beatmap history
Discussion #4824805 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4806733 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4806725 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4806719 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4817370 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4817363 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4817209 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4817203 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4817216 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4806726 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4806718 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4806723 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4806756 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4806720 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4806727 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4723482 by Dahcreeper lost votes and granted kudosu has been removed.
Discussion #4723482 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Loved by Dahcreeper.
Owner of difficulty Verreuckte Jungs changed to coolkid. (Dahcreeper)
Discussion #4783920 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Language changed from Unspecified to Other. (Dahcreeper)
Discussion #4794309 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4785316 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4785328 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #4773752 by Antalf marked as resolved by Dahcreeper.
Language changed from Unspecified to Other. (Dahcreeper)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Folk. (Dahcreeper)
Owner of difficulty Vaqu's Overmomochi changed to Vaqu. (Dahcreeper)
Owner of difficulty Zonda's Beginnermomochi changed to BIG H ZONDA KIT. (Dahcreeper)
Owner of difficulty Eunie's idkmomochi changed to Eunie. (Dahcreeper)
Issue #4765755 by skill issue lol marked as resolved by Dahcreeper.
Issue #4765752 by skill issue lol marked as resolved by Dahcreeper.
Owner of difficulty yeeeter's Overmomochi changed to yeeeter. (Dahcreeper)
Owner of difficulty Greaper's Overmomochi changed to Greaper. (Dahcreeper)
Owner of difficulty Nocta's Flymomochi changed to Noctalium. (Dahcreeper)
Owner of difficulty Rustyy's Overmomochi changed to -Rustyy. (Dahcreeper)
Issue #4762984 by -Rustyy marked as resolved by Dahcreeper.
Owner of difficulty Baron's Insanemomochi changed to Baron. (Dahcreeper)
Owner of difficulty Stardust Prism's Salad changed to Stardust Prism. (Dahcreeper)
Owner of difficulty Stardust Prism's Overdose changed to Stardust Prism. (Dahcreeper)
Owner of difficulty Belladonna's Easymomochi changed to Belladonna. (Dahcreeper)
Language changed from Unspecified to Japanese. (Dahcreeper)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Novelty. (Dahcreeper)
Discussion #4759040 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4759038 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4759037 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4759032 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4759031 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4753412 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #4753412 by Dahcreeper obtained enough votes for kudosu.