shouldn't the title be Waltz Dai 17-ban Totanchou "Ooinu no Waltz"
instead? needs to be title case, and hyphen is used for romanising suffixes
rc also allows Waltz Dai 17-ban, Totanchou "Ooinu no Waltz"
if you prefer that:
When romanising languages without spaces, a space may be romanised as a comma when the space is used to clearly separate items.
since (Live Ver.)
marker is an allowance, not a guideline/rule, i decided to not add it for couple reasons:
(Live S&M Ver.)
or something which frankly looks uglyso instead i chose to put the orchestra in the artist field. this not only immediately tells you precisely which performance of the song it is, it's also clearly indicates what the kind of recording it is to people not familiar with metallica
05:49:645 - i think the metronome reset should be here instead of 06:00:808 - , as the drum pattern starting at 05:49:645 - is identical to the one at 05:44:901 - , which is definitely a downbeat
it also shifts the downbeats in short break (05:56:203 - 05:58:435 - ) so they're 1/2 tick before the downbeat, which matches more what the song has been doing in other parts (01:55:647 - 05:15:739 - )
05:45:166 - halving bpm here is fine by rc since i can't get the sv i'm using without it
i believe all of the metronome changes are unnecessary here?
00:00:386 - and 00:20:786 - seem to be just syncopated (downbeat being played before the actual metronome downbeat)
00:23:336 - and this is still regular 4/4, different grouping of sounds does not mean the time signature changed, especially since its happening just once
tl;dr i believe the only red line that's needed would be 00:00:536 - here
01:20:153 (1,2) - not sure about the active 1/2 at the end of 3/4 chain, like actve 3/4 by itself is already a complexity spike since it comes up just once, and then the 1/2 makes it even more trickier imo
01:24:613 (1) - id say path of this slider is not clear enough for a low diff, totally looks like a loop
i think a bunch of 1/1 gaps between the objects are too big and as such may easily not readable as such (especially when theyre mixed with regularly spaced 1/1 gaps). even if they are readable, they need way faster movement to hit them than other patterns which is just bit ?? from gameplay standpoint
for example 00:21:099 (2,1) - 00:23:532 (2,1) - 00:58:667 (5,1) - etc, id advise to nerf them
x1 sv feels way too overboard in the intro, its such a different intensity compared to other section id nerf to like 0,8 at least
as in gresiu fixed his 01:43:351 (1,2,3) - on my part seems fine? the last slider is 1/2 if that caused confusion
01:06:309 (3) - think stuff like this is fine cuz theres cymbal but added whistles throughout whole map on vocals
its actually used, just for some reason mv still to this day is not adjusted for this "feature"
basically on sliderend theres just a tiny slight moment of sliderslide ending
but i guess i can just move some line mid slider so its technically "used"