00:48:542 (1,2,3) - I am extremely sketchy on whether this is too wide or not, mainly commenting on it just so it's looked at
00:13:418 (8,9,1) - this feels overall a bit too wide, if you can please nerf the distance between 9 and 1
00:49:313 (3,4,5,6) - this plays very awkwardly in it's current state, one fix I tried was just making 3,4,5 into a line facing the left like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/19499309/d529
The streams overall are too small spacing wise, buff them a little bit to make the movements more comfortable
01:47:095 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - the drum has 2 different pitches here, I think keeping the current structure on that would be ok unless you meant the wiggle on the 1st part of the drum is too much
Didn't write this the best way so I will elaborate further, I think intro and outro should share the same spacing change on the hypers or both should be same distance & as for the "fitting in the rest of the map" I think players would feel the lyrical intensity more if hypers changed distance slightly based on what's going on with the lyrics but I don't think that change is mandatory
reduced the spacing of the hyperchains to like 2.30x, lmk if that's ok, if you have some pattern suggestions screenshot and dm them to me and I can try them
00:00:716 (1) - I think the 1/8 here is a different while also being at the start of the map so I don't really want to emphasize this one like I do the others
00:10:445 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think there is a lot of seperation with the inputs here. Having a turnaround into a large consecutive wiggle is both intimidating aesthetically, as well as mechanically demanding. I don't really want to emphasize this with spacing
00:14:986 (1) - I am emphasizing this through more stamina drain rather than just a burst. If I undermap this pattern, it will make the next 3 wiggle patterns feel really underdone in comparison to the rest of the map.
00:25:526 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - I'm not looking to inject a lot of aesthetic variety OR input variety in this map. I use this dash hold 4 note stream as a blanket for the odd one off riffs which I chose not to emphasize. This is where we see differently as creating a high contrast multi emphasized map is not my aim.
00:32:661 (3,4) - I care mostly about the vocals. The wind up of this sound is not that important to me and I still have a transition. The 1/8s are signaling the end of the phrase and still have the strong vocal following most of them.
00:35:905 (4) - because I am valuing playability, I am using this transition to the kiai as a segue to provide a break for the player. Playability is my highest priority no matter what.
00:37:040 (1) - I am providing an "explosive" transition into the main part of the track. This also isn't random as I introduce the player to these 1/8s right before this section.
00:42:229 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This is a gameplay variation, the pattern is still just as hard as everything else that is going on in this kiai. I don't see the need to make this copy-paste similar to the rest of the map as I am simply valuing a different vocal differently
00:51:634 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same as above, I want to emphasize different vocals differently for both gameplay variety and this is just typically my approach to mapping vocal-heavy songs.
00:57:634 (8) - I reviewed this with multiple people and I preferred having this as a jump rather than a LARGE snap. If I add another note here, it will be the largest jump in the entire map. A simply far snap plays much better even if its undermapped.
01:05:580 (1) - I changed the emphasis of the 1/8s in the latter half due to the change in pace of that strong cymbal. I also hear the bell getting noticeably stronger in the final instances, which is why I change the rhythm one more time to match that.
01:07:851 (1,2) - Just a stop triple. I wanted to emphasize the "yay" differently than anything else. This was how I chose to do it. It is intended.
01:18:229 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I fail to see how this is overdone. The hyper chain flows into the wiggle. This pattern is not hard nor have I seen any player of the target audience have issues with it, in fact, they all love this pattern.
01:23:743 (1,2,3,4) - an elevation and change of pace for it being the last kiai. I believe the final kiai should be harder than the first.
I looked over the points with a few people and got feedback from both sides, overall I disagree with your points and would prefer to keep the map the way it is currently.