Title: Opposite World Arrangement: iceon Lyrics: senya Vocals: senya Bpm: 121 Circle: 幽閉サテライト (Yuuhei Satellite) Album: 小悪魔りんご Original Source: 亡き王女の為のセプテット ~Septette for the Dead Princess
A well-balanced difficulty---has a few streams to watch for and comfortable aiming portions. The last 1/3 of the map is probably the hardest (if playing with DT/NC) due to nerves and stamina drain. Needs another spinner or two, but I'm happy that it has at least one. Other than that, I like it (despite it being "Approved"). Will play again for an SS.
This map used to be my stream practice map 4 years ago and now I have just fced it HDDT with 99.81% acc. It is so satisfying to see all that hard work paying off. https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18020513/11b9