So, this thread is a continuation of the discussion started here.
Here's what I suggest it to be:
By extending mp3 to go Marathon, mappers take a shortcut and reduce the total drain time from a full set of 10-15 minutes to a 5-minute-long single difficulty, which is generally inaccessible to a preetty large part of players. This will prevent players from extending sets to meet marathon criterion of 5:00+ length, giving us more fully-mapped sets and making a cerain part of songs more accessible to lower ranked players.
Here's what I suggest it to be:
Do not extend song's length. The only exception is to loop a part of the mp3 file to achieve the minimum of 30 seconds length.
By extending mp3 to go Marathon, mappers take a shortcut and reduce the total drain time from a full set of 10-15 minutes to a 5-minute-long single difficulty, which is generally inaccessible to a preetty large part of players. This will prevent players from extending sets to meet marathon criterion of 5:00+ length, giving us more fully-mapped sets and making a cerain part of songs more accessible to lower ranked players.