22 Aug 2015
Monthly Beatmapping Contest #11 - Mania Only
by ztrot

Monthly Beatmapping Contest #11 - Mania Only

by ztrot

We just opened the submissions for the 11th Monthly Beatmapping Contest! This will be the first mania only mapping contest and with the awesome song "Freedom Planet - Dragon Valley (Toni Leys Remix feat. Esteban Bellucci)".

For the previous contest we had a quirky, fun 8-bit remix from the Legend of Zelda. This time we're moving to an energetic remix from the game Freedom Planet. There's lots going on here with plenty of instruments to map to, leaving plenty of opportunity to show off your mapping prowess. You can listen to the contest song here

What are the prizes?

  • 6 months of supporter for you or a friend!
  • 'Elite Mapper' forum title
  • Winning mapset will be bundled with the osu! game client download!

What are the rules?

  • You must map 4 difficulties in an appropriate spread - either ENHI (easy, normal, hard and insane) or NHIX (normal, hard, insane, expert).
  • Collaboration is allowed, but will only be registered under the name of the person who submitted the beatmap. Prizes for a winning mapset will only be given to the uploader.
  • Difficulty names must only be the name of the respective difficulty, and nothing else. No ztrot's Hard or anything comparable.
  • Maps submitted to the contest must not be submitted to the BSS until the contest has concluded.

Where can I enter?

Submit your creations here!

The deadline for submission is the September 29th. Make sure you submit early and be prepared - we won't be accepting late submissions!



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I wish I had time for this :(

i'm in.
Good luck to all participants

I'm in, and it's time for me to try out new things.

When was the last time I used LNs throughout the whole song, I can't remember.

Staiain likes this (?)

Good timing i'll be back on mapping this month, so hype! \o/

130 bpm why

okay, i must to be honest! after 2 hours of mapping this song, i'm almost sleep in front of pc ...

good luck everyone.

Standard ;_;


Can't wait for this :3

can anyone give me name or link to previous contest? ty

i hope 7+1 K mapset with 8+ star win

Really, seems not easy(so, more funny)
This song needs lot of effort about various patterns on many repeat part.
of course, because there are mnay instruments for various pattern, seems to be able to expression for each other style.
Good luck to All!! XD

extra? with this song? serously now?

Hope 6K will win (dreams)

Gilvan Tidek

You're not alone my friend!

Arzenvald Redon


Kamikaze Redon

MBC Noodle Factory presents

Fairsky Redon


How many keys I should map, Sir? 4K? 7K?

Kamikaze OzenIce

Go for 9K, the more the merrier

Anxient Kamikaze

why not 10k :^)

Let me guess... Its opened for any key...

So... Can i submit more than 1 keymode?
For example i will submit ENHI 4K and eNHI 7K
That makes it 8diff total

(just a question thou... But yes im insane enough to do so XD)

Evening LordRaika

You must map 4 difficulties in an appropriate spread - either ENHI
(easy, normal, hard and insane) or NHIX (normal, hard, insane, expert).

I reckon only 1 key is possible

LordRaika Evening

So umm they once again dumps all key into same category?

And 1 person 1 key with 4spread?no more no less

there should be an spinning earth storyboard xD

inb4 4K or 7K mapset wins

Byza JamesHappy

more players, more mappers, imo

Grassgrow JamesHappy

whats wrong about that?

Kamikaze Grassgrow



Bad song for mania mapping.

Good luck everyone <3

This is a good song, not very fast for making a Insane / Extra, but it's enough for making players / mappers feel warm when playing / mapping this song
Nice song pick <3 10/10 I joins this
Good luck to all participants :D keep up your good work

Shionia-Chan Akasha-

it should be holds, holds everywhere

Ortlinde Akasha-

then i definitely quit lol

lemonguy Akasha-

definitely enough to make an extra diff... *cough* lns *cough*

akuma123 lemonguy

not in 4k :,v

Akasha- lemonguy

BPM only 130, i not mean it's can't be N - H - I - X on there but not very recomended

good luck

bad song w

Let's live mapping \w/

yey \w/

woh nice song.. gotta map this in 8K / 5K i guess
but the winner might be 4K this time.. heh

Ginshu Arzenvald


Arzenvald Ginshu

there's so many 4K mappers anyway, but you know who :^)

I should learn how to map Mania now

welp, I'm garbage at mapping
But I will enter maybe :u

The 2nd mania MBC has arrived! Hope everyone will do their best!

Do i need to put hitsounds??

lenpai Reba

Well if you want bonus points. I think it falls under creativity.

someone can teach me how to map mania?

Good luck all participating mania mappers!

Fokin groovin'

Obligatory "Why isn't this used in [game mode]"

why isn't this for touhousu!? smfh

Ameth Rianno OzzyOzrock


Yuzeyun Nwolf

why isnt this a standard mapset!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!

I bet the Mania mascot will be a girl with black hair, a green or pink jacket, red pupils, and black jeans, as for the shoes, I'm guessing they will be red :3

Kamikaze Dusk-

Ztrot told me that her three sizes are bigger than Pippi's, that's all that you need

I have no idea how mania editor works...

BUT THE BET HAS RETURNED.... can I avoid last place yet again!!?!?

EDIT: nvm this is the worst experience i've ever had i'd rather make 10000 CTB maps than one of these goodbye

Legxis OzzyOzrock

What? The mania editor is so easy t use. You don't even HAVE a CtB editor, it's AWFUL to mp.

ZiRoX OzzyOzrock

You still owe us the pic of your new dog.

Nwolf ZiRoX


I'm not even a mania mapper and I wanna try this out.

This should be fun

I like this song, though in my opinion it drags on a bit in the 2nd half. Would be nice if song cuts were possible, oh well.

Good luck to everybody participating!

Shiv Fullerene-

do u join too?

從裁判就已經能看出誰是Elite Mapper

Goodluck to all the participants!

Good luck to all <3

Every keymode will get same system of judging or everything except 4k (and maybe 7k) will get "special" care? Its a serious question, because every keymod is a different mapping style and 4k/7k are the most (un)popular keymodes.

Starry- Tidek

It is up to the judges to make the most fair judgement of quality, keymode shouldn't be a factor. The unpopular keymodes should not get special treatment just because they are unpopular (perhaps judges can award a few points for creativity, but at the end of the day the chart with the most quality simply should win.)

LordRaika Starry-

Yeah.... Hope the judge love all key equally
(trust me... Human's nature tends to hate smthg they cant do properly or like)


Yeah.... Hope the judge love all key equally
(trust me... Human's nature tends to hate smthg they cant do properly or like)