13 Apr 2015
Monthly Beatmapping Contest #9 Taiko Only
by ztrot

Monthly Beatmapping Contest #9 Taiko Only

by ztrot

Submissions for the 9th Monthly Beatmapping Contest are now open - Bringing back some fast paced beats for our 1st Taiko Only contest with a great tune from LapFox Traxx for this month's contest!

Sticking with the changes made in the MBC#8 we are moving on to our next game mode Taiko we hope to see some great submissions to kick things off

After that chill cool down with "the light", we are cranking it back up to 11 with one of Renard's many personas Furries in a Blender featuring Storm World! With the fast-paced beats and hetic speeds it is sure to be a intresting contest! Listen to it below:


What are the prizes?

  • 6 months of supporter for you or a friend!
  • 'Elite Mapper' forum title
  • Winning mapset will be bundled with the osu! game client download!

What are the rules?

  • You must map 4 difficulties in an appropriate spread - either ENHI (easy, normal, hard and insane) or NHIX (normal, hard, insane, expert).
  • Collaboration is allowed, but will only be registered under the name of the person who submitted the beatmap. Prizes for a winning mapset will only be given to the uploader.
  • Difficulty names must only be the name of the respective difficulty, and nothing else. No ztrot's Hard or anything comparable.
  • Maps submitted to the contest must not be submitted to the BSS until the contest has concluded.

Where can I enter?

Submit your creations here!

The deadline for submission is the 28th April 2015. Make sure you submit early and be prepared - we won't be accepting late submissions!



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It's already June.

When can we expect results by?

Too late ._.

Making 4 diffs would be too painful for me...

How do you download the song?

WOW. I've been trying to map this song forever. Just uh, not on Taiko. Maybe a standard song can be mapped to this as well, let's see.

I'll make a Chataiko


Wanna hiding.

eheh ppl when i can dl'd this
can't find this

OT: Challenge not accepted. (wat)

The people who are banned can participate too?
Please be gentle with replys.

Tall Man_old Cristian

i know your struggle

OnosakiHito Cristian

This is an official contest. So the answer is no.

Catgirl Cristian

I would also like to know the answer to this. I know I wouldn't win or even come close, but I'd like to know if my entry would even be judged, because some mapping feedback would be nice.

(Technically they are not allowed to look at who created the map when judging, so I'd say it's probably fine.)

Nwolf Cristian

Don't get banned??? (also no)

ErunamoJAZZ Cristian

I just remember the fanzhen case. The was baned and lost the contest. So... if you guys send the mapset, dont will win (dude!, if you dont can submmit a beatmap to BSS, you dont can win neither xDD)
And use other accounts is bad idea... is very obvious, and winner is investigated (i think xD). u.u

Jenny ErunamoJAZZ


Hanjamon ErunamoJAZZ

but his account is banned, so is like his account doesn't exist (i think), for that reason i suggested that idea of create a new account, i don't know if banned people can recover their account..

Hanjamon Cristian

you are banned but you can still posting here o.o

about participe, i think the only way is create a new account..

Cristian Hanjamon

I'm a half alive actually: http://puu.sh/hfhcb/07e7648...
I also play in the account and the scores are not affected. I send a lot of mails to Accounts@ppy.sh but they're actually not taking anykind of seriousness. I really DON'T know the reason and they only send me the rules on the osu!wiki.

ErunamoJAZZ Hanjamon

Pls jamón... >_>

-Kazu- Cristian

im banned too and i want to participate :(

Dzyre -Kazu-

I think they should..

Why do we have that "QQ no std" complain each time there's a good song mapped for a specific mode not named standard
come on guys

i cant do this?

Challenge Accepted


i will give out my luck for now!

when #11 plsplsplsplsplsplspls

so,where i sumbit it?

AncuL osu123fan

read until the end

what's a good map

Omg there could have been a lot of great submissions if this were to be hosted for mania

Legxis lenpai

Yeah... while I think it also fits for Taiko, it's way better for mania. In Taiko there are no sliders (real sliders you still have to get the sliderpoints and stream, spinners you have to spam), but in this song there are some long notes that you hence cannot map.
Seems to me like it will get a repetitive streamy Taiko map what could have been a good mania map.

Great...I have to wait til' MBC 12.
If it follows the same pattern.


Surono PatZar

ccd >:3

Can I update that beatmap if I already submitted it?

Looks like i can't

Shadren Factorial

if I don't lie, when I submitted my map to the mbc#8, I can resubmitt it again

prepare for doubles

/me runs

what are these

RENARD!!! Gonna join this, inb4 judge says overmapped

hue hue hue

karterfreak Firce777

hue hue

Yuzeyun karterfreak


awesome! :D

I am a taiko mapper before so it should be easy enough for me. Also mapping it is so fun!

I'll reveal a secret. I can map taiko too

I know that secret since years. Heh

Yuzeyun Flower

>TWC2014 picks
it's not a secret to anyone anymore


ctb only next please

the MBC#8 had only 2 submissions... u.u

Legxis Smudge

Probably, because it's in the order that the modes where released, with mania being the newest and hence last.

On a side note, I don't see a lot of CtB submissions coming, seeing how AWFUL the editor and mapping for that mode is.

Just curious if the contestants should use difficulty names that are more common to Taiko maps (Kantan/Muzukashii/Oni/etc) instead of the usual Easy/Normal/Hard/Insane/Expert.

Legxis Paulie

You forgot Futsuu/Normal and Inner Oni/Expert

Paulie Legxis

And your point is?... "etc" is there for a reason. Now if someone could answer the actual question, kindly...

Finally a contest that I can enter

Upvote If You Just Found Out That Furries In A Blender Is Actually Renard O______o ^____^

Midnaait onotoleonide

Also kitsune^2, Adraen, Klippa, etc...

Maybe I should enter. :3

15 days for 4 diffs? ....

well ... :challengeaccepted: ._.

Ortlinde xtrem3x

Never give up!

renard song - only for taiko.
Why ;w;

FlyingKiwi Rockageek

Because they just chose that song?

xtrem3x Rockageek

exactly, why Q_Q

First time I'm seriously thinking about entering just because the song is really nice

"The deadline for submission is the 28th April 2015."

2 weeks to map a whole set with 4 diffs? gg, gl & hf

FlyingKiwi Deimos

I take too long to map, so I don't think that's enough time for me.

Midnaait Deimos

I can map a 4 diff taiko set in 5 hours or less, well, at least me.

MMzz Midnaait

Why is everyone rushing? :(

Yuzeyun Midnaait

It took me 2 :^)

Mapping this should be pretty easy as for me. I am already mapping 27% in one difficulty within few minutes ago.

Love Deimos

as if it takes that long for Taiko mapping

Another drum and bass song. Yay? At least this one has more interesting stuff going on than renatus.

Yuzeyun MMzz


Oh my god, this song is really nice.
Why STD contests don't have songs like this ? ;w; /me cries.

Koiyuki Cherry Blossom

Lets map std diff and rank it?

LBHSE, L like Lazy ;w; Yes i'm baka, B like Baka ;w; Sorry ;w;

Frey Cherry Blossom

damn, it's my favorite drum'n'bass

Aldwych Cherry Blossom

rip Cherry's 64165464th 2nd place, we will miss you in this contest! T_T

Ciyus Miapah Cherry Blossom

i hope mbc #10 has song like this

Ortlinde Ciyus Miapah

Maybe it'll be CtB contest

Surono Ciyus Miapah


Pappy Cherry Blossom

you still can map this for STD ;w; /me runs

Ortlinde Pappy

I will


I will