SMT Monthly June 2017 10k-50k Team wat is dat: Reinarudo0115, [ Raian ], Tzemetal, Kushes, Xeiki, Yeona Result: 2nd place Really good run for a first tourney, also thanks raian for carrying so much
osu! SEA Tournament Result: Top 8 I blew my own mind with this result, also had the pleasure to play against wuhua twice, very satisfied
SMTW 2017 Team life is good: Jeffrey, Tzero, Fuma, Yellowraven, Vexine, wuhua, Rampax, kuur0 Result: Regional groups I probably could've performed better, but oh well. We did our best
W4ST Team temporary: kuur0, Tzero, Yellowraven, PurpleSatanWeed Result: RO16 We actually withdrew from this one due to various reasons, but it was a pretty good run
osu! Tandem Tournament Team Sell Moe: Rumia-, Tzero, King Hong Result: Round 1 I feel like we could've made it further, but was fun nonetheless
osu! Malaysia Tournament 2018 Result: Third place Banner by Jerry I far exceeded my expectations with this result, honestly thought I wouldn't even make it through semis holy shit, very very happy
osu! SEA Tournament 2 Result: Top 12 Not bad of a run, I got knocked out by wuhua again, Déjà vu
Spork Cup Team doko?: TequilaWolf, Jeffrey, Tzero Result: Ro32 The pools were too goddamn hard for us, honestly even making it past qualifiers is already very surprising
Conyoh Cup Team no: twoj stary, VROUM CV VITE, cezgru, Tohru, --w--, Dinerty, Tzero, chezbananas Result: Semifinals Only played 2 matches because of timezones lmao, once again another tourney that was way too hard for me, I'll have to improve my skill ceiling if I ever want to join another tourney like this again. Still very grateful to twoj stary for drafting me and giving me a chance to play despite me not being very useful
Touhou Tournament Result: Quarterfinals Made it much farther than anticipated considering the amount of top players that registered, got pretty lucky I guess. Also every pool is a banger touhou is so good
Enigmatic Snow Festival Team fine with anything: Fuma, sinn, Raindrop, k1_tty, dika312, Jeffrey, Tzero, woahsia Result: Semifinals Good run with a great team, love these guys
osu! World Cup 2019 Team Malaysia: Rampax, Tzero, King Hong, Zygody, Chiyuu, NOOB1200, Desumond, Rumia- Result: Qualifiers Despite lacking a lot of core players due to reasons, we still almost qualified (34th seed) so I'm pretty happy with this result
osu! SEA Tournament 3 Result: 6th place How did I even get this high wtf, pretty much my best 1v1 tourney result
Hippo Cup 3 Team Da Bei Zhou: Fre, Fuma, ShaneLiang, Rexeez, Sugiura Kanata, Walfrid, Raindrop, Tzero Result: Quarterfinals Guided by the power of buddha
osu! World Cup 2020 Team Malaysia: ShaneLiang, wuhua, Rampax, haruchi, ClawViper, not_aweeb, Zygody, Tzero Result: Top 24 Really really glad with this, thanks so much to the rest of my team for the heavylifting
osu! SEA Tournament 4 Result: Top 16 Not too bad I suppose, definitely could've done better overall, but I managed to recreate that 2018 tiebreaker with SeeL, so I'm pretty pleased with that
Azu's Tourneys: Summer vs Winter Team azulane: not_aweeb, Zeph2003, Tzero Team Winter: not_aweeb, Zeph2003, Tzero, Defex, Suprawn, _Suyong Result: 2nd place Banner by Rimu Went in expecting nothing and ended up 2nd, pretty happy overall, huge thanks to my team members for carrying
SEA Summer Suiji Showdown Team anything: Tzero, Vinno, Deppyforce, hollowknees, fnayr, Touruu Result: 4th place All things considered, was a pretty fun experience and im glad i got pretty damn strong teammates, best run ive ever had in a badged tourney too, hey maybe i can actually win a badge one day
osu! SEA Tournament 5 Result: Top 14 5 years of oseat! Managed to improve my placement from last year somehow despite it being the most stacked iteration of seat yet, quite happy
SEA Summer Suiji Showdown 2 Team jellyfish: Deppyforce, Tzero, Grantorio, namirin1, Flashback9, Chisayo, Laphii, Shiiori Result: Swiss stage Funny how I managed to get deppy again but this time we're both up a seed from last time LOL sadly im way too useless as an A seed
osu! World Cup 2022 Team Malaysia: Chiyuu, Rampax, shxn, Tzero, Zygody, Mumei Nanashi, Lunasa, Agagak Result: Qualifiers 2019 OWC dejavu LOL I wouldn't even be playing in this if it wasn't because 90% of our top players are inactive, we still got 35th in quals despite it so im actually pretty happy
SEA Summer Suiji Showdown 3 Team Tingyun Motor: ThatNOOBguy, Tzero, Mashima Himeko, milo Penguin, CopyPasted, JokThree Result: 2nd place A bit unfortunate to lose the badge at the end but overall I'm still very happy with our result as well as my overall performance as an A seed this time(nvm the badge got rejected anyway oh well)
osu! World Cup 2023 Team Malaysia: Chiyuu, Rampax, Ecoelementt, Tzero, Sagisawa Arisu(Laphii), Auxuelus, Lunasa, Chibi Maruko Result: Qualifiers We got 33rd, one step away from qualifying without the OG top players. A bit unfortunate but I'm pretty satisfied with the improvement
As Staff
Mappool Tester for TEST(Triple Elimination Standard Tournament)
Mappool Tester for Malaysia OWC Trials 2018
Commentator and Mappool Selector for OMAT 2019
Commentator for osu! Singapore Regional Tournament
Co-host, Commentator and Mappool Selector for OMT2019
Map Showcaser for osu! Indonesia Tournament 10
Mappool Selector for OMT2020
Mappool Selector for GSBT
Mappool Selector and Commentator for OMT2021
Mappool Selector for AOT3
Co-host, Commentator and Mappool Selector for o!BAM
Commentator for SEAT5
Mappool Selector for OMAT3
Commentator for SSSS2
Mappool Selector and Commentator for OMT2022
Mappool Selector for Indonesia's 2022 OWC tryouts
Co-host, Commentator and Mappool Selector for o!BAM2022
Mappool Tester for OMT2023
Mappool Tester for M5DAC
Unofficial Commentator for SSSS3
On-site staff and osu!standard commentator for osu!Malaysia AMG2023
On-site staff and osu!standard commentator for osu! Malaysia @ Rhythmeet 2024