lol: )

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JInxyjem wrote:

You, sir, have just made the best skin ever. :)

So is it done yet? I wanna download :D

The spinner looks great :)
I've only used 1 skin throughout my time on osu, and that's the Lucky Star one.
Who knows, maybe I might have a new skin when this becomes downloadable! :)
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I think you'd want to fix the mirrored numbers on the right part of the spinner's meter.
Looks awesome so far :)
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I"M SORRY! It's been a horrible weekend... and I still have plenty of tests and proyects to go... I hope you understand, I haven't been able to touch the skin (much) so this is whut i've got so far (still fixin' z spinnah)
Well here is some small things (I couldn't find decent doors so I had to make em' from scratch)

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Planning on makin' the spinnah 3D ( If it works, this isn't necessarily gonna be the spinner)


Un-shine spinner by a little?
I just LOVE the kirby's to the right of the spinner, it look's great! ;)

JInxyjem wrote:


Un-shine spinner by a little?
^what he said^
But only tiny little mini bit. :P

Great work Yet! :)
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It's late back home, but I haz z spinnah... *yawns* Thank everybody for all the comments!!! :)

Here's my thoughts....

Maybe have the "spinner approach circle" as the spinner, and have Kirby sitting in the middle in the background? =3

(and then maybe use just a regular approach circle maybe...?)
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EPIC, you were right... It looks better (At least, I love it) Thanks An64Fan, and awp for the cloud idea.

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On the combo burst, you might want to try to vector it rather than just use the paintbrush since it looks rather 'fuzzy'. Take a crash course in the Pen tool (If you're using Photoshop) and try to duplicate the image.
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Remove the scarf under pippi kirby, it looks like a Sumo Belt :o

JInxyjem wrote:

Remove the scarf under pippi kirby, it looks like a Sumo Belt :o
No, if it's not a scarf, it's a sash. Either way, works out fine. Besides, it helps identify Pippy Kirby better. XP
That comboburst rules

An64fan wrote:

JInxyjem wrote:

Remove the scarf under pippi kirby, it looks like a Sumo Belt :o
No, if it's not a scarf, it's a sash. Either way, works out fine. Besides, it helps identify Pippy Kirby better. XP
Its not like everybody has that hair. One glance at that and you know its pippi anyway.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Oh!!!, don't worry, a download link is coming soon, finally spring break came, so I can make the comboburst and countdown how they were meant to be, thanks for all the comments (if u think that comboburst was awesome, now that I have time, I'll make it even better) THANK U :D I know the skin will have it's faults, but what I wanna find is some sound effects, like kirby's "hiiiiiii!!!" or the hammer hit or when he spits out an enemy... If anyone knows were to find some I'd greatly appreciate it :)

kirby1.mp3 = Kirby's "Hiii~"

Sounds for Kirby.mp3 = Some sounds for Kirby from a Japanese SSBM?

You'll have to cut parts of this mp3 to get single sounds
I've cut the "hiii" sound for you in kirby1.mp3

Hope these help a little!

Download: Sounds for Kirby.mp3

Download: kirby1.mp3
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I luv u SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!! THANK U!!! :)

Catosan980 wrote:

Im pretty sure i havnt seen these two before, what are they?
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JInxyjem wrote:

Catosan980 wrote:

Im pretty sure i havnt seen these two before, what are they?
They are known as Dark Matter, they were enemies in "kirby search for the crystal shards", actually It's supposed to be a circle with an eye only, it's kinda like 02's common form. I found a site were I got all the kirby images, you can check out all the boss enemies in here: ... /pictures/

You are amazing. :D

Can't wait to see the finished product.
I would like to see this finished anytime soon. You're just taunting everyone by showing off screenshots of a skin we can't download yet. ._.;

:3 I love it still.
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Starrodkirby86 wrote:

I would like to see this finished anytime soon. You're just taunting everyone by showing off screenshots of a skin we can't download yet. ._.;

:3 I love it still.
Sorry, I've posted the download link in the first post, so now everyone can download, It's not that "hardcore" but for a first skin I guess it's not to bad... is it? Anyway, I'll try to update from time to time. ^.^
WOW! This is really AWESOME. I've never seen the menu back button move before! And the stars that come out of the circle upon hitting it, is just amazing!!
But it's kind of distracting at the same time during gameplay. Big blinding light show especially during Kiai mode :( But this is just me Don't take it into consideration, unless other people complain. I really like this skin... ALOT.
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