00:18:734 (1,1) - Spinner recovery time is probably too short (270 ms, expected 334).
01:30:018 (1,1) - Spinner recovery time is probably too short (270 ms, expected 334).
ranking criteria says 1 beat between spinner end and next object, but i pulled both back anyways since mv gets mad about it i guess
00:19:748 is so weird now lol wtf can we just kill the spinner 00:18:734 (1) - and put a circle at 00:19:748
01:30:018 (1) - I think this spinner is more doable but u need to remove the clap because that's sounds odd af, or just do something else up 2 u
its there cuz it feels empty without it, i guess i can nc? i thought the 1-2-3-4-5 pattern would make it more readable but changed
00:55:964 (1,2,3) - Rhythm feels a bit oversimplified being 1/1, would sound better with 00:55:964 (1,2) - being 1/2 sliders or something instead IMO
01:19:343 (1) - why not have this under/close to the sliderend of 01:18:126 (1) - due to the sound dropoff
01:20:153 (1,2) - not sure about the active 1/2 at the end of 3/4 chain, like actve 3/4 by itself is already a complexity spike since it comes up just once, and then the 1/2 makes it even more trickier imo
hmm im gonna leave this one open for now maybe ask for a few testplays and see if anyone complains about it on one hand you might be right on the other hand i think some difficulty might be fine as anti spoonfeeding and song rep
01:24:613 (1) - id say path of this slider is not clear enough for a low diff, totally looks like a loop