Hi, this was me (WillKnuddeln). Yes, I deleted the videos (my entire channel, in fact), but still have the original video. Might reupload it at some point.
It was about time someone mapped this properly.
Good job, Maestro!
Good to see find a map that mimicks old maps this well; it's not just the mapping, but the entire package. Good job!
I don't know what the other comment said, but it was originally on Pixiv (https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/72124656) and has been deleted, mapper got it from https://wallpapersden.com/anime-girl-at-starry-night-wallpaper/2248x2248/
Here u go fam, original Pixiv post seems to have been deleted https://wallpapersden.com/anime-girl-at-starry-night-wallpaper/2248x2248/
Hamelin is a genius, it's very hard to believe that he's a contemporary composer and actually still alive. Make sure to listen to his other compositions!