LighScrap - 1 Month of Support Maowo - 1 Month of Support meionsoda - 1 Month of Support DatVeno - A keyboard wtf Faith03 - 1 Month of Support Mahawailoh - 1 Month of Support HorizonCode - A fucking SSD and a replacement graphics card bro... SC1219 - 1 month of Support
1. Take charge of your own well-being and don't set your life up in a way in which other people or external factors are directly responsible for your happiness. Avoid putting yourself into a position where you're directly responsible for the happiness of others. 2. Rather than seeing those who have come before you as simple pictures, acknowledge that they were humans who experienced lives just like you - they had loved ones, did mistakes, fucked up a lot, and faced challenges. By learning from their errors, you can avoid repeating them. 3. Before trying to build fulfilling relationships with another person and investing your heart in loving them, learn to love yourself. 4. Exercise caution when confronted with big words: Analyze and understand fully what is being said. Otherwise, you will end up falling into into a "yes-trance" and throwing your ability for critical evaluation out the window. 5. Embrace the understanding and acceptance that there may always be someone more successful than you. If not now, there will be in the future. 6. Perfection is an unattainable illusion. Whenever you pick something up, don't strive for flawless outcomes, but rather focus on personal progress and growth. See mistakes as learning experiences. 7. Don't let your personal emotions or biases influence your decision making. 8. Rather than viewing constructive criticism as a personal attack, consider it an honest way for future improvement. Likewise, help people become the best person they can be by salutarily-phrased suggestions and incitations.