00:44:640 (4) - 00:46:560 (4) - 00:47:040 (1) - 00:48:480 (4) - 00:49:200 (2) - Probably stick to what you were doing earlier in the section and have all of these be either normal flow or vertical sliders, having them suddenly change to inverse is a big diff spike that is too sudden considering the first half of the same section of the song is just flow
disagree i think they are not hard and also i didnt just use them on 2nd half eg 00:23:520 (4) - 00:25:440 (4) -
Complete nitpick but I thought i'd point it out anyway 00:50:880 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - you don't use this kind of emphasis a single time during the rest of the map even though it would fit, I think you should either implement this pattern into the intro for the sake of consistency or change this end to be like the intro
Didn't write this the best way so I will elaborate further, I think intro and outro should share the same spacing change on the hypers or both should be same distance & as for the "fitting in the rest of the map" I think players would feel the lyrical intensity more if hypers changed distance slightly based on what's going on with the lyrics but I don't think that change is mandatory
00:51:720 (1) - have this slider point outwards instead of inwards because the player is coming out of a major distance and it'd just be more comfortable