Hi hawkowl o3o/
Cup00:04:921 (4,1) - This circle and slider are too close and not a good idea for a Cup. My advice is to move 4 at x: 271 and 1 at x: 391
00:08:834 (1) - You could better use the timeline in this part, try something like -->
http://puu.sh/iIuz4/c9d2cb16f8.jpg. Remove the reverse of the slider and move a 00: 09: 269 - and then add two circles in 00: 08: 834 - and 00: 09: 051 -. You could try this pattern -->
http://puu.sh/iIuGW/b11f66db9f.jpg don't forget accommodate hitsounds, NC and the following notes.
00:10:573 (3) - You could do something similar to the previous
00:17:965 (1,2,3) - You need more distance ; _ ; try this -->
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3325589 are separated 1,30 away each as 00:20:573 (4) - Here there should be a small jump because there is beat strong
00:21:443 (1) - Ctrl+G maybe
00:24:052 (4) - Move at x: 359 and accommodate the following note
00:28:834 (1) - Move at x: 428 to generate some more movement
00:37:095 (2) - Move at x: 321 to separate a little notes and be more consistent between one and another
00:42:313 (1) - Ctrl+G definitely ._.
00:44:921 (2,1,2) - oh noooooooooooo ;_; You have to generate more movement from here, move 00:44:921 (2) - at x: 10 and (1) at x: 245
00:46:878 (3) - Move at x: 454
00:47:747 (1) - Move at x: 401
00:48:617 (3,4) - Move (3) at x: 303 and (4) Ctrl+H and move at x: 225
00:56:226 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Try this pattern -->
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/3325664 The pattern you have is currently very boring, imo
00:59:704 (1,2,3) - More distance? I love this part XD
Kiai time: Honestly it's very boring, full of sliders and some other circle separated at 1,20x.
01:08:834 - , 01:11:008 - , 01:11:877 - , 01:13:617 - , 01:15:356 - , 01:22:747 - ,01:23:182 - , 01:24:921 - 01:25:791 - , Mentioned sections should include a finish as hitsounds in my opnion, also must have greater distances to the rest of the map as you are in the kiai time and this part should be "special". Keep in mind that the patterns still need to be FC'able without any dash.
Salad Difficulty: CS: 3,5 To get a better spread between one diff and other or maybe you should move the CS of Cup 2.
Combo: This Salad has many notes, given that the Cup has 201 and the Platter includes 391 of combo I think you should have around 296 of combo in Salad to make it more coherent and consistent with other diffs.
Given that I do not know which notes will eliminate, I'll pass this difficulty once you've done that you can call and only mod this diff
Platter00:05:356 (5) - Make this slider completely straight (or vertical) and move at x: 352
00:19:595 (1) - Too uncomfortable to play in the place that is, consider move at x: 400
00:21:334 (1) - ^ x: 464
00:27:421 (4) - Move at x: 80, urgent!!!
00:27:965 (7) - Make this slider completely horizontal to separate it from the next slider
00:31:878 (1) - Move the tail of the slider to the right until it is horizontal, I never liked this kind of sliders ;;
00:32:530 (2,3,1) - We must stabilize the distances. Move (2) at x: 116, (3) at x: 216 and (1) x: 344
00:34:704 (6) - Move at x: 456 to generate some more movement
01:26:878 (2) - Move at x: 476 ^
01:27:313 (4,5,6) - You could move this triplet to the left for better flow
Kiai time: Add same finish I said in Cup and adds jumps and HDashes in those sections
Good luck with the rank owo