osu players, non known/famous artists, must not be disallowed to modify songs just for personal reasons, forbidding any kinds of extended songs has absolutely nothing to do with assuring quality, it can be done right and yes, it can be done wrong, it's the BN's job to assure quality, such rule addition is just going to limit creativity and new creations
it's similar to controverse mapping styles, some like it some don't, some like the modified song version some don't, it's completely subjective and nowhere objective, the extended song version lacks in quality? then simply don't bubble/rank it
as said before, the poorly excuse to "protect" the artists makes no sense and has no place here, how many of you disrespected the artists for using their original content in osu without their permission? how many of you disrespected the artists for using a modified song version? if extending a song is "disrespectful", then shorting/cutting is as well, how about we add a rule to protect the artists so every mapper has to provide a proof that they are allowed to use their content in osu? won't end that well for you/the community, right?
no one of you is forced to only map one diff for 5min+ songs, but most of you are still doing it, why? too time-consuming? finding modders is too toublesome? I also think that some mappers here forgot why they started mapping beatmaps generally, did you map for fun or to distinguish oneself? mapping is not a fucking job, it's a hobby where you spent your freetime for creating fun and playable beatmaps to be played by the community and not a system to measure the quality of you as mapper or the beatmap
ranking criteria don't exist to protect the mapper's ego just because they can't tank/dislike it that some unknown/average/known mappers aren't spending as much time, putting as much effort and engagement into mapping as they do and/or by taking shortcuts to get their beatmaps ranked/approved, this will solely encourage them to map half-assed difficulties to meet the minimum requirement or send their current maps to graveyard
this whole rule addition doesn't feel right, not in its current state
osu players, non known/famous artists, must not be disallowed to modify songs just for personal reasons, forbidding any kinds of extended songs has absolutely nothing to do with assuring quality, it can be done right and yes, it can be done wrong, it's the BN's job to assure quality, such rule addition is just going to limit creativity and new creations
it's similar to controverse mapping styles, some like it some don't, some like the modified song version some don't, it's completely subjective and nowhere objective, the extended song version lacks in quality? then simply don't bubble/rank it
as said before, the poorly excuse to "protect" the artists makes no sense and has no place here, how many of you disrespected the artists for using their original content in osu without their permission? how many of you disrespected the artists for using a modified song version? if extending a song is "disrespectful", then shorting/cutting is as well, how about we add a rule to protect the artists so every mapper has to provide a proof that they are allowed to use their content in osu? won't end that well for you/the community, right?
no one of you is forced to only map one diff for 5min+ songs, but most of you are still doing it, why? too time-consuming? finding modders is too toublesome? I also think that some mappers here forgot why they started mapping beatmaps generally, did you map for fun or to distinguish oneself? mapping is not a fucking job, it's a hobby where you spent your freetime for creating fun and playable beatmaps to be played by the community and not a system to measure the quality of you as mapper or the beatmap
ranking criteria don't exist to protect the mapper's ego just because they can't tank/dislike it that some unknown/average/known mappers aren't spending as much time, putting as much effort and engagement into mapping as they do and/or by taking shortcuts to get their beatmaps ranked/approved, this will solely encourage them to map half-assed difficulties to meet the minimum requirement or send their current maps to graveyard
this whole rule addition doesn't feel right, not in its current state